Everything Plus Bagels

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Log Info

  • Title: Everything Plus Bagels
  • Emitter: Aya
  • Characters: Aya, Aryia, Seyardu, Mikilos
  • Place: Alexandria - TarRaCe
  • Time: August 29th, 2021
  • Summary:

After taking day at the baths, Aya and Aryia awaken in a rented room, the former resting heavily in their own bed while the latter tries to rouse them. Aryia takes note that her mentor's marks and bruises are gone, as well a strange, multi ringed symbol appearing on Aya's upper back. Aryia expresses some worry about the development, though Aya reassures her it must be fine, considering she feels far more hale than before.

The two head to the main room to get something to eat, them switching tables over to sit with Seyardu, who of which was reading through some books while finishing up her own meal, looking tired. They converse, speaking about how therapeutic healing options seemed to help Aya quite a lot rather than magical. Seyardu mentions that they would be heading out of the city soon, and would inform them of what it was for once their relaxation time was done. Aya and Aryia end up deciding to spend another day at the TarRaCe after figuring Zeke -shouldn't- be too none of the wiser. Seyardu offers to pass a message along that Aya would be out for another day, as Aya yoinks one of Aryia's bagels, the recovering mul'neissa's order having been lost to the throes of the morning. She slips off to the kitchens to see what was wrong.

Aryia and Seyardu converse briefly about what Aya has taught Aryia, linking it back to what Strike was trying to explain that one day. Aryia calls out Seyardu on her faked demeanor. The sith-makar comes clean about some of her worries, though Aryia is not the best at assuaging them. But, she does try to reassure that they'd figure it out, and break some faces in the process. Mikilos joins in on the conversation just as Aryia leaves to go check on Aya.

Mikilos and Seyardu speak of the ineffectiveness of the guards surrounding the petrified statues in the warehouse district, as well as corrupt nobles buying and shipping such things, including general worries of the other developments at hand. Mikilos offers the capability to scry on some of the statues, but it may take some modifying of the arcane to make it work. They part ways afterwards.

Sometime later. The morning after, presumably. The sun is still low in the sky and barely painting orange light through the simple single window into the sparse room. Aya, even with a guest, neither expected nor required posh luxury for rest. It's also unlikely that they rested (or slept or meditated) for an entire day and night. Not that the baths weren't relaxing.

While a day and more haven't already passed, it's possible that Aya may be unintentionally attempting to strive for that goal. Not one to normally take excessive rest, she is still sprawled on her side atop her modest bed. It may be more comfortable than it appears... or her weary body does not give two whits.

Aryia, the other mul'neissa in the rented room, stirs in annoyance at the creeping sun upon her own bed. Despite her kind, she rests like a brick, only to awaken once the rays of light decided that there was no more rest.

She stretches, cracks her neck, and lets out a long sigh before her sight settles on her sprawled out mentor. Aryia silently snerks, shaking her head and slipping out of her bed. Bare feet quietly pad over, her checking on Aya. She had a responsibility to keep an eye on her health, considering she was away from the temples for the time being.

There's a soft, soft whistle, a scarred hand gently jostling a shoulder. Aya could rest more if she wanted, but Aryia needed to check she was just fine.

Aya is still breathing. In fact, she looks much better, externally. The silvery claw-like marks and black blotches are... gone. Not faded from the night before, but simply gone. Then again...

Perhaps not gone, but more... moved... and re-arranged? Aryia may or may not have been scrutinizing Aya's back, but she's rather certain that she would have noticed the pattern of interlocking rings in the baths. They would not have been covered, afterall.

Aryia scratches her head. She could have sworn those splotches and marks were there fairly recently. She wasn't one to wander eyes, but she looks over what she could see to find anything out of the ordinary. With the last of the night going away, a fading reflection catches her attention. She blinks, and gently peers down Aya's back.

Her lips move, face twisting in confusion. "What the...?" they say. She pads over to her bag, pulling out her journal and returning. There's some scribbling, her copying down what she could see before reaching out again to shake the shadow elf once more.

