A Night in the Lists

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Log Info

  • Title: A night in the lists
  • Emitter: Faranmidahn
  • Characters: Faranmidahn, Ezil, Paenitia, Lyme, Galidor
  • Place: A11: Festival Grounds
  • Time: Monday, July 05, 2021, 11:41 PM
  • Summary: The Knightly Orders are using the Festival Grounds for jousting. Sir Faranmidahn successfully dismounts her opponent, Sir Orghyn. Ezil the Allfriend arrives, congratulating her, and in time to see Sister Paenitia discussing which bracket she should be in, arguing that Ramirez earns her a spot against full sized riders. Lyme arrives to spectate, and joins Ezil and Faran. Paenitia comes over while things are sorted out and makes introductions. She and Faran share anecdotes about raising their mounts from eggs. Ezil, must depart, and Sister Paenitia's spot comes up, she faces a fellow Knight of the Pilar, Sir Tenzacatetl the Stern Rebuke, riding a huge quadraped lizard. They clash fiercely as Galidor arrives to watch. He and Sir Faran discuss the dietary needs of Torrent, Faran's spider. Paenitia and Tenzacatetl finish, and next it is a Knight of the Purple Rose, Faran's Order, and a Knight of the Scale facing off. Sir Perryn and red-haird Hobgoblin woman. The testing of mettle continues as the cavaliers lay on...

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* A11: Festival Grounds *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The sweeping Festival Grounds serve many purposes. For much of the year they serve as practice grounds for training knights, for the games of children who pick up ball, bat, and begin a game of stickball. During other times, they're filled with colored tents, with performers for some of Alexandria's many festivals.

Along one side are a set of permanent bleachers, and at either end an archway. Each archway is carved in the style of a grand entry and marked with images of of Daeus, with rearing horse and flying pennon. Here, the god stands depicted in his roles of defender and knight-warrior. Recently, the Lancers of Serriel have taken to practicing here, along the knights and warriors of other orders, and a small number of them take a select pride in the upkeep of the grounds, alongside the Daeusites, Navosians, Gileans, and other mixtures.

Littering the grounds are places for archery, target practice. Here too, scheduled a few times a month, is the space given for ridden sport, organized recently by the arvek nar. The reigning champion's name is displayed in an upright lance at the end of the field, a silent challenge for next month's contender.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing, in Order  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Faranmidahn  3'3"     35 Lb      Halfling          Female    Albino Lucht woman in black leather armor with a BIG spider
Ezil         5'11"    175 Lb     Human             Male     An armored man with dark skin, and grey-blonde hair.
Paenitia     3'0"     34 Lb      Halfling          Female    A Lucht knight, dark skinned in bold feathery finery.
Lyme         7'2"     435 Lb     Orc               Butch     Black-skinned oruch of suitable stature
Galidor      6'9"     265 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      Sith-makar with golden claws.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Sirs Arriving Fashionably Late  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Sir Orghyn                       Goblin            Male      Knight, pony mount
Sir Tenzacatetl the Stern        Sith-Makar        Male      Knight of the Pillar, former squire
Sir Perryn                       Half-Elf          Male      Knight of the Purple rose, astride a chestnut mare
"Red"                            Hobgoblin         Female    Knight of the Scale, riding a massive cat

It's a night of jousting in the field, it seems.

Penants of Serriel, of Gilneas, Kor and others flutter from stands framing the field.

Of Cockatrices, Crowns and Purple Roses interspersed between those more divine.

There is a bit of a crowd as assorted souls thunder along the lanes in splendid challenge.

A spider the size of a large dog, festooned with fine leather barding scurries alongside the rail with his rider, trailing a web-embroidered cloak of purple behind her nearly so much as the ivory hair that lashes from 'neath her dark visored helmet, as they lay on.

Opposite, astride a pony is a goblin clad in gilded full harness who takes the point of the spider-knight's lance to the high left of center as his own skates off the lower left of her simple breastplate, spilling the male ass over teakettle to the dirt with a familiar crash.

The spider knight, discarding what's left of her splintered lance at the end of the lane, wheels Torrent about to watch the pages see to her opponent. Meanwhile, a hand gently curls at her side for a few moments.

Ezil had walked up upon this scene by chance, his eyes having caught site of the royal color clad Lucht as she dismounted the goblin rider. "Good show!" He calls with a smirk as the sound of mounted battle seems to fall silent.

There isn't much to conceal Ezil's mirth as he claps a hand, and makes his way towards Faran carefully, but not cutting into the the lanes or fields of combat. "Just splendid." laughing at the sight he had witnessed, and then glancing to the fallen rider to see if he will rise.

