Felicia's Very Sandy Birthday Party

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It is DAMP. It is NOT RAINING. But it is DAMP and it is SOGGY and it is MISERABLE. ...and so this explains why there is a group, a small group, situated on Lady Sandiel's lawn. A very small group, wearing brightly colpred, paper hats and being given brightly colored, paper cups filled with punch.

A small girl sits in the middle of the lawn, on a stump. You see, a call had gone out that evening, to the Adventurer's Guild. To take on a task. A Most Important Task. A Task of Utter, and Absolute Bravery. See.

A girl.

A very little girl.

Wanted to be Lady Sandiel for her birthday.

And this is her birthday party. Sandy of course, due to her difficult nature, has not been informed.

Amidst the lawn, and near the child, Svarshan stands near Srassha. He holds the princesses' reins. Nearby, the little girl has her head tilted up with a smile, and is trying to get someone to put the Giant, Floppy Elf ears on her. At her side is a paper, glitter sword, and a number of other small childlings run about the place. Orphans, all of them.

But today is Felicia's day. She is going to be Sandy. And then she is supposed to do something heroic. Somehow.

Sandy has connected.

"Here you go!" exclaims a cheerful, foreign but altogether pleasant voice. It's Katja, to be more clear. She's kneeling down by little Felicia, smiling ear to ear as she helps the little girl get the elf ears put on. Can't be a proper Sandy without being proper elf, of course! "Now make sure to beat up all the bad guys, yes? It's what Lady Sandiel would do."

Of course, the brightest and most beautifully dressed child -- er, I mean, /person/ -- here ... aside from Felindiel is Emir, who has worn his brightest and most extravagant outfit for the day. All manner of bright jewel hues vie for attention and yet seem to meld into a cohesive and lovely pattern. His silk jacket extends into tails -- a train, really -- that stretch across the lawn behind him. His shoes today are soft cloth, curled up at the toes. And he's sitting behind her, braiding her hair. "Now don't you look precious?" he enthuses. "Such a beautiful princess!"

Not that he thinks /anyone/ should aspire to be that horrible Sandiel person. But he recognizes the value of dreams.

Felicia grins the cheesy, unselfconscious smile only a little girl could do. She WHIPS the sword into the air, and it GLITTERS and it SHINES and it SPARKLES. "I'm gonna fight a dragon today," she tells Katja seriously. "And then I'm gonna swear at it! And PUNCH IT IN THE FACE!!!"

She wears an orphan's simple frock. And around them, well. There are orphans. One of them, a small, grubby boy, is trying to sneak into Mikilos' spell pouch. He thinks there's candy in there.

Svarshan reaches up to scritch Srassha, who Looks Very Pretty Today in her paper hat. She preens near Emir, and reaches down to pat him approvingly on the head. Loyal subject! Loyal, deserving subject! So wise! So intelligent! So handsome!


Mikilos isn't quite sure how he's become involved in all this, but is spending most of his time smothering a giggle, so doesn't mind. He stands off to the side a bit as the Offical Elf, seriously answering questions about the great mysterious world of Elfdom. He's not exactly dressed the part, in simple slacks and a light green shirt, but he's got the ears for the job, so all is well.

And if little Billy, or Tommy, or whatever his name is wants a hand full of guano, Mikilos isn't going to stop him just yet.

Svarshan has reconnected.

Svarshan has partially disconnected.

You paged Svarshan with 'Yus!'

"Oh? You're going to punch it? But what about your sword?" Katja questions, pointing at the weapon with a laugh. "That would be a terrible waste. Or maybe you should use big magics on it like Lady Sandiel!" she suggests, looking up to Emir for the token approval to help get the girl excited. "If Emir is done we should get you mounted up so you're ready!"

"Oh, yes, magic! Magic, and maybe sword-punching, and lots of swear words. Indeed. But I must say, you have an even /better/ sense of style than the Lady herself!" Emir beams, happy to insult the elf's terrible sense of style as his private get-backs. Mm, yessss. "There you go, you have some very lovely braids now. I've even woven some flowers in. Aren't they just /darling/?" The man clasps his hands together, just so /enthused/!

To Katja, he looks curious. "Mounted up? Is there a pony nearby?" he inquires.

