Everything Noodle

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Log Info

  • Title: Everything Noodle
  • Emitter: Pirkko
  • Characters: Pirkko, Warrick, Lheo, Theo
  • Place: Alexandria Markets
  • Time: January 7th, 2023
  • Summary: Pirkko is people watching while slurping up some noodles from a vendor. Warrick is dragged over to the noodle stand by his daughter Cynthia, who orders a massive bowl. Brothers Lheo and Theo swing by, discussing getting a new leather glove to help deal with Lheo's familiar's talons. They get acquainted before Warrick is dragged off again, Pirkko has to return to work, and the brothers get a meal sorted for lunch.

Alexandria's Market District - Midafternoon

Despite the promise of warmth that the sun brings, it has not yet been enough to put a end to the snow. Some of it still clings between cracks, and on stall roofs, but it's noticeably dryer here in the markets than in the outlaying streets. It's busy, the sounds of the market coming in full force. A dull murmur of voices and haggling can be heard. Food stalls throwing their tantalizing and spicy scents into the air. It's like a city of its own within Alexandria. Just far smaller in scale.

Pirkko sits at a noodle vendor, her pistachio complexion making her recognizable from a great distance away. She slurps, sitting propped on a stool by her backpack. It's the only way the small woman can reasonably reach to eat! The bowl is held before her face in a hand, some sticks of some sort used to usher her meal to its destination. Yes, among the bustle and business the Radan takes a moment to just enjoy the 'flow' of things. Eyes peeking now and then as she people-watches the market with a smirk, and another bite.

A middle aged human man in a grey overcoat and a sheathed sword slung over a shoulder is walking alongside a teenage girl with pitch black hair. A faintly stained bandage peeks out from the man's neck, only more obvious as he fusses with it to shift it to a better spot. "Dad, are you sure good to be walking around?" the girl asks of him, her stuffing her hands into her coat.

He gives a faint smile, though a tinge pained as he steps on his right foot. "I'll be fine, Cinny. It was just some bugs."

"Big bugs?"

"Sort of. It was-"

"Oh my Serri, noodles!" Attention completely ripped away, the teen hops up to the stool and rambles off a long and complicated order.

Warrick sighs out a chuckle, slowly changing his faintly limping gait towards the stand.

A nice day draws out the crowds, and Lheo is no exception. A thick leather glove is in his hand as he walks the streets of the market, clad in gray, ankle-length robes cut loose to flow, trimmed in black thread to reinforce the edges as well as add accent to the plain and honestly drab color. It does, however, set off dark green eyes and black hair.

"You haven't let me see those buckles," he tells the man he's walking with. "They're probably thicker than what I use, although Tarna's getting big enough that her talons went right through this. Much thicker, though, and it won't move."

At the side of the man in gray robes is another man who looks nearly identical to him. Not in the least because today he's not wearing armor. Instead he wears a warmly toned green tunic edged in black with some gold embroidery touching it. His clothing brings out the green of his eyes as much as the clothes his brother wears brings out his. "They're in my pocket. Hey Lheo... you want to pick up some lunch while we're out?" He motions with one hand toward the moderately busy noodle shop.

Pirkko grins as she sees the business she frequent now thrives with life. The more the merrier, her form wiggling on the stool to make more room. It's not needed, but the thought. "It's good stuff." a soprano with a rasp, her grin flashed with sharp teeth. It's not intimidation, but likely not comforting either. "Should try their house sauce, has a kick despite being pickled." she shares to Warrick and co.

It's then the Brothers are noticed, sticks stuffed into her bowl so she can wave a small hand after them. "Lheo! Theo! You two out here shopping?" she blurts.

Warrick steps aside as the two head on up, him resting a hand on his daughter's shoulder. He's about to say something, but Cinny beats him to the punch, "Yeah! I'll take some of that! House sauce too! And-and chilies!"

The dad sighs. "Thanks for the suggestion," he rattles off to Pirkko, giving her a slight nod. "Tend to not come this way too often." <Goblin-Talk>

The goblin is speaking with someone else? He looks over his shoulder, giving the two brothers a light wave from the hip.

"And /pickles/!"

Warrick pinches his brow.

"Yeah, I could very much do with some food. What's this?" The glove near-forgotten, Lheo examines the noodle shop with interest, a place he clearly has not seen before. It's about then he spots a familiar face, talking to an older man and a teenaged girl. "Pirkko, good to see you again," he offers, looking over the counter and its inhabitants. "Well considered, Theo. Hello," he greets the other two, the thick leather glove still held absently in his hand. "Yes, I'm going to need to make a new glove for Tarna, her talons went clean through this one. She's getting bigger," he adds affectionately.

"Pirkko!" Theo adds to his brother's greeting enthusiastically. "Pleasure seeing you again. Did you hear that Lheo, she says that their house sauce has good kick."

There's something wicked in his smile as Theo turns his green eyes on his brother, then offers a lifted hand in greeting to the as-yet-unnamed man standing nearby Pirkko. "Greetings sir, young lady. I'm Theo, and this is my brother Lheo."

