PrP: Mr. Grumpy Elf's Forest

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Title: Mr. Grump Elf's Forest Emitter: Zahd Characters: Synestria Level 2, Jeor Level 2, Iskimirik Level 2, Sebropert Level 2 NPCs: - The Fat Merchant, Mr. Grumpy Silvanyari Place: The Deep Forest Time: Jan 25, 2012 Summary: A fat merchant sends our brave adventurers to deliver a package to a grumpy elf in the forest. Once in the forest they come upon the grump elf's home to find it empty and trapped. They struggle to find the elf, but once they do they are given a package and told to return to Alexandria. On the way home they are ambushed by a gang of goblins. APL: 2 Encounter 1: (3) Snare traps, CR 3 Encounter 2: (4) Goblins, CR 1/3

<OOC> Zahd welcomes all. <OOC> Zahd says, "As per the guidelines, I am giving Iskimirik 15 minutes." <OOC> Zahd says, "the only rules I have are to keep chatter on the r5 channel and keep OOC and pages to myself part of the game. I will be monitoring the R5 channel with my alt, but I want to keep the coms clean. All actions in combat will be declared via OOC and all rolls made public." <OOC> Zahd also notes that this is his first PrP on Tenebrae and may be a little rusty on DMing, so if you want to make a note of rules I forget, feel free to page me. <OOC> Sebropert will note this is his first time doing things here so I may be slow on the rolling thing. "Also, I can never remember how to turn channels on and off in these things." Zahd sets himself up as the Player Runner. <OOC> Zahd says, "The time is now 5:15pm EST and we shall now begin. Stand by for initial scene." As a call comes out across the channels, it seems that a merchant has called upon young adventurers for a quest. They are directed to meet him at the temple of Kor for the assignment. Upon arriving, you are all directed to an alcove where a fat human merchant sits at a table waiting. A small sack is on the table in front of him and a solemn look upon his face. Walking her way in, Synestria is followed by a tiger that keeps close to her. It's tail flicks as the elf stays towards the back of the room. She makes a face at the room, then towards the merchant, then towards the sack....keeping silent. Short on change, and companionship, Sebropert answers the call of the rotund softskin trader. Entering the temple of Kor'Makar snout first, his black scaled frame thumps along, tail swaying in step. His large nostrils follow a familiar scent as he trails Synestria and her feline cohort into the aclove. Before seating himself he bobs his head respectfully to the merchant. "Peace in your nest, Bluntear," he rumbled from his skull-like head. Jeor strides to the alcove with his horned helm underneath one arm but despite his stature appears a little uncomfortable in the temple, looking around at the people as he walks. The sound of metal grieves on a stone floor and the rattle of his armor alerts those around him of his presence. Approaching the merchant he politely nods his head "Goodday sir, how may I serve?" A short appraisal of those whom enter the alcove before he places his hands on the table. "I need you to deliver this to a man far to the east." The man says in a bit of a monotone. "He is a bit of a recluse, but he is expecting you." He pushes the sack forward and produces a map. Pointing to a spot that has been marked, "Here is where he lives. Once you make this delivery, return here for your reward. He goes by 'Plays with Cats'. Do you have any questions?" <OOC> Zahd says, "Any rolls for time and distance, roll nature/geography if you have it." GAME: Sebropert rolls knowledge/geography: (16)+6: 22 <OOC> Zahd says, "knowledge/nature or knowledge/geography" GAME: Synestria rolls Knowledge/Nature: (20)+9: 29 Between the two of you, you figure it will be a week trip each way. The safest route goes through many different terrains but ends up in a very thick forest. The heavily armored giantborn nods to the merchant "I only ask for your assurance that this is entirely a legal affair and what dangers you expect that cause you to hire us for this affair." he says still standing and looking down at the merchant. Jeor wears an easy smile but his steely gaze doesnt leave the merchant. "Otherwise I will gladly deliver your package." Raising her hand, Synestria asks a very valid question. "What sort of resistance are you expecting? Otherwise you wouldn't hire armed strangers to deliver it." It is rare for Sebropert to find one of the civilized people that is larger than himself, at least out here, so at the approach of the giantborn the frill atop his head lifts to increase his own height another six inches. Of course the need to pay attention to the purpose of this visit override his need to be big. The blue eyed Child of Flame turns his attention down to the map presented to the trio, squinting as he examined