Golden Cookie Party

From Tenebrae
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The bakery is a popular place these days. Word has gotten out about the party, that there would be drinks, food, and most of all, Tierans. The place is near packed as dozens of people jam their way in, eager to get their hands on the food and drink.

Balance. The universe needs balance. Where there is light, there is shadow, where there is high, there is low, where there is laughter, there is silence. And thus, where there are Tierans, there must also be Vardamen.... at least, that's what Bennet tells himself as to why he's here. Not that the lanky Absolution can't have fun, but so far as that goes, the followers of the Trickester have their somber moments.

A young half-sil ambles in, his eyes alight. "I'm thrilled to see another baker in the city!" he says. He wears a general tunic, in bright and garish colors. "With as many parties as we throw--eh?" he asks. He nudges Baldrick. Svarshan is of course, bluffing, and making use of alter self.

Brandy holds up a finger sharply, "I am not in the city, I have not set foot within the city limits, not one foot. I made a deal, I lost, and i will keep that deal." the mutters something about a prismatic wall and then smiles again, "Cookie Dearier?"

Ga'Elian is standing off in a corner watching the refreshments being served. He is wearing a masterfully embroidered toga over his normal adventuring gear. The toga's embroidery is magically animated, depicting elves and fae beings frolicking in a forest with the greatest of Trees in the midst. He is smiling as he sees the large turnout.

Bennet blinks owlishly. He's not sure what's going on, but he's also fairly used to that. Espically when Tierans are involved. Or Sandy. Or both.

"I don't mind if I--oooh, there's the cheesecake," the half-sil says. He nudges Baldrick towards it. "That looks you think it has rum in it? And do you think we should have worn togas?" It's what the nobles are wearing these days at parties, after all. Toga parties. NOBLE toga parties. It's where it's at!

Baldrick supposes he should be at a Tarien party, following Svarshan is the highest form of the disguising art. A fake moustache. "Could be." he comments to the half-sil. "But the question is... what kind of rum. If you can't feel it going down, it doesn't count." he adds with a wink. "The goblins make some of the best stuff."

A small flying shape appears high above the village, it's difficult to tell but it may be a skiff or other small water vessel. After a moment it slows to a stop and Aesir steps off of the side, floating to the ground slowly. When he touches down, Kravar brushes off his own toga (a dark blue northern-styled outfit) and then joins the crowd of partygoers. His only weapon is a small dagger in an elaborately decorated sheath at his waist.

"Really? I'll make a note of that. The party at the--which house is it, in two months? We should order some of this," the half-sil responds. He chats away, describing in general, what the young nobleman might at his event. Also, togas. There are always togas. In fact, he takes out a clipboard and paper, and proceeds to write: rum-filled cheesecake on it.

Selia might be here. Maybe not. Sneaky little lutch.

Brandy shakes his head, "Such a ruckus... such a ruckus... do try not to break everything dearies." turning to open upone of her ovens, "Got a fresh batch of brownies here. Oh dear, do be careful with those crybabies now, very sweet, until they make you cry. Or was it sour enough that they will make you cry. Oh dear my memory may indeed be going."

Kravar pushes his way through folks until he can get a look at the cook. He finds it's usually a good judge of how the food is going to be. Eyeing Brandy for a bit, he seems...undecided. Then he turns to one of the others for a recommendation. "Does anything seem especially tasty?"

The half-sil makes a few notes on his pad, about desserts and possibilities. He seems to try some of the cheesecake and--it could use MORE rum. "I like it, but. You are right," he says to the other man. In the meantime, he walks around behind him, blocking Baldrick from Brandy's view, as he works. From time to time, he grins towards one of the priests working the party, or other light-fingered faithful. His pocket was already lighter. Suddenly it feels MORE light, just from august company! "The raisin muffins had some spice to them," to Kravar.

Bennet's money technically belongs to the Temple, as he's technically given up worldy goods. If there comes a little variation as to which Temple it's being used for, that's okay.

        "TARIENS OF THE WORLD! UNTIE!" She didn't really understand the phrase, but she embraced it all the same. Because... Well why wouldn't Kisaiya? She did enjoy being a Tarienite, even if she didn't go to many of the un-meetings. 
        "BAKERY! You! You sell rainbow goods, yes?!" Kisaiya is asking but she doesn't need to really know because she already knows and she's in there to begin with looking at them. "I'm here for future parties! THe un-meetings are so droll and they need to have more refreshments." A nod of her head, sage. As sage as Kisa can muster.

