Midnight Snack

From Tenebrae
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A clear and beautiful early spring day might be a little chilly still, but the sun is to be appreciated, and clement weather for travel is a blessing not to be scoffed at. You stand now in the main room of the Adventurer's Guild in Alexandria, having gathered to respond to a posting from a community on the Sendor border. In front of you stands a razor-thin, older woman with leathery-tanned skin and black hair that is just starting to go gray, dressed in the no-nonsense leathers of an outdoors-type and leaning heavily on a cane in her left hand.

"Name's Marna," she offers gruffly. "So, you're all here about the Sendor posting. Good, looks like a decent group. You'll need it. You've all done your paperwork, right? Any questions for me before you head out?"

Having joined up with the Explorer's Society, the Adventurer's Guild, or whatever they call it in this city, Cai Huian made inquiries. She knew that she would need to make a good impression her first time out if she wanted to earn her way back into the favor of her family back home.

She stopped by the jobs posting board and studied it for a time. In the end, she selected one job that seemed to be the sort that might benefit from her particular type of problem solving... and taking that posting into the guildhouse with the intent of taking the job. The fact that Huian looks like somebody's kid sister trying to play dress-up like a soldier is not lost on her. But she does not speak up unless spoken to yet. As she is asked about her paperwork, she simply nods her head. "Papers are in order. Yes." she responds.

The report had of course gotten sent to the Temple of Vardama, which had opted to send an inquisitor, an Executor. The gangling metallic form of Khepri stands impassively, regarding Marna, and the bird-mask faceplate nods slowly in response. "I do not believe so. Disturbance of the hallowed dead must not be tolerated." The yellow eyes sweep across the others, inspecting them, before the golem moves its stare back to Marna. "We may depart at your convenience."

Tlanexhuani is still acclimating to the lands, customs, and specifically the city, but what better way to do so than by immersion? Also, He is here, a guest upon others' lands, and is obligated to contribute in some way. "Ssa," the bluescale's tail flicks, "this one marked papers, iss here to help." With help, but they are marked.

The Goblin looks up from her notebook, the pencil stilling. "Yes, my paperwork is filed and in good standing. Erm, is there any information as to what's happening there, where we are headed? How bad things are? Something that might allow us to plan ahead, a little? Simony paces back and forth slowly as she speaks, still jotting things down in her notebook.

One of the figures there is that is there is that of a middl aged Eldanar man in asymetrical scale mail, a helmet under one arm and a journal open on the table. He's scribbling into it with a pen. "Yes ma'am, Marna, paperwork all sorted," he nods along. "Main question i have is, these bodies, were they exhumed? Dug out or just caved in?"

To the other's he hasn't met yet, a guantleted hand wave. "Name's Warrick Retzner, by the way."

Sedev nods. "Ah, yes. Paperwork. Arguably scarier than missing corpses." His comment is issued with apparent sincerity; whether he's joking is open to interpretation. "I'm ready to depart at your earliest convenience." He begins to check the straps on his armor and buckler, preparing for battle.

"Please forgive my rudeness." offers Huian. She presses her right fist to her left palm, giving a formal salute and half-bow to the assembled people. "I am Cai Huian. New to this region of the world. I am a swordswoman trained at my father's school back in the Jade Islands. It is my honor to stand with you all."

"About all we know is that bodies are going missing from graveyards in this community," Marna answers Simony, leveling a look _down_ at the Navosian. Warrick gets a more considering look. "They're completely missing. Probably exhumed, but a collapse isn't impossible. That's a pretty war-torn area, and there might be something under there we don't know about. Don't think the brass asked many questions." Her tone says maybe they should have.

Sedev gives a half salute as people begin introducing themselves. "I'm Sedev. I'm from...kind of everywhere. Parents are caravan guards." He turns to Marna. "In my experience, top brass never ask questions when there's gold to be had. But as someone working for a piece of that gold, I guess I can't blame them too loudly. Not like I waited for all the details myself." He leans back against a wall, tilting his head back and humming quietly to himself as he listens.

Khepri inclines its head to Marna, before regarding the others. "There are many possibilities. None of them are particularly good." The golem touches the holy symbol embossed into its breastplate. "Prayers may be performed on the way. Such blasphemies cannot be allowed to continue." It pauses, and tilts its head. Then it adds, "Please make sure you have filled out your next of kin notifications and appropriate post-mortem documentation, in the event of something final."

Tlanexhuani turns his eyes and snout to the others, recognizing a few, but gesturing claws acknowledging of all. The words of grave-defiling cause his tail to still and timbre deepen. "The dead deserve their rest. Will find cause, and stop." After a moment, he blinks slowly and looks to Khepri. "This one marked papers."

Simony bows at the waist. "Simony.", she offers up to the others. To Marna, she nods. "Pretty lean on details. The Guild... what can you do? But what little we have is pretty worrisome." The Gobbo nods to Khepri, "Indeed, such things must be stopped. I am ready to go."