it closely. Lifting a hand he sorted out a few counts out on the clawed digits, his lips curling with unspoken words. "Two weeks. This can do," he rumbles in his broken trade-speak. Casting a glance at Synestria, the Sith'Makar gives a silent nod of comarderie. Picking up the map, Sebropert rolls it carefully so that they may take it along with them, and placing it in a tube of treated leather. He otherwise has no words to speak. Beginning to laugh, the merchant slaps his belly and asks, "Do I look like the type that travels?" It takes him a few moments to regain himself from his self imposed humor. Wiping a tear from his eye he says, "In all seriousness, that forest hosts all kinds of creatures as does every road bear dangers in these troublesome times. It is far safer for people like me to hire people like you instead of doing things ourselves." Chuckling a bit at the merchant, Synestria smiles to Sebropert. "You may not consider yourself someone that travels, but a bear gets by in the wild just fine." She says as Sebropert takes the map. "Come Pixi." She says before turning towards the door. "See you in a couple of weeks." She says as she start out the door. Iskimirik has arrived. <OOC> Zahd says, "Someone catch Iskimirik up." <OOC> Iskimirik says, "apologies for being late" The Sith'Makar nods in agreement with the rubenesque human, though more to his lack of inclination to move than with the fact that the route is dangerous. "Moment, Synestria," Sebropert growled low, the smooth syllables easier for him to pronounce than most names. "Still has not answered one question," he reminds, motioning to the large giantborn beside him. "No concern mine, but was asked, and will hear." Sebropert looked to the merchant expectantly, waiting for the answer to Jeor's other question. Jeor nods his approval and hooks his helm on his belt. "I hope you know how to use that map." he says with a polite smile to Sebropert before turning on his heel and following Synestria out. Scratching his smooth chin, well one of his chins, the merchant asks, "Do you mean, am I sending you into a fight? No, this is just a gift for a dear friend of mine. It is far and cold outside, so be sure to wear your jacket." The merchant seems to have lost his laughter and seems more confused at the moment. Then a moment later he begins to chuckle again, "Oh... I almost forgot, you adventurer types love danger!" He grows a serious voice like one when telling a ghost story at camp, "There be dragons which lurk the air, so dim your fires at night because they are beacons of food to the ones who stalk it." Jeor stops and turns "Ah yes... I almost forgot!" after the Sith'Makar reminds him of his own question. He raises a hand briefly at the merchant and narrows his eyes. "Is it legal?" <OOC> Jeor will use Detect Evil for good measure. :) "Of course!" the merchant retorts in a happy tone. The merchant is not evil. The sith-makar with the hide of gleaming silver remains close to where Synestria is, for the moment remaining quite silent, breathing slowly and calmly as he observes the others present with impassive storm grey eyes. Bony protrusions furrow over the black Sith'Makar's sunken blue eyes at the imbecilic softskin on the other side of the table. Lowering his frill, Sebropert gives a waggle of his chin and a roll of his eyes as a feral sign of dismissal. Turning he clacked along the floor after his companions. Jeor nods and gives the merchant a brief smile before leaving "We will see you in 2 weeks then." "Right. Laws don't matter when you're out in the forest." Synestria says softly to Jeor. "Come....we are wasting time." She says before waving for Iskimirik to follow them. "I hope you have plenty of rations. If you do not, we can hunt for food." <OOC> Zahd says, "I need a marching order, discuss it amonst yourselves on r5 and someone tell me in ooc here." <OOC> Zahd says, "Also, a 2 hour guard plan during the 8 hours per day you aren't travelling." Iskimirik nods to the others, moving languidly to follow them, remaining close to synestria and Pixi, most likely somewhere towards the middle of the group. Still the silver sith'makar remains wordless. <OOC> Zahd says, "If anyone has Endurance or resistances to cold, I need to know now." <OOC> Iskimirik says, "resist 5 to cold" <OOC> Jeor has endure elements as a racial trait. <OOC> Synestria could cast endure elements. <OOC> Sebropert does not. "But survival is good for minor stuff like that. And important to note I have Keen Scent." <OOC> Synestria has a tiger with her. <OOC> Zahd says, "Once I get a marching order I will need a fort save from everyone. +roll fort" GAME: Synestria rolls fortitude: (14)+4: 18 GAME: Iskimirik rolls fort: (13)+2: 15 GAME: Jeor rolls fortitude: (4)+8: 12 GAME: Sebropert rolls fort: (8)+6: 14 <OOC> Sebropert says, "March is