The Four Seasons

From Tenebrae
Revision as of 05:42, 22 December 2022 by Aftershock (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The posting at the Adventurer's Guild (which have been somewhat sparse in light of recent events) was made by on Corvyn Pebbletrick. It directs all interested parties to the Pebbletrick estate after sundown. Said estate lies in not far from the market district, in what could be considered 'upper' of the 'lower' district. The 'estate' consists of a well-built and modestly large home on a small plot of land off the western banks of the Tornmawr. Most of the grounds/yard a...")
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The posting at the Adventurer's Guild (which have been somewhat sparse in light of recent events) was made by on Corvyn Pebbletrick. It directs all interested parties to the Pebbletrick estate after sundown. Said estate lies in not far from the market district, in what could be considered 'upper' of the 'lower' district.

The 'estate' consists of a well-built and modestly large home on a small plot of land off the western banks of the Tornmawr. Most of the grounds/yard aside from the home are occupied with a trio of now-dormant trees, a small shed, and numerous garden boxes (most along the house), all covered with recent snow.

The front of the home appears under renovation, the most notable feature being a freshly-painted sign over new doors dubbing this 'The Four Seasons.' A smaller, handwritten sign in the window announces 'Coming Soon!' The foyer has lights and hearth lit and a young adult gnome awaits within the entrance for expected arrivals.

In truth, the sparse nature of the mission has Auranar suspicious. It's not Pebbletrick's fault, it's just... a lot has happened lately. Better to be wary than sorry later. The sorceress enters the front entrance of the establishment wearing her new black cloak and wearing a new red dress - though with a pair of red pants tucked into her boots underneath it just in case things get hairy. The wild elf looks wildly over-dressed for the occasion in truth, but her warm smile cuts through that and she levies it at everyone that comes through the door equally. And their employer-to-be as well.

Well, with so few jobs coming in, especially in terms of those that felt doable for the artificer, anything that came up deserved investigation, at the very least. Which meant that the bronze clad figure waited patiently at the edge of the land a few minutes before the sun threatened to touch the edge of the horizon. With Auranar just heading in, the artificer clanks quietly inside.

Yaretzi has been working the notices posted at the Guild, but this was not the typical job she'd select. The prospect of money and different work seemed a good idea at first, but as Yar finds herself at the estate a bit wild-eyed and intimidated by the more social nature of their locale. She says little, her heavy coat and plain clothes doing nothing to dispel her size. For now, Yar simply follows behind Auranar quietly towards their employer, keeping her hands very near her own proximity, lest she knock something by accident.

"Welcome, welcome! Please, come in!" The gnome gesticulates energetically, if invitingly, and directs to the hearth. "Shed the chill! Pardon the mess, but big things are on the way! I am Corvyn Pebbletrick, owner and proprietor!"

The immediate interior is rough and distinctly under renovations: what may have been a foyer and lounge have had their dividing wall(s) removed to make a large open space adjacent to the hearth. Further in, a long counter is under construction, separating the space from a quite expansive kitchen. The kitchen, itself, appears well-used and seasoned, with no signs of direct alteration.

Corvyn steps up on the footstones at the hearth and continues, "This house belonged to my late great-great aunt Piper Pepper Pebbletrick. She loved to cook, and I share her passion. Soon, her beloved recipes will be enjoyed by all!" