Grisht - Grisht's Final Run 1

From Tenebrae
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<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "So to recap: you've identified the original makers of the poison. A mul-blooded father and son, Lem and Gregori. The father hated his name, because it wasn't important-sounding enough. He and his son developed a scheme where they'd pretended a rift had happened. They pretended that Gregori had turned coat and developed Thieves' Tickle, and his poor father was distraught, etc. Since then, you've had the death of your alchemist aid, Pem, and revelations therein. The Arcanists are currently footing the bill for a few things, which is Quite Odd. Grisht was a well-liked man, though there'd been rumors of a relationship before he slipped away."

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "Arubesh had sent a letter out to the Navosians. We'll be touching on that, tonight. Boshter currently seems possesed. Y'all were also given a corpse by the dragon merchant, and a suggestion that the Sunset was involved, somehow. At least, they had been mucking about in his storage and smelled like Boshter did."

EVENTS: Grisht's Final Run is scheduled to start RIGHT NOW!

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "That's where we are so far. We'll be kicking off in just a minute, at the Vardaman Temple. Any questions so far?"

<OOC> Arisha says, "nah"

<OOC> DarthBeagle ok. ':3

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "Also guys, this is an RP-focused scene. Levels don't matter so much as your characters, and what y'all do. ':3"

"Well. ...that's it, I'm afraid." The elder Mourner passes a hand over his thinning cap, before regarding you with rheumy eyes. Mouner Taggerond lets out a heavy sigh. The lot of you are at the Vardaman Temple, and had just finished a funeral service. ...a rather special one at that. "With Alchemist Pem laid to rest...I don't have to tell you that she was one of the--"

"Sir! Sir, Mourners, I mean." A young man comes running up to you. "There's --one of the Temperence is here," he says. He straightens, a last-minute brushing of his robes.

"He said you'd left a...a message?" he asks.

Mourner Taggerond looks at the group of you. His bushy brows press upwards, into his forehead.

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "She said, rather. :3"

Tog stands up a little straighter as the runner appears. His warty green ears twitch at the news of a message.

"I'm sorry, Mourner Taggerond," Silmeria says, resting a hand on the elder's arm. "She *was* very good at her job, and had a sharp wit right to the end of her days." Because Silmeria would never, ever, speak ill of the dead unless asked to first, obviously.

"That's right, Mourner Arubesh had sent a message to the Temple... I wonder what they have that can help? ....Oh," she says, turning back to Taggerond. "D'you know if the autopsy's been done on that body we got from the merchant, by the by?"

Kravar is here to honor the memory of Grisht! The swordsman only learned of this legend a few nights ago in Von IronBrew's, but everything he's heard since tells him that Grisht was a fine fellow. Although the tale seems to have taken quite a few twists. "A Temperance? Yes, we'd best see what news he - or she? - brings." He glances at the youth to confirm.

"I...oh, no. Were we supposed to?" the Mourner asks. Taggerond's brows go up and down, before settling on a look of concern. "I thought you might want to talk with it, so we've...held," he says.

It's about that time that Boshter snorts. "Well, finally! Well, let's hope they sent someone good. ...and that Charai doesn't hold grudges." He does an inspection of his fingers. Then the back of his hand. He holds the knobby appendage in a most feminine fashion.

Arisha had attended the funeral as a matter of honor for her Lady, but always kept her right hand on her belt. She smiled to Mourner Taggerond, then to Silmeria as news of a Temperence was coming. "Who sent for a Temperance?" it's not snooty, but more curiosity at a Temperence being there.

"Actually no, that's perfect!" Silmeria says brightly. "It's just, the dragon noticed a similar smell on Mas--er....Mis...tress....? ....Boshter," she says, waving at the knobbly Chord in question. "...But you're right that's a much better avenue to start with. But in this case, better to attend to the living first, I think."

"Ah...yes, there was that," Taggerond suggests. "Though, a certain...well, group has been knocking on the door. The Temple officially, would rather you get on with that," he says, lower voiced. Then he smiles kindly at Tog. A priest's smile.

