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Mikilostravia Abrioudelanarchie Mithralla, Lord of Estranillia, Ward of House Son'Doriel, Citizen of Llyranost, and Magus of the Alexandros Society for Progressive Arcanists, more commonly known as Mikilos, is an elven wizard currently in Alexandria. A self-proclaimed know-it-all, the tall Dawn elf can frequently be found in or around the Academy Library, reading through some book, text, or scroll.

In stark contrast to this book-worm image, Mikilos is a decorate veteran of the Myrrish Irregulars of the war in Sendor, and a Builder of growing fame, crafting items both magical and mundane, with a focus towards quality weapons.


In the Age of Eternity, the Gods of Light called upon the ancient races to aid them in the battle against the Dark Gods. Among these ancient warriors stood elves clad in holy armor, forged from the mystic metals of the earth. These Mithril Elves became the first Mithralla, and it is from them that Mikilos Mithralla is born. Or so the family history goes.

More formally acknowledged history agrees that the Mithralla family has served the nation of Llyranost since it's begining. Mostly as warriors serving in the army, be it fighters, rangers, paladins, or whatnot. However, those who fight in battle have a bad habit of dying in battle, and as the generations past, the Mithralla slowly dwindled to today, which is just Mikilos.

The Mithralla Clan, however, is a fair bit larger, with a number of surviving aunts, cousins, and various kinsmen who don't carry the Mithralla name, but still show up at family reunions. Mikilos has quite a few female cousins, but no surviving male blood relation closer than second cousin. These cousins show up in Alexandira now and again, occasionally causing problems for the wizard.


Mikilos does not care for artifice, as a general rule. Not only did Artifice eventually lead to massive destruction and the end of the Age of Ascension, but it has also led to troubles in his own family. Individual Artificers might be alright, but overall, 'pure' magic is much better.





Mikilos crafts an assortment of magic items upon request. Scrolls, Potions, Arms and Armor, Wondrous Items, and Rings can all be made to order, typically at 60 percent of the listed book price. Feel free to page or @mail for specific information. Mundane crafting can be RPd, but is too time consuming to actually attempt.


Mikilos has the following spells, and is generally willing to trade scrolls for those of an equal level. If you have an arcane spell which is not on the list, he's likely interested.

Level 0 - Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Bleed, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open-Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Spark, Touch of Fatigue

Level 1 - Alarm, Animate Rope, Ant Haul, Break, Burning Hands, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Dancing Lantern, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, Erase, Expeditious Excavation, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Flare Burst, Floating Disk, Grease, Hold Portal, Hypnotism, Identify, Jump, Mage Armor, Magic Aura, Magic Missile, Magic Weapon, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Protection From Chaos, Protection From Evil, Protection From Good, Protection From Law, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce Person, Shield, Shocking Grasp, Silent Image, Sleep, Stone Fist, Summon Monster I, Touch of the Sea, True Strike, Unseen Servant, Ventriloquism

Level 2 - Bear's Endurance, Blur, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Darkvision, Eagle's Splendor, Flaming Sphere, Fox's Cunning, Gust of Wind, Hypnotic Pattern, Invisibility, Make Whole, Owl's Wisdom, Protection From Arrows, Pyrotechnics, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Shatter

Level 3 - Daylight, Deep Slumber, Dispel Magic, Displacement, Fireball, Fly, Haste, Illusory Script, Invisibility Sphere, Lightning Bolt, Phantom Steed, Protection From Energy, Secret Page, Stinking Cloud, Summon Monster III, Tongues, Vampiric Touch, Water Breathing

Level 4 - Dimension Door, FireFall, Minor Creation, Scrying, Stone Shape, Shout, Summon monster IV

Level 5 - Fabraicate, Major Creation, Teleport