Blar: Haber-Dasher

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Log Info

  • Title: Blar: Haber-Dasher
  • Emitter: Ashes
  • Characters: Barclaiigh, Shalethiste, Slixvah
  • Place: The independent City-State of Blar
  • Time: Wednesday, March 9, 2022, 6:47 PM
  • Summary: Recent arrivals in Blar are standing around, and notice that a squad of soldiers is having trouble with one of their own. There was something strange with the moon the night before. Bad dreams and unusual portents still linger in memories. The soldier bolts, the squad gives chase, and the adventurers are in the way. They combine to take the soldier, Hatto, down and he's taken into custody.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The independant city-state of Blar =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

A hobgoblin city, broken away from Bludgun and the capital of all goblinoid settlements that have also thrown off that yoke. It is inhabited and run by goblinoids and suits them -just fine-. It is a hard place, shaped by the competing outlooks of the Arvek Nar, the gobbos and to a lesser degree, the oruchs. Yet, it is still a city, cosmopolitan and filled with people going about their daily business. The more 'civilized' and softer races, like elves and halfings and of course humans, are not completely absent.

But they are rare.

One is more likely to see a bugbear or a docile gnoll, and any 'civilized' citizen or visitor should be on the solid side if they hope to be seen after running into one of the former. Understandably, it can seem a little like a gaol, with muscular, tattoo'd and heavily scarred men and women glaring about. It is not. There are children playing, folk buying groceries, old men engaged in strategy games under the trees.

The games are more violent, the food rougher, the old men have weapons close at hand should their wargame need a diplomatic solution. There is a lot more marching, patrols of hobgoblins in the streets, and explosions. The goblinoid sectors are not considered the swankiest parts of town. Lone Oruchs go about their tasks, preferring to act alone. A lot of stares and glares.

And very few smiles. Telling someone to smile is a good way to lose some teeth. Maybe that is why none of them do.


Rumours abound.

Last night something happened. There was an eclipse, and the moon never re-emerged. A sudden cloud cover left many Blarites wondering if they had witnessed something supernatural, or simply odd. There are reports that there was a small riot at a shrine.

Which shrine, wasn't specified. Who was rioting, or why, was not given to the town criers. This is on a need to know basis, and the average civilian or soldier doesn't need to know.

Some, have better educated guesses than others.

For everyone else, there are more patrols in the streets.

He needs rest. He knows as much. The elders at the union, the Elunites at their temple, and the no-nonsense 'nar have gone to great lengths to remind him of that. Still, the Khazadi druid has work to do and a very predictable predilection for stubbornness and duty.

So Barclaiigh is once again in Blar (trying not too think too much about the terrifying encounter with a 'friendly' gobber) trying to find signs of his cousin. He wanders the streets between squares of market stalls and scattered taverns with a pony keg tucked under one muscled arm. Occasionally he heads inside a place of drink and asks a few questions-- or he stops a passer-by and points at the family crest stamped to the portable cask.

The wildman's one eye still droops and weeps but the bruises on his arm are all-but-gone. Now he has a freshly-bandaged bite that's been salved and blessed! He stands to one side and mutters apologies as a trio of oruch say unkind things about his cousin and push past.

Bright, colorful, jovial, and a bit tired, a certain Eglarin stands out so much she ends up blending in. Lucky she is that she didn't have many bother her, as she knew to keep a wingspan away from others, courtesy of a tip from the 'Nar Skyguard she met not too long ago.

The lunar eclipse was... something. She stayed up to watch it, was confused about it, then decided the sky would sort it out as another restless night came and went.

So now here she was. Picking through the crowd, scratching her beak under the veil. Pondering: where was that handsome half-sil man? Didn't they have a package to deliver...?

Shalethiste has had a great deal on her mind in the wake of this past evening. The Mul'niessa, helping as she could to ease certain ill-ease at the ill-omen, or calm more... energetic reactions, travels the street with a hand casually resting at her scabbard and her eyes scanning the shadows and high places for signs of mischief, be it related or tangential...

"Hatto! Halt!" An order is shouted. There's a commotion at the intersection. An individual is running from a small squad. All Arvec Nar, all wearing the same armour and insignia, one of their number is out in front of the group. All are giving chase. Their squad's commander shouts, "We only want to help."

Hatto doesn't seem to want their help.

He's also nearly on top of the group.

