The Drink's the Thing

From Tenebrae
Revision as of 15:36, 7 June 2023 by Petros (talk | contribs) (Created page with " The TarRaCe, Late Night It's getting close to closing time, the tables are being closed and wiped down. Chairs getting flipped to be upon them. Tabs getting closed out, a small, wobbly line of patrons paying what they owe as a spectral hand is working on cleaning glasses out. "Have a good night!" the redheaded and sharp dressed bartender chirps happily as the last one hands over coinage. They leave, mildly shakily from the drinks. And the bartender's forehead falls...")
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The TarRaCe, Late Night

It's getting close to closing time, the tables are being closed and wiped down. Chairs getting flipped to be upon them. Tabs getting closed out, a small, wobbly line of patrons paying what they owe as a spectral hand is working on cleaning glasses out.

"Have a good night!" the redheaded and sharp dressed bartender chirps happily as the last one hands over coinage. They leave, mildly shakily from the drinks.

And the bartender's forehead falls forward until it thunks into the iron bartop. "Ughhhhhhh...." she groans out in a languid sigh.

A familiar familiar attempts to drag a plate of half eaten food closer on the bar. Fiadh, a tiny, white feathered thrush, chirps tinnily up at Human-Slix. "You must regain your strength."

Slix cracks an eye. It's a half eaten, bloody steak on the plate. She grimaces, a frown cresting her lips as one of her hairs animates and shoves the plate back. "Ew. I'm good."

Claw-tip-claw-tap. A waft of hot, steaming air and scented like soap. "Then this one will take it." A familiar voice says as Aelwyn reaches out for the steak and summarily -chonks- it into his maw.

Makari specialty.

Gnawing the bloody feast, he rumbles in contentment, moving to lean on one of his legs. "Long shift, Ribbon?" His chest was exposed, glistening with the water off the baths; and his black loincloth was hung heavy with the cleaning supplies. His glaive was replaced with a broom. "And tch, it has been a while, Thrush."

Sliding against the counter, he continues to grin toothily. "Perhaps one should take more breaks. The baths are hot, after all."

A small and familiar form slips into the TarRaCe from outside, shutting the door behind her. The Goblin is dressed in a pale pink summer dress, one that makes allowances for her fin, but keeps her tail covered. She wears an oversized hat, which is enough to shade her shoulders and arms.

Her sandals make a noisy clatter on the floor, and after only a few steps, she tsks and kicks them off towards the corner near the door. Irshya moves more quietly towards a stool at the bar. "Hello Slix, hello Ael. How are you two doing?", she wonders, cheerfully, as she pulls herself up onto a stool, lowering her head to peer at Slixvah.

Slixvah glances up at Aelwyn, only to look away as the food is all but inhaled. The human guise ripples and wafts away, revealing a tired looking egalrin. "You can say that. Just still recovering from the... manor," she says, pulling herself up enough to prop her head up. "Yeah, prolly gonna do that soonish..."

Fiadh merely looks up at Aelwyn with their solid gold eyes. "Has it? What is a while? For you it is eons. For me, a blink."

The tired egalrin perks slightly at Irshya's arrival. Her sky blue eyes are lightly sunken, if a bit dull. "Heya Rish Rish. Tired, mainly. Adventurin' and stuff tends ta do that."

Aelwyn's cheery disposition disappears for a moment, but then it returns as usual - in force. "Tch, eons since this one has seen that beak chirp and smile." There is a moment of pause, as he tilts his head. "... do beaks... smile...?"

The moment of contemplation is gone, before he sits down on a stool besides Slixvah. "This one can fix her a drink. Something sour and palate cleansing." The Dragoon offers, before Irshya appears. "Sharkie," He greets with a bow of his head. "Has she gone and become the sun when the real one disappeared beyond the horizon?"

The Gobbo reaches over and gently cups Slixvah's cheeks with her little hands, leaning in close so her eyes can inspect the Egalrin's face closely. "You are taking a break.", she says firmly. "You should take time to rest and recover. I will see to it you do not go hungry or lacking monies, but if you work yourself to an early grave, I will be annoyed."

She blinks and peers at Fiadh, as if seeing them for the first time. "Oh.. hello!"