Seb, Jeor, Isk, Syn/pixi. And Guard is Syn/Pixi, Jeor, Isk, Seb." The road is long and tiresome, yet uneventful. Not even a single dragon to eat you while you sleep. You pass over the mountains and through the woods and into a deep forest. The path is barely recognizable as it doesn't look to be well travelled. Your feet ache from walking so long on such rough terrain. It is mid-day when you arrive. The small house stands silent and doesn't show any sort of activity. It looks lived in as a few small birds are hung outside of the door for a future meal. The forest around you is engulfing and the small clearance barely lets in enough sun to let the ground cover enjoy its radiance. <OOC> Sebropert would like to recon, and smell out the house. <OOC> Zahd says, "You are entering the house?" <OOC> Sebropert says, "No, the outside." <OOC> Zahd says, "Roll survival" GAME: Sebropert rolls survival + 1: (13)+7+1: 21 You paged Sebropert with 'You notice there are a set of tracks in the back of the house that lead into the forest. They are well worn tracks.' <OOC> Zahd says, "So the rest of you hang back while he scouts out the house?" <OOC> Iskimirik says, "I do, for sure." <OOC> Iskimirik says, "but I keep my eyes open, just in case" <OOC> Jeor says, "Same" <OOC> Synestria says, "same, definitely." Dropping to all fours, Sebropert creeps towards the small house the group had come across, his clawed feet padding quietly through the woods. First he circles the home, manuevering through the undergrowth his snout high in the air as he sniffs the air. With a snuffle he slithers low towards the back of the house, his interest seemingly peeked there. As the group arrives at the house, Iskimirik takes a long moment to look at the glade, curious, and cautious. As much as he tries to be more civilised, the basic instincts of survival are not easily suppressed. "What do you make of it, Sssebropert?" His words are a quiet, sibilant hiss as he watches the other of his kind checking things out. As the group gets to the house, Syn and Pixi arrive there last. They walk up and Syn leans her head back to feel the warm sun upon her face, which is a small comfort in winter. "Mmmmm." Syn says as she watches Sebropert move forward to check things out. She shushes Iskimiriki and smiles. "Keep an ear open for him, in case he's ambushed, Isk." <OOC> Zahd says, "Seb, roll perception as well." GAME: Sebropert rolls perception: (6)+7: 13 Even if this is the destination Jeor does not take chances out in the wild. He dons his horned helmet and places his hand on the hilt of his sword. Standing in the cold under the shade of a tree and his breathe coming in small clouds from the grill of his helmet, which makes for a fearsome sight. You paged Sebropert with 'As Sebropert rounds behind the house, a snapping sound is made and he is suddenly strung up by his ankle by a branch from a nearby tree. --- Pose this but add to it with your own flavor.' You paged Synestria with 'do you have spellcraft?' From afar, Synestria nods. You paged Synestria with 'roll it' GAME: Synestria rolls spellcraft: (11)+7: 18 Long distance to Synestria: Zahd notes you see sebropert get strung up by a snare spell GAME: Zahd rolls 1d6: (3): 3 GAME: Zahd damaged Sebropert for 3 points. 18 remaining. Feral movements define Sebropert's movements, his head barely rising above the underbrush to peer about as he stalked the back of the house. When he disappeared from view from his companions, all was silent for a few moments, but that soon changed. A loud twanging noise arises from behind the house, and the branches of a tree shake violently. A gruff rumble rises from Sebropert's throat, and a string of curses that would make the Old Trickster blush rang out. On hearing the twang, followed by the string of curses in his native tongue, Iskimirik also makes a fairly vehement curse, the rough translation of which would be 'blasted broken shells' "SSeb! Are you alright? I'm coming to assisst you." With that he heads behind the house swiftly towards where Seb is, though also mindful of his own footing. Giving a bit of a smirk at Sebropert, Synestria giggles a little bit. "Watch your footing everyone. It seems whomever lives here has set traps for people." She says softly as she walks forward, letting Pixi lead the way. She then looks to Sebropert. "Snare spell....." "Well it seems the jig is up." he follows the others to the back of his house, if someone inside had not been aware of the groups present before the noise Jeor's armor makes most likely will. Despite everything he keeps his head on a swivel, prepared for any more trouble. From a tree hung the hapless Sith'Makar, all three hundred and forty plus pounds of him some how swinging slowly from side to side by his rear leg. Sebropert's arms are held tucked to his stomach so as not to block his view, and