And One Goblin

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After morning prayers, Zeke made his way from the temple feeling as though he had once again forgotten something important. Yet a gentle touch on his shoulder - terrifying and yet relieving - had reminded him of what purpose lay in his steps.

The sith-makar walks with greater purpose in his steps this day than he usually does. Taking up more space. Not really drawing attention to himself, but people unconsciously make way for those who are larger than themselves and Zeke does not shirk from that fact today. He heads toward the Temple to Eluna, green eyes scanning for the personage that he is looking for already. If he can not see her - he knows he will doubtless hear her.

GAME: Acedia rolls perform/string: (3)+12: 15

The Goblin is playing, as she often does, though instead of dancing around, she is settled cross-legged at the pool. Gone are the robes she usually wears, replaced by her trusted leather armor and mithril breastplate.

The tune that she plays feels familiar, perhaps bringing nostalgia for better times, or memories of loved ones. Definitely based on some ancient Sil tune, Acedia's version leaves a little to be desired, but it works well enough.

As before, four lights dance about above her, adding a colourful visual display to go with the song.

As expected, Zeke locates Acedia quite quickly. He resists the urge to swish his tail, and solemnly makes his way toward the little woman. Noticing her change in attire and attributing it immediately to the loss of memories which he himself so recently suffered. Seldan had after all had a huge impact on everyone's lives. He makes his way carefully toward her, avoiding people and eventually reaching her side. "Peasssce on your nessst Ascedia."

The lights immediately shoot off down four separate corridors, while the music stops shortly thereafter. She gestures with her hands, and the violin and bow vanish.

"Zeke!", she says with grin, bouncing up from her seated position to approach the blue-scale gently.

"Peace on your nest.", she intones softly.

"How have you been?" Her expression takes on a puzzled look, and she rubs at her chin, growing thoughtful.

Zeke nods, seemingly to himself before looking seriously at Acedia. "Thisss one would ssshare wordsss with you Ascedia. Might we adjourn to a room?" He makes a motion with his claw toward where he knows the spare rooms are kept, and even takes a step in that direction.

"Oh, alright. Is it serious, to require privacy? Or are you looking to just relax and be at ease?" Her expression brightens. "I could fetch something for us to drink and eat, if you like?"

Acedia does follow along, though, a step or two behind Zeke.

Zeke's eyes follow Acedia, and yet he moves swiftly toward the rooms that he previously mentioned. He avoids any groups of people, allowing others to cross in front of them and generally seeming to take his time picking the way through the room. "Ssuch iss not necesssary, it isss indeed ssssome-thing ssseriouss that thiss one would sshare with you."

They finally make it to the room and Zeke quickly slips inside, showing more haste now than ever before. He looks around it hastily to ensure that it is empty and then allows Acedia into the room. He holds the door open a long moment afterwards, then sticks his head out the door to see if anyone has followed before closing it firmly. He then settles himself bodily in front of the door, as if to ensure that if someone tries it they will get no further than his very large self.

Only then does he relax an increment.

Her facial expression shows plainly that she is curious about the precautions Zeke appears to be taking, but she continues talking cheerfully.

"Ah, is it about my playing? The old fart complaining again about disturbing his meditation, even though there's several thick walls between my violin and his meditation?"

As soon as Zeke relaxes, Acedia voices a spell and draws out the rune with her forefinger. A thumping noise can be heard, like someone randomly beating on a drum, somewhere in the room.

"Does that help ease your mind, if the noise covers our voices?", she wonders.

"Yessss. A wissse precaution." Zeke offers, leaning somewhat against the door. Leaning against a verticle surface is not so easy when you have a tail, but Zeke is so obviously trying to prevent someone else from coming into the room that it'd be amusing if it wasn't so serious. "Thisss one mussst asssk you Asscedia, what-ever happensss nexst... you _mussst_ keep your voisce down."

For the first time, another voice speaks, a light voice with a distinct Myrrish lilt to it, from the far corner of the small room in which they now sit. All at once, a bright-haired figure in full armor, arms, and traveling gear appears, his haversack replaced with a much newer-looking one, balanced between the balls and heels of his feet in an alert warrior's stance. "The safety of this Temple, and of all Alexandria, may depend upon it, Acedia."

Seldan - and suddenly, she'll know who it is, and is suddenly able to see him, how'd he get here? drops to one knee, pushing Guiding Star over his back.

"We could jam one of the chairs under the handle, if you like?", she whispers, though her curiosity grows. The Goblin practically vibrates in place as she attempts to keep quiet, and not delay Zeke's revelation.

"I'm going to be angry, aren't..."

She visibly jumps a little at Seldan's sudden arrival, looking surprised at first, then hurt, and the tears come quickly.

"Seldan.", she says softly, though the catch in her voice speaks to the volume she wished to use but chose otherwise. "What is going on?" Ace takes his moving to one knee as an invitation to an embrace, and moves swiftly to take the opportunity to do so, before he can change his mind.

Zeke relaxes another increment. He had been wholly expecting an outburst of noise from Acedia, but she'd contained herself and that meant that there was less risk all around of them being found out. He hefts a sigh and leans more heavily against the door. Clearly not trusting that just a chair will suffice to keep it safe. "Powerful magicsss are at work here Ascedia." Yet he will let Seldan explain the brunt of it. It's not really his place to do so.