The Gobbo peers at Aelwyn then. "Did you just compare me to the sun?" Her expression takes on a mischievous grin, full of pointy teeth. "Are you trying to ask for a raise?"

Fiadh, unwavering in their ethereal, detached logic, chirps in that same deadpan, tinny voice, "Beaks do not smile."

"Yes they do," Slixvah fires back at her familiar. "Little bit at the edges, makes th' eyes sparkle when they do." She glances to Aelwyn, nodding slowly. "... yeah, fix me somethin' hard, Flutter. I'd reall' appreciate tha'."

And then her face is taken! Slix goes cross eyed looking at Irshya so close. There's a closed eye smile, a quiet, tutting chuckle, and the tip of her beak pokes Irshya's forehead. "I am taking a break," she repeats back to her boss. "Probably gonna take the week off, if that's cool. Me and Aelwyn was in some pretty messed up stuff. Got covered in blood a couple of times."

Aelwyn turns his head towards Irshya, leaning his head on his hand. "When is this one not asking for a raise?" The draconian asks in turn, teeth showing as he sways his tail behind him.

The broom is settled against the counter - and with a sudden heave, the he ruddy sith-makar hoists himself over the counter in one smooth motion. He twists his lips then at Slixvah. "Tch, then this one shall have to try hard to twist at those edges." He flicks his tongue out, wriggling the tips, as he begins to pick up the bottles. A lot of bottles. And few lemons.

The Dragoon does not comment on the mention of blood. Nor what they were faced with. "Lime or lemon?" He asks. "Something for the Sharkie, a screwed driver?"

The Goblin eyes the Finch again, giggling at what it says before she looks back to Slixvah. "I remember what you told me, a while back. You don't gotta ask, but it's nice that you let me know." Irshya leans up to rub her nose against Slix's beak. "You've always got a place here. And goodness... what exactly were you doing to get covered in blood..."

She eyes Aelwyn, looking him over carefully. "I trust you both had your wounds tended to properly? If you have any lingering pain or ailments, please let me know. Don't suffer in silence, okay?"

Irshya blinks at the question... "Er. Yes. Please."

Slixvah tuts at Aelwyn after he vaults himself over the bar, a mild smile on her features. "Why not both? Lemon lime sounds a good time," she hums, watching all the bottles being taken out.

She regards Irshya. "'course I'd let ya know. But this is less fo' that talk and mo' of I'm bloody tired and wanna sleep fo' two days straight." She chuckles at the nose on her beak, humming contently before pulling back. "Some sicko wanted adventurers ta go through puzzles and messed up stuff in a manor. Fought some flesh golems at the end. Some of the puzzles explode in blood. Was... ugh." She shakes her head.

"We good. Had faithful wit' us and me. No short for healin'."

The bottles are plenty and colorful - and the fruit was fresh as Aelwyn made quick short of it. Irshya gets clear spirits, plenty of smushed orange and then ice. He puts a red berry on top. "Screwed driver," He offers to her, flashing his teeth. Yes, he was no bartender.

For Slixvah, he starts a complete display - with rolling bottles, caps opened, tossing and twisting... layers and layers of alcohol, with slices of lemon and lime holding it all separated. It looked fancy, but Slix could easily tell he was improvising. Or this was some sort of really weird drink.

"Here she goes," The ruddy sith-makar says as he slides it to the egalrin. Hand moves to her shoulder. "It flows past us now. She did see who it was, did she not?" He asks, with a flat voice.

Irshya's expression at the description matches the "Eeewh!" she lets out. "Did ... did you get to beat on the person who set that up? 'Cause I imagine that would make one feel better."

She nods to the Egalrin then. "I just like to make sure, is all. Some people are embarrassed and don't like to admit they're hurt. Or don't wanna talk about it. You can always talk to me. I won't judge."

Then the glass arrives in front of her. The Gobbo's grin is broad, her face lighting up, "Oh, thanks!" Her nose wrinkles a little as she sniffs, obviously getting a snootful of alcohol smell along with the fresh fruit. But she takes up the glass, and pours everything into her maw, including the ice. Not a single chewing motion, just ... GULP!

A moment later, she shivers. "C..cold..."

Irshya then spots Slixvah's drink under construction, her eyes going wide. They immediately narrow then. "Do tell?", she asks of the two.

