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(Culix visits Simony at the Fate's Spire Monastery to discuss the possibility of having her tattoo covered up with something a bit less cult-y.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 20:50, 17 September 2023

Outside the city proper, Culix trudges her way along the mountain pass towards the Spire. She has a crumpled, hand-drawn map in one hand and has her hood drawn up- not against the wind, which is pleasantly cool, but against the overbearing sunlight above. The lone traveller is headed towards the Monastery, not somewhere she's had cause to visit before, but she'd heart tell there's an artist there who might be able and willing to help her out with a little problem she has.

The goblin eventually arrives at the entrance to the Monastery, stepping through the open doors into its courtyard, she pauses and looks around trying to find a local Monk that hasn't taken a vow of silence or something to ask for further directions.

Autumn has definitely settled down as trees show off their gold and fire, and the stiff breeze promises that Winter is waiting not too far behind. the road to the Spire is lonely today, nary a traveller to be seen.

The monastery itself is full of activity, with Winter stores being unloaded from wagons, and monks meditating and sparring in what may be the last bright, sunny day for the foreseeable future.

Directions are easy to come by, it is revealed that the clergy and monks of the Raven take a wide range of vows, silence is but one of them. Deeper inside, past the common areas, the kitchens, library and study rooms, are the cells. Simony's is easy to find, and her door's wide open. The ceiling above has been painted a deep blue, with white or yellow dots representing familiar constellations. Paintings of the mountain landscape, Egalrin, Half-Elves, and goblins line the walls along with sketches of a vast assortment of seemingly random building and objects.

The Goblin herself is settled at a table in the middle of the room, alternating between sketching, and inspecting a silver statuette standing on the table.

Culix pads softly through the monastery- soft soled boots making barely a sound even when she's not actively trying to go unnoticed, peering this way and that. The hood is pulled back once she's indoors and away from the daystars harsh light and a stray wisp of silver hair is tucked away behind one of her ears. "...four... five..." she mumbles to herself, counting the doors as she passes them before she arrives at Simony's.

Even though it's open, she knocks on the door and waits by the threshold- something about being in a monastery has her feeling like she ought to be on her best behaviour. She does crane her neck to peer around, though, at the painted vistas and portraits.

The albino gives a start, and turns to peer at Culix for a moment, before a smile appears, and she beckons the visitor in. "Hello! Please, come in and sit! Would you like some tea?"

Simony gestures to a chair next to hers, a bare foot nudging it away from the table. "Have you come to view the statue? I am planning on having it placed in a shrine to Navos, in the Gardens of the city."

Culix shakes her head a bit then and steps inside once she's invited in, like a polite person. Or a vampire. "I didn't know you were working on a statue." she admits then as she turns her gaze towards it. "Actually I'm kind of wondering if this is the right place, now." she adds after a moment. "Are you Simony?" she asks, a beat, "I'm Culix. I heard around the guild you do tattoos, but this aint the sort of place I'm used to for a tattooist Usually it's more like, under the stairs at a dockside tavern." she shrugs.

Simony giggles and shakes her head. "There was a strange incident in the Gardens the other day, there were so, so many ravens. I helped feed them, and when they flew away, this statue was left behind. I'm going to make a shrine and a place for offerings, but also have a bird bath and bird feeder there. I think it'll be a nice gift to Alexandria, and the ravens."

She glances around her cell, and then nods to the other Gobbo. "Yes, I am Simony Smithsdottir, nice to meet you Culix!" The Gobbo's grin is broad and toothy, and she extends a hand for shaking.

"Goodness, that seems like a poor place to have a tattoo done. My room is much cleaner, as are my needles and inks. Cleanliness is important for tattooing, you don't want to get an infection."

Her head cants to one side, "What did you want as a tattoo?"

Culix raises an eyebrow at the description of a huge flock of ravens leaving a statue behind, "That's... odd." she says then. But then blinks and shakes her head a bit. In the grand scheme of an adventurer's life that's not even a 4 on the oddness scale. "I hear some ravens are nearly as smart as people." she says, "Given some of the people I know, I believe it." she adds.

"Yeah, well, it beats shiv and pitch prison tats." she says then. "And the sailors usually don't have their arms drop off, usually." she adds. "But no, actually, I already have a tattoo and I need it covered up or changed or something. Whatever you can do with it." she says then as she heads over to finally take the offered seat.