"Haa yaa", Aryia rasps out, such syllables only able to be heard due to how dead quiet everything was.

Aya stirs at the call. More accurately, so moves directly to start, abruptly sitting upright even before her eyes have fully opened and focused. They dart to Aryia, then about the room before returning to the other mul. A pause. "All is well?" In addition to the distinct possibility that she was resting more heavily than the norm is another that she may not be accustomed to others waking her.

Aryia holds an open palm to calm Aya's abruptness. "Shhh..." There's a dip of her head, her giving a soft sigh before sitting on the foot of the bed. She drums her fingers against the half drawing on her journal before making some small gestures. "Your wounds are gone," she motions towards her own arms, a pinking going down one to show where they were. "Very quickly." <Handspeech>

Aya arches a brow as that does seem to more than qualify. She then looks down at herself, twisting to look at her arms and sides, in confirmation. Back to Aryia. The brow is still arched, now in curiosity in addition. "How long did I rest?"

Aryia taps her chin. A thumb and ring finger touched, then moved on to her middle finger. "Like a human. Seven or eight hours," she answers. "There's also... this."

The mute woman holds up her journal, a picture of a circle on it with two quarter circles attached at the bottom. She frowns a bit, worried. "That's on your back. It's... weird. I can get you a mirror." <Handspeech>

Aya appears quite realized that she didn't take an extended vacation from consciousness. The curiosity doesn't get much chance to wane as her focus shifts to the journal, however. "My back?" Not that she doubts Aryia nor her artistry; she is simply a bit surprised. Alas, as much as she might desire otherwise, Aya does not possess eyes in the back of her head to validate for herself. Instead, she studies the drawing more intently. "Interesting..."

Aryia holds up a finger, her setting the down journal so Aya could inspect it before slipping off the bed and padding over to a small desk. She scoops up the complementary hand mirror and returns, her holding it up and pointing it towards her mentor to get a better look should she wish.

"I have no idea what it is. I didn't get a good look," a spare hand mentions. While Aya may be relieved, Aryia only grew more worried. Strange appearances and markings were not something she particularly enjoyed. <Handspeech>

"Neither do I, though I have a suspicion..." Aya admits as she looks over a shoulder at the held mirror to view the mark (or marks?) in question. "It may be weal or woe, yet I do feel ...improved from the past night." Her eyes lift from the mirror to its bearer as she realizes how difficult it might have been to notice, much less view, this development without Aryia's presence. The scarred one's expression of worry is also realized, and Aya's lips twist into a not-uncommon wry half-smile. "A few permanent marks are insignificant compared to survival. They don't detract from who I am."

Worries aren't truly abated. Aryia's hand moves again, her looking off to the side. "It appeared out of no where. I'm more concerned about what it means than how it looks." Though, Aryia gives a small sigh, and tries to smile as best she could. "At least you feel better. I'm glad for that." <Handspeech>

Aya dips her head in a nod. "As am I. As for what it means, or what it entails, we shall discover that in time." She doesn't press the matter of Aryia's worries further; they just recently discussed that topic, afterall. "Until then, that I feel stronger is enough." If to accentuate this, she stands up from the bed. "I could also eat, if you are inclined to a meal?"

There's a twitch to help Aya up, Aryia having been aiding her the past number of days. But she relents, looking somewhat relieved as physical action proved earlier words. She smiles some, the notion of food certainly welcome. Aryia gives a thumbs up and returns the mirror, slips her boots on, and scoops up her small bag. She travels light, ready to head downstairs.

Aya dons the remainder of her attire and accessories, proving to be the one still waited on, if literally, despite her renewed vigor. She then descends along with Aryia for the main room, where the scents from the kitchen promptly strike her. She may need to eat more strongly than she expected... though the fact that the food here is quite good may also be encouraging her appetite.

Aryia stretches her arms behind her back, eliciting a few solid pops from her shoulders as she scouts for a table. With little difficulty, as such an early morning meant few patrons about. She kicks out a chair for Aya as she slips into one adjacent at a table, her tossing her journal onto the wood as well.

