Anatomy of a Fiend

From Tenebrae
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Mithralla Merchandise

Mikilos leans against the shop counter, reading. The shop windows are closed, but the door is open, letting is air but keeping out the constant rain. Well, most of the rain.

Rain. Gray. Aya should be thankful that the sun is not glaring and bright. On the other hand, it doesn't soak one, either; not directly, at the least. She enters, closing the door behind her as it was when found. The tal sil is readily noted at the counter and she greets him with, "Archmage. Your shop appears rather empty for such a pleasant day..."

Mikilos glances up and smiles, folding over a ribbon to mark his page as he closes the book. "About standard, it's the unplesant days that drive people indoors. Anyway, what brings you by?"

Aya makes a brief glance about the shop before returning her attention to Mikilos. "I am here to inquire of a weapon, in regards to my fiendish problem. I heard tell that you had one that might be useful, but you never mentioned this as I recall."

Mikilos frowns mildly, but shrugs. "I can craft magical weapons set to harm fiends. Bane, holy, mithril or cold iron, axiomatic. Demonsorrow blades can prevent planar teleportations. Are many useful options, but none are a sure thing."

Aya steps to the counter to lean slightly against it; her side or shoulder more than hip given her stature. "This one was specific, as I understand. Seldan wielded it for a time, and ... the demon duke sought to possess it. Capable of destroying fiends, or most anything, or so I was informed." She regards him again, perhaps dubiously as it seems a rather pertinent point in her present predicament. She stops short of accusastion, however. "Is that true?"

Mikilos ahs. "Mortal Dread, the TrueDeath weapon of the Queen of Air and Darkness. I was allowed to weild the blade agaist Endless Winter, but it was returned to keep it out of Eclavdran's hands."

Aya's brows perk at the mention of the name and then the confirmation, though lower with her brow on the status. "Is it, or another like it, obtainable? He is no more, so his acquiring it is not a concern." More furrowing of brow. "I presume that it is not acquired without some cost." Nothing ever is and certainly nothing of that calibre.

Mikilos shakes his head. "Possible, but not easy. The weapons of TrueDeath are tightly held. I'm only certain of the ones existance. To convince the Queen to borrow it, you'd need to Vow not to weild it agast anyone but the fiend, and do something like put out one of your eyes. She values agony." (I don't recall what exactly we traded.... someone peeled the skin off their arm, or some such)

This does not reverse Aya's look of concern or consternation, though she still nods as she listens. She is still for a time as she considers before speaking. "Do you have the means to contact this Queen to barter for its use? What she requires, I may be willing to offer. If she enjoys agony, I can readily introduce her to Daed's grandmother."

Mikilos snerks, but nods. "Not a simple task to reach her, and she might not be willing, but reaching the dark parts of the Fae Lands isn't too complex." He frowns, slightly haunted. "Be careful. This is an Immortal Fae Queen. She could very well desided to jusy keep you as a pet, and there's very little to be done about it if she does. It's utterly possible you won't WANT to leave.... I didn't."

"I have been to the fey lands before," Aya confirms that the the realm, itself, is not difficult to reach. "The threat of The Wild Hunt was one of the few things he feared. I imagine this weapon was another." After that, the level of complexity abruptly rises and she frowns. "I have no wish to become a pet." Again. A pause before she exhales a sigh.

"Tell me... between seeking this Queen and bartering... or marching into the Iron Hells to battle this fiend at its stronghold... Which do you believe the best option for success?"

Mikilos frowns, considering the question, idly observing as he does so. "The Wild Hunt also uses TrueDeath weapons... or rather, some of their members -are- TrueDeath weapons? Their claws and fangs? I'm not entirely clear on how it all works. The fae are, understandably, reluctant to discuss such matters." He considers. "TrueDeath kills the soul, or something along that lines... I'm not positive the effect would hold to a fiends summoned form. I think it would, but I'm not positive. Also, facing such a treat, fiend is likly to take extra precautions. So after questing to get such a weapon, if it's even possible, are likly to have to march upon a hellish fortress anyway."

Aya snorts. "I have no intentions of -telling- it I am armed against it..." The mirth does not last, of course. "It is bound to me, and I to it. It seeks to torment me, so I doubt that it would sit and hide." Her frown slims to pressed lips. "If such a weapon destroys the soul, that may be enough to end it. I have a thought as to this... connection that could explain many things."

Mikilos nods. "I didn't mean you'd advertize the fact, but it's done an unplesantly accurate job of knowing your moves thus far. I'd wouldn't assume it to miss a quest to the Fae Queen. I have wards, but it's still possible this very converstation is being observed."

Aya shakes her head. "I do not believe that it knows what I do. I do believe that it knows what I -did-." There is a pause before she notes, "I saw what he did to Lily. He -" her frown returns in force "He took her soul, changed it to something else, returned it to her. I..." Believe? Think? Fear? "He may have done something similar to me."

