It's Part of the Blargain pt3

From Tenebrae
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When last we left our brave heroes, they had started torching the warehouse full of smuggled in troll parts.

When you emerged, some a little worse for wear and all of you covered in soot, the Hobgoblin patrol that had stopped to observe the rising flames.

The city state of Blar, which you were sent to assist, is in a state of emergency. Trolls have been spotted within the city limits and you've been tasked with a building by building search for them. This warehouse was loaded with several concealed in crates, which are all burning nicely by the time you made it outside.

An Arvek soldier looks at you.

"So, that's a confirmed engagement there, is it?

In the distance, you hear gun fire and see several instances of rising smoke. Seems you aren't the only ones to decide to purge it with fire.

Gregor snaps a respectful salute out of habit. "Yes, sir," he replies. "We killed them and burned them," he clarifies, though the fire is already telling that part of the story.

Burai nods at the Arvek. "Soldier, tell your people - your leaders. The trolls were in crates. Perhaps cut to fit, because they were still healing when they broke free. They must be lying dormant until they heal enough to awaken. But more could emerge at any time, from any crate that is new to the city."

A familiar figure was sent out to meet up with our intrepid heroes, however he missed the first fire. He also missed the beginnings of our adventures, however he still shows up, using his staff as a walking stick, Gareth had finally heard where they were about, so he hastened to join up with them, and is finally approaching them now

Standing at the back of the group, Vandred is busy shaking his cloak out - flapping it up and down a few times as he is trying to shake the good old patented 'smoked troll scent' from the cloak. He flicks it out, before he promptly ties it back up into place. "Yeah. Delivered trolls. How fun."

Hhhk. Ksshh...

Saiorse, for her part, is standing nearby as the others report to the Arvek soldier, that one green lens focused that way, the needle's tips of her clawed gauntlets scratching rhythmically against the stonework of the ground with a grating if muted shrieking as she waits for the next task in their journey. When it appears that others have this whole talking thing handled, she turns on her heel and begins a directed march off toward the next building to search for signs of those regenerating menaces.

The Arvek don't look especially pleased with the news but it also doesn't seem especially surprising either.

"How's they get past customs?" asks one.

"We can't check /every/ crate, but with this many you'd think we'd have found one."

"Good questions , also completely above our pay. Focus on the civilians and getting them to their emergency shelters. That's our job."

Murmured assent. In the distance a pillar of fire erupts into the sky as something explodes messily.

"Welp, we'll get back to our route. Vardama And apparently Ceinara be with you." They shuffle on to do just that.

Your own hobgoblin minder turns to blink owlishly at you. "We're on our way, then?" He gestured down the street, briefly eyeing Saiorse with a somewhat impressed expression.

Finally catching up to the group, Gareth just slips into the back of the party quietly and lets the others take the lead for the moment.

Gregor nods about being on our way, "Let's do this," he agrees.

Saiorse is already on her way.

Vandred follows after Saiorse, looking more pre-occupied by the fact that some of the embers have burnt his cloak. There's some fraying, this is upsetting. He mutters to himself as he goes.

Burai watches the other Arvek disperse. "Yes," he glances at the one who stayed. "Yes, we'll be on our way. If we find another Troll, we can examine the crate it emerges from," he raises his voice slightly and glances at the rest of he party, "/before/ burning may help us hunt down other trolls sooner. We won't have to wait for the next to come out."

"You can go up and check it and make sure the Troll doesn't eat you, mate." Vandred pokes a finger through a burnt hole in his cloak, he waggles it at Burai. He then slides his finger out of the hole. "Kay?"

Braelnoir has left.

GAME: Saiorse rolls perception: (19)+8: 27

GAME: Gregor rolls perception: (4)+7: 11

GAME: Burai rolls perception: (4)+8: 12

GAME: Vandred rolls perception: (12)+6: 18

GAME: Gareth rolls perception: (9)+5: 14

"It is a danger," Burai says to Vandred, imperturbed. "But it may mean the next trolls can be burned out without letting them recover." He hefts his falchion but rather than sheath it he holds it balanced over a shoulder, careful to only allow the blunt edge to touch him.

