Glass Half Full

From Tenebrae
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An average day for most, not for Daniel. Finally he had separated his boss from his work to talk about the floor plans. "With Utter respect sir, I feel I must suggest; bring to your attention that with such welcoming decor that it would be only expected that the floor itself rather be an oak wood planks, polished of course instead of stone slabs." This conversation turns the opposite direction as his boss somehow changed the subject about how Daniel could serve drinks faster if he just put a little more effort. Daniel agreed he could and he will do better, he left his boss to chat up 'the guys' as he was fed up with Daniel muttered to himself bitter words. Feeling deeply unappreciated, he returned to the counter and started to it up and serve faster by 'putting in more effort'.

There's a creak from the door as it allows a tall man entry into the bar. Aragos scans the general layout as if he's never been here before though that's far from the truth. The dark-haired man is clad in black-painted armor that bears a few scratches on it, but is otherwise sturdy stuff. He stops his gaze on the young man who's acting as a server for a moment before shaking his head and heading to the bar. "Whiskey straight." He grumbles low in his throat to the young man who happens to be close at hand now.

It may be utter coincidence that the next entrant is all but a total inversion of Aragos. Verna is neither male nor tall; in fact, shorter than most all but the wee folk. Her short hair is shock white and her attire is... bright. This day finds her in a sundress that is bright yellow with a pattern of blue flowers. A satchel is carried via strap over her shoulder, but her accouterments and accessories are otherwise minimal.

".......On it? Sir." As it was spoken he got to the bottle and poured the whisky straight up, in a rather slightly smaller cup than what he'd normally give. He himself is unsure if he did that on purpose or not, he just did. Daniel's face was worn out from work and lack of sleep, It grew complex and conflicted the more he watched the man at a distance while he worked. His mind grew to remember the unpleasant but he didn't let that affect his performance to proceed in his work?Just two more hours until my break? Just two hours? Seeing Verna again in the bar was little surprise but considering she's a fine looking lady he new she might be given a bit of trouble. He looked around; turned his head to get a view of all the men in the bar, it was early morning so it was less likely for that sort of thing to happen. Though, he made sure to keep an eye out just in case.

"Nothing?" Says Aragos, a bit questioningly, taking the whiskey from the young man before he could put something 'on' it. Daniel's distraction draws Aragos' attention to the woman entering the bar, though he'd have taken note of her either way. He gives her a glance up and down before returning his attention to his alcohol. He doesn't seem to notice or care much that he's been given less than his fair share, at least until he mutters under his breath. "Portions are getting smaller I see..."

Verna steps up to the counter to request a drink slight less potent than whiskey. "A cup of water, if you please." The prior comment, or merely his nearby presence, draws a brief glance to Aragos before she returns her focus to the passingly familiar man behind the counter. "Good day to you both. All is well?"

Daniel smirked as he heard the muttered comment from the man, he spread it into a full smile. He waved to Verna welcomingly. "Welcome! How can I help you this bright morning Miss Verna?" Daniel almost had forgotten her name, lucky for him she had come by recently so it was easier for him to remember then it would have been if she were to visit some other day. Daniel offered a table by the fireplace like before, considering the counter was almost full. Compared to last time Verna was here, Daniel had looked only worse? But still welcoming as always. After receiving Verna's order he has it ready in a snap, in of course a much larger cup than the man. "All is well Miss Verna, how are things with you and your fiance?"

Aragos nods to the woman, as he eyes Daniel suspiciously. A glance at the drink in his hand then shrugs and tries a sip of it. "You normally go around asking strangers how their day is?" He asks Verna, his voice a bit incredulous. As if he doesn't really believe that she does. "Or were you mostly talking to... What's yer name kid?" He looks at the waiter.

Verna declines the offer of a separate table with a polite, "This will suffice. I will not remain overlong." To Aragos' inquiry, she nods. "I often do so, yes. Is that not a matter of polite decorum? If nothing else, it might facilitate all others not remaining strangers indefinitely, would it not?" The cup is accepted with gratitude and a long sip taken before she answers Daniel's other inquiry.

"We are well enough, thank you. Yourself?" She takes a moment to note his comparatively haggard seeming in the context of the current level of business. "You do not appear as rested as you might otherwise be. I would hope that your employer does not push you excessively and that no ill dreams plague your sleep."

Daniel pauses for a moment and looks back to the man slouching with his rather small cup of whisky. "....You normally ask stranger's their names, 'Sir'?" After a moment of silence he refilled another customer's cup. "....Daniel." He turned back to Verna in a surprise. "I'm alright, I appreciate your concern. My lack of sleep is none of plague? Just a reminder that I don't need every night." He headed to the kitchen and retrieved a small cute cherry tart and served it to Verna. "On the house, so if you're not here long; what brings you here Miss Verna?"

