Akorinil's Safehouse

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The spot that Seldan has chosen, outside the wards and the city walls, to invoke Akorinil's safehouse is not the populated northern gate, but the exit past the Temple of Vardama, past the shops, and up into the mountains. A quieter trek, if a longer and steeper one, but one that may be of interest for those inclined to new training grounds. The climb is relatively arduous, a good workout, but the scenery unmatched, a cliff overlooking a mighty valley of trees below.

Seldan has made this journey many times, clearly, and if he does it a touch more slowly than usual, Aya may have an inkling as to why. Still, he is not out of breath when he arrives and turns to the others. "Will this suit?"

Aryia was one that was used this trek, as she was one to partake of these training grounds in the mountains. The workout is great, and she's making use of it, jogging mildly in place on the way up. Having worked up a slight sweat, she gives a sharp thumbs up to Seldan. "Good view," she adds, pulling her green jacket back on. <Handspeech/Tongues>

Aya has no issues with the path nor the travel, having taken the same on a few occassions. Most being to visit Aryia. No issues that she voices, at least, though the lessened pace does not brook any argument. A nod. "This suits well. Fewer travellers along this route, should anything become... unpleasant."

All of that training going on runs was paying off! Or it would be, if Schara was not wearing armor and was not going significantly more uphill than usual. By the time the bronze clad figure reached the ritual site, they were out of breath, even if it was difficult to tell underneath all of the armor.

"So this is where we use that rod found the other day?" They wonder aloud once they catch their breath.

The time of day has rendered it foggy and dark. There's no indication that anyone will see you, at least not out this far, out this way.

That's good, at least!

"Indeed," Seldan inclines his head politely to Schara. "We are well-concealed here, and this is a place well known to me. I have the means to teleport us, or plane shift us, should that be required. Have you the key?"

Aryia pulls the metallic rod out from behind belt, and gives it a twirl between her fingers. Seeing the group, she gives a light sigh. "Sure do. You... all ready for me to try and open this... gate?" she inquires, face tinging red. "I fucking swear, if this works, I'm going to beat that Taaran with this stick." <Handspeech/Tongues>

Aya gestures broadly as she looks to Aryia. "By all means. You can frighten the very mountain, sister. I have no doubts you can handle well one little rod."

"I needed to catch my breath, but that's all, I'm ready to go. Or not that I am ready, I don't think anyone is truly ready for all potential outcomes when opening a portal to an unknown location, but I am as ready as I might be to deal with whatever may be on the other side." The artificer sighs. "It will be fine I think, so whenever you are ready, give it a try?"

Aryia steels herself as others give her the go ahead. Her face has built up to a crimson by this point, and she jabs a finger at the others, a sisterly glare shot to Aya. "Just... don't.. don't comment," she motions with one hand before she finds a clear space and holds the rod out with both hands. <Handspeech/Tongues>

She looks up to the sky. Takes a deep breath. "F-ck-ng k-ll m-, st-p-d, f-ck-ng b-tch -nk-r-ll..."

Aryia strokes the rod.

Seldan watches the process, although his gaze drops to the stone at his feet when the activation begins, and he flushes pink. He holds his peace, though, awaiting the result.

Aya simply observes. She has been clear in the past concerning her lack of knowledge regarding magic. On the other hand, or both in this case, this isn't exactly in realm of magic. Not entirely. A brow arches, though for the moment she says nothing. The clenching visible in her jaw belies that it takes some effort, however.

Schara wanted to say something, but the artificer was honoring the request not to comment. So the artificer waits, unreadable behind their armor as they too watch to see if it was properly activated.

It takes a moment. Perhaps it's the warding. Perhaps it's something else?

... but then, slowly, a swirling darkness begins to concentrate at a specific point before spreading outwards into a yawning void. A portal.

Aryia looks like she could collapse on the spot and die from embarrassment. When nothing happens at first, she's quick to try and walk it back, "Look, this doesn't happen-"

And then a swirling, dark, totally not spooky portal opens! "Oh thank FUCK!" the mute signs broadly, almost deflating to a puddle before getting her footing and shaking her crimson-laced face. "Ok, got it open, let's go before we second guess ourselves." Like she totally just wasn't. <Handspeech/Tongues>

At first, Seldan isn't looking, but when he does manage to look up, the yawning portal is entirely there. He stops, _stares_ at it for a moment, then murmurs, "Well done. Let us go."

He starts towards it, looking to see if any others follow, his expression entirely impassive.