his blue eyes twinkle pleadingly. "Am fine. Just fine," he grumbled. "Only dignity truly bruised." His head rotated to stare at the trap that had him secured and dangling. "This one good," he murmured under his breath, a curl in his lip odd from an upside-down perspective. Disliking his predicament he started curling his stomach, trying to clasp the rope with his hands so that he may right himself. Chuckling softly, Syn taps Sebropert on the shoulder. "I can understand. Just be a bit more careful, Sebropert." She says softly as She pets Pixi. "Keep an eye out for us, Pixi. While Sebropert tries to cut himself down, she goes to hand him her Scimitar so he can reach easier. As he sees Sebropert hanging from the tree, Iskimirik stops cold, looking up at him for only a couple of seconds. "Perhapsss ssso, for now, but I ssstill do not like thiss. We're Exposssed here... " the silver sith'makar glances all about, looking for any further signs of trouble. Jeor manages a little chuckle himself but keeps a look out for trouble like Seb "If danger comes I will face it head on, do not worry. I believe our next course of action would be the common curtosy of The forest around the group is unusally quiet. The only sound being made is the wind blowing the trees and the sound of the rope grinding against the branch that Sebropert sways from. <OOC> Zahd says, "Roll climb." GAME: Sebropert rolls climb: (2)+6: 8 <OOC> Zahd says, "You can't seem to right yourself. You could cut it like you are, but you are going to fall head first." <OOC> Jeor says, "How high up is he?" <OOC> Zahd says, "20 feet." Ineffectually, Sebropert, attempts to right himself. The effort does little more than sending him into a slow spin, that ceases once the rope tightens, and then starts him turning the other way. "You knock," the Sith'Makar rumbles. "Will be working on getting down." Dropping his arms so they dangle on either side his head, he snuffled angrily. Tucking his stomach again, this time he lets the tension go, and instead of trying to right himself, attempts to swing himself to the tree the rope is attached to. Jeor moves under Seb and looks up "I will catch you if you wish!" he calls up, from the sound of his voice its easy to tell that hes smilling underneath his helmet. Iskimirik hrms, and he nods, "I'll go knock. Just be careful, Ssseb." with that, the silvered lizardman heads back towards the front of the house, where he can politely knock upon the front door. There is no answer, nor sound from within the house. Sebropert hisses in frustration at the giant below him. "Fortunate only thing bigger than me, is below me." When his swinging effort ceased he clasped the scimitar carefully, placing the blade up against the rope. With a sawing motion he began the work of letting himself drop to Jeor. "Here I come." <OOC> Zahd says, "Seb, roll acrobatics, Jeor, roll reflex" GAME: Sebropert rolls acrobatics: (2)+2: 4 GAME: Jeor rolls reflex: (10)+4: 14 GAME: Zahd rolls 1d3: (2): 2 GAME: Zahd rolls 1d3: (1): 1 GAME: Zahd damaged Sebropert for 2 points. 16 remaining. GAME: Zahd damaged Jeor for 1 points. 20 remaining. <OOC> Zahd says, "It isn't pretty but he catches you, still not graceful or a soft landing." Jeor manages the catch but hes hardly a soft target and nearly falls to the ground himself "Let us go see if anyone is home shall we?" he say shaking his head a little from the hit he took. "If only I were one of my brothers, they are all taller than me and may have reached!" Shaking her head quietly at Sebropert and his 'oh so graceful' catch by Joer, Synestria spares a giggle at them. "That's almost comical you two." She says softly as she, once again, takes up the rear on the way to the house. Iskimirik frowns at the distinct lack of a response to his knocking, but he remains cautious, glancing about him. "I get no response from the front door. Could we have the wrong dwelling?" With a whumpf and an exhilation of breath, Sebropert looks at the giant born that now holds him in its arms. Again the Sith'Makar curses, his arms flailing as he works his way out of the giant's grasp and back to the solid earth. "Would rather fall, than plucked from tree," he replied as he patted himself off. Sebropert straightens up, his frills extended out fully to make himself feel bigger. Lifting a claw he points to a set of tracks that leads from the back of the house out into the forest. The trail the tracks make are well worn. "See. Found two things. Both trap and path," he said with a sigh, his frills lowering as his ego deflates. "Perhaps they are sleeping?!" Jeor says after walking out front. "We should look inside before going farther I would think. Open in the name of the holy order of Daeus!" the giantborn bellows trying the nob. GAME: Zahd rolls 1d6: (1): 1 GAME: Zahd damaged Jeor for 1 points. 19 remaining.

