Festival Fun

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Tenebrae - Thursday, January 30, 2014, 6:05 PM

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* A11: Festival Grounds *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The sweeping Festival Grounds serve many purposes. For much of the year they serve as practice grounds for training knights, for the games of children who pick up ball, bat, and begin a game of stickball. During other times, they're filled with colored tents, with performers for some of Alexandria's many festivals.

Along one side are a set of permanent bleachers, and at either end an archway. Each archway is carved in the style of a grand entry and marked with images of of Daeus, with rearing horse and flying pennon. Here, the god stands depicted in his roles of defender and knight-warrior. Recently, the Lancers of Serriel have taken to practicing here, along the knights and warriors of other orders, and a small number of them take a select pride in the upkeep of the grounds, alongside the Daeusites, Navosians, Gileans, and other mixtures.

Littering the grounds are places for archery, target practice. Here too, scheduled a few times a month, is the space given for ridden sport, organized recently by the arvek nar. The reining champion's name is displayed in an upright lance at the end of the field, a silent challenge for next month's contender.

Having the hood of her cloak still drawn up, Namira walks quietly and rather amicably through the fetival grounds. She mostly looks over the decorations and greets those that walk by, mostly with a nod of her head, and not letting people see her face.....if possible.

A few Korrites had set up a demonstration upon the Festival Grounds. A couple sparing match, a few weapon demonstrations, a couple feats of strength. Nothing major, but enough to entertain the passing crowds and maybe sparks a little intrest. But the demonstration is over now, and most of the Korrites gone. Munch TerrorMaw, the Golem Who Eats, still remains. Seated casually upon the wheel of a rickity wagon, it's bed filled with assorted trash, the golem watches the last few finish up. He sits with a massive axe in his hands, the blade idly licked clean with his long black tongue.

Cesran comes from the temple district and he's on his way north. He spots the Korrites practicing and he rolls his eyes a little bit as he moves around them. His staff snorts, "Don't they have an arena to do that in." Cesran shrugs, "It's all right." He spots Munch, "Hello Munch how are you doing?"

Namira watches the Korrites practice and she quietly shrugs. She wasn't all that interested in battle prowess unless it was against a very hated foe. Otherwise she can draw the enemy's attention. Spotting the war golem and the human walking up to them both. "Greetings." She says to the before walking by. She definitely has a charnese accent.

Munch eyes the talking stick a moment, but shrugs to the one holding it. "Not bad. People who are already intrested visit the arena. People who might be intrested, but not enough to visit, still come here." The thin black tongue probes the surface of the adamantine axe a few moments more, seeking a final tidbit, before withdrawing into the golems maw, leaving a few trails of acidic saliva behind. "What has you out and about?" He nods to the passing female, and repeats the inquiry to her as well.

Cesran nods to Munch, "That's good to hear. Don't mind Ral-sara, she's very opinionated, but she's good company most days." The staff hmphs and goes silent for the moment. Cesran looks over at the charnese accented Mul'niessa and he sees the symbols on her forearms, "Greetings."

The Mul looks towards the staff and tilts her head for a moment, before shaking her head. She then smiles towards Munch and Cesran. "Greetings to you both." She then looks to Munch. "I....actually just got here." She says still keeping the hood on her cloak low....just in case.

Munch shrugs. One bag of meat looks pretty much like another to him, skin color having no more importance than clothing color. "Well, welcome, then. Just to the Grounds, or the city, or what?"

Cesran mms as he glances over to the Mul, "Really? What brings you here to Alexandria? Not many of your kind come to this city."

"The city itself, actually." She says to Munch before looking towards Cesran. "Yeah, I imagine so. The fewer the better I think." She says with a sigh, but still she doesn't pull the hood from her face.

Munch ehs. "Why? Maybe with a few thousand more living in a non-repressive culture, you could redefine the accepted steriotypes which are so obviously troubeling you." The barbarian blinks. Sometimes big words come out of his mouth.

Cesran nods, 'Many would think that way, but you can't blame them if you knew the history of the city. For years the city was under the tyranny." He looks over at Munch, "Did you eat some brains?"

"I grew up in a temple of Vardama, so I'm probably not the best person to talk to about Mul's." Namira shrugs a little bit more. "Most of the Mul's I knew in Charn liked where they were, but...." She then stops. "Well....I had to leave." She then looks around the grounds from where she is. "COmpetition grounds?"

Munch shrugs to Cesran. "No more than usual. Pretty sure grinding them up and disolving them in acid doesn't help a transfer of smarts anyway." He nods to Namira. "Festival Grounds. Competitions happen, but aren't the only thing."

Cesran ahs, "Are you a mourner or a Chord or an Absolution or just a worshiper?" He asks curiously. "Oh I thought your motto was that you are what you eat? You eat more brains you should get smarter correct?" He nods, "Also festivals obviously and other celebrations."

Namira raises an eyebrow at Cesran. "you certainly ask a lot of questions don't you? Well, yes....Absolution would be it." She says with a krick of her neck. "Either of you have any troubles with Bulettes?"

Munch buzzes softly. "Nah. If I was what I ate, I'd be a dead loser. Not all druids are fruity, not all khazad are spicy. All cows would be grass. What you eat affects you, but isn't a direct conversion." He glances to Namira. "Not really. Not exactly common 'round here, though see some Diggers now and again."