Brandy peers at the rasin muffins, "Well of course they do dearier. Raisins are evil, so I had to spice them up, lots and lots of spices, same with the oatmeal raisin cookies and all." she offers a smile, "Spiced them all up, with concentrated rum. One cookie is guarenteed to make you drunk, what you get for eating raisins."

Brandy looks over to Kisaiya, "only one right now dearier, Rainbow Dragon Brownies, gaurenteed to make you see rainbows, and dragons. Made from the finest Fel Mushrooms to be had, at least what adventurers have come back alive with."

Baldrick nods to the half-sil with him and moves over to Brandy, leaning on the counter as he plays with a brownie. "So, whats your story? Just do this for fun?" he says with a grin, trying to be charming.

Kravar's mouth opens slightly when the half-sil describes the spicy raisin muffins. When Brandy confirms and adds that one cookie is guaranteed to make him drunk, his mind is made up. "I'll try one!" Kravar looks around for who or where he has to pay.

The half-sil takes a second interest in the raisins. "Is that so? Let me take some with me. Maybe the young lord will like them," he says with a laugh. He put the notepad under his arm and goes over there. "They look good, don't they?" he says to Kravar.

Brandy offers to Kravar, "oh take your fill dearier, everything is paid for. They are evil, but epople still like them, and a old lady like me ha to make a living."

        "OH! OH!" Kisa flings her arms up and then sort of lets the hands hang down like one might see a spider do with their front legs. And then a wiggle as she stands there about to pounce on a hapless victim. Or... just look like a spider in an abstract way. 
        "What about spider cookies?! IF YOU GO TO THE FELWOOD YOU CAN DELIVER ALONG THE WAY! My FRIEND is out there." Another wave of her hands up high, "But they'll have to be spider shaped! Do you have spider shaped?!" Kisa grins and looks down toward the rainbow dragon brownies.

"Spider chocolate chip," Bennet drawls casually "use a toothpick when they're still warm to make the little chocolate 'bodies' have tiny little chocolate legs. My nanna used ta make 'em in the fall."

Brandy pauses for a moment, and then nods. Pointing to a back shelf, "There you are, spider cookies. Will make you climb like a spider!" For the casual observer, you could of sworn they were not there a moment ago.

Kravar takes one of the cookies, then after a moment's consideration grabs up a few more. He casts a glance in the direction of the spider cookies, but his expression only darkens. Muttering something under his breath about 'foul Felwood vermin' he moves off with his handful of cookies to look for some table space.

Outside, there's a dull Whoosh, followed by a loud "eeee" and a dull whump....It seems to kind of fog up and the wooshing fades away, so does the yelling. Well the yelling stopped faster.... After a bit a rather dissheveled Kaelyn comes wandering into the place, with a tobaggan sled type contraption with 4 cylinders attached to the back of it and a few buttons on front... There also seems to be a lever or pedal where one might lay in the middle of things too!!!

Kae pauses just inside the door and blinks as she looks around curiously, and then blinks as she's well got snow all over her... Kae umms and backs out of the store and shakes her self out like a dog might, then hops around and finishes by brushing her hair off...

The bouncing, wandering, disaster zone, that is Kaelyn then saunters on inside, grinning cheerfully as she looks around, eyes rather wide while she takes in the bakery! She then notices Kisa and she blinks before suddenly waving "Kisa!!! Hiii!!!" she calls out happily. And much flailing/waving ensues!

Baldrick nods to Brandy "Hold that thought, I will be back after I take care of something quick." he says before moving to where the bathrooms are. As he moves across the room though he is sure to pass by Svarshan "She makes some... inhumanly good cookies." he says with a wink before moving on.

        "HOW MUCH TO SEND A DOZEN TO ALBA?!" Kisa nearly shrieks out as her limbs flail and she grins. BEST DAY EVER! NO WAY! "Tami. Tami! TAMI! TA-A-A-AMIT!" 
        "WHAT?!" Tami says, she's literally standing five feet away from Kisa looking over some breadloaves. 
        "I need money to pay for cookies to send to Alba! We can call them Spider-Day Cookies!" Kisa turns and is still flailing her arms, though this time at Tami instead as she grins. 
        "Kisa! No!" She bats Kisa on the node with a bredrool. 
        "Focus, Tarien un-meeting, remember?" Tami grimaces at her. 
        "Fi-i-i-i-ne." She looks back to - Oh Kaelyn arived! Kisa throws her arms up again, "KAELYN!" And she flails her arms back. It's the only way to be sure.