<OOC> Shalethiste says, "I'll play speedbump and try to calm everyone down, with legendary Mul'niessa people skillz!"
GAME: Shalethiste rolls diplomacy: (1)+1: 2 (EPIC FAIL)

... such as the sound of a troop of Arvek Nar beating feet toward her general direction.

The dark elf turns, taking in the atypical humor of the forerunner, when the Commander's words perk her ears.

Ever inclined to help, and wishing to do so peaceably, the Mul'niessa steps into the incoming traffic and spreads her arms, her voice raised to be heard over the clamor, though, perhaps a bit too forceful to proper convey her earnest concern, "Whoa! Calm down, soldier, what is all this about, now? Perhaps I can help?"

Odds are good she's going to be bleeding from knife wounds or boot prints very soon.

Mul diplomacy is comedy gold for the ages.

<OOC> Ashes says, "however Hatto doesn't try to leave, because of Shale's Diplo, so he attacks her instead."
<OOC> Ashes says, "and it's a bullrush, so"
GAME: Ashes rolls 1d20+13+2: (5)+13+2: 20

"OUT OF MY WAY!" Hatto snarls, as Shalethiste steps in front of him. He barrels towards her, his face contorting and twisting. He shoves, expecting the mul'niessa to fold.

She doesn't.

She's an effective roadblock after all, no knife wounds at al.

<OOC> Barclaiigh says, "Let's head to 14,6 and give him a hug. Grappling, No Improved so he gets an AoO if he's armed."
GAME: Ashes rolls 1d20+11: (14)+11: 25
GAME: Barclaiigh rolls Fort: (7)+7: 14 (vs DC 15 - Catches Lycanthropy)
GAME: Ashes rolls 1d8+3: (5)+3: 8
GAME: Barclaiigh rolls CMB: (14)+6: 20 (vs CMD 23 - Fail)

"Hey now, fella--" Barclaiigh watches the fleeing man run straight into the elf, his small eye going wide. The dwarf is pretty sure that's the miss that was nice to him the other night, too. "Hey!" Shouts the druid, sandals slapping up dust behind him as he hustles over.

The fleeing 'nar doesn't seem to be armed so the Khazadi fellow goes in for a group around his waist. He gets bit for his efforts! On the other arm! There's a yawp of pain and he flinches back, unable to take firm hold of the crazed soldier.

<OOC> Slixvah says, "Ward Hex on barc, free action prehensile hair, get behind shale at 12,5"
<OOC> Slixvah says, "Barc, +2 deflection to AC (and CMD), and +2 resistance on saves. Ends when you fail a save or get hit"

Slix is more or less stepping out of the way as a soldier starts to break off and run for it. She didn't want to get involved. She was still figuring out what was going on in this place.

Then the gruffy guy she came in with got bit.

A sigh leaves her, ruffling the veil around her beak. She tsks, wagging a finger at the angry 'Nar. "Now now, why'd you go and harm a handsome lad like that? Hmm?"

"Bless your heart, little Nar." The sacred words. Now the Dwarf was certainty warded by nothing other than Mountain Hospitality.

The Eaglewoman steps behind the mul'neissa, the feathers on her wings starting to grow in length...

"Oh, sugar, I just love your hair!" she mentions to the mul'neissa.

GAME: Ashes rolls 1d20+1: (4)+1: 5 (Guards Diplomacy)

"Hatto! We got your back! Stop! Trust us brother!" The squad commander calls, as the formation rushes after him. Slowly, they're in heavy armour. "Civilians! Get out of the way! Don't engage!"

The civilians, in as much as they are civilians, are moving out of the way to either side the street. They're determined not to get run down by some of Blar's finest.

<OOC> Shalethiste says, "draw my sword anyway, so i can defend, and just in case, spellike abil, gonna faerie fire him"
GAME: Shalethiste refreshes special ability pools.
GAME: Shalethiste spends ONE use of FAERIE FIRE.
<OOC> Ashes says, "and no save, so he is a glowing"

Surprisingly, the comparatively tiny woman doesn't get put on her hindquarters with the soldier's shove, though she does take a step or so to soak the transferral of momentum, "Hey!"

With a twist as her hands come together by the guard of her sword, she slips the narrow longblade out in a wary stance, even as her eyes flash the hue of the Hunter's Moon.

Suddenly, the Khazadnivorous fellow is sheathed in the clinging illuminations of matching light, even trailing little wisps and sparkles with his every energetic movement.

Just in case he slips away.

