Killer Kitten

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It's a quiet morning in the household belonging to Andelena and Dolan. It had been an equally quiet evening; restful. Outside the sun rises and the day begins. One kitten is hiding under the bed - Patches - and the other is in the living room sprawled in the dim morning light.

It's early yet, and dawn prayers will be soon. Dolan sits up in bed, as usual awake before the dawn, and stretches luxuriantly. A glance at Andie in the bed beside him, and he rolls out of bed, swift to dress and a little less swift to put in the artificial eye. Click, click, click, and he blinks his flesh and blood eye, letting his vision readjust. "Come on baby," he calls quietly. "I think I'll do prayers here this morning," he says lazily.

Andelena grumbles in bed as she stirs. Despite being a Sunguard, the woman has never awakened gracefully, especially as of late. "I love the Knight, but I love sleep, too," she murmurs as she eventually (key word: eventually) stretches out her limbs and groans.

She opens her eyes and fumbles around in the bed with her hand. "Where's Patches?" she asks. "Still hiding? C'mon, baby girl, where are you..."

Clearly, the cat search is what's got Andelena's attention, as she hops out of bed and kneels down on the floor to go looking for the little calico. "Aww, there you are," she says. Placated with this, she gets up off the floor and finally goes to get clothes on. "I'll do them with you," she informs Bry. "We deserve a little peace and quiet. As much as we can get, anyway."

Patches has been hiding under the bed since Andelena brought the other kitten home. Now that Andelena is up the kitten sticks her head out from under the bed and hisses toward the living room where the other calico is laying peacefully. The kitten, hearing this startles awake and ignores the other cat, choosing instead to stretch languorously.

"She still hiding?" An amused grin spreads across both sides of Brydion's features as he slips on his holy symbol. "Poor thing. It's only for a couple of days until we can get out to Selentia. Which reminds me to get airship passage -" He pauses, and shakes his head at Spot. "By His holy light, that cat doesn't give a fig about anything around it, does it?"

Just on a whim, though, he reaches for the holy symbol he'd just slung around his neck, and mutters, "Holy Knight, show me the presence of Your enemies," he mutters, looking around the room in general, and in a tone that says he really, really doubt he'll find anything and is mostly just satisfying paranoia.

"Aww, Spots is just a tiny little thing," Andelena tells Patches in her ridiculous cat mother voice. "She's even tinier than you are, little lady."

She looks at Dolan, lifting a brow at first. And then she sighs. "I really hope that cat's only demonic influence are the late night crazy binges that all cats do," she says. "I mean, I'm going to be fucking /pissed/ if it turns out that's a demon."

Patches doesn't respond to the mothering, but Spot heads for the open window at a casual and yet decent speed.

"Get fucking pissed, Andie. And then get dressed." Dolan's tone changes, completely, from amused affection to all-business in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, he lunges for the open window, hoping to beat the cat to the window with a snarl of fury. "Oh no you don't, you little shit."

It takes a couple of seconds for Andelena to process that information. Just a couple. And then her face goes from that of the admiring cat mom to complete and utter fury. "For the love of Althea, so much for some peace and fucking quiet," she says as she runs over to Deliverance, pulling the sword from its sheath on the wall.

"Okay, I'll give you this, you wormed right into my heart with your furry little body, but that ends right here and fucking now, demon," Andelena snarls. Deliverance finally buzzes in her hands as she swears again, like it'd been dozing off, too, until now.

The kitten (or maybe not), sees Dolan run for the window and suddenly dodges backwards in that way that only cats can. Practically folding itself in half in order to scurry underneath the couch. Where it then hides. "Who suspects kittens of evil?" A voice says from underneath their couch, sounding almost wounded that Dolan had figured it out so quickly and easily. "No matter. Half our mission is accomplished."

The syllabant voice is familiar, from their encounter with the shadow demons at Dolan's parents house, but also slightly different. Different demon perhaps?

"Andie, keep it under there." Dolan is quick to lunge for padding and armor , slipping the breastplate on over his head and fastening buckles as quickly as he can. "I'll see to it you don't get to do the other half." A quick lunge for the greatsword, and the leather harness falls to the floor. His entire visage is a mask of fury.