"They would be a hit during Hunt parties," the half-sil is taking notes. Spider cookies, along with a description gets written in the margins. He adds a :D next to them, and shows it to Brandy with a grin, before moving on--and oooout of Kaelyn's way. And explosions. He nods to Baldrick too as the man passes, and shows him the clipboard, briefly. Brandy is writing in a ledger, "One dozen spider-day cookies to be sent to Alba, Witch of the Fel-wood. Payment-already made in full." nodding she smiles over to Kisaiya, "your order has been placed dear."

Bennet declines to sample the cookies. Nanna used to make them, but all told the plaigun didn't care for her that much. Cheek twinges just thinking about the pinches it used to get.

"What did you think of them?" the half-sil says, wandering up to Bennet. There's a notepad. There is a pen. "Don't hold back!"

Ooohhh's "Spider day cookies? That sounds interesting!!!" She calls out cherfully. She notices the others and flail-waves again! "Hi to you all too!" yes, theres more than one incredibly bouncy hyper individual here now! There's a Kae-shaped puff of smoke and instantly it seems, or more likely cartoonishly, Kae is by the counter looking through the various things available to get1 Like this elf -really- needs more sweets!

Baldrick quickly comes back from the bathroom, although this time completely invisible as he manuevers to a spot in the room where he can be within eyesight of Brandy. Dodging around a group he pulls out an invisible scroll and reads off a spell, the words can be heard by those nearby but at least Baldrick is insivisble while casting the Concecrate spell, keeping a close eye on anyone bothered by it.

Bennet says, "....think I'ma gonna stick ta water 'n jerky. Simple stuff I know where it came from and what it is."

"I SAID, DON'T HOLD BACK!" the half-sil yells to Bennet, over the party noise. That's it! They need noise! Lots of noise!

Bennet says, "....what 'xatly do ya'll think I'ma holdin back? And don't shout, I ain't deaf."

        Kisaiya looks toward Brandy and grins, "We need more rainbows and mayhem at the Tarien un-meeting!" Since Kaelyn is looking at the others, it's time to get back to business. "If we have better things at the un-meetings, maybe they'll be-meetings, you know what I mean?" She nods her head. 
        Tami, in the meantime, tries to covertly sneak the bapping breadroll back into the pile of them. Nothing to see here!

"WE NEED YOUR COMMENTS ON THE DELICIOUS COOKIES!" the half-sil yells, over the crowd. He holds up the clipboard. "For future parties!" because if you have one party, you need a few dozen more!

The bedroll Tami is strying to bap back in jumps right into her hand on its own, then says in a tiny voice, "Eat me!"

Bennet says, "Well, since yer asking, can't say i got much opinion one way other the other on them cookies. But the folks askin about 'em are started ta vex a little."

Kae then pauses and blinks, then looks to Kisa "Ooh Kisa! Kisa! What should I get? I was thinking lotsa chocolate, but pecan 'sandy's' sound good too, then there's allways regular shortbread and umm I can't make up my mind!" she says loudly, and then blinks at the Half-sill.. "Free cookies?" She blinks, instantly distracted and goes to try and get said free cookies!

You misunderstand, everything here right now is /FREE/

"OKAY!" the half-sil says. He writes down a few more notes on the paper. Then, makes his way towards another group to talk with them, too. Eventually, he tucks the pen behind his ears and starts jab-jawing, a tankard in his hand.

Kravar finishes off his batch of cookies and then sits with a hand over his midsection, waiting to feel the effects good or bad. "They taste good," he says cautiously. "What was the word she used? Spicy."

Brandy lets out a soft sigh, "Oh fooeh..." as he skin starts to melt off and leaves nothing more then a rotting zombie. The female zombie looks to the nearest customer, "Hello dearier, welcome to the golden cookie bakery, may I take your order?" offering a rotting toothy smile. The food also all starts to melt, revealing a world of nasty surprises. The cheesecake looks like it was made of some kind of dung or dirt. The cookies are all haphazardly mixed up things of dead bug husks and variuos small rodents. The spider cookies are made out of dead spider bodies, big ones. The bread roll in Tami's hand is nothing more then a undead spider still begging to be eaten. You paged Svarshan with 'Evil lich, is EVIL'

        "KAELYN!" Kisa says, throwing her hands up in the air again, then starts waving her arms one way then the other, one way and then the... She turns to look at Brandy and flails her arms, "YOU ARE NOT TARIEN MATERIAL!" She cries out. 
        Tami shrieks and throws the undead spider, making a break for the door because this is way above her paygrade now. "I WANT A RAISE!" She yells at Kisa before trying to disappear onto the street.