He follows along quietly, tapping his staff along the ground eve as he looks about, Gareth having a small, absentminded smile on his faceeven as he checks out the fires curiously

"I'm not disagreeing, I'm just saying I'm not doing it, that's all." Vandred answers as he finally stops shifting his cloak about, giving an irritable sigh. "Going to get taken to the cleaners for repairs on this cloak.."

Good news, everyone! You're on the moce again.

Organized chaos is the order of the moment, it seems. You knock on doors and find Hobgoblins and send them off to the emergency shelters, the fortified compounds you saw dotting the area. Every neighborhood in Blar has one, if not not more than one, and they definitely look to be purposefully designed with civilian protection in mind.

None of them even seem that alarmed. They 've drilled on this, no doubt, to say nothing of the obvious practical experience that Life In Blar grants.

All is going well with the latest group, a family of young Hobgoblins led by a one who isn't that much older than them. Dad died when ghouls opened a sinkhole and swallowed him up.

He tells you that.

Burai glances at Vandred for a moment, then barks a laugh. "That is fair," he admits. Then he turns his attention back to the streets and to the next batch of hapless civilians they come across - no not quite hapless, these folk are hardy and appear to be quite accustomed to a life of monsters and dangers. At the story of the father and the sinkhole Burai seems almost impressed. He tries to think of something to say. "That is as good a death as any," he finally replies.

Gregor bows his head at the mention of the dead dad. "Then, take charge, son," he says, as he would to a corporal on the battlefield when the sergeant's been killed. "You know what to do." That's the normal speech, and they all seem like they -do- have orders, or tasks to do. Getting the family safe. Getting to shelter.

Saiorse has been busying herself going door to door like the most horrific version of a travelling salesperson you could possibly imagine. Little conversation is made when folk open doors, more just the impossibly even hiss and gasp of the masked figure that Reaper-points people in the direction of safety before moving on to the next house. This repeats until that even hss-ksh of her breathing hitches, her head tilting owlishly to one side as she stares toward the next house.




The one visible eye leering out from beyond the protection of that green lens narrows, one uneven, slinking step taken toward the door where she then stands motionless for long and contemplative moments as others go about their socializing. A massive hand lifts, needle pointed fingers tracing patterns over the door as she considers it, like the lazy tease of a lover's fingertips over a waiting and willing form of some new partner. Why she's over there stroking a door is anybody's guess, really, but one can assume '... she's Saiorse' is among the acceptable answers.

... hsshhhhsh...

"Enbalming chemicals..." Comes her voice in an eerie sort of appreciation, a noise breathed out through her mask in a whined sigh that's best left only vaguely described as she straightens herself, giving a few last little scratches at the door, her head turning to glance back over her shoulder toward Vandred. "Shall we have a--KHHHK-Hss--guess at what's behind... door number one?"

"Troll zombies." Vandred states. "I'm going to put five coin on it being troll zombies. If it isn't, I'm going to be horribly disappointed by the entire thing. No lie, no doubt." He even fishes the coins out and gestures them towards Saiorse, although he stands far enough back that if he IS right.. Well.. He's got some distance. Enough to run.

Burai shifts his grip on his sword again, holding it ready to fight. "If so, then this city mudt be full of monsters." He stops at the door and glances back at the rest of party. "Ready?"

Following along, Gareth is silent for a moment, before he starts mumbling under his breath, flicking his fingers several times as he casts a spell

GAME: Gareth casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15

GAME: Vandred used a Wand of Bull's Strength.

The source of the chemical smell is indeed a modest looking home, as they mostly all do here in Blar.

It's sealed up pretty good, come to look at it, except for the door being ajar. That's probably why you're /getting/ the chemical smell in the first place.

You can hear movement from within.,

GAME: Saiorse casts Shield. Caster Level: 4 DC: 13

GAME: Saiorse casts Bull's Strength. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

With grace and poise, Saiorse makes an entrance.

That is to say that after her complicated armour is finished jabbing her with needles and humming to life with its activations of spells and artifice alike, she busts through that door like the kool-aid man.

