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The night is not one conducive to a great deal of foot traffic and activity. A thick, cold fog rolling in off of the Inner Sea blankets the city in a damp chill, leaving the world colorless and cold, a damp chill that seeps into the bones. It doesn't seem to bother Seldan, though, seeming to wear his usual shirt, trousers, boots, open-front robe, and a thick woolen cloak over all. A silver-blue handmade scarf is wrapped around his neck, the ends tucked into the wrap, and his hands are encased in swordsman's gloves. Reunion rests in its usual place on his hip.

Cesran has been researching late into the night once again as he leaves the city library. He is wearing what he usually wears as the cold does not seem to touch him. His sandals wetly slap against the stone steps as he makes his way down. He spots Seldan and a smile comes across his tired face, "Seldan!" He calls out as he starts to head in the man's direction.

Zeke makes his way along at Seldan's side, seemingly deep in thought. So much so that his gaze is a distant thing, and he hasn't spoken in some time. The sith is dressed more warmly against the weather than he normally dresses, but it's more an effect of thicker cloth than it is that he is wearing more clothing. He notices Cesran's approach and shifts his tail back and forth at the sight of the other man. "There Sseldan! All of your companionsss accounted for!" He hums in pleasure.

The call, and his companion's response, are enough to get Seldan's attention, and he promptly straightens. "Archmage Cesran, it is well to see you. Her light upon your path." He shoots a quick look at Zeke, offering a brief smile for the depth of thought. "I had thought to seek you, for I would ask of you a question, if you've a moment."

Cesran makes his way towards the pair and he nods politely to Seldan and Zeke, "Good evening to the both of you, what brings you out here on such a night?" He ohs at Seldan's response and he nods, "Please go ahead and ask away. I was just finishing up some research that I was doing for a rescue mission that I'm trying to plan. I'm sorry I couldn't have stopped by Soldier's Defense while you were healing up, but unfortunately there are still many things to do and the recent ban on teleportation magic only makes them more time consuming."

Zeke nods low to Cesran in politeness. "Peassce on your nesst." He seems still perhaps a little deep in his own considerations because he simply nods along with Cesran's words until the mention of the difficulty that Cesran has been having because of the cities new proclamation. "That isss odd. Thisss one hasss not noticed any ssuch difficulty." His tail stills behind him.

Seldan's openly thoughtful demeanor fades into his usual quiet reserve, and he rather abruptly takes on something of the alabaster pillar he often does. "So there are," he replies quietly. "There is always more to do. What manner of rescue mission?"

From his hip, an older, nasally female voice chimes in. "You gave your word to the sith that you would speak your mind, Seldan." An admonishment and reminder.

Cesran hmms, "Yes I haven't had time to study what they've done exactly to the city. I suspect some kind of ritual, but trying to cast teleportation spells and summoning spells fail. Not in any harmful way, but still fail. I did test it to see how strong it is and it's enough to block even greater teleport. It only extends to the city limits though once outside the city you can teleport as normal." He says with a bit of a grumble, "Inconvenient when one is used to being able to teleport where one wishes, but I can understand the city's response. I don't agree with it, I think banning those spells will give everyone a false sense of security so that if there are other demon attacks they'll be discounted because the council said they put a ban on those types of magic." He shakes his head, "Sorry I didn't mean to rant. I'm trying to find out as much information as I can about Charn. Aya is there and I wish to fulfill my promise to Cryosanthia and try to rescue her. I know you have strong feelings about that Seldan, but she gave her life to save Lily, I have to at least try."

Zeke's eyes are drawn by Seldan's sword's words. Cesran does not seem to notice the weapon has spoken, but Zeke certainly does and his eyes fall on the man quite steadily. He doesn't _say_ anything, but his eyes have the weight of a thousand pounds behind them. A silent statement that he will stand there forever if that is what it takes to hear Seldan's words. Though... Cesran's long statement about the state of the ban threatens to tear his attention away, and his jaw unhinges slightly in shock.

A thick, pregnant silence hangs around Seldan as eyes fix themselves on him. His eyes lower, and he seems to hesitate, until but something in Cesran's words makes him look up, his gaze steady, but something snapping deep within the ice-blue eyes. "Archmage," he begins slowly. "Have you ever been set upon in the street by a being that simply teleported freely into the city? Had an archdemon walk into your temple? Into your home?" There's something dangerous in those words.