"Even if you're feeling better, probably should wait to have any magic used on you," she mentions, pushing her loose hair behind her ears. <Handspeech>

Aya nods her thanks to Aryia for the pushed chair and takes a seat. Definitely moving without so much guardedness nor aches as the movement is near to normal. She eyes Aryia once settled and gestures in return. "Magic will wait. In no hurry. Could undo progress." <handspeech>

Seyardu was, surprisingly, at the TaRaCe that morning. They looked tired though, at their table near the kitchen and bar. She had a few books on the table, and a small breakfast, which was never out of the norm with her, just some bread, jam and butter on a plate. She looks around to see Aryia and Aya, and they wave to them, before returning their attention to the table.

Aryia gives a sage nod at Aya. It was a good idea. Still, it was odd to her that her mentor was on the mend so rapidly, when just yesterday she was having to help her around. "Yes."

The motion from another table caught her attention, Aryia glancing over and lightly smiling. She returns the wave to Seyardu, her asking Aya a quick, "Want to go sit with her?" <Handspeech>

Aya may simply be one to not question the why or how, at least for the moment. She looks from Aryia's query to the subject of it, having missed Seyardu's initial wave. Perhaps her vision or attention are the aspects impaired. "We can. It would be more convenient, as we've no plates to move." She might also wish another opportunity to move more and promptly stands. This time, though, there is a sudden tension in her features and a light hand on the table to complete it. No danger of toppling, nor even anything too conspicuous to others.

Seyardu waves again as the group comes closer, and she clears away most of the papers and books to stow in her bag.

"Peace on your nests, Aryia and Aya. This one hopes you are doing well today. How are you feeling in particular, Aya? You certainly look much better today, which is good."

Aryia, being right there, takes note of Aya's tension and reflexively reaches out, a scarred hand lightly holding onto her mentor's arm. She doesn't say anything, but she blinks up at Aya, a faint questioning squint in her visage. Aryia caught that. She mouths, "You okay?" <Undercommon>

She herself stands, not making her way over to Seyardu just yet, but still within earshot. "Peace on your nest," she gestures with a free hand. "I'm doing good. You... perhaps aren't. From the looks of it." <Handspeech>

Aya holds up a hand to assuage Aryia's concerns, adding a nod. Straightening, she then begins to step towards Seyardu's table. She isn't rapid, and doesn't brush off Aryia's aid (all the easier to take Aryia with her), but still appears much improved from the recent battle with the steps. "Peace on your nest. You are... studying?" She gestures to the items on Seyardu's table brow lifting.

She shakes her head. The other day was remembered, it was best not to bother those who were still healing with sensitive topics.

"I am fine, but thank you for your concern, Aryia." She replies. "I was just up for a long time meeting with others." It wasn't entirely true for certain. They looked exhausted. "Were you here last night then? You must be feeling much better if you were allowed to leave."

Aryia gives a small sigh and a nod, her following along side Aya, only releasing the arm once her mentor had a table within arm's reach.

She tilts her head to the side. Meeting others? It looked as if she wanted to question it, but she doesn't press. Though, at the question, her visage grows sheepish. She taps her fingers together, a small gesture getting mixed in. "Well..." <Handspeech>

One could debate who is mentoring whom, though Aya does rest a free hand on the edge of the table. Just to be certain. "We were," Aya offers explanation to Seyardu, glancing sidelong at Aryia as she speaks on her behalf. "Aryia was gracious enough to escort me here to the baths. With magical healing impossible and a strong need to remain mobile, it seemed a viable option. She was correct."

"Exercise is good, if you are up for it, Aya. Thank you for escorting her here, Aya." The silver sith-makar nods and smiles. "This one will not try magical healing, then, but I am glad that rest and relaxation helped."

Aryia nods, her sliding into a seat and pushing one out for Aya with her foot once more. "It was worth the walk, to be honest," she gestures, scribbling down an order for herself and passing it off to a server. <Handspeech>

"It was," Aya concurs with a nod and takes the offered seat. "Somewhat unpleasant, at times," she admits with a light roll of one of one shoulder, "but the best options to take are not always pleasant. "I am certainly better for the trip." A brief smile is given to Aryia before she adds her own order to the server.

