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Tenebrae - Thursday, May 02, 2013, 6:53 PM

-=--=--=--=--=--=<* A07: Local Alexandria Market District *>-=--=--=--=--=--=-

Just west of the Northern Highbridge and east of the arena, commerce blooms. Noisy and bustling, most anything may be purchased here for a price. Vendors from all cultures sell their wares from exotically colored carts, and the smells of different nations and far-off city-states mix with local ones from Alexandria and its riverbanks.

For all its commerce, visitors are advised to keep hold of their purses. Even the merchants possess a certain, cunning look. Most are positioned at carts or stalls as opposed to a formal storefront, with trade here being mobile, and visiting from all parts of the world.

Though the quality of goods suffers here compared to Upper Alexandria, the options are more diverse. Too, the oversight of the Watch is slightly less, and during times events are held at the Arena, chaos abounds. After dark, the square becomes a hangout for bards and other entrepreneurs whose business is best conducted by night; the shadows at the edges of the square often contain furtive figures engaging in their own brand of business.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Mikilos Tall male dawn elf, rosey blonde and handsome. 0s 1h

Tak has arrived.

Kravar has arrived.

Kravar moves through the vendors and carts at the outskirts of the market, a barrel of wine under one arm and a small handful of fried snacks in the other hand. He raises this occasionally to take a bite, munching thoughtfully as he peers over the goods on sale.

"DEATH to the enemies of the living Tarim! -DEATH- The waters of the Feld, the Oesis and the Chesmi will run red with the BLOOD of the un-believers! MIGHTY will be his great wrath be-- ALL WILL die in the unclean lands -YES!- WE shall be his instrument WE shall lay waste to the foul beings who mock his name DECAPITATE! IMPALE!! EVISCERATE!!! THIS is our mission! THESE are our -ideals-!!" "URGH!!" "...what?!" "Oh come ON, gran'pa- talk NORmal!" "What? But this is the Speech of Vowing, you snotulouss child!" "Well -I- vow you are SOOO EMBARRASSING!" "I will smite your allowance!" Mikilos watches a short distance away, trying hard not to laugh. The little girl, decked out in more pink ribbon and lace than should be found in one location, urges the senile bard along, rolling her eyes. "...Act 9, scene 5, if I recall. Bit of a non-sequester, but well performed. Better in costume, though." the elf casually informs passerby, perhaps assureing a few. Or maybe just getting a few looks himself.

Tak happens to be shopping today, looking over odds and ends, smiling and chatting with the vendors over various products. Currently he is looking over some fruits that are for sale, apparently looking to purchase a snack.

Kravar makes his way towards the girl and the old man, expression wary. "What's going on here?" he asks a nearby onlooker, who happens to be Mikilos. "Is that old man daft?" His voice is lowered slightly but still not all that hard to make out.

Mikilos smiles. "Well, yes. Though I doubt you'll fair much better at 90. It's from a play. Used to be quite popular, 50 some years ago. It's quite alright, he just laspes back into charecter sometimes."

Tak has purchased a fruit and is taking a large bite of it as he walks up behind Kravar, peering around him at the old man. He stuffs the fruit in his mouth long enough to applaud the old man, trying to encourage him, maybe he will think the performance is over. He removes the fruit from his mouth, "Bravo!"

Kravar gives Mikilos a long look to see if he's joking, then turns around to size up Tak when the other human. Finally he peers at the old man again. His attention goes to the girl briefly. "A play?" He echoes, listening again. "That's a play I'd like to watch."

Mikilos nods, apparently serious. "It's quite good, if a little rambeling. A commentary on the policital scene at the time. I think that bit is called 'Introduction to the Minister of External Affairs' or something like that. Though has been a few decades since the last production. Too many new plays people prefer instead."

Tak takes another bite of his fruit, looking at Mikilos for a moment and smiling. "I take it you are familiar with many of these older plays, a hobby or experience?" He doesn't seem phased at interupting the conversation between Mikilos and Kravar.

Kravar doesn't seem to mind himself, looking to Mikilos curiously for his response. He finishes off his snack without thinking about it, the rubs his hand on his pants leg.

