How to Kill a Demon

From Tenebrae
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Garak steps out of the Temple of Serriel and looks about with a look of contentment on his usually-stern features. He walks over to the fountain in the center of the district, even going so far as to nod pleasantly to folks who pass by.

Across the way a large half-orc is leaving the temple to Angoron, wiping his hands together he also strides to the fountain. He dips his hands into it and scrubs the water over his face before huffing and flicking the water off his hands. Some of the water sprays outwards, but he doesn't seem to notice it. Instead he scrubs some over the curly hair atop his head and the scalp which is covered in tight braids on the side.

Garak turns to watch Razen and his serene aura flickers momentarily as the half-orc uses the great fountain as a washbasin...but Garak manages to master himself. "Greetings," he offers instead. He looks back at the temple from which Razen emerged.

"Greetings!" Razen blinks, only now noticing the goblin close by. He rubs a hand over his fur where it drapes over his shoulder and offers it to the other man. "You seeking the blessings of the gods as well?"

Garak permits himself the smallest of smiles. "Always. Although at the Temple of Serriel, I've been asked to teach classes to some of the younger priests and novices." He seems to remember something. "As well as at the Temple of Vardama, although there the instruction is for self defense, particularly against the undead."

Razen grins. "I did not know that you could do that. Are you a priest then?"

Garak nods. "Yes - Garak, cleric of Serriel." He holds out a hand for a warrior's clasp. "I believe that whenever possible, the Temples look to more experienced clerics to teach the younger. Perhaps we are more relatable than a warrior or knight."

The half-orc shakes Garak's hand once before releasing it. "Perhaps. I have not known many of the... clerics in these parts but," He shudders a little and glances to the side. "I would not wish to be instructed in anything by the shamans I knew as a child."

Garak considers his words. "That's unfortunate. But that demonstrates what I mean. Would you rather receive instruction from a shaman, or from a warrior like yourself?" Then he adds, "And that's if you need instruction to begin with. Many adventurers are naturally talented."

"Indeed." Razen shrugs. "Everyone learns from someone at some time. I know that I have met many talented people since coming to this city, but I am certain that once upon a time they learned at someone's hand."

Garak nods in agreement. "You may be right. I'm surprised to hear you don't know many clerics though. Many follow the ways of the gods in Alexandria, particularly amongst our adventuring community, as it were. That's something I was quite pleased to find when I came to this city..."

Razen looks a little embarrassed. "I am still very new to the city, so perhaps I have simply yet to meet them. I have found many mages and warriors such as myself." He glances back toward the temple and seems to be lost in thought. Finally he shakes it off and looks back toward the goblin. "My name is Razen by the way."

Garak says, "Good to meet you, Razen." He turns in the direction of the great bridge, although from his far-off gaze he is probably thinking of something past it. "If you've met mages and warriors, I am guessing you've been to the Adventurer's Guild..."

Razen blinks. "Did not know there was such a place! No one had mentioned it to me and I find the city... hard to travel. There are so many places here."

Ga'Elian emerges from the Daeusite temple, looking vigilant, yet also absorbed in thought.

Garak purses his lips. "That's true. It's one of the largest cities I've ever seen. No actually, it IS the largest. And with so many districts, each with their own flavor and with all different manner of people living in each. It's almost more like several cities put together."

Razen is about to answer, all agreement about the size of this place which is so many times larger than anywhere else he has been when he notices Ga'Elian exiting the Dausite temple. "Ga'Elian!" He calls the other man's name and waves an arm. "Have you met Ga'Elian? He can perform the most amazing tricks. Hail Ga'Elian!"

Ga'Elian looks over and smiles. He approaches releasing some of the seriousness in his mood. He says, "Hi, Razen. Hi, Garak. What's up?"

Garak nods in greeting. "We have met," he assures Razen. "We were just discussing how large the city is, and how it can be a challenge for those relatively new to Alexandria to find their way around. Even the most common landmarks to some, can be a mystery to others." Garak hesitates and then adds in a wry voice, "Razen here has never been to the Adventurer's Guild."

The half-orc looks a bit abashed. "No, I have not. I have been a little busy seeking blessings of protection from a demon and thanking Angoron for his aid in my defeat of the fell thing's minions."

Ga'Elian nods to Garak's summary, then looks a touch surprised at the news of Razen's not having been to the Guild hall yet. He says, "Alexandria is an eclectic and diverse city, indeed large, although Dum Mordren, Llyranost, and Rune are quite large, too. As for demons, they seem to be in many places. It turns out that I have lately been visiting another tribe of my race, and they were having some troubles with a demon that had taken over and befouled one of their holy sites. Where were you threatened by this demon, Razen?"

