In which there is a Gobber

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It's one of those variable days of Spring, where it's warm in the Sun and sorta cold in the shade. People tend to stick to the sunny portions, and the Gobbo with the violin is no exception. She weaves in and out of the crowd, with a happy, bouncy tune drifting alongside her. Every so often she scrambles up onto a barrel or crate or tree branch, where she dances a while to her own music.

Contrary to most people, and to what most reptiles would do to catch a few rays of sunshine, Zeke keeps to the shadows. He strikes an imposing figure even robed and from a distance. The sith-makar stands nearly seven feet tall, and somewhat bulky through the shoulders though narrower through the hips. Not that much of that is visible beneath the gray and black cloak covering his body. Someone steps around the barrel that Acedia is standing on and forces the sith-makar into a halt. He emits a low nearly silent growling noise and then a single word in a very deep voice. "Pardon."

Acedia blinks at the Sith-makar and his growly voice, looking up at him. "Peace on your nest!", she intones cheerfully. "Are you part of the warrior cast?", she wonders.

"Peassse on your nesst." His accent is thick, making his deep voice sound even more ragged. It sounds as though his voice is very ill-used. Her words cause Zeke to look up, surprise flashing in his iridescent green eyes. "Thisss one iss not."

The Gobbo's nose wrinkles as she seems lost in thought as she considers the man. "Shaman, then? Perhaps a follower of the Allfather? Is that the right name? Daeus?" She bends a knee and places a bare foot against the side of her other leg, balancing there and striking up a fresh tune, this one placid and rising and falling in volume.

Green eyes flicker back and forth as if considering escape as an option before finally settling on Acedia. "Dragonfather yesss." He shifts from foot to foot and a flash of sunlight suddenly reflects off his left leg. The limb is made of beautiful crystal, and closer examination proves that so too is his left arm. Zeke lets out a low sigh and stops moving. "Thisss one isss Zeke." The name is uttered with a soft hissing sound so that it almost sounds like it starts with a different letter than the one that is the closest approximation.

"Acedia is my name.", she says with a toothy grin. The Sith's crystal arm and leg causes her eyebrows to arch slightly. She leans in closer, trying to get a better look on it. "Nice to meet you, Zeke. And the Dragonfather's blessing on you." Her violin is carefully stowed in the hard case that is attached to the backpack she wears, and the Gobbo sidles forward on the barrel, eyeing the Sith a bit more closely. "Was your nest raided when you were a hatchling?"

In spite of the advancement Zeke holds his ground, green eyes blinking slowly at Acedia. "Blesssingss upon one." He shifts slightly and it causes his long cloak to shadow the left side of his body more completely. It's a small motion, seemingly a habit so long-born that it has become second nature. "No."

Her voice drops in volume, and she sidles close enough to almost be touching the Sith. "Were you injured in battle, then? Those are remarkable, both in their appearance and in their workmanship." She offers a shy smile. "I'm a Gobbo, so I would know."

"No." This word is slightly lower than the others and half a sigh, he looks down at her and yet remains standing exactly where he is. Zeke huffs out a breath. "Thisss one wass born thissss way."

Acedia cants her head slightly. "You were born without your left arm and leg? Or your left arm and leg were crystal from the start?" She looks to see if she can spot either limb again. "Whomever made them is a master craftsman."

In spite of holding his ground Zeke seems unwilling to allow her to gawk at his prosthetic limbs. He keeps the cloak where it is, allowing it and shadow keep them out of sight. "One asssssks a lot of quessstions." Zeke's accent is becoming thicker now, his green eyes watching her like a hawk.

The Gobbo shrugs and nods in response. "Yes, I do. I am simply curious. I meet many people in my travels, and I like to learn about people and also the places they're from. And all sorts of other bits of information. I'm a skald. A poet. A bard. I tell people's stories. I believe, to translate it to something you might be more familiar with... I am, sort of, a Keeper."

Zeke ducks his head and thumps his tail once, letting it waggle back and forth slightly. "Thiss one knowss bardsss." He seems amused, eyes twinkling a little. "Asss for thisss one, thisss one was born with-out limbsss." Slowly he pulls out his arm. It glimmers in the sunlight with a thousand reflections, a beautiful piece of craftsmanship to be certain. "Thessse are a gift."

"Well, that's good then. And that's why I am a nosy little Gobbo." Acedia giggles, stopping when the arm is displayed. Her eyes widen and she makes as if to touch it, but holds herself back. Barely. "They are a great gift. You are very strong, indeed, to make use of them."

The sith-makar's tail waggles back and forth again, ducking his head slightly. "One isss kind to sssay ssuch thingss." Zeke flexes the fingers of his prosthetic hand and slowly drops it; not offering to allow her to touch though she so clearly desires to. In a moment it's hidden again with a little habitual shifting of his cloak.

"I am, but, it is the truth that I speak." The Gobbo smiles and looks to the Temples all around them. "Were you here to visit the Dragonfather's House here in the city?"

"Yessss." This is hissed out with obvious pleasure, and the sith-makar looks toward the temple with his tail wagging. "Thisss one ssshould go." He offers her a low nod.

Acedia hops down from the barrel and moves to his side. "May I walk with you, then?", she wonders, smiling up at him brightly.

"Yesss." Zeke thumps his tail once and starts walking toward the temple with smooth even steps. It would be easy with his stride to leave her behind, but he moves gracefully through the crowd at a more sedate walk

She hops and bounces along, seemingly content to keep a step or two ahead. "Are you a head priest? A bishop?", she wonders, starting again with the questions. "Myself, I am a follower of Tarien."

Zeke lets out a little bark of rough laughter and shakes his head. "Jussst a Ssunguard." They're already almost at the temple which had of course been nearby.

"Oh, I see. Do they take care of you properly, then?", she wonders, looking up at the Sith. "I mean, I have to sing for my dinner. Do they make you work for yours?"

The sith-makar thumps his tail once and ascends the stairs to the temple. "Come inssside then. I will feed." He makes a little welcoming motion with his hand to her.

Acedia comes to a stop, blinking. "Really?" She approaches him. "You do realize I am a Gobbo, right?"

"Thisss one caress not." Zeke makes the motion again. "Come join usss."

She bounces up and down on her toes and nods. "Thank you.", she says softly. "I shall play well, tonight."
