Gather in the Light

From Tenebrae
Revision as of 07:29, 8 January 2023 by Aftershock (talk | contribs) (Created page with " GAME: Dolan rolls perception: (5)+13: 18 GAME: Mikilos rolls perception: (18)+28: 46 GAME: Carver rolls perception: (20)+10: 30 GAME: Patch rolls perception+3: (9)+10+3: 22 GAME: Garak rolls perception: (14)+20: 34 The home of Auranar and Verna is on the edge of the temple district. It is a stone house, and as you step inside it's easy to be relaxed in the homey environment. There's a pair of trees worked into the stone, branches spilling into boughs hanging from t...")
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GAME: Dolan rolls perception: (5)+13: 18
GAME: Mikilos rolls perception: (18)+28: 46
GAME: Carver rolls perception: (20)+10: 30
GAME: Patch rolls perception+3: (9)+10+3: 22
GAME: Garak rolls perception: (14)+20: 34

The home of Auranar and Verna is on the edge of the temple district. It is a stone house, and as you step inside it's easy to be relaxed in the homey environment. There's a pair of trees worked into the stone, branches spilling into boughs hanging from the ceiling. One of the trees makes up the hearth which is roaring and while there are usually chairs and couches around it those have been pushed against the walls to make room for extras.

Most of these walls are covered in books, and as you knock and enter, Auranar picks up little stuffed animals all over the floor. She offers a distracted wave and motions toward the chairs waiting to be sat in. "Come in! There's tea on the table! Hello!"

As Auranar tidies up, Verna is setting up the last pieces of the tea service on a side table. Near enough to be accessible to all, but not in the way as a centerpiece. She is attired in her Mourner's robes, though the hood is doffed to hang at her shoulders. With guests arriving, she straightens and gestures to the seating. "Welcome, all and, please, make yourselves comfortable."

Garak steps in and then moves to a side to make room in the entrance for others. It is only then that he lets himself take in the room and the table. "Thank you," he inclines his head to Verna. He slides into a chair and then turns his head to watch others.

Mikilos ducks through the doorway with a smile, nodding to those present. A quick glance around, and the wizard straightens unconsciously. Be good, you're here for the meeting, not to browse the many many likely very interesting books. "Thank you for hosting. Any particular seating, or just where ever?" The elf blinks, taking a second look at Verna, and grins, wiggling fingers near the Mourner's shoulder.

Entering after Mikilos is Patch. "Come on, Carver. I don't think anyone will mind." she coaxes at the woman, glancing back towards Mikilos as he enters before them. "Miki, save us some seats near you!" thinking it might be best to sit near and with those she brought. They're partly her responsibility. But, only partly.

"Thank you, Lady Verna. This invitation was a good idea, even in these inauspicious times." Patch muses once she's through the threshold, crossing after Mikilos and sitting close.

Carver is one of those rear pullers of a convoy, staying behind a moment to fight back a rise of anxiety at being called to such a nice house full of strangers and only with the information that is need to know. Here are some of the sweat drops of mental anguish that bounce like pinballs in her heart; Are my armpits sweaty? Should I put my bow down by the door, why is Mikilos's hair is so much nicer than mine, Do I drink the tea or politely decline, How many werewolves does it take to become a Wereproblem, my pants feel a little tight from eating too much, DO NOT FART AND BLAME IT ON PATCH.

She exhales and slams on an awkward shaky smile as she enters, "Ye, thanks for the invite." Her voice cracks. Her heart nearly stops as she goes to sit hang headed down at the end of the couch in shame.

One of the arrivals, attired in a pale olive shirt and leather jerkin and trousers against the weather, along with city boots, and carrying a rather old-looking leather knapsack, seems to have had better days in the face department. In addition to the entire right side of his face being ruined and scarred, a golden gem in a steel-and-bronze ring set where his right eye should be, Dolan is sporting a very nice shiner beneath his left eye and near the bridge of a nose that appears to have been recently broken for him.

He seems, however, to be in good spirits, and greets cheerily enough. "Brightest of days, Auranar, Verna. Hi, Patch." The greeting is a touch cooler, but holds no real anger.

GAME: Dirk rolls perception: (12)+14: 26
GAME: Halani rolls perception: (11)+31: 42

Dirk is visiting friends, and so he hasn't come armed and armored. The burly old snowbeard is dressed down in simple white shirtsleeves, a powder-blue waistcoat, and simple trousers tucked into sturdy boots. His beard is freshly brushed and oiled, and his shaggy hair is pulled back in an unruly ponytail. Lulu rides along on his shoulder, her wide golden eyes unblinking as she turns her head this way and that. "Hoo!" she hoots, bringing a warm chuckle to the old ranger. "Aye, quite the merry do, innit?" he says in answer.

Dolan and Patch both get warm hugs or shoulder-clap, where appropriate. Mikilos and Verna are offered low nods of his head. Everyone else, both those he recognizes and the new faces among them, are given friendly waves. "Hello everyone!" he booms cheerfully. But despite the old dwarf's chipper attitude, there's a quiet weariness behind his steely gaze. He goes to find himself a place by the window, after accepting a cup of tea and a plate with biscuits. He plumps his hefty rump down in his seat, and Lulu wings over to hop-hop-hop on the windowsill. He sets a biscuit on the sill for her to peck-peck at, turning his attention to the gathering. "Right. So... here we all are then," he says.

Garak realizes after a few more glances that there are faces he doesn't recognize, more actually than those he does. "My name is Garak," he offers, fingers oj his chest and inclining his head again. "I've been away from Alexandria for some time. Too long, I'm starting to think." His lips tug upwards in a smile that he forgets to put into his eyes, "My loss."

Auranar finishes with the toys and puts them away, hurrying back to the group and bringing out some scones from the kitchen with her. "Oh my! I wasn't expecting so many!" She seems to have baked enough for a small army in spite of her words, and she offers a nod to those that are unfamiliar to her. "I'm Auranar! I'm Verna's fiancée. It's nice to meet you who I don't know, and nice to see everyone I do!"

She looks around and spots Dolan's shiner. "Oh Dolan! Are you okay? What happened?" Auranar shakes her head and then lowers her voice, stepping toward him so that others are less likely to overhear. "Afterwards would you mind sticking around? I have a few unrelated questions to ask you."

Patch twitches an ear at that change in tone Dolan offers in his greeting, a nod cast to the man as she looks away. "Master Dolan." she says, not meeting his glance. Even in the absence of anger, that change seems enough for the bard to pursue silence. Also the new marks upon the man's face is something she didn't want to linger on.