Her body is ready.

Burai steps through next, sword held in front of him in a guard position. His own protective spells have worn off but he's still one of the more visibly armored members of the party.

Hiding at the back of the group, Gareth has his staff up and is waiting patiently to let the others enter, even as he whistles lightly and nods his head to some of the others

Gregor will enter, flail out and shield up, ready for a fight, if that's what's in here. He looks around warily.

GAME: Vandred rolls perception: (16)+6: 22

GAME: Vandred rolls disable device: Trained Use Only: 0

You push your way inside, of course, minus Vandred who has gone around to see if there's anot her way in.

Things here are rather dim and dismal, beyond even the norm for Blar.

In fact, it must be pointed out that this area /stinks/. It stinks of checmicals. Stinks /incredibly/ high.

There's furniture, sure, and it's clean enough, but there's just about it all somehow.

It doesn't feel 'natural'.

You can all hear something at the back door. That's Vandred. It's a ways down a hallway through a kitchen that has a pot of stew boiling on it. The stew smells fine, even if it's overpowered by the odour of chemicals, which seems to be wafting up from the basement, stairs leading down from the kitchen you pass on the way to let Vandred in being the obvious way down to it.

A hand over his nose, the other curled around his beating stick, Gareth makes a face before slowly lowering his hand and shaking his head, asking quietly, "So, why did we decide to enter the funeral parlor?" he asks as he walks over to the door to let Vandred in, letting other people, people in armor and with shields, go downstairs first

Saiorse figures someone else will let Vandred in.

Someone with less fisting to do.

No... no. This is not Saiorse's job. Saiorse's job awaits down those stairs. And so that lumbering, militaristic gait carries her ever onward, and downward, into the bowels of this place. It appears, unlike some, she is a woman with very little time or interest in the particulars of investigation. She is a woman on a mission. Her breath is heard all the way down, hssking and kshing in appreciation of the wicked stench, her rebreather keeping the very worst of it from reaching her delicate senses.

"Curiosity..." Comes her voice in response to Gareth, but nothing more.

GAME: Saiorse used a Casts Fist.

Burai's voice is slightly nasal - he's trying not to breathe through his nose, without taking a hand off of his sword to actually pinch it shut. "We have to check every house for trolls," he muses. "But this house is strange even for Blar."

Vandred has taken a small hankerchief and wrapped it around his face before he enters into the shop - pausing to give a nod to Garteth first. He checks his wands, before he settles for lifting up his hand crossbow and loading it, humming to himself. "This is probably the best idea that anyone has ever had in the entire history of ideas." He offers, as he moves to make his way down the stairs behind Saiorse. A few steps behind. Five. OK. Eight steps.

Down the stairs you trump. You hear it, now, a gentle whispering.

"... going to be all right, my friends. You're safe here. I've sealed all the ways in and we'll all be perfectly fine." The voice is muffled, but audible.

You arrive in a basement parlor where several Arvek are seated around a table, all with smiles on their face. Very plastic smiles.

This would be because they are quite obviously preserved Arvek corpses. A family, it would appear. A pair of teenage Arveks and another taller, older male Arvek.

Seated with them, amongst all the fumes the rest of you are inhaling, is a girl in some kind of mask. It's not completely dismilar to the one that c overs Saiorse's face. No doubt its to protect her from the fumes.

"Oh! Ah! I wasn't expecting visitors! Ahahaha! Welcome to my home, friends. Can I help you with something? My loves and I were just getting ready to shelter down, so if you don't mind departing, EVERYTHIGN IS FINE HERE! HAHAHAHA."

Nervous laughter.

Burai moves slightly to one side as soon as he's off of the stairs. Such a troubling invention of civilization, stairs. He lowers his sword so it's not quite so threatening but still holds it ready to wield. "What is going on here...?" he finally asks.

There is a long and eerily silent pause as Saiorse stares toward the similarly masked woman.

It's certain she's thinking.

... what she's thinking is left to question.

Finally, by fractions her head tilts to one side, so precise and perfect in those inching motions that she might bring to mind the concept of a second hand moving its way across the face of a clock until it reaches what seems like it should be an intensely uncomfortable thing. And then?