Aragos blinks at the young man, ready with a quip that dies a short death on his lips when the young man gives his name. He pales then, all the blood running out of his face. He starts to speak only for his words to fail him and he shakes his head. Trying to convince himself of - something. Suddenly he drinks down the whole of his drink, and leans toward Verna. "Did... He didn't say Daniel did he?" His voice low enough that it probably can't be overheard.

"A drink," Verna answers Daniel readily enough, and rather literally so. Surprise stretches her features at the arrival of the tart, and further at the stated cost. Did someone mention something to the establishment? Have Verna's recent (or recently growing?) preferences for snacks become so obvious as to be public information or easily inferred?

Her cheeks color at any of those possibilities, though she offers, "Thank you, but I shall insist," to leave coin on the counter for the offered fare. Before she attempts to sample the sweet, however, Aragos' reaction and low rhetorical pull her from it. "I believe so," she offers answer even if not required. "Is something amiss?"

Daniel continued with his cleaning and tending to refills and new orders, it appeared he was the only one working this morning? Again much like when he had met Verna. He kept an eye on the tart, curious whether or not it would appeal to her, he himself had baked it by hand to help out. Although Daniel was very much amused with the man's expressions, it was obvious on his own face he was very pleased. After he served a plate of hot bread he made his way back to the counter back to Verna. "The water? Or are you looking for something stronger for an occasion?"

Aragos looks at Verna like she's sprouted a second and particularly nasty head and then over at Daniel as if just seeing the young man for the first time. "It's not... Possible." He mutters under his breath. The young man looks wholly amused and Aragos' purple eyes darken slightly. Standing up and leaning toward the other. "Your name isn't really Daniel is it? Someone told you to say that to me didn't they? Who? Who told you that name?" He's growling now, his expression dark and dangerous.

Verna makes a gesture to the tart, for Daniel's benefit and explanation of the coin. Rather than waste the movement, she then retrieves said tart to take a bit. All this while most of her focus is upon Aragos. What was curiosity turns brighter (from the tasty pastry) and then her expression darkens as she rapidly chews and swallows before noting to the growling man, "What is the significance? How is such not possible? Anger is easy, but it is rarely helpful..."

Leaning away from the man his expression looks like he's about to explode in laughter. He chuckles to himself staying calm with a much wider smile now. "Ahahah, yes mister Sharath? My legal name is Daniel." Daniel couldn't help but find this utterly hilarious, he poured another cup of straight whisky in a regular sized cup and handed it to Aragos. His large smile shaped into a thin long grin, looking the man directly in the eyes.

Aragos steps back as the man uses a name he definitely hasn't told him, and certainly hasn't heard in... Some time. He doesn't pick up the whiskey. Rather he looks like he's seen a ghost. Like one has gotten up out of the grave to talk to him and he is speechless until he grasps the bar with both hands. "Who. Told. You. That. Name." His eyes are flashing with heat, and it's clear that he's half a step from some kind of drastic action.

"It's my _son's_. My son was Daniel Sharath. But he's _dead_." Aragos grinds his teeth in anger, his expression stormy. "So you had better tell me who told you to mock me like this or..." The threat is obvious, and he doesn't need to say it for it to be clear.

Verna's frown deepens, though now more in commiseration than ire. "Sir," she begins firmly to Aragos, "calm yourself. It is exceedingly unlikely that he intended insult. It is far more probable that this is happenstance. Given names can be common and are not always unique. I can understand your grief, but do you hold any reason why this man would, or how he could, be related to your child in any fashion?"

Daniel's grin widens, he leans closer to Aragos. He runs his fingers through his own hair. "Yeah?" Daniel begins to speak in an obviously pretend scared voice. "O-or what a-are you gonn-a? Try and kill me again? You gonna sway a knife in my face? Drenched in the blood of the lady that had believed those words, oh so sweet words you've traded when she had been dripping with diamonds and white? Can't get enough of the feeling of life slipping out of your very hands? Ahaha, wouldn't surprise me! But while you're at it 'dad' when you're done spraying blood on walls don't forget to pay your tab on the way out."

Aragos might have been calmed by Verna's words, might have realized that though his name is rare, that it is _possible_ for someone else to bear it. He starts to speak, starts to explain that he's the last of his line and that he doesn't understand how it's possible for anyone to have his son's name. However Daniel speaks up and his mocking words bring that moment back to vivid recollection to Aragos. He seethes. "How dare you? How dare you mock me and his memory!" He's gone to anger now, what little of his grip on reality sliding away to the thought that this _must_ be someone who knows just enough of his pain to turn it to mockery.