Slixvah watches the display with a raised brow. If his aim was to get her spirits (pun intended) up, then he was doing quite a good job at it. She can't help but snicker, watching the additives and swirls and twirls culminate into a admixtured concoction. "I give ya a eight out of ten fo' th' performance, but I can assure you ri' now that drink is going to make me need ta black out on the cot in the back." She scoops the creation up, and pats Aelwyn on the shoulder. "I reall' appreciate it, Flutter."

She doesn't dare take a drink yet. "Yeah, past us. But I did get a good look at his ugly mug. Elf man, looks mad, crimson robes. I knows a spell ta show th' memory ta other people. Ain't gonna stay hidden fo' long."

She turns to Irshya, sighing lightly. "I admit, I gots a big ego. Usually it takes me burning out once befo' askin' fo' help. I am burned out. So, I am askin' fo' help by takin' a break," she smiles, giving the shark a thumbs up. Blinks at how fast its gone. Then looks back to her drink. "A game of chess, a riddle with a guillotine, a trapped gate. Artifice coils of lightning in a nefarious filled chamber. Two abhorrent flesh golems. And a sick fuck watching it throu' scryin' methods. I dispelled one. Covered the other."

She hazards a sip.

Aelwyn flicks his tongue out, before he reaches down and puts up a tiny parasol on the concoction. "See? Cannot be harmful if it looks like a sunny day by the river." He rumbles with his teeth displaying, and his tail swaying. He walks around her after, tapping the egalrin's calves with his tail tip, before he settles down near the counter between the two.

The ruddy sith-makar takes out his notepad and flops it open. And freezes - at the mention of the crimson robes. He looks towards Slixvah, the pencil in his hand sliding across the empty page. "Perhaps this one should see that face as well."

Meanwhile, he relaxes after, and then flaps open another page. This was not filled with writing - but rather drawings. Of glaives. With many, many different shapes and symbols. He rumbles underneath his throat as he -badly- scrawls another one.

Irshya smirks at Aelwyn, and simply shakes her head. Nodding to the Egalrin, the Gobbo pats at Slix' hands. "Hmm, I agree, that's at least an eight. He worked really hard on yours, but kinda just slapped mine together like it weren't nothing." Her grin is one more mischievous. "And yes, you have a giant ego. Which is fine, because you don't take yourself all seriously. And I find it fun to stroke your ego, because you are adorable when you puff up." She giggles then. Though at Slixvah's description of the ... trapped setup, her expression sobers up. "Take a break. But also, you don't have to sleep alone. Either of you. Can stay here. Thrice blessed, and safe, and solid."

Irshya leans up to peer at the notebook a little. "I think Aelwyn really likes crooked swords. Are those khopeshes?"

Slixvah blinks at the concoction, her beak clacking, like she was smacking her lips. She tilts her head, takes another drink. Makes a face. "... well, it'll get me drunk," she shrugs before quietly laughing. "We gotta teach ya a bit mo'."

Eyeing the pictures of glaives with an amused expression, she brushes her hand against Irshya's pats. She grins, stifling a motion to preen at her face feathers. "At least I admit it!" Though, she quirks her head to the side. "Hmm. Maybe. Might do that tonight. I /do/ wanna have jus' like, a bit of time by myself. A couple days."

She looks to Aelwyn, an odd seriousness to her expression. "You want to see them? Their ugly mug? Sure." She takes another heavy drink, along with a grimace before sitting upright. Her grey hands fold together to crack knuckles. "Eth imn'sd eey hswso namyw pldeinsosr," she chants softly. As she does so, an ethereal white thread sloughs off her arm, up her shoulder, off her neck, and terminates out of her temple. The witch reaches up, pulls on it, and gently winds the thread into a small ball in her hand before holding it out to Aelwyn. "Jus' touch it."

GAME: Slixvah casts Share Memory. Caster Level: 7 DC: 17

Aelwyn tchs, spreading his hands. "Gets one drunk? And this one thought it had all the best flavors." He then shows off his sharp teeth. "Well, nearly all of them." He rumbles, sharp teeth showing as he stretches his body out. Yeup, hopeless.

