Sandy is a Dandy

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-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* A10: Temple District *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The air of solemn, heavy divinity in the area is often broken by laughter. The dual presence of the deities Althea and Daeus, man and wife, stand towards the center, with their children and their children's temples positioned around them. The presence of the divine is felt not only by their temples, but also by the actions of their worshippers. The great plaza is as a social center, paved in brilliant, white flagestones and covered in benches and sitting areas. Priests, acolytes, and servicefolk of all stripes roam the plaza, going from one task to the other.

At the front of the temples of Daeus and Althea, at the Plaza's centermost point, rests a great fountain, the cheerful waters reflecting the Sun during the day, and the Moon at night. The fountain is strategically centered, and is oft a place for wisdom and lesson-giving. It is not uncommon for a priest of some stripe or the other to stand there, surrounded by the curious and faithful, delivering messages of hope or contemplation. At other times, it and the plaza become a landscape of celebration of the holy holidays.

Few vendors are seen in the plaza--the nearby temples provide most food or services. Towards the west, the great Bridge stretches across the river, and towards the east, the Redridge mountains. The plaza rests in the midst of it all, the temples massive and grand on the Alexandrian scale.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Cinnamon A young gobber in immaculately well-shined armor. 3m 3h
Arissa 17-19ish female, long blonde hair, blue/white cloth. 7m 2h
Constantin Flower-cloaked swordsman. 31s 2h
D'Alaron A long man with crudely shorn sable hair. 22m 3h
Kerbasy A young priest, cheerful despite his somber garb. 27s 3d
Sandy The HIPpest elf ever. Practically a HIPpy. 0s 1d
Jinks A gnomish fellow in fancy garb and jewelry. 6m 3h

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Temple of Tarien <TAR> Temple of Serriel <TSE> Temple of Gilead <TG>
Temple of Eluna <TE> Temple of Daeus Temple of Angoron <TAN>
Temple of Althea <TA> North <N> Bridge <W>
Up Mountain Road <NE>


It's Tariday, Rhaltaas 16 00:44:47 1014. The full moon isn't up. The tide is low and rising.

The deep blue night sky is clear and cloudless, and the stars glitter. An icy wind blows from the northwest.

"This one?" the voice of the Mourner is doubtful but warm as he regards the basket in front of him. He stands near one of the Green Wardens, the two of them having just walked out from Gilead's temple. A trio of hounds follow the Warden, their movements slow and lazy, though they don't pass beyond the edge of the temple's massive grounds. Kerbasy looks as his usual self, his robes gray and edged with the color of sand, marked with the Triangle of Vardama.

As Arissa stops, Sandy just eyes her again balefully before dropping back onto h3r seat on the bench without another word. She's almost sulking!

Constantin gives a little shrug, and goes back to smiling. How irritating!

D'Alaron peers at Arissa curiously, "At her age what in all creation /are/ they calling her." He wonders aloud, under his breath, before turning his horse towards Sandy, and cocking his head towards the elf for a moment, "It is in me to wonder why, but to ask would be a blunder, I fear." He bows his head to the woman, once more, in respect, "By your leave, M'lady, I will depart. I hope you have a fine day, and a peaceful respite." He says, respectfully, before turning Brutus, the horse glad to get moving again. He nods to Constantin, "A smile. Some of us need to see one, I suppose. Keep at it, m'lord."

As Da'alaron dbegins to depart, Sandy waves a hand off, "Don't even worry about it," she says, with a grunt. Her eyes lock on Kerbasy, then, and she lets out a groan. "Well," she begins, "if it isn't the damn cheerfulest priest of death ever. My day is bloody complete."

Arissa goes OOC.

Arissa has left.

Kerbasy's voice falters as he responds to the Warden, who's responded to him. The Warden gestures towards the basket again and then stalks off. Stalks, with the hounds getting up to follow him. It seems less anger than just the fact he's Gilead-Touched, and moves in that way, a touch of the essence of the wilderness about him. It leaves Kerbasy rubbing at the back of his own neck, a smile partway in place, and one that flicks to full, practice wattage on spying the sildanyari. "Heh. Well uh, evenin I suppose. It's a pleasure to see you, Ms. Arwenieniallwehn."

