Hooks in You Hooks in Me

From Tenebrae
Revision as of 22:57, 16 August 2016 by Iadoth (talk | contribs) (Created page with " <OOC> Iadoth says, "Thought that might work" Ga'Elian has arrived. <OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Hi. :) Thanks." <OOC> Iadoth says, "No worries." <OOC> Krom waves <OOC> Iadoth...")
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<OOC> Iadoth says, "Thought that might work"
Ga'Elian has arrived.
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Hi. :) Thanks."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "No worries."
<OOC> Krom waves
<OOC> Iadoth arrr, then we shall begin.
<OOC> Ga'Elian :)
<OOC> Krom says, "Dooooom!"

Outside Sandy's shop, the Prestigious Moon, a very druid-ey looking oruch is leaning up against the wall, urinating, and singing an oruchi war song drunkenly. Just Tuesday, then.

<OOC> Iadoth chucks a timestop to deter casual passers-by, don't bother +init'ing yet.
 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

	Iadoth has dropped a TIMESTOP!

	Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Iadoth to instruct you further.

	For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls initiative: 19 + 5 = 24
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Didn't read. Sorry."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Nae bother."

Ga'Elian stops on his way into the shop, not to watch, but to listen for a moment to the song, then smirks at the lyrics and heads inside.

"Wait!" The oruch says before Ga'Elian gets through the door. He slaps a massive green-grey hand on the sil's back. "Dun... dun gah in thar, sharpeh. Der's... der's a... fing inside."

Krom comes from the fridged lands where everyone knows when you tinkle, because it turns to ice, hitting the ground loudly. Clothing is a survival tool, not a fashion statement, and thus he's been browsing the shop for a while, but no starts out. The northman pauses, unsure if he's supposed to let Ga'Elian though first, or hurry himself. The oruch's intervention solves the matter for him. Or perhaps makes it worse. Anyway, Krom steps outside, listening with idle curiousity.

"Something besides Sandy's very bizarre presence?" The rumbling voice of an Aesir characterized by his inexplicably large sword propped over one shoulder echoes from just around the corner, then, before Jokul himself rounds it to come out into the open. "She's bad, sure, but she's not *that* bad."

"Uhh," the oruch says, clearly a little confused. He begins to mumble incoherently --- it might be in yrch-speak, but who knows. The words a still confused. "No!" he says, eventually. "'Sa... 'sa... big tiger."

Ga'Elian reaches his hand out to grab that of the pissed/pissing orc and remove it from himself. In a book-learned variant of Yrch-speak, and with a Sylvanori accent, Ga'Elian says, "There's gonna be something out here too if you touch me like that again. Tigers bother me not."

"'Dis one will," the oruch says. "See, iss a big 'un. Ah summun'd it, but iss biggah than oosual. An'," he points to the shop. "Iss hidin' in there, mebbe wiv th'kiddy stuffffff."

Krom blinks. "A tiger? Krom saw some stuffed tigers, and small fake rug. Krom did not see real tiger, big or small. But, Krom was not searching for tiger. Might have been in back part of store."

"Yuhh," the oruch says, nodding fervently and turning to the northman. "In tha back of tha storr. Big, /big/ tiger."

Ga'Elian shakes his head and says, "Well, that's no place for a tiger. Why'd you summon one in there?"

"Ah didunt," the oruch says. "Ah summun'd it in tha pub, then... it got free. Came in 'ere."

Krom sighs, and shrugs. "Drunken summoning. Seldom goes well."

"So how big is this tiger?" Asks Jokul then, of all things, instead of-- well, anything else that would make sense, like everyone else is doing, as it appears. "Like, dire tiger or demon tiger...?" All while lifting his hand up and down to try and indicate height.

Ga'Elian facepalms. "Of course you did. Now, I'm no expert on magic, but, if you summoned it, it only remains as long as your spell endures, right? Can you not simply end the spell's magic?"

The oruch shrugs. "Big as a horse," he says, then shrugs again to the sil. "Uhh, yeah, mebbe, but... ah, umm. Spell got longah, somehow." He looks sheepish. "Yeah. Mebbe yous can get rid of it?"

"Big as a horse," Jokul repeats, and-- a wide, WIDE grin flashes over his face with that. "That sounds fun." OF all thigns to say. He adjusts the prop of his sword along his shoulder just a bit so that it will be easier to heft over, and without any hesitation, moves on for the door to the shop. "If you all want a chance for a nice fight, you're welcome to come along. Sandy would probably be pissed at me if I just watched anyway."