Cesran smiles, 'I know I was teasing you a little bit Munch." He smiles at Namira, "I'm a wizard it's my job to know and the best way to find out something is to ask questions."

"I guess I should be glad I'm social then." Namira then smiles and gives a curtsey, despite the armor she's in. "I am Namira Aldor, Absolution of the Grey Scales. It is a pleasure to meet you both." She then points a thumb back towards the gates. "Just as I got here, a Bulette attacked a Lucht merchant caravan, so I figured it didn't hurt to ask."

Munch nods. "Munch TerrorMaw, The Golem Who Eats. I break things and hurt people." He offers by way of explination. "This just happen? Hadn't heard anything about it. Been caravans attacked, but no word of a Bulette attack for... not even sure, almost a year, maybe." Helga, Jibbom's ex-girlfriend.

Cesran smiles, "It's nice to meet you I'm Cesran, just a wizard." He hmms, "I had not heard, interesting though, I had recently fought a trio of shadows right here and a mud elemental in the sewers."

Namira says, "Well, there was a bulette attack just up the road over there." She says pointing out the gates. "Managed to save an elderly lucht and a child after a young lucht managed to tell us about the attack. Coldn't save the horse though." She then shrugs. "I gave it a good burial before we came to Alexandria.""

Munch frowns at Cesran, which is hard to do with an expressionless metal face, but he's had practice. "Is that even a thing? Elementals are made from elements. Sorta the defineing feature. And last I checked, mud wasn't an element." He nods to the Absolution. "Didn't happen to notice a half-coin, did ya?"

Cesran shakes his head, "Not that I saw, but we got washed out of the sewers before defeating the mud elemental. I have been on the look out for the symbol I saw it outside of the Fernwood Pub about two weeks ago. I haven't seen one since."

Namira says, "I don't think I saw a......oh, you mean Cesran. OKay.." She says as she listens to the conversation now."

Cesran nods, "Yes it was a huge thing. Mud is a very generous term...I'd rather not think was was in it."

Munch clicks quietly. "Either one of ya, really. But been bandits who've been leaving half-coins. Havn't seen one myself, but plenty of talk." He nods to Cesran. "Lotta weird stuff in the sewers. Sometimes think would be good to flood the whole system, wash away whatever's down there... but enough folk with a buried stash, that idea makes 'em nervous."

Namira gives a minor glare to Munch upon hearing people getting buried with stuff. "Not on my watch.' She almost growls. "I'll see if I can't find you a half coin then, Munch."

Cesran nods, "Same here I've only seen the symbol of it. I'd like to find one of these coins to analysis it maybe find out where they are coming from>"

Munch peers at Namira a few moments, blinking. "People have a stash. Coins or some crap. Then they bury it for safe keeping. A buried stash. Anyway, easy enough to find a coin and cut it in half." Says the guy with metal teeth and an adamantine axe. "But a dragonier half-coin left by bandits is something else."

Namira nods quietly in understanding. "I misunderstood then." She then tilts her head. "A Dragonier half coin huh? Planning on doing something with it?

Cesran nods, "I do if I can get my hands on it, hopefully it will let me scry on whoever is the owner of those coins so we can stop this banditry."

Munch nods. "Same sorta thing, less magic. Find the coin, find the guy who has it. Smack 'em around a little, find out who they got it from. Find them, continue up the line. Guy at the top, smack them around a lot."

Namira says, "I'll help if I can." She then chuckles. "Though I don't know how much help I can be at the moment, considering I'm new to Alexandria, but I'll help if I can.""

Cesran leans against his staff, "Well if you want to help I'd suggest going to the Explorer's Guild and signing up to help. Most adventurers get their start there."

Munch nods. "Is a good place. Of course not every assigment is a fun one, but averages out pretty good. Also decent way to earn some coin. Though figure the Mourners temple can get ya a room easy enough. Busy place, but not too many to help run it."

Namira says, "not many people are keen are working with Lady death and a graveyard. 'Tis my calling. I'll see to the Mourners temple. I've already set up in the guild. I asked the guards when I returned with the child, the elder and younger luchts.""

Cesran shrugs a little bit, "A boon companion of mine is a mourner. His name is Kerbasy, he helped to rid me of a cursed items that was preventing me from getting sleep."

Munch nods. "Kerbasy's good. Helps out lotta folks, good with enchanting too. Couple other guys from the Temple too, they seem alright but don't know them as well."

Namira says, "Kerbasy, hmm? I shall see to that one then. Thank you." She then starts her way past. "If you'll excuse me, I think I'll see to that now.""

Cesran nods, "I also do enchanting of all kinds, weapons, armor, rings, scrolls and other wondrous items." He smiles, "Of course, good luck."

Munch nods, and rises. "I'd best be off as well. Places to be, things to devour." Placing his axe between the wings on his back, the handel sinks into the skin a little, sticking. "See you two around later." Grabbing up the handel of his wagon, the golem starts off.

Namira waves to them both and heads for the temple district. "See you both soon."

Cesran waves to Munch, "Be well Munch and Namira, journey safely."