Warrick casts a slight glare towards Khepri before closing his journal and stashing it away. "Used to working with little. Very well, I'm ready as well," he says, resting his hands on the taut strap of his large crossbow. He takes in the names, nodding his head in acknowledgement, but he scratches the strap with a finger, a tinge of a tic bleeding through.

"Jacob Ben-Hassid of the Phurai Dae." The Cleric of Serriel speaks then, dressed n his armor, but he was happy to be here in this place. He takes a long look around, taking measure of each person who seems to be here. He knows and recognizes Tlanexhuani, and he seems to stand near him. "A great many talents here. I believe we'll have great luck on this quest."

"All right, then, if there's nothing else for me, then off with you. Soonest begun is soonest done, and good luck. Come back when you've finished and report, and you'll get your pay." Marna makes a gesture in your direction, then turns away, leaving you to your own devices.

It's a long trip to Sendor, a week or more all told, but fine weather in early spring and a dry road without real incident makes the travel a fine and easy thing. Eventually, you reach the small community of Brambleton, a mixed community of gobbers, arvek nar, humans, and the odd khazad. The village has a well-maintained palisade around it, with faces looking out over it.

"Hail!" The arvek in cobbled leather and chain mail peers at you through beady eyes. "State your - no, I'm an idiot. A group that ragtag, armed like that. You've got to be from the Guild, am I right?"

Khepri carefully clambers off the wagon once it comes to a stop, and cranes its head to peer up at the arvek. "Indeed. You have requested aid; we are here. I greet you in the name of the Harpist. We are here to assist you with whatever is disturbing your hallowed dead." A pause. "I am called Khepri, in the service of the Temple of Vardama in Alexandria."

Trying to not behave as if she were in charge, Huian merely nods her head quietly, thumbs hooking in her belt/sash as she lets someone else do the talking for the party. Her brown eyes do flicker over one face and then another, taking a measure of the place.

Sedev nods to the arvek. "Naturally. We're here to solve your missing bodies problem. I'm Sedev. Follower of Tarien. We're all competent, paid, and know how to find and address threats." He sketches a quick bow, humming a tune. "Can you take us to the graveyard?"

Simony hops down from the wagon, making sure to grab her pack before turning away. She nods in agreement with the guard, but lets Khepri do the talking. The Gobbo looks around, her pencil scratching away at her notepad, sketching out the general layout of Brambleton.

Warrick is used to such trips, him making a stop home before heading on out. Most of the time him reading or writing into his journal. And when he disembarks into Brambleton, he takes a light glance around before adressding the Nar. "Hail and well met," he greets, more focused on the populace. Heavily fortified. Slate eyes drift off to the horizon, then to Sedev before raising a brow. No comment.

Tlanexhuani is observant as they travel, as much as one can be in a wagon. When they arrive, he is please to dismount, though groaning knees seem less thrilled. "This one is Tlanexhuani, Crafter caste," the same introduction made to others on the way is made to the arvek. "Ssa, we are here to help."

"Well, I'll be damned," the arvek nar grunts. "Either we got damned lucky or the Guild's grown someone with some sense for once. They even sent us a servant of Feiu of the Tears." Still shaking his head, he hops down and disappears from sight, and a minute or two later, he emerges from a cleverly-constructed open section where the poles in the ground are widely-spaced enough to let an armored man through, but easily closed off if needed.

"Name's Tork. Hail and well met, and aye, that mess has caused quite a stir. Graves from the war all opened up, dirt everywhere, bodies just _missing_. HARLAN!" He looks each member of the group over in turn, and just grunts.

At length, a gobber in similar leathers as the arvek, but sized for him and looking a good bit less - _intentional_ than the arvek's gear, pops through the gate. "What?"

"Take these people to the graveyard, and then get your arse back here before we close the palisade." The sun is already westering in the sky.

"Thank you, Marna, for your trust in us on this matter." Jacob remarks to her, befor ethe trip is made! He rides atop his horse, His hands firmly gripping the reins of his steed as they travel. "Tork, a pleasure." He smiles softly, though he turns his eyes towards the setting sun and he frowns softly.

"...we'll be in for a long night, my friends." Before he dismounts his horse. and makes ready his weapons.

Khepri nods slowly. The Executor makes a sign of benediction to Tork, before continuing, "Let us begin. This must not be borne any longer." Deliberately, Khepri reaches to its belt, drawing a heavy khopesh blade. A faint shimmer runs along the curving sword, as the inquisitor checks it before returning it to the sheath. "Lead on, Harlan."

So, it should be mentioned that on the way out here, Huian spent most of her time playing softly on her slender bamboo flute. It was less to entertain the others than to help her get out of her own way in her mind. Meditative so to speak. But as the team is beginning to head towards the graveyard she just goes along. She reaches to the buckler hanging from her scabbard, and straps it to her left wrist. She makes sure her sword is loosened in its scabbard, but doesn't intend to walk with a bared blade.

Warrick wastes no time getting through the palisade. "Probably more lucky than anything," Warrick comments as he passes by Tork. The description of the bodies missing gets him to shift on his feet uncomfortably. A long look to Khepri, and he shuffles a little closer to the golem. Glad he was that the group had a number of holy folks.