Krom shrugs again. "Sober conjuration expires. Drunken magic follows own rules. Krom has seen such before. Best stop before it breeds. Or whatever magic tigers do."

Ga'Elian shakes his head as he says, "Sure. Let's go see." He walks into the shop.

<OOC> Ga'Elian notes that if his +2 favored enemy is magical beast.
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "It definitely is, I mean."

It's busy season in the shop; in fact, it looks as though Sandy and the orphans are preparing for a luau. There are garlands of flowers, coconut brassieres and jugs of some kind of white beverage that smells strongly of coconuts and alcohol. In the back room you can also see grass skirts --- lots of grass skirts, hanging along the full length of the room.

Ga'Elian says to Jokul and Krom, "How about I sneak in and take a peek, gentlemen?"

Krom shrugs. "Krom will look as well. Try not to look like cat-toy."

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+23: (11)+23: 34
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Tiger is well hidden"
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Is it a Mag Beast?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "No, it's an Animal."
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls perception: (4)+20: 24
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls stealth: (17)+15: 32

Ga'Elian sneaks in, but doesn't see the beast.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+12: (13)+12: 25

"Or we could just..." Mutters Jokul with an apparent dissatisfaction, cutting his words off there with a heavy sigh when the sneakier sorts go in, and he just waves his hand outwards. "I'll just come in when I start hearing growls and yells..."

GAME: Krom rolls perception: (9)+4: 13

Krom is a hunter of the 'let it try to kill you then kill it first' variety. The actual sneaking and searching parts could use some work.

Ga'Elian figures, "Well, this is a *room*, in a *store*. There can't be too many places for a tiger to hide, grass skirts or no." He slinks around the wall, hiding in the clothes/grass skirts as he goes... quietly.

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls stealth: (2)+15: 17
<OOC> Ga'Elian but not SO quietly. XD
<OOC> Iadoth laughs. "Perhaps everyone can +init now."
GAME: Krom rolls initiative: 7 + 5 = 12
GAME: You roll initiative for DiTi: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 7
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Good thing the tiger gets a surprise action."
GAME: Jokul rolls initiative: 2 + 3 = 5
<OOC> Jokul eyes his dice.

The crafts room is about 50 feet long and 20 feet deep from the door. There's a lot of grass skirt to search. But... you're fairly sure you heard a /swish, swish/ over at the other end.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 24.
      It is now Ga'Elian's turn! Krom is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Ga'Elian ended.
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+23: (19)+23: 42
<OOC> Iadoth guesses nobody's Perception can beat 42.
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls perception: (9)+20: 29
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Doubt it."
<OOC> Krom can't come even close.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Well, it's your action, Ga'."
<OOC> Ga'Elian will continue trying to sneak around and find the animal.
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls stealth: (13)+15: 28
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+12: (15)+12: 27
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Shnykies."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Very. How far are you going to move?"
<OOC> Krom says, "oh, hey... I have CON damage from someplace I've forgotten."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hmm."
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Let's say 15 ft."
GAME: You damaged Krom's Constitution for -10 points. -6 total damage.
GAME: You damaged Krom's Constitution for -10 points. -16 total damage.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Uhh, is that better?"
GAME: You damaged Krom's Constitution for 16 points. 0 total damage.
GAME: You damaged Krom for -100 points. 30 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Jokul for -100 points. 61 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Ga'Elian for -100 points. 69 remaining.
<OOC> Krom liked having a CON of 30, but this works. ;)
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Heh."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ga'Elian, you've done right. So we'll move on."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You can pose if you like."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 12.
      It is now Krom's turn! DiTi is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Krom ended.
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Yes. (I'm trying to leave my option open for wild empathy)."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Krom! What would you like to sma---do?"

Ga'Elian still not finding the sneaky cat, keeps searching, slowly and stealthily himsef, but as he moves 15 feet, still fails to acquire his quarry.

<OOC> Krom says, "Head along towards the back, try to keep even with Ga'Elian... who I can't see. ICly keeping an eye open, OOCly know my perception isn't even close."
<OOC> Ga'Elian guesses that Sandy's closet will not be offered in RP 26 as a new option for rangers' favored terrains.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Maybe if you ask nicely."