Kae then blinks at the zombies, then looks at the cookie she was about to eat, then blinks at the zombies and stares.. "Ayeeee!!!!" she calls out! And motions "Kisa! They're all zombies!!!" she shouts out, stating the obvious!

Baldrick whistles, despite still being invisible as he looks at Brandy. "Brandy, that is not a good look. This is why you never commit until you see em' without makeup on." he comments to whomever is nearby, who will likely just hear a bodiless voice.

And then there's the flap of heavy wings. It reaches out, granting strength to those near the half-sil. The half-sil drops his clipbard, and draws a blade--thrusting it through the zombie. Who shivers, falling to the earth.

"...if you ate. Pleasse go to the Tarien priessts immediately," he says thickly, his accent dropping.

There's the sound of retching. "I don't need--" Kravar stops in mid-sentance and retches again. Luckily he had the good grace to duck down behind his table first. Then he stands up, a bit wobbly. "--a priest," he finishes weakly.

Bennet blinks slowly, and draws his rifle in a smooth motion. "Whelp, that went down hill. Reckon we should check the back?"

The half-sil looks quickly to Bennet. "Ssa. It iss good to see you," he says to the man with a warm grin. And then moves with his own blade. A warm, pulse of energy glows outwards, hitting with the strength of the Sun behind it.

All of the moving food stuff in the area stops moving.

Bennet heads towards the back, weapon in hand. He's not really expectng trouble, but if there is any, he wants to meet it head on rather than wait for it to come find him. Or rather, it goes find someone less prepared to deal with trouble.

Kravar coughs violently for good measure and then follows Bennet towards the back. "Yes, good idea. If there's something still moving..." He drags his 'dagger' from it's sheath, only he keeps drawing and drawing to reveal it's actually a sword, that glows brightly with what appears to be daylight.

The back is nothing but a big empty room. With only a single stairway leading down into a pitch black darkness.

Meanwhile? Having luckily or unluckily, not gotten cookies, Kae is flailing her arms over head as she calls out "Ayee, lotsa zombies!! Whyfore are there zombies running a bakery thing!! Noooo!!!" she shouts out, then starts digging through her pockets, soon enough she produces her own handy-dandy, probably should never be patented, but probably will alchemical detergent! IN Pellet form! She then offers it to Kisa!!! "Use this!!!" She says, it's bright blue! "It should clean stuff off and out and whatnot!" she blinks and moves to follow after the sword-armed folks curiously, while she draws her ray-gun... "Ummmmm......."

Baldrick follows along with a knife in hand, the only weapon he ever takes along. "Into the darkness guys." he says to the rest as he enters the backroom.

        Kisaiya flails her arms some more, but only until the things seem more dead at which point she looks around at the others, "What the heck is going on?!" She looks at Kaelyn, then down at the thing in her hand, up, down, up... "What?" She stands there, staring at Kaelyn and tilts her head.

The half-sil gives himself a shake. Things start flowing back into place, though it will take a while. Magic like that isn't easy or fast. He stops near Kravar though, Svarshan does, and drops a hand on his shoulder. There's another pass of dragon's wings, far away. "Ssa, Ruffian. If you lead, one will follow."

Down the stairs you enter into a celler, with three doors. Each door has a number on it with 1, 2, and 3. In the center of the room is a pedistal with a letter sitting on it. Bennet mmms, and raps lightly on his rifle. "Wake up. We're working." The rifle creaks a little, and a voice echos, as if from the far side of a pipe. 'That is not authorization.' Bennet sighs, and intones formally. "Awaken the Gate. Code Firebrand." The gun speaks again, and starts to glow with grey light. 'Acknowledge. The Gate of Death shall remain open until the target is silenced. May the Lady have mercy....' "...for we shall have none." the Absolution finishes.

Kravar walks much easier after he's healed. He steps towards the stairs, blade raised high to cast light. But he hesitates. "Be careful for traps. Especially pit traps." Without waiting he heads down, his cloak shifting and changing into a pair of wings that remained folded down against his back, but stir restlessly.

Kae blinks "Take the pod and either open it and slap it on your self, or eat it, one or the other." She says cheerfully "Should help clean out/off the zombie-stuffs if you've been eating it!" she adds and blinks as she stares at Bennet, then looks at her own death-ray and back to Bennet "Heey yers talks!" she calls out....

Bennet ignores the letter, and after a momnet of hesitation, heads for door number 3.

