A Happy Hatching Day

From Tenebrae
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Log Info

  • Title: A Happy Hatching Day
  • Emitter: Cryosanthia
  • Characters: Cryosanthia, Aryia, Ravenstongue, Lysos, Seyardu, Jinks, Tenoc
  • Place: W02: Mictlan: Nesting Grounds
  • Time: Sunday, April 17, 2022, 8:57 PM
  • Summary: It's Spring! The eggs hatch! Hatchlings everywhere! Cryosanthia and the other Nest-mothers move to the next stage as the hatchlings emerge and the calm times end. It's a mad scramble to catch the baby sith'makars and there are unexpected guests.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* W02: Mictlan *>-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Located within the Deep Woods, and hours past Wilderness Pointe, in the heart of its northern woods, bones frame this hollowed-out space. Massive and heavy, they reach towards the sky, meeting--almost--in the center like great and worn stalagmites. Or giant teeth. After a few seconds--it's quickly evident that this is a space carved from a dragon's bones. A very, very large...dragon's bones. The air smells of ash, brimstone, and earth. Underneath the apex of the bones lie the workings of a central Fire.

The grounds are run by shamans of the sith-makar, and the sacred space dedicated to the Death Singing Dragon, one of their names for the goddess, Vardama. There are always a number of them about, from a mixture of tribes. Formally, the sith use it to sing the souls of their dead back to the land of Wing and Flame, and celebrate the Memory of Blood. It was here that brave heroes stood, and vanquished the ashen warriors of old, thereby freeing the land from Thul's curse. Informally, it is a gathering place.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Grand Nest Mother -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Nahuatl                          Sith-Makar        Female    A copper-scaled, elderly, grand dame, Nest-Mother mother.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Nest Mothers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Cryosanthia  6'9"     291 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A dashing, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.
Xochicotzin, 'Xochi'             Sith-Makar        Female    A red-scaled, mesomorphic, Egg-Watcher, by Lysos
Cozamalotl, 'Zama'               Sith-Makar        Female    A brass-scaled, stringy, Lore-Keeper, by Seyardu.
Itzpapalotl, 'Papalotl'          Sith-Makar        Female    A bronze-scaled, squat, Crafter, by Jinks.
Metztli                          Sith-Makar        Female    A gold-scaled, graceful, Crafter, by Aryia.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Clutch Mothers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Seyardu      5'6"     150 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Egg Watchers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Yaotl                            Sith-Makar        Female    A black-scaled, sturdy, Egg-Watcher, very patient.
Aryia        4'8"     110 Lb     Shadow Elf        Female    A heavily scarred mul with a resolved look about her.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Littlest Big Sister -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Little Fang, 'Lily'              Kobold            Female    A crafty and creative, pinkscale youngling, Cryo's daughter.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Visiting Friends =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Lysos        5'6"     105 Lb     Human/Tsuran      Female    Dark eyed tsuran girl.
Ravenstongue 5'0"     99 Lb      Half-Elf          Female    Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Nearby Males =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Tenoc        7'0"     280 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      Tall, green-scaled Sith'Makar hunter.
Skielstregar 7'2"     330 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      A tarnished bronze scale with fangs and empty eyes.

Time has passed. The Nest-Mothers have settled into a routine, even if it seems a little bit crazy. The state of things in Alexandria and Ea are a concern, all things considered. Tenoc has been more than happy to 'nest-sit', giving Cryo some time to walk around. Metztli, also, has attracted a persistent and insistent male friend, and both of them were carefully trained by Nahuatl until they met her satisfaction.

The group has bonded, over singing and stories. While Tenoc can't really sing, he *can* chant, and Cryo augments his whispered stories with light shows, ghost sounds, and prestidigitated special effects. Far-off lands, deserts and Am'shere are brought close. At times, even closer, when the white-scaled sith-makar breaks out her scrying-bowl and entertains the others with 'shows' featuring her friends. In other words, Tenoc is a totally doting parent-to-be. The Huntmaster threatened to take away his spear and *make* him sit down and try to be calm. Meditate.

And the Old, Cantakerous Druid might have threatened to swat him upside the head with his walking staff.... just relax.

The nesting grounds themselves are protected by a Mage's Private sanctum, which Cryo casts each morning, and her special, secret egg exists in the ethereal and is further concealed by obscure object spells which she diligently casts.

Lily has become quite the popular little assistant, and while she spends most of her time with her Ssassa, she's frequently aiding the other Nest-Mothers. Her high pitched voice is a common sound as she calls loudly from nest to nest.

"Ssassa." Although she can struggle to be heard in the conversation from time to time, depending who is talking.

"... tighten and you will lose your stretch marks at your next molt. Stop concerning yourself about this, Cryosanthia." Nahuatl chastizes.

"Scars are your resume," Xochi adds, "be proud of them."

"This one is Speaker-caste. Scars suggest my negotiations have gone poorly. Attractiveness is my resume." The white-scale insists, "it's a simple restoration spell a Shaman-Caste could do."

"Ssassa!" Lily squeaks louder.

"It's unnecessar..." The grand dam of Mictlan's nesting grounds insists.

"Ssassa! Nanss!" Lily jumps out in front of Cryo's nest, interrupting and thumping her tail. She points at the egg clutch. "Starrting! Iss Ssstarrtings!"

It is. There's a tear in the leathery shell and a pale green eye looking out.

Xochi lets out a low rumble, countering with, "Scars are attractive and are often a part of negotiations." Clearly her opinion differs a little bit on what a proper diplomatic exchange should be. However, the alert to the imminent hatching keeps her from saying more.. instead, she uses her impressive size to start gathering up those needed for this... and shooing away those who aren't.

Metzli pops her golden scaled head out of her simple yet effective nest. "That's okay, scars just tell a story is all. Of a lesson learned," she intones aloud while fussing with something in her nest quietly and happily. Though, the fussing from Lily makes her silent and peer over.

