Ancestral Weapon

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About Ancestral Weapon
Rpp exclusive.gif Through this spend, your PC comes into possession of an ancestral weapon. The weapon does not need to be tied to his or her ancestors, though it is a weapon with a history--one which your PC will unlock over time. Advancing in this spend also lets you enchant your weapon as though you possessed the appropriate crafting feat. That is, you're only charged half the market cost.

Due to the way Ancestral Weapon works, it is one of the exclusive spends which if you change your mind down the road, it may absolutely not be swapped to a different spend, refunded, or otherwise, due to the inherit complications and investment in the Ancestral spend.

Before proceeding with this spend, please read
How Magic Armor and Weapons Work in PF and Magic Item Crafting.

Ancestral Weapon Spends

Rpp exclusive.gif Rpp tiered.gif Ancestral Weapon
Tier Benefit Cost


You unlock a weapon's potential for greatness. Choose a weapon you own. So long as the weapon is capable of receiving enchantments, this weapon becomes your ancestral weapon, bound to you. You will unlock its abilities through pursuit of this spend.
  • Purchase of this tier applies the masterwork quality to an existing weapon.

15 RPP


You begin to forge a deeper, more personal bond with your weapon, and may enchant it to a limited degree. However, you do not need to have caster levels to create this enhancement. You pay only half the market cost in gold, just as a crafter would. In addition, your begin to feel the inklings of your weapon's personality. At this time, you should begin to think about your weapon's purpose, though this will have time to develop.

15 RPP


Your weapon's personality begins to exert itself. At this time, you will need to select a purpose for your weapon.
  • Your weapon's attacks are considered to be of a type along one axis of its alignment for DR purposes. For example, if you possess a LG weapon (its alignment must be within one step of yours), you may choose for its damage to be treated either as lawful, or good. Once chosen, this may not be changed. Alignment for Ancestrals must otherwise adhere to community guidelines.
  • You may enchant your weapon as though you were a 6th level caster. (How enchanting weapons and armor works).

10 RPP


Your weapon begins to show the first signs of sentience.
  • Your weapon gains basic intelligence, wisdom, and charisma scores of 10.
  • Your weapon gains the ability to communicate emotionally with you so long as the two of you are touching. For example, you might feel its anger, sorrow, or elation, just as it might feel the reverse. Your item also gains a purpose, as per the Special Purpose rules under intelligent items. You'll contact staff to work this out in a way that works with your character's story.
  • Your item gains a basic ego score based on its total worth (see PRD). This number will increase over time based on abilities you add to it, so be sure and track it.
  • Your item also gains the speech ability for free, even if you wish it wouldn't.
  • Your item becomes associated, roughly, with an energy source. Select a full spellcasting class, such as cleric, wizard, or druid. Any spell-like abilities the item earns must be selected from this class list. Once selected, this may not be changed.
  • Finally, should you choose to spend 500g, it gains the ability to cast one 0 level spell at will, an unlimited number of times per day. Be aware that spells with a range of Personal, the item will have to cast on itself.

10 RPP


Your bond strengthens you both. So long as you continue to develop your bond, you may unlock a limited number of abilities.
  • One of your weapon's ability scores increases by 2.
  • You may purchase an ability from the Intelligent Item Powers list of up to 1,200g. However, doing so will only cost you half of this. Note also that these spends may increase your item's ego. All abilities are subject to approval.
  • You may enchant your weapon as though you were a 9th level caster.

10 RPP


So long as you continue to develop your bond, you may also unlock a limited number of abilities.
  • One of your weapon's ability scores increases by 2.
  • You may enchant your weapon as though you were a 12th level caster.

Ancestral Understandings: As you've taken your own journey, you're better able to help others understand theirs. Anyone you mentor may receive T1 in this spend for 10 points less. In addition, you receive a 5 RPP bonus which may be spent on any spend of your choosing. If the trainee is at least 1 level tier lower than you, you also both receive the value of a PrP at your level. Level 20 PCs receive a slightly reduced award, as they are basically at the end of their leveling.

10 RPP


So long as you continue to develop your bond, you may also unlock a limited number of abilities.
  • You may purchase one ability from the Intelligent Item Powers of up to 10,000g. However, you pay half price. Note also that these spends may increase your item's ego.
  • You may enchant your weapon as though you were a 15th level caster.

10 RPP


So long as you continue to develop your bond, you may unlock a limited number of abilities.
  • One of your weapon's ability scores increases by 2.
  • You may purchase one ability from the Intelligent Item Powers of up to 15,000g. However, you only pay half price. Note also that these spends may increase your item's ego.

10 RPP

Ancestral Weapon Token Spends

Rpp token.gif Ancestral Weapon Token Spends
Reward Benefit Cost
Exorcism For whatever reason, the spirit of your old weapon is replaced with a new one. This may also change the weapon's alignment (if it renders certain SLAs incompatible, just change the SLA to the nearest compatible version). Changing the weapon's alignment also changes its effective alignment for DR purposes. Earnable once. 5
Weapon Transfer Through ritual and sacrifice, you transfer the spirit of your weapon, and its effects, into a different and specially prepared weapon. The weapon must be masterwork in quality. The spirit of your weapon replaces any other properties the new weapon possessed. For example, a +2 flaming ancestral greataxe transferred into a +3 longsword would become a +2 flaming longsword. Earnable once. 5


Ancestral Weapon

Through this spend, your PC comes into possession of an ancestral weapon. The weapon does not need to be tied to his or her ancestors, though it is a weapon with a history--one which your PC will unlock over time. When the table below refers to enchantment or costs, it is referring to your ancestral item.