<OOC> Ashes says, "okay, he's running by S&S, acrobatting it"
GAME: Ashes rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28 (Acrobatic vs DC 23 - Success)

Hatto dodges paste Shalethiste, and the ducks Slixvah and continues past her. He snarls in anger and it sounds very animalistic.

<OOC> Barclaiigh says, "Hrm. Aspect of the bear and then move to 11,4 to keep him threatened."
GAME: Barclaiigh casts Aspect of the Bear. Caster Level: 4 DC: 16

"He don't fancy listenin' t'reason!" Barclaiigh grumbles, glancing down at his most-recent wound and trying not to think of the familiar black fire crawling up his arm. He reaches up and takes hold of his boar's tusks, mumbling something in the druidic cant.

The Khazad-aul takes on a more animalistic appearance now, too! The hair of his beard and crown crawl to meet, his forearms, calves, and feet sprout a thick, auburn coat.

"Ain't no Garm beastie! Promise! Gotta raffle dank pigeon swelters!"

<OOC> Slixvah says, "slix will follow to exit then try diplomacy"
GAME: Slixvah rolls diplomacy+3: (5)+3+3: 11 (vs DC 20 - Fail to exit card)

Slix rubs the side of her face as the guards try and assuage the panicked soldier as she jogs along. "Hey, shug! Take slow, we got salve for your hot head, take it down a notch or ten!"

GAME: Ashes rolls 1d20+1: (5)+1: 6 (Guards Diplomacy vs DC 20 - Fail to enter card 1)

The squad is catching up, slowly. They're all drawing saps. "Hatto! Don't do anything that would get yourself reported. There's nothing to see here. Move along!"

'Nothing to See' is almost a rallying cry. Goblins are popping out of nooks and crannies to see what'sup.

<OOC> Ashes says, "he's 15' frm you, prettty close"
<OOC> Shalethiste says, "chase, try to subdual him"
GAME: Shalethiste rolls weapon3-4: (6)+11+-4: 13

Shalethiste isn't a hundred percent sure the man is in his right mind, though his violent impulses seem more reactive than proactive.

Erring on the side of mercy with the intent that it's easier to live with than the other, she makes an attempt to put the flat of the weapon upside his bean, though his frantic movements render that a pipe dream.

As he makes to flee, however, she manages a controlled thrust with the midnight steel, which seems to get a piece of his leg.

<OOC> Ashes says, "okay, he's trying to avoid all of you now, so it's highest CMB+4"
GAME: Ashes rolls 1d20+8: (16)+8: 24 (vs DC 25 - Fail)
GAME: Shalethiste rolls weapon3-4: (8)+11+-4: 15 (AOO - NL)
GAME: Shalethiste rolls 1d10+5: (8)+5: 13
GAME: Slixvah rolls feather slap: aliased to intelligence+BAB: (12)+3+1: 16
<OOC> Barclaiigh says, "Am I able to attempt a grapple or do I need the athletics check since we're in a chase?"
GAME: Barclaiigh rolls CMB+2: (15)+6+2: 23 (AotB removes AOO, +2 Grapple)

A bit furrier for his spell (but not a furrier by trade), Barclaiigh steps opposite the Silver Guard and comes at the fleeing soldier once again. The druid casually pushes back the snarling face of the Arvek Nar and then wrapps up arms around his stomach.

"C'mon, now, fella. Take a breath... ain't nobody trying t'hurt ya none..." the armored wildman tries to soothe but he's not the most calming of influences. So he makes sure to grab his wrists, both, with the opposite hands.

GAME: Slixvah rolls diplomacy+3: (7)+3+3: 13
<OOC> Slixvah says, "using my reroll"
GAME: Slixvah rolls diplomacy+3: (19)+3+3: 25

Slixvah, the Egalrin who's feathers were trailing behind her like ribbons on an unseen wind, holds out both of her hands and pulls her veil down. "Hey hey, sweetie, none of that now. Take a couple breaths, yeah? Now I know ya'll's Blar is all about that keeping it all orderly-like, now how's about some of that calm and order? Can you do that for me, sugar?" she coos in a calming tune.

GAME: Ashes rolls 1d20+1: (20)+1: 21 (Guards Diplomacy vs DC 20 - success, enter the cards)

"Hatto! Halt! Don't hurt them!" The squad commander calls, and the guards get close. Their serious expressions, severe to the extreme, convince the goblin spectators to back out of the way and block the exits.