  • SNAP*

A loud snap sends Jeor flying up into a tree, dangeling by the wrist in a trap. "Haha, who will catch me or must I fall?" despite the akward position he doesnt stop from laughing about the situation "I understand your pain now!" Looking around the house, Synestria rubs her face with her hand as Joer seems to get snared by the same trap. "Hey guys....Sebropert has found a trail back here. Perhaps we could ignore the house since no one's answering?" She says with a chuckle as she looks at Joer hang from the tree. Moving slowly, Sebropert began picking his way towards the hanging helmed giant. "Not yet. But will soon enough," the Sith'Makar remarked as he studied the perdicament. "Can try to catch. But only head. Feet still hit ground. Ready?" He looked up at the giantborn, his own considerable bulk tensing as he waited to try to avert the large man's head from colliding with the ground below him. Iskimirik watches the others now, and he shakes his head slightly, this is more than a little likely to hurt. "I am inclined to agree with you, Sssynessstriaa." <OOC> Zahd says, "trying the same move?" <OOC> Jeor says, "yeah" <OOC> Sebropert says, "Sure. He did it for me." <OOC> Zahd says, "Jeor, acrobatics, Sebro, reflex" GAME: Jeor rolls acrobatics: (1)+-5: -4 GAME: Sebropert rolls reflex: (20)+5: 25 <OOC> Zahd says, "Despite Jeor flailing like a bafoon, Sebro is like superman on this catch." Jeor falls out of the tree and despite his flailing is actually caught "You are better at this than I it seems! You have my thanks! Next time that I am caught in a tree I will call for you." the giantborne regains his feet and brushes himself off "So do we look inside first?" Synestria is too busy giggling to offer a coherent answer. She's enjoying this too much to think straight at the moment! Iskimirik hrms, "It iss up to you. At the moment I beleive it iss not worth the bother conssidering what trying to enter thus far has done to uss." Like catching falling giants was something young Sith'Makar did as hatchlings, Sebropert, snatchs Jeor from a fall most foul. Speed, grace, and none of the earlier blundering from this Sith'Makar. "Tracks from softskin some sort. No scent of softskin. Cold kills trail faster, but not here right now. Wisdom says to sit and wait. Curiousity begs we follow trail." Turning his eyes to Isk, Sebropert raising bony protrustions over his eyes. "You best suited for questions of smarts. What say, Iskimirik?" Iskimirik says, "we follow the trail." "Then let us proceed down the path, we can come back to the house later if need be." the Giantborne says readjusting the last few straps and gear that got shifted in the fall. The tracks behind the house lead into the forest. You can only follow them because it has been trodden very recently and looks to be done often. The deeper you go into the forest the more wildlife seems to be present and scampering about. Finally regaining composure of herself, she finally starts to follow Sebropert with Pixi. "Seb's right. We can always come back to the house." <OOC> Zahd says, "Is it the same marching order?" <OOC> Synestria would assume so. <OOC> Zahd says, "and how are you going about the forest? Quiet or just stomping along?" <OOC> Sebropert would prefer quiet. <OOC> Sebropert says, "But the tin can back there makes it hard." <OOC> Jeor has a hard time with quiet. <OOC> Synestria does as quiet as possible. <OOC> Zahd says, "everyone roll stealth" Iskimirik heads off along with the others, in the same position as he has before, knowing of his own relative fragility. He makes a point though of treading as quietly as he can. GAME: Jeor rolls stealth: (20)+-5: 15 GAME: Synestria rolls stealth: (8)+3: 11 GAME: Iskimirik rolls stealth: (20)+2: 22 GAME: Sebropert rolls stealth: (11)+6: 17 As you go farther into the forest, you hear a cracking sound in the distance ahead. It is repetitive but not constant. <OOC> Zahd says, "Perception and another stealth roll." GAME: Synestria rolls perception: (15)+11: 26 GAME: Iskimirik rolls perception: (18)+6: 24 GAME: Jeor rolls perception: (14)+2: 16 GAME: Sebropert rolls perception: (20)+7: 27 GAME: Synestria rolls stealth: (8)+3: 11 GAME: Iskimirik rolls stealth: (16)+2: 18 GAME: Jeor rolls stealth: (3)+-5: -2 GAME: Sebropert rolls stealth: (20)+6: 26 <OOC> Zahd says, "Syn 1 Isk 2 Jeor 3" GAME: Zahd rolls 1d3: (1): 1 As you approach, the sound of cracking stops echoing through the woods. You come upon a fallen log with an axe stuck in it. The chips on the ground are fresh and this seems to be the place of the disturbance. But you do not see anyone in sight.

  • SNAP!* is the sound that is made as Synestria is quickly whipped into the air by a rope that has latched itself to their ankle. A voice echoes out, "Who are you and why are you in my forest?"