"Hi, Dirk. It's a pleasure." Patch muses, and returns the Dwarf's hug, but she settles quickly after. It gives her a chance to look over some of the new faces, shocked at the amount of those arriving.

"Dirk, brightest of days." The shoulder clap is returned, and Dolan nods, smiles, or waves politely to those people he doesn't know. "I'm fine, Auranar. Got punched in the face while on an errand for the Temples," he explains. "It was completely worth it. I have some things to tell you." He then leans close to listen, and just nods. "Sure. Verna, you want to get us started?"

Halani walks up the steps, tap-tapping with the end of her staff from under her bundle of winter protection, slipping in on the heels of the last person to arrive. She sheds her outer layers with a shrug, all the while looking about the room to see and take measure of the others here... the ones she recognizes get a quicker glance than the ones she doesn't. She's halfway through hanging up her stuff when she gasps.. and just like that she's near Verna, not -quite- crowding her space. "Ooooh!" It's not quite a squeal, barely more than a whisper, while her attention becomes fixed upon the hood behind the half-elf's head. "What's its name?" she blurts, before freezing and looking at the others. The serious mien held by some, apprehension by others. "Oh, sorry. Right. Business, yeah?"

Dirk offers a warm smile to the new faces, and puffs up his burly chest. "Dirk Stormgrip, at yer service! An' this bonny lass is Lulu, one o' me best friends an' companions!" Lulu looks up when her name is spoken, her beak full of delicious crumbs. She offers a flutter of her wings and a muffled "Hoo!" before going back to peck-pecking away at her treat.

"Quite the gathering, indeed," Verna notes as she watches and welcomes all in. She does not appear to notice, or not comprehend, Mikilos' finger waggle as she notes Dolan's state. Her hood, however, wiggles; perhaps a form of response. Her lips purse, though Dolan's injury is addressed by a concerned Aura, and his prompt shifts her to business.

"We are all here to-" she then startles to a halt at Halani's excited approach. "Introductions can be made after the dissemination and discussion, please. There are faces new to one another, and there will be ample opportunity to socialize."

Verna looks to all once more. "First, rest assured that all spoken here cannot be overhead from without, nor can we be scried upon, so all that occurs is private. The matter is the lycanthropes serving the Red Maw, Kol Demontry as their apparent ally, and the battle against Eluna."

"What I recently learned: the Kol that we face is almost certainly NOT the original. It is one of two possible creatures from The Realm of Dreams... though the most probably would have all of the same abilities, vulnerabilities, and even temperament of the original. Second, there was another vision involving blue roses; likely a portion of Eluna in need of aid, as the prior was. I narrowed the location of this event to The Vast and recommend that it be investigated as soon as possible."

Garak's smile widens and changes from one of mere courtesy, to genuine relief as he listens to Verna's words. Specifically the part about 'not the original'. But the smile fades quickly. "The Kol that menaced this city in the past was a powerful vampire," he muses. "And now in the company of lycanthropes." He glances about at the others to gauge their reactions. "Has everyone here, at some point faced both?"

Patch had heard most of this, no new shock on her face. Kol's name being mentioned does cause her to exhale a bit heavy. She's not a fan. Since the point of this was to disseminate information, she decides it best to not add to it, listening from her seat with arms crossed below her chest. "The Vast." she at least whispers and ponders, but more for herself as others would find it hard to hear.

Auranar nods to Dolan, pulling back as Verna gets right to the heart of things, but having to stifle a laugh. The wild elf covers it with a cough and pours herself some tea. With that taken care of she takes a seat and relaxes. "I've never met the vampire, but Verna has on more than one occasion. So I feel like I know him by association."

"The blue roses are dead." Dolan intones this in a curiously flat monotone that is not entirely his own voice, but leans forward and fishes in his pack, withdrawing in short order a fairly long scroll. "Yeah, I've faced both. I asked for, and got, a communion with the celestial servants of the Sunlord, and got to ask some questions. They say that the blue roses are dead, but it might be worth going back anyway. We probably better git."

Mikilos settles into a seat, nodding at the news. "A minor boon that it's not the same Kol. This version, might, -might-, be able to trace back to his lair. There are also ways to destroy him outright, but none exactly easy. Werewolves I've not faced, but other sorts of lycanthropes."

"Shot a few of the manwolves," Carver pipes in out the side of her mouth. "Worked. 'slong you brought the right arrows. Fast, mean, but can bleed an' die. Don't know nothin' about no fancy man."

Halani's hands creep up, almost claw like, as if she wants to just reach into Verna's hood... with a small and quiet intake of breath, she turns the movement into a clasping of the hands and a bob of her chin, bowing her eyes down as she steps back away from the mourner. The increasing distance seems to relax the islander a bit.. and with a bit of a sheepish expression she resumes, and finishes, hanging up her outdoor clothing, propping her staff up beside the door before turning to find a spot.. the arm of a couch, the back of a chair.. to park herself. Her eyes shift to the side a bit as experience with werewolves is briefly shared.. the cupboards of their hosts suddenly looking VERY interesting to her.

The mention of werewolves just has Dolan nodding, although he hasn't yet taken tea. The scorll remains in his lap, the haversack fastened back up, but he hasn't unrolled it yet. "The werewolves you can deal with. It's what's backing them that's damned dangerous." He falls off, though, listening at the discussion of Kol and his nature, but presses his lips together, looking suddenly nervous.

Garak nods at each comment describing facing vampires or lycanthropes. "If this new creature does have Kol's abilities...powerful vampires can entrance others to do his bidding - even if it means attacking their own allies. Kol also had many means to escape when he was threatened. Changing to mist or an animal. And he was stronger and faster than even other vampires." He shakes his head. "I also haven't faced werewolves. If they are more, ah, straightforward to face and defeat, it will be a welcome relief."

Auranar sips her tea as she listens to the various people talk, her eyes flickering from Dolan to Halani then back again. "Something you want to share Halani?" A moment to allow the woman to speak before she turns the attention back to Dolan. "Thinking about your plan Dolan. I... I know what you've been planning, and if anyone can help you pull it off... I think these people can." She offers a smile.

Verna frowns at Dolan's words, though nods to him before adding to them. "I have faced both, on multiple occasions. Far more than I prefer, but I shall continue to do so." Auranar's cough and comment draw her eyes sharply. A comment is nearly to her lips before she decides not to open them. Instead she notes to Mikilos, "Whatever entity this Kol is, will be destroyed. I brought him into this world, and I shall most certainly remove him from it. Yet I am not the one with whom he seems entranced..." She looks to Dolan. "Which we can use to our advantage, as previously mentioned."