"Whoever told you what you know didn't tell you enough did they? Didn't mention the devil did they? You're just some upstart kid thinking it's funny to wear the face of a boy who died after you were born. Well it's NOT. It's not funny." He slams down his tab repayment and glares at Verna as if she's a part of this ill-gotten prank.

Just when all she wished was a pleasant few moments out of the glaring sun, some rehydration, and there was even the unexpected tart. But no. Then, it seemed that logic and rational thought might intercede... but no. Verna's fist clenches and she devotes effort to opening it anew, if just so she can lower her head to pinch the bridge of her nose between thumb and forefinger. A measured breath is exhaled, with further effort before she looks up with distinct displeasure.

To Daniel, she notes in no uncertain manner with a pointed finger, "Regardless of how it was presented, mockery of the dead is a blaspheme against my goddess; an insult to the countless who have passed before, many so that this city, this nation, can continue to exist; it is callous to those in mourning; at the very least, you drive away customers. And to you..."

She turns the accusing finger at Aragos. "I respect your mourning, yet your pain does not grant you license to inflict such upon others. Your loss is surely deep, but you are certainly NOT the only one to lose, to mourn. At present, your pain is shared by a fair portion of the city and the nation. If you can not contain your ire," a point back to Daniel, "or your poor wit, there are far better targets for such than one another or all of us dwelling within the walls."

"Here's the thing, did you ever go back 'home'? If you did you would have found that 'that dead little boy's' body wasn't there, so you don't know for sure he's dead. You wanna know why he wouldn't be there? Because after that near death experience someone took him in and 'raised' him for pitiful reasons he thought suited him. When he grew up he decided: I don't want anything to do with this drama! So, he left. Got a job at a bar, and now is stuck talking to my failed father; an alcoholic I may add. Not only that but I haven't had a single good nights rest in my goddamn life! You wanna talk about disrespect? News for you pal! You're not the only person that has to deal with shit! So, if you wanna act as a father in disbelief yelling at a bartender telling him that he's faking fine, but count me out. Just know I tried telling you who was and that wasn't good enough." Daniel tossed his towel into a bin and turned back to Verna. "I am very sorry for these unpleasant events, If there is anything you need let me know. I wish you well."

Again, Verna's words are a balm on the quickly heating discussion, but also once again... Daniel's are a mockery that Aragos can not stand. "Yea fucking right." He shakes his head at the young man before him, not believing for an instant that this can be his son. It's a joke. A horrid, terrible mockery. "Can't say I'm sorry Ma'am. Some things don't bear mockery and I'm not about to stand here letting someone... do _this_."

He waves to Daniel and shakes his head and glares at the young man. "I hope you learn some humility boy." With that he turns, never having touched the second glass of drink. He heads for the doorway, his back stiff and his posture rigid.

Verna blinks. That was not a possibility that she had expected. A possibility, yes; yet perhaps even more unlikely than the situation that Aragos presumes. She gives the briefest of glances at the tart before looking between the two men. "There are means to validate or refute this claim," she offers with exasperation or weariness. "As unlikely as it may be, it is not impossible."

Daniel scoffed feeling nothing more than resigned. He muttered loud enough to be heard. "Cassiana would've hated to see how far you've slumped? Shame really. Her lover was the one to give the final blow?"

Aragos stops at the sound of the new name, his whole bearing taking on one of pure rage. It's a small miracle that he manages not to do something exceedingly rash. Yet his eyes are deadly as he turns back toward the pair. "Keep her name out of your mouth boy." He growls, then turns his gaze on Verna. "You have a way? I'm willing to do what it takes to shut him up once and for all."

Verna holds up a hand, palm up, to each in turn. Less aggressive than a accusatory finger. "Yes. Provided that you both are capable of withholding biting words, threats, and any physical violence for a few moments. The most basic means would be peaceful discussion..." of which she seems highly dubious if her expression is any indication. "Alternatively, if words are doubted, the truth can be revealed from one's own memories, if permitted."

"I have given my proof, I've given great detail of my own memories and mentioned my very mother's name. I know who he is, and what he is to me is nothing more than a killer. Seeing what he's become is shameful."Daniel rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Look,do what you wish. If you want to link memories I won't stop you, but he might.”

Aragos grunts and walks back toward the pair. "I'm not backing out of this. Show me memories in his mind to match mine and I'll believe that he is who he's claiming to be. Not that it's _possible_." Aragos stops back at the bar. His purple eyes flicker toward the drink still on the counter but he doesn't reach for it. "You don't know anything about me."

"To be clear," Verna notes to both, "I will not link either of you to the other." At present, she has the impression that could be akin to stacking extradimensional spaces several layers deep. "Instead, with his permission, Daniel," she looks to him, "will recall a childhood memory of yourself and your parents. If need be, I can aid you in the recollection as I view it. It and no others."