At that moment, a scarred mul'neissa in a green jacket walks in from the front door, her picking her teeth with a small bone from one of the communal meals. She blinks. Confused by the sudden stillness and quickness of activity that proceeds it.

"Eggs! Eggs! Eggs!"

The voice comes from a mesmerized Pothy, who flies ahead of his beleaguered mistress as she walks closer to the nesting grounds. The half-elf that he accompanies (more like is leaving in the dust, really) wears a high-collared violet dress that seems a little out-of-season and carries a book with her, held close to her chest. She follows behind the scarred mul'niessa.

Ravenstongue purses her lips as she looks up at Pothy. "No, Pothy, come on. Back on my shoulder. You can't be annoying--this is an important event we're witnessing."

Pothy looks longingly at the eggs. They could be the biggest scrambled eggs of all time--Oh. /Oh./ His blue eyes widen as he sees the little eye peeking out from the egg. He squawks and flies over to Ravenstongue's shoulder.

Lysos follows behind the mul'niessa and the halfblood elf.. though not entirely specifically with them, and though she is, in fact, here at Cryosanthia's invitation.. she hasn't been to this particular place in.. ever. It's easy to be intimidated by the presence of this many Sith-Makar, no matter how common a sight in the city they may be. It's not that she's afraid they might eat her, it's just.... well, they certainly do have large teeth. So it's really just a matter of her subconscious that she gravitates towards the more mammalian of the gathered people.

From within the large nest of shelves the brass scaled nest mother poked their snout out, looking around and sniffing once. "The rest of you are on track due to the expected time frame given for the climate controlled wards of mictlan!" The lorekeeper offers excitedly as she spins around the shelves, filling her arms with several books. "Please make sure to document the process and make note of as much as possible. I thought of several books more fitting for the inside upon seeing the scale color of one, so back in I go!"

"Scales! Ah!" Cryo handles the situation with grace and aplomb, startled into standing and straddling her nest. She scans the orbs, seeing a hole, a crack, another hole, claws and teeth ripping through the shells. She has to finish the conversation, "This one still wants to be beautiful. I'll be ... Lily get ready to catch them if they run."

"Yassss." The carnation kobold is ready.

One of Cryo's six eggs rips open completely, a tiny sith'makar head appearing, followed by a whip-like body. A new person, seeing the world for the first time, staring in wide-eyed wonder.

"No, no! Don't imprint on the raven. Hi Ravenstongue!" Cryo lunges for the little white and pale green scaled hatchling, wintermint colours, and misses. The hatchling hops over her closing hands and bolts for freedom. Cryo imediately loops her hands through arcane gestures. Nothing happens. "Scales! My gloves! Lily! Chase!" She orders, standing tall to rummage in the extra-dimensional storage space she keeps above her nest.

The chaos is occuring at the other nests, the hatchings starting to break free of their eggs, well-documented or not.

Xochi rumbles, "This is what happens when we don't do it my way!" She managed to scoop up two of her hatchlings; it was almost as if she was expecting this to. Her third manages to evade her, however. Size and strength have their advantages; this moment in time is not one of them. Cradling the two in one of her large claws, the lumbers after the third.

Lysos just looks wide-eyed at the sudden chaos. "Is.. is this supposed to happen?" she inquires of everybody and nobody. Then she starts to go through her inventory of known incantations. "Nope. Uh, nope. Too much fire. Nope.. too much water. Hmm. Nope. Nope. Maybeeeee... oh, no, that would be terrible."

Pothy's eyes go wide. Out of all of the things that Pothy has ever experienced... Parenthood is not one of them. Tears well up in his little bird eyes. It's the miracle of... childbirth? Egghatching? Either way, it's happening. And it might be the most beautiful thing Pothy's ever seen.

"I'm a /mother/!" he wails dramatically, imitating an actress at a play that Ravenstongue had attended a little while ago.

Ravenstongue just shoots Pothy a horrified look amidst the chaos. "Pothy, you're not the father. And you're definitely not the mother, either. Madame Cryo went through far too much work to have you stealing her glory--Oh! A-Are they supposed to run away like that?"

Metzli gasps warmly as the sudden deluge of small was little ones starting to cause a stir. She giggles, a soft rumbling noise as she's amused by all this. "This is lovely. Cover their nose if you grab one!" she offers in wonderful advice as Aryia is starting up on the ramp to the goldscale's nest. "Oh hello, Aryia. What fortuitous timing!"

She's making no move for her own eggs. In no hurry.

Aryia is bewildered by the sudden activity, but only manages to give a wave to those that she knows. "O.. okay. I'll grab the scraggly ones..! Or a Pothy if he gets in the way," she gestures briskly, understood even if those don't know the language. She starts stretching. <Handspeech/Tongues>

"Yes," Nahuatl, the Grand-Dame Nest-Mother overseeing all of Mictlan's nests, nods with satisfied happiness at Lysos, "it is always this way. This is how the mother's learn. They would be ready, if they listened."

Papa crouches over the felt-lined, decagonial bassinet she'd constructed for her own nest, the sea-green frills sloping down from her blunt snout to the outsides of her broad shoulders trembling with anticipation. Her bow-legged gait keeps her close to the ground, normally, but she leans yet-closer now, inhaling deep from her nose before issuing a roiling set of pleased tongue-clicks. The anticipatory tremor plays out at the end of her blunt tail and the clicking raises in pitch when her maw opens.

The spinning squeak of a handcrank proceeds the hiss of a rope on a pulley and the netted-lid of the bassinet lowers into place. Her satisfied chuffing makes the circuit around the carefully-built contraption with her excited hopping. She glances over to see if anyone else has witnessed the brilliance of her realized invention. Stray whelps? None here!