"Yeah, I sure as shit didn't, and that's on me. But being a general piece of shit and an all-around demonic motherfucker? That's on /you/," Andelena growls, Deliverance in her hand as she goes to flank the other side of the couch. "Fess up, asshole. Did my mother send you?" She doesn't even notice Deliverance buzzing in her hands, as though it's trying to say that it is far too early for all of this language.

GAME: Andelena rolls Will: (12)+8: 20
GAME: Dolan rolls sense motive: (9)+17: 26

"I serve no mortal." The voice says with amusement, then curses quietly. There's a sigh from the underneath of the couch. "I suppose we'll have to do this the hard way. I'll start with killing this useless ball of fur I was trapped in."

There's a small confused 'mew' from under there.

GAME: Dolan used a Wand of Protection from Evil.
GAME: Dolan rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25

"You're not getting that, either. Come after me or face the consequences." Dolan fairly spits, his sword still held in one hand. With the other, he reaches into the handy haversack and grabs a wand. "Phar'neeltsa," he says. poking the wand under the couch and jabbing the kitten in the behind with it. There's a flash of light, and he quickly withdraws.

As the kitten bolts from underneath the couch and runs for the bedroom... The room darkens and darkens until it's plunged into complete darkness.

GAME: Dolan casts Align Weapon. Caster Level: 6 DC: 15

In the darkness, Dolan's voice is strong and sure, calling, "Holy Knight, let your light be my sword!" Nothing is visible, but his footsteps are audible. "Andie, get back or they're going to think we had a little too much fun in bed!"

GAME: Andelena rolls Perception: (19)+10: 29
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon12: (20)+11: 31 (THREAT)
GAME: Andelena rolls 1d100: (2): 2
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+11: (2)+11: 13
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+11: (8)+11: 19
GAME: Dolan rolls perception: (1)+13: 14 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Dolan rolls perception: (20)+13: 33
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+2: (12)+11+2: 25
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+6+2+2d6: (8)+6+2+(6): 22
GAME: Dolan spends ONE use of BANE.

The room plunges into darkness. "Damn it," Andelena curses. But Deliverance is in her hands. "Let's do this. Holy Knight, may I be the servant that delivers your judgment," she utters in prayer--

And Deliverance comes alive with silver flame. Andelena's steel-grey eyes shine bright as she thinks she spots the demon in the dark, delivering a strong blow--but the powerful swing misses its mark.

Even the demon seems to struggle with hitting it's mark in the dark. It swipes at Dolan but misses by a fair margin.

GAME: Andelena rolls Perception: (15)+10: 25
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon12: (12)+11: 23
GAME: Andelena rolls 1d100: (22): 22

His spell cast, Dolan in his turn throws the wand blindly into the corner and takes up two hands on the blade - not a moment too soon. Two strikes come out of the darkness, and that tells Dolan enough. He laughs, a focused and derisive thing. "How about you turn the lights up so you have a chance to hit me? You're pathetic," he taunts. Now he knows exactly where it is.

This time, he shouts, "May the Holy Knight's light of judgment be your bane!" and brings the blade crashing down on the thing.

Andelena grinds her teeth together. The thing's coming for Dolan now? "Cowardly little shit," she growls as she tries to swing at the entity again.

But it falls short of the demon, Andelena struggling to find her mark in the darkness. Deliverance buzzes a little, as though suggesting maybe she'd have better luck if she'd calm down enough to not swear at it.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+11: (9)+11: 20
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+11: (6)+11: 17
GAME: Aftershock rolls 2d6: (9): 9
GAME: Aftershock rolls 2d6: (5): 5

The demon seems to find its footing, cold claws tearing into Dolan past his armor now. "The dark will swallow you. Me, or another. There is no end to us. We are legion - for we are many." It's voice echoes at the end, sounding like many voices whispering from the hollow shadows before Dolan.

GAME: Dolan rolls perception: (13)+13: 26
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+2: (16)+11+2: 29
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+2-5: (5)+11+2+-5: 13
GAME: Dolan rolls 1d100: (1): 1

Dolan merely chuckles. "And I say to the darkness - not today." Again the blades lash out, twice - neither finding their mark.