Seldan does accept the embrace, holding her firmly without squishing too hard, and finally releasing her. "Heed me, Acedia, for I can only risk asking this once," he says seriously. "Why I was in Llyranost, I shall explain further upon the journey, but know that I and others had sought diplomacy with the llyranesi, in search of the means to end of a great evil in the world. The Veil of Llyranost itself spoke to me, for it is a creation born of Eluna's will and Animus' spirit. It has chosen to abandon Llyranost, and I am its vessel. It shields me from all, do I not will it otherwise, but I know not how long that will be so. Llyranost will come seeking me, for they are angry, and will likely search Alexandria. Zeke and I depart the city for a time, that Her will be accomplished despite their wishes. I would have you as well, do you see fit."

Her confusion is evident in her expression, though her eyes are easily read as she contemplates Seldan's words. "This is merely a temporary abandonment, yes?", she wonders, softly. "Like, the Veil will return once this task is done?" Her voice becomes more even as she continues, eyeing Zeke. "Are there others coming with us, or is it just the three of us?"

The Gobbo nods her enthusiastic agreement. "I would go, and give it my all." Her expression falls slightly. "I am sorry for being cross with you, the other day."

Zeke glances at Seldan at Acedia's assumption about the Veil, but he says nothing. He does however perk slightly at her apology, seeming pleased that she'd chosen to do so. "Thisss one isss glad to hear you sssay sssuch Ascedia."

"That do I not know," Seldan answers seriously. "As Animus is no more, she says that she is weakened, and it is in my mind that she is dying." The words are fraught - worry, sadness, but determination among them, and he lowers his eyes. "I shall carry her for as long as she wills it. In truth do I not sorrow to leave Alexandria behind forever, should that be my lot," he admits in a low, quiet tone. "I seek those I would miss, and they are few indeed, but we must depart as soon as may be arranged. Gladly would I have you upon this road, and you are forgiven the scolding. It is in my mind that you intended only good, and yet -"

He trails off. "I have had my fill of harsh words."

"It was a shock to see you both in poor condition. I imagine it is like going away from your family for a time, and coming back to find your child is almost your height and can run faster than you can now. All I could think was that I should have been there. And that you were both struggling so hard that you were neglecting your own care. Which I could have tended to, were I present. I am going not just because it is a thing worth doing, this task set before you, but that I have had my fill of seeing you return in tatters. I would bear witness to what comes." Acedia says.

Zeke starts to move from the door almost on reflex, but quickly remembers his job here. "Thisss one feelsss ssimilarly Ascedia. Too often hasss Sseldan gone into a fight with-out thisss one. Thisss time... Thisss one ssshall be here to more than tend hisss woundsss in the aftermath." He doesn't know if they will return from this confrontation with the Griever, but he knows that this time he will not be left behind. "Jusst remember Asceida. We are not your nesstlingsss, we are your comradesss. We will all of usss care for one another."

Seldan's eyes lower at the unquestioning support of his comrades. He hasn't really let go of Acedia, although she can squirm free if she wants to, but his shoulders fairly sag with relief, and his eyes are on the floor at his feet. "Holy Dreamer be praised, that she sends me companions both stout and wise," he murmurs.

Acedia is quite happy for the contact and makes no move to free herself of the Paladin's embrace. She giggles lightly and sighs. "You both could definitely use someone to take care of you, though. To remember the little things that you forget, despite being important for continued survival."

She lets out a longer breath, and slowly releases her grip on Seldan, pushing him back slightly. "I was mad because I was upset. You know from long experience that I don't do yelling, usually, yes?" The Gobbo eyes Zeke momentarily, "It was upsetting to see you so tired, and malnourished, Zeke. That's why I reacted such. I had thought the two of you were questing together, and allowing each other to fall into such disrepair."

"Thisss onesss condition iss thisss oness own fault." Zeke says simply, then shakes his head. "Now isss not the time for thisss. We mussst be on our way Sseldan. Every moment isss a risssk."

He looks at Acedia then. "If you forget Sseldan again, remember only that you are with thisss one, and that we have an important tassk outsside the sscity." He offers his claw to the goblin woman. "It isss time to gather your thingsss and be on our way."

Seldan is silent, and does not answer Acedia. Something haunts the man as he lifts his face to regard the other two, but Zeke's words seem to clear that away, and with one last hug, he sets the gobber down. "Go and gather your things, for Zeke has the right of it. When you return, you shall not see me. Zeke, make for the clearing we use when we teleport here. I shall not speak or be seen, but I shall reveal myself there, and we shall proceed to Mictlan from there."

So saying, he gets slowly to his feet, something in his gaze still at least a little haunted, but his focus on the task before them.

The Gobbo peers at Zeke, and slowly shrugs. "I guess it is but.." Her eyes fall on the offered claw, and she reaches up a hand to hold onto it. "I won't be long.", Ace says softly. "And I don't want to forget him.", she says more firmly. "But I will do as you ask."

She seems to resist Seldan's attempt to set her down, but she doesn't belabour the exchange. "I will see you again.", she says, before turning and heading for the door.

Zeke waits a moment, waiting for Seldan to be ready before he uses his body to block the exit and opens the door. The goblin is the only thing permitted out, and Zeke hovers around the edges of her so that anyone looking in would only see blue scales and little more.

It is long past time for them to be on their way.