The Dragoon bows his head and then rumbles, "Perhaps this one shall rest upon the baths; float in the heat, but the night calls this one. To awaken somewhere new, that is the best cure for those visions." He says, with a sombre tone. "The music will wind away the tune of blood and gore."

Speaking of visions, he turns his head towards Slixvah. He grits his teeth together - before he slightly reaches out towards the orb. Hesitates. Then reaches out for the ball.

"Irshya will see you home, or get you to the cot.", the Gobbo Says softly. "Enjoy it." She nods emphatically, "You do admit it! And yes, take the time for yourself. But you are welcome to stay here. Irshya will keep you safe while you sleep."

The Gobbo eyes the spellcraft curiously, and looks to Aelwyn. "It gives you pause even now? It must have been hard on even you, then. And feel free to sleep in the pools, just... don't drown."

The ball of thread springs like a wound coil, snaking up Aelwyn's arm before it finds its way up to his head and vanishes by phasing through his temple. It's an odd sensation, like an intense feeling of deja vu. But as the last of the ethereal thread vanishes, he see a scene play out before him.


A dimly lit, stone room is filled with the sounds of magic and battle. At the edges of memory's vision, ethereal wisps. Faint threads wafting to and fro. A weight rests on the memory's back. A familiar weight. A comforting weight. The weight flexes like a strong muscle, wings unfurling and feathers shooting forth like a reaching arm as a barrel is placed over a floating, translucent orb.

The view shifts abruptly as wings beat to come up to the door, and what feels like raw strength slams the hidden entrance open. "Knock knock, open up the door, it's real! Wit' th' non-stop, pop-pop of brainless zeal!" the memory sing songs in Slix's voice, the feeling of a beak clacking, two voice boxes singing in tandem.

The room before is a nice woven rug and a desk, a glowing crystal over a book. And starting to meld into the stone walls is that of a mad looking elf in fine robes. "You just had to stop my research whenever you see the chance, didn't you? No matter, I already know what failures they are." The elf grumbles, already falling backwards into the stone behind them. "Hopefully they will smash a few of you into paste on the way out, but I will not hold my hopes up."

Then they are gone. The stone solid like it was before. A retort builds on the beak, but-


The memory fades. "Sometimes all the good flavors make the worst flavor," she chuckles before looking to Irshya. "Ain't got a home right now, prefer ta wander about. But yeah, I'll take tha' cot fo' th' night."

Aelwyn was holding his breath as he was watching the memory... it was a weird, alien feeling. Yet his attention was on something else completely - but there's a sudden sharp gasp and an exhale, before he lets the memory fade away.

The draconian then reaches out and pats Slixvah on her shoulder. "This one is certain we shall find the mad elf." He reassures her.

And slowly slides the drink over. "Just like this one will make her enjoy this drink. Whipped cream?" A bright toothy grin.

The notepad is then grabbed and he returns to sketching, rolling his shoulders at Irshya - orange eyes staring at her. "They are glaives." There is firm sketching of something vaguely flowing, but very geometric. Like a floral pattern - but it was a mess. "And this one shall make them look worthy." That is to say, kickass. Yet that was a given, naturally.

The Goblin watches the two as the memories play out, and at Slixvah's mention of the cot, she nods. "I have something neat to show you, after we're done here, but before you go off to sleep." She sighs lightly. "How bad is the memory?", she wonders of Aelwyn. "Are you... able to do the spell again, SliSli?", she asks of the Egalrin.

The tip of her tail can be seen moving back and forth behind her. "If not, it's okay. I am curious to see this Elf."

Slixvah eyes Aelwyn as he experiences the memory. A feathered brow raising as she dips her head slightly. "I have no doubt we will find them. But... did you notice something I did not? Do you... recognize them? Or was it jus' too weird ta see through my eyes?" she chuckles, patting the hand on his shoulder.

She glances down at the drink. "... you know what? Sure. Let's jus' mess my stomach up." She takes another sip. This time... was that triple sec? This wasn't properly mixed at all.

She turns to Irshya, a brow raising. "Aight. It ain't that bad, I only shared th' bits without all th' like, horrifying stuff." The witch repeats the incantation, another ethereal thread showing out of her temple. She plucks it, winds it up, and offers it to Irshya.