Krom perks an ear, and heads for where he thought he heard a swish come from. "Here kitty kitty..." he might not be taking this as seriously as he might. But drunken quests are like that. Even when you're not the drunk one.

<OOC> Krom is sure there's an 'in the closet' joke there...
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Are you sneaking?"
<OOC> Iadoth now really wants the tiger to be really camp.
<OOC> Krom says, "Nope. I'm a big strong target."
<OOC> Iadoth funsies.
<OOC> Ga'Elian LoLs.
<OOC> Krom is fairly sure his face is going to get licked before this is over...
<OOC> Iadoth arrr, sorry.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "How far are you going to walk, Krom?"
<OOC> Krom says, "about 20 feet"
<OOC> Iadoth nodnods.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 7.
      It is now DiTi's turn! Jokul is next!

The tiger has been stalking through the long grass skirts, very sneaky-like, when all of a sudden... POUNCE! It leaps gracefully and ferociously through the air towards Krom...

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "And knocks Elian over on the way quite to everybody's surprise--even the tiger's."

Krom does not scream like a little girl, no matter what the rumors say. Little girls can't hit that note or maintain that timber.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Riot!"
<OOC> Ga'Elian high-fives Krom.
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (13)+18: 31
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (11)+18: 29
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (7)+18: 25
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Any of those hit, Krom?"
<OOC> Krom says, "pretty sure all of them."
<OOC> Iadoth :(
<OOC> Krom checks, nods. All, by a fair margin.
<OOC> Ga'Elian points to +tscan.
<OOC> Iadoth will forego the rake attacks.
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Sandy's not gonna like the blood, or the ruined inventory."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d4+8: (7)+8: 15
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d4+8: (7)+8: 15
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d6+8: (7)+8: 15
<OOC> Iadoth erm...
GAME: You damaged Krom for 45 points. -15 remaining. (DEAD)
<OOC> Krom says, "...ow"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That seems unfair."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I'm a-gonna forego the whole attack."
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Perhaps Krom had at least partial cover while the cat was hiding?"
<OOC> Jokul returns from rl flailing
<OOC> Jokul says, "WHAT DID I MISS"
<OOC> Krom says, "Tigery doom. I don't know how Calvin did it."

The tiger, which is, as advised, at least as large as a horse, doesn't quite manage to connect claws and teeth with flesh as he reaches the northman. It stands there, growling ferociously.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "I'm gonna let you live, because you haven't even got a weapon out yet."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 5.
      It is now Jokul's turn! Ga'Elian is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Jokul ended.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Now you, Jokul."
|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   |E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Ga'Elian  |WILD_ELF  |Rgr        |  7  | 69  | 69  | 22 | 24 | 7  | 10 | 5  |
|Jokul     |HUMAN     |Ftr        |  5  | 61  | 61  | 20 | 23 | 7  | 4  | 2  |
|Krom      |HUMAN     |Ftr        |  3  | -15 | 30  | 20 | 22 | 5  | 6  | 2  |
GAME: You damaged Krom for -45 points. 30 remaining.
<OOC> Jokul says, "Well."
<OOC> Jokul says, "Jokul is going to push his way in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand"
GAME: Jokul used a SWORD.
<OOC> Iadoth SWORD.
<OOC> Jokul says, "...Also pardon me while I try to remember what my actual bonuses were >_>"
<OOC> Ga'Elian points to +csheet
GAME: Jokul rolls melee+1+1+1: (12)+9+1+1+1: 24
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Actually that will do nicely."
<OOC> Jokul lol.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Damage?"
GAME: Jokul rolls 2d6+16: (12)+16: 28
<OOC> Iadoth says, "WHAT."
<OOC> Jokul mwahahahahah
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "What kinda sword is that?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "A Big One."
<OOC> Jokul says, "Yes."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it up!"
      Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 24.
      It is now Ga'Elian's turn! Krom is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Ga', you can see a large tiger standing next to Krom and Jokul."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It is wicked fierce."
<OOC> Ga'Elian attacks w/rapier. Two attacks/round.
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Rapier: aliased to Weapon14: (8)+12: 20
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Rapier-5: aliased to Weapon14-5: (10)+12+-5: 17
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That'll be two hits then."
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d6+2: (2)+2: 4
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d6+2: (5)+2: 7
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Wonderful! I'll have a pose from you as well then."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 12.
      It is now Krom's turn! DiTi is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Krom!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What is your plan?"
<OOC> Krom says, "NOT scream like a girl. Then draw weapons and attack. Just one since not doing full round."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okey-dokey."
GAME: Krom rolls 1d20+9: (2)+9: 11
<OOC> Iadoth shakes head sadly.