Her attention then returns to Seyardu. "I believe the problem was from an excess of magic. It was exceedingly uncomfortable to attempt my own, so I expect that healing spells or draughts, however well-intentioned, would not be pleasant at the moment."

"Same thing with Seldan, then. But you are doing well, which is good. This one has plenty of experience with non magical healing as well, but if you do not need any, that is fine." Seyardu offers, nodding to the explanation.

"Walks are good, yes. Are you still on break from your work, Aryia?"

Aryia reflects the smile with one of her own. A bit proud that she helped so. She gestures to Seyardu, answering her, "For now, yes. Might return soon once Aya is feeling back to normal." <Handspeech>

Aya turns to eye Aryia, nearest brow lifting. "You shouldn't be impacting your livelihood on my account." The words are few and brief, but they (and the eye) are firm. She doesn't dwell on it excessively, however, noting to Seyardu. "If you have suggestions, I am interested. The quicker my recover, the better."

Aryia returns the look with one of her own, somewhat defiant despite such a firm gaze usually making her wilt. Her movements were just as firm. "My livelihood will be there. Ships always need hands." <Handspeech>

She does look interested in Seyardu's suggestions as well, just as her food slides into place in front of her. Basic things: a bagel, some eggs, sausages, coffee.

Seyardu ponders the thought, spreading some butter and jam onto a torn off piece of bread to chew.

"Take as long off as you need, Aryia." She suggests. "If the break is needed, then do so, this one can share what funds they have if necessary."

"As for the healing? I am not entirely sure, I have never dealt with such injuries, and you have no open wounds. But for the pain, perhaps a few compresses? If you could tell me where the pain is, relatively, they could help relieve some of it."

It is possible that Aya considers a retort to Aryia as she doesn't respond for a heartbeat or two. In the end, she simply nods and acquiesces. "As you wish."

Seyardu's statement is not so easily handled. "It is less an injury here or there and more overall discomfort and imbalance. The experience was akin to..." She takes a moment to gather words to convey an approximate description. "... having lightning strike through your nostrils, travel through your body, and exit out the far end. Repeatedly."

Aryia grimaces at the description Aya gave, her rubbing her arm and looking away. That did not sound fun in the slightest. "Ouch," she gestures once, before continuing, ending with a thumb pointed towards the baths. "We must continue to wring the water, then." <Handspeech>

"Imbalance, there are some teas that may help with that, depending on the source." She suggests. But then they sigh, and hang their head. Again, there was so little they could do. "But for such an unknown pain and discomfort, I would not know what to suggest, I am sorry. Wring the water, I do not know what that means."

"There is no need to apologize, Seyardu," Aya offers to the sith. "Tea may, indeed, and Zeke suggested the same." The comments and query of water draws a corner of her mouth upwards into an uneven grin. "I informed Aryia this past night that I would wring every last bit of relaxation from the bath waters," she explains. "Aryia suggests more soaking, I believe." Her grin remains as she looks to Aryia. "I also warned that the baths could become addictive..."

Aryia nods, though a grin does plaster on her face, a slightly mischievous one that is hidden behind a bagel. Her eyes grow large, her blinking innocently. "Is that so bad...?" she motions smoothly, as if speaking sweetly. <Handspeech>

"Yes, water may help, to take some weight off of your limbs, and warm the muscles. It is a good idea." Seyardu nods finally. "I could make some tea you could enjoy while there. If you are going there, this one will request a pot of water for it."

"Thank you," Aya nods deeply to Seyardu, "that would be welcome." As for whether or not she will revisit the baths in the immediate future, she looks to Aryia, brows arching.