But they're busy and gloating can wait for after the arrival of her spawn. "Hello, babies," she greets as the eggs come apart. Her snout is at the net, claws reaching through to wave at the new arrivals. <draconic>

Papolatl's babies are contained, and first hand witnesses to the crafty genius that lids their bassinet. They take it as yet another, larger egg to attempt to escape from. Bronze-scaled lizards of various hues tumble and climb over each other to chew on the inside of the lid.

"Oh, by the way! I let shaman Seyardu know, she wanted to be alerted when they hatched to make sure everything was alright." The brass lore keeper warns from the hut. Followed by a strange sounding hiss as a shiny brown hatchling scampers off for freedom. "W-wait! This one still needs to take your initial weight and other measurements, and decide if brass is more fitting for the botanical guide to Am'shere plants, or one hundred and one recipes for cooking with venison. Maybe both?" Zama shouts in dismay.

There is a small commotion outside of the nesting grounds, sounds of alarm that are quickly shushed. "Shaman Seyardu, healer, this one was sent a message and is checking in." A voice speaks loudly from outside, and she is not waiting for anyone to confirm before she is forcing her way into the nesting grounds, scooping up the bronze scaled hatchling which was heading for the door. And looking physically much older than many had seen her before, with what seemed to be a towel wrapped around her waist. That, and there was a large pair of wings curled up on her back. She helf the small hatchling as Nahuatl taught her, scratching the middle of their head. as she looked around. "Peace on your nest little one, your place is in here for now. Apologies, This one came as fast as they could. If any need anything, do not hesitate to ask." She says calmly, though her mannerisms were more than a bit nervous.

Lily is after Cryo's wintermint hatchling, darting across the grounds and carefully lifting it off the ground. The hatchling whips around, watching Pothy, legs treading empty air. The little kobold switches paths, chasing after Xochi's third, diverting the hatchling back towards her mother by interposing her tail.

Cryo has her gloves down from storage space, and pulls them on. On the wrong hands. "Egg-snatchers!" She swears.

"Language!" Both Nahuatl and Lily echo.

"Yesss. Ssaa." She reverses her gloves, getting them on as three more of her eggs tear open, and silvery-white scale, a glacial blue scale, and green and black scale dart off in three different directions.

The green and black, resembling a mini-Tenoc, impacts something and then climbs up into the air, standing on it. Then, the hatchling vanishes.

"What happened! Where'd that one go?" Cryo is casting, her scales lighting up. "Shaman Seyardu! When did you get older? When did you get wings? Good catch!"

Aryia is a bit flat footed from the chaos, but she turns her attention to her goldscale friend that she rescued oh so many months ago. She tilts her head to the side, about to gesture something. But the goldscale holds up a finger to her maw. And slowly, she gestures back from what she's learned over the months. "Don't tell them. Mine hatched already. I didn't want them to feel left out." <Handspeech>

The mute slowly blinks, then nods before jogging over towards Cryosanthia's nest. She peers in from afar, smiles warmly, but takes note of the others running in three directions. She jogs after them, yoinking up the little ones. "I got them," she assuages, making short work of it. Who would win, three little lizardy stragglers, or one fast mul? <Handspeech>

She does stop for a spell to watch Seyardu come in. And then bursts out laughing in her breathy, silent manner.

Pothy looks incredibly reluctant to participate in hatchling-catching. After all, these hatchlings... They are his children, are they not? They have hatched from eggs and--

"Pothy, this is /no/ time for sentimentality. They're children, just like you're a child, they're not your kids, and most importantly: they. Will. Eat. Your. Snacks!" Ravenstongue says, hissing the last word almost as she goes to try and chase down more hatchlings.

The white raven's eyes bug almost out of his skull. "No! Not the momma, not the momma!" he screams. Those are /not/ his children! He refuses to share snacks! Screw this parenthood shit, he's out!

At least he's cooperating now. Meanwhile, Ravenstongue gets a brilliant idea and casts a hasting spell onto herself, moving that much quicker.

Lysos just nods to the elder nest matron. It's less of a nod of agreement, more of a 'I will take your word for it' nod. "I think.. I think I'll just stay out of the way," she offers. She's not as nimble as Aryia, and doesn't have the sense of responsibility that Ravenstongue has in keeping her crazy raven under control. And she's liable to just step on one. No, no, staying out of the way is the best---

That's when Xochi runs her over. "Stay out of the way girl!" the red Sith bellows, not even slowing as Lysos is sent tumbling, ass over tea-kettle, chasing after her third and apparently freedom obsessed hatchling.

"Stand by me," Nahuatl offers her hand to help Lysos up, "The hatchlings never run at this one."

"Ha-aa-aah," a familiar gnomish tenor answers, "certainly... hmm... not--" a hitch-breathed titter-- "not, hehe, under my... where--!?" Coins jingle. A wrapped parcel falls out of thin air to land on the ground with a thump.

Then the spell is dismissed and Jinks slides out from between the threads of the Weave and into view. His arms have gone into his shirt from the unbuttoned neck and untucked bottom, fishing around for a spiraling and evasive lump. There's quiet tinkling lost in the mayhem as new needle-sharp chompers test their mettle against mithral.

"Mulria's sideways smile-- ha!" He's got it! Little clawed hands and feet kick wildly as the minstrel fishes the freshly-hatched sith-makar. It chirps its annoyance and begins biting at the assorted jewelry decorating the gnimble fingers holding it out at arm's length. "Hey-- don't chew on that. It was given to me by..." he purses his lips in thought. "Well, I don't remember. But you still shouldn't chew on it."

The hatchling doesn't care. Om nom nom it goes.

Then, the hatchling bites his nose. Must nom mom.

It seemed Zama had changed strategies now, as she pulls a blanket from inside the nest to set down between the shelves. Even in a panic, she was not so barbaric as to leave books strewn about directly on the floor, as she pulled books off the inner shelf to barricade the entrance in a wall, all the while pulling several hatchlings who were attempting to clamber over the forming wall and depositing them back in the nest. "Oh, hello Seyardu, and Aryia! You made excellent time, I was not expecting you for several more minutes when you said you were in the bathhouse. The one in your hands is mine, thank you for catching them."