"We are not sure which list to put you on." There is a discussion off to the side.

A Lucht in red armour with a white feathered cloak, riding a white peacock-andalusian hippogryph with red spots, is looking down at an organizer. "This is not hard to know. In the lists for the full size mounts."

"You are small, are you sure you wouldn't rather have a smaller mount. Your current one flies, too... There aren't many fliers."

"Ramirez does not! He glide. This only happen if he come down off the mountain or the catapult throw him."

'Ruaah?' Ramirez sounds concerned.

"I fight the bigger things all the time. This is not unique. I wrestle a Jotun down."

"We'll... find something. Hold on."

Faranmidahn smiles, a touch lopsidedly, if only the tiniest bit at the call, turning toward the hail when her expression brightens, "Ezil!" she cries, nudging Torrent over toward the lines to join her far flung friend, "How are you and the boys!" At least, she thinks Pancake and the others are boys.

Back at the lane, the pages get the pony under control, and the felled Lancer comes to his feet with no glaring issues. He unlatches his helm and waves to the crowd.

Faran notes the din of the crowd change and she twists in her saddle, removing her helm in turn and saluting her opponent, "Well struck, Sir Orghyn!" she calls. Then, under her breath, notes, "He hits really hard."

There is the resplendent sight going on at the lists, and a certain, fond amusement takes the albino's face, "I have new friends for you to meet!"

Lyme is a remarkably good crowd-plow, his night black bulk and pretty tusks moving the crowd aside with suggestion. He approaches the spectacle, smile on his face.

"I am well, but the boys are resting from the road." Ezil answers promptly to Faran, giving Paenitia and her mount a wide berth as she begins staging herself up to try and catch a fight. "So, is this... normal?" he asks of the spider mounted woman, motioning to the scene here in the festival grounds with a small gesture of his wrist. "I don't think Pancake or Crepe would much like this sport. They're not big fans of pointy sticks."

Lyme is noticed by Ezil's eye, again smirking as he stays along the sidelines to not get in the way. "It's drawing a small crowd though. You might be famous soon."

"Hola Sir Faranmidahn!" The Lucht in the red armour turns towards the albino Spider Knight. She wears a metal mask, a stylized man's face with a wide grin and mustache. It seems directly attached to her wide brimmed hat. With her dark curls framing it, no aspect of her countenance is visible, "I will be over to meet the friends soon."

"We've found someone. Sir Tenzacatetl of the Stern Rebuke. Will you face him?"

"Oh yes!" Paenitia is gleeful, "He is a Knight of the Pillar. Gladly I test against him."

"All right. Make your preparations. His mount is also oversized."

Faranmidahn giggles a little despite herself and, after signalling Torrent with a couple of knocks to belly down, she dismounts a little stiffly and steps up to hung the Allfriend, "I've missed you! I'm glad they're alright, as well." She straightens and nods, "Well, the Lancers had taken to using the field when there were no festivals and, over time, the other orders wanted to play, too. It's good practice, and it lets some of our number get the extra..... energy out of their systems."

She raises a hand and waves, trying to get the Red Knight's attention, "Sister Paenitia has been doing a lot of good of late. We had a get together of sorts. All the Knightly orders were invited, though not everyone came. It was nice and I like to think it helped err.. 'melt the ice'?" Ahem, "That is the phrase, yes?"

The large oruch is given a little bow, with a stifled wince and a, "Hello, sir! A fine evening, isn't it?"

She smiles to the other Lucht and waves again, "Hola, Sister Paenitia, how are you and brave Ramirez tonight?"

Returning that hug with an arm and pat, Ezil looks to Faran ash she speaks. "Aye, I missed you too." he comments with a warmth, before he lets Faran's words distract him as she talks towards Paenitia and her rather flamboyant, and curious mount. "Did you call her sister? Another knight of your order, or is this by blood?" he asks, though his features seem unsure. "I think I have met her before, but... I wasn't in the city long last time I came." he notes, some confusion seeming to cloud his memory.

Lyme lifts his hand, and waves towards Faran and Paenitia, nods to Ezil. He smiles affably, "It's a lovely evening, yes!" He gestures. "This looks exciting!"

"It is my title," Paenitia says, riding Ramirez over to the group while her activity is lined up. She bows in the saddle towards Ezil, then Lyme, "Well Met! I am Sister Paenitia Snapdragon del Haranna, Knight of the Pillar and Paladina of Tarien."

She laughs, "I have many more titles, but only in the presence of golden Friend Dragons. Ramirez is well, Sir Faran. He is hot and ready to test."