A soft sigh leaves him, nodding towards Jacob. "Aye, long night. Not the first time," he mentions to him, ready to follow Harlan to the gravesite.

"Close the palisade?", the Gobbo wonders in a small voice. "And I guess the graveyard is outside the town." She lets out a low sigh. "I have a bad feeling about this." From her pack, she pulls out a belt, and a warhammer. The belt is wrapped around her waist, and pull tight, with the warhammer slipped into a loop that's sewn into said belt.

"Navos guide us, and watch over us.", she intones.

Tlanexhuani's crystal-tipped spear returns to servive as more walking stave than weapon as he moves to follow the gobber. He spares much attention for his travelling peers, and questions. "Think are thieves? Scavengers? This one not know what predators here dig to hunt..."

Tucking his own flute away, having been passively fingering while Huian played, listening to her melodies quietly floating through the wind, Sedev begins moving behind Warrick through the palisade, whistling tonelessly. "Off we go, Simony. Don't worry, I'll stand in front again as long as you promise to pick me back up again." He grins at the priestess, hoping to be comforting rather than a reminder of what he looked like after the last time these two teamed up.

"Got it, boss." Harlan doesn't argue, baring a mouth full of teeth in what Simony will recognize as a good-natured grin. Indeed, he seems fairly energetic. "The graveyard's a little away from the palisade," he explains. "It's from the war, and there's a lot more stuff buried here than just villagers," he explains. "There's a lot of graves marked, and a lot more that aren't."

He chatters on, launching into war stories that mostly sound like ancient legends respun with himself as a mighty hero. "I wouldn't be surprised if there was something here worth getting. Maybe some war materiel."

"Perhaps the cadavers -are- the desired items. It is possible that someone has decided that they need a large supply of them for necromantic experiments of one sort or another." says Huian. Then she pauses, looks from face to face... "What? It -could- happen. Right?"

The Goblin eyes Sedev curiously, a hint of concern in her expression. "You are well, yes? You took a rather harsh wound. Glad to see that it has not dampened your humour." She returns the grin, albeit a rather toothy thing. "I should hope that we avoid combat, at least, hopefully it is not demons this time around. Heh. Not sure if undead are any better, but I'd rather fight a skeleton than a demon that explodes."

Simony holds up a hand, waving at Warrick, then gesturing with hands and fingers at the man. "How's tricks, old man?" <Handspeech>

"Have you seen anything odd happening at all, Harlan? Other than missing bodies? What're the rumours that are going around, what're the townsfolk saying?"

"After this long, perhaps. But thieves seeking equipment would not bother with the bodies." Khepri strides along after Harlan. "What I -fear- is a possible ghoul infestation, or perhaps a necromancer looking for raw materials. Such graveyards are, sadly, easy targets if improperly secured or consecrated." The prospect seems to disturb the golem, and it unslings its shield, fitting it to its left arm. "Just in case."

Once they get in route, the arbelst draws his large crossbow and keeps it tucked under a shoulder and held by the carry handle. Warrick pays half attention to the war stories.

Simony is making movents at him, him gesturing back. "I am well, but-"

Discussion of bodies being used as war material makes him pale slightly. "I really hope that isn't the case," he finishes to the albino gobber, ending with sliding his helmet on and pulling the visor up. <Handspeech>

Sedev chuckles at the goblin, then gestures back. "I try not to let anything dampen my humor. Without it, I'm afraid I'm quite quiet company. Though, admittedly, some might prefer that." He hums to himself, quietly. He watches the handspeech exchange, nodding along. "Certainly don't mean to be rude, but just a heads up, I do understand you, so, uh, if you have anything you want to keep private, that's...I just want to make sure you know." The man rubs the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed.

Tlanexhuani blinks in horror at Huian's and Khepri's words of how the remains might be used. His maw opens, but his tongue snakes around without finding words, at first. Finally, he decides, "Ssa, thieves dig for weapons, metal." Because that sounds much more pleasant.

The albino nods solemnly, her fingers moving again. "Same as before, I'll try to keep up." <Handspeech>

She shrugs her shoulders, "It's not about keeping a secret, I'm just keeping in practice.". The Gobbo offers Sedev a nod. "I took a vow of silence once, for a year and a day. I started learning the language shortly afterwards. Very helpful for when you wish to remain quiet yet still communicate."

Harlan immediately latches onto the albino, who he can at least look in the eyes - and does so. "That's really it. It started a couple of weeks ago. First it was one, then another. I think there are four or five gone, and the last one's been a few days, though. We tried posting guards, but well -" He swallows hard. "One of them, we never found. The only one we found hasn't woken up yet, and he's really sick."

"An ominous portent." Khepri remarks, listening to Harlan's tale. "We will need to inspect the surviving guard at some point. However, let us examine the graveyard first." Its hand rests on the hilt of its sword, as it checks the skies and the sun's position. "And not tarry more than necessary," it adds.

Warrick gives an allaying gesture towards Sedev. "It's fine, it's better to know that you understand us for later."