She fingers at her collar a little bit, but doesn't open it up just yet, clearly a little nervous. "So, uh. When I was younger, I fell in with a bad crowd. I'm keeping my nose clean these days but... uh... I have this reminder, and I don't want it any more" she says, before finally opening a button on her blouse and then pulling the collar aside, to reveal her throat and the top of her shoulder- and a pair of crossed kukri tattooed there in black ink. The unholy symbol of Illotha, and a mark of the Ebon Syndicate.

"So, uh, I get it if you don't want to mess with it." She says then. "But, this is why I couldn't go to any of the regulars in the lower city. Because they definitely wouldn't."

"Some ravens I know are smarter than people. Though to be honest, some people aren't uhm... as smart as others.", Simony says with a nod. "And it's good to not have one's arms drop off, that makes it really hard to do things." She stands, and goes to fetch a teapot, and a couple of mugs. Tea is poured for both, and a mug is set before Culix, along with a little spoon, a creamer and a sugar cube bowl.

"I won't judge you on your past transgressions, what's important is the here and now." She leans in curiously, squinting at the tattoo, her face close enough that her breath can be felt. "Hmm. I can understand why people might be afraid to touch it. But, I would be happy to help you. I should do some research first, though. I need to know if there's any magic, be it arcane or divine, involved, and how to undo that." The albino reaches up a hand, and lightly squeezes Culix's shoulder. "I will do this for you."

Culix nods her head a bit, "Yeah that's what I meant." she agrees on the topic of some people not being as smart as others. She sniffs the tea when it's offered, and then takes a sip as it is, no creamer or sugar added. She squirms a bit at the close scrutiny, but manages to mostly sit still until Simony speaks again.

"I don't know about any specific magic, but joining up with... that bad crowd also meant joining up with their cult." Culix says then. "I didn't, like, have to sacrifice anyone or anything." she asserts. "But there was the tattoo, and I swore a blood oath so... I wouldn't be surprised." she adds.

A warm hand lightly touches the tattoo, tracing its outline. "It's just black tea, but it's hot and does well as a pick me up.", Simony says lightly. "I would prefer to be safe than sorry. A blood oath is a powerful thing, and I do not wish you to be harmed if I attempt to change this tattoo. But, I am unafraid, and I will change this tattoo."

She pauses to drop two sugar cubes into her tea, followed by a dollop of milk, and then stirs it vigorously before taking a sip. "I have a few design ideas already, depending on your tastes. The crossed kukri lend themselves well to winged creatures. A bird, a butterfly, perhaps a dragon? Circular objects are also a good choice, to follow the flow of the blades. To really disguise it, the design should be in black."

Simony taps her chin, again leaning in close to squint at the tattoo. "I am not sure of a way to completely remove a tattoo, but I can change it into something more pleasing."

Culix nods her head a bit, "Yeah I figured since I heard about you in the guild, you're like to be a little tougher than the average artist." She muses to Simony then, and takes another sip of her tea. "Yeah, black is fine. Kinda suits me." she says then, "But I was actually thinking, do you think you could make them into a wreath?" she wonders. "A burning wreath, actually." she adds, a moment later.

"I uh. I haven't been to the temple yet, been working up my courage." she adds then after a moments pause. "But I'm planning to. Ceinara's, that is." she scratches her cheek, looking aside. "I know she's usually more about colourful things, but, well, flames cast shadows." she gives a half shrug.

Her cheeks colour a mottled red and she looks away. "Tougher? Likely not. Experienced, that I would accept." Simony's expression grows thoughtful, and she nods. "Yes, I can do that."

Her eyes meet Culix', "Did you want someone to go with you to the temple? Would it help you to bring a friend?"

Culix snerks, "Yeah well the two usually come hand in hand. You don't get to experience being on the wrong end of a monster very many times if you don't toughen up." she says then. On the next topic, she shakes her head a bit. "I... dunno. I should be alright." she says then. "'sides if something crazy happens I wouldn't want any of my friends in the splash zone. Maybe Aryia. If a demon started coming out of my neck she could probably punch it right back in."

"I train with Aryia on a regular basis.", Simony says with a grin. "And while I believe that Aryia could punch the demon back in, if there is on in there, you want it out and gone. Which... Aryia can definitely do."

The albino Goblin leans in closer, her voice lowering. "Have you spoken to Aryia about it? Going to the temple? I think she has a unique point of view that might help you."

