Catch and Release

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Log Info

  • Title: Catch and Release
  • Emitter: Jinks
  • Characters: Andelena, Slixvah, Nemori
  • Place: Lower Markets
  • Time: June 20th, 2022
  • Summary: The Arcanist's Society is handing out some sundries and wares to those impacted by the incoming wights and emergency evacuations. Andelena, Slixvah, and Nemori manage to get through the crowd to see what's going on. Slixvah, then Nemori, spy a little goblin wanna-be necromancer they manage to get incarcerated for their involvment of raising an undead within the city. An irate refugee shoves through the crowd to get to the little necromancer, but some quick thinking from the three of them: a calming spell from Nemori, a twist of bad luck from Slixvah, and careful words of Andelena, manage to calm him down enough to see the bigger picture. Tamzin and Git, a human and gobber (that almost got cut in half) chat with the trio for a moment overlong as Slix has an aside with the gobber before they all split off and tend to their daily rituals.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=    The Players    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Andelena     3m      6'0"     180 Lb     Human             Female    
    Redhead with steel-grey eyes and powerful build.                           
Nemori       2m      4'10"    110 Lb     Mul'niessa        Female    
    A tall and slender, dark skinned elf.                                      
Slixvah      0s      5'8"     130 Lb     Eaglefolk         Female    
    A rust red and white Egalrin covered in veils, ribbons, and shawls.        
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Jinks        4m      3'4"     39 Lb      Gnome             Male      
    A gnomish fellow in fancy garb and jewelry.

The refugee-clogged Lower Markets

The Green Lady seems to be in one of Her moods and Ea is a little worse for it.

Yesterday's sultry weather remains and the world is blanketed in a lazy grey mist. The sea air smell is stale and unpleasant and unusually pungent this far from the docks. It's hard not to feel crowded even when you're not bumping in to someone, the static precipitation adding to the streets' congested feel.

Mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters gather around a wagon from yesterday's donation event at the Society for Progressive Arcanists. It took time to sort and inspect the goods and then some more time to decide where they'd end up; one of the carts ended up here. There's a little bit of everything to offer folks who may've been forced to their homes with almost-nothing.

A pink-haired gobber chews on the stem of an unlit pipe from the driver's seat of the wagon, paying a little more attention than she normally might after recent shenanigans. A small handful of district notables and a pair of wizards from the Society help to distribute goods.

There's no real structure or verification system. Everything's done on good faith.

And nobody would exploit the generosity of others in trying times.

Fortunately, there's a Sunguard here--one who looks around, wearing a face underneath that helmet of hers that suggests she's getting ready to clock someone who so much as thinks about stealing things intended for those who need it.

Her longsword and shield are on her back, strapped to her white cloak that shivers in the sea wind, but you won't hear Andelena bitching about the weather--

"Hot as balls out here today. Smells like 'em, too," Andelena comments.

Well, so much for that.

GAME: Nemori accepts a meet and will arrive momentarily.

The Green Lady hasn't been kind, particularly to a rusty red and white feathered egalrin. Her feathers were floofy and frizzy. Which didn't help that she had to brush through the crowd, making the floof madness twofold worse. Why is she here? Being nosy.

Slixvah manages to get near the front to see what's going on, and ends up catching a breather next to a Sunguard.

She looks up, snorts, and bobs her head. "Ab-so-lutely, sugar," she coos. "You know what's hap-happennin' round this? Oi!" she shifts her attention to some Society members about. "Wha'chayall's got ova here?"

An unfortunate-looking, pale- and spotty-faced student wipes his face on the sleeves of his robe and blinks myopically at Slixvah's questioning. "We took donations for the people come to this city to avoid the undead. I'm here for the extra-credit!" He's fighting a losing battle with his sleeves; keeps pushing them up only to have them fall back down. His hunched posture and slight build conjure an image of long nights working at candlelight in a dusty library.

"The arm kept falling off my homunculus so professor gave me a 'needs improvement,'" he adds as an afterthought, struggling under a load of bundled blankets.

And there's someone there waiting for them. Lots of someones. But the closest specific someone specifically waiting for this specific bundle is a matronly lucht with pudgy arms that don't seem to have wrists. She also looks like she could pick up the Xian apprentice and fold him in half with little-to-no effort. She has a filthy young assistant clinging to her skirts and looking around wide-eyed.

There are no shortage of interesting characters.