Carver's hand goes up, after Verna's impassioned speech. She rudely interjects but seems honestly perplexed and charmingly empathetic. Or just a dunderhead. "Wait, whassit you said abou' bringin' the fancy man into the world? Like, you his maw?"

Mikilos nods to Verna. "Is there an advantage to that? Dream version shattered by the sound of a rooster's crow, or some such? There's also the possibility, though again unlikely, to trap him in a spell, bound and imprisoned for years, if not centuries."

"The destroyed I think was a given, Lady Verna." Patch says from her seat. "I had talked with Master Padaryn about the last time he'd faced Kol, and how the vampire was defeated." she says, sighing. "But..." her glance falling on Carver. "Lady Verna feels this version of Kol was plucked from her head, through the power of dreams." quietly with a hand used to try and shield the words from being overly loud. "Not his mother, but she feels guilty for bringing him back all the same." she summarizes. "Dream voodoo stuff. I think." she's not for sure, but it's something she can answer. "It just means we need to kill him, again."

"If anything, Dolan just looks even more nervous, but nods and sits up. "The version of Kol was created from the Dream Realm, out of Verna's memories. Maybe he's not the same as the original, but he's dangerous enough." He turns his head fully to face Verna. "Don't go thinking it's all on you," he starts. "The vision was clear as daylight. It took a crowd to bring him down the first time. It'll probably take a crowd to bring him down this time."

He drops his face into his hands, then looks back up, staring into the distance. "Yeah, Auranar. I think that's what the Sunlord is asking me to do. It might be the only way to find the camp itself."

Dirk's good humor fades to a dark, stormy scowl as Kol is mentioned. "Aye, I've faced 'im," he growls. "And his mangy flea-bitten buddy Zalgiman." He looks down into his steamy teacup. The surface of the liquid ripples as his hands start to shake. "Twice, he's robbed me of me will," he says. "I... I don't know how tae fight that. Any time I square off wi' the bastard, he just gives me that -look- and..." He hunkers down in on himself, shivering as though taken by a chill. "I cannae fight 'im. An' he -knows- it. That beardless son of a -troll-. He knows he can always get the best o' me."

"Eeeeh?" Halani looks at Auranar, then can't help but look at Verna really quickly again before lifting her gaze to look at the ceiling. "Just might have some.. uh.. experience with werewolves too, yeah?" A hand reaches up to touch her cheek, then scratch behind her neck. "Sounds like this Kol character's more important though!" She pauses, then glances at the small satchel hung up with her other belongings. "Dream realm huh..." She shakes her head, though, and returns her attention to the conversation.

Auranar rises to her feet, looking worriedly at Dirk. She goes to him, laying a hand on his to stop him from spilling his tea and gives him a sympathetic expression. "It's not your fault Dirk. Vampires have that power. He used it on Verna once too. Before he was killed the first time." She pats him gently and turns toward the group, motioning to Dolan. "Dolan has a plan. An idea of how to find where the werewolves are located and maybe... maybe we can even use the plan to pin Kol down and destroy him. It's risky, but if we all work together, maybe we can give Dolan the backup he needs to make it work."

Mikilos frowns mildly, looking to Dirk. "There's no shame in being charmed by a vampire. It's what they -do-. Like being upset at being burned by a dragon." At the mention of a plan, he turns focus to Dolan.

Garak nods at once at Auranar's idea. "Of course." He glances at Dolan. "You will have my assistance in your endeavor. And more importantly," his tone subtly shifts to that of a true believer. "You'll have the assistance of the goddess Serriel."

Patch goes quiet, turning to listen to Dolan, even if her glance isn't directly at the man. "My offer of aid still stands, Vaire has her ways, and this can't be ignored." reaffirming things after Garak speaks. Seems she is in agreeance.

"Dolan," Verna begins, softly, "I never intended to do so alone. I am not foolish enough to believe I can stop him alone, but nor will I stand idle while others risk themselves. I meant only that I shall not cease until he is ended."

Her eyes move to Dirk. "They are correct. Do not be discouraged. I became Kol's servant upon first meeting him, even as he decimated the High Clergy of my own temple. This will require all willing, in one task or another. Kol is perhaps the most singularly powerful foe. The lycanthropes have numbers in their favor and.." a new frown "... can replenish their number far too easily."

Dirk looks up at Mikilos. "That may be true, but that dinnae make it hurt any worse," he grunts. "Gods only know what he could have me do. The friends I could hurt. The damage I could cause. Dana save me. How do I know that he's not in there right now, watchin' everything I say an' do?" He slugs back his tea, setting the cup aside and curling his fingers in his hair. "What kind o' sick creature is he, wantin' tae control someone like me? I'm just a woodsman. I'm -nobody-."

"Thas' true," Carver snigger-banters. "Jus' a crusty Saltbeard." She flashes a gap-toothed grin, "Tha' means, been in your hea' once, he won't wanna do it again cause it's jus' the sound of rocks tumblin' and drinkin' songs. No place for a fancy man."

Carver says, “You're safe now from Fancy Man.”

Dolan's face turns entirely towards Dirk, the mobile half of it wearing a half a smile. The scarred half is minimal to none in expression, which only ones it more disturbing to look at. "Dirk, I know how to stop it. It's a pretty simple prayer the Sunguards know, and I've got a wand that duplicates the effect. It's supposed to make you immune to mental control from evil creatures, as well as ward and blessing. Find me later and I'll make sure you get what you need."

He seems to have another curious habit, of turning his full head to face each person, as if wanting to see them with both eyes, and he does this to each person in turn. "He does it because he enjoys suffering," he tells them simply. "Because he can." He seems about to say more, then slams his lips shut and continues. "Like Verna said - Kol is obsessed with me. He wants me to play with him. Not just entrancing me. He didn't do that. He wants me willingly. And - he's living in the werewolf camp. He - doesn't care about the werewolves. They entertain him. That's it. He doesn't have any real loyalty to them."

"If I go with him - and I leave you something of mine - can you follow me?" There. It's said. He exhales, _hard_.

Auranar looks at the woodsman beside her hopelessly, and then an idea sparks in her eyes. "You know you're safe because you're _here_ Dirk. Verna has the house warded against prying eyes so he _can't_. Here. I know something that'll cheer you up." She moves to Verna and pulls a little kitten from her hood and brings him over to the woodman and presses him into Dirk's hands. "This is Hunter and he will cheer you up. Him and your Lulu."