Baldrick eyes the doors, the blade of a spare knife in his hand glowing to illuminate the room. "Well we can knock on the doors and see what happens?" he weaves a quick spell at the first door before a loud 'BING BONG' sounds in the room.

Soonr or later, it had to happen.

Sandy had to stumble upon the Golden Cookie and, well, right now is as good a time as any, right? She's pushed inside the building and is calling out: "...the hell is this?"

Svarshan sends out another pulse, as they reach the bottom of the stairs. "Ssa. And there iss a letter. Doess anyone see anything? Ruffian?" he asks as they look around. "Are there runess on the letter?"

The door does not respond, appears it was not locked. As Baldrick heads for it a woman's voice can be heard, "Are you sure dearie? You may want to read the letter first and all, otherwise you may regret the choice you are making."

Baldrick sighs, "Fricken' games. They tried to deceive the deciever and now they are trying to play games." he says turning to the letter and using Detect Magic and checking for traps to see what he is in for.

Baldrick ponders as he eyes the letter "Someone is watching us, letter is not magic though." he notes as he begins to cast his own spell of Nondetection on himself. He cannot help others but at least he can help himself.

Svarshan thumps his tail, and steps up alongside Baldrick. "The plasse was run by undeath," he says to Sandy, when she calls down. "And they are watching uss. ...hello, Brandy," he says more loudly as he steps up to read the letter. Well, if it does something, best try to survive it, right?

Letter: 'Dear Savri-san,

I adore your tenacity, and endeavors to take down my bakery. This was so much fun (At least I hope it was, I am writing this before anything you know). SO I will reward!! Door 1: A clue to my location in the lands of Heth, but I will fed 10 Sith-Maker children some flesh. Option 2: You get a chance to save the children! Option 3: No clue, children get saved, but I get to come back into Alexandria! Toodles dearie.

Mandy, the Chaos Lich.' End letter

Kravar flinches when Svarshan reads the letter. He never did trust letters. Messages are best delivered aloud and in person, the Aesir reasons. Ah well, he supposes someone had to lower it. Moving closer to the sith, Kravar lowers his sword slightly, enough to hold it in a fighting stance.

Svarshan looks at the paper, then crumples it in his claws. "Option 4, Mandy. We hunt you and everyone associated with you." He looks down at the paper, and closes his hand over it. "...she iss offering uss cluess to her location, for the prisse of children's ssouls. We sshould assk the temples to cleansse this area, and whatever sshe has done. To it. Burn the doorss without opening them--if we open any of them, sshe will take it as agreement."

Louder, "Ssandy. Your lich godmother iss back."

        Kisa chimes in at that point, "Isn't that Not-not Sandy?" In response to Svar, she's pretty sure that's Not-not Sandy.

Kae blinks and looks to Svarshan.. "Ummmm" She adds, then blinks slowly... She then ummms... "Yes I think that's Not-Not Sandy..." She says and then peers at Svar and the others.. "I can sooo make this place go foop..." She says cheerfully...

Sandy's hand goes over her face. Promptly.

"Fuck," is all she can manage to say after a moment of staring at Svar.

Bennet nods, and takes a step back before fireing upon the door. 'Fire' being the key part, as the weapon belches as much flame as lead.

"Yes," he says roughly. He then squints upwards, Svar does, because Baldrick had said there was divination magic in the area. "How do we get rid of it?" he asks the man. And then, for perhaps the first time in his life, grins at Kaelyn. It isn't a nice grin, but it's a happy one.

Long distance to Svarshan: Astaren is warning you, things are going to get dark and evil here, you good with that?

Baldrick sheaths his knife "Right, first things first we need to cut off the scrying and then dispel the magic to dismantle this sick trap." he comments pondering the situation.

A voice rings out, quiet cheerful and happy, "Option 4 it is! Come to me children, you have been abandoned. Unless of course Svarvy-san, you wish to pick a door? You can take option 4 and leave, but I still have those kids. Oh kids are so wonderful tools, oh this is so much fun!!"

"...can you teleport us behind door one, without opening it?" Svarshan asks Sandy. "She said opening that one gives a clue, but harms the ssmall ones." He hands her the letter.

        "HIS NAME IS SVARDVARK!" Kisaiaya yells back at the voice, because it's her job to come up with nicknames. Sheesh!

Kae peers curiously and looks at the doors "Soo blowing the place up is out.... I'll follow you guys and lend what support I can Liches aren't my thing of knowledge and area of expertise here...."