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "Boshter, we'll be tossing control of Boshter back and forth a bit. I'll be posing when Pem takes over--Bosh has control all other times. <3"

You paged Boshter with ''s really like a bad game of tennis. So pose whenever. ^^;'

Kravar rubs his chin. "Did you say 'it'?" He glances at the party to see if he's hearing right. "Did he say 'it'...?"

"When a body's involved, 'he' or 'she' tends to be mostly a matter of um................. structural integrity," Silmeria supplies, helpfully, at Kravar's question.

<OOC> Silmeria says, "AKA 'Dragons and fireballs we're involved, so gender is *really* a toss-up here.'"

Boshter just gfives his head a shake. "Woo! That was weird. I do not think this possession can end fast 3enough!" He is not used to this wehole being possessed thing, after all.

<OOC> Silmeria says, "*were"

<OOC> DarthBeagle laughs.

Arisha says, "I dunno Boshter. You act a little less.....crazy...when you're possessed.""

<OOC> DarthBeagle dies.

<OOC> Arisha XD

"Eventually...footsteps emerge along the tile floorway. A smallish figure is making her way towards the group of you.

" summoned me." An elderly half-sil makes her way down the stairway, into the main temple towards the group of you. Her robe hangs loosely, her visage drawn and thin. Two Chords walk either side of her. Each holds an arm, as though it belonged to an injured bird. Their expressions are mixed with reverence, fear.

That she might break. That a strong breeze may brush by. You know, one brisk enough to crush a dandelion.

"Well. ...Summoned is a strong word. History summoned me, and it are to be part of it. ...hello, Pem," she says. Her eyes swing to Boshter, then back to you all. "Quite a bit of chutzpah, hanging around this lot as a ghost, I'd say. But it can't be helped, with that brother of yours."

Boshter frowns, and folds his arms over his chest. "You were just jealous I had bigger gazongas than you," he says. His jaw tightens. "And they were quite nice-looking." By the tone, this is supposed to be modest. ...supposed to be.

<OOC> DarthBeagle returns control of Boshter to his poor, abused player. X)

<OOC> Boshter wweep!

<OOC> DarthBeagle XD

<OOC> Silmeria says, "So did Arubesh ever mention *why* he was summoning her? Because um.... kinda important right about now. XD"

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "He'd been wanting to ask about an augury, or just access their historical archives. ':3"


"I can't believe I just said that," he adds, does Boshter. "This is horrifying! And I have seen some very awful things in my day! So! What do we do?" He glares at Arisha halfh heartedly.

Arisha giggles a lot. "the only species I have bigger 'gazongas' than is a Lucht, Boshter. I'm an elf."

"Yeah, well. You need to do more jumping-jacks. Our butt is getting out of shape," Boshter says. He scowls as he says it, looking upset at himself. Then he brightens. "But I haven't had an ass that hasn't wobbled like a gobber's ears in a few hundred years, so this isn't bad."

Tog wobbles his ears.

"*Well,*" Silmeria says, desperately trying to grab the reins of this whole horrible evening, "the first thing we do is ask if our honored Temperance might like some refreshments and a place to sit, and the second thing we do is ask if our guest is willing to offer her assistance, and in what manner?"

<OOC> Silmeria says, "(Dear Vardama plz kil kthxbai)"

<OOC> Boshter snicker.

<OOC> DarthBeagle :D

"Well, I ended up with him, didn't I, in the end?" the half-sil says. Temperence Charai smiles at Boshter, in the way old rivals might...if the old rivals are in their eighties, and sitting on rockers at the back porch.

Eating porriage. Smacking old lips.

"...quite the enthusiast, he was. But we're not going to discuss our love lives, are we Pem? No, I'm here to ask you about history. Or the lot of you. ...I understand one of you found a ring. There--" she says, pointing to Boshter.