The wild elf glances at Dolan, his plan out in the open now and bites her lip, her eyes dark and serious. The plan is a solid one, but it's also one that terrifies her. So she doesn't say anything about it.

"Safe until they decide to swarm us with a horde of werewolves, yeah?" Halani says, in the manner of one making a joke. Then she hears Dolan's plan. Her expression turns somewhat dubious. "How... does that sound like a good plan? Being alone with a vampire sounds like a terrible plan, yeah?"

Mikilos frowns at Dirk again, but others voice his thoughts. Turning attention to Dolan, he frowns, but nods. "Can, yes. We'd have the materials required for scrying. A lock of hair or small vial of blood working best. HOWEVER, it's not a sure thing. The magics are chaotic under the best of circumstances, and very possible for wards to be set in place. And being able to track you doesn't strictly mean able to get to you, and certain doesn't mean getting there quickly."

Dirk looks up at Dolan. "That'd be a kindness, lad," he says. "If... if he ever made me do summat... I could never live wi' meself. Me friends are all I have." Carver gets a squint-eyed look and a harrumph, his beard bristling a bit. "Well then, I hope he gets a rock right in his squidgy eye," he grumbles. But then, Dolan is revealing his plan. The old dwarf's eyes get wide, and he hops to his feet. "Dolan, -no-, ye -can't-!" he says in a strangled tone. "Ye know what that bastard can do! Gods only know what he'd do to ye!" He wrings his hands, hopping from foot to foot.

But there's Auranar with a kitten. The old dwarf's expression softens, and he cups the baby cat in his broad hands. "-Awwww-..." Even rough, gruff old woodsmen are not immune from Cute Overload. He lifts the kitty, petting it softly. "Oh, aren't you the most precious wee little babby?" Lulu looks up at the display. She fluffs herself up, poofing out her feathers and fanning out her wings behind herself like a cloak. She tips forward, fixing the kitten with a click-clack of her beak. Dirk shakes his head, reaching out to pet the top of his companion's head. "Now don't be like that, Lulu. Ye'll -always- be my favorite." That seems to calm the owl down, and she relaxes her display. She gives the kitten a smug little hoot.

The dawn elf nods slowly to Dolan, her red coat adjusted as the talk gets a bit more serious, but as Halani asks their question, she laughs. "Been there, done that. I'm still sorry about the cabin, Dirk." she says, turning to the Dwarf with a sheepish grin. "That was my fault. Completely." the other person's joke bringing up that memory.

"Whatever is needed. I will do what is asked. I've seen what these people do when left alone. We can't let them continue." Patch says more towards the group as a whole, an eye spared for the kitten and Lulu's antics. Some levity in this time is wonderful.

Verna heard this plan before and voiced her concerns at that time, if more reflexively. "Mikilos is correct. If you provide a small piece of yourself, we can scry upon you. Presuming that the area is not warded against such. With your location, myself or others could bring a number of others with us, in moments. I am not partial to your plan, Dolan, but I will aid you with it. If you believe this is the best course, I shall do all possible to ensure that return."

"Look." Dolan stands up, now exasperated, setting the scroll on his lap aside. "He's after me. He's not going to give up. If he decides he wants me, willing or not, does anyone here really think they can stop him from taking me?" He shakes his head quickly, agitatedly, but settles at Mikilos and Verna's words. "All right. I can provide whatever you think best, to make it happen. I understand the risks. I might - have to get myself out. I'll keep that in mind." He settles back down into his chair, and lets out a long breath. "I don't like it either, but damn it, this way I can be the hunter laying the trap. I'm not a hiding mouse."

"You need one." Carver says, "One master sneak, wot, likes the which be hand in underwear an' lass never realizes she been grabbed. Plan fine, wanta be bait, thas' your business but need two ways to track, one by eyes and one by magic-chant. So, go fin' or buy someone that's a ghost an' I think it's a good idea. You'll know where Fancy Man is. No more questions about tha'. Cause he's eye-starin' you an' makin' kissy faces or..." Frown. "I guess he be eatin' you so bait is really literal." Snigger. "You'd be bait-food."

Heh heh heh.

The kitten toys with Dirk's fingers, completely ignoring Lulu and being simply adorable.

Auranar relaxes somewhat seeing that Dirk is relaxed, and she turns her attention on Dolan who is initially upset, but the reaction fades into practicality and she nods. At least until Carver speaks up and then Auranar gives the stranger a frown. "Jokes like that are... not what we need. It's..." She stops and looks at Dolan worriedly then away again, knowing he doesn't need or want her to protect him that way. "Having two ways of finding him is a good idea though. Tracking Kol on foot, and via scry. Hopefully Dolan will be the crack in their magical defenses we need to break through."

"Aha.. so.. the prefect plan, as long as they don't do this," Halani ticks off a finger, "Or this," another finger, "Or this.." She doesn't tick off another finger though. The kitten has been brought out. Her eyes go wide and she takes deeper breath in, as if about. to... no. But she does bite her lip and doesn't quite squirm on her seat. The kitten was obviously brought out as a therapy fuzzball. She's not going to interfere with that. So with a great exercise of will power she looks away from the dwarf with the kitten in his lap. "Protecting against scrying is pretty simple, yeah? Hard maybe, but simple. So yeah. Two ways." She frowns. "Maybe three? Could we make someone really small and put them in your pocket?

Dirk looks back up at his friends. He squares his shoulders and puffs up his chest, regaining a trace of his old dwarven steel. "I can track ye anywhere ye go, Dolan," he says firmly. "I don't need magic tae find ye. So long as he dinnae -fly- ye anywhere, I can find ye. So much the better if he sticks tae the woods. That's -my- stompin' ground." He gives the kitten's little head a soft pet between the ears. "I'll not cower in me cabin an' pray the big bad monsters pass me by while me friends go out tae face 'em head-on. No dwarf worth the beard on his face abandons his friends when the road turns dark. Whatever ye decide, I'm with ye. Kol has tae be stopped. An' if that gives me the chance tae make Zalgiman swallow his teeth, so much the better, says I." Lulu ruffles her feathers tat the mention of Zalgiman. She stoops and gives her biscuit a solid TAK with her beak, breaking it in half. "Hoo!"

Mikilos shrugs, nodding to Dolan. "Frankly, yes. I've several spells that could kill Kol outright. -Could-. But very likely won't. My magic is powerful, but Kol's resistance to magic is far from weak." He frowns thoughtfully, nodding to Halani. "Making someone pocketsize isn't easy... but not impossible. Would need something that doesn't trap them in the pocket as well. A polymorph might do it, but the spell would wear off, likely at a bad time. A binding... hrmmm..." The magus frowns thoughtfully.

"Maybe it's better if I don't know what your plans are," Dolan points out, leaning forward, elbow on knee. "What I don't know can't be forced out of me. I'll try to leave a sign that it's happened so you know when, but don't tell me what you're doing, yeah?" He turns his face fully towards Halani, then towards Dirk, and essays a smile at the latter. "Thanks, Dirk. And all of you."

Carver seems hardly plussed by the correction on her manner, too busy slapping her knee in sympathetic dwarfism at the rattled Dirk finding his spirit again. "Stonebeard!" <khazdul>

"Plans come and go. It's just about being on the same level of understanding. No plan ever survives an actual encounter with battle. Something always goes wrong. Citation? History." she reasons. "I will continue poking about, see what is unearthed by what I am looking into." she offers. She was going to do it anyways, but she's making it known. "If people need me, I am easily found at the Bardic College. Most of the students know of me. Directions should be easy." not yet making to move, but waiting to see what else may come as things seem to calm. Dirk and Lulu glanced at, her interests here kept to mostly business. But Lulu and a kitten? Too cute.

"I concur," Verna adds, perhaps redundantly, to the additional suggestions. "The more eyes we have on Dolan for this, the better. Magical warding would not prevent others following directly. If there are means to secretly bring another with you, they could exit the camp, proper and provide a nearby beacon."

Auranar lifts her hand gently. "Wouldn't putting someone shapeshifted or made smaller into his pocket be like... Asking for them to get squished?" She puts her hand down and sighs. "Besides just one person with him wouldn't be very much help. I don't know. Maybe we should get together another time without him and discuss our plans for his rescue?"

It's only now that Verna looks to Dirk and the kitten, the sight causing a bit of respite to the sobriety of the topic at hand. It is a brief glance, but enough to make a spark of smile form, for a moment.

Mikilos looks to Auranar. "Smaller isn't strictly weaker. There are spells that could place someone into a pocket sized stone. Getting them out again, however, is less than ideal now that I ponder the matter. Doable, but neither swift nor easy."

"Well, you're smart, bet you'll figure it out, yeah?" Halani tells Mikilos.. then her eyes widen a little bit again. This time not in response to the dopamine from seeing a kitten. Instead, it's the eye widening of a thing forgotten and just remembered. "Oh!" She unfolds and rolls off of her seat, ending up back at her hung up things.. she digs through the folds of cloth to find the small satchel hanging in their midst. What she pulls out is.. well, probably recognized by most. An ugly little totem. "Do we still need these?" she asks, presenting it to the others.

Dolan listens to the entire discussion in silence, and finally, at last, reaches over the scroll in his lap to pour himself a cup of tea. It's getting creased, but he doesn't seem to notice. He takes a sip, but when Halani brings out the totem, he stops short, and turns fully to her. "Attune that. Now." His stern tone and stare brooks no argument. "If you don't attune it, the werewolves can find it, and you. If you do, it'll stop the nightmares, and it has other effects. In fact, I'd meant to tell you."

Verna blinks at the twisted guise of the totem. "Yes, do as he states. If you would bear that burden. If not, others could be willing. As it is, it is either still a power for our enemies, or more available to them."

Patch nods with a smirk. "Right, the 'boons'." she says of Dolan's words. "That's how I found the radical priest. Hunting rumors of what such magics the totem's grant." eyes focusing on the totem that's produced. "How many of these are there supposed to be total?" she asks, this being the first time she's seen one up close.

The kitten, tiring of Dirk's fingers jumps out of his lap and wanders over to Halani, rubbing against her feet and looking up at her with wide golden eyes. Practically pleading to be picked up.

Dirk awws softly as the kitten gets tired of him. Only so long a silly old dwarf can be entertaining, he supposes. He pours himself another cup of tea, looking up and around at the others. When Halani produces that totem, his eyes get wide. "Beards o' me fathers. Another one!" He looks back to Dolan. "How many are we up to, now? We've got tae be gettin' close tae havin' the whole set." He boggles a little bit as boons and abilities are mentioned. He harrumphs, his beard bristling a bit. "-Mine- just makes me have weird dreams," he grumbles. "I must've gotten a dud."

"There are thirteen, one for each of the deities of Light and Darkness, except for the Nightmare himself." Dolan sits up, rubbing his forehead, then notices his crumped scroll and hastily straightens it out. "If you attune it, and sleep with it tonight, you should be able to see which deity made it. If you attune the one your deity made, more of its powers unlock."

He unrolls the scroll and tosses it into the table in the middle of the room for others to read. "That's what I got from the communing with the servants of the Sunlord."

When Dirk speaks, he turns fully towards the dwarf, his gaze intent. "Nah. You just need to know how to use it. In the Dream Realm, that thing can manifest and make real whatever you're thinking about. Good or bad."

Carver's lips twitch at the continued talk of 'attuning' to, and 'sleeping' with but she is wise enough to keep inner thoughts behind her crooked teeth.

Halani's eyes narrow a little bit, her nose scrunching and her lips pressing together and shifting sideways as she gets responses to the totem's existence. She's about to respond herself when she feels the kitten's presence. All thoughts of the totem and werewolves and vampires briefly flee as she is easily mind controlled by the small feline.. which gets scooped up in her arms, nuzzled, scritched on the head between the ears, and ultimately placed up on her shoulder where she can easily pet the small creature.

Oh right. The totem. "Okay. So.. uh.. if it's, say.. old Moggy's.. then I have to attune the tyrant? Or find some Maugdolyte to give it to?" Halani keeps petting the kitten, though she does manage to look at the totem. "Okay."

The kitten snuggles Halani, mewing once in appreciation for being lifted vertically. Placed on her shoulder the adorable fluff ball tampers down its back feet. That's all the warning anyone gets before it jumps on the totem in Halani's hand. Both kitten and totem fall to the floor and the kitten nabs it in its mouth quickly before bolting for the upstairs!

GAME: Patch rolls perform/sing: (16)+13: 29
GAME: Mikilos casts Major Creation. Caster Level: 18 DC: 26

"Yes, the totems are fully realized if a follower of the deity attunes it, but-" Verna begins her thought, but does not finish it. She blinks as kitten and totem fall to the floor. "Oh no, is he all-" First it is concern for Hunter's well-being... until the kitten starts running off with the totem. Then it is dismay. "We only just purchased all of those toys..."

"Shadow demon!" Dolan leaps to his feet, and in a trice, has a wand in his hand. "It's planning to disappear with it! It's possessing that poor kitten, force it out!"

GAME: Patch casts Grease. Caster Level: 6 DC: 15
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+11: (18)+11: 29

Mikilos hesitates, mind scrambling. Stop the kitten, do NOT hurt the kitten! Reaching out, the magus starts a quick conjuration. Well, relatively quick, for creating materials from raw magic. Too slow to be useful here, and the spell is abandoned, but precious seconds are lost.

Patch had been relaxing, her smile broadening as things seem pretty good. That is until that kitten takes the damned relic, and bolts for the stairs. "Uh, guys. Something tells me..." her form shooting up from the chair and motioning after the creature. "Could that thing be possessed?" she has to aks. The actions just too strange, and sending a chill up the bard's spine. "I'm not trying to be rude, but.... SHIT! Kitty, no!" darting after the fuzzy thing. She's already in action, invoking a trill of a sound, something in her voice creeping as she weaves magic. "Oily, but not too handy, slippery on the soles of your shoes, something that makes it hard for walking. Slip and slide." her hope to catch the creature while it's on the stairs. Why not? Oh... it failed. Wow. Look at that cat go. Patch is mortified by the non-kitten's moves. "What..."

"What?" Carver asks, as Dolan pulls out a Cat-Murderin' Wand. Then Patch approves of perceived potential cat murderin' under the shady explanation of attempted possession. "Wait, what?" Then everyone is up off the couch and in various forms of pursuit or sing-castin' and she's left sitting there with a dumbfounded expression on her face and left to direct another question to Verna. "/What?/"

Halani's confused look turns to one of absolute betrayal. "Kitty, no!" Will she ever recover from being taken advantage of? Will she ever trust something so cute ever again? She gives her head a little shake when Dolan calls out, "Shadow Demon!" The pain in her heart will have to wait. There's a kitten to catch. She runs after it.

GAME: Halani rolls athletics: (20)+23: 43
GAME: Dirk rolls reflex: (2)+10: 12

Dirk's eyes get wide as the kitten steals the totem and darts off. "Beards o' me fathers!" he cries, leaping to his feet. He trundles forward as fast as his tubby ass can move. "Pspspsps, here kitty kitty! C'mon ye--!" He crouches and leaps, trying to jump over the glistening grease coating the stairs. His foot lands on the lip of the top most be-greased stair and immediately skids out from underneath him. "GWAAGH!" Down he goes with a flailing of his stumpy limbs, thudding and rolling back down to the ground floor. "OWWW!"

The kitten is gone in a flash, up the stairs and into the bedroom. It's clear that everyone is shocked by this development, and the feline takes the totem with it.

Few may be more shocked than Verna, though it now fully registers that something is wrong. In lieu of contradictory information, she accepts Dolan's theory for the moment. "Dismiss the spell!" she calls to Patch, followed by, "Do not harm the kitten!" to others as she begins running up the stairs after the cat and the others who are also already after the cat.

Mikilos takes a second to consider. Actions, reactions, likelihoods, possibilities. The elf heads for the front door. Chances are high this chase is going to end up outside. Best to already be there, ready. Hopefully.

Carver looks about, then stands up, and slowly follows after Mikilos. It's a leisurely walk around to where she approximates the bedroom to be. Hmmm, I think... there? Probably. She takes a moment to pat her beautiful spotted gray mare on its hindquarters. "You're way better than a cat, and this proves it example... way too many to count." Then she moves on. Why?

To try to scale on the outside of the house, to keep the 'possessed' from having an escape. "So, like, do I kill the cat now that it's evil?" She spills some dust on her hands as she asks Mikilos this important philosophical question. "Does killing an evil kitten make me a hero, or a heroic cat killer?" She'll try to HUP up and begin her climb.

Patch moves to dismiss her magic, her face still in shock as Dirk takes his tumble. "Oh, damn it. I'm sorry, Dirk." the grease evaporating into nothing as she moves to help the man up. "That was terribly stupid of me." her apologetic glance cast at the others.

GAME: Halani rolls perception: (6)+31: 37

Halani is fast. Not blurringly fast; that kind of speed is for magic and fables. But improbably long strides manage to take her up the stairs, almost flying over the greased steps and close on the heels of the fleeing kitten. And then she's in the bedroom. No time to think about how she's intruding on private space. A very quick glance leads to a quicker decision; "Kitty's under the bed! Can't see the totem!" she yells. And then she propels herself through the open window.

GAME: Carver rolls perception: (15)+10: 25
GAME: Mikilos rolls perception: (15)+28: 43

"Fucking V-" Dolan snarls, now utterly furious, and snatches the scroll out of the middle of the table. He rolls it up roughly and stuffs it into his pack. "Watch out. That's the second possessed kitten I've seen used to steal totems. I forced it out and it attacked us. The stolen totems are in the werewolf camp." Steeling himself, he grabs his pack and his crossbow, and heads outside with the others.

Verna is nowhere near as swift as Halani, and also (prudently) waited for the grease to dissipate before moving upstairs. Knowing only what Halani shouted before leaping outside, she utters a quick spell. Her eyes take on a cerulean glow with sensitivity to mana in hopes of aiding her search. She then glances about the room quickly before crouching to look under the bed.

GAME: Verna casts Arcane Sight. Caster Level: 19 DC: 20

Dirk scrabbles to his feet, rubbing his sore rump with a grunt. "'s all right, lassie. My own damn fault fer tryin' tae jump over it," he says to Patch. He trundles up the stairs, looking around to try and find the totem. He'll leave handling the Evil Kitty to the others--he won't have a kitten's death on -his- hands if he can avoid it.

"Carver. Don't kill the kitten, and we won't have a moral quandary!" Patch calls, hearing the other woman's words, and even snorting a laugh in all this madness. "Dirk, let's go around the house!" she says, hoping the bearded friend has energy left. "If we can stop it, we should. Letting it be completely taken would mean more pain in getting it back!" her grin growing as she turns back to looks to Dolan. "Kittens?!" still disbelief in her tone as she heads for the door. Still, the thought of possessed kitten thieves? She thought it was warrior wolves doing the stealing! Damn.