Aya says ""Do you think Zeke would notice if we were absent another day?"" <handspeech>

Aryia's eyes gleam with joy behind her half eaten bagel. She gives a small shrug, hands turned upwards to the air before she gestures, "He could have a lapse in judgement, considering Seldan's condition." She teeters from side to side while she eats. If she could hum, she would. <Handspeech>

"He does seem well occupied, and concerned with his condition. As am I." Seyardu sighs. "This one, could let him know later. So that the two of you can enjoy the baths for a while. Though I doubt how much assurance or weight my words would carry."

"He has his kin to be concerned of, rather than myself," Aya agrees. "If you happen to see him, you are welcome to inform, but you don't need to seek him out. I will weather his ire if need be. In any case, I -do- have a chaperone..." She dips her head at the not-quite-humming consumer of bagels.

"I think he'll take your assurances seriously," Aryia gestures before giving a small wavein greeting. Yes, she was the chaperone. Though it was a thinly veiled excuse to just hang out. <Handspeech>

"Probably, you are right." Seyardu nods, and sighs. More bread torn and eaten.She didn't want to bring the mood down with anything. "If you are sure, Aya. Aryia is trustworthy, for certain."

Aya's request may have been misrecorded, misdelivered, or perhaps lost en route. She could have earned an enemy amongst the service staff at some point in the past, or it could be a simple harmless mistake. Whatever the cause, she now takes the liberty of plucking a sizable bagel fragment from Aryia's hoard and consuming it. "I never doubted her worthiness, and I do trust her. I don't tend to allow just anyone around while I rest."

Aryia considers thwacking the hand that steals from her plate, no less a habit from the past, but just barely manages to prevent herself from doing so. One bagel down, Aryia pouts, though it is quickly replaced with a bit of pride. Being called trustworthy from two people she too trusted. "I feel similarly," she adds. <Handspeech>

"Didn't you order some food?" Seyardu asks, looking around the room for a moment. The response was surprising from Aryia, and she smiles. "I am glad you feel so, Aryia." They say, before they sigh. "I will explain another time, but I may be gone from the city for some time."

"I did. Perhaps it was lost in the morning work?" Aya is somewhat perturbed, but not excessively so. She does look back towards the kitchens, though Seyardu's statement draws her attention back. "I get the impression that it is less than pleasant."

Aryia makes a face, her looking back towards the kitchen as well. She waves over at them, points to Aya, then throws a hand up, as if you say 'you forgot someone'.

Her attention swivels over to Seyardu, the mute woman sipping on her coffee with a brow raised. A habit now starting to get picked up from Aya. "Herkay? Do you need help?" Aryia motions with a hand, ending with a raised thumb gesturing towards Seyardu. <Handspeech>

Seyardu shakes her head. She was almost out of what little breakfast they had to eat. "Too unpleasant for current times, when you need to be relaxing." She offers in explanation. "And thank you for the offer, Aryia, but I would not ask you to join."

Aya accepts what little Seyardu shares and doesn't press the issue. She did claim she would provide details later. "I bid you the best on your travels," she does offer; genuine if general. She doesn't encourage or discourage Aryia's offering of aid, either. Uncertain what else to add at that moment, her attention shifts to the kitchens again.

Aryia gives a small sigh. "Very well. I hope it goes okay." Not much she could do about that. Perhaps she'd learn soon enough. <Handspeech>

"I hope it will." Seyardu nods. "Thank you for the well wishes."

She looks back to the kitchen herself. "Do you want me to ask about your meal? The chefs here take pride in what they do. I am sure they would not want one of their patrons to be unhappy." They offer.

Aya lifts a hand to decline Seyardu's offer, and then to put to the table as she rises. "No, all is well in hand. You have more pressing concerns. I will go speak with the staff... and request additional bagels. Excuse me." She walks to the counter and along it towards the kitchens. If need be, she can supervise the preparation, as well, while she's back there.

Aryia almost holds a hand out for Aya, as if to help her up, but sees that she was fine. Mostly. "See you soon, Aya," she says, fingers twisting to give voice where none was. She watches as her mentors goes, her giving a light sigh once she was past the door.