Freshly-arrived is yet another gobber in a dark, baggy shirt and a freckled, younger-looking woman with messy red hair. The gobber stumbles as he keeps up, looking up at her as she talks. She's in a bit of a mood and takes long-legged strides with her hands clenched into fists. "... try ter lock me up," she grumbles.

GAME: Slixvah rolls wisdom: (20)+3: 23

The Sunguard's attention hones in on the freckled girl--after all, their hair colors are rather similar. Her attention's been safely transplanted off the witchy egalrin and onto the girl. "Everything okay, hun?" Andelena asks her. That's not her 'Sunguard on duty, make way for the light of Daeus' voice, but her compassionate voice.

GAME: Nemori rolls wisdom: (7)+3: 10
GAME: Nemori casts Endure Elements. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

Slixvah puts her hands on her hips, looking more like a ball of fluff, but still manages to keep her composure as she rattles back at the extra credit student. "Let me guess, ya tried to half ass th' sculpting bit, yeah?"

Her attention swings from the Sunguard moving, to the lucht woman, to-

She squints at the gobbo across the way as her beak grinds. A glance to muscular human to keep track of her before stepping towards the pair. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the little gobber that could," she tsks. "Serve enough time for your foolish mistake?"

Nemori is a little bit annoyed. It's not that she objects to this 'spiritual journey' she's been sent on... a suggestion of trying things out, if only to see how they feel. The thing is, mixing with the refugees, seeing if there's anywhere she can lend aid.. well, she feels nothing aside from a faint resentment at being kept from the things she would rather be doing. Such as honing the new skills sne never realized she had a talent for back at the smithy.

But there are people she respects, and when those people suggest it couldn't hurt for her to broaden her horizons, she at the very least gives them the benefit of the doubt. So she 'mingles' amidst the peasantry. As fortune would have it, her meanderings bring her closer to Andelena and Slixvah, the pair standing out somewhat.

"Uhhhh..." the student blinks at Slixvah, going red-faced. He nearly falls over when the lucht gets impatient and snatches the blankets out of his hand but manages to stand back up and sort out his robes while he thinks. "I think... I think it was inferior clay?" He adds a rising inflection on the last word there.

The pair pull up short as one (and then the other) are called out. The gobber hops, trying to see over and through the crowd while the woman looks up at the taller Sunguard. She has a button nose and thin eyebrows. The rough-cut hair boxing in her face does a little to dismiss the 'cute' descriptor but the purple-black knot of lids over her left-eye and bruise disappearing up her scalp is far more effective.

"No!" She snaps back at Andelena. "Some chicken jalfrezi gooseberry puddin' tried ter kill me. Then they tried ter put me in lockup." Her leather vest is snug and oiled to be darker and matte just like the old, secondhand pack on her back. Her shirtsleeves are loose and billowy. They seem to flit as she jabs an accusatory finger back to the east. "I didn't do anyfink."

The gobber finally picks out the puffed-up Slixvah from the crowd and his eyes go wide. "They kicked me out because of you!" He whines. He, too, is freckled. His lighter green-brown skin making it easy to pick out the reddish spots. Maybe they found each other because of this shared feature. Maybe it's just a happy coincidence. "Now I'll have to get a day job! Or.. or-- or turn to evil!"

A few people turn to look at the little man.

"Oh, hey, I think I know that guy," the wimpy academic helper mumbles.

GAME: Andelena rolls Linguistics: (11)+4: 15
GAME: Andelena rolls Sense Motive: (1)+9: 10 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Andelena rolls Heal: (2)+7: 9
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+13: (2)+13: 15

"Huh," Andelena says. It's halfway a statement and halfway exhaling a breath. Her eyes scan the girl's injury. "Well, shit. Yeah, you got fucked with halfway between here to Korday. That kind of thing just doesn't happen out of the blue, though. You piss someone off and get jumped or something?"

The questions are delivered in a friendly way, not in a 'you're a suspicious character and I need to interrogate you' way. It's the Andelena specialty.

Slixvah spies Nemori appearing from the crowd vaguely nearby, her giving a light nod to her before focusing her attention on the gobber she accosted. "D'aww, bless your heart. Did someone feel the consequences of their actions? Ya could use a bi' of work ethic by havin' ta do things yourself rather than raisin' the dead. Because. Ya'know, doin' that right now /prolly ain't the brightest idea/, hon."

She looks over to the snapping woman, a hand on her hip as heads start to turn. Her fingers drum on her hip as she looks back to the gobber. "Yeah... declare you'll turn to evil. In the middle of the crowd. With Sun-girl right over yonder."