"Assassin!" Carver yells out in shock as someone vaults through the window. "I got 'em!" It's her chance to impress, so she plants her feet hard against the side of the building and throws herself off with a snarled grunt of exertion. Twisting mid-air, she attempts to grab onto the vaulting figure - the decision made with youthful vigor and bravado and reckless disregard that this could potentially be an ally. It only makes sense that this unfamiliar silhouette caught only in a split second at the corner of her eyes MUST be the actual secret threat! 'cause the Dark Kitten thing can't actually be a real thing. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, is not a Halani and has very little chance of even brushing the hem of her trousers much less grabbing hold of her.

"Yeah, kittens. They're possessed. You don't have to kill the kitten!" Dolan raises his voice, shouting as he goes. "Force it out! The protection spells work! Force it out of the kitten and the kitten'll be all right! Just be ready to fight!"

Halani hurtles through the air out of the window, the height and her momentum carrying her a fair distance. She hits the ground in a roll (no hero landing for her) and pops back up on her feet in the relative vicinity of Mikilos and Carver, already looking around. "Did you see it come out this way?" she asks, fearing the answer, half turning back towards the window. Did she get faked out?

As Halani hits the ground her shadow bolts. It moves almost faster than the eye can see, and certainly faster than Halani herself. It skims low to the ground, and vanishes around a corner, down the street, and into the shadows.

It seems that the shadow demon had hitched a ride, and now? It was gone with Halani's totem.

Carver lands AFTER Halani does, and without the grace and body preserving role, but instead flat on her back. She lets out a long breathless groan, blissfully unaware of the shadow demon's escape but painfully cognizant of the radiating pain in her hips that quickly begins to climb up her spine.

Mikilos considers. Either the kitten is innocent and just playing in an unfortunate manner, or not. Either the demon is still in the room, or not. If the demon is not in the room, then it's hidden, trying to escape, is moving at a certain speed, likely towards the edge of the city, and therefore is just about... oh... hitching a ride on Halani didn't occur. The magus starts to draw power for a spell, but the demon is already gone. "....well damn."

Verna knows that she cannot hope to keep pace, much less catch up to those already giving chase outside. This leaves her with a frightened little boy hiding under the bed. Exhaling a sigh, she pulls a few bits of kitty kibble from a robe pocket makes a trail of it to try and coax him out. As she waits, she turns her enhanced sight to a spot in the room where magic is expected. She exhales another sigh and turns her attention back to the kitten. "Come, Hunter. All is safe, now."

Patch had gotten about as far as opening the door, but the scene she sees playing out in the streets has her sigh, and turn back to the crowd. "Yeah, no. Not catching that. Whatever fuels a shadow demon must be stronger that the ale from Stormguard. Yikes, it's fast." she says, shutting the door and stepping back towards her seat, looking to Dolan. "Well, umm. I will acknowledge the grease might of been an ill conceived idea, but that thing wasn't right or natural." sighing. "Dolan. We need ideas, right? More prudently than before?" asking the man his opinion. "What do we need to do now?"

Dirk can only... stare... at what unfolds outside. He shares a look with Lulu. Blink. Blink blink. He looks back to his friends, hooking a thumb over his shoulder. "Did... did -that- just happen?" he asks.

Dolan is still staring out the front door, worry and fear written across the mobile half of his face. That is, until Patch addresses him - he quickly wipes that away and turns fully towards her. "We get it back. Listen carefully. The shadow demons work for a being whose name I only know as V. I know this much, from the communion," He nods towards the pack on his back, "that she is allied with the werewolves, and that the totem previously stolen is now in the werewolf camp. It stands to reason that this one is headed to the same place."

He turns and walks back towards his seat, sitting down, a faraway look directed out the door.

Auranar blinks, realizing suddenly that only she and Dolan are left in the living room. She sits down, not trying to catch the cat, not trying to chase down the demon. She just sits dumbly in one of the chairs and looks at Patch when she speaks up to Dolan. "It's..." She covers her face with her hands. "It's more important than ever that we find that camp. Find the totems. Gods."

Halani runs after the fleeing shadow. At least, for the couple seconds it takes to get to the shadows where it disappeared. She slows to a stop, staring at it for a moment... then looking around. It is about a minute later, with fists clenched and teeth ground that she returns to the residence. Time to face the music.

Mikilos slumps back into his previous seat and sighs. "I'd heard about the possessed kitten. I thought: 'surely they wouldn't try the same trick again, it's just a regular kitten playing. Don't do anything that might hurt it'..."

Verna descends the stairs to return to the lounge. She cradles the kitten in her arms, who peeks out from her sleeves with wide eyes. "Hunter seems unharmed, though rather shaken by the ordeal," she notes as soon as she spies Auranar and the others there, though a deep frown is present. "That may be the extent of positive news."

"It's worked twice now." Dolan's gaze is still faraway, but he turns towards Mikilos, his flesh and blood eye narrowing. "How much do you know about the previous incident?"

GAME: Patch rolls knowledge/the planes: (5)+10: 15

Auranar briefly looks up as Verna descends the stairs, standing up to close the door so the kitten doesn't escape and looking at him with guilt written clearly across her features. "I'm so sorry. I brought him into the house. It's all my fault that this happened." She scrubs her hand over her face and looks at Dolan. "I can't tell if this is all meant to be, to force our hands and make us do something quickly, or if I'm just a fool. I trusted that Eluna's faith in me, but I keep..."

Auranar balls up her fists and looks around the room. "I-I'm so sorry." She turns into Verna and hugs the other woman, almost crushing the kitten between them. He meeps quietly.

Patch has gone quiet, standing off towards the back of the living room after Dolan had addressed her. "Never heard of this V." that putting her off as she can only shrug. "I will look into it, but it will take time." her huff after is partly her fluster. "I have been trying to find this camp for months. I am at my wits end with it. The last time Dolan and Dirk got tangled with Kol." her lips a thin line.

It's Auranar and Verna who earn Patch's sympathy, their conversation bringing her out of her irritation. "No one can be blamed for trying to do good. You knew not its intent." she reasons. She has a simplistic view on such matters.

Mikilos shakes his head. "Just that a kitten was used as a vessel. Think you were there when it was mentioned." The wizard frowns. "In the TaRaCe? I really should keep better track of information."

Verna's frown softens to lips pursed in concern. She is only slow to return the embrace due to Hunter and disrupts it only long enough to tuck him gently into her hood. Then she can freely hug Aura in return. "Do not regret a kind deed. Neither of us knew of this. As the one known to them, it is I who drew them to our home, not you."

She then looks to Dolan, frown returning and deepening to a scowl. "More than one totem was taken, and Kol may soon learn of your plan. What do you suggest?"