Mikilos nods to Tak, and shrugs. "I've not oppertunity to see too many performed, but I've read most of the scripts. The local ones, at least."

Tak nods in response, "Where do they have these? I'd like to read some of it if I could, I'm fond of the comedies." He grins a bit, taking another bite of his fruit and chewing.

Chloe has reconnected.

Mikilos waves vaugely. "The City Library has quite a few, and the College more, though the largest collection is in the archives of the theater. Very poor orginization though, copies just tossed wherever there happened to be room. I did what I could, but of course the next time some 'artist' went thru it was all undone. Ah well."

Tak smiles and nods, "Ahh yes, organization is sometimes the antithesis to creativity for some, but without it you'd never find anything. I'll have to stop by these places then, read up on what I can find when I'm not earning my keep." he chuckles a bit.

Chloe has partially disconnected.

Kravar has left.

Mikilos nods, and quirks a brow in mild curiousity. "And just what keep do you earn?"

Tak chuckles a bit, reaching up to scratch the back of his head. "Well, I'm pretty much doing anything I can at the moment, but I've been telling stories in inns and pubs to earn what I can for food and housing. So far so good, as long as I don't drink up my earnings." he laughs.

Mikilos snorts softly, but smiles. "All minor expenses at the time, but they do have a bad habit of pileing up day after day. Suppose could do away with them all as well, but that's honestly a bit of an investment."

Tak nods "Yes, I'm not even sure how long I'll be staying, so temporary lodgings are ideal." He grins "Something will come up for me though, it always does, fate has a way of pushing you where you need to go."

Mikilos snorts and smiles again. "Or over a cliff. Oh, fate certainly plays it's own role. But I prefer to chart my own course."

Tak laughs "That all depends on how you see it? Was it your choice, or was it fates choice in making the situation come up for you to make that choice." He grins "I make all my choices, doing whatever inspires me at the moment." he holds up his fruit, taking another bite and chewing. "Like coming out today to browse, and meeting you, and finding about the old plays kept in the theater. My choices all of them, but was it really me, or was fate guiding me along by putting up signals I'm going to respond to."

Mikilos smiles. "A bit of both, mayhaps, but I think we plot a fair amout of our own lives. Or decline to plot, as the case may be. Fate has better things to do than dither with minor details."

Tak smiles and shrugs his shoulders "Its far too deep a thought to pursue, I prefer to just go where the moment takes me, though there are times I feel the urge stronger than others. One day perhaps fate will pick me for something grand, and all this is preperation for the moment. Until then though, why worry?"

Mikilos mmms. "'The gods help those who help themselves.' Perhaps your moment comes, but you're not prepared to take advantage of it? Or not. The world is too complex for even the gods to hold a complete grip. I'm glad I'm not called to do so."

Tak grins "It would be somethign though, to be one of those few who are called to great moments, a name passed down in legends....often posthumously though." he laughs at that. "A grand ending, perhaps that is a way to die that would be worthwhile."

Mikilos shrugs. "I've had enough fate thrust upon me already. Living quietly will be plenty of accomplishment without any more bardic songs about me."

Tak arches a brow now, curious "Really? Care to share some stories then, I'm always eager to learn new tales." He looks at his fruit, now almost gone, but apparently decides not to take another bite, instead looking back at you and waiting to see if you will share your tale.

Mikilos chuckles, and waves vaugely. "No no, nothing so grand as that. Served in the War of Sendor, were plenty of songs scripted about all that. Doggreal, mostly, though a few minor gems." The elf frowns for a moment.

Tak smiles and nods "Well, perhaps you can tell me all about it sometime over a drink or two, but I should be moving on now, its about time for me to find a nice pub and tell a few tales to earn a few drinks." He inclines his head in a small bow. "Good day to you sir."

Mikilos nods, and offers a small bow in return. "Try the Braggarts. It's Quaffing Night, can likely get yourself entered into one of the drinking contests, end up with all the booze you can hold. Or possibally swilling hot sauce. Nothing's without risk."

Tak laughs and nods "Indeed, life is boring without risk though!" He nods again, turning to depart with a small wave.

Tak has left.