Ancestral is an exclusive spend. That is, these spends require time and involvement on behalf of your character. That means, a character may only have one exclusive spend active at a time.

Ancestral weapons may be enchanted only by their owners. As your bond increases, you'll be able to add an increasingly powerful number of abilities to your weapon. To do so takes the normal amount of time as per the PF item enchantment rules. However, you'll only pay half the market cost, and are automagically assumed to succeed on all rolls, even if you have no requisite craft or spellcraft skill. For example, the market cost of adding a basic +1 to a weapon is 2,000. This means you would pay 1,000. This price does not quarter with crafting feats. Instead, it allows you to bypass the need for the feats, caster level, spells, skill checks, and similar crafting requirements.

Since you do not make a skill check, you may not increase the DC to bypass the enchantment/caster level limit. This limit is Character Level/3, as per normal crafting rules. This also sets a hard limit for the amount of enchantment you may place upon your weapon, per tier (this is intentional).

Progression in this spend unlocks both the ability to assign greater enchantments, but also to add abilities unique to intelligent items. It also grants a number of abilities for free.

Ancestral Weapon Stats

Personalities and Purpose

Ancestral weapons must possess a purpose, as per the Intelligent Item ruleset. In addition, PCs are encouraged to roll on the Quirks Table to help flesh out their weapons. Otherwise, they must pick a similar purpose, as approved by staff. Purposes may not be things like, "to do everything my owner says," or "protect my owner at all costs."

Intelligent Item Purpose d% Purpose Ego Modifier
01–20 Defeat/slay diametrically opposed alignment* +2
21–30 Defeat/slay arcane spellcasters (including spellcasting monsters and those that use spell-like abilities) +2
31–40 Defeat/slay divine spellcasters (including divine entities and servitors) +2
41–50 Defeat/slay nonspellcasters +2
51–55 Defeat/slay a particular creature type (see the bane special ability for choices) +2
56–60 Defeat/slay a particular race or kind of creature +2
61–70 Defend a particular race or kind of creature +2
71–80 Defeat/slay the servants of a specific deity +2
81–90 Defend the servants and interests of a specific deity +2
91–95 Defeat/slay all (other than the item and the wielder) +2
96–100 Choose one +2

* The purpose of the neutral (N) version of this item is to preserve the balance by defeating/slaying powerful beings of the extreme alignments (LG, LE, CG, CE).


Enchantments made to Ancestral Weapons must be in line with their actual alignment. A TN weapon could not receive Holy, for example, and a LG weapon could not receive a chaos-based enchantment.

Special Ancestral Weapons

Ancestral Staves

Instead of a weapon, a spellcaster may choose to gain the services of an ancestral staff. Such a staff is often a hallmark of his or her work, and among a number of wizards, is considered something of a badge of pride. If he or she chooses this option, then the following changes occur.

First, he or she does not gain the ability to enchant the staff as a weapon, though it is still a masterwork object. He or she receives all other abilities the Tiers grant, such as the ability to apply the unique, Intelligent Item abilities at-cost. In addition, at Tier 5, he or she effectively gains the Craft Staff feat as regards the staff. He or she is assumed to automagically succeed at all rolls involving enchanting the staff.

If the caster personally possesses the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, he or she may choose to enchant it as a weapon as well, though must abide by the Tier enchantment limits. In addition, normal enchantment stacking costs must apply. For example, if a wizard owns an ancestral staff that's enchanted as a Fire Staff, then adding weapon enchantments later would incur a 50% cost increase, as per PF rules.

For balance purposes, though the staff is intelligent, it is unable to expend charges on its own...though it is certainly willing to express to the caster when it's low. Probably in colorful language.

Ancestral Double Weapons

For the most part, a double weapon functions similarly to normal one would. That is, each end is limited to enchantment based on tier, and it possesses a singular personality.

  • You gain the crafter's price for each end, but each end must be paid for in gold separately. That is, if you possess Tier 3, you would still be limited to enchanting each end as though you were a 6th level caster, and still must spend the time and gold to do so. Enchanting each end to a +2, for example, would cost you 4,000g for one end, then 4,000g for the other.
  • Intelligent Item ability limits are just that. For example, if you are able to purchase 2 abilities of up to 4,000g, you still may only purchase that number (not double).
  • After some discussion, the alignment benefit extends automagically to one end. This isn't an inherit property of intelligent weapons, and the spend is fairly strong as-is. We may re-examine this down the line, but for now, that is how it will work.
  • The item's ego increases given the total value of the weapon, so enchanting both ends would raise your value (and the item's Ego) more quickly.

For fun and madness, consider rolling on the Intelligent Item Quirks table: :D

Character Page Badges

Want to show off your Ancestral Weapon on your Character Page? Use the following wikicode! (More badges here!)


(RPP) Ancestral Weapon PC Badge
Weapon Name: Name of your weapon.
Alignment: Its alignment.
Purpose: What purpose does your weapon possess, or might it? Talk about that here.
History: Anything you'd like to share about its history.
Abilities: What abilities does your weapon possess? Will it possess?

{{Badge-Title|(RPP) Ancestral Weapon PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Entry|Weapon Name}}Name of your weapon.
{{Badge-Entry|Alignment}}Its alignment.
{{Badge-Entry|Purpose}}What purpose does your weapon possess, or might it? Talk about that here.
{{Badge-Entry|History}}Anything you'd like to share about its history.
{{Badge-Entry|Abilities}}What abilities does your weapon possess? Will it possess?