"I played cards poorly with the death singing dragon." She offers in reply to Cryosanthia as she moves to give the hatchling back to Zama. With nothing covering her top, it could be seen that her left arm was covered in what looked like vines wrapped up and around it, dotted with blue roses that ended as it creeped onto her chest. "And the wings? About a couple minutes ago, this one needed to be free of the wards in the city as quickly as possible. Up was the most expedient direction."

Aryia blinks owlishly as the third one she was reaching for vanishes, but she ends up giggling to herself at the display from Jinks. Two of Cryo's younglings stand no chance at squirming out, and end up clamping and chomping down on anything nearby. Which is her arms.

She flinches a bit, then cracks her neck. More biting. And she gets an idea.

The mute holds an arm out, letting one dangle freely from her arm as she coaxes the other to clamp onto her forearm. Perfect!

The pugilist waves to Zama idly as she walks back up to Cryosanthia and offers the dangling and squabbling little lizard people. "Delivery," she jokes. <Handspeech/Tongues>

"Jinks? When did you get here? No! Don't imprint on him! Lily where are you?" Cryo calls, her gloves glowing as she finishes her cast. Just in time for her last two eggs to release her offspring, one coloured a brilliant green, the other strikingly white. They dart off, suddenly slowing as the mage-hands spells take effect. They run, almost in place.

"Herrre." Lily circles back, and crouches to herd the little ones in a circle back to the nest.

"Oh, okay. Glad you are here also." Cryo continues, she's panting, and then laughs as Aryia approaches with two arm-biters, "Oh, that is perfect! Thank you Aryia."

Lysos starts to pick herself up, then accepts Nahuatl's help. On her feet, she sticks close to the elder Sith. She's enough bruises for today, thank you. "Thank you," she tells her protector, while watching the chaos continue, if at a slowly reducing pace.

Xochi finally corners her last young one, snatching it up to join the other two who seem to be having a restling match in the crook of her elbow. The red returns to the group in large, giving a draconian version of a 'harumph' as she settles her three newlings into the nest she's prepared.

"Itz'a me, your 'Papa," Papalotl coos, bronze-scaled arms resting on the net as she watches the little terrors swarm and nibble. "Boop," she chirps, tapping one lightly on the nose that hangs by its tiny maw, kicking its legs as it chews. It falls down into the felt and shell-debris, blinking stunned at the boopage. How dare she!? The little creature darts to another side of the netting.

Itzpapalotl continues to dote, sticking her two prosthetic talons down through the top of the bassinet and wiggling them. Intruders! Two of the freshly-minted siblings hop over and start to nibble on the artfully-crafted wooden digits, leaving tiny needle indentations.

"Boop," she gets another one. Blink, blink. The audacity! <draconic>

Ravenstongue manages to accomplish not much of anything besides herding them--she's not especially apt at catching things (which is probably why she was never invited to come out and play with the other kids back in Rune), let alone scrawny little hatchlings. But herding is still a job, and she manages it.

The true secret to her herding, though, is Pothy screaming at the hatchlings. "NO! NO SNACKS!" he demands. All paternal love has died in his heart. He will not ever share his snacks.

"At least I know you're a bachelor for life," Ravenstongue murmurs in the chaos.

The little lizards flee Pothy, such a hostile world.

Yaotl, a black-scaled Egg-Watcher appears seemingly out of nowhere. She was lurking near the exits, ready to step in if the hatchlings got too far. A clawed hand rests on Ravenstongue's shoulder, "Contain your familiar. Nest-Mothers get violent in an eyeblink when their hatchlings are threatened."

And Egg-Watchers react even faster.

"... like I need another hole in my face," Jinks squints, stretching his arms away and waiting to hand off his charge. "My pristine face," he grins beneath his assorted piercings and gaudy jewelry. He seems to be taking the little pinpricks of blood in stride even if his solid-black eyes tear up a bit.

"I'd brought something for Lily but just wanted to leave it and be off," he hands off the black-and-green hatchling and then bends, picking the package back up. "... I didn't realize today was the day."

The gnome puts a pocket square to his nose and hoists the parcel. It's wrapped in brown paper with a pink ribbon done up in a bow secured with a brass coyote's head pin.

Ravenstongue blinks and stops in place as the clawed hand lands on her shoulder. She flushes a little in embarrassment. "Right! I'm sorry," she replies. "I'll get him to pipe down."

She shoots a look at Pothy and whistles at him. Pothy seems to shrink, his feathers... deflating? Yeah, that's more or less what they're doing, as he did his dumb-aggressive-chicken impression and had them all fluffed up to make himself look bigger than he actually is.

"Good," Ravenstongue says with a solid nod. "And if you don't behave, Madame Aryia /will/ punt you. I'll ask her to."

"Merp," Pothy whimpers. He's too young to die!

"Here," Nahuatl retrieves a large earthenware pot, complete with lid. She holds it out towards Lysos for her to take, and once she does, the elderly sith-makar matron removes the lid.

Inside are hundreds of beetles, crawling over each other, starting to crawl up the rim.

"Take those to the Nest-Mothers. The hatchlings need to eat and they will be occupied hunting them in the nests."

"Presents?" Lily almost drops her younger sibling, almost. Instead she diverts over to the package and picks it up as well the black and green hatchling. Two passengers and a package, she's a little cargo kobold.

"This one didn't realize it was the day either!" Cryo laughs at Jinks, still attempting to magically pull her offspring back when they have other ideas. She can fel the eyes of more successful Nest-Mothers on her. "Thank you also, for the gift for her. Sorry for your nose."