"--and a necklace, which I have acquired. It showed up at that Mage's Prison...oh, imagine that." The frail, wounded bird's gaze is as hard as marbles.

"They both have the same marks, should give us something to work with, I imagine."

"And Arcan was a wonderful lover, Pem. Not that I'm telling," she adds. "Nor would tasteless enough to go on about our three, beautiful children."



"...well. I'm glad to sit down for tea, thank you. Inquisitor, we have have a ring, and a necklace. The vampire it was found on. ...I suspect Pem's brother may not be dead, after all."

"What do you suppose...we might do with objects like that? Objects tied to someone, so closely?" She follows along, almost carried by the assisting Vardamen.

<OOC> DarthBeagle showers <3 on Silmeria. <.<

<OOC> Boshter weep

Arisha says, "Not dead? You say?"

"Not dead! Oh, that is good! Will there be punchigs? I have always wanted to pilunch a vampire again," adds Boshter, happily. He looks towards Silmeria with a happy look. If he had a tail, it would be forming small cyclones right now.

"Not with...vampires, and necromancy about," traces of which you'd found everywhere, "No, I don't suspect he was ever one to let go of a sure profit." The aged Temperence follows you as she responds to Arisha. " you still make that tea, Lem?" she asks, then looks at the rest of you. "I will give her that. She made good tea. ...but you know alchemists. Everything tastes medicinal, no matter what they do."


"...You think I'd say anything. You know what the Arcanists are paying to cover this up?" Boshter says, suddenly sounding aged and cranky. What grace there could have ever been is ruined, with an aged, grandmother's mutter of, "Call my tea a load of crock, will you." Mutter. ...

You paged Boshter with 'SHe was referring to a necklace, and a ring. Boshter has the ring. If it gets removed, he might die.'

From afar, Boshter :(

Long distance to Boshter: DarthBeagle :D

"Hmmmm," begins Boshter. "I would rather not die to this, you know," a hand goes to the other, fingers tracing the edge of thr ring he's been wearing since he was 'possessed'.

"It sounds like," Silmeria says, clearing her throat, "that we have everything we need for a *really* good scrying. So, punching might be involved at some point, I think. Is there anything you prefer to take your tea with, Temperance?" Still thepicture of hospitality and good grace. "We also have a cadaver I intend to interview tonight, too, that seems to be connected to this. Tried to break into a dragon's place of business, I'm amazed there was enough left to talk to..."

Arisha says, "Instead of in the dragon's stomach. When greed consumes you..." She then looks to Silmeria. "...You can make some truly stupid decisions. Ask me how." She says rather flatly. "Cover this up? Why?""

"Who stands to be hurt the worst by this poison becoming a known quantity, Arisha?" Silmeria asks. "I'd imagine the Guild would pay any price for us to solve this with as little public fuss as possible."

"I would like...anything that isn't medicinal," the Temperance says, with a twinkle in her eye. NOT looking at Boshter, but oh, so...

"I thought in a moment, we might take a trip through time," she says to Silmeria. To Arisha, "Wouldn't you, though? I can only suppose, however. ...I haven't spoken with them. I have only heard about the receipts. ...which were worth quite a lot of money."

Boshter's mouth firms, at the topic. When you'd met--he hadn't wanted to comment. Had said in unequivical terms: I don't want to know.

...and then she ended up dead. "I have a great butt," he mutters, underneath his breath. "Let's rehash old history, eh, Charai?" It's safer than what they're talking about.

Silmeria pages: Quick: What was that tea that the dragon was selling, that SIlm was more than willing to drop ten gold on?

You paged Silmeria with 'Tlagi, well-known in tea circles for its unique combination of flavors. It is said it carries all flavors, from the crisp sunrise of the desert morning to its heated sunset. A thousand poems have been made of its petals.'

Kravar looks momentarily dismayed. A trip through time? He quickly hides the expression. "Scrying? Yes, that always seem to work better than investigation." Because magic makes everything better, he's come to learn.

