House Hunting Ahead

From Tenebrae
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Auranar jogs a little, eager for the warmth - or at least lack of cold - offered by the gardens. She shudders once, trying to shake the chill from her bones and then relaxes into the warmth of the surrounding environment before looking over at her companion. She offers a somewhat wry smile. "We might end up with a place near here simply by virtue of using it as refuge from this unending cold!"

Verna steps along briskly in attempt to keep pace with Auranar. She is not immune to the cold, herself, and the fact that her hood remains down (as it tends to in the other's presence) affects her insulation. On the other hand, she had not uttered any complains of the chill.

Unsurprisingly, her features echo a partial reflection of the smile. "I expect that we would keep a hearth burning and well-stocked," she notes, "as well as a cooking stove. Not to imply that the gardens are unpleasant." She reaches up to rub at a syl shoulderblade to offer assistance, even if it may be more emotional than practical. "For today, a spell would make you more comfortable travelling," she offers. There is a spell for nearly every situation, afterall.

Auranar offers half a shrug so as to not disturb Verna's hand. "Well, now that we're here, it's not so bad." She points this out and shrugs before sliding closer to Verna. "Besides, I don't mind the excuse to stand closer to you for warmth."

Without fully breaking contact, Verna's hand shifts to Auranar's opposite shoulder. This facilitates the sliding and ensures that her shoulders obtain a more uniform temperature between them. "Nor do I. Magic is useful, yet not always the best solution."

The heating issue potentially solved, now that they are out of the worst, and sharing, she makes a thoughtful sound. "A proper kitchen; thorough heating; gardening space; shelving frontage for books. What other details should we consider for a residence?"

Auranar considers the question carefully. "Some of these things are negotiable. For example if they lack proper shelving as long as they don't mind the installation of some..." She stays close to the other woman. "To be honest there's not a lot that I want aside from what you listed. Just someplace that's... ours."

"Of course," Verna nods slightly, "some modifications may be due... I suppose that is a part of making such truly ours." A part and hold is give with the assisting arm before she admits, rather flatly, "It is a novel situation for me. I am eager, yet apprehensive. I would claim that could be the same for any other journey of import... yet this does not feel like any other journey."

"It's a different sort of journey, but one no less important in my mind." Auranar tilts her head so that she can watch the flora passing by as they walk through the gardens. It's easy to go at a leisurely pace here. To enjoy the scenery and the company. "I feel the same way."

She laughs gently. "At least there'll not be any demons at the end of this one!"

Is that a chuckle? Perhaps the laugh is contagious, as well. "Indeed, and I welcome that." Her head turns to follow Auranar's, then look what is passed on her own side before looking ahead. "It is a journey I shall devote my full attention to. I need not seek other adventures when the greatest is at hand."

"Is that so?" Auranar tilts her head. They really are very nearly the same height, but at times like this it's obvious that Auranar is just a little taller. Enough to peer down at Verna with no small amount of interest. "I would not expect you to lay aside your other obligations Verna. There's a lot that needs your attention, and to which if you do not attend... it will not be seen to at all."

"I would not abandon all obligations," Verna admits as she turns her head and lifts her eyes to her. "My duties as a Mourner shall ever remain, but they do not require me to venture forth. I would certainly act in defense of the city, of our home, still. I mean only that I need not trek weeks through forests or deserts at every sudden alarm; not when I can leisurely stroll the gardens with you."

A soft sigh escapes. "Yes, there are matters that require my attention still, and I will attend those. Foremost, the one, to ensure that we can enjoy a home." She does not name the one, not feeling such is necessary.

Indeed it is not. It is in fact a solem cloud which follows them about without ever needing to be mentioned. Yet Verna's words have a pensive look growing on Auranar's brow which she does not yet speak. One that is not born of the cloud that follows them, but might need speaking of in any case. Perhaps not now. "You have a plan of attack then?" This is hopeful. Hopeful of a ray of sunshine to finally peirce that dark cloud.

Verna's lips purse at the growing look on Auranar's features. That reflective link at work again, perhaps. One that Verna attempts to make proactive use of as her expression shifts: her features relax and brighten as she offers a smile in assurance. "Yes, I do. More correctly, it is your plan, which I intend to enact with you."

"With me?" Auranar seems surprised, but pleased by this prospect. "Then you should explain this plan in detail so that I know how to help!" She's clearly eager. Not just to be helpful, but to get those memories out of Verna? Oh yes, she is eager for that!

"Of the potent options you presented to us," Verna continues to walk with her, her attention more upon Aura than the flora, "the use of the spell seemed the most direct to enact, without the complications of the others. While I could enact the magic, such would require that I be free to do so. That is too great a risk." Should she lose control. Again. Another facet she does not explicitly state.

"You should be the one to do so, and to coordinate the recollections, possibly to record the results, as well. It was your discovery, I am certain you are capable, and I do not trust merely anyone in my thoughts." "Much as the thought of restraining you discomforts me, I see the wisdom. I am uncertain which of us would win a physical contest and have no desire to find out." And they both knew that a magical contest was one that Verna would win without much effort at all. "And while I am uncertain if his memories deserve to be preserved for future generations, they might serve us even evil as they are." She squeezes Verna's arm. "I am honored by your trust."

Verna returns the gesture with a squeeze of Auranar's shoulder, incidentally pulling that much closer for a moment. "I will not risk harming you, nor anyone else. We seek the information only to learn how it may be expunged and unravel any other machinations in progress. Anything more ..." A pause before she adds, "The pages could serve handily to light our hearth, could they not?"

Auranar can't help the bit of a laugh that comes forth at the though. "Yes, that would serve them well. To light and warm our home and bother us no further." She looks at the next corner and sighs. "Which means that we must get to it yes? Another trip out into the cold my dear?"

Verna's face alights with the laugh; moreso that she enabled it. "Indeed." Her head then turns to follow Auranar's gaze to the path ahead. "We cannot find without searching, alas. Were a home to approach us and volunteer itself, we should be immediately suspicious."

She rubs Auranar's shoulder with the one hand while gesturing invitingly (or encouragingly) ahead with the other. "I will do my utmost to keep you warm and comfortable, dearest."