GAME: Andelena rolls Perception: (13)+10: 23
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon12: (3)+11: 14
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon12: (14)+11: 25
GAME: Andelena rolls 1d100: (5): 5
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+11: (18)+11: 29
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+11: (8)+11: 19
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d100: (10): 10
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d100: (2): 2
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d100: (75): 75
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d100: (70): 70
GAME: Aftershock rolls 2d6: (10): 10
GAME: Aftershock rolls 2d6: (3): 3

Well, it doesn't matter what the demon says. The Sunguard tries her hardest anyways, her blade still finding nothing. Deliverance is quiet in her hands.

There's a breath that leaves her, followed by a prayer. "Daeus, Morning Lord, let me see with your light," she intones. Hoping the next strike will be true.

The demon lashes out at Dolan again, it's claws are _so_ cold. Like ice. Daggers digging into his flesh. The darkness makes it worse. Never knowing where the sudden pain is coming from. Never knowing if it is going to come at all. "Why not today?" Asks the shadows, but even as it speaks the darkness seems to... lighten. Not a lot, but just enough perhaps. Enough to make out the vaguest form of the a darker shadow; claws and teeth.

GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+2: (19)+11+2: 32 (THREAT)
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+2: (4)+11+2: 17
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+2-5: (2)+11+2+-5: 10
GAME: Dolan spends ONE use of JUDGMENT.
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+6+2+2d6+2: (8)+6+2+(6)+2: 24
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon12+1: (12)+11+1: 24

"Daeus' light shine on us both and guide our swords," Dolan breathes in awe as the place lights, just enough to see it for a few seconds. Then he explodes into action, one of his strikes finding purchase in the shadow. "Because I haven't said morning prayers, so the day hasn't started yet," he snarls. "And because I don't feel like it." Still, the claws chill his muscles, and that chill, along with blood, is beginning to take its toll.

GAME: Andelena rolls damage12+1d6+1: aliased to 1d8+5+1d6+1: (2)+5+(3)+1: 11
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+11: (16)+11: 27
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+11: (15)+11: 26
GAME: Aftershock rolls 2d6: (6): 6
GAME: Aftershock rolls 2d6: (7): 7

The Sunguard's face bursts into a wide smile as the light intensifies. Andelena has been heard. Daeus has answered. "Thank you, Knight; I will repay the favor," she murmurs in appreciation.

Deliverance still maintains its silvery flame. She brings it down upon the demon, finally able to see its dark form. It strikes true, and the flame winks out from Deliverance as Andelena pulls it back.

The demon laughs at Dolan. "You and your blasted deity of light can both find me in the hells!" It cackles and strikes Dolan twice more, stealing his warmth and spilling his blood.

GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+2: (9)+11+2: 22
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+2-5: (12)+11+2+-5: 20
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+6+2+2d6: (6)+6+2+(8): 22
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+6+2+2d6: (11)+6+2+(8): 27

This time, Dolan lets out a small cry of pain as the claws dig deep. He can feel the blood trickling down his skin, and the warmth seep from his bones. Still, he can't stop now, not with Andie and the Knight at his back and two kittens to defend! The couch is just about ruined as the blades strike again, this time in quick succession, and both find paydirt. "Thanks. We'll be sure to pay you a visit. _After_ we find your master - or should I say - mistress?"

The demon laughs. "I'll tell V you're coming." The words echo into nothingness, and the demon itself evaporates as the light grows. It doesn't take long for the faint sunlight of Daeus to light the room once more. Leaving the pair alone with their cats.

Dolan doesn't answer the demon immediately. As Daeus' light creeps back into the room, revealing a sofa shattered beyond all recognition, a pile of gear rumpled, and bloodstains everywhere, he instead crumples to the floor on hands and knees, and then to the floor in a ball, shivering, the sunlight spilling over deep clawmarks that seem to have gone right through clothes and armor alike. "Like a damned - poisoned icicle."

For a moment, Andelena just beholds the light of Daeus in the windows. "Thank you," she quietly murmurs again, before she turns her attention to Dolan. She puts Deliverance down and walks over to him, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Bry, it's okay, I'm here," Andelena murmurs. "I'm going to heal you now, okay?" And she does--a healing prayer leaves her and flows into Dolan.