You paged Silmeria with 'Merchant Tangisir, was the dragon's name. He was a guest of Ambassador Abba, of Veyshan.'

GAME: Arubesh has connected.

Arubesh has connected.

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "Hey there. :D"

<OOC> Arubesh waves and flops.

<OOC> DarthBeagle laughs.

You paged Arubesh with 'Our recap, at the beginning: You've identified the original makers of the poison. A mul-blooded father and son, Lem and Gregori. The father hated his name, because it wasn't important-sounding enough. He and his son developed a scheme where they'd pretended a rift had happened. They pretended that Gregori had turned coat and developed Thieves' Tickle, and his poor father was distraught, etc. Since then, you've had the death of your alchemist aid, Pem, and revelations therein. The Arcanists are currently footing the bill for a few things, which is Quite Odd. Grisht was a well-liked man, though there'd been rumors of a relationship before he slipped away. Arubesh had sent a letter out to the Navosians. We'll be touching on that, tonight. Boshter currently seems possessed. Y'all were also given a corpse by the dragon merchant, and a suggestion that the Sunset was involved, somehow. At least, they had been mucking about in his storage and smelled like Boshter did.'

You paged Arubesh with 'The Temperence is sitting down to tea with y'all. Some plot things have come out. Pose coming in, and folks will catch you up. ':3'

<OOC> DarthBeagle catches Arubesh up, some.

"Not better than," Silmeria says primly, "but in a case like this, one would be foolish not to use *every* tool one can scrape up." A passing acolyte is halted. "If you could go down to the kitchens, and tell them that Speaker Silmeria would like a pot made of the tlagi she'd bought for the Temperance's pleasure? Thank you." The poor acolyte released, Silmeria leads the group into one of the larger meeting rooms, there to await the tea.

"At any rate... That goes for investigations that occur after we leave this room too, Master Kravar."

"Tlagi? ...that is fancy," the Temperence says. She is placed into her chair in the meeting room, by the two Chords who all but carry her. Aged. Old.


"So, we are dealing with a vampire, I suppose."

When Boshter (the possessed part) doesn't speak up, she continues. "...I suppose. Well, ambition can do things to a person. It only makes sense that he's trying to resurrect his old business."

"...but in the archives, they say it makes sense to go back to the beginning, if we want to understand the present. Do ready yourselves, please."

Arisha says, "A trip through time." She then takes a breath. "Well....I doubt I can prevent me from becoming a mul, so I'll put that out of my head." She then tilts her head. "All right." She says loading her pistol....."

Late, and scented with traces of formaldehyde, Arubesh is a haggard mess. He remains in the back of the room, leaning against the wall. A dark hand strokes the binding of his chained holy book.

"So what do you want me to do?" asks Boshter -- actual Boshter -- this time.

"Back to the beginning! Okay!"

He closes his eyues.

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "Alright. ':) Obviously, we'll be taking a trip into the past. Y'all will be taking on different roles! Y'all've a grudge, and are going to seek Lem's 'services'. O:) I'll be posing the opening in a moment. In the meantime, decide on your roles. O:)"

<OOC> Boshter says, "Oh goooooos"

<OOC> Boshter says, "d."

<OOC> Silmeria says, ".........I nominate Boshter as the noble."

<OOC> DarthBeagle dies.

<OOC> Arisha says, "Sir Percival Fondleroy the magnificent bastard."

<OOC> Arubesh will be the teapot.

<OOC> DarthBeagle thumbs-up. :3

<OOC> Arisha says, "mine was a joke."

"Not better than," Kravar corrects, suitably chastened. Then he decides to try his luck. "Sometimes better?" A quick look at Silmeria and he backs off. "Not better."

<OOC> Arubesh says, "Baron Umbert Von Gigiken."

<OOC> Arisha says, "He was an actual character in Jade Empire......"

<OOC> Arisha says, "Voiced by John Cleese."