"I can hear FOREEEEEVER!" Felicia declares to the Official Elf, in Very Serious Tones. The little girl's ears are three, four times as big as any normal-sized elfling, and they bob and flop crazily with every nod of her tiny head. And with that, she hops off the stump, and huuuuugs Emir! Those ears DO wobble. They wobble all the way as she prances along with Katja...well...wherever Katja is leading her!

And of course, she Swishes and Whooshes her braids along the way! Svarshan watches, and then grins at Katja, before turning and smacking Srassha on the shoulder. The swift grunts, and lowers herself to the ground. She's decked out today.

Very Pretty. Almost as pretty as Emir!

And of course the little boy HAS found something. It's icky. And it's better yet? GOOEY.

So he promptly sticks it into his mouth. "Mine!"

Mikilos snorts, and chokes a moment, somewhere between laughing and vomiting. Taking a moment and a breath, he looks seriously at the boy with a mouthful of bat poo. "That's -not- for eating. Here, have a glass of punch. Probably want to wash your mouth out, and likely your hand off. Also, stay out of the pouches. Some of them bite." Turning back to the little girl to whim he was speaking, he nods seriously again. "Oh yes, I did meet the Eternal Queen, once. It was a very big party, but she took time to say hello to everyone. It was long ago, when I was only your size."

Nymaana has connected.

"This one!" Katja declares, picking up the young girl to set her on Katja's very own shoulders for the moment with a grin. She sets her hands on Feliciel's knees as she laughs. "Tell me, Emir, others. Do -you- see anything that looks like a dragon near here so she can bop him in the nose?" she questions meaningfully. I WONDER who she's talking about.

GAME: Mikilos refreshes spells.

Emir looks up at the raptor and beams. "Hello there, raptor queen," he greets, reaching up to pet the swift affectionately. He blinks as he catches the tail-end of the poop-eating orphan's antics, blinks again, and then grimaces unhappily. At least Katja distracts him. "A dragon!" he declares thoughtfully. "I believe I see one... right there!" POINT! It's Svarshan, you guys! Katja meant Svarshan! Right there! Svarshan!!

"I'm Lady Sandiel!" declares the young girl, as she is put atop the Very Tall Barbarian! "I WILL KICK THE WOOOOOORRRLLLD!" and she waves her sword about, and it Glitters and it SHINES and her ears bobble, and WOBBLE.

And she is, indeed, the Fearsome Lady Sandiel! Her ribbons fly out behind her like a warrior's banner, and after a moment, she puts Both Hands on Her Hips, looking Very Tall and Proud Indeed. And when Emir points out The Dragon, she Levels her Sparkling Blade, and Utters the Most Fearsome Words of Warrioriesses Everywhere, "Keeeel iit!!!"

And Svarshan stands there quietly. Saying. Not. A. Word. Not at first. He rubs at his jaw, though, with a cough, and hands Srassha's mecate to Emir.

The little boy next to Mikilos of course, looks confused. And says only, "Tafes food!" But he takes the punch. And looks very serious-face for all of a moment before eating THAT, too.

Mikilos, having never tasted guano, nor ever planning on it, cannot argue the point of flavor. "Still, not for eating. It's for magic." An idea occurs... no. No, bad wizard, stay Good. No casting spells on children for your own convience. With an inner sigh of disapointment, he glancing to the other few gathered. "Now, who had the next question?"

"Raaaagh, get the dragon!" Katja exclaims at Emir's assistance, egging little mini-Sandiel on quite gleefully as she bends down slightly to feign charging at Svarshan quite unthreateningly- albeit quickly enough to keep a little girl entertained. After all, she used to be one herself, she knows what they like.

Emir claps his hands gleefully, and points. "Oh yes, the dragon! The dragon!" he crows. He used to be a little girl too. Wait. No. Either way he accepts the mecate, beaming. "To war, little elf warrior!"

Svarshan rubs at his jaw again, and looks up at the small thing atop Katja's shoulders. And something, /something/ changes. He raises his hands over his head and goes, "RHAAA" before Stomping Forward. He waggles his head and shakes his tail and it is a Most Fearsome Sight!

And the little girl brings her GLEAMING SWORD DOWN...then drops it.


And punches Svarshan in the face!

Down he goes!

"I AM SANDIIIIEEELLLLL!!!" yells the little girl, fistpumping over her head. And then to Emir, "My prince! I rescued youuuu!!!" And she holds out her arms.