He looks down at Harlan, his lips twitching down into a frown. "...Sick? Were they injured in some manner? Or just caught something?"

He winds the crossbow until it clicks into place. "Yes, inspect and talk. Daylight is fading."

GAME: Simony rolls knowledge/religion: (6)+8: 14
GAME: Sedev rolls knowledge/religion: (4)+6: 10
<OOC> Sedev says, "If this concerns knowing things about monsters, I get an additional +3 from Monster Lore (for 13 total)"

"Sick? Have you priests here?", simony wonders of Harlan. "It is as Khepri says, let's get to the graveyard, so that you can get back inside the gates." Her hand rises to her holy symbol, and she offers a prayer to Navos. "We beseech your aid, Navos. Add steel to our resolve, and guide our hand in battle."

GAME: Khepri rolls knowledge/religion: (12)+8: 20
GAME: Simony casts Bless. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

"Well, sort of? Egma's been looking after him, but he isn't getting any better." Harlan shrugs. "He'll be fine."

It's about then that you come up to the walled graveyard. It's a makeshift thing, to be sure , with piles of stone glued together around spears stuck in the ground, but it's a wall of sorts. As Harlan said, there are several places where the headstone, or what passes for one, has been knocked over, and crumbling holes some seven or eight feet deep have been dug into the earth.

Once they're in sight of the walls, the sun is golden through the trees and against the piles of stone, and Harlan backs off. "Well, this is it! Gotta go! Bye!" He doesn't waste any time in turning and running back the way he came, as fast as his little legs will carry him.

GAME: Simony casts Light. Caster Level: 4 DC: 13
GAME: Warrick rolls survival: (20)+6: 26

Simony offers the retreating Goblin a wave. "Good luck!", she calls after him. With the graveyard right there, she shivers, pulling the hood up over her head, and wrapping her cloak around her snugly. "So, fancy running into each other outside the graveyard after sunset."

Tlanexhuani looks over the markers and holes with respectful curiousity rather than investigative study. He keeps his distance out of propriety. "The People do not leave our fallen in the ground thiss way. This one not know what is right, what could be wrong. This one not Hunter caste." Still, he does look about the grounds in general for anything conspicuous.

Warrick squints at Harlan and raises a finger, but before he can ask anything, they're scrabbling off. A sigh leaves him as he casts his gaze about the graveyard. "Defensible position, but... if they don't want bodies to leave, and something else is doing it, they sure made a funnel for themselves," he gestures to the entrances before shaking his head.

Stepping into the cemetery properly, he kneels down next to one of the graves. Pauses. Then jogs over to another. Then another. A groan escapes him. "Serriel damn it," he curses before returning to the group. "The graves are dug into. But not with spade but with /claws/. /Into/. Some freakish thing is going hunting for bodies."

Sticking near the Gobbo priestess to honor his earlier commitment, Sedev quietly whistles as he surveys the graveyard. "There's nothing openly evil in the vicinity. This might be a tracking gig." He scans the ground, seeking any evidence of the passage of any non-humanoids, or any tell-tale signs of the passage of ghouls, ghasts, or other similar corpse-eating undead. "We should keep things fluid."

GAME: Sedev rolls survival: (6)+8: 14
<OOC> Sedev says, "I do have Track+1 as well."

The albino shrugs, "So far it sounds like something comes here, finds something suitable for it's.. meal? Some other plan?, digs it up and carries it off. If it's claws, then not some budding necromancer robbing graveyards with a shovel." She eyes Warrick having a seat, and Tlan moving into the graveyard as well. "M.m.maybe we should go in as well?", Simony whispers to Sedev.

Tlanexhuani moves in and settles where he can watch the other entrance. "War rick speaks true. Only two paths in. If is a beast, searches for easy meal. We make it not easy. Slay, or drive off. No more grave opened."

Khepri sweeps into the graveyard, its yellow stare sweeping about with a faint air of disapproval. "A place of the hallowed dead deserves better," it remarks. As it walks, it removes a small scarab charm from around its neck, placing it on one of the gravestones. "The words must be spoken. The dead must be remembered." It's praying -- but it hasn't forgotten why it's here. The khopesh slides out of its sheath again, held easily in its right hand. "I would be more surprised if it was not ghouls."

Sedev nods to Simony. "We probably should. Based on what I'm seeing, it's much safer inside than outside, anyways." He starts walking in towards the center of the graveyard, raising his voice. "There's multiple types of footprints; I think some of them are non-booted feet. There was a struggle here, about a week ago," he says, pointing to the disturbed area. "I agree with Khepri; likely ghouls."

Warrick offers a quiet apology as he mantles a tomestone, him slotting in a bolt as he sits. "Well. Now we wait," he murmurs, pulling out a bright stick that sheds light.

The mention of ghouls... Warrick is tense the entire while during waiting.

The hours tick onwards as you settle down inside the cemetery to wait. The sun goes down, leaving the group in darkness. Crickets chirp and birds flit at first, but even that fades as the hours wear on. The early spring dampness and chill settle into your bones, the earthy smell reaches your nostrils, but it is tinged faintly, as it settles into your nostrils, with something rank. Old, unburied bodies, maybe.