Pirkko grins, her inhuman lips seeming a little too wide for her creamy-green face. Her words are soft, Warrick and the teen getting a prolonged glance, and then a wave of her hand is offered for Warrick. Sticks still in it. "It's kind of you, but you don't need to go through the trouble. The trade-talk has dominated my life." <Goblin-Talk>

Pirkko shifts in her seat, regarding Lheo it taking a moment to recall Tarna, a flash of recognition at the bird. "Oh! It has a name. Had I forgotten?" she has to ponder, continuing her eating, chewing for a moment.

"I.. how rude of me." Theo's greeting and their embrace of the other two has her cheeks flushing a strange hue. Darker, near blue. "Ah! I should of introduced myself!" she rasps, setting the noodles on the counter. "I was eating. Sorry. As they said. I'm Pirkko!" turning back to Warrick and the teen, flashing another toothy smile. She'd been enjoying the flow a little too much. Manners slipped.

"Warrick Retzner. And this is my daughter Cy-"

"I'm Cynthia!" the teen grins, looking victorious with her monstrosity of a noodle bowl being shoved towards her.

Warrick shakes his head, fishing around in his overcoat before sliding over the coin for the meal. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Theo, Lheo and Pirkko."

While his daughter is inhaling the unholy meal, he addresses Pirkko, "Used to dealing with Goblintown and the Trades, second nature at this point," he shrugs to her before looking to the brothers with a raised brow.

"You a falconer?" he asks of Lheo.

"Pleased to meet both of you. Yes, Tarna's my familiar," Lheo explains with an affectionate smile. "I've had to learn some of the art, yes, although she hunts only for herself. She's more a friend than a servant, and she comes and goes as she will. Let me see if she's around. She might be in the mews."

As he speaks, he dons the thick leather glove, a right-handed thing, and steps backwards, looking out and around the marketplace, scanning. When he does so, it's clear that it does indeed need to be replaced - there is a hole in the leather on the outside of his fist. "I brought her hood just in case, so it's okay, but she might not want to come down in this crowd."

He utterly ignores his brother's jab, so focused is he on his topic.

Theo seems mildly disappointed that the jab failed to land, but he rolls his shoulder and his eyes. It seems that he's heard his brother talk about his familiar more than once. But it's a fond thing, and he motions with a hand for the waitress, stepping away from Lheo so that the approach of a stranger won't antagonize the familiar.

"Ah, that must be sibling rivalry?" Pirkko asks, noticing the odd exchange between the brothers, and choosing that to laugh at.

"And while it's a pleasure, Warrick. I am known as Pirkko Maldova." offering her very non-goblin last name. "I was adopted." she informs as she seems done with her bowl, only a noodle or two left to cling to its inner walls. "Have a good kid with you. Energetic, curious. Independent." the little woman notes, a hand rising to comb through her mess of a mohawk. "Family?"

"A meal and show it is." Pirkko says more to themself, hopping from their stool to cross to get a closer peek herself of Tarna. Hovering a bit away near Theo, letting the teen have her fun. "You two are close to? Lots of bonds I see walking the streets today."

The mention of a familiar makes the older man wince subtly, a hand going up to shift the bandage under Warrick's overcoat. "I see. Yesterday I met a familiar named... Sasha," he seems to recall. "It was a piglet. Their feed bites."

"Wot?" Cynthia says with a mouth full of noodle.

"Later," he explains to his daughter before lightly smiling to Pirkko. "Yes, thank you, she gets most of that from her mother. Maldova. Think I've heard that name before. Maybe in passing."

Warrick looks interested in the show of a falcon potentially coming down, but Cynthia speaks up, "Daaaaad. We have to get to Lomi's before she thinks we left her!" The... the bowl, it's all gone already!"

A sigh leaves Warrick, him adjusting the strap of the longsword across his chest as he steps away. Cynthia hops off the chair to follow. "I'd like to stay and chat, but we've got plans to execute."

"Oh my Serri, Dad, /come onnnnn/," Cynthia groans, grabbing his hand and all but dragging him away from the conversation.

Warrick flashes an apologetic smile, waves, and a flicks a "See you later." <Handspeech>

Lheo's free hand flips an absent "See you" at Warrick and the little girl, his attention still on the sky above. There's a flash of wings, nearly the height of a man across, but they do not come any closer, and finally he sighs and shakes his head, pulling off the glove. "Sorry, Pirkko, I don't think she wants to come down. I'm hungry anyway. Now, brother, you were saying something about a kick?"

Theo glances skyward, motioning toward the shopkeeper for two of the special's. "Now you're listening? I ordered for you." He flashes a grin at Lheo. "Hope you like _extra_ peppers in yours brother." He offers a wave to the two departing and then sits down on one of the stools.

Pirkko grins at the two, waving a hand as the shift is back towards food. "It's okay. I think perhaps another time would be best. Now that lunch is done? I must go back to work." what said work is? She doesn't elaborate, turning back to reclaim her pack left on the stool. "It's the time to browse." dismissing herself to let the two have their meal.

-End Scene-