        "SHe's probably doing the thing with the whats-it? You know with the-" and Kisaiya makes sort of waving gestures over... nothing really. Then a shrug, "So you know, door's a door if you bamf through it or walk, you know?"

"More than possible that the doors don't do what she says they'll do, but she's so far abided by the rules of her games within certain strictures," says Sandy, pinching the bridge of her nose. She seems annoyed.

Svarshan looks up towards the ceiling, "Sshow ssome class, lich. ...are you truly going to ssay, 'I am going to harm the. Little children, tee hee hee?' That iss from a C-lisst play."

The voice rings out again, "Oh the woman gets it, yep Kisa-chan, with the scrying! as for rules." A giggling emerges for a bit, "Makes it more fun, if you follow the rules I follow the rules. If you break the rules, means I get to as well! break the rules saving children, means I will break the rule and do something worse." gigging again.

A pause for a long moment, "I thought I was at least b-list play, or b-. Be nice svar-chan. The reaction I got upstairs was a-list! maybe even s-list. As for the children, that depends on what choice you make, and if you make it to the end of the door! I am sure you will, but it will be fun to watch. Entertain me, I am bored."

Bennet mutters. "The Lady be more than happy ta entertain ya, in person."

        Kisa blinks and frowns again, then a look toward Kaelyn, back up, Kaelyn, back up, "Did she just call me Kisa-chan? What the hell is a -chan? And since when is 's' higher in the alphabet than 'a'?" She shakes her head and then starts scratching her head, "Not-not Sandy makes no sense."

Baldrick takes a seat on the floor, looking at the doors and pondering it over. He is a Tarienite after all, he should be able to deal with this. "We need to play our own game... and we need to know the rules." he says just loud enough to hear. "So what are the rules with the doors?"

Kae blinks at Kisa curiously and stares... "Umm chan... it's an addon from another country. It's what some folks call younger folks, like ummm if you were to call a child chan, also where as you might call an older folk 'sama', or kun, if it's a guy, or chi, or chun.. Lotsa different addonds, just pends on what you wanna use..." she adds, then glances at Kisa again curiously.. She then looks up at the ceiling curiously "And I think the propper add-on Monicker for Kisa would be Zilla or Yetti!"

Kravar clears his throat. "What are the 'rules'? What did the letter say?"

"...I am ssaying you can do better. Lich, I will go to my people with thiss. Sso far you have angered Ssandy and a few. Otherss. After I go to them, you will have a nation after you. Then I will take it to the paperss, and you will have Alessandria after you. I will take it to the merchantss, and tell them of your many guises, and to the Arcanistss, and tell them how to identify you. Who would lend ssupplies to a lich, Mandy? I will then take it to the templess, and you will have the templess after you. I will take your message to the Thulitess, that you dwell in Heth'ss landsscape, perhapss sserving him, and you will lose thosse ties. Intimidation. Ssuggessts no rissk of follow-through. I am not intimidating you. ...I am ssaying your life will become more difficult."

"...if you do not wissh thiss to esscalate, sshow ssome. Class. Releasse the children and deal with Ssandy. You have an unusual perverssion where sshe is consserned, anyway," he says in lower tones. "You wissh an argument. I do not think you wissh a war."

Bennet says, "....someone mind readin the letter out that we know what we're dealing with? I'ma gonna guess spliting up and taking all three doors simultanious like ain't the best plan."

The voice giggles towards Kae, "if those are names for pets they would be great, Kisa-Zilla, my cute little human, how adorable." In a baby voice, "Play nice for mommy!" then Svarshan speaks and she goes quiet, then she speaks all humor lost in her voice, "Paladin, you have failed to see what is really before you. I am disapointed. Do you not realize that I to serve a master? Remember where I truly live, and ask yourself. What would it really want." then her voice lightens.

"Bring it, bring your knowledge and bring your war. Have your city witch hunt the ghost, second guessing the citizens. You speak of routing me out, you forget that to hunt one you start to see ghosts. How many innocents will you risk in this war, how much blood do you want on your hands? Do not speak to me about class, when you are the one who truly sews chaos." a giggle, "So pick a door, or no door. Play this game, knowing that there are greater evils this staves off." Kravar has partially disconnected.

        "You know, the doll that stole dreams was scarier than you!" Kisaiya calls out, "Her head turns all the way around a few times when she was demanding people play!" She crosses her arms and looks to Svar, "Svardvark, you're totally right. c-list." She looks toward Kaelyn, "KAE! KAE! KAE!" She flings her arms up, "Did I tell you about that doll?!"