A brief, low rumble-- like that produced by the restless shifting of the plates on which the earth is built-- muffled by the back of a hand announces Jinks as he's disgorged by Tarien's house. He pauses, lips going thin, and engages in that briefest battle of wills to keep the contents of his stomach from surging up, out, and back into the world. His nose wrinkles. Lips curve into an 'O' and he blows out slowly, patting as he does the statue of Coyote and muttering some gnomish oath. His clears his throat and unscrews the hipflask he's pulled nimbly from thin air for another drink.

Constantin touches his brow in a salute to Sandy, "At your service -- completing your day was undoubtedly the goal of mine." Dimples. He has dimples.

Oh gods.

It is Jimks. This is the last thing Snady wanted. The arrival of the gnome in question has a hand going over Snady's face. "And did you really just call me that?" She directs that at Kerbasy, heaving a great sigh that has her slump even more down into her bench. THE LAST NAME! NOT THE LAST NAME!

The Mourner stops rubbing at his neck and drops his fingers. They're long fingers, fingers of a healer ... or mortician. "You uh." And he stares a moment and then fixes his smile back into place, one that says: Bless You, My Child. One practiced in front of mirrors. And he spreads either hand, quickly. "It's what y'are on the register, Sandy. You know, there's a lottery uh, goin around next time you land in th brig." And then, looks at the Tarienite who'd just landed. "I'd ask if you needed help, but it looks like y'carry it with you, Jinks."

Cinnamon has disconnected.

"A beetle shelf? That sounds hor'ic... bull." Jinks answers Kerbasy, squinting and furrowing his neatly-plucked brow beneath the slick silver circlet. "Horrible." He reiterates after clucking his tongue. He swaggers fluidly, free hand fidgeting with his coat buttons-- making sure they're still there, perhaps. "S'okay. We all have weird hobbies." He sniffs, wets his whistle, and sighs in appreciation. "... bet she does," a nod to Sandy.

"...really," says Sandy after a long moment. "A lottery. That's *lovely*. I'm thrilled to hear that. More of an inceitive to get lucked up than ever before!" She beams, as if this is the best news she's heard all day. Then Jinks is glared at. Gnomes. Gods be damned *gnomes*.

She also shoots Constantin a dirty look.

"Heh." Kerbasy drops his hands to his pockets and his smile is fixed in place as he looks at the Sildanyari. Glances over at the sloshed gnome. "You uh...heh." And then he's pushing his hair out of his face. Nervous gestures. "It's uh, good to see you all." And then he pauses with the expectation that he's about to leave. RIGHT. NOW.

"Sandy's dandy but the vicar did sic'er on miss-chuvvus lads and ne'r do wells... Not with a sword was she handy but the size of'r fanny would vankish'm all to'th' hells..." Jinks snickers in spite of himself, covering his mouth and holding up a finger to stay the applause. Clearing his throat. "As sour her puss--" he breaks his rhythm to immitate Sandy's expression-- "and with all the fuss she did whatever she mus'. An' she squished all'a lads and f'r good measure their dads... badum dadum d'dum. 's last part needs work, sure." He lifts his flask in toast and tells Kerbasy, "Bow's good, too."

"You uh, heh. Well, let me know if it needs more work." The Mourner has his smile fixed in place. Riveted, in fact. He takes a step back and then, "I'll probably have t'come back in an hour," he says though it's more thoughtful than anything. And more loudly: "We sell coffin policies!" he calls out to Jinks before heading on his way. And, "Sandy's a heavy investor, y'know!"

Sandy makes a rudee gesture at Jinks on general principle. Of course, the fact that he's even speaking about her at all is enough to make her sour. Then she glowers at Kerbasy. "Right. *Right*." She makes a rude gesture at *him* too.

"Coyote laughs." Jinks answers, generally. The gnome smiles from ear to ear, continuing on his merry way-- all fine clothes and jewelry. "You should hear the lymrics they have'n there..." He offers Sandy, looking back over his shoulder for a moment and tilting his head to indicate the temple. A laugh and then he continues to the south.