Nemori approaches just in time to hear Slixvah addressing the gobber.. it takes her another moment to put the egalrin's words to context, linking it to that vague sense of familiarity with the gobber's voice. Her eyes narrow. "Ah. The would be necromancer," she says, coming up behind the gobber and the roughed up human. "I would have thought you would have been eaten by one of your experiments by now."

Folks listening in take a few steps away from Slixvah's side of the wagon and the gobber in the street at the mention of undead.

"Yeah! That's it! He got expelled trying to turn himself into a lich!" The pale student picks at a blemish on his neck and quits his post, leaving the others to work a little harder as he walks over. Even more people press further away. "I heard he got sent to prison in the Sky Curtains and they cut off his fingers so he couldn't do magic anymore."

The gobber still has his fingers. He uses two to demonstrate his annoyance as he also sticks out his tongue.

"I'm not ACTUALLY going to do evil. It's an expression," the gobber explains, annoyed and upset. "And it didn't have anything to do with lichdom! I just needed to practice my anti-undead counter magics and you CAN'T. DO. THAT. WITHOUT. UNDEAD!" He hops up and down and balls his little hands into fists.

The woman talking to Andelena looks from her to the gobber, to Nemori, to Slixvah, back to the gobber, and then up again to Andelena. "Summat like that," she mutters. Suddenly, she doesn't seem super-sure about her association with the little gobber walking partner.

GAME: Andelena rolls Perception: (12)+7: 19
GAME: Slixvah rolls alertness: aliased to perception+2: (6)+11+2: 19
GAME: Nemori rolls perception: (4)+9: 13
GAME: Andelena rolls Sense Motive: (12)+9: 21
GAME: Slixvah rolls sense motive+2: (20)+3+2: 25

All the shouting has drawn the attention of a rather large and over-muscled oruch with a large, curved sword on his back. His raven hair is in two, thick braids that fall over his shoulders and in front of his battered breastplate. Both Andelena and Slixvah notice his approach, roughly sweeping aside chatting bystanders.

They also both take note of the murder in his eyes.

GAME: Slixvah casts Ill Omen. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15
GAME: Andelena rolls Diplomacy: (16)+3: 19

It must be the fog. Or all the people. Or the mad conversation right out in the open about expulsions and undead and turning to evil. The oruch warrior transplanted from his home in the wilds of Alexandros seems to appear almost entirely out of nowhere, looming over the gobber-- more than double his height.

The jagged-edged, vicious-looking blade he holds is a pitted black metal with a quintet of brass rings hanging from its back, flat side.

"Undead," he growls. "Necromancer."

Andelena holds a hand up in the air and walks toward the oruch as he proceeds toward the gobber with murderous intent. "Woah, woah, okay, what's going on here? Look, he might be annoying, but this isn't a place to have a brawl. Go take it elsewhere. People are trying to get the shit they need and get comfortable."

Slixvah turns and-

All the feathers puff out. She's now a glorified dandelion. She gets an idea, a hand reaching out to grab at something intangible. "Okay babe, if you're gonna give me a bad hair day..."

Rather than a twist or a tug or a cut, she instead shoves it forward and crosses it over something. "Rnwgo dise fo het dbe," she chants.

A black cat crosses the street.

GAME: Nemori casts Calm Emotions. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (2)+9: 11
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (9)+9: 18

The gobber looks bugeyed at Andie's approach and nearly falls over when he follows her gaze to the target of her mollifying words. "EEEEEEE--" he squeals, hopping back, tripping, scrabbling, and crawling until he's upright and cowering behind the wagon wheel on the opposite side. "--EEEeeeeeeeeeeeee," he exclaims the whole way.

GAME: Andelena rolls Will: (2)+7: 9 GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+4: (1)+4: 5 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Andelena rolls Will: (9)+7: 16

Nemori scowls at the impending violence. The mul'niessa takes hold of a symbol on her person and offers a brief incantation. There's no obvious change but the posture of the oruch warrior seems to relax.

GAME: Andelena casts Bless. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

Indeed, the oruch's snarl becomes a frown. He glances down at his sword in a two-handed grip and his thick brows push together. He peels back his lips and grinds his teeth in exertion but nothing happens. He sighs.

Don't worry, buddy. It happens to everyone.

"Necromancer must die. Too many undead," he observes mildly.