The elderly sith seems nice. Lysos nods to Nahuatl, trustingly, accepting the pot. It's the least she could do, with her having saved Lysos from further trampling. And then there are beetles. Escaping beetles. Beetles crawling onto her hands. And then comes the scream. It doesn't truly rival Pothy's earlier exclamations of snack monopoly. You just can't beat a raven when it comes to screaming. But Lysos does have a healthy pair of lungs. "Get'em'off! Get'em'off!" The pot, of course, is dropped.. pure luck that it lands rightside up, doing little more than giving the beetles inside a good shaking rather than spilling them out. So there aren't very many casualties. Aside fro the ones the tsuran is smacking off of her arms.

"I wouldn't even think of not being here. This one just wished they would have been told by you." Seyardu sighs, already scooping up a few hatchlings who were running around. Her steps were calculated and careful, and not particularly rushed. "Celestial mother, this joyous occasion brings happiness to so many faces, young and old. Help this one to shelter your new children." the silverscale prays, which causes a large, knee height wall to spring out of the ground where Zama was stacking books, with a large lip over to top to prevent any scaled scaling for escape attempts.

"Thank you, Seyardu. That is a good idea." Zama pipes up, hands full of hatchlings she was taking back to the nest. "Oh, scales! I've been so busy, I did not even stop to think what story to share with you all first! But don't worry, there'll will be time for so many over the days to come." She continues, though the hatchlings are poking their snouts more curiously in the direction of the jar of beetles.

Ravenstongue swoops in for the dropped pot, although she has to be very careful in doing so--Pothy's already lunging for a beetle or two from the pot, which means he gets a hand to the peak, popping him away from the pot. The early bird... does not get the beetle.

"I, umm--I wrote a... I wrote a poem, too? I could read it... out loud for your hatchlings, if you like?" she suggests as she brings the pot of beetles over, attempting to do as was suggested. Ravenstongue's cheeks color as she mentions her poetry. "I-I know that's a weird gift to bring a new parent, but..."

Aryia detaches the little ones hanging from her arm and lets Lily herd them back into the nest, the pugilist's trick with her skin helping in this situation immensely. She's about to try and stop the others, but Cryo seems to have those under control.

She points two fingers at her glowing eyes across the way as chaos is being reined in, then towards Pothy. She isn't messing around. She WILL punt a bird. A glance is afford to Jinks' gift to Cryosanthia, curious about what could be inside, but the screech from Lysos makes her hair stand on end.

She's about to launch herself towards whatever it was, but Ravenstongue's got that handled.

"Um, Aryia, could you get me some of those?" Metzli speaks up timidly from her nest, the three hatchlings within hungry and biting on each others tails like a little ouroboros.

The mute shoots a thumbs up and jogs over towards the half-elf.

The sudden wall makes Aryia glance over, theng groan as there might be yet another Zama story unfolding.

"This one can't cast sending and a scry with a message takes an hour. The eggs didn't share their plans." Cryo says, sounding just a little frazzled, and leaping to catch her two strays. With Lily, Aryia, and her efforts, hers are rounded up. Oh that wall is a good idea, "I could use a wall of ice," Cryo muses, "or.... not. Beetles, yes."

"Beetles and poems, that sounds wonderful. No, it's a perfect gift. Here, stay, no, stay." The whitescale places her hatchlings among their ruined shells and scattered cozies. The little pinkscale helps.

"This one needs beetles too." Xochi demands sternly.

"Xochi, you know as well as I do, I remember you being there for Nahuatl's teachings, that these beetles were gathered and prepared specially for the hatchlings." Seyardu sighs. "You may have a few, to show the hatchlings they are safe and good to eat, though. I brought fresh fruit and dried meats for all who are hungry, you need only ask."

"There are other ways to communicate, and this one would have figured something out. regardless. This one is beyond happy for you all."

"There's nothing weird about offering poetry, Cor'lana! You are Cor'lana , right? I remember meeting your grandfather at a book store, he was a wonderfully charming fellow with such a deep understanding of literature, and he had so many things to say about you there's no way it's no way I got the description wrong, and the resemblance is there!" Zama pipes up from the nest.

"Ooh, beetles?!" Itzpapalotl perks up, her quiet litany of devotions to her offspring interrupted by the notion of food for the same. And then a realization! "I get to try the Chute!"

She issues a grunt that turns into a hiss, her frills going taut and then relaxing into a slow wave as she takes her feet. She squat with a thick tail the tapers quickly and a forward-hunch to her posture in the few steps that get her to the workbench. Tools rattle and clank, a big drawer honks when she opens it askew in her rush. Out comes a wooden cylinder the length of her arm, bisected into a u-shape. "... your 'Papa is so clever, babies," she asides eyeing her handiwork.

Back at the bassinet, she kneels and affixes the half-pipe tubing, threading it between the netting. There's another "boop" when the first of her children try to use the chute as a means of escape followed by a "babies, you have to stay for your din-dins." <draconic>

Ravenstongue turns an even brighter shade of red as it's revealed that Zama knows her Grandfather in possibly one of the most stressful possible moments as more beetles are demanded. "Oh gods. Please don't tell me Grandfather tried to sell you a Crimson Pen book," she mutters under her breath.

But she smiles sheepishly and says, "Haha! Yeah, that's me! And that's definitely Grandfather!" And while the stress of suddenly being in demand weighs on her, Ravenstongue takes the opportunity to pivot from the conversation in a socially acceptable way as she delivers some beetles to Xochi, too.

"A pleasure to meet you," Pothy says, copying dear Grandfather's voice, which clearly doesn't make Ravenstongue feel any better. Don't egg her on, birdbrain!

"The chute?" Cryo looks over at Itzpapalotl's Nest. "Yasss," Lily explains. She helped build the chute, she tightened the screws, under supervision, "The funnel with a handle to drop in mouths."

"Oh," Cryo says, curling around her nest and creating a wall of ice with her body, and Lily covering the gap.

Xochi snatches some beetles from Ravenstongue, staring at the softskin as if she's somehow offended. Although a moment later she says, "Thanks," as she starts tossing them for her little red-scales to chase after.