GAME: Zahd rolls 1d6: (2): 2 GAME: Zahd damaged Synestria for 2 points. 12 remaining. Iskimirik freezes as Synestria is whipped up into the air with the crack, and he looks up into the trees carefully, peering, searching. "We mean no harm., whoever you may be. We were sent to deliver a package. " "OOF!" is all Synestria can manage before she's yanked into a tree. "I guess I was having too much fun with your predicament, hmm?" She then hears the voice and giggles softly. "I figured all forests belong to the Queen of nature." She says softly as she looks at her feet. "ah well. Can I get a hand?" She doesn't seem upset at all.....she's still giggling. Jeor moves underneath Syn in a position where he can catch him much like before "We seek 'Plays with Cats' and have a package for him." his gaze is on the one in the tree however. "I will catch you, your not as heavy as a lizard." Down the trail they went, but the sudden strike of the next trap, and the voice aloud, the black Sith'Makar vanishes into non-existance. Like the hunger god of watchful stealth he stalks. Slowly he began creeping, trying to get a better a different angle. Instead of towards the voice he shifts away, seeking to circle around away from where he himself would lay traps if he was to lay them. "Only one idiot calls me that." says a muscular sylvanori who steps out from behind a tree with a bow readied, topless and all sweaty. "Why didn't you just wait outside my home for me to return?" he asks as he raises the bow and shoots the rope which holds Synestria, sending her plummeting to the earth. This guy sure is grouchy. <OOC> Zahd says, "Syn, roll acrobatics, Jeor and Isk, roll reflex." GAME: Iskimirik rolls reflex: (16)+2: 18 GAME: Jeor rolls reflex: (2)+4: 6 GAME: Synestria rolls acrobatics: (7)+3: 10 <OOC> Zahd says, "Isk catches Syn and Jeor flails as he tries to, but only gets in the way, Syn gets a bit bent out of shape by the catch." GAME: Zahd rolls 1d3: (1): 1 GAME: Zahd damaged Synestria for 1 points. 11 remaining. Jeor brushes himself off "We did not know you would return and that is what we were told to call you. We have a package to deliver and wanted to be sure you recieved it." he says removing his helmet and bowing towards the bowman. "We mean no offense, I am Jeor Baelen at your service." Iskimirik catches synestria as she falls from above, a little surprised at his own reactions, "Whoa! arre.. you alright, Sssyn?" he then after setting her down, turns to the sylvanori. "Indeed, we do not mean any harm.. I am Isskimirik. " "OOF!" Synestria says as she's not only caught by Isk, but missed by Joer and hits the ground kinda hard. She then looks up and actually sees the Sylvanori with the arrow. "It was what we were told to go by. What is your actual name?" She says as she slowly gets up. "I am Synestria from Elvengate. Please forgive our intrusion, but we did not know you would return." She then giggles to Iskimirik. "I'm Fine. A bruise won't hurt me." Finally stopping his stalking, Sebropert pops up from a bush to reveal his existance a bit off from his companions. "Curiousity," the Sith'Makar admits honestly as his own reply. "What better reason, than need to know, Sharpears?" Ducking down into the underbrush he skittered on all fours back to the group before popping up again to stand on his legs. A glimmering row of teeth is flashed at the Sylvanori. A smile, but no acknowledgement of his lack of intent to do harm is verbally provided. "No matter." And with that, the wood elf leads you back to the house. His eyes go to where the ropes dangle and he asks, "Did one of you try to enter my house?" It seems to be a rhetorical question as he shakes his head knowingly. Once inside the house he asks, "So where's the package?" As you enter the house, it is apparent that it is lived in. It is only made of a single room and it has been split into many functional areas. To the left, is a table with a bowl of food that has not yet been cleared. In the corner off to the right, appears to be a small workshop as it contains an assortment of tools and the floor is covered with wood shavings. Towards the back is a bed and dresser. In the center of the house is a fire pit with a cooking pot over it. There isn't a fire currently going, but the food inside the pot seems recent as it isn't moldy. Iskimirik walks with the others now, choosing to remain silent once again. And also close to Synestria. Entering the dwelling, he takes a long moment to survey it with his storm-grey eyed gaze. Jeor ducks through the doorway and looks around the small house "Thank you for your hospitality, we will not stay long." Sebropert enters the house catiously, his smile remaining, but once within he sniffs pointedly. He pulled