... hssk.

... ksh... hh.

Without a word, the woman strides toward one of the seated cadavers and begins rather unceremoniously ... folding it for transport.

Addendum: She is not gentle.

At the back of the pack, almost anyways, Gareth comes down before Gregor and simply... Stairs. He stairs at th- Stares at the person in the mask, and then the corpses, about to ask a question... Just for it to be derailed by Saiorse starting to pick up and fold corpses. Blinking, he looks at her, before looking back towards the stranger. "... So, hows the family?"

"Wait, what are you doing? Is this about the alarm? WE're all perfectly safe here, my friends and I! Please don't take them! PLEQASE!" She's pleading with Saiorse, now, as she's trying to fold up her deceased friends for transport.

"You can't take them..."

She's bursting into tears behind her mask.

Saiorse cares not. She doesn't even slow her roll. She does not respond. These people are coming with her, it seems, whether they like it or not.

Burai turns his head very slightly, without taking his eyes off of the scene unfolding, to aside to Vandred: "What does -she- want with them...?"

It's not like they can 'like' anything. They're pretty dead.

He blinks a couple times, before Gareth pipes up, "You can come with your friends. Sure, there's an alarm, but that means you can make /new/ friends. With her." He states, pointing to Saiorse.

Gregor is entirely confused as to what's going on. It looks like ... it seems like ... he's not sure what's going on at all. He will attempt to say, "Ma'am, evacuation is required, by order. No exceptions." That much he's pretty sure of. "Bad things have infiltrated and we need everyone out."

"I don't ask. She doesn't tell. Works better." Vandred states as he checks his hand crossbow. Yes, he's checking his crossbow and holding his arm in the general direction of the crying girl with the mask. "What they said. We're getting ready to.. Uh.. Move everything.. To someplace more safe..You want.. Uh. Everyone to be.. Safe. Right?"

"Hhshhh-KSS, I am no one's friend." Saiorse offers evenly, as she continues to snap, pop and fold these people in order to ease their transition. She begins placing them near to the stairs. "Leave or die. It makes little difference to me." She admits without malice.

"No, no, no! THat's not okay! They're fine here, we'll be safe, we'll be safe, we're safe, no one can hurt them! Stop!"

She hurries after Saiorse, but she doesn't stop her. She's trying to get in her way, bodily, on the stairs up.

GAME: Vandred rolls perception: (10)+6: 16

GAME: Gareth rolls perception: (20)+5: 25

GAME: Burai rolls perception: (18)+8: 26

GAME: Gregor rolls perception: (9)+7: 16

GAME: Saiorse rolls cmd+4: (20)+cmd+4: 24

GAME: Saiorse rolls cmb+4: (6)+6+4: 16

There's a pause as the woman tries to physically get in Saiorse's way.

"... hss..." Was that a pleased hiss? Was it a disgruntled sigh? It's hard to tell with her, really. As though to oblige the woman, however, Saiorse does, in fact, drop the corpse she had been prepping for transport with the sickly sort of sound one should expect from a disjointed bag of meat hitting the floor. Those harrowing mits with their cruel barbs and strange, viscous liquid filled vials now move for the woman that seems to be set on stopping her from completing her task, the weight of it an impressive thing as it is laid upon her, hypodermic claws digging into her clothing before she begins the rough hoisting. If she's able to get a hold on the woman's limbs, she will begin to bring them together to bind them with whatever it is she has on her.

"Resistant subject has been apprehended," She begins speaking, perhaps to herself. Maybe she has some sort of recording device. "Hss--and is prepared for transportation. Sedation by way of physic--KHHH-al trauma on standby, but considered a viable solution to continued struggle..." This just goes on.

Blinking a couple times, Gareth just /stares/ at Sai, before looking towards the others and frowning, before asking curiously, "How much do you want for the friendless murderbot? I'd be willing to sell the test subjects at a discount, of course." His tone is dry sarcasm as he goes to help carry the 'family' upstairs

Burai takes another one of the corpses, with a grimace. He carries it almost as one would a person who was only sleeping, not deceased. It doesn't help of course to prevent him having to touch it more than he is comfortable with.