GAME: Slixvah rolls bird diplomacy: aliased to diplomacy+3+3: (12)+6+3+3+2: 26

"I dunno if the dude's a necromancer, buddy. I just got here and this shit doesn't make sense. Believe me, I'm there with you, but it just sounds like the only thing he's got going on is being a loudmouth idiot--and that's not illegal," Andelena points out. She does murmur a prayer under her breath to Daeus.

Slixvah licks her palms and tries to smooth down her fuzzy feathers (with little success) as she comes up to the frustrated oruch. Her speech gets rough and rugged, and her hands splay out showing nothing. "Hey big guy. Strong lady's right. Guy's not really a necromacer, just a bad one at best. He's paid his dues and has been kicked out his tribe for until he can repent, yeah?" <Yrch-Speak>

Nemori continues to concentrate on her spell, one hand holding the Ceinara token while the other is held out in a placating manner. It's not just for the immediate participants, either; the last thing that would be good for this crowded place would be for hostilities to kick off a panic. "I am given to understand that the law here does not appreciate one taking matters into their own hands," she advises the orc.

The gobber stays behind the wagon wheel, sitting in as small a ball as he can manage with his jacket pulled up over his head. "pleaseBrightladymakeitgoawayIdon'twannadie," he's muttering as he cowers, knees shaking. "IreallyhopeIsatinapuddle. Idon'twannadie. Idon'twannadie. Idon'twannadie."



The oruch looks between Andelena and Slixvah. He takes a deep breath and squints one eye, grunting; one last try at flying off the handle. It doesn't work. He sighs and replaces the great weapon on his back.

"Very well." He snorts. "Adom's wrath find him if you lie, your back broken under a stone of shame." It's so matter-of-fact the way he says it while also holding a sort of prayer-like quality.

A final shake of the head and he steps between the pair, passing Nemori on his way west.

"Buncha of chicken jalfrezi divvys in this city," Freckles comments from behind Nemori, both hands on the mul'niessa's shoulders as the human woman uses the priestess for cover.

The pale wizard stands up from behind a gawking Khazadi couple sharing some tearaway bread. He clears his throat and shakes his arms to sort out his sleeves. "Wowee!"

The Sunguard looks at the oruch as he walks. She just sighs. "Thank the gods. Less shit to deal with later," she murmurs.

Andelena looks around at the crowd, steel-grey gaze at the assembled audience. "Well?" she bellows. "C'mon, everyone back to normal. Show's over." She crosses her arms to really sell the effect.

Slixvah releases a pent breath as the oruch relents. "I pray other things are broken rather than my back," she hums, giving him a wave as he goes. "Try the Colosseum if you wanna hit stuff!" she grunts to his back. <Yrch-speak>

She shakes her arms off, trying to pretend her heart wasn't racing like crazy. "Hey...! Who you callin' a chicken?" she teases, stepping back over to the group, her looking down to the gobber.

"And this is why you don't try that shit, sugar. Big guys like that will come and cut ya ta teeny tiny pieces," she warns.

Nemori releases her hold upon the channeled spell.. as she does, one of her eyes twitches. She does not particularly enjoy being touched, especially by strangers. It's a testament to the influence of the few friends she's surrounded herself with that her belt knife did not get drawn. Instead, she attempts something much more diplomatic. "Unhand me, human," she says, not quite spitting, as she peels one of Freckle's hands off of her shoulder and spins away from the other.

"I just wan' be a wizard," the gobber complains from under his coat, not bothering to look up at Slixvah as she lectures him. He sniffs. "Really wan'..."

The crowd seems equal parts relieved and disappointed that there was no actual ultra-violence. A good chunk, too, are completely unaware anything was about to happen. It was over and done so quickly, after all. The donations continue to be handed out; the pale apprentice sorting the two Khazadi.

Nemori finds a conglomeration of knuckles and steel when she peels the girls hand off her shoulders but manages to disengage from her. "Er... yer dropped this," she explains as she holds the rapier back out to the mul'niessa, pommel-first.

"Elf." She adds since Nemori felt the need to bring race into it.

"Woss yor name?" she wonders from under uneven bangs. Her one eye that isn't blackened and swollen shut looking up and down.

Andelena nods approvingly as the crowd goes back to work. She also looks at the beat-up teenager now that it seems like stuff's not about to kick off. "Hey, kiddo. You got any parents? Guardians?" she asks. "Or are you here by yourself?" There's a clear and compassionate tone in her voice.