"Fruit is good. Tenoc has supplied many dried mangoes. Let the hatchlings chase the bugs first, it will help their eyes focus." Nahuatl advises.

"A pleasure to meet you too," Cryo replies automatically to Pothy, then snorts. She shakes her head, her mouth opening in a grin as she leans low, "A pleasure to meet you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you. Hello. This one is so glad to see you!" Mimicking Papal, she lightly boops each of her hatchlings on the nose as she says hello to them for the first time.

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Perform/Oratory: (2)+13: 15

Aryia can't help but sputter and 'pffft' at the revelation of Cor'lana's Grandfather selling a favored book becomes known, but she is quick to grab some beetles in a bowl, her briskly delivering it to the goldscale. She gives a warm and happy rumble before holding the bowl high. "Okay little ones... go my little hunters! Hehe!" she giggles, dumping the bowl out as the trio of stragglers race and chirp around wildly.

The mute quietly slides away not unlike a granite statue.

Some amusement crosses her features at the entire ensemble before her. The chute, the crazy books, the organized chaos of it all. She crosses her arms and slowly exhales through her nose. This was good. A good thing to happen. Some balance for all the terribleness as of the recent months.

She does raise a brow towards Ravenstongue. Curiosity piqued.

The walking jewelry store somehow manages to blend into the background. It's not terribly hard with all the chaos of the hatchlings and most everyone else being twice his size. Jinks considers the stars, one eyebrow quirking as he works at some maths in his head. He has his flask in hand and enjoys a drink, standing back and out of the way.

"This one has apples, berries, as well as cheese. And dried cow meat with seasoning." Seyardu begins listing off, moving to set them all down near Cryosanthia's nest. "And good day to all your little faces, it is good to meet you all." She greets, absentmindedly shoving some of the fruit and meat closer to the red makari's nest. It was much easier to get her to take untended food than actually accept a gift, after all.

"Of course he did! Though this one does not know who was more knowledgeable about the genre, your Grandfather, or Aryia there." Zama replies, reading the half-elf's lips. "He also said you were immensely talented and well traveled, and this one would love to hear some stories from you when you are free. Though, feeding! This one needs to ensure that they are all eating at a similar time, and determine how much they all can eat to adjust accordingly, yes. Please bring some over!"

"Thanks, thank you." Cryo says when the food is dropped off. "This is cheese," she grins, setting chunks in front of her little ones. Her tail is coiling happily back and forth behind her. She can't stop smiling. They all hatched, they're all perfect and so beautiful.

Lily takes a moment to unwarp her package. The pin first, is carefully removed and added to little dress, taking up the spot where Tia Aya's lived. It's yet to be returned. She undoes the bundle next, inside is a leather doublet with matte-black studs and a high, stiff collar. The little kobold grins widely, makes a little fist-pump at Jinks and says, "Backsstab!"

"What? Oh? Oh Jinks, oh. Oh that's lovely. Thank you. You'll be an adventurer soon Lily, but put it away from now. We don't want to get food on it." Beetles. Beetles are food and shouldn't be allowed to discover leather.

Somewhat impishly, Cryo calls across the nests, "Remember to correlate hatching order with consumption, and do you remember which one you laid first Zama? To avoid the 'runt' effect."

She's only semi-serious with the suggestion.

Ravenstongue is a little rattled by delivering beetles, especially to people who are not so nice to her. Judging by the way she looks a little nervously around, she's not sure if she did something to offend or...

"Poem," Pothy reminds Ravenstongue, cooing her own voice back into her ear.

The half-elf blinks, and then nods. "R-Right," she says, and she opens up the book that she'd been holding--which is, in actuality, a journal.

"I... I normally write my poems in Sildanyari, or Sylvan," Ravenstongue says. "I'm not the greatest with writing them in poetry in tradespeak, but I wanted to make sure my words were understood, and that... writing them in another tongue wouldn't cause offense."

She clears her throat.

"Beneath the scales they slumber,
Beneath the heart they dwell
For a time until they quiver
And crawl out to life's swell.
Life is long and yet so brief:
For we know not the length of days
Nor the years that we may keep
We may only go on in sun's rays
And know we live on in those we leave behind;
We know we live on in those who walk forward
And we are the children of children
And life must go ever-on."

Her words are delivered somewhat with a falter. The rhyme scheme has been abandoned by the end--perhaps for reasons that make sense if the poem was translated? After all, it's much easier to rhyme in Sildanyari--but even with Ravenstongue's anxieties getting in the way of her performance and that slightly-off quality, it's a poem that's clearly been written from the heart.

"I wouldn't trust it against wyverns but it served me well, otherwise," Jinks grins and nods. "And the bugs won't hurt it; the enchantment makes it easy to clean."

The gnome screws the cap back on his flask and grins wide in appreciation of Cor'lana's poem. Going so far as to offer a quick bit of applause. "That was wonderful. Bit of advice: don't offer caveat or excuse before your performances," he winks a solid-black eye and takes a few steps into the air. "Coyote'll laugh at you every time."

The minstrel hovers there a moment and does a quick job of tucking his shirt back in. "I should return before the warden makes note of my absence. Peace on your nests and nest-mothers," and then he's flying through the open roof of the stout zigguraut.

Aryia rocks from side to side as she sweeps pasts the nests, seeing all the little arm biters that the mothers were taken care of. She yoinks some dried meat along the way, a self reward to being the first taste of softskin flesh for new people.

Her face colors a bit at being called out, so she just pretends she didn't hear what Zama said. Something to focus on, something to focus on... ah! She grins at Lily's newfound attire and shoots the little 'bold a thumbs up. "Looks good, Little Fang," she motions, shooting Cryosanthia a confused glance. Runt effect? <Handspeech/Tongues>

She looks to Seyardu. Shakes her head, then back to Ravenstongue.