Cesran did notice the talking sword, but since it wasn't talking to him he didn't respond to it. "I have Seldan. I helped to defend the temple of Serriel when it was attacked by demons. It may not be my temple in that I am not a devote worshiper of Serriel, but I've done my best to help out where and when I could. I understand that right now this seems like it's a good thing, but a magical effect on a city this size. It's going to have consequences. What if they decide to change the effect to block out all divine magic or what if it's not the city that does it, but it's someone else who's taken control over whatever it is that's effecting the city. They could cut off all magic or worse. I'm sorry Seldan I can't just blindly trust that the city government knows what it's doing. I understand there reasoning, but I don't agree with it. I'm not going to trade freedom for security."

Zeke doesn't know _what_ to say to Cesran's words. In truth he's not well-programed for arguments. It takes a lot for him to be willing to enter into such an obviously anger-laced conversation. "Cesssran." He cautions, with his tone, gentle and his claws making a gentling motion. "You tesst the limitsss of thessse new wardsss? Why would you risssk..." He doesn't know how to explain how wrong it seems to him to try and circumvent the law. "But they have not banned all magicsss??" Seldan's ice-blue eyes widen, the paladin completely and utterly stunned by the words he is hearing, and slowly, an increasingly unbridled fury begins to snap behind that frozen moment of shock. "You preach to me of your "freedom", Archmage? That is without a doubt the most arrogant and self-serving prattle I have ever heard from the mouth of a wizard. A responsible mage well knows that the safety of those around them is paramount. You were not here when a vampire teleported in and slew the innocent at will. When demons were set loose upon the city for a fae queen's entertainment. You have not found your husband inches from death at the hands of an archdemon summoned into the city and allowed to wander free."

"I don't think you should have told him to speak his mind, Fallia." A deep, male voice with a dwarven accent speaks from his hip.

"Nonsense. He gave his word that he would."

Seldan ignores both of them, one fist clenched at his side, the other starting towards the sword at his hip, but held off. "How dare you place your own convenience ahead of the safety of the innocent and defenseless in this city? Do you care nothing for those who cannot defend themselves from such as might teleport in?" His eyes narrow, his shoulders trembling, his entire demeanor tightly controlled. "It is small wonder that the city mistrusts the Guild. I have nothing further to say to you." Abruptly, he turns on his heel and begins to stride down the street.

Cesran listens to what Seldan has to say, "You are right I was not here when there were attacks on the city and I think about that every day. Seldan let my actions speak louder than my words. I have defended this city. I've died for this city and been brought back. Security is the age old cry of the oppressor. How long before the city locks down other freedoms in the name of security against the demons or whatever the next threat is. It starts small Seldan. Sure it's a ban on certain spells because they let demons in. Then what about evocation spells, sure they are dangerous a misplaced fireball could hurt a lot of people. Next, is enchantment, no one wants their minds to be influenced. Then it's all arcane magic because you can't trust it, it doesn't come from the gods, but what about divine spells, they are from the gods they can be trusted. Then it's limiting divine spells because all magic is dangerous. Then it's banning the gods because they weren't there to protect us. Where does it stop Seldan? When we give up all our weapons and live in a bubble in the city to be safe. That's not living Seldan it's death. With the first link, the chain is forged. The first spell censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably. I am truly sorry for those that died, but starting down this path in the name of safety and security will lead us all to the Iron Hells." He calls out after Seldan and looks to Zeke. "I apologize Zeke for the outburst."

Zeke looks at Cesran, his green eyes dark. "Thisss one underssstandsss your worriesss Cessran, but you are wrong to bend the law to ssuit your own beliefsss. Perhapsss one day they will come for thisss onesss magic, but then thisss one will sssimply return to Am'sshere." He shakes his head at the other man. "Thisss one would assk you to look into sssome-thing for thisss one - A sssword. One that ssseeksss a worthy masster in a town called Nibiru."

It seems for almost a moment as if he considers not asking this of Cesran, but then he is after Seldan as quickly as he can carry himself after the paladin. Not a word more or less.

Seldan does not answer, nor does he turn back. Angry strides carry him down the street at a swift pace.