She pokes a sausage with a fork. "I'm glad she's doing better now," Aryia mentions to Seyardu. "Was worried when I first heard she got hurt." <Handspeech>

"You heard she got hurt?" Seyardu asks, tilting her head somewhat as she empties the last of her butter and jam onto a large piece of bread. No one told me anything. I was surprised to see Aya at the temple the other day, and then Seldan inside."

The silver sith-makar sighs and pops the last of the bread into her mouth. "I am glad she is doing better too, though."

Aryia just gives a little shrug. "Just something I heard on the docks, people talk a lot there. Not many mul'neissa here so when I heard one got hit hard and was in the temples, there couldn't have been many."

She bites down on her food, finishing up. "She and I have been teaching each other many things over the past while. So I was really worried. I shouldn't be as much now. Hopefully." <Handspeech>

"So you were able to feel comfortable learning from her. That's good, I was hoping that would be the case." Seyardu smiles. "Have you learned anything particularly interesting? You haven't asked me about learning anything for a long time, so I am a bit curious what you are learning, in that case."

"When I first met her, perhaps I was a bit uncomfortable. But she and I aren't too different, come to find out," she explains with gestures before using the last one to push away her empty plate. "I guess the most interesting thing she taught me was how to use this." She taps her chest, right over her heart. She lightly smiles. "It's hard to explain, but some of the things I can do make more sense now. Like hitting really fast. Or how I got up that one time after getting stabbed." <Handspeech>

"Ah, yes, like what Strike was speaking about the other day. I think." Seyardu notes. "It is hard to explain, as it is the sort of thing some take decades to understand. But you seem to have figured it out just fine. I hope that having a proper mentor will help you to understand and better yourself even further. And of course, having a friend does not hurt. You both seem to get along well. This one, did not have a pleasant introduction to her. It was as if all my worries were irrelevant, but I think she means well."

Aryia rubs her shoulder. "She is... she means well. Despite how she is, she is kind to those she knows. And I think you have gotten to know her well enough to get past that point."

"And yes, it is similar to what Strike was speaking of. I still don't get it fully, but knowing what I have to keep in mind gives me focus."

Though, she does cant her head to the side. Then, bluntly, she gestures. "You will tell me what you are going to go do before you go, right?" <Handspeech>

"I am sure she does." Seyardu nods. "It is just what she knows, and how she acts. Like I said, many, many years, people live their lives dedicated to understanding it. So the fact you understand it as well as you do, even with the instruction of someone like Aya, is nothing short of impressive."

She looks to the plate, and how Aryia is moving it around. The silver sith-makar gives them a sharp smile, and a thump of their tail against the floor. "You are going to leave, by the looks of it? Do not let me keep you. I promise, I will tell you what I am doing before I go. It would not be fair of me to ask the same of you otherwise."

GAME: Aryia rolls sense motive: (20)+12: 32

Aryia gives a light smile at the praise, but her face smooths out. She squints. She squints hard. Wasn't Seyardu just recently looking exhausted? The mute woman was not very socially adept, but many decades of having to read others make it quite hard to slip anything past her.

"You're tired as fuck, aren't you," she calls Seyardu out as she stands. <Handspeech>

Seyardu reads the hands. Squints, and sighs. "There is too much going on, and not enough time to deal with it." She admits. The cheer was genuine, but she felt awful herself. "The statues are gone. I accomplished nothing."

Aryia blinks. Then blinks again. Soon, a clean hand towel was tossed at Seyardu's face. She waits until it slides off. "Hey. Shut the fuck up with that bullshit. We got information. More than what we had before. They went to Charn, right? I saw a shit load of those boxes being loaded before I took a break. Wasn't sure it was those, but it must have been" <Handspeech>

Seyardu reads, and shakes her head. "Yes, we have information because I could not do anything else, could not stop them being shipped out. What did I accomplish? No one will listen to anything I have found. There is no one moving to help those in Charn, and that noble owning the warehouse is being let off with charges of bribing a guard."