It's nearing midnight, and you're starting to yawn.

GAME: Warrick rolls perception: (19)+4: 23
GAME: Khepri rolls perception: (13)+10: 23
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls perception: (5)+8: 13
GAME: Simony rolls perception: (8)+9: 17
GAME: Sedev rolls perception: (19)+8: 27

Sedev startles, looking north over the wall. "We've got company," he whispers. He sings a few notes of a song, gesturing around himself, then draws his sword. His eyes focus on the gap in the wall.

GAME: Sedev casts Divine Favor. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14

Warrick perks as he hears something as well, him snipping towards the north and holding his crossbow at the wall as he snaps his head down to drop the visor. Ready to shoot.

Khepri freezes as well, pointing urgently to the wall. No words are needed. Instead, it raises its shield arm. "Grey Harpist, guide my hand and blade. The dark approaches -- and we will need you to banish it." A shimmer of light over him, as the prayer takes hold.

GAME: Khepri casts Divine Favor. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14
GAME: Sedev casts Shield of Faith. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14

One spell cast, Sedev readies his defenses, then moves to defend the entrance most likely to yield ghouls, but not TOO close. He stands resolute and ready.

<OOC> Landslide says, "Going over a black tombstone costs you 5' of movement. The blue ones are sideways and cost no extra movement. The holes you will need to make a jump check to get over, and should be counted as difficult terrain. A failed jump check means you fall in, and they are eight feet deep."
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon1: (14)+6: 20
GAME: Warrick rolls damage1: aliased to 1d10+0: (4)+0: 4

Warrick isn't one to press on into the unknown, him standing locked in his sentry position on a knee as he keeps the crossbow level. "Movement..." he whispers.

Just as something clambers of the wall, his eyes widen, and the limbs of the crossbow jitter and shake. "C-Contact!" he barks out, the bolt letting loose and sailing through the air to crash into a shoulder. <Merctalk>

GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (20)+3: 23
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (11)+3: 14
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d6+1: (5)+1: 6
<OOC> Landslide says, "Sedev, Fortitude save, please."
GAME: Sedev rolls fort: (10)+4: 14

Then, the patter of feet become apparent to all, once Sedev, Khepri, and Warrick have moved. Bare feet, but seemingly unbothered by the cold. They scramble one by one over the broken and ruined breach in the north wall, pallid things with flesh stretched too tight over emaciated frames, large heads with mouths that open to reveal sharp, bloodied teeth, and long claws on the ends of what would once have been hands. These, then, are indeed ghouls, creatures that feed mostly on dead flesh.

They scramble over the wall, one by one, one spraying something that should be blood and isn't as Warrick's crossbow bolt lands in its shoulder. It jerks back with an unearthly scream, but then scrambles forward, blood flying as that maw full of teeth sinks into Sedev's shoulder and neck.

Simony doesn't notice them at first, only really seeing the ghouls once Warrick calls out and opens fire on one. She squeaks as Sedev appears to be rushed by a number of ghouls. "Sedev, come back, there's far too many, come back!" The warhammer is pulled from her belt, and she moves to fill a space between the headstones, eyes moving between the different ghouls as they move forward.

GAME: Tlanexhuani activates his Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon3: (10)+8: 18
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls damage3: aliased to 1d8+6: (5)+6: 11

Tlanexhuani is slow to notice the movement, but he heeds the call. He also definitely notices Sedev getting bitten. Claws pound at his chest, imparting a spark of his blood to arc across the metal splits. He then vaults over the gravestone to move to cover Sedev, even as the emported metal pieces ripple and move, bracing tighter around his limbs. His hammer is snatched from his belt and then promptly swung into the biting creature. "No!" No biting is allowed, and the thing is knocked back into the dirt it may have crawled out of.
<OOC> Khepri squints. I'm gonna move to 8,5 to keep them bottled up. Swift action to activate Judgement (Protection), increasing AC to 22.
<OOC> Khepri says, "Double move to get there, so that's my turn."

"Unclean ones, the corpse-eaters!" Khepri's blade flashes suddenly, and for a second it looks like the khopesh is physically pulling the golem -towards- the ghouls. Then its feet catch up and the inquisitor vaults a tombstone. "Return to your graves! This will avail you not. The Harpist sees you, and she will judge you harshly!" Light shimmers across its armored hull, and the yellow eyes in its face glow intensely.

<OOC> Sedev says, "Activate Judgment of Protection, then attack #4."
<OOC> Landslide says, "#4 is dead."
<OOC> Sedev says, "Oh, my mistake! I'm actually going to Cure Light Wounds on myself, then."
GAME: Sedev casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14
GAME: Sedev rolls 1d8+2: (1)+2: 3

With the ghoul directly ahead of him dropping, Sedev pauses for a moment, then sings a few bars in an ascending scale. His wounds start to close, though not all the way. After taking a deep breath, he yells at the remaining ghouls, "You will defile this place of repose no longer. I will stand fast and drive you from it!"

GAME: Warrick rolls ranged+1: (12)+5+1: 18
GAME: Warrick rolls 1d4+2+1: (3)+2+1: 6

Warrick trembles as more ghouls pile over the wall and debris. He's rooted in his spot, but seeing one fall makes him shake it off. "No, not again..!" he quietly resolves himself, rushing forward and yanking out a dagger.

Saddling up next to Tlanexhuani, he throws it overhand with a snarl on his face and a loud grunt. The blade sails through the air and buries hilt deep into the fetid being. "S-Stick together!" he shouts, trying to keep the panic out of his tone.

GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (8)+3: 11
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (9)+3: 12
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (17)+3: 20
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (8)+3: 11
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (14)+3: 17
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (11)+3: 14

This group of ghouls seems to be more intent on meals than on defending themselves. Teeth snap and claws flail, but find only armor, divine defenses, and open air. Still, the smell is horrific, and your nostrils are flooded with the putrid stink of death and corpses as their breath is entirely too close to you.

GAME: Simony rolls weapon2: (14)+5: 19
GAME: Simony rolls 1d6+1: (4)+1: 5

The albino lets out a yell, running towards one of the ghouls. She lifts her hammer high in both hands and smashes the Ghoul in the chest. "Begone, and trouble the living no further!"

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon3-1: (7)+8+-1: 14
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls damage3+2: aliased to 1d8+6+2: (5)+6+2: 13

Tlanexhuani does not like these things. They stink of death. They feed off the dead? They are not natural things. "No more!" His words are brief, but his arm long and hammer true as he swings upward at the one before him on the gravestone. The results are satisfying as its toothy maw politely collapses, with most of the head its attached to.

GAME: Khepri rolls weapon6+2: (8)+7+2: 17
GAME: Khepri rolls damage6+1: aliased to 1d8+1+1: (1)+1+1: 3

Khepri is in the eye of the storm, its shield interposing over and over as the ghouls flail at him and his companiosn. But they gain no purchase, and the heroes don't surrender an inch. "Have faith!" the inquisitor thunders. "For in the eyes of the Harpist your cause is just! Lay these sad forms to rest, give them the slumber they so desperately crave!" The golem tries to tag the one on the left as it swings, and has to parry with his sword again -- cutting a small wound into the ghoul but not doing much else.

GAME: Sedev rolls 1d20+6+2: (6)+6+2: 14
<OOC> Sedev says, "I'm going to reroll"
GAME: Sedev rolls 1d20+6+2: (3)+6+2: 11

Dancing forward, brimming with Divine power, Sedev brings his short sword in low, point down and out in front of him. He flicks it up, planning to surprise the ghoul with the sudden motion, but, not being an intelligent creature, it is not deceived, and easily dodges away from his attack.

GAME: Warrick rolls weapon16: (5)+5: 10

The same ghoul descends down upon the group, the smell foul and overpowering. Rote practice gets a shiny new longsword pulled free, and he takes a stance. Warrick draws back the weapon, but can't make the advancing step to make it land.

The sword is shaking in his hands.

GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (2)+3: 5
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (8)+3: 11
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (8)+3: 11
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (15)+3: 18
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (16)+3: 19
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (17)+3: 20
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (19)+3: 22
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (6)+3: 9
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d6+1: (5)+1: 6
GAME: Simony rolls fortitude: (5)+5: 10
<OOC> Simony says, "Ooo, mah I reroll that please?"
<OOC> Simony says, "*may"
GAME: Simony rolls fortitude: (9)+5: 14

Again, the onslaught of the stinking creatures is futile in the face of the divine defenses erected by Khepri and Sedev, but Simony does not fare so well. Seeking perhaps a smaller meal, the one Simony hit turns its pale white eyes on her, and blood sprays as its teeth sink into her.

GAME: Simony rolls weapon2: (5)+5: 10

The sudden bite draws a scream from the Goblin as the ghool sinks its teeth into her neck. Barely able to free herself from it's grasp, she lets out another scream, this one less about fear and more about pain. Her warhammer swing is feeble, thumping the creature's side with little effect.

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon3: (6)+8: 14
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls damage3: aliased to 1d8+6: (7)+6: 13

The scream makes Tlanexhuani turn sharply and this time there are not even words uttered. It is a roar as he brings his hammer down on the one tearing into Simony. Centuries of tending small ones still lingers, even if the gobber is not actually a youngling. He will ensure it doesn't harm another, and does.

GAME: Khepri rolls weapon6+2: (1)+7+2: 10 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Khepri says, "Reroll."
GAME: Khepri rolls weapon6+2: (11)+7+2: 20
GAME: Khepri rolls damage6+1: aliased to 1d8+1+1: (1)+1+1: 3

This is bad, but not untenable. A quick glance shows that Tlan is pulverizing one ghoul after another with commendable efficiency. "The Temples could find a place for you, Tlanexhuani!" Khepri exhorts. Another parried swing. "Now, if you would stand still and be a -good- ghoul for me..." Sadly, the ghoul keeps jinking away from the slashing blade, suffering only surface wounds.

GAME: Sedev rolls 1d20+6+2: (4)+6+2: 12

Sedev continues the fight, bringing his sword back around, forcing the ghoul to dart out of his reach. Unfortunately, he places his heel on a rock he hadn't noticed, and loses balance, allowing the ghoul to approach again, ready for blood.

GAME: Warrick rolls ranged+1: (13)+5+1: 19
GAME: Warrick rolls 1d4+2+1: (3)+2+1: 6

Warrick almost loses it as Simony is bit, but Tlan deals a decisive blow to be rid of the creature. Tearing around, he draws out a dagger and slides on a knee behind the front line, throwing the dagger overhand to one standing on the grave.

GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (5)+3: 8
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (9)+3: 12
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (20)+3: 23
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (5)+3: 8 (confirmation roll)
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d6+1: (3)+1: 4
GAME: Sedev rolls fort: (9)+4: 13
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16

Deep wounds are cut in the one that attempted to jump on the fallen gravestone, and it thinks better of its unlife choices. It scampers around the other side of the opened grave, circling around behind to snap at Warrick's unprotected flank. Thankfully, the wily man is smarter than that, but it's a near thing.

As for the other two, the first sinks its filthy teeth into Sedev again, and more blood is drawn, but Khepri and his opponent remain in a face off.

GAME: Simony spends TWO uses of CHANNEL ENERGY.
GAME: Simony rolls 2d6: (3): 3

Simony is looking a litte more pale than usual, and staggers back a little as the ghoul is resent to is grave by the intervention of Tlan. Her warhammer drops to the ground as she plants a hand on her neck, the other hand pulling her holy symbol up into the air.

"Oh seeker of knowledge, please...", The Gobbo pauses to cough and then spit, "Please ease the wounds of my companions, fellow seekers of knowledge..."

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon3: (8)+8: 16
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls damage3: aliased to 1d8+6: (4)+6: 10

With the goblin-gnawing ghoul down, Tlanexhuani turns his attention back to the other one in front of Sedev. He swings into it, bludgeoning it harshly, but it does not fall. He is not roaring, now, though is still angered. "How many? Whole tribe come?" When they do go down, it always seems there is another one.

GAME: Khepri rolls weapon6+2: (20)+7+2: 29 (THREAT)
GAME: Khepri rolls weapon6+2: (6)+7+2: 15 (Confirm roll)
GAME: Khepri rolls damage6+1+damage6+1: aliased to 1d8+1+1+1d8+1+1: (6)+1+1+(2)+1+1: 12

Khepri realizes Sedev is in trouble again. Batting away a swing, it gives the ghoul facing it a shove, exposing the one attacking Sedev at a critical moment. When it staggers from Tlan's blow, the golem shoves its khopesh into the undead's chest, hooking into its ribcage. Smoothly, the golem pulls the corpse-eater toward it, driving the edge of its shield into its face and caving its skull in. The walking dead crumples at the golem's feet, as Khepri intones, "Let them come, and face the judgement of the Harpist!"

GAME: Sedev rolls 1d20+6+2: (19)+6+2: 27
<OOC> Sedev says, "That's a crit threat"
GAME: Sedev rolls 1d20+6+2: (9)+6+2: 17
GAME: Sedev rolls 2d6+2: (6)+2: 8

With his nemesis dropped, Sedev focuses on the ghoul to his left. He kicks low at the ankle, connecting enough to knock the ghoul off balance, and then delivers a sharp stab deep to the chest. A rasp is audible as the blade scrapes bone on the way out, the inquisitor finally drawing ichor.

GAME: Warrick rolls weapon16: (13)+5: 18
GAME: Warrick rolls damage16: aliased to 1d8+2: (8)+2: 10

Warrick feels something as it gnashes into his armor. Flinching, he snarls and chops the longsword down behind him out of reflex, burying it deep into the ghoul. "Back into the PIT you crawled out of!" he spits, kicking it off the weapon and drawing his shield at the same time.

GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (17)+3: 20
GAME: Landslide rolls 1d20+3: (15)+3: 18
GAME: Khepri rolls weapon6+2: (1)+7+2: 10 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Sedev rolls 1d20+6+2: (7)+6+2: 15
GAME: Sedev rolls 1d6+1: (2)+1: 3

One last attempt at salvaging a meal is well-aimed, but only skitters off of divine defenses, and the thing turns and runs for its unlife, heedless of all safety. Sedev's blade sinks into it, but it keeps going, leaving a trail of putrid blood-like substance trailing into the forest outside the walls,

Simony watches as the remaining ghoul decides that finally, unlife isn't that bad after all, and makes a run for the wall. For a brief moment, she seems relieved. Then, slowly, she frowns. "Nope, f... f.. FUCK that guy!" Her run is more of jog as she makes her way towards the same wall.

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls ranged: (2)+3: 5
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls ranged: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Tlanexhuani spends ONE use of CHARGE POOL.