She blinks slowly, then joins in light applause with Jinks. Metzli spies the mute clapping. Oh! If she was doing that, then, she should join in! She joins in.

'Not eat enough, stay small', Lily answers Aryia. <Handspeech>

"Yes, very good and lovely! Thank you miss... um. Miss!" Metzli catches herself before one of her goldlings wander out of the nest. Without breaking a stride, she reaches over, grabs them by the foot. And draaaags them back into the beetle pile.

Papa takes the beetles and drops them down the chute, the little black-shelled morsels tumbling end-over-end. The more curious of the hatchlings take the deluge full in the face and end up scrabbling back. Disoriented, the vermin right themselves and begin crawling around or buzzing up into the air.

"Don't be shy, babies," the bronze-scaled crafter coaxes. She exhales through her nose and huffs, a predatory sound. The first of her children jumps onto a fluttering beetle and rides it to the ground. Another pounces and takes the insect in all four sets of claws, rolling as the chompers take hold, too.

"That's right, babies," she cheers, drumming her two wooden fingers on the wooden chute to get the attention of the remaining young that haven't found prey. "Num-nums." <draconic>

"Warden...?" Cryo glances up as Jinks vanishes, "this one has a lot to catch up on, clearly."

"Thanks," Lily waves at gnone gnome.

"Still, Cor'lana, his advice is good." Cryo's attention returns to her nest, and dangling cured meat in front of little mouths. She feels the memories spreading back into her mind, this moment will be fixed forever, her babies' first moments, first taste of beetles.

"Yes my babies, hunt! Hunt, like Papalotl's." She cheers happily.

"No, hunt like mine! More beetles!" Xochi growls, ever competitive.

Cryosanthia laughs, "Yes, hunt like Xochi's fierce little redscales."

Ravenstongue shuffles a little in place, blushing. "Well, it's... the first time I've performed my poetry in front of people I know," she says. "I did a little poetry slam at a bakery and won top prize, which was a bunch of snacks for Pothy, but there were only three other people who entered, so..."

She hugs her poetry journal to her chest and gives a little smile that quickly widens as Jinks' compliments and advice set in. "Tel's the only one who's ever read my poems. Until now, I guess."

"This one can not say they know much about poetry, but it sounds nice, and the words work well together." Seyardu shrugs. "So I take it that means it is a good poem? But it always seems so subjective. And do not even get this one started on people hitting each other with poetry. How does that even work? And why?"

The the silver sith-makar stops, and stares at Aryia, for almost a minute, before she shakes her head.

"This one remembers the exact minute of the hour for each individual egg, the current temperature and other atmospheric conditions as well. The beetles will be portioned out and left at the optimal distance for each. Thanks to the others who diligently documented the information, as this one was too occupied." Zama replies, almost indignantly at the thought.

Aryia stares at Seyardu. The mute knew that the cleric knew what the mute was thinking. Her glowing gaze doesn't waver from squinted silver. That is, until Jinks starts to walk/float upwards, and that was the perfect opportunity to look anywhere else. Oh look, a gnome in the sky! She gives Jinks a wave before turning back to Metzli.

They share some private words, her gesturing, Metzli murmuring as the mute's gaze softens on the trio of gold, though, one had a streak of bronze running through them. She glances to Metzli for approval, gets a nod, and she reaches out to carefully run a hand along their sides.

Chomp. Chomp. Chomp.

She raises her hand, one finger per goldling dangling from it.

"O-Oh, no, little ones, Aryia is not food, she is friend! Let her go, yes? Please...?" Metzli quietly coos, plucking the tiny makari off one by one and apologizing to the mute profusely. Aryia waves a dismissive hand as she-

One of the Watcher from the outside steps into the Grounds. "There is a shipment," they hiss. "From a silverscale. Big. The fanged one delivering woods. He said it is... for chewing. And..." Some bassy murmuring outside. "... it is for their... and this one quotes 'little teethies'."

The pugilist blinks, then stands up, thudding her chest twice that she'll fetch it.

The Watcher turns back to the entrance. "Warrior Skielstregar, Watcher Aryia will bring it in- no she's- aaaand.... he's gone."

The mute shrugs, and heads outside to bring the chew toys in.

Lily returns the thumbs-up to Aryia, then takes her gift and climbs the rope that hangs in empty space. She vanishes.

Cryo sits up, now that she's found the secret of keeping her hatchlings in the nest, and dangles food, letting it be snapped from her claws. Each morsel is eagerly gobbled down. A piece of fruit, a slice of meat, and a beetle to chase. As her nest is traditional, woven out of small branches on a raised wooden platform, there's plenty of gaps for the beetles to vanish in.

The little sith'makar leap and skitter, heads darting as they chase them.

Cryo takes the time to pick the ruined egg-shells out. She holds each carefully, suddenly sentimental, a new milestone has been reached. Things will never be the same again. The wonder of what might be, has become. "How... how much energy do they have, how long?"

"Ahh..." chuckles Nahuatl, "They run, full speed until they stop. They do not know moderation yet. They will be frantic, and then fall asleep suddenly. Soon, you will see. Very soon."

Lysos is embarrassed, of course. It's not like she hasn't seen bugs before. But, to see so many, without warning. Well, she sheepishly shows her face again, now that the chaos is.. well, not over. But contained. Directed. At a point where she might be able to find a seat on the edge and watch and observe. Maybe learn a little more about Cryosanthia's people and culture so she's not so weirded out next time.

"There are too many variables to give a specific time frame on loss of consciousness due to exhaustion. To be honest? These little ones have been here for so short of a time, and they are already surprising me, and realizing the limits of my depths of research. What an exhilarating prospect!" Zama chirps from inside her book fort. "By the way Seyardu, I could use your help in here. Thank you!"

Seyardu shrugs, and chuckles quietly to herself. "I do not expect much sleep for some time. It is lucky I was able to get most of the way through a relaxing bath before this." She admits. "But such is a price freely and happily given to help all the hatchlings here."