Gregor is lost for what to do, but ... it seems like picking up the corpse that Saiorse put down and carrying that along with everyone else will he helpful, so he does that. He is very confused.

Emit So, there you are.

Walking down the street.

With a bunch of folded up, taxidermied corpses and a squirming, sobbing Arvek.

Other Arvek patrols are walking by you, and you know, it's kind of weird how they don't even blink at the sight. Just a bunch of help and a crazy, screaming ARvek with a bunch of corpses for her family. What's sao weird about that? Must be Korsday.

And then you feel it. You're nearly to the guardhouse, sure, but that tremor is worrisome.

You have a moment to prepare just before the massive, twelve foot troll crashes through a wall with a snarling roar of pleasure. "OH YEAH!" <jotun>

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Whirlpool has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Whirlpool to instruct you further. You may earn RPP by logging a scene for a GM.

For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


GAME: Vandred used a Wand of Bull's Strength.

GAME: Saiorse activates her Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 25.

It is now Vandred's turn! Giant Troll is next!

GAME: Vandred casts Ray of Enfeeblement. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15

GAME: Vandred rolls 1d20+6: (15)+6: 21

GAME: Vandred rolls 1d6+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 20.

It is now Burai's turn! Giant Troll is next!

Vandred doesn't muck around when it comes to giant trolls. He snaps his hand out towards the Giant troll. "No." He states, maybe this is some decleration of 'Not one more step!', but anyone who knows Vandred knows that the 'No' is shorthand for 'I have had a bit of a day and would greatly prefer if you would go far, far away'. A few arcane gestures and a shouted word, and a purple beam shoots from his fingertip - crashing into the Giant Troll and visibly wasting away a layer of muscle.

GAME: Burai rolls 3d6: (9): 9

GAME: Burai casts Flaming Sphere. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+5: (4)+5: 9

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 12.

It is now Giant Troll's turn! Gareth is next!

GAME: Whirlpool reverses the initiative order.

Round One - Init 13.

It is now Gregor's turn! Giant Troll is next!

GAME: Whirlpool reverses the initiative order.

Round One - Init 20.

It is now Burai's turn! Gregor is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 13.

It is now Gregor's turn! Giant Troll is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 12.

It is now Giant Troll's turn! Gareth is next!

GAME: Gregor rolls 1d20+8: (6)+8: 14

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+10: (6)+10: 16

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 9.

It is now Gareth's turn! Saiorse is next!

Burai raises a hand, palm up and fingers curled. A moment later a sphere of fire appears, next to the weakened troll's foot. It immediately rolls up against it as if trying to climb up, but instead just burning away steadily at it's shin and kneecap.

GAME: Gareth casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 5.

It is now Saiorse's turn! Vandred is next!

GAME: Gareth rolls 1d4+1: (4)+1: 5

Having brought up a shield built of magic, Gareth starts getting closer to the troll, lifting his hand up and speaking several words, ending with a snap of his fingers and a gesture to the troll, before a bright blue bolt of force blasts towards the troll

GAME: Saiorse rolls 1d20+8+2+2+2: (2)+8+2+2+2: 16

GAME: Saiorse rolls 1d8+7: (3)+7: 10


Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 25.

It is now Vandred's turn! Burai is next!

GAME: Vandred casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 4 DC: 16

GAME: Vandred rolls 1d20+6: (10)+6: 16

The troll smashes over towards Burai after the flaming spherre appears on it. It's gait leaves smashed cobblestone in its wake as it towers over him. It raises a foot and yells, "GET OUT OF HERE, LITTLE MAN," before smashing it... into the ground in front of him, having misjudged the distance necesxsary to deliver the punt it was aiming for. <jotun>

GAME: Vandred rolls 4d6: (8): 8

"Oh. It's still alive. Fantastic. It's getting closer." Vandred appears to be bacpedaling a bit, making a few odd gestures with his hands before he creates a triangle with his fingers. From the space made by them, a beam of fire comes shooting out - smacking into the giant trolls hide but being stopped before it penetrates any deeper.