"Well..." the Temperence sets her teacup down. The air around it swirls within the cup, begins to rise. "Let's call on the Old Raven, and ask Him to fly us to the Past, shall we?" ...a sigh. "Tlagi is just wonderful for this." Indeed. The tea known for its 'flavors of worlds within worlds' begins to take on a brilliant, complex scent. It takes on the flavor of secrets, of history long past. Of layers within layers, and...that scent begins to spread.

It touches each of you in turn, and Boshter's ring--the amulet adventurers had reclaimed, too--begin to glow. Within that glow, your bodies, you, fade to ether and vanish.

...the scene in front of you slowly comes into being. Woods, a trail. ...the area north of Alexandria. You are in a group, a loose group. And here with a purpose, though that purpose is very vague to you--and more like a memory.

[LahChan] Kravar says, "Were we supposed to decide on roles? I'll be a thug. :)"

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "Take your time, pose in when you're ready. We'll go from there. :D"

[LahChan] Sandy says, "Boshter can be the noible if no one wants to!"

[LahChan] Silmeria will be the noble if no one wants Boshter to!

[LahChan] DarthBeagle dies.

Arubesh is a little teapot. "Short of stout-ish. I'd say short too."

<OOC> DarthBeagle laughs.

[LahChan] Dubtle <.<

[LahChan] Sandy is fine with this.

[LahChan] DarthBeagle urges folks to pose. :3

Boshter's a thug!


Well, kind of.

"Hello," begins Thug Boshter, "I have a club, will hit things hard."

<OOC> DarthBeagle dies.

<OOC> Boshter says, "<.<"

The elven noble Laris was walking as covertly as she possibly can. An Elf looking for someone....that is never good.....

<OOC> Arisha definitely went back in time. SHE'S A 2ND EDITION CHARACTER!!!!!

<OOC> DarthBeagle laughs.

<OOC> Arisha is serious. Laris is part of a name from the 2nd edition elven handbook. XD

<OOC> DarthBeagle nodnods.

Among every group of thugs, there's always one that seems to look on the world with a permanent sneer, an eyepatch, and face-distorting scars. Usually they use knives!

Right now, Silmeria is one such thug.

It is *really* strange for her to experience.

Well. The trail ahead leads to ...a partial clearing. Old tales of witches and their like--villas in the woods, made of candy for children. Only this one smells like...

"...may I help you?" A kindly, old halfsil putters out of the door. He looks like, resembles Pem as she had in life. Though, more grandfatherly.

Perhaps talks about his butt less.

"Do come in. Do. We can't have you out there catching cold. And do bring that talking tea pot," he says. He waves a kindly hand, and invites the thugs inside. Er, the nobles. Yes. All of you. With your super-altruistic, innocent motives!

Kravar is also a thug - but a more dignified version than Boshter. He has an axe. Which is a club...with a metal blade on it. He rests this over a shoulder and eyes Pem and her house. "Don't mind if we do," he remarks. He hurries to be in first, because that's why nobles travel with thugs.

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "K/local, k/religion if you have it!"

GAME: Template:* Arisha rolls knowledge/religion: (13)+10: 23

GAME: Template:* Arubesh rolls k/religion: (13)+k/religion: 13

You paged Arisha with '...well. He looks quite alive at the moment. Not the vampire you'd expected.'

GAME: Template:* Arubesh rolls knowledge/religion: (10)+12: 22

You paged Arubesh with 'Well, he looks quite alive at the moment. Not the vampire you'd expected. ^^;'

The teapot knows things. But has little to say on the matter.

Boshter might not be a very /smart/ thug.

"CLub?" he asks the noble, of course.

Waiting for answers. Is there something to club? There may be something to club. And if there is, he is going to club it. CLubbily.

Laris looks the man over, but remains expressionless. She lets the thugs take the lead, of course. easier to push their way in....

<OOC> Arisha says, "Clubbity club club club?"

<OOC> Boshter says, "Just call me Clubber Blar."