the package out, holding it in his claw possesively. Eyeing 'Plays with Kittens' or whatever the softskin calls himself. "Gave this," he said lifting it up into view before placing it down next to the bowl of food on the table. "If this yours, request proof of passing." Synestria pets Pixi on the way into the house. "Yes, could we have something to prove that we have delivered the package?" She says softly. The elf opens the sack and dumps out a pile of platinum coins that were muffled by cloth. Looking up, he eyes everyone as he counts the coin before asking, "Did you look in this sack?" He pauses for a couple of moments before grabbing a very large yet slender box from under his bed. "Give this to that overstuffed human in Alexandria. And tell him next time to take the time off to come himself." He then shows you all to the door. As you travel down the path you had taken just days before, you come upon what appears to be a human child, crying and alone. Iskimirik remains quiet now, observing the wood elf and Sebropert, nodding slightly in agreement. It would seem he's in a silent mood. Upon the journey home, however, when the human child is found, this draws a reaction from hims, "Why iss thiss youngling heere aloone? It sshould be with otherss.. protected.. for the future.." "I'm renaming him 'Mister grumpy pants." Syn says before she sees the child. "Are you all right?" She says holding Pixi back from getting too close to the child. Having lead the way, Sebropert stops dead in his tracks. Staring at the softskin hatchling for a long moment before turning to look over his shoulder at his companions. "Um," he starts. "Its soft. I don't know what to do with it." Jeor looks down at the child and then about "Hello, is anyone about?!" he calls out "I suppose we take the child with us to the temple unless we find its parents." Jeor suggests scratching his head a bit. <OOC> Zahd says, "roll perception" GAME: Zahd rolls 1d20+3: (19)+3: 22 GAME: Sebropert rolls perception: (7)+7: 14 GAME: Jeor rolls perception: (19)+2: 21 GAME: Iskimirik rolls perception: (6)+6: 12 GAME: Synestria rolls perception: (15)+11: 26 <OOC> Zahd says, "and roll init" GAME: Iskimirik rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 8 GAME: Sebropert rolls init: (5)+2: 7 GAME: You roll initiative for Goblins: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 18

Current Initiative Order ====

21 Synestria 18 Goblins 8 Iskimirik 7 Jeor


When you approach the child or doll it seems, a gang of four goblins rush out to assault you. "Give us your goods!" one shouts out in a horribly high pitched voice. The others bear their weapons at you, ready to attack. <OOC> Zahd says, "Surprise round, only Syn goes. Syn, action?" <OOC> Synestria says, "How far away are they?" <OOC> Zahd says, "spread between 30-50ft. Two have bows, two short swords and shield." <OOC> Synestria says, "I tell Pixi to 'disappear'....." You paged Synestria with 'which does?' Synestria pages: I just need to move her out of the lead guy's sigh, where she's going for the archers. I need to make a stealth roll for Pixi. GAME: Synestria rolls stealth: (6)+3: 9 +roll 1d20-1 GAME: Zahd rolls 1d20-1: (12)+-1: 11 Synestria pages: add another 3 to that, so a 12. You paged Synestria with 'she goes out of sight. Pose it.' <OOC> Zahd says, "ooc The swordsmen are going to go after Seb, while the archers take aim at Jeor" GAME: Zahd rolls 1d20+2: (9)+2: 11 GAME: Zahd rolls 1d20+2: (4)+2: 6 GAME: Zahd rolls 1d20+4: (12)+4: 16 GAME: Zahd rolls 1d20+4: (16)+4: 20 As the Goblins make themselves known, Synestria smirks a little bit and shakes her head. Suddenly, she whispers out in druidic 'Pixi....prey'.' Before Synestria can finish the word, Pixi pads out of sight..... <OOC> Zahd says, "both are flatfooted. What is your AC without dex" <OOC> Jeor says, "17" GAME: Zahd rolls 1d4: (1): 1 <OOC> Sebropert says, "16" GAME: Zahd damaged Jeor for 1 points. 18 remaining. <OOC> Zahd says, "Surprise round over, top of round 1" <OOC> Zahd says, "Syn" <OOC> Synestria says, "ugh. XD" Two of the goblins rush forward trying to take down Sebropert but they seem to only slash at him ineffectively. The two archers release arrows at Jeor and one pierces him, drawing a small amount of blood. <OOC> Synestria says, "uhm....Pixi attacks one of the archers, while Syn moves backwards, away from the goblins." <OOC> Zahd says, "Roll it." GAME: Synestria rolls 1d20+3: (17)+3: 20 <OOC> Zahd says, "damage" GAME: Synestria rolls 1d8+1: (8)+1: 9 <OOC> Zahd says, "dead, pose it." <OOC> Iskimirik says, "Magic missile, the other archer." Synestria smirks as the goblins focus upon the ones up in front of them. "You really should watch your backs." She says softly as a loud feline growl comes from the side and a rustle of leaves comes from the impending doom that is Pixi. The tiger leaps into the air and CHOMPS down on the goblin archer's throat, snapping it's neck with a loud crunch and killing it outright...... <OOC> Iskimirik says, "I roll damage, right? or do the goblins go before me?" GAME: Zahd rolls 1d20+2: (11)+2: 13 GAME: Zahd rolls 1d20+2: (18)+2: 20 GAME: Zahd rolls 1d20+4: (19)+4: 23 <OOC> Zahd says, "they go before you ;)" <OOC> Zahd says, "2 hits." GAME: Zahd rolls 1d4: (3): 3 GAME: Zahd rolls 1d4: (4): 4 GAME: Zahd damaged Sebropert for 3 points. 