Tlanexhuani does not like the idea of this thing leaving only to return. Maybe with more. "Not let flee!" He steps ahead of Sedev, but doesn't give chase. Instead, he stows his hammer and takes up spear in both hands, pointing the crystal tip at the thing. With some effort, he calls forth another small spark of his bloodline that leaps from claw to the copper windings on his spear. It spirals faster and faster until it reaches the crystal that glows blue-white an instant... before loosing a bolt of electricty at the creature...

And impacts into the edge of the breached wall.

<OOC> Khepri says, "Swift action to change judgement to Justice (+1 to hit). Cast Disrupt Undead at the fleeing ghoul, and then give chase."
GAME: Khepri casts Disrupt Undead. Caster Level: 4 DC: 13
GAME: Khepri rolls ranged+3: (18)+5+3: 26
GAME: Khepri rolls 1d6: (2): 2

"There is no escape for you! Harpist, touch him with your mercy." Khepri raises its hand, and points at the ghoul as it scrambles over the wall. A pale light gathers around its fingers, then strikes out, pencil-thin. The beam strikes the ghoul in the back of the head, the positive energy disintegrating its brains, and the undead reaver freezes, and then crumples to the ground.

The golem stops, and then gives its sword a flick to shake some of the slime off it. "This graveyard must be tended," it intones. "I will assist in the work."

GAME: Simony rolls 2d6: (10): 10

Tlanexhuani is relieved when the fleeing monstrosity is felled. He then looks at his spear, then at the wall, then back at his spear. There's a snort along with mental notes of some adjustments. He turns to the others. "That iss all? No more? Iss safe?" He hopes so, especially as the spark empowering his armor finally disspates and he sags nearly to a knee. The spear returns to its role as walking aid, in spades.

Simony settles down atop a fallen tombstone, and sniffles. "Uh whew... Will we ever get the stink out of our clothes, or should we just burn everything?" She leans back and lets out a huff of breath. "I hope that's the last one, Tlan. My concern is... do we have a necromancer out here somewhere? I wish we could consider this just a random thing, but I doubt it is random."

Warrick is panting behind his helmet, shield held close to him with sword poised. Shaking. Seeing the other one flee, he's got a half step towards it, but Khepri lances it with divine light.

His knees rattle in the armor as he pairs up with somne. "I-I think so?" he answers Tlan. "Good... good work everyone. We should... scour the place and investigate the ghouls. D-Don't... don't touch them."

Khepri inspects its sword, but something causes it to look up at Warrick and Simony. Then it looks back at the heavy khopesh in its hand as it is wiping it clean. "...Hm." Sheathing the blade, the golem stalks over to the others. Overhearing Warrick, it nods. "The remains will need to be burned. We may need to send for a Mourner to reconsecrate the graveyard as well. I am not capable of such a spell." Khepri pauses and considers, then says, "You all did well here. Be at peace."

The only thing that is unusual about these ghouls is - rather than being entirely naked, as with many of their kind, each is adorned in black-trimmed, rust-red robes, now tattered and torn. No other mark upon them indicates their original, but their are all nearly exactly alike.

GAME: Simony rolls knowledge/history: (2)+8: 10

"This one can make pyre," the bluescale offers. That much he knows he can do. The rest, he's less sure of. "This one is not hunter and knows little of magics, but can help search. Should not leave others, not leave anything making others." He steps towards Warrick, also glancing at the dead-again things. Without much insight of them, he asks the man, "Are well, Warrior Rick? Can help gather wood?"

Warrick pokes one of the ghouls with a stick, frowning. "Each are wearing some... weird robes, never seen them before," he tells the others. "I think someone is sending them to this grave to get more bodies and are adorning them to mark them as their... their troop."

He looks over to the Sith-Makar, him shakily breathing. "No. I'm not. B-But I can gather wood with you."

The Goblin slowly stands, the post-adrenaline crash causing her legs to be wobbly. "They... they're all kind of dressed the same, aren't they? That's odd. Like.. someone's dressed them up this way. This.. I don't think Thul did this, it doesn't seem... right."

Simony approaches the ghoul that Warrick pokes with a stick. She watches Warrick move to Tlan. "I will also help build a pyre. We should get this done, go back to town, tell the priests there, and make sure we're not sick with whatever sickness ghouls give, and they can take over from there."

Khepri makes note of each disturbed grave, murmuring prayers. The golem looks up at Warrick. "Perhaps. Servant undead are not the most... intelligent of creatures. It would explain the haphazard pattern of despoilment here. Some graves are quite old, and would only contain bones, while others are still fresh." Khepri stops by one of the ghoul corpses, casually peering down at its ragged garments. "Hm. Hethian? A Charnese expatriate? Or some fool with magical power and not enough sense?"

In the end, investigating where these creatures in their unusual robes doesn't lead much of anywhere. A pyre is built for the ghoul remains, the graveyard is reconsecrated, and the lot of you make your way back to Brambleton, where your news is greeted with a grunt that somehow manages to be appreciative. The trip back is longer and more rain-soaked than the trip out, but the satisfaction of a job well done outweighs the inconvenience of wet boots.


-End Scene-


<OOC> Landslide says, "The map -> https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=mmsdsg82l9a"