Mikilos snerks again at the dragon slaying antics, utterly missing the presented question. Thankfully, the children are equally distracted, so don't mind. "You know," he suggests quietly "dragons are known for their treasure hoard. I wonder what sort of treasure that dragon might have around?"

A quirk of the brow from Katja at that. "Oooh, he has a good point, Lady Sandiel," she agrees, nodding vigorously. She lifts the girl again, setting her down before the defeated, MIGHTY dragon. She laughs a moment, then leans down to whisper discreetly into Felicia's ear. 'I bet he knows where. You should tickle it out of him.' Are Sith-Makar even ticklish? Heck if Katja knows.

Emir leans forward and plucks Felicia up, spinning her around in a circle with a gleeful whoop. "You did! You rescued me! My lovely darling savior, you!" He settles her in his arms and stands beside Katja, looking down at the defeated dragon. "Psst," he whispers sotto voce, "you should stick your tongue out, mighty dragon. It's more convincing that way."

"My prince!" and Felicia tumbles from Katja and into Emir's arms. No One Shall Know of Our Secret Love! And of course she's covered in glitter and in ribbons, and is shaking her fist at Katja, because Katja, like her, is a WARRIOR!

And near Mikilos, the young boy is licking his fingers. He holds them up for Mikilos to uh, see!

So proud. And then Mikilos mentions TREASURE.

He is suddenly surrounded by many, many small children.

It's like an ARMY.

Feel. The POWER.

Even Felicia looks up!


And of course, Svarshan promptly crosses his eyes and sticks his tongue out.

Mikilos blinks. He has no treasure, the dragon does! Go get the dragon! "Erm...." Think! Think! You're a wizard, you're supposed to be good at this! "Ah, there! Look! With the dragon slain, the treasure reviels itself!" Distraction, good. Muttering an arcane phrase under his breath, the wizard gestures at some small stones near the walkway, a simple spell coloring them sparkely gold and silver, with a few colorful 'gems' mixed in for fun.

Glitter and ribbons? That is Emir's every day! He hoists the mini-lady high, allowing her to glitter triumphant over her kill. "Oh look at that! Treasure!" Poof, it's appeared before them! My goodness.

Laughing all the while, Katja lifts her fist to Felicia in turn, then nods to Mikilos- she heard that! The sly devil. She bends down to pick up the fake sword, and then semi-takes-a-knee to Felicia and Emir to offer the good Lady Sandiel her sword back.

Felicia gravely Accepts the Sword from the Other Warrior, and then whips it over her head. "TREASURE, HOOOOO!" she yells, and the children scream and rush foward. They trample OVER the 'dragon' in their rush to get to the pretty, shiny, rocks.

And Svarshan's eyes nearly pop out of his head.

That's okay.

And then there's squeals and grabs and many, many pretty, shiny things.

Happy birthday, Feli--Lady Sandiel!!!

And that, possibly, is the scene Sandy might walk into. Paper hats, paper punch cups, and a giant banner that says, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And a mass of squirming, shrieking children. One of whose hand is covered in poop.

Mikilos sighs, relaxing a moment. So glad that trick worked. Gathering up a few more stones from the ground, the elf repeats the cantrip for a few more 'gems'. Wouldn't do if there are too few to go around.

"What in the hells is the meaning of all this?" Sandy has stopped dead. She was on her way home and, well... all of this. Really. ^r

She's just staring.

"You've been replaced," sniffs Emir, as he sets the New Lady Sandiel down to acquire her treasures. "I'm sure you understand." He folds his arms, rather pointedly not addressing Sandy, because he is /busy/. Thank you.

Amid all the children is one tallish, lanky girl. Her name is Felicia, and it is her day! She has Giant Elf Ear Attachments pinned to either side of her head, and Bobbing Bows and Pretty Braids.

And a Glittering Sword the color of the Sun!

"HAH!" she declares, yanking some of the 'treasure' up and holding it aloft. And then she sees Sandy. And then she goes, "EEEEEEEEEE!!!!"

Mikilos edges over towards Sandy 1.0, smileing politely. Best do some damage control. Doesn't think Lady Sandiel would punch a kid, but just in case, best offer an alternitive. "Birthday party. Birthday girl apparently wanted to be you. That's her." He points out the mildly obvious as Sandy 2.0 squeels.

Katja is uh. Very... not functional at this moment. Seeing Sandy's reaction has well... she's doubled over. Laughing.