Slixvah can't help but feel some empathy for the little gobber. Her eyes soften, and she kneels down besid-

Sniff. Glance. Shuffle back a tinge.

-kneels down beside him. "And you can, sugar," she intones. "Th' thing is, ya gotta be smart 'bout it. Ya can't study necromacy and all that's around it without knowin' all the dangers. Life and unlife are both one of th' same. Trust me, I know it well."

"If you wanna be a wizard, ya have to, /have/ to start small. Hells, even I tried to be a wizard. Didn't pan out, but I sorted my own means instead, and I like it better."

A sigh leaves her, and she shakes her head. "What's your name?" she inquires.

Nemori's eyes narrow a fraction further when she sees the offered rapier. She doesn't think for a moment that she simply dropped the weapon. And a part of her really ought to be impressed... but she's too busy being annoyed with herself for letting it happen, and even more annoyed at the roughed up human to consider it. No, what she's considering right now is taking hold of the weapon and....

Impulse control. Nemori very carefully accepts the offered weapon, then slips it back into place at her hip. "I am Nemor'i. These are Andelena and Slixvah. It looks like you were fortunate today.. more fortunate than whatever did.. that." She gestures to the woman's face, then steps aside so that Andelena can get a closer look. She is more than alright with Andelena pursuing this further.

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (19)+8: 27

"Guardians?" The young woman scoffs, folding her arms defiantly and taking a wider stance. "Duck off now. I came 'ere meself. Foun' some muckers." She snorts, winces. "Job jus' went sour."

One hand comes up to carefully push her hair back from her good eye as she considers Nemori carefully. "Ey, simmer now, yer 'ighness. Pleasure's mine." There's a mocking sort of facsimile of a bow. "Tamzin."

Meanwhile, the gobber sighs and eases his coat back down to make his own introduction. "Gitlweet Blustrunk. 'Git.'" He lifts a hand half-heartedly and waves. His pinky-finger is shriveled and desiccated and wrapped in thin, beaded leather. There's a brief pause and something clicks, he looks up with puffy, yellowed gobber-eyes.

"Own-means-what?" He sniffs again and narrows his eyes. "Did you make a deal with a demon? I hear that's always an option..."

Andelena is thankfully not involved in the conversation the gobber's having with Slixvah, or she might have a lot more on her mind about his last comment. She's more invested in the girl. "Alright. Tamzin. Nice to meet you. I'm Andelena, and I don't have any parents, either."

She smirks. "They fucked off, too. Anyway, I don't know what work you've been getting yourself involved with, but I can find you something nicer that isn't gonna get you beat up like that. What do you think?"

Slixvah puts a hand over her chest. "Slixvah Unmesi," she chirps back. But she can't help but snort and shake her head. "Oh no no no no, nothing reckless like that, little Git. I live my life on the whims of luck, and a little bird happened to swing on by to show me a thing or two."

A tiny, white plumed thrush pops out of her robes, and chirps in a tinny voice. "The wheels of fate are turning."

The Eglarin blinks dumbly at them before a singular finger pokes them on the head and sloooooowly pushes them back into their hiding place. "Go back to sleep, baby doll," she murmurs. "You're not helping."

She looks back to Git, a chuckle escaping her. "You'll find your way. Just... don't get others hurt in the process, yeah? Being lifted to the top is better than clambering over others to the top."

The two... lost souls... seem to be well in hand. Nemori opts not to sniff at Tamzin; neither does she have any urge to see the human cared for. And talk of parents is... bothering her. So she turns awya from Andelena and Tamzin, hand checking the rest of her belt to verify that her knife and pouches are still there.

The gobber listens to Slixvah, rearranging his coat and hiding a hand under it as he mutters a "frawwaschenflook." The little bit of hedge magic has no obvious effect other than the air clearing a bit. He nods, failing entirely at being nonchalant.

"They took Sniffers the Blight," the gobber bemoans, looking up from the little birb to the bigger one. "My ratto. And my hat." He sniffs again. "Hatto."

Tamzin just shakes her head at Andalena. "Ain't well gonna be some bloke's scullery wench," she sneers. "Yer 'ave ter pay yor dues. Better gigs come." She smiles when she notices Nemori taking inventory of her belongings, lightly biting on her tongue in amusement.

"Speakin' of..." she presses her teeth together and whistles. "'ey Greenie. Did yer want ter meet me runies?"

Git looks around the wagon at the redhead.