When nothing occurs after a moment, Aya's jaw becomes tired and she must relent, "Maybe if you held it more firm-" and then the swirling sprouts-"Ah, there it goes. We should, also." She steps towards leaving Seldan to lead by a pace to two as she slows to offer Aryia a congratulatory pat on her shoulder along with a thumb up before continuing.

"Ah, well, that hypothesis was proven false." The artificer muses to themself once the portal was open finally. "The others are going, so don't fall behind Aryia, if you are still ready to continue." She adds before heading off to the portal.

Aryia accepts the pat before a hand lightly thonks in a chop against Aya's head. Playful, but still has that hidden 'fuck you' underneath it for the comment. She strides in after everyone else, cutting Schara a light glare. She was not one to fall behind!

... and then you're in a lady's study.

There are no windows, so you can't be sure immediately where you are, but you definitely feel warmer than you did mere moments ago. This place is lovely, if dusty. No one has been here for a while. Akorinil is a lady of means and she will not have anywhere she inhabits be anything but the most tactfully decorated place you've seen, compared to the rather less than subtle innuendos so far of the Crimson Pen. There are piles of books *everywhere*. Scroll cases, too. The desk is covered in parchments, and the walls too, with notes in Akorinil's flowing script all over. Prominent notes like 'WHO IS 'HER?' and drawings of Griva, Farland, and other figures associated with the Resurrectionists.

A map of the world with various points circled on it in quill ink is visible. It's not dissimilar to the maps you've seen of disturbances in the Sea of Mana.

A list of names on the wall -- indications of their status as 'missing'.

"WHERE IS THE GRIEVER?" is a big question asked underneath them.

And then a note on the table.

"So glad you got my invitation. If you're seeing this, I'm likely highly indisposed. Good luck."

Seldan's steps are slow, at first, once he is through the portal, his weight balanced, ready for anything. In truth, a lady's study perhaps holds little threat. Still, it may hold much of information, and Seldan's eyes are drawn towards the postings on walls, notations and maps. He moves wordlessly over to the map that notes disturbances in the Sea of Mana, but then turns away at the drawings of Griva. "Her?" he murmurs. "She refers to Griva, or another?"

There *is* a single door.

Aya looks over the room slowly, registering the presence of the conspicuous map, markings, and drawings, but not all of their significance. "I have not the slightest idea, Silverguard. My understanding of her collection was limited to The Crimson Pen volume. I am no scholar." There is a reason she previously grabbed all that was not firmly attached.

Speaking of which. "Can we return here at will, or do we claim everything?"

"It is in my mind that so long as one possesses the key, it should be possible to return, for it is perhaps by this means that she herself located this sanctuary." Seldan speaks absently, still looking around. "It may be well, then, to leave it under such protection as we may, and learn what is beyond that," and he gestures to the door. "For large things, it may be needful to leave them."

Aryia steps in, her fists half raised to a stance as she was expecting trouble. And finds...

... trouble? Well, not in the 'beat things up' sense. But trouble nonetheless. Troubled mind, it seems like, and she scratches her head at the scene before her. "... th-... f-ck...?" she hisses quietly to herself, ambling carefully and slowly throughout the space. Her attention falls on the map. Expansive. "I... don't think I've ever seen a full map of the realm..." she motions slowly, eyes lingering on the seas and where they spill out to. He shrugs to Seldan. "Either Griva, or maybe Eluna? Taara? I don't know. But she knows someone was supposed to take over her work."

Her attention falls to the door beyond. She nods with Seldan. "Agreed. Let's clear that first. I can try to open it if it's locked." She pulls out a set of picks and waggles them. Regardless of that, she advances on the door, looking to the others to ensure they were on the same page. <Handspeech/Tongues>

The Silverguard is the most versed in magic. Aryia proved herself as the talented Key Mistress. That leaves Aya, who is versed well enough on the intricate mechanisms that are doors. Not locks, but doors. So she steps towards the door as well. "Do you think she would go to the trouble to hide this place for her own studies and then add dangers to it?"

Schara stops near the entrance, not wishing to disturb anything. That doesn't stop them from pulling out a journal and jotting down numerous notes while the others were looking. "She found something and knew it may lead to her disappearance. It would have been good for her to say more than just good luck however. Maybe her plans can be figured out by the information she left here, at least?"

Seldan's gaze goes to the lockpicks, his gaze not quite managing to hide disapproval beyond a facade of neutrality. Still, under the circumstances - he merely moves aside, permitting the ladies room to works while he himself examines pictures and notes.

Aryia shoots a look to Aya. "This is a Taaran priestess, I put nothing behind them," she opines in sign before nodding to Schara. "Yes. That is where evidence is pointing towards."