'Ruaaah!' Ramirez agrees. He is hot. The city is very humid right now.

"I try the new lance and shield."

"It's her title." Faran replies warmly, "I think that's because she's a Paladin of Tarien. Her opponent is a Pillar Knight, too, but uses 'Sir' as I do."

She smiles to the oruch fellow and, "I am Sir Faranmidahn Waywalker, Knight of the Order of the Purple Rose, and my trusty steed" the huge black spider with his belly on the dirt beside her "Torrent." Then, she gestures to, "Sir Ezil, Allfriend, , my dear friend, and Holy Blade of Althea. It's very nice to meet you!"

She smiles and finger waves to the splendid mount, "Hello, brave Ramirez, you're looking quite handsome today!" the little Lucht is in decidedly good cheer, and her side has stopped smarting by now.

Lyme nods politely. "I'm Lyme. No titles." Just tusks. And smiles. He absorbs it all. "Paenitia - Sister Snapdragon, Sir Faranmidahn Waywalker, Ezil Allfriend." There's a pause. "I'm going to need a good nickname in this town, I think, or I'll seem like a mount."

Ezil raises a hand in a sheepish manner towards Lyme. "I am indeed Ezil, AllFriend. I am also called Sentinel, but... my titles do not range as far as my friends here." then motioning between the two Lucht, but letting his attention settle on Paenitia and her exotic mount. It's not that Torrent isn't exotic, but the spider-bro has been seen many a time. This feathered and plumed monstrosity is something new, and it does draw the eye. "I'm still happy with my mules. They have served me well, though..... Pancake is smart. He knows a few tricks."

Galidor heard the clashing and clanging of armor and he come down from the north to investigate what's going on. He spots his two steak eating companions and gives a wave as he moves over to watch what's going on. It seems like there is some practice jousting going on. "Greetings all." He says cheerfully.

Ramirez carefully nudges at Faranmidahn's hand, then her head, with his beak. He's accustomed to Luchts, and makes a friendly clicking noise then a whinny.

"The trustworthy mount is all you can ask for." Paenitia agrees, leaning along the white peacock's neck, digging into his feathers. "I raise him from his egg. I trust him with my life. He save me many times."

"Truly Ramirez is the strong man of Isobar. It is good to meet you my friend, and Hola Friend Dragon. Much happiness in seeing you again."

Torrent, meanwhile, sits there patiently. His nuzzles end badly. Especially if you're a pig.

The albino smiles and gently scritches the hippogriff's feathers with some gentle crooning sounds before she looks to the new voice, "Peace on your nest, sir, and well met!"

The little knight then starts to gently stroke the chitin of her mount's leg, which he gives her forever to stop doing, "And the same with Torrent, we found him when he was newly hatched. I am Faranmidahn Waywalker, Knight of the Order of the Purple Rose."

Ezil smiles wide at the forming crowd, but something about the man's demeanor changes. "Well... the event doesn't seem over, and some are still showing up." he chimes, a glance cast towards the Sith'makar with a nod. "I still have things to tend to this evening, but I will be settled by tomorrow morning. I'll look for you or your sister Little Knight." his words spoken towards Faran. "I am sure we will find each other again soon enough... but now isn't the time for me to rest." turning and raising a hand as he moves to depart. "A pleasure, all of you. Peace on all the lives and nests." going about his way as quickly as he arrived.

Galidor smiles at both of the knights, "Peace on your nests. It's good to see you both and your mounts again. Will you both be jousting soon? If so good luck with your matches." He nods to Ezil, "Peace on your nests as well."

"Ha! Ramirez was all fluff and ugly, was it the same for Torrent?" Paenitia asks, with the gleeful tones of a parent showing off embarrassing baby photos.

Ramirez snorts. He was always handsome. Yes. Do not listen to the lies.

"Sister Paenitia Snapdragon, you are next in the lists."

"Wish me luck, my friends! I go now. I shall return soon." The Red Knight waves to the group and moves to her end of the line. At the other, the Sith'Makar Knight of the Stern Rebuke. His mount is not a Swiftclaw. It is a larger, fourlegged and heavily scaled lizard, with a long tail that ends in a thagomizer. The beast is simply huge, overwhelming the nearby horses.

"We have the biggest one today, fly strong Ramirez." Paenitia can be heard saying encouraging words, then a louder challenge to her fellow Pillar Knight, "Hola! I will not be going easy on you today."

And they charge.

Faranmidahn grins, "He was very tiny, but he was so, SO CUTE!" You can almost hear the stars twinkle in her eyes. Her smiles sobers some as Ezil makes to attend to business, and she hugs him a bout the legs briefly, "Walk in the Hunter's favored winds, we'll see you soon!"