The wry tone disappears, replaced by one more somber and even a bit impressed. "Yes, I'd like to hear this tale as well." Garak finds a dry place to lean against.

Concern flashes over Razen's face, and then something more... anticipatory - but not in a good way. He bears the look of one expecting bad news. "Tell me Ga'Elian, before I tell you my tale in full. Did this creature that befouled their holy site take the form of a man with a bleeding staff? A man with razor teeth and whom summons... Maggots?"

Ga'Elian raises his eyebrow, Spock-like. He says, "No, indeed. I have heard tell among the Sith'makar of a legend of Maggot Man, but this was not the same as the demon afflicting the tribal lands I spoke of. Indeed those lands lie several weeks' travel by from here by airship in the jungle."

"'Maggot Man'?" Garak repeats incredulously. Then he shakes his head. "That's the demon you faced?" he looks at Razen. "Now I must hear the story..."

Relief drains down the anticipation and he seems to relax if only slightly. "It is ill tidings indeed that there are more than one of these things causing such destruction. Still, I am glad that the one I faced has not gone so far from this city as that. Perhaps there is time yet to contain it." He looks from one man to the other. "As I promised I would tell you a story; so I will."

"Some time back I went with a group to the desert, but what began an easy quest ended with the finding of a strange door. My companions wanted to open this thing, and so we tried. I had no idea what it was, but when we left I found that I bore a strange coin which later drew this creature I described to you. He attacked me, demanding I feed him, so I destroyed him with the aid of some friends and he turned into maggots there on the floor; then... 
"Not long ago a farmer asked for help concerning a maggot infestation. I feared the worst and found giant maggots which tried to infest my body and which destroyed utterly the farm. I refused to feed this thing, and now it wreaks havoc on the innocent." He looked so guilty standing there.

Ga'Elian just listens.

Garak says, "Wreaks havoc on the innocent?" Garak is serious now. "What makes you say that? Have any of these incidents, or anything like them, spread to Alexandria?"

Razen nods. "I was attacked by this thing in town, and the farm was not nearly so far from the city that it could be considered apart from Alexandria."

Garak says, "This is very troubling. I have heard of some demon attacks, but not this Maggot Man." Now it's Garak's turn to look guilty. "Although there have been so many demon attacks in Alexandria, I hope they are not blending together in my mind."

"There are many here then? This is not unusual?" He sounds appalled, and his expression says the same. "How can there be so many demons here?"

Garak says, "Much of it can be attributed to the criminal Asumit, a sorcerer of some power. He binds demons, and seeks to rule over those he doesn't already. And no doubt he believes that if he spreads demons all over the lands, then his own power and rule also spreads." Garak considers for a moment and then adds. "There was also a major demon entombed deep beneath the city, and was eventually released, and then defeated." Garak frowns severely, "Right here in the midst of these very Temples, in fact." He gestures to an area where, now that he points it out, the stones and cobbles may be just a bit newer than the surrounding ground. "No one knows for certain if it's discovery and the subsequent chaos was related to Asumit, or if he tried to take advantage somehow. But certainly it was part of the troubles plaguing Alexandria."

Razen listens intently, then scrubs a hand over his head. "I had no idea. Trouble seems to like Alexandria. It is no wonder then that you have an Adventurer's guild here, or that it is so peopled with strong hands to defend it."

Garak nods grimly, then cracks another small smile. "I have a feeling you'll fit in well there." He tilts his head back and looks around for the sun, judging the time. "I'm going to return to my work. It was a pleasure speaking with you Razen."

Ga'Elian continues to listen the pair tell their observations. Finally, he pipes up again, just as Garak takes his leave. To Razen he says, "I, too, believe that Alexandria sees more than its share of demonic activity due to Asumit. As for this other demon that Garak told of, I am who killed him, and yes, right there." He points to a section of new paving stones in the road. I truly doubt he had anything to do with Asumit, though."

"You killed it?" Razen grinned. "Any advice on killing them?"

Ga'Elian considers, "The best advice I have for battling demons is to study their tactics and abilities, and equip yourself accordingly. Silver or mithral weapons are effective against many, Cold Iron against others.

Razen offers the elf his hand. "You have my thanks friend. I mean to go and talk to a mage about magic, and perhaps hunt down another friend of mine for more advice on this particular one. After all if I need a specific weapon then I would like to have it handy."

Ga'Elian nods. "Farewell then."