Aryia sighs, stepping over and gingerly putting a hand on Seyardu's shoulder. Something she's only just started to do with others. "You found out a lot more than most people have. We're going to have to do it ourselves. Guards are useless, like I've said many a time before. Especially if nobles have their fingers in things."

She looks off in the direction of the docks, Aryia's face growing hard. "Maybe we can get some people that have been working on this and we can set sail to where they are being shipped to. Moving that many statues takes a long time. There must be a warehouse on the coast of Charn. Even though I don't want to go back there... I kind of want to break some faces that really deserve it." <Handspeech>

Mikilos makes his way into the TarRaCe, which seems to have become something of an Adventurer hangout. Fads change. Raiseing a hand in greeting, he heads towards Aryia and the silverscale. "Who's face deserves what?"

"They were worse than useless." Seyardu sighs, with just a light hint of a growl. "They were willing to let children and all manner of people be shipped off to that place, to line their pocket with gold. And they act like I'm some rude person for asking them to empty their pockets."

"This one, I do not want to go there. But I'm going there. I just worry about time in advance, leaving time for them to do, whatever it is they intend. And, I want to try and find my brother, there."

She looks to Mikilos, offering them a wave. "Peace on your nest, Mikilos. A lot of people, for various reasons."

"Break guards' faces too!" Aryia grins at that, a bit more energized at the prospect of punishing those that would just ignore children like that. Another pat on the shoulder. "We will get this sorted. If ashwings are starting to get weary around us, Charnese have a strong storm coming."

She step back, raising a hand to Mikilos. "Hey. Like Seyardu said. A lot of people need their noses snapped and their eyes swollen shut." She addresses Seyardu, taking a step towards the kitchen. "Going to go check on Aya. I'll see you later. Peace on your nest." And with that, Aryia slinks off, slipping into the kitchens. <Handspeech>

Mikilos waves to Aryia and nods to Seyardu. "Fear I know exactly who you mean. Is a group trying to get local business owners to turn against the Explorers Guild. Thankfully they don't seem very smart."

"This is, different. Worse." Seyardu explains, and sighs. "Slave trade, statues brought to a warehouse, and shipped to Charn. And they're working with, Eclair, most likely."

Mikilos nods. "'Interferance with perfectly legitiment art trade.' Then they conjured a couple demons to see who wore an illsion. Of course, didn't bother to mention on their invatation that illusions were frowned upon. Illusion costumes of all things, barely even a real spell."

"That's what they said. And no one seems perturbed how some person gets a warehouse of disturbingly realistic statues exactly of people who have gone missing, that are made to be shipped out specifically to a slave trading land." She continues with a slight growl. "This could have been avoided. But none listened to what I had to say."

Mikilos sighs, and nods. "Didn't listen because they don't want to hear. Lot of money to be made, and for far too many, that's all that matters. Sadly, they've laid their groundwork, gotten corrupt, or at least lazy, guards in the right positions. try to act without the guards, and they cry vigilante, make things harder in the future. And the petrification process makes divination complex. Spells that track people don't work on statues."

"At least they won't be guards longer, one of the superiors seems to have stopped them afterwards. And yes, they tried to stop us from going into a warehouse, connected to cultists seen outside of the city, who had creatures capable of petrification, where demons were summoned. And the noble said it was private property.

Seyardu sighs. "It is sapping what faith I had in the guard to do anything good."

Mikilos sighs, and nods. "As a whole, the Watch is good, and full of people who try to do good and uphold the law. Only a few are corrupt. But in an orginazation like that, a few is far too many."

"There are good ones, yes. But when some are willing to murder Kobold tribes for no valid reason, and accept bribes from demon summoning nobles, it makes me worry about intentions, yes."

Seyardu sighs. "And this is just one part of things going on. There is still a green dragon in a lake nearby with missing adventurers, and the ashwings doing, I am not sure, aside from terrible things."

Mikilos frowns mildly. "Green dragon... ah yes, I do recall hearing of that. Too many half-heard tales of kobolds." He sighs. "too much going on with too little real information. The whole thing with Eclair... we sure he's really involved, or has his name just been thrown around? I honestly don't recall the source events. Too much double guessing."

"They were in the warehouse, it was where Aimarra was found. They told us of the tower before it was sent, vaguely. The bodies were those of people missing from Alexandria." Seyardu explains, and . "The ashwings likely are not associated. And the green dragon is associated with someone else."

"And now I am spending time speaking with the guard that will listen, trying to piece together what I can. But there are so many threats, so few that seem ready to deal with them, and time addressing one, is not addressing another."

Mikilos nods, and frowns seriously. "I have a plan. I don't know if it will work, and I very much doubt will get a second chance if it doesn't. But may be able to remove Eclair from the picture. Lock him away... if not forever, then for a very very long time."

"Seldan is, out of the picture for some time after recent injuries. I still do not know what that orb does, if it will help." Seyardu explains, but she sits up a bit straighter. "Do not tell me it, I will trust you on that matter for now."

And then they sigh, and shake their head. "If there is such a plan, better I do not know, just in case."

Mikilos waves vaugely. "Not a great deal to tell. 'Wildly powerful magic'. Same as all my plans, really."

"Still. The less known, the better, especially if you only have one chance potentially. Not letting them prepare, and all that." Seyardu offers with a slightly defeated shrug. "And all this going on, I am still worried about finding someone in Charn. If I am going over there for the statues, it is my best chance to find them. But it feels selfish to delay for one person, as well."

Mikilos shrugs. "Being selfish isn't all bad. Someone has to take care of you and your intrests, and you are the best person qualified. Nothing wrong with letting thebest qualified person see to your needs. Trouble starts when you start mistaking wants for needs. Too many can't tell the differance."

"Is it a want, or a need?" Seyardu asks, more to herself than anything. "It is a want, but if my brother is alright, I do not wish to leave him in Charn. Not a need, but something, I feel I must do."

Seyardu shakes her head.

Mikilos nods. "Second line to be drawn, wants that are okay to chase, and wants that aren't. It's a faint, ever shifting line, and quite admit I have trouble with it myself. But, looking out for someone else is usually a move in the right direction."

"I suppose so." Seyardu notes, and then she sighs. "Cryo said to see you about a spell sometime, but I haven't seen her in some time. Something about finding them. I'll have to ask her when I see her next time."

Mikilos nods. "I can scry, but i need a link for the spell to aim at. Best if I'd met one of the missing, but a bit of clothing or a really good drawing will serve. But as mentioned before, spell is made to find people, not statues." he considers. "But... if I go looking for statues... hrmm, will have to adjust the spell, but might be workable."

"I can't offer anything to scry my brother off of, I am sorry." Seyardu explains, hanging her head. I did not even know I had one until a month or so ago. And the statues, the warehouse was cleared. There were castings of some left behind, but none actual. Seems they were very thorough."

Mikilos nods, and frowns thoughfully. "...I don't know if a casting would work or not. It's a covering. That's like clothing..."

"I will ask if you can try. If that man has not been allowed to hold onto them, that is." Seyardu notes, growing angrier again. "He pulls out one of the statues, and they still only treat him as someone who bribed guards as his worst crime. I still need to speak with the guard about that, perhaps talk something into them. But I will do my best."

Mikilos nods. "I came into some new spells recently, may be able to work with one of them. But happy to offer what assistance I can."

"That would be appreciated, if it is not too much trouble." Seyardu notes, offering a smile as she stands up. "Thank you, Mikilos. It is still early. I should go speak to those I can before it is too late. I will ask about the castings. It may take a while, with how hard those owners seem to fight."

Mikilos nods, and ponders a moment. "Maybe if you make an offer to buy the castings? If money is the point, they might slip up to chase more of it."

"I can't do that. Even if they aren't actual people, they were made from them against their will." Seyardu replies with a shake of her head. I will hope they see reason. If that fails, I can perhaps speak with others who may be able to clear them."

"Peace on your nest, Mikilos. This one hopes they will see you around again."

And with that, the tired sith-makar cleans up her plate and stows any remaining papers, before she makes her way outside.