"This, in turn," as she turns to Aragos, "I will share with you as it was shared to me. As I do not know anything of significance of either of you, and have no vested interested in one party over another, I lack both the means and the motive to fabricate any deception."

Daniel empted the glass he had initially given Aragos and cleaned it, put it back and took a seat. He took a deep breath and sighed."...Alright then, go nuts."

Aragos shrugs, taking his own seat at the bar. The one he'd left empty. "What he said." He says gruffly. With them sitting so close its easy to see the resemblance between them. They do look remarkably similar to one another in a fashion.

"Very well." Their temperaments could be considered similar in many means, as well, though Verna does not note this. They only just both returned to the bar and are not yelling across it. Instead, she focuses upon Daniel, formerly held hand making a simple array of gestures along with an invocation in Mynsandraal. She reaches out lightly with the other to touch Daniel's arm as conduit for said memory. While she did not specify, at some level, she does hope that it is a pleasant one.

Daniel allow's Verna to touch him and waits for the memory: The memory is one of mothers day in which Daniel opens the door to his mother while holding a tray of breakfast, he turned back to his father smiling and laughing he shushes and says "Dad, be quiet! You’re gonna wake up mom before the surprise!" They together set the food in front of her and Dan climbs on the bed to hug her awake. She wakes up surprised and happy, she playfully snatches Daniel into a hug and kisses his cheek. Together both Daniel and Aragos announce "Happy Mother's Day!"

GAME: Verna casts Share Memory. Caster Level: 19 DC: 19
GAME: Verna casts Share Memory. Caster Level: 19 DC: 19

Of course, Aragos can see nothing of the memory yet, but he waits semi-patiently for his turn. Watching Daniel as he offers some unknown memory to Verna and lays his own arm out on the counter in anticipation of his turn for this strange magic he's never seen before.

It is clear enough to all that Verna's magic does, indeed, do something. Her prior frown had flattened to something more neutral and focused in the initial process. Now, her countenance softens and a pleasant smile grows upon her lips. It is initially directed at Daniel as she nods. "That is most suitable." Her focus and smile turn, then, to Aragos, remaining as she invokes the same magic once more before touching his offered arm to share it with him. Not a new memory for him, but one from a different vantage point.

Daniel crosses his arms and averts eye contact, he knows he's not needed currently therefore he picks back up his towel and wipes the counters down and dries some counters. He is waiting patiently.

The memory is a happy one, but for Aragos it's a special pain to remember something so good. To remember happy times at a point in his life after so much pain has been done. Tears slip down his face, a mark of how happy that memory was. It's still clear in his own mind. The hours spent teaching his son to cook for that special day. The mess they'd made in the kitchen and how they'd had to spend an equal number of hours cleaning up in the aftermath so that his wife wouldn't have to work on her special day.

"I remember that." He murmurs, his purple eyes opening and there... Is his son. A fully-grown man who must... Abhor him for the terror they shared. One that Aragos had inflicted on him. He turns his gaze on Verna. "Thank you." He murmurs the words to her, his throat tight as he turns his eyes on Daniel. "I'm... Sorry I didn't believe you. I thought... I doesn't matter." He looks at the young man hopefully. "Can we... Talk? I'd like to tell you what really happened that night... Find out what happened to you afterwards."

Verna's thoughts remain with that memory briefly after it is shared before they shift away. Aragos receives a simple nod; no shortage of subsequent unpleasant memories were implied by her comments prior, and his reaction now only confirms this. She reaches in her satchel to produce another few coins and set them upon the counter. "A round of drinks for the both of you seems to be in order." She then adds another few coins. "Several, to be thorough."

".......Don't worry about the bill Verna, you've helped quite a lot more then you had to." Facing his Father he couldn't help but feel nothing more than curious. "If you wish to speak, go ahead. I am curious to hear your side of what happened, if you're comfortable remembering something so? Grim."

Aragos pushes the money over to Verna. "I can pay for a few drinks." He offers her a half-hearted smile. "I owe you after all for cooling my head so that I can talk to my son." He looks at Daniel. "Someplace more private maybe? I'd rather not discuss it with the whole bar. I've got a room at the Wayfarers Inn. You're welcome to stop by whenever you get off work." Verna could note that she was merely offering a gesture; that she did not imply that one or both of them were somehow destitute. In the end, however, she simply retrieves her coin. "Very well." This time the words are accompanied by a still-lingering smile. "Both of you owe me naught. A pleasant opportunity rather than strife is reward enough. I hope there shall be many more in the future. For now, I should return to my tasks and travel." With that, she excuses herself from the counter.

Daniel cringes at the word 'son' but he agrees with Aragos."Yeah, I guess I have a room here that we could talk in." Daniel headed to the back to talk to an employee and back to Aragos. "Alright, I'm off shift. Just head up those stairs and we can talk."