She catch's Seldan's disapproval. "... what? Would you rather I punch the door down? I can have /some/ iota of finesse," she gestures with goodnatured smirk before rolling her shoulders and approaching the door. <Handspeech/Tongues>

There's a faint hissing whisper of, "N-w... h-w d-d V d- -t...?" before she checks it over.

GAME: Aryia rolls perception: (1)+31: 32 (EPIC FAIL)

"Well, if the books are not magically warded, the scrolls too, they may be worth a look." The artificer notes while others check on the door. "But we probably should make sure the other room is clear taking a further look here. I do not wish to go looting, but perhaps lady Akorinil would be okay with borrowing some of their books?"

They put aside any further musings as they unfold the death ray on their left arm, just in case anything unpleasant was lurking on the other side. A switch is flipped as well, to prevent any potential evidence going up in smoke from a fire.

GAME: Seldan rolls perception: (10)+25: 35
GAME: Schara rolls perception: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)

First, you hear something.

It's beyond the walls of the room, but it sounds like ... a city. You're somewhere quite earthly, it would appear, and people talking, loudly. Charnish accents.

Oh boy....

Aryia pauses her inspection of the door, her long ears flicking once. Twice. Then the dim grey of her skin drains of color to an ashy white. "F-ck..!" she hisses, backing away from the door. "We're in Charn. Do NOT open the fucking door what so ever. In fact-" She finds a chair to jam the door with.

She swivels to Schara, and points a finger to the artificer. "This is a Taaran woman, Charneth, no less. Noble! /Fuck/. /Any/. Hesitation. About taking her shit. We have a job to do, so let's do it, and take shit if we have to. Besides, she has a note here saying its for us to sort through."

Speaking of notes, the mute spies a sheaf of papers, and she picks them up. She blinks. Flips through a few pages and a small note falls out. Aryia scoops it up and- "... th-t b-tch...!" she hisses, face red in ang- wait. No. Nope. She's embarrased. <Handspeech/Tongues>

Schara catches the suggestion, and steps away from the door, flipping back the arm weapon as well, just in case someone did enter. "You're right, we have a job to do here. I was just thinking more that perhaps one of my friends may wish to see some of the books, since lady Akorinil has such an extensive collection. But, Taaran priestess from charn, probably not. Still, I'll take a look for what we need to do this." The artificer notes. They stop near one of the shelves and pull out a map that looked a bit less dusty to read. "This one is marked with several locations of unknown purpose, in Charn and elsewhere. There are some in Alexandria, too." They point out. "It mentions something being all gone, and her call weakening."

Frustrated, Aryia jams the manuscript into her bag as she ambles about the place. Looking at anything else, she peers over to Schara. "The books are good reads, but anything could be evidence, I wouldn't entertain the idea until we're sure there's nothing in it."

She swings by what Schara is showing, her brows furrowed. "... Taara is waning? Is that what she means? I know I lost her call a very, very long time ago. But that was for other reasons. Is... huh." <Handspeech/Tongues>

As an afterthought, the mute sighs, pulls the manuscript back out. Straightens it, and carefully places it back into her bag with the sheaf. It... could be evidence. Unfortunately.

"Yes, you're right, that should be left for when we are done here." Schara nods, showing the map a bit better. "It could be related to that, or it could not be. I don't know much about Charn, but I did here there was a lot of unrest there. Assuming that we can get back here, perhaps the locations in Alexandria are worth checking to figure out more? It sounds like a place to start, at least."

Aryia nods slowly. "Yes. The places in Alexandria are a good start. Save Charn for later. If this is a safehouse, then we can probably get back here again and again."

She stills for a beat. "Charn is a bad, bad place," she signs slowly, throwing a stink eye to the door. "It is only by dumb fucking luck and brash decisions that got me out of there. I used to be in their... system," she finishes with disgust and rubs at her wrists. "Right, lets swipe any other maps or references in Alexandria and get back to studying what we have with the others. Good eye." <Handspeech/Tongue>

"All my knowledge of Charn comes second hand, and from briefings in Alexandria." The artificer responds as she carefully stows away the map. "And I am to believe that I have had some manner of good fortune for my experience being second hand as it is."

"Other maps, and anything that mentions a voice, call, anything diminishing." Schara nods, before returning to perusing the various shelves and other surfaces that may hold further clues to their predicament.

Aryia nods slowly. "And I lament you soon will not be able to keep it second hand soon," she motions, a rare mote of empathy showing through.

She gives a thumbs up across the room, herself scouring the place with the others.

The metal rod dangles, almost tauntingly, off her belt.

-End Scene-