"What, ya gonna have like, a bunch of glaives on ya back or somethin'?" she teases Aelwyn, taking a peek at the drawings.

Most of them are a mess. Few words of maybe draconian is littered in, but they are illegible. Aelwyn gives his shoulder a roll and shakes his head. "This one does not," He admits to her, and that seemed to be the one that made him relax. "Simply a blood thirsty fool, like all the others." He leans down to pick up a straw - and sticks it into the drink. It's a whole choose your own adventure deal.

The glaives on the pages are once again scribbled over. "This one spoke to Merchant and she shall make this one his own glaive." Flash of his teeth. "... just need to find a way to..." He falls under his rumbling breath. "Tch." A moment later, he adds. "It is hard to choose."

"Are you drawing these for any particular reason, Aelwyn?", the Gobbo wonders, while waiting on the Egalrin to prepare for casting the spell over. As the thread is offered, Irshya reaches out.

She blinks as it winds itself around her arm and makes its way into her head.

The Goblin appears to panic momentarily, looking around, eyes wide. She makes several odd noises in her throat, a growl mostly, tinged with fear. A surprised noise is followed by a huff, and look of annoyance.

Irshya shivers and gives her head a shake, blinking as if awoken from a dream. "That is... a really odd feeling.. so now I know what he looks like. Sadly, I must report, I do not know him. Can't say I've seen him before either."

"Find a way to what? Why don't you check a few of the blacksmiths out? They might assist you, Aelwyn. If you don't set them on fire."

Slixvah gives a head tilt at Aelwyn. "Good. Glad it wasn't anythin' bad. Lemme know if-"

And then Irshya starts panicking. It's short lived. "... maybe it's jus' weird fo' others ta feel all tha' stuff I deal wit'," she surmises. A moment to parse. "He wants to make a glaive, and is trying to get what's in his head onto paper so he can get made what he wants," she explains to Irshya. "Aelwyn, go to Simony. She can get ya situated wit' a good drawin'."

She looks down at the straw. Looks back up at Aelwyn. "... Aelwyn, I don't have lips."

She pulls the hood of her robe over her head, flares out the robe to cover her form, and then pulls it away. The human bartender from before is there, in there flesh. "Well, usually," she snickcer, picking up the drink to use the straw. She makes a scrunched face. "... Aelwyn, please use a mixer next time, that was just all lemon."

Irshya gets a concerned glance, but Slix has it under the control. "Breathe, Sharkie."

Aelwyn lets out a breath. "Perhaps this one should. Making few lines does not seem that hard to this one, but it seems to be." He waves his notepad dejectedly. "This one is commissioning a new glaive, Irshya. Merchant offered plenty customization options." He flashes his teeth. "It will look glorious." And on fire.

To the comment of the lips, the ruddy sith-makar tilts his head. "... no, but this one does." Another straw is picked out - and he also takes a deep suck out of the drink. He attempts a brave face, before he lets out a 'blech'. "... maybe Ribbon is right." He lets out a slow rumble. "Red liquor and chili does not seem to go as well together as this one imagined."

Taking in a deep breath, Aelwyn starts to slide around the counter. "This one shall finish up at the baths. See at the closing." The broom is swung over his shoulder, and he starts to head towards the entrance with his slow, rolling gait.

"It's like that ... feeling? What do people call it? Vuja de? Like, you've forgotten it before?" Irshya rubs at her cheek, "Or something?" She glances at Aelwyn as he takes a cheeky sip of Slixvah's drink, then laughs at his expression. "There is a method to the madness, Aelwyn, to get a good tasting drink."

Her head cants to one side, as she eyes the images once more. "What's wrong with your current weapon? Have you forgotten to sharpen it again?"

Slixvah shrugs. "Some lines are hard. I make maps on th' side fo' fun. Can be hard when the lines get blurred," she hums. "I don't doubt it. Ya ain't one fo' nothin' short of fancy and flamboyant," she grins, truly.

Her drink is tapped and partly stolen. She squints. Then gentle pushes it away. "... you can have the rest of it," she says to Irshya, not wanting to inhale chili. She gives a light wave to Aelwyn. "Catch ya in a bit, Aelwyn."