"But he did not want just another demon; he wanted -me-. I now wonder if he had to leave some part of me still my own to keep that, or only took some small piece and used it to make IT."

Mikilos frowns and shakes his head. "I don't know. I'm familiar with a couple methods a person can be copied, but none fit what's been going on. What to do about it is just as murky."

Aya lifts a hand to rub at an ear. "I do not know for sure, either. I only know that I was " she fishes a moment for a word "... broken when I returned, and after I was healed was told that I would never be complete while it still existed. Whatever it is, I won't allow it to continue to be. If I must barter with this fey Queen AND venture to the Iron Hells, I will."

Mikilos nods. "I would think just the hells to be enough, but sometimes overkill is the best option. Unfortunately I'm not 100 percent sure what would affect it. Holy magic I'm pretty confidant about, but demon bane, less so. So far as magic is concerned, how much is demon, and how much is, well, you?"

"Enough of it is fiend that it does not stay dead," Aya scowls. "That is far too much demon for me. It can fight with my skills..." her scowl softens " as you know too well. I don't know what other abilities it has."

Mikilos nods. "A TrueDeath weapon would, I'm sure, keep it dead. But not confidant in how useful would be in making it dead in the first place, or what level of injury is required. Does the TrueDeath blade need to just make the killing blow, or deal the majority of damage, or a certain percent? I don't know. You've been able to kill it before, but if can only use a weapon not fully accustom do, might prove much harder." He frowns. "And if the blade does kill the soul, and the fiend is created around a piece of your soul, killing that piece might mean never getting it back."

That... is a fair point. Both, in fact. Her frown vents a sighing exhale before she concedes with a nod. "If that means it is no longer bringing harm to others, then I will take that risk. It must be removed, however possible." A hint of upward curl then twists her lips. "If it were easy, it would have been destroyed long ago and we would not be speaking of it."

Mikilos nods. "Agreed. It needs to be stopped. And what that is worth to you, is of course, up to you. But to lose a piece of your soul seems a heavy price to pay."

"I lost all of it for a time," Aya notes, albeit quietly, as her eyes find interest in the counter before returning to him. "It was only by others that I had any portion returned. A piece for their well-being is the least I can offer them in return." Still, there is much to consider and she falls quiet for a time. "I agree that both options, together, are best, but the one is required before the other. You had ...troubles with this Queen, before, so I will not ask you to venture there once more."

Mikilos smiles. "I'm willing, I'm not the same I was then, though not certain I've changed enough. But I do urge caution." He considers. "One of the other royal fae might be a better choice. All are unpredictable, but if one has particular strang stance againt demons, they might be more willing to aid. I don't know the others well, so I can't say for sure, but is something to look into before striking any bargans." He frowns thoughtfully. "The Hunt takes prey of Oathbreakers and KinSlayers... can the demon be said to have slain a family member?"

"If you know where or how I might find any others that are a better option, I welcome the information." Aya may intend further question, but this halts the moment his own is processed. Her eyes lower and lips firm, creating another moment of silence. "One very close to me was slain, one of few I consider family... but I do not know that it was the fiend that killed him and not myself..." It takes a moment more before she finally parses the significance. "Kinslayer... Would they consider it so? Would that motivate their aid?" A halt. "Or would they cut be down where I stood?"

Mikilos shakes his head. "The Wee Queen I know holds no such weapon, or has been very careful in keeping it secret if she does. The King of... Sky and Light? I'm not confidant his title, but apparent he holds a hatred for elves, fallen fae to his mind, and is rather insane as well. As for Kinslayer, I would think intent and purpose to be vital, but I'm not positive of that. Tales tend to be of a lordling murdering a brother or father to take a crown. Demons are mentioned far less."

Aya's spark of added hope dims. "Slayer of its own kin," she summarizes his clarification aloud. The mention of other fey royalty and their status is likewise not wholly encouraging. A fresh exhale. "I understand. This Queen of Air and Darkness seems perhaps the best option known." That she knows something of darkness as well might make for some common denominator? There is still much to digest and determine, though, or perhaps she does not intent to press Mikilos further on his participation.

She straightens from the counter. "There are others I must confer with. I will seek your counsel again before venturing forth. Anything you might recall or learn between now and then, I would be most grateful."

Mikilos nods. "I'll look over my journals, is possible I've overlooked something. I just wish I had more positive information to share."

Aya nods and starts to turn, but pauses to look over her shoulder at him. "Mikilos," her lips crack upwards in a smile; slim, tentative, but present, "this is positive. It is more than we had before. Every morsel is a tool that improves the chance to be rid of it, and every last stain from him. I am most grateful." She resumes her turn and proceeds out of the shop.