"He's right, you know. Presenting the paladin with a 'save the children' routine," Sandy follows up Svar's lead, yes, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth.

"Very disappointing, grandmother. I thought you were totally better than this." She keeps a straight face. Trying to, anyway. It's hard. 

She's eyeing the letter, now, shaking her head. "Really, you know, I am going to just have to have a word with you. Maybe I even have an offer."

Svarshan rubs at his jawline. "Sshe can't tell anything if sshe can't ssee, and we can get rid of thiss 'eye' eassily enough." Then, " one hass time for thiss." He stops responding to Mandy. Well... some wizards can talk about how big their...towers...are for ages. No one wants to listen to that.

Kae blinks and hops, arms going into the air as well "Nooo! Tell me abou the Doll!!" She says then oohs "Maybe after this tell me?" She then umms and looks to the others. "I do not have lotsa experience with Not-Not-Sandy and all buuuut shouldn't we probably figure out how to save those kids? I mean if she follows those rules of hers and binds her self by them and all.." She looks to Svarshan now and motions to doors Then Sandy and umms "Soo what are we gonna do?"

"Yawwwwwwwwwnnnnnnn" exgaurated the voice offers, "I know what your trying to do, you forget I am not stupid. Egotistical yes, but not stupid." A giggle as her mood lightens, "The classics are sometimes the best. Children always get the best reactions out of people, so emotional and sentimental."

"She mostly giggless and talkss about how clever sshe is, but you heard her ploy. I have not heard ssomething sso ssad for a decade. We will sset another doll up and--" Svarshan thumps his tail against the floor, lightly. A greater dispel hits the area. "--it can lissten to her brag. Being a mage, thiss may go on for. Hourss." "Wizard's Disease?" says Sandy to Svarshan, "You don' think she has it, do you?" she adds, solemnly, as if this is something grave and worrisome.

Bennet tsks. "Sounds like a barmaid ta me... not onea the bright ones, one that makes her tips with a low blouse and a lotta jiggle. The stupid sort."

"Well hurry..." the voice getting cut off as Svarshan sends a greater dispel magic through the room.

"Ssa. Do you remember in Rune, after Animuss died? There iss a file. They begin to think they are a god. Or they make themsselves into a lich. The academy hass been ssearching for a cure for ssenturies." Another, greater dispel hits the area.

You paged Ga'Elian with 'Well you see... a consecrate was cast, and that dispeled the posession Mandy had on brandy, which in turn dropped all the magics, showing everything to be undead and the food to be dead animals like mice and spiders. THey they came into the basement and are debating which of 3 doors to take.'

"Regardless, we should go through door number two," says Sandy, "Probably has some monsters for us to fight for her entertainment." She scowls.

        Kisaiya flings her arms up in the air and waves them about, "She seriously can't be that silly. I mean c'mon, that's like out of a badly written play. Threatening with children." She snickers and shakes her head, another sigh then a look to Kaelyn. Her eyes shoot wider, "OH! OH! OH! So the doll, it wasn't Alba's but it was Alba's, just not really her's because it's this girl - I think it's a girl - that lives and steals dreams. She's a jerk! Almost as much as that damn cat!!'

Bennet says, ".....I'ma pretty okay with killin some monsters right aobut now. Prefer the sorta trying to play head games and giggle, but most any kind'll do."

"...ssa." Svarshan looks up at the ceiling. "Wizard'ss Diseasse," he says to Kisaiya. "It can sstrike ssuddenly and. Without warning. ...and perhapss?" he says. Then, nods to door number two with a question. He'll periodically hit a dispel, though.

Kravar turns towards the door indicated by the others. He holds himself ready but doesn't go in, in case their talk of door number two was one more ploy in this bizarre game.

Svarshan looks over towards Kisaiya, and draws a sketch of a dragon in the air. There's the faint rush of a dragon's wings and then, well. Open the door! Kae peers curiously and nods.. "Ooooh ok! That explains a lot!" she says to Kisa. Yah somehow Kae's understood what she means? That or just is at least trying, who knows with Kae!... "Soo yah, pikc a door, I'll follow?"

The door opens for Svarshan easily enough! Behing it, is a short hallway heading to the right. Sitting there bound and tied up are ten sith-maker children, all of whome appear to have been crying. The hallway turns again to the right and connects up to door 3.

Bennet says, " do we check door 1 now? I'm still not sure what exactly we're supposed to be doin here."

Another dispel hits. "...they may have disease, a cursse, or ssomething else. The Charneth have been ussing thosse tactics." Svarshan can't take his eyes off the kids, though. He lets go a slow, tight breath. "...Ssandy. Your grandmother hass no class, the Myrrish would ssay."