Ga'Elian sees that the possibility of a peacable resolution has passed, or might have never existed, decides that some swishy-pokey is in order, and scores two hits against the brute. "Hah!"

<OOC> Iadoth is saddened to see Krom! not quite mash the tiger.
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Yes, but now tiger has two other targets."

Unbelievably enough, Jokul has actually managed to maintain enough patience to not just charge trough while people are, to put it simply, sneaking around. But, the moment the faint hints of growling can be heard and the tiger is making to maul KRom, the door to the shop SLAMS open, and in an instant, a flash of metal glints through the air across from the door all the way to the center of the room, followed immediately after by a splatter of red coloring it's trail. And thus, there's a large Aesir, with a giant of a sword held in both hands and forward just beisdes the tiger, dripping with the faint hints of blood.

Krom isn't sure what he was expecting. But not an actual tiger. Drawing his blade and making a clumsy swipe, the northman utters some words that would get his ears boxed if his grandma were here. Totally worth it, because then his grandma would be here, and she'd slap the tiger around for scaring her grandson.

<OOC> Iadoth laughs.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 7.
      It is now DiTi's turn! Jokul is next!

The tiger yowls in pain as it's attacked by first Jokul, then Ga'Elian, then Krom. It looks from one, to the other, to the other, as if doing 'eeny meeny miny mo'.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d3: (1): 1

Finally it makes to claw, bite and rake Jokul.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (3)+18: 21
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (5)+18: 23
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (6)+18: 24
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (16)+18: 34
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (6)+18: 24
<OOC> Jokul says, "Oh dear."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Why are your ACs so low?"
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d4+8: (4)+8: 12
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d4+8: (7)+8: 15
<OOC> Jokul says, "Because I have been holding off on buying Full Plate >.> <.<"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hold on whilst I check something."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+23: (1)+23: 24 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Huh."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+23: (17)+23: 40
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Better"
GAME: You damaged Jokul for 27 points. 34 remaining.
GAME: Note Grappled added to Jokul.
GAME: Note Grappled added to DiTi.
<OOC> Jokul says, "Uh oh"

The massive tiger swipes once, as if to grab the Aesir, and hits, but fails to draw the human towards him. With the second swipe, however, it manages it, and the swordman is drawn into a death grapple with the tiger.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 5.
      It is now Jokul's turn! Ga'Elian is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Jokul! You're GAPPLED!"
<OOC> Jokul says, "DO NOT WANT"
<OOC> Jokul says, "I am going to try to push him away ;_;"
<OOC> Krom says, "Kitty kuddles!"
GAME: Jokul rolls CMB: (19)+9: 28
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, it's so close!"
<OOC> Jokul says, "...But not enough?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "But not enough."
<OOC> Jokul says, "WELP"
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Is it possible to aid/assist other on that?"
<OOC> Jokul says, "So what you are telling me unless I roll a 20 I wont be getting out D:"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I am indeed saying that. I don't know if one can aid another on a combat maneuver check."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, they can! For once it is specifically listed there."
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "So, +roll CMB to assist?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yep. I mean both you and Krom need to succeed to allow his escape."
GAME: Krom rolls cmb: (16)+6: 22
<OOC> Iadoth says, "One down!"
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls CMB: (3)+9: 12
<OOC> Iadoth says, "And done!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Jokul, you're freeeeeee."
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Whew!"
<OOC> Jokul says, "Buuuut my turn is over ain't it <.<"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You have a move action left."
<OOC> Jokul doesn't have any useful things that would use that, sooo.
<OOC> Jokul says, "...Unless"
<OOC> Jokul says, "Is bringing out a potiona move action"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yup."
<OOC> Jokul says, "What about swigging int?"
<OOC> Jokul says, "it*"
<OOC> Jokul says, "I'm not doing anything to my int."
<OOC> Jokul says, "... <.<"
<OOC> Iadoth sorries for the delay. "Not in a single action."
<OOC> Jokul says, "Sod it then. End my turn."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Retrieve a stored item is move, quaff a potion is Standard."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Not gonna run away?"
<OOC> Jokul says, "... Why would I do that"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The massive tiger."
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "the bloody tiger"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it up!"
      Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 24.
      It is now Ga'Elian's turn! Krom is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Watcha gonna do, Ga'?"
<OOC> Jokul says, "If I run away I will be denied Valhalla :("
<OOC> Iadoth lesads for Jokul.
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Same. Do I get flanking bonus?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Sure"
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Rapier+2: aliased to Weapon14+2: (20)+12+2: 34 (THREAT)
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Rapier+2-5: aliased to Weapon14+2-5: (9)+12+2+-5: 18
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "to confirm..."
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Rapier+2: aliased to Weapon14+2: (9)+12+2: 23
<OOC> Iadoth winner!
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 2d6+4: (2)+4: 6
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Huzzah!"
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Sad when the hit is better than the crit."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yeah that was a terrible crit."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Well, pose it up!"
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 12.
      It is now Krom's turn! DiTi is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "KROM!"
<OOC> Krom says, "step toward flank, and full attack."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "FULL ATTACK!"
GAME: Krom rolls 1d20+9-2+2: (17)+9+-2+2: 26
GAME: Krom rolls 1d20+9-2+2: (9)+9+-2+2: 18
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hurray!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "... what weapons are yoo using?"
<OOC> Krom says, "kukri"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hurray!"