With that she steps into the book fort herself over the stone wall, taking up most of the remaining window as she helps the lore keeper with her and her hatchling's needs.

"Soon," Pothy echoes. He's very helpful like that on occasion. Somehow he's forgotten all about becoming a mother/father and then disowning his 'children' in the matter of minutes.

"Oh, a poetry slam doesn't involve... physical violence?" Ravenstongue says to Seyardu. "It's just a name of an event where you recite your poetry."

Then there's a moment where she seems distracted. The half-elf puts her hand to her heart as she seems to listen to something, craning her head slightly to one direction as she closes her eyes. "I know, I will be there soon," she murmurs. <Sylvan>

She opens her eyes and nods to Cryosanthia. "I ought to get back on the road," she says. "Grandfather's expecting me and so is my fiance. I am... so happy I was able to be here today, Madame Cryo, and to give you the gift of my words."

Ravenstongue offers Cryosanthia a wider smile, not nearly so small or as nervous as the ones the white-scaled sith-makar might remember on her, and the half-elf departs with Pothy on her shoulder. Times, they are a-changing, and people, too, it seems.

All around the nests, little mouths with tiny, sharp teeth are slaying beetles and devouring them. Fruit vanishes, as does meat, with swift, hungry snaps as bright eyes stare at the moving shapes, so confusing and large.

As the grand-dame of the nesting grounds predicted, sleep comes suddenly to the hatchlings. They stop moving, their eyes close, and the drop to the ground, sometimes with a piece of meat still in their mouth. Carefully, ever so gently considering their comparative size and strength, the Nest-Mothers reposition them to a better sleeping position. The Nests are cleaned, egg-shells removed but not discarded.

"Thank you Cor'lana, this one is glad you were here to witness, you also Lysos. This is not a moment shared with those who are not of the people. Ever. Even most of our males do not become involved. It is historic." Cryosanthia says.

There's some rumbling from Xochi's nest, but the red-scale's thoughts never turn into a comment.

Lily reappears, with two blankets, a white and pink one. She descends the rope and scurries up to the edge of her Ssassa's nest. Her little brothers and sisters are falling asleep too and she helps tuck them back where their eggs were. The egg-cozies become tiny blankets, and the two larger ones are spread across the nest as a lid, with Cryosanthia curling up on one side and Lily the other.

As suddenly as it started, it is over. Spring has come and with it new life.

It is a Happy Hatching Day.

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<OOC> Cryosanthia hugs, "Okay! Thanks! I'll set. Like I said in the page, kind of don't know where to go so it's a bit of a stone soup. If you want to pilot a NPC, it's cool, just pick one and write for her. I'll have a quick summary of them. You paged Lysos with 'I don't really either. I mean, I've seen a few snakes hatch, and I guess it's like that and they run around?'
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "So, Nest Mother wise: Xochicotzin, 'Xochi', A red-scaled, mesomorphic, Egg-Watcher, Angry; Cozamalotl, 'Zama', A brass-scaled, stringy, Lore-Keeper, talkative, has a book-fort nest; Itzpapalotl, 'Papalotl', A bronze-scaled, squat, Crafter, earthy and sweet; Metztli, A gold-scaled, graceful, Crafter, just the best at everything." Mictlan, the Nesting Grounds.
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "It was never specified how many eggs each Nest-Mother had, but somewhere between 2-7 makes sense. Cryo has 6. Letting everyone pose in then we'll go to 3PR, I think. I'm going to have most of the hatchlings Run and Hide, so think of it as a reverse Easter Egg hunt... they start with an egg then hide in bushes or climb trees."

NPC Summaries

You paged Jinks with 'Itzpapalotl, 'Papalotl' would be like a female version of Robert, she's got a work-table nest that transforms and she's been teaching Lily carpentry.'

You paged Skielstregar with 'Oh, I was thinking Metztli's are already hatching, and she'd say something 'oh mine started coming out hours ago but I didn't want you to feel bad' kind of thing.'
Skielstregar pages: oh, i was more or less putting that out there to let everyone know i got them
Long distance to Skielstregar: Cryosanthia nods! "I know, I think you'd be great for her. If you wanted, you could include that hers started already in your pose for her'
From afar, Skielstregar is still parsing the set
From afar, Skielstregar parses and snickers, nodding, thats a good idea

<OOC> Lysos will.. attempt.. Xochi... but I cannot promise consistency.
<OOC> Andelena loves Xochi for her name alone. One of my cousins named her daughter Xochi a few years ago.
You paged Lysos with 'Xochi is a red-scale, so think red-dragon, big and buff, she's an Egg-watcher so she's used to Nest-Mothers and a little contemptuous of them, even though she is one now, and keeps wanting to be the best. She was mean to Jinks whenever he showed up, but he sort of won her over eventually.'

<OOC> Skielstregar says, "LOL"
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "this scene is madness and i love it"
<OOC> Andelena says, "Cryo just needed to throw me a bone with the imprinting thing and I ran with it. I'm sorry, lmao."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "heehee"
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "oh no its great"

<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Hee, that was great. This was so fun."
<OOC> Ravenstongue has distributed noms and must now skedaddle to bed. Thanks for the scene, all!
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Thanks! You all made it excellent, I've been stuck on how to do this for a month and a half"
<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "What better day than egg day?"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "I figured, if any day, it had to be Today, yes"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Thanks Seyardu, your Zama was great too"
<OOC> Seyardu says, "It was a lot of fun!"
<OOC> Cryosanthia nods, "I had a great time!"
<OOC> Jinks says, "Glad I was able to knock a few marbles loose. Thanks for having me along, Cryo."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "your poses were fun"
<OOC> Seyardu says, "Now Zofi just has to work on braiding a flower crown"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "hah"
<OOC> Cryosanthia hugs, "must sleep! night!"