Business as Unusual

From Tenebrae
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The road has gone dark like the sky above it. A dark figure walks that path, shrowded in dark clothing shot through with crimson. Only the glint of silver gives tell-tale warning and then eventually more can be seen. Daechir is in a particular mood tonight, his face set in a stony sort of concern. His movements are shorter than they normally are, but no less graceful. His red eyes in particular are blazing, searching the road ahead with singular intent. Every so often the soft murmur of his voice is there just under the soft rhythmic ringing of a bell.

Mikilos murmurs to himself as well, but the tall elf's words likely have directed purpose, judging by the tiny swirls of air currently sweeping the walk near his shop. A small ball of soft blue light hovers near the wizard's shoulder, offering illumination to the immediate area.

Daechir stops, words falling away as he notices that he is no longer alone then speaks up in a quiet voice that carries easily in the evening air. "Pardon me?"

Mikilos blinks, perking up slightly, and smiles towards the figure in the dark. "Ah, good evening. Hrrm, or 'good night' I suppose it is by now. How might I be of service?"

"I am looking for someone. A woman, about this tall." He makes a motion at about the five foot mark. "Elvish in appearance, dark blue eyes and beautiful though that is my opinion of course." Daechir offers a smile at this.

Mikilos blinks, and considers a moment. So many snarky possibilities... But no, be helpful. "I can think of a few who match that general description, though none tend to linger just here abouts. Do you happen to know the lady's name?"

The dark elf offers a smile and glances about a bit ruefully. "If you saw her recently you would likely remember it, and while I do know her name it is rude to bandy it about on the chance that she is purposefully hiding. It is entirely possible that she does not look at all like herself today." He sighs and looks at Mikilos. "I appreciate that you want to help though, not many offer aid these days."

Mikilos smiles. "Customer service is always important, though finding people isn't my usual forte." he considers a moment. "Hiding one's name and appearance is seldom the act of upstanding citizens, but I'll assume you're just being cautious. My name, by the way, is Mikilos Mithralla, of Mithralla Merchandise." He gestures vaugly to the shop behind him, the massive glowing longsword visible for miles.

"I am, for her sake." He steps closer. "You may call me Daed however, and it is a pleasure to meet you. I like your sign." Daechir smiles broadly.

Mikilos grins. "Thank you. Saw something similar in Rune, figured I'd try something a little more solid than the standard illusions. And was fun to figure out how to craft something giant sized."

"I would be interested to hear more about how you went about it. I am a student of the magical arts myself and learning something new is usually a deep pleasure of mine." Daed seems to be settling into the conversation even though there is still a bit of an air about him that suggests that he is waiting for something.

Mikilos nods. "Was mostly a matter of hooking up a system of hooks and pulleys to move it around. I'm something of a general scholar myself, though I focus towards the arcane. I keep a small library of obscure topics, though the Arcanists College has a far larger selection."

Now Daed's eyes light. "A collection of your own you say? A man after my own heart. I keep a collection of the books I have found enlightening over the years in my own home. It seems to get larger every year." He laughs lightly. "I nearly need another room for it."

Mikilos nods. "A proper library. A small one, to be sure. Mostly journals and diaries of assorted people from across the world. Helps to understand a land or culture a little better reading the first hand accounts of those who have been there. Of course, not all diaries are meant for public view. I try to keep only those the author is willing to have read by strangers. Though can be difficult to obtain permission if the writer past away decades ago."

Daechir nods. "I imagine so. It sounds as though you have a fine collection. Here." He puts a hand into his pocket and pulls out a black business card with red and silver writing on it. It says simply 'Daed' on it, and an address near the noble's quarter. "Feel free to come by sometime and have a look at my library; and perhaps tea."

Mikilos accepts the card with a nod, glancing over it a moment before tucking it away into a pouch. "I well might. And you're perfectly welcome to stop by anytime you care to do so. The library is open to the public, though I'm not always around."

"I appreciate the invitation, and I am looking forward to visiting again sometime." Daechir extends a hand.

Mikilos nods, accepting the offered hand in a firm grasp. "There's also the store proper, with a range of magical items, a workshop for those who are the 'Do It Yourself' types, and a large ballroom that doesn't see nearly as much use as it likely should. I keep meaning to promote that better and never have gotten around to it."

"A ballroom you say?" Daechir seems quite interested in that. "For rent? I could see many uses for that, I am surprised that it does not garner more revenue for you."

Mikilos shrugs. "I mostly made it to see if I could, with vague plans for family gatherings. Then the war in Rune broke out, and the troubles with Heth, and so on and so on and never quite got around to it all. Thankfully it can sit for a while and be just fine when I get back to it."

Daechir nods. "I might rent it out myself actually, if you can make it suitably arranged for an event. I have been trying to help with charitable outreach here in Alexandria. There are many here who find themselves in a time of need, and I have found that those with wealth are more willing to part with it when they are well lubricated and in an environment such as... well a ballroom." He flashes another grin.

Mikilos nods. "I'd be happy to help with arrangements for a charity event. The schedule is fairly open, mostly just need to know when to make sure everything is cleaned up and the lights are activated. There's a small stage and a preperation area if you plan to have entertainment or serve refreshments."

"Oi! MIKILOS! What the hell is the meaning of this?" says Sandy, appearing nearby out of nowhere and GROWLING.

She holds a rolled up parchment in her hands, glaring in his direction with DAGGERS.

"YOU KNOW WHAT," she informs him, gesturing with said parchment.

"Excellent!" Daechir seems more and more pleased, finally leaning back slightly to look at Mikilos' shop with pleasure. Which is when Sandy stops in. Blinking his eyes he turns toward the sound of her ire and seems utterly flabbergasted. "Sandriel?" The name is so quiet that it would be easy to miss.

Mikilos jumps slightly as Sandy appear, and blinks, eyeing the waving parchment. "....hello Sandy.'re supposed to wait for me to deny knowing what you're talking about before you insist I do know. I understand things have been difficult recently, but you need to stick to the core script." he frowns mildly, trying to read the waving parchment. "Anyway, of the wide assortment of things I've done, which particular one are you talking about just now? I can't make out what you're waving around."

"Oh, hi Daechir." Sandy says, more politely, before jabbing a finger in Mikilos' direction. "Don't tell me you've swallowed that load of hog swallop too. I'm not poor. I'm not homeless. Serraphine is a bloody troll and started a stupid rumor that I was both. NOW, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" She jabs the parchment in his direction. "YOUR ADVERTISING SAYING 'DON'T BUY FROM THE HOMELESS MEAN ELF' now?" She eyes it. "AND THAT CARICATURE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE ME!"

Daechir coughs, hiding something that's not quite a laugh behind a hastily raised hand. "I um... Should be going." Pleasure to meet you Mikilos. Sandriel. I will see you later."

Mikilos grins, and nods to Daechir. "As you will, though she's really quite harmless as long as you have you're shin's well armored." The wizard freezes, and pales slightly. Knew he forgot something.