After helping to free the grappled Jokul, Elian takes two more swipes from beside the man, drawing blood with both.

GAME: Krom rolls 1d4+3: (3)+3: 6
GAME: Krom rolls 1d4+3: (1)+3: 4
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hurray!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Somehow this tiger is not killing you all!"
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 7.
      It is now DiTi's turn! Jokul is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "BUT THEN THE TIGER."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "In fact."
<OOC> Jokul says, "Rowr, et cetera."

Somehow the tiger is not killing Krom, Ga'Elian and Jokul. BUT THEN THE TIGER...

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d3: (2): 2
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (17)+18: 35

Krom maintains a litany of swearing, or at elast that rapid muttering is most likely swearing. moving towards the side of the tiger, away from those fangs, if not strictly away from the claw, his own metal blades flash, turning crimson.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d4+8: (8)+8: 16
<OOC> Krom says, "bad things"
GAME: You damaged Ga'Elian for 16 points. 53 remaining.
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "ow"
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+23: (17)+23: 40
GAME: Note Grappled added to Ga'Elian.
GAME: Note Grappled removed from Jokul
<OOC> Iadoth says, "... aaaaaaand now you're grappled."
<OOC> Jokul says, "Who is?"
<OOC> Ga'Elian takes a page out of Jokul's book...
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls CMB: (17)+9: 26

... swipes at Ga'Elian, ripping out chunks of flesh and pulling him close.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ya can't do that until your turn..."
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Okies."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 5.
      It is now Jokul's turn! Ga'Elian is next!
<OOC> Jokul says, "Speakin of Jokul's book."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Jokul! Be mighty!"
<OOC> Jokul says, "SWORD!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Be vigilant!"
<OOC> Jokul says, "Wait so who's getting flanking again"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The tiger is large, so you can probably all benefit from flanking somehow."
GAME: Jokul rolls melee+1+1+1+2: (12)+9+1+1+1+2: 26
<OOC> Iadoth is abstracting this combat somewhat.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yeah that'll do."
GAME: Jokul rolls 2d6+16: (8)+16: 24
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Why do you do so much damage?!"
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Because, SWORD!"
<OOC> Jokul says, "Power Attack, Enchantment, Specialization, Strength, two-handed..."
<OOC> Jokul says, "So yes. SWORD."
<OOC> Jokul also has Furious Focus so his first attack for the round doesn't take the PA penalty in case people were wondering.
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "What's that?"
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Oh, Power Attack."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Woot."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, it's pretty badly injured, but it ain't dead yet."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it up!"
      Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 24.
      It is now Ga'Elian's turn! Krom is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Now you need to escape, Ga'Elian."
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls CMB: (13)+9: 22
<OOC> Iadoth nup.

Ga'Elian wriggles like a caught fish, but to no avail. He roars like an angry tiger, himself, in frustration.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh well."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 12.
      It is now Krom's turn! DiTi is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Krom!"