She settles back a bit. "Your friends would want to help you, and they would be willing to stand by you, even at risk of being hurt. And if they would not, I would. You need only ask, okay?"

Culix grins, "Training with Aryia? Now I know for sure you're tougher than you're letting on." Culix replies to Simony. "And yeah, I guess you have a point. I haven't seen her in a bit. Guild work keeps us both busy, I guess." she says then. "Spoke with her mom, though, a while back. Now there's a scary lady. But, she give me a push in the right direction to start getting my shit sorted out." she says then.

"Last time me and Aryia spoke about anything to do with the gods it was mostly just that Taara's a bitch- which, yeah- and that I wasn't sure about throwing my lot in with some other god, for one I didn't want to trade one collar for another one, and two- I figure the gods probably know if you're jumping ship to save your hide and don't take too kindly to that. But, that was a while ago and... I guess I'm starting to see things differently now."

The Goblin shows off a hand, rolling up the sleeve of her robes to expose her forearm also, both showing signs of hardness, callouses and scars. "My punch is nothing like Aryia's, but people know when they've been punched. I tend to use my warhammer in combat, though. I, again, simply say that I have some experience with having to be... erm... firm? Oh? What was it like meeting her mother? Any nudge that helps is a good nudge."

Simony nods then, "Seek her out. I feel that it would be relevant to you, helpful even. I just... I'd rather she speak to you than myself, I don't wish to speak for her, you know? Also, her punches hurt." She giggles lightly and sighs. "Worship is many things to many people, but I would say that if it feels like a collar, you should run, not walk... run away. Any God that requires you to be collared has only ill intentions for you."

"Not just her punches. You ever try to keep up with her on one of her runs? Wasn't sure if I was going to puke, pass out or have a heart attack first." Culix complains and shakes her head. "Everything about training with Aryia hurts. I'm getting a cramp in my calf just thinking about it."

After a moment, and a sip of tea, she continues, "Like I say, pretty scary. Definitely gives off those classic Mul Matron vibes, if you know what I mean. But, she helped me put some shit going on with me into context. Which made it a bit less scary, I guess." she says and then gives another shrug. "I used to be green, you know." she adds.

"And, yeah, I guess I know what you mean. I was never really pious as a kid, even when I signed up with this damn cult, I didn't take it too seriously. At the time it was just, you know, a cool tattoo, an angsty ceremony and a gang to roll with." she sighs, and rubs her cheek again. "'course, I know better these days."

"I tend to vomit.", Simony says casually. "But it does make us harder, doesn't it? Worth it in the end." She pauses a moment to yawn, and take another, longer sip of tea. "Yes, I have hard the older Mul'neissa are like that. And they definitely got it from Taara."

The Gobbo blinks. "Oh, green? Hmm, so what has changed your skin colour? I am used to seeing..." She holds up a pale hand. "Odd colours in people."

"We all want to belong to something bigger than ourselves. To have a purpose. To be needed. It's only natural." Her hand reaches out to pat at Culix' arm. "I am happy for you, that you have found a brighter, if shadowy, path to follow."

"I thought it was some kinda curse at first." Culix tells Simony then, and she takes another sip from her tea. "But Aryia's mom thought it was some kind of connection to the Shadow Plane. So I looked into that. And seems like she was right. My connection's been getting deeper, which freaked me out at first 'cause topographically, that's one step closer to the lower planes." she says. "But, more I learned about it, more I figured the Shadow plane isn't... evil, really. I mean, it's pretty hostile to living things, but that's just its nature." she says then.

She gives a half shrug and a small smile, "But uh, that sort of lead me into finding out more about Ceinara and figuring well- flames cast shadows." she adds then, "I don't really... know how to explain it better than that."

"Indeed, if you look at it from a strictly plane-centric view. And being hostile is different from being evil, you have the right of it there." Simony nods, and takes a sip of tea. Her takes up the teapot, and refills both mugs. "So somewhere in your life, you've picked up an interesting... aspect? Power? And you're working it out. It makes it much easier to deal with when you understand it a little."

The Gobbo lays a pale hand on the table, fingers and thumb spread wide. "You don't have to explain it. You feel it, you know it's real, that's all you need."