The squad itself is on the verge of surrounding the group.

<OOC> Ashes says, "Shale is going to assist Barc with maintaining the grapple"
GAME: Ashes rolls 1d20+7: (9)+7: 16 (vs DC 10 - success)

The mul'niess moves in to help hold the fleeing Hatto.

<OOC> Ashes says, "okay, he strikes and bites at Barc"
GAME: Ashes rolls 1d20+11: (17)+11: 28
GAME: Ashes rolls 1d20+6: (10)+6: 16
GAME: Ashes rolls 1d4+7: (2)+7: 9
<OOC> Slixvah says, "hex ward drops"

As Barclaiigh gets furrier, so does Hatto. His mouth becomes very prominent, his teeth growing longer. He swipes and snaps at the dwarf. The heavy punch hits, and the bite misses.

<OOC> Barclaiigh says, "First check is free to maintain grapple, second is to pin."
<OOC> Slixvah says, "you just get the pin if you maintain"
GAME: Barclaiigh rolls CMD+2+2+2+5: (12)+CMD+2+2+2+5: 23 (+2 from spell, +2 from flank, +2 from assist, and +5 from that)
<OOC> Barclaiigh says, "Oh, he has to be pinned. THEN tied up. Ignore."
<OOC> Slixvah says, "yeah, start of next turn he can just be tied up with no check iirc"

"That's it! Hold him! Don't let him escape. Surround him men!" The guards arrive, there are boots everywhere, the solder's escape is cut off. He's not quite in custody, but it's close, very close.

The dwarf takes a punch full in the face, his oft-abused nose going crooked and immediately red. In response, Bar snorts out a short spray of dark blood and heaves back and across his hips to send the Arvek Nar to the ground. All two-hundred-plus pounds of the dwarf fall atop the soldier and corded forearms work up under hobgoblin arms where sausage fingers clasp behind his neck.

"Fidget... spring," Bar grunts with effort. "Gotcha, flow stops darkness."

Shalethiste reaches over and touches Barclaiigh's arm, "Let her light shine on your path." The dwarf feels his wounds improve.

<OOC> Slixvah says, "going to go behind barc and cast CLW"
GAME: Slixvah casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14
GAME: Slixvah rolls 1d8+2: (1)+2: 3

Slix groans as Barc is struck once more. "Well aren't you just a pocket full of sunshine," she huffs, jogging behind the dwarven man and letting her ribbon-like feathers drape over his back.

"Now now, hon, just let little Slix give you some ealhngi" she intones out to him in his native tongue, though the last bit is garbled for the incantation. A slight soothing sensation washes over as gentle white light suffuses off her feathers as they pass over him. <Khazdul>

GAME: Ashes rolls 1d20+13: (17)+13: 30 (vs CMD 23  - Success, escapes)
<OOC> Ashes says, "okay, he's going to try to get away, using Acrobatics, which is CMD+5+2+2 at least so DC 32"
GAME: Ashes rolls 1d20+8: (6)+8: 14 (vs DC 32 - Fail)
<OOC> Ashes says, "being surrounded does make escaping difficult"
GAME: Ashes rolls 1d20+7: (3)+7: 10 (Shale trip attempt vs DC 23 - Fails)
GAME: Slixvah rolls feather slap+2: aliased to intelligence+BAB+2: (18)+3+1+2: 24 (vs DC 23 - Success!)

With a roar, Hatto breaks free of the pin and makes a move to escape. He's surrounded. Shalethiste sweeps his leg, and it's like a tree-trunk. It wouldn't be the first time a tree-trunk has tripped her up. She goes down.

Hatto is too hemmed in to escape.

Slix's ribbon feathers fly out from behind Barclaiigh like a spider's legs and launch forward, braiding into something as tight as wood before it gives a large >woosh< at Hatto's legs.

Clonk! Thud! And down he hits the dirt.

The feathers zip back like a gnome's retractable ruler. "Stay down, sugar pea!"

GAME: Barclaiigh rolls CMB+2+2: (18)+6+2+2: 28 (vs CMD 23 - Success!)

"Fella's nuttier'n a squirrel turd," Barclaiigh growls, looking a little better for the healing but still lazy-eyed and broken-nosed. The dwarf crouches down next to the wayward soldier and presses his shoulders to the ground.

"Ain't list'nin' t'reason! Thump'm asleep!"