The inside is cozy enough. Warm, comfortable. Parlor-like, perhaps.

"I hear you're interested in some of the more unique brews," he says. Then pauses. "...Don't sit on the couches," he says hastily, of your thuggish dusty-butts.

"..." he says, and begins sorting through a few well, supplies. "I take had a few goals in mind?" he asks the ELF.

(New BB message (3/114) posted to 'Plot Announcements' by Ansrir: The Quick and the Unfed (OPEN))

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "Perception checks!"

GAME: Template:* Arisha rolls perception: (18)+14: 32

GAME: Template:* Silmeria rolls perception: (2)+19: 21

GAME: Serra has disconnected. <Timeout>

<OOC> Silmeria says, "SERIOUSLY WHIRL?~"

<OOC> DarthBeagle laughs.

You paged (Arisha, Silmeria) with 'Lem has open a book that he's going through. It has...well, the notes cover the subject at hand. The subject you're here for: poisons. ...antidotes, maybe? You'd need a closer look and a reason to look over the book. Or at least, a means to distract him.'

GAME: Template:* Arubesh rolls perception: (17)+8: 25

You paged Arubesh with 'Lem has open a book that he's going through. It has...well, the notes cover the subject at hand. The subject you're here for: poisons. ...antidotes, maybe? You'd need a closer look and a reason to look over the book. Or at least, a means to distract him.'

Silmeria avoids the couches... but does the curious thug thing, roaming around to peer unintelligently at interesting-looking things. Just in case her Lord is about to comment of the niceness of the house, and the shame of things happening to it. In the meantime, she does her very best to steal a surreiptitious glance or three at the open book.

You paged Silmeria with 'K/nature and Heal. :3'

<OOC> DarthBeagle hee. :3

GAME: Template:* Silmeria rolls knowledge/nature: (2)+6: 8

GAME: Template:* Silmeria rolls heal: (19)+9: 28

You paged Kravar with 'Lem has open a book that he's going through. It has...well, the notes cover the subject at hand. The subject you're here for: poisons. ...antidotes, maybe? You'd need a closer look and a reason to look over the book. Or at least, a means to distract him.'

<OOC> Silmeria says, "Okay I think we got all the 2s rolled out. @_@"

GAME: Template:* Boshter rolls Perception: (12)+19: 31

You paged Boshter with 'Lem has open a book that he's going through. It has...well, the notes cover the subject at hand. The subject you're here for: poisons. ...antidotes, maybe? You'd need a closer look and a reason to look over the book. Or at least, a means to distract him.'

The teapot, in a distracting flash of smoke, turns into a bearded gnome of some pomp and circumstance. His clothes are flashy, and in grand fashion he waves his arms about as if to herald applause. A few dancing steps bring him before Lem, and he bows low enough that his bearded face and waggling eyebrows almost brush the book before the man.

You paged Silmeria with 'It lists a few poisons. Several. Old names, some she's heard of. Others--oh, THOSE. She's heard of those. Nasty shit. Nice to know the origins of them dealt with this little shit-head. Something about...oh. Pem'd said some were bad enough that the alchemists had tried to destroy history. ...there are a few names you haven't heard before. You'll need to turn some pages, though.'

<OOC> DarthBeagle XD

Lem starts, in his mixing of vials. "I--excuse me, I didn't quite recognize you," he says. He bows low to the gnome, and the elf. He walks over to them with a smile.

"Do tell me how I can help you. Your note was short on details. ...not uncommon, but. Surely you'd like something...tailored?"

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "If you're sneaking a look at the book, roll stealth. ':3"

GAME: Template:* Arisha rolls stealth: (10)+4: 14

GAME: Template:* Arubesh rolls bluff: (4)+4: 8

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "Size would give you a +4 bonus to stealth. ^^;"

<OOC> DarthBeagle d'aww. :3

<OOC> Arubesh says, "So 12."