"Cats shouldn't get as big as you," growls Jokul, with... that same grin he flashed before, even in spite of the fact that there's copious amounts of blood flowing out from equally copiously-wide gashes set through his breastplate. "So just go back to curling up by the sun like a good kitty!" His following actiond oes not really match up with his advice, though. Mostly considering because his followin action largely consists of him spinning himself around while turning his sword within his hand, bringing it cutting it thrhough the air vertically around himself in a crescent arc that ends in slamming down into the beast's flank HARD with a large piece of flesh torn away.

Sandy is probably not going to be happy with the mess left behind. The Aesir is going to have to come up with some explanation after he's down from combat high.

<OOC> Krom says, "slicey dicey"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "KROM SMASH!"
GAME: Krom rolls 1d20+9-2+2: (8)+9+-2+2: 17
GAME: Krom rolls 1d20+9-2+2: (9)+9+-2+2: 18
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes and yes!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Now don't get less than 7 damage."
GAME: Krom rolls 1d4+3: (3)+3: 6
GAME: Krom rolls 1d4+3: (2)+3: 5
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That'll do!"
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Yay!"

Krom's blades flash again, staining crimson. They aren't the worst of wounds, but will serve, proving fatal. At least with all the other damage.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Sandy has a new tiger-skin rug? (Or summoned creature-vanishy, bye bye?)"

The tiger yowls as the first kukri slices into its flesh; with the second, it is unconscious and, one can assume, probably dying.

There is blood. Lots of blood. Some of it is even the tiger's. And an awful lot of ruined grass skirts.

The luau sure isn't going to be as good as it might have been.

Ga'Elian extracts himself from the ginormous brute, then stabs it a couple times in the soft underbelly, just for good measure.

As you leave, Sandy's new tigerskin rug is twitching and bleeding a little more. But at least the coconut beverages haven't been spilt. And there'll be plenty of blood for black pudding.

Outside, the oruch is lying on the ground, face down, singing loudly to himself in broken yrch-speak.

"Good kitty," Jokul's voice rumbles afterwards, and, with a *swoosh* of air pressure, his sword gets swung around within just one hand, returned to it's original resting prop over his armored shoulder, even while his other hand is wiping a dribble of blood away from his mouth. "That was exciting," he declares thus, even in spite of the grievous amount of injury. "We should--"

The Aesir's words stop right there, crushed away by the sudden descent of realization. His green eyes scan over the room. Eye over the bits of flesh and blood splattered across the walls and floor. The clothing disturbed. The very distinct gash left in the floor by his own sword.

Jokul's brow starts to twitch.

"... This could be bad."

Krom shrugs. "Krom going to take drunken quests more seriously." He glances to Jokul, and shrugs. "Find The Sandy. Buy her drink. Let nature take it's course. Blame damage on drunken Sandy. Likely won't notice difference."

<OOC> Iadoth laughs!

Ga'Elian says, "I'd blame drunken orc-dude." Then to the oruch, he says, "Don't go anywhere, man. The shopkeeper will want to thank you personally for fixing up her place."

He sure isn't going anywhere. Not until he wakes up, at least.

Ga'Elian asks, "Guys, should we drag him in there and pose him with the carcase?"

Krom says, "....Krom not sure want to touch."

"Ain't no need." Stomp, stomp, Jokul's booted feet clunk over the bloodied floor to the door, through it and to the street into the way of the orc, nuding the drunkard's side with his toes. "We did our part, he did his. That's all there is to it. It might be shitty, but we gotta face our own troubles with our own way. He'll face his just the same way."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Remind me to avoid Jokul's toes. XD"

Ga'Elian whistles, and in response, his griffon comes around the corner toward the Sil, who says, "Good fight, guys."

"Nob'dy knows th'trouble ah've seen..." Murmurs the semi-conscious oruch.

<OOC> Ga'Elian laughs, and says, "Nor especially what yo' fixin' tuh see, neithuh." *SMACK*

Krom shrugs, and heads off. "Drunken quest, maybe time Krom get drunk himself."

<OOC> Krom should head off. past the time I'm supposed to get up, so likely should grab some sleep...
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ah, yes."
<OOC> Iadoth should also go to bed?
<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Thanks. Was really fun!"
<OOC> Iadoth tried his best!
<OOC> Krom noms and heads off. And yes, was fun. Bloody, but fun. Laters!
Krom has disconnected.
<OOC> Iadoth will also head off and maybe try to post a log.
<OOC> Ga'Elian waves. "G'night then."
Ga'Elian goes Out <O>.
Ga'Elian has left.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Good night, and thanks for stepping in guys!"