This place is a day ruiner.

As that troll comes crashing into view, Saiorse heaves a wheezing, whirring sigh before she moves to rather gracelessly drop the bound crying Arvek onto the ground somewhere safe. Where she then negates the satefy by giving her a literal swift kick to the head to keep her sedate. She did say she was considering it.

It's about that time that she pivots to return to the event unfolding. As the troll moves to attack one of her current 'companions', Saiorse comes power sprinting across the divide with a fist raised and ready, pounding it into the gut of that giant troll with all the might her momentum can afford.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 20.

It is now Burai's turn! Gregor is next!

GAME: Burai rolls weapon3+2-1: (16)+7+2+-1: 24

GAME: Burai rolls 2d4+9: (4)+9: 13

GAME: Burai rolls 3d6: (10): 10

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+5: (2)+5: 7

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 13.

It is now Gregor's turn! Giant Troll is next!

Burai looks slightly surprised when the troll rushes up and attacks him. Perhaps it's that he didn't expect such a large creature to close the distance so fast. Or perhaps he's surprised he's not crushed. But the half-orc recovers quickly. He raises his sword and slashes at the outstretched foot. Then he wills his flaming sphere to roll after the troll and scorch it again.

GAME: Gregor rolls 1d20+8: (16)+8: 24

GAME: Gregor rolls 1d8+4: (2)+4: 6

Gregor is not exactly a famous warrior or brave hero. He's a cavalry scout. If he's fighting without charging, then things have gone poorly. But when needs must, he doesn't shirk his duty, and he thrusts with his lance, wounding the troll. Very trivially. But every bit counts, right?

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+10: (16)+10: 26

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d6+8: (4)+8: 12

So, Burai goes flying through the air directly at Vandred after a punt.

GAME: Vandred rolls reflex: (13)+6: 19

The troll raises its fist and then swats down at Burai, aiming to send him flying through the air quite succesfully.

It's coming straight at Vandred, actually, thoiugh he's able to get out of the way, leaving Burai to smash into a wall painfully in a half-orc sized indentation.

WIth that out of the way, it whirls around towards Saiorse and smiles. "I'm going to break you in several pieces and beat your friends to death with them." <jotun>

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 12.

It is now Giant Troll's turn! Gareth is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 9.

It is now Gareth's turn! Saiorse is next!

GAME: Gareth casts Burning Hands. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15

GAME: Gareth rolls 2d4: (7): 7

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+5: (6)+5: 11

GAME: Saiorse rolls reflex: (15)+8: 23

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 5.

It is now Saiorse's turn! Vandred is next!

People should always know to stay out of a wizard's way! Especially when that wizard is young, dumb, and full of blood to be spilled! Taking a couple steps back, holding back a clap of appreciation for the punting of Burnai, Gareth raises his hand again, gesturing towards the Troll and murmering several words before punctuating it with a shout, a brillant flame rolling from his hands towards the Troll... And Saiorse. "Hot metal hurts more!"

GAME: Saiorse rolls 1d20+8+2+2: (7)+8+2+2: 19

GAME: Saiorse rolls 1d20+8+2+2: (16)+8+2+2: 28

GAME: Saiorse rolls 1d8+7: (7)+7: 14

GAME: Saiorse rolls 1d8+7: (4)+7: 11


Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 25.

It is now Vandred's turn! Burai is next!

Now is her time.

Saiorse readies herself to attack, her fist lifting in preparation to strike the beast, right about when the burning begins, despite the shift of her body to avoid the brunt of those misplaced and naughty little hands. There's a wheezing whirr as a breath is hissed in through that rebreather, and her hatred -- frantic and seething as it is -- is practically felt as it fills the already hot air. "We will have to discover how much more," Her words come, followed by another quick, sharp breath, "HHSK--it hurts, when this iss-ssshhhh--kk! done."

It's about then that she finally finishes the movement that is, by now, rote. That is to say, she begins viciously pounding her needle claws into the thing's guts with the sort of wild abandon you should expect of any artist that loves their work.