GAME: Andelena casts Speak With Dead. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16
GAME: Andelena rolls 3d8+5: (17)+5: 22

There's a small scuffling noise from the bedroom. Very quiet.

For a moment, Dolan just lies there, breathing hard, as the Sunlord's warmth flows back into his bones and the wounds begin to close. It isn't perfect- several of the deeper ones are still quite angry-looking, and he's still cold - but they are, at least for the most part, closed. "Sunlord's blessing on both of us," he mutters.

At the scuffling noise from the back, his head snaps up, and he grabs for his blade again, staring at the back room. "Where'd the kitten go?"

"Shit," Andelena exhales, and she grabs her own blade, stomping over to the door and already holding it in position just in case there's something inside the bedroom, waiting for them. "Patches? Spots?!"

She elbows open the door, and....

Inside the room, rolling around on the ground with Andelena's bag of holding is Spot. The kitten noms on the bag, kicks it violently. Seeing this Patches is currently under the bed wiggling her butt, preparing to join the kitten... or possibly pounce on the kitten. Hard to say.

With an effort, Dolan rolls stiffly to his feet and wanders over to join Andelena, sword in hands, peering inside. He snorts at the sight of the cat fighting the mighty haversack, shakes his head, and turns away. "Andie, I've changed my mind. We're going to the temple for prayers. I think we're late, though."

Andelena just... laughs, like someone who's just gone through hell and back only to find the most ridiculous thing at her doorstep. Because, well, she has. Eventually, she regains her senses enough to put Deliverance back on the wall mount and go to Spot. "Hi baby," she says. "Mama's bag is /not/ a toy."

She does the most horrible thing ever. She /takes/ the bag away from the kitten. "Let me just make sure everything's accounted for," she says, rummaging around in the bag. "Then we can go to the temple. The Knight's getting His praise one way or the other."

The kitten mews at her and attacks her feet for taking its toy before Patches sidelines the kitten. The two wrestle for dominance. And fun.

"Get dressed, too." Dolan's not smiling like he was, but he goes to retrieve his wand, re-harness his blade, and - gingerly - remove the armor, checking to make sure that all the claw marks are, at least, closed. "Check for all the statues, would you, and grab me fresh clothes?" The shirt and trousers he'd just put on cling bloodily to him.

At first, Andelena just does a quick rummage. But then, her brows knit together. "Shit," she says quietly, and she rummages more intensely...

She sighs, and she looks up at Dolan. "Tarien's totem," she says. "It's not in here. It was. I'm going to see if maybe one of the cats thought it was a toy."

So begins a fervent room search, which involves Andelena getting on her knees and checking under the bed.

Thankfully Patches is no longer under there, but... neither is the totem.

"_Shit._" Dolan's voice floats in from the other room, but he doesn't immediately come into the room, and there's a rustling outside in the main room. "I'll be in in a minute to look." More quietly, he mutters, "I'll tell V you're coming, huh?" Rustle rustle rustle.

"I think that fucker stole the totem," Andelena concludes with a sigh, getting up from the floor. "Question is... Who the fuck is 'V'? I don't think my mother's ever used an alias like that before in her life."

She finally goes and gets dressed in something proper for going to the temple. Eventually, she leans down and ruffles the calico kittens, before walking back into the rest of the apartment. "I still have the other one, though," she says. "So... That's something, at least."

When Andelena comes back out to the main room, Dolan has changed clothes, changed the bandage around his neck, and tucks away the bandages and salve in a dwindling healer's kit. He gets, stiffly and slowly, to his feet, considers a jerkin, shakes his head, and opts for just the cloak. "That's super bad news. We're going to have to find it. V might be something else, I swear I've heard it mentioned in connection to the wolves before."

Andelena looks at Dolan and nods. "Yeah," she says, finally, although it looks like she's still mulling something over in her head. The steel-grey eyes are... full of doubt and hesitation, which is something that the Sunguard doesn't normally have.

But she looks back at the light of Daeus coming through the windows, and all of that vanishes from her gaze. She breathes in and out, slowly.

"Let's go to the temple," she says. "Knight's waiting on our words."