You paged Arisha with 'k/nature or heal. :3'

GAME: Template:* Arisha rolls knowledge/nature: (6)+10: 16

Long distance to Arisha: DarthBeagle forgot to ask you to roll those earlier. Go ahead and do Heal, too. ':)

GAME: Template:* Arisha rolls heal: (7)+3: 10

You paged Arisha with 'It lists a few poisons. Several. Old names, some she's heard of. Others--not as much, but they look nasty. There's more, but it would require turning pages.'

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "Anyone else sneaking?"

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "Or making a distraction?"

<OOC> Boshter says, "Sneak? Hah."

<OOC> Boshter says, "Ahahha"

From afar, Arisha can only imagine stealing the book.

The air smells of tlagi.

And as some of you move to...take a look. In a book. At first, pages ruffle silently as they're preused, and the teapot-now-gnome seems to provide distraction, at first. But not silently enough.

Lem whirls around. He grips his jacket, and plasters on a smile. "Masters--" he says. The smile shakes at its edge. Looks a touch brittle. "I can understand some curiosity but for reasons of my trade. quite understand..."

<OOC> Boshter has a perfect distraction, though.

<OOC> Silmeria can do neither, but I'll wait until distractions are distractionated!

"Club?" asks Boshter.

And then he trips into a counter top. Things go flying. CRASH. BOOM.

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "Perception checks!"

GAME: Template:* Silmeria rolls perception: (12)+19: 31

<OOC> Silmeria says, "Much better thank you Aziz."

You paged Silmeria with '...there. The pages flip, half-turn. She catches the names of a few poisons, for research later. But...there's three of them. Three of them, with the symptoms you've been investigating.'

You paged Silmeria with '...the only cure listed, is vampirism.'

GAME: Template:* Arisha rolls perception: (10)+14: 24

You paged Arisha with '...there. The pages flip, half-turn. She catches the names of a few poisons, for research later. But...there's three of them. Three of them, with the symptoms you've been investigating.'

You paged Arisha with '...the only cure listed, is vampirism.'

From afar, Arisha facepalms.

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "Ok. :3"

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "That's going to bring us back. Sec. ..."


Things go flying. The half-sil swears and curses, running after you. "Get out! OUT!" he shouts. Gone! is the grandfatherly visage. Gone! is the kindly demeanor.

The air smells of...


...Tlagi. The scent of the thousand-world tea swirls around you. Dropping you back into Alexandria, back to the table, beneath the Vardaman temple. With Raven's feathers floating to the floor about you.

"So," the Temperence says. " did it go?"

You paged Arisha with 'Well, it's not really a 'cure' at all, but vampirism would certainly HALT something that was using your own metabolism against you. ...and the necromancy. ...necromancy negating necromancy, really. O:)'

You paged Silmeria with 'Well, it's not really a 'cure' at all, but vampirism would certainly HALT something that was using your own metabolism against you. ...and the necromancy. ...necromancy negating necromancy, really. O:)'

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "Alright. ':)"

"We have three poisons that match our symptoms," Silmeria mutters, rubbing her 'restored' eye and frowning. "The closest thing to a cure for all three of them is to just stop the metabolic process altogether. Vampirism, in other words. Necromancy canceling out necromancy..."

  • THUNK* Arisha's forehead meets the table rather solidly. "You have GOT to be kidding me." She then clicks something on her left shoulder and THUNKS her left arm on the table, mere millimeters away from the cleric's tea. "Sister, take my arm and beat me to death with it. That has got to be the stupidest idea for a CURE I've ever seen!!!!!"

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "As you share your story, you'll be able to find some help--the area you'd 'found' was north of Alexandria, in the woods. A cabin not too far from where Pem's was."

<OOC> DarthBeagle says, "So, next week: Y'all will arrange a vampire hunt. Boshter, your 'cure' we can handle through legwork. I'll handle the autopsy similarly."

"It makes sense," Silmeria says, shrugging. "What's the best cure for an incurable, lethal poison? Ensure the 'lethal' part stops mattering."