"Oh! Before I forget..." A sheet of paper is take from a pile nearby, and a pencil is selected from neat stack of pencils, all recently sharpened. The pencil begins to wiggle as Simony draws. "So the blades and handles can be worked into a wreath this way, with leaves drawn out to mask the kukri's shape further. And flames ... the flames could be done up like wings, on either side, maybe big enough to disappear into your hair? Or kept small and neat, more akin to Ceinara's holy mark, hmm?"

Culix shrugs her shoulders a bit, "I was actually thinking something a bit more elaborate, eventually. But something small to start is best, I think." she says then, watching the sketching and nodding her head slowly. "Eventually I was thinking extending it up to my jaw and down my arm, make it into a sleeve." she suggests. "All in black, still. Even if I'm usually all covered up when I'm working, still prefer to avoid any bright colours just in case." she adds then.

"So, how much is it likely to run me?" she asks. "I'm probably good for it. If I knew adventuring work paid so well I would have been stabbing rats and wandering through dingy caves instead of doing upper story work years ago."

"We can work together, then, on the design." Simony smiles brightly. "I can make it so that it can be added to in stages. All black makes sense if you wish to remain unseen in the shadows."

Her head cants slightly as she thinks about the price. "For a chance to tweak the nose of the Lady of Hate? Free. But, don't be so quick to put up some money. The tattoo change hasn't started yet, and we don't know if there will be erm... repercussions for doing so. I'm willing to worry about such things after, but honestly, it would be a gift, from me."

Culix frowns a bit at that, and then looks around at the artwork in the cell. "You did all this, right? And what I've heard is that you do good work." she tells Simony then, and sniffs a bit. "If you're good at something, you shouldn't do it for free. But, if you won't take my gold, I can trade in favours." she insists.

"Anyhow, I guess first off I should do a bit more studying. Maybe when I go speak with the priests at the temple they'll have a better idea what might happen. I can't be the first person to realize they were making a bad decision with one of the dark gods."

The Goblin winks at Culix, "The first one is always free." A giggle follows, and she rubs at her cheeks. "I am proud of the work I do, for my God, for my temple, and for the people of Alexandria. I don't get paid to do that, but everything I need is provided for."

"I do commissions for people, and for those I charge coin for. But your situation falls into the former category rather than the latter. Helping you escape your chains, physical, mental or emotional, is a higher purpose than selling you a fresco on your study's ceiling, or a portrait of you and your family. That's like charging money to be rescued from highwaymen. It's crass."

Culix shrugs a bit, "I dunno. Mercenary work is honest enough, sometimes." She says then. "If it weren't for the guild of explorers, I might have considered that walk of life, myself." she admits. "But I take your meaning. Still, though, it doesn't sit right with me, so you do this for me and you can call on me for a favour." she insists once again.

She drains what's left of her mug of tea and then sets it back down on the table. "Well, thanks again- and you know, now I think about it, we did meet before. Down at the river, you caught that crab." she recalls then. "I wasn't sure you was the same Simony, till I got here. Not a lot of gobbers take to the monastery life." she says and then shrugs. She hops out of the seat, "Either way, it was good to meet again. I ought to get a shift on, though."

"Mercenary work is relatively honest, but I've seen the life of a mercenary. It's a hard life, worse than adventuring. You'd be a tough cookie afterwards, but not the same as you are now, you know?" Simony smiles toothily and offers up her hand. "Okay, a favour for a favour. You have yourself a deal."

She pauses a moment, thinking. "Oh! Right, now I remember. You are awfully good at melding with the shadows. And we share a common complaint about the sun." Laughing, she finishes off her tea, and slowly stands. "It is nice to see you again. Okay, so... you go to the temple of Ceinara, and speak with the priests. If they can find nothing bad with changing the tattoo, then we can meet again and I'll start work. I would like to look into the magical side of things also, just how I am, curious, you know? And uhm, I can tell you how I got here, since you've shared a bit of yourself with me."

Culix nods her head again, then, "Yeah, well, planning to get rid of it one way or another, consequences be damned to be honest. But like I said before, don't want my baggage to snag anyone else so if it is cursed or something, I'll figure out how do deal with that." she adds. "And sure, I'd love to hear it- maybe you can tell me a bit about it while you're doing my Ink." she suggests. "Problem with these remote monasteries is they are remote. And I need to head back into town for work." she offers apologetically. "Thanks, though. For offering to help." she shakes on their deal. "I'll catch you around, yeah?" she says.

"Perhaps we might find a suitable place in the city?", the Gobbo offers. "For now, be well, and see you soon!"