And then FWOOM! Sandy? Just like that? Has a hip-barnacle. Because that's where all children attach.

To her HIPS.

"HIIIIII! Mynameissandielandi'myouforthedayandomigoshineverthoughti'dmeetyouandikilledadragonreallyipunchedhiminthefaceand," Breathe! "EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!"


In the midst of it all, Svarshan is still 'slain.' His eyes are crossed and his tongue is poking out.

And the boy with the poop-covered fingers is the next to hold up some of the treasure. LOTS of treasure! He shouts, and lets it drip through his fingers like Scrooge.

Which gets poo all over some of it.



Sandy is still staring at this and then she has a child attached to her and she makes this protesting 'waugh' sound and... Oh dear gods WHY. WHY!!!

"...hello," she manages to say after a moment.

"....wasn't my idea." Mikilos clarifies. Sandy 1.0 seems calm enough and unlikley to hit anything just now. But we all know that's when she's at her most dangerous.

Emir peeeeeks over his shoulder to see Sandy's discomfort. Yeeees, this pleases him. Mwahahaha. "You know, I think Little Miss Sandiel should tour her new mansion, don't you think?" he says loudly. "And maybe get to hold Sandiel's sword! Her /real/ sword!"

Huuuuuuug! And the little girl's ears BOB. Giant, floppy elf-ears! BOB. BOB. BOB.

"EEEEEEEE!!!!" when Emir mentions THE SWORD!

And then, one of the kids punches the other kid. And points at Emir, "We're supposed ta sing, too!"

"Happy birthday!!!" a few of the others cry out, because that is what children sing at birthday parties. And of course, they all look at Emir. In that full, total focus and anticipation that only a child can muster. Because he is a BARD. One of them tries to clamber up atop Mt. Katja. Because she is a MOUNTAIN!

(New BB message (3/141) posted to 'Plot Announcements' by Thunder: CLOSED: Fly Me to the Moon)

(New BB message (3/142) posted to 'Plot Announcements' by Thunder: CLOSED: Am'shere)

Katja facilitates this climbing- she's always happy to have a child on her shoulders. At least, she does once she's not quite so incapacitated with laughing at poor Sandy.

Emir blinks at the expectation, then beams! "Oh! Yes! Quite right!" The bard strikes a glittering pose and plucks out a little harmonica, which he toots briefly, and then suddenly launches into a rather flourishing, complicated introduction -- far more exciting and cool than a harmonica has ANY right to be -- before he sings, his voice drawing out, "Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!"

A deep breath, a brief harmonica tootle, "...your birthday soooong, it isn't very long!"

And with a big grin, he poses! Ta da!!!

Mikilos snorts and grins again. "Now that's the sort of bardism I can enjoy."

Svarshan goes OOC.

Svarshan has left.

Mikilos coughs softly. "You know, we really should take a moment for a comparison. Stand our too Sandy's next to each other and see just how much alike they appear..." The elf's up to something. Obviously. His lips are moving.

Svarshan getes a dirty look from Sandy. So does Katja, actually. And Mikilos. They all get dirty looks. And she has a chikld attached to her and she looks so miserable.

"I hope you all die," she adds.

"You first," Emir replies cheerfully, before he plucks up the birthday girl. "Lady Sandiel is having a bad day," he says apologetically to her. "So how about we go have a parade in the streets? Hmm? Who's with me?"

Mikilos stands Sandy 1.0 and Sandy 2.0 next to each other, frowning mildly. "...no, no, the resembelance is good, but one is so obviously smaller than the other. Well, easy enough to fix." Bending down before the birthday girl, he advises quietly. "Close your eyes, and inhale slowly. Breath in the magic, and let it take hold." ore likley to be understood than telling her to drop her spell resistance. A brief arcane murmur, and Felica is Enlarged to twice her former size.

"Ah, there we go. an almost perfect likeness! I have to admit, I can barely tell you two apart!" Apparently Mikilos has gone blind. "Well, before it get's too confuseing, I'd best undo the spell."

That's when he casts Reduce Person at Sandy. And flees.

Suddenly, the short elf is even shorter.

Sandy is now roughly two and a half feet tall and she is fuming.

The girl next to her is SQUEEING ever so loudly and hugging her even more tightly.

"You realize, of course, that this means war," she says.