She turns to Irshya. "Ah. Yeah. Deja vu. Something like that. I jus' ain' use that spell that often. Sometimes I use it on m'self ta remember somethin' important or another."

She shrugs. "Upgrades. Some weapons need upgrades. Gotta make a whole new one sometimes."

The retreating Sith is waved at, "Sleep well, Aelwyn, when you do sleep."

She snaps her fingers and points to her nose, "That's it, Slisli, deja vu. Such silly trade words." She eyes the drink as it's slid over to her. "Are... you sure? Uh, you may have to carry me instead, but I'll point the way. It's under the bar."

With that, the glass is upended, the colours sloshing down into her stomach, hardly even touching her tongue. The glass is set down on the bartop. "Upgrades? Like ho... oooooh, I get you. Like, a flameblade! Or erm... the headchopping sword. Sniketysnak!" She mimics a head coming off by her own head suddenly tilting sideways and thudding onto the bar, her blue tongue unrolling from her mouth.

Slixvah bobs her head, holding her head up on a hand. "Yeah, I'm already feelin' it, I jus'... don't want stomach issues from... chili and limes? Yeah, that's sounds mo' like spell components than a drink."

She chuckles at the gobbo, amused at the display as she slides out of her seat. "Yep. Stuff like that. Or better material, like mithral or adamantine. Anywho, ya wanted ta show me somethin'?" she says. Her red hair starts to animate on its own, it extending and reaching out over the bar to pick Irshya up. "Betta ta show me now while the drinks haven't hit yet."

The Goblin is definitely starting to become affected, and she giggles merrily at being picked up. "Grab all your stuff, gonna show you something cool, an' it's really safe!"

Getting there is... questionable, but she indicates to head around behind the bar. One of the wineracks, which are generally hidden from view under the bar, moves, revealing an opening in the floor and steep stairs leading down. It's only slightly claustrophobic. After traversing a hallway that turns right and then left, the two end up in a small room. The walls are painted white, and each have several small candle holders. A small shrine across from the entrance way gives homage to Tarien, Ceinara and Rada. The ceiling is also white, but is angled, shaped like a four-sided pyramid. At the apex, an opening, where the smoke from the candles disappears up into. The floor is made from the same tiles as the pool room, and there are four, normal sized cots arranged around them.

Irshya tadaaaaahs!, and almost falls out of Slixvah's arms. "Woops... so yeah, this is Irshya's sleeping area, when she is not in the pools or the back rooms by the kitchen." She gestures to the walls that do not contain the entrance way, "The pools are behind those walls, well, close to them... so we get their warmth in here."

Human-Slix's hair turns the goblin around to be held comfortably in the air behind Slix. "I keep everythin' I own on me," she hums looking under the bar. She blinks at the wine racks moving, her crouching and slipping in. Good thing she turned into an actual human, else the wings would be very difficult here.

Careful steps lead her down, her eyes drinking in the white hallways. She stops at the shrine, giving a silent prayer to the three of them briefly out of respect before turning to looks to the room itself.

Her brows raise. A whistle leaves her. "Wow. This is pretty snazzy- ah, careful!" she says, the hair manipulating to shift Irshya over to a cot. A glance to the walls. "Huh. Really clever. I guess tha's why we had all those turns back there, we was walkin' between the pools."

She yawns, having to sit down on one of the cots. "Lot ta ask 'bout this place, but I'll have ta leave 'em fo' later. Gettin' real sleepy, and... drunk. I appreciate th' hospitality Rish-Rish," she smiles.

<OOC> Slixvah will need to bounce on the next pose

The Goblin giggles at the hair, but is a relatively good hair-passenger, not moving so much. "I built a lot of it myself, but had help with making everything line up nice an... an..."

Irshya's next line starts with an s... and ends up with a nooooorrrreeee. Setting her down on the cot finished her off for the night.

Slixvah can't help but softly laugh as Irshya. "And ya work is right well," she hums, shifting the gobbo around to set them on their side and pulls the blanket to tuck them in. "Nini, sugar."

She herself doffs the disguise, bringing her feathery glory back before she lays down, curling her wings around her for her own blanket. She deeply inhales, head starting to swim. Sighs softly. And counts strings. Getting lost at about thirty before she too, succumbs to sleep.