Halani returns to the house a very short time later; apparently it's easy for a shadow to hide in the shadows. Who'd have thought. The energy she usually seems full of expressed in agitation, now, instead of the usual grins and animation. Back inside, she avoids looking at anyone directly, stopping instead by her hanging outerwear. One of her hands takes up her staff and her eyes fix on it. Then she sets it back down. "Heya. Remember way back when you said you'd 'deal with me' if it turned out I was helping the werewolves?"

"We move up our plans," Dolan answers, firmly. "We get the totems back. I doubt Kol cares about the werewolves beyond his own entertainment. As I said, the totems that have been stolen are in the werewolf camp. The communing I did confirmed that the one was, so it stands to reason that another stolen by the same method is likely to be in the same place. It is our best chance. We'll go to the Vast and find out what is there, as soon as we are done."

Here, he pauses and nods to Patch. "She's been tracking Zalgiman and his resources. The two funding his activities are none other than two of the three minions that look straight to the Nightmare himself. I'll try to find out more about them."

Auranar's eyes light suddenly, and she pushes away from Verna to glare at Halani. It's clear that she's going to say something heated before it comes out of her mouth. "We're not going to _hurt_ you! We were all surprised by that thing hiding in Hunter!" She's overwrought with emotion, but she takes a step toward Halani and points at her. "If you want a punishment? You help us! You help track Dolan when he's... Taken."

She falls silent as Dolan lays out his plan, and she motions from Halani to Dolan. "You make sure that the vampire doesn't get a chance to eat him. That's what we all do." Tears prickle at her eyes. "You understand?"

"I don't have quicksilver yet. I only have some silvered arrows." Patch complains, but from her tone, it's clear she agrees. "It's dangerous, and ill prepared, but fuck. I think Dolan's right." her thoughts drawn away from the couple and kitten.

"Dolan, are these minions..." Patch starts, but closes her mouth. "Alright. There is work to do. Preparations, even. My questions can wait." a glance circling the group. "The list of things is mounting quick."

Verna regards Dolan for a time before she simply nods. Whatever words she might have added are dropped at Halani's words that immediately shift her attention to her. A number of questions come to mind before she determines that some or all responses are irrelevant and would not alter the situation. By then, Auranar has pushed away and spoken. Verna can not think of any words to add, much less counter her fiancee's.

Lastly, she looks to Patch, for whom she can offer words, and more. "If there is anything you need for this," her eyes shift, "any of you, provide me a list. You will not be defenseless nor ill-equipped to combat the lycanthropes."

Dolan then turns to Halani. "I don't think you're in league," he tells her bluntly. "I think -" He stops himself and narrows his eyes. "I didn't tell anyone about the previous incident, so there's no way you really could have known. You should have attuned it a long time ago, though. No matter. We go get them now."

Halani forces herself to smile, though it's completely lacking in humour. "Nah." She jerks her thumb towards Dolan. "He's the one, back when this started. When he thought I was infected. He was right... looks like trusting me's a baaaad idea, yeah?" She shrugs. "But hey. How much worse could it get, yeah?" Then she looks directly at the inquisitor. "Well, I'm not a follower if any one of the gods, so.. better it would have been to just give it to one of you, yeah? But here we are."

Patch shakes her head to Verna, raising a hand. "I will pull my weight. I have my arrows. They will work for the raid. I will acquire something to coat my rapiers before we head for the Vast. If and only if I truly need it.... will we cross that bridge." the bard says, a bit of pride in her words.

"If I'm face first in wolves, shit has gone wrong, and it wouldn't much matter." Patch reasons, flashing the Mourner a grin. "Plus, I'm twenty gold coins short at the moment, and I know I have a tab that large somewhere, and you shouldn't be responsible for my poor decisions." admitting half the truth.

"Mistakes happen." Patch offers to Halani. "It's about fixing the repercussions that resulted from them."

Mikilos sighs. "We were all fooled. Blame is on the demon for fooling us. Though I do wonder just how many groups there are... Kol is with the werewolves for his own ends. Are the werewolves and the demons fully on the same side? Demon might not bother to mention anything it heard, or be listened to if it does."

"Of course," Verna acknowledges Patch's counter note before looking around to all. "It is not a matter of what was done, but what we must do, and quickly. We must be prepared when Dolan is ready." She then steps to be at Auranar's side and place a supporting hand upon her shoulder.

Halani smiles tightly; again, it's easy to see the expression is anything but a humourous one. "This isn't about regret, yeah? Or being sorry, yeah? It's about the enemy reading my every move. Someone who's that easy to read has no business being in the fight. You think I don't want to beat them down even more now? This isn't me feeling sorry for myself. This is me being actually concerned that I'll just end up being their tool... again... when you need an ally the most."

Auranar moves closer to Halani, having to shake her fiancée off again. "You think I don't know what that's like? Or Verna? Or Dolan? We've all been played for fools. Not once but many times. Giving up is how they win. You either help us or... or... You get out of my house!"

"Halani. They're pathological manipulators. It's what they do. It's part of their game. They watch you, wait, and slip in." Patch says. "I've seen them cart people off, some of them never to return. It was murder, or transformation. It was darkness." the bard's words breaking with a heavy sigh. "You are not incompetent, but just been playing a game they have devised, all their pieces hidden from us, waiting for us to slip."

"His resources are deep, and this...." Auranar's harsh words catching her off guard. "This is exactly what I mean. To cause us to fight." this second sigh followed by a hand to pinch at the bridge of her nose. "This is the second time their antics left us fighting. The last time I wound up exposing myself to him. The wolf is smug and cunning. I called you all stupid then, but I realize he's been planting false sheep for a long time."

Halani looks like she might be lightly chewing on her tongue, and probably considering Auranar's demand. It's telling that she even has to consider the options; the islander has never been one to run away from a fight. That she's considering backing out of it now... but after a few heartbeats she shrugs, then folds her arms and leans back against the wall of the elven abode. Her eyes move from Verna's fiance to the others, and she shrugs again. "Well, I guess just tell me who and when to punch, yeah?"

Verna looks to Auranar and from her to the others in this latest turn in the ...discussion. She begins to lift a hand until she notices Patch already making the gesture she probably intended. "I believe that this discussion is concluded. What must be done is known. All who wish to do so are welcome and we are better for it. Any who do not, for whatever their reason, are free to decline; there were no obligations for attendance."

With that, the meeting is wrapped up. There's a few final things that are said, discussed before the group disperses. Auranar offers apologies for her behavior, and sees everyone out. Once the house is empty, the task left to them looms large in the future. Waiting.