GAME: Slixvah casts Touch of Fatigue. Caster Level: 2 DC: 13
GAME: Slixvah rolls feather slap+2: aliased to intelligence+BAB+2: (14)+3+1+2: 20
GAME: Ashes rolls 1d20+10: (17)+10: 27 (vs DC 13 - Not Fatigued)

Slix bristles her feathers. "You're right about that, honey bun," she says to Barc, as one ribbon feather slips out from under him and brushing against the transforming man.

"Ssshh.. sleep now, child, orgw yearw..."

Fatigue pulls at them, but it doesn't catch.

"Grab him!" "Hold onto him!" "Hold his legs!" "Romuald, this one's a special investigator." Various guards call out, as they pile on the group, and mostly Hatto.

The commander helps Shalethiste stand and get free, while the others restrain the wayward soldier.

<OOC> Ashes says, "okay, If you can not epic fail a CMB, I think you can have him tied up"
GAME: Barclaiigh rolls CMB+2+2: (19)+6+2+2: 29

With the assembled assistance also assailing and assuring success, Barclaiigh drops a knee onto Hatto's shoulder and pulls the silver-threaded rope off his belt and sets to hogtying the cursed man. With the final loop done and the knot set, he falls back onto his rump with a sigh.

"Danged..." and then he trails off, a word stuck mid-tongue. He grunts and then just sighs, surrendering the swallowed sentiment and gingerly testing his nose.

Finally given a spare moment, he looks up to Shalethiste and Slixvah and offers a friendly-enough wave.

Once the wild man has been apprehended, Slix goes to a knee and lets out a long breath. "Phew! Good going, muscles," she chirps to Barclaiigh, patting him on the shoulder. "Do you want lil' ol' Slix to take a gander at your bite and nose? I'm not priest, but I got a trick or three up my sleeve."

The hobs descend en masse, helping to hold down their fellow soldier and then taking custody of him. He's disarmed, lifted to his feet, with two of the strongest holding onto him from behind.

Hatto has a very wolf-like visage, and his naturally thick Arvek Nar hair has become very full on his body.

Romuald, the squad commander, has a brief discussion with Shalethiste before addressing Slixvah and Barclaiigh. He's very direct, he doesn't smile. "Thank you for your assistance."

He frowns, "If you were bitten, you should get it looked at. Some things... were spreading, but don't go spreading any rumours. We'll... yeah, deal with this unofficially."

"If I see you around here again, I owe you a bear." There's one last glance towards Shalethiste, but with no further instructions, the soldiers head off, taking Hatto with them.

"Sure, miss," responds the extra-hairy Barclaiigh with a appreciative smile. He curls his thumb and pushes a lower knuckle across his weepy eye. "Saw'm run out the danged brambles'n he clearly ain't right," he explains, offering over his arm.

The other he raises to wave good-bye to the retreating squad.

"Second wolf-fella what bit me in like number'a days," sighs the dwarf to his recent acquaintance. "'n I'm still sortin' through th'maze. Got all..." he waves a hand at the side of his head. "Tree done star furrows." He presses his thin, wide lips together in frustration. "Sar furrows missing knots," he wipes at his eye again.

Slix looks up at the squad commander. "Glad to help, dearie," she chirps before looking down at Barclaiigh, her reaching into her many shawls and robes and... pulling out a full healers kit? Where was that? She makes sure the wolf-Nar was gone before pulling some bandages and salves out, though she slows almost to a stop, and she eyes him. "... sugar, you're speaking more tongues than me on a good date night. You sure you all that's done was a lil' bite?" she asks, a brow raised as she takes care of the wound. "We should get you to a priest still though, cupcake."

The soldiers head away, and the street returns to normal. Goblins go about their business, everyone else starts to reappear. A few glances are shot at the strangers, but no one approaches.

It seems to take the dwarf more attention to follow along with the conversation. The auburn beard moves subtly when he clenches his jaw. Barclaiigh opens his mouth and then closes it, smiling instead of speaking. Once the bandages are set he gives a curt nod and stands back up, looking around for his dropped pony keg.

"I..." he turns back; it's gone. The Khazad-aul slows his speech and speaks deliberately. "Cousins tryin' t'make a deal--" the next word catches and he grunts, gesturing instead with a finger waving in a circle to indicate the area. Maybe the block or the district... or maybe the city.

"Can't leave. Can detour a spell." The dwarf heaves a sigh and wipes at the lazy eye again. That took some effort. "No cherries," he adds with a seemingly unprovoked flush.

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