Slixvah gives a little sigh. "Lil' Blight don't need be 'round if that's ya undead friend. But ya ratto, /and/ your hatto..."

She ponders. "Hmm. Look, Git. I'm sure if, and /only/ if you can show you are responsible with what ya learned, ya can go from Prestidigitation to Conflagration, and ya can get yer ratto and Hatto back. Shit, even just doing a lil' magic like that there takes most people a looong time to get down. Just... don't make undead. Not now, not ever."

"Ya feel me, shug?"

Nemori isn't in any position to be offering work at Robert's smithy. It's his business, not hers. Even if it does seem like the kind of thing he would do. She turns to regard the woman with the travesty of a dialect. "Perhaps better gigs do. Better offers, rarely. I would think further upon the Sunguard's offer. It comes from a place of generosity that is not shared by all."

Git blinks, turning back to Slixvah as he listens. The gobber looks down and weighs her words, then reaches for the wagon wheel and pulls himself up to standing. He's so fresh and so clean, clean now. "Sniffers the Blight was my familiar," he sighs and pats an empty pocket on his coat. "He liked stinky cheese...

"You can't learn without a teacher. It's hard to get a teacher when you're blacklisted." He reaches up and scratches behind his ear. Little white flakes fall onto the shoulder of his coat. "She says she knows some people who might take me in. Find me books and a teacher."

Git manages a smile that's only mostly-dubious and defeated. "And I'm not dead, right? Thanks for that, I guess we're even." Apparently, he thinks he's owed for being kicked out of the Academy. He waves again and walks around the wagon towards Tamzin. "Yeah, sure."

"'ere's the lad!" Tamzin grins, tussling the gobber's hair as he comes close. Considering Andalena and Nemori one last time, she gives a one-shoulder shrug. "Finkin' don't put food in yor belly. Need crowns fer that," she decides, turning out her empty pockets.

"Right good work with the..." she lifts a finger and waggles it around, indicating the general area of the potential fracas. Then she bakchand taps Git at the shoulder. "Yer learn the chuffin' secret 'andshake and then we cop yer a tome an' a sack of them whatsis."

"Reagents?" Git offers. He turns and looks over his shoulder at Slixvah. "No zombies," he promises.

Slixvah nods slowly. "I know what it's like ta have that kinda bond," she hums, pulling herself up to her feet as well. "You're right though. No one can learn without a teacher. But the teacher never has to be a person. It can be a book, it can be life, it can be a near-death experience. Your easy path is barred, but I was never one to walk through the gates, I prefer to fly over them," she chirps with a cheeky crinkle to her eyes.

She shakes her head, chuckling with her hands in her pockets. The bird eyes Tamzin's slang, but she rolls her shoulders and lets it be.

The wheel of fate was turning, after all.

"Good," she nods to Git. "Jus' don' screw it up this time 'round again."

She looks about. "Rightie. I gotta split. I need some food and a afternoon slip. Catch ya'll on the flip, don't be a twit, if ya'll get into a party give me a tip."

She starts to depart, continuing her cadence and measure. "'cause I'm fifteen crowns short on the split, don't catch me on the trip, I ain't got no dip!"

She's down a block down. "But that don't matta 'cause I don't give a shi-"

"The wheels of fate ar-"

"Gawd /damn/ it Fiadh!"

"That one.. certainly is good at offering lip," Nemori remarks, then make a face. She says nothing further to the misfit pair. To each their own path. The suggestion offered was borne out of a place of.. well.. making the attempt.. rather than any place of actual concern. As for her original reason for coming out here.. Nemori decides she's given it the honest try. And hey, she even made a difference! Potentially! So she gives Andelena a little wave and then departs. If her step is a little more hurried than the steps that brought her here, well.. that might be because smithing holds a little more appeal to her than spending her time amidst the refugees.

Yes, the fact that she was a refugee herself who benefitted greatly from the kindness of strangers is not lost on Nemori.

Andelena looks a tad... disappointed? at how Tamzin's rejected her offer, and moreso at the implication of how she's making her living. "Look kiddo, suit yourself," she says, "but the path you're headed down might get you with more of those than it's worth. There's ways to make a living in this world that doesn't have you being someone's 'scullery maid'. Trust me, I'm living proof."

She gives Git and Tam a wave. "You ever change your mind, come find me at the Temple of Daeus. Name's Andelena."

And off the Sunguard goes into the day to pursue the next guard shift change.