13 remaining. GAME: Zahd damaged Jeor for 4 points. 14 remaining. <OOC> Zahd says, "which are you hitting, Isk?" <OOC> Iskimirik says, "surviving archer" <OOC> Zahd says, "roll damage" GAME: Iskimirik rolls 1d4+1: (1)+1: 2 <OOC> Zahd says, "You hurt him." <OOC> Zahd says, "Seb, action?" <OOC> Sebropert says, "Full attack one swordgoblin." GAME: Sebropert rolls melee: (14)+5: 19 Even as the goblins attack, Iskimirik steps forwards, raising his hands towards the goblins, most specifically, the ones who are wielding bows.. as Pixi breaks the neck of the first, he hurls a blast of magical energy at the other, though it barely grazes the bandit. GAME: Sebropert rolls melee: (7)+5: 12 As one of the goblins goes down screaming under the tiger, the other three start fighting fiercly for their lives. The two swordsmen begin moving into position to flank, while the archer hurridly lets out another arrow at Jeor. Blood is being shed. <OOC> Zahd says, "1 hit." <OOC> Zahd says, "roll damage" GAME: Iskimirik casts Magic Missile. <OOC> Zahd says, "Jeor, action?" GAME: Sebropert rolls 1d4+3: (4)+3: 7 <OOC> Jeor charges the nearest one. <OOC> Zahd says, "That'd be a swordsman. Seb you killed one." <OOC> Zahd says, "pose it, Jeor roll." GAME: Jeor rolls absolution+2: aliased to weapon2+2: (16)+8+2: 26 <OOC> Zahd says, "damage" GAME: Jeor rolls 2d6+7: (2)+7: 9 <OOC> Zahd says, "dead." Sebropert growls at the miniscule scoundrals. His bright claws flashing forward towards one swordgoblin, cleaning slashing the creature through the throat to spill its blood upon the ground. <OOC> Zahd says, "pose." <OOC> Zahd says, "top of round 2. Syn." <OOC> Synestria says, "Pixi goes after the other archer, while Synestria casts Cure Light wounds on Joer." <OOC> Zahd says, "roll it." GAME: Synestria rolls 1d20+3: (20)+3: 23 GAME: Synestria rolls 1d20+3: (8)+3: 11 <OOC> Zahd says, "regular damage, roll it." GAME: Synestria rolls 1d8+1: (3)+1: 4 <OOC> Zahd says, "It is dead." <OOC> Zahd says, "pose it." Jeor charges the nearest foe like a juggernaught of steel and flesh, with a loud warcry he buries the steel in the body of the small green goblin in a spray of blood. <OOC> Synestria says, "and 1d8+2 for CLW?" <OOC> Zahd says, "sure." GAME: Synestria rolls 1d8+2: (4)+2: 6 <OOC> Synestria gives that to Joer. GAME: Zahd damaged Jeor for -6 points. 20 remaining. Still on the prowl, Pixi rushes the other goblin and crushes it's neck as well. Pixi's on a tear, isn't she? In the meantime, Synestria casts a Cure spell on Joer, so he can last a bit longer against the goblins. "Hang on guys. The Archers are........or they're all dead." She says with a snicker. With the goblins dispatched, the road home is uneventful. As the days go by the sun actually comes out to make it a much more pleasant trip. Upon your return to Alexandros, the priests of Kor tell you that the merchant can be found at the Dragon's Den. A short skip and a jump over, you find the fat man, partially intoxicated as he smiles at the sight of your party. "Ah, the package has arrived." He exclaims as he spots the box. He takes out four separate pouches from his own and tosses them to each of you. "Payment!" he exclaims as he opens the box and pulls out a very large bow made of a deep colored wood. "My employer will be most happy." Shaking her head, Synestria chuckles at the merchant. "He did say to go out yourself next time, but we did get ambushed by goblins. Nothing we couldn't handle." She says as she pets Pixi. "Come Pixi. You deserve a steak for what you did." Pixi lets out a loud purr as she cheekrubs Synestria's thigh and they both head out to find Pixi a raw steak. Taking his cut off the table, Sebropert simply gives the blimpish merchant a feral smile before stalking away from the table, his claws clacking on the floor. Finding a seat in the bar, he ordered raw meat and a bowl of foul water to have his first decent meal in two weeks. Synestria doesn't forget her share of the payment either. She uses it to get Pixi's steak. Pixi happily tears up the steak and gnaws on the bone as Synestria enjoys a bit of pheasent and good, soft bread. She also eats with Sebropert.