"Well, come on, she's a Taaran shadow elf lich," says Sandy, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I think she was just hoping we'd pick door number three rat her than risk anything. she wants an excuse to be able to go back on her word." She begins to advance towards the children, "Hey there..."

Kae peers curiously, and lifts that fancy rifle of hers as she watches the kids "They're just normal kids right?" She asks curiously... "Soo what's with this Game the lich mum is playing? We ust open doors and get the kids out or what?" she asks curiously....

Well. What do you do? Svarshan crouches nearby, and asks the Dragonfather for help, again. Asks Him to remove disease, poison, sickening, among others. Asks Him to remove any enchantments, and protect them from evil. There isn't anything he doesn't ask for, and the paladin spends all of it. There's no holding back. Not for small ones. "...perhapss we jusst go back the way we came?" he asks. "...can you walk?" he asks them. They may need the strength of fighters like Kravar to help.

Kravar hurries past the kids, to stand just beyond them facing the hallway. "These were the children? The ones the voice was speaking of?" He's still unsure of what 'rules' she mentioned, but did his best to piece together what the others were saying. "Somehow I expected it to be more of a quest..."

"C'mere, kiddos," says Sandy.

Sher starts gathering up the children, letting them crawl on to her.
        "NO FREAKING WAY!" Kisa says loudly as Sandy actually starting gathering up the kids and... letting them crawl on her.

"I think ssshe wanted it. To be." Svarshan watches the kids very carefully. He asked the Dragonfather for help. Now, he doesn't know what to do. He's just very...very quietly angry. It's so... Oh thank the Dragonfather. Sandy stepped forward. Someone knows what to do. Sometimes...just praise the shaman-caste.

Bennet is a gunman. he shoots things. But the lich isn't here to shoot, apparently. He's at a bit of a loss. He's not going to shoot the children, or Svarshan. Sandy.... no, no, she's got the kids now, wouldn't want to risk it... not that he'd do in anyway, of course... even if there was no chance of kids being hurt.... no....

The kids are bound by the feet and hands, but quickly scramble to them once unbound. They quickly make their way out and appear to be in good health.

"...what do we do?" he asks Sandy. Because warriors protect, but shamans /know/. Svarshan lifts one of the kids, passes one to Kisaiya or Kravar. Damnably precious. Another greater dispel hits the area.

Kravar backs up as the children are taken out, then hurriedly puts away his sword to carry the one passed to him. After a few steps he shifts the Sith youth so that he's held under one arm, sack of potatoes style. This lets him pick up another straggler with his other arm. "We'll have you back home in no time," he promises. Then after a bit, "Have you ever ridden on a airship?"

Kae ummms... "What we do is get the kids out of here..." She says, sounding about as serious as ever... She then peers at Kravar curiously "Which airship?" she asks curiously... "I was engineer on one for a few years!" Few might be an understatement... She then umms and translates for Kravar, slipping into Draconic as easily as she might slip into Lyran... "He wants to know if you wanna ride on an airship to go home." She says simply....

Kae then asks "Gonna take em to your nearby convent-area thingie?" Yup back into a bit of the silly.... 
She then umms "Also once we get the youngsters out do we continue searching the place?

"We sshould ask the Temple of Eluna to. Look over them," Svarshan says eventually, when he can find words again. He nudges at the small one he holds. "Make ssure sshe did not leave any--make ssure they are okay. ...who captured you?" he asks the kids. "...and did they ssay anything?"

one of the children looks up and seems most comfortable with Svarshan, "We... we were at our village, deep in the wood. Playing with our watcher. suddenly our watcher fell over and was asleep. we tried to wake her, and this woman came up, all skeleton and boney. She smiled and said we would be good hostages, we tried to run but ran into a invisibile wall and fell. She had skeletons grab us and we walked through a glowing circle into here..."

Kravar squints at Kaelynn. "Just trying to cheer them up," he explains after a bit. Then he admits, "Not really an airship like the ones you've been on, more like an airskiff. Just a pilot and a few passengers," He hefts one of the youths he is carrying. "More if they're small enough."

Svarshan's expression...changes as the small one continues their story. "...thank you, Kravar," he says, heartfelt, to the man. "...I never esspected I would miss. Dealing with the--with ssertain forsses. They resspect the Russe of. War. ...ssa, ssa. Do you ssee thesse ssoftsskins? They are not the. Charneth. We will help you get home. We will all help you get home."