Her attention is given then to the other Lucht as her turn at Lane is announced, "Good luck, my friends!" she exults with a salute, then smiles anew to Galidor, "Our turn will be some while, yet, we'd just finished a run a couple of minutes before." Still stroking the spider's leg, she turns slightly to watch the Red Knight lay on with the Red Sith, her eyes wide at the titanic clash their mounts generate.

She lets out a breath as both riders come through well, and continue their match, asiding, "Will you be riding tonight?"

Galidor turns to watch how the match between the Red Knight and Red Sith are going. "How did you do?" He asks as he missed Faranmidahn's last run, "Paenita and Ramirez look good out there, do you think you'll have to square off against them?" He asks and then shakes his head, "Me? No I don't know how to do any of that, the best I can do it ride a swiftclaw, although not very fast and with no control."

Lyme folds his arms, content to watch happily.

Faranmidahn nods, "They have nice form, you can tell they've been partners for a long time." she notes admiringly, then looks up to Galidor, "I beat Lancer Orghyn by dismount, though he got me pretty good in the side." She steps between the arachnid's legs and rubs her palms all over what chitin is left exposed by his barding, "But dear Torrent never lets me down, do you, boy?"

The spider's alien patience is unabated and he endures the affection without so much as a twitch before she looks up to watch the rest of the match, and the next opponents called forth, "I may, it depends on a few factors, aside from how we each do in our respective lists going forward." Hmmm.

"What's it like, riding a swiftclaw? It looks very... bouncy?"

"I'll take your word on how good they look. Unless they were hanging off the side of the saddle or underneath the mount completely I couldn't tell good form from bad form." Galidor chuckles, "Congratulations I hope you and Torrent have good luck. I'm sure it would be an amazing joust if you and Paenitia have at it." He ohs, "Well the first time yes, but the couple other time you just have to move with them, at least that's what I was told. I try to do my best to do that and it was better as in not as bouncy."

Faranmidahn hmmm's, "That makes sense." she says softly, still gently caressing the chitinous creature as another set of mounted riders go at it.

"I understand Swiftclaws are very hungry. I probably wouldn't have good luck with one at my proper size, would I?"

SHe looks toward Lyme then, "What do you think?"

Lyme pauses for a moment. "I think you shouldn't ask a sailor -- it all looks very improbable to me. I'd rather ride a deck in a storm."

Galidor wells, "I've never had to care for one so I wouldn't know how much they normally eat. I'd assume they'd hunt for their own food, although in a city like this people would probably get upset if their small animals went missing. I've never had to do that, but it sounds like it'd be quite dangerous."

Faranmidahn hmmm's. She's ridden ships before, it was... an experience. She nods, then and, "Fair enough."

She looks to the Sith then and nods, "Yes, it's the same with Torrent. When I can, I take him outside the city as we hunt together. If I can't I generally buy him a pig. That makes him happy." Ahem, "It... does distress others, though I have to take extra steps for their sake."

Galidor nods, "A lot of the softskins get upset about seeing animals eaten by other animals even though they eat the same meat themselves. I find it very strange that they seem to have a disconnect between them eating meat and seeing meat eaten by other animals." He shakes his head a little bit as he goes back to watching the jousting.

Lyme shrugs a little. "It's the cooking, usually. At least at the tables I'm at." He shrugs.

Faranmidahn frowns thoughtfully and pat-pats sweet Torrent, "True. I think we like a little higher of our means." The Lucht climbs into her saddle and knock-knocks the belly-up signal. Torrent rises to his teeny feet, while his rider looks to the men, "It's the way of creation, and everything has a reason, no?" she shrugs.

Galidor shrugs, "Perhaps it is the fact that it's cooked." He still finds softskin ways strange sometimes. "You are right there, everything needs to eat and sometimes you are the eater or the eaten." He says as he continues to watch as another pair of knights square off.

Faranmidahn nods and, "True. A grand cycle." She gently pets the spider again, then, as another set of knights go at it, she stands in the stirrups, a little awkwardly for the design of her saddle and cheers, "Yeah! Go, Sir Perryn! That's the way!" at the top of her little lungs. That one of the knights, a half elf astride a chestnut mare is bearing a broach matching her own may have something to do with it.

The tiny woman claps excitedly as she two square up and refresh their lances for another go.

The other rider, a red haired Hobgoblin of the Scale riding a massive cat, gives a crisp salute before settle her lance in the cradle, an act Sir Perryn mirrors.

With that done, and triumphant calls of the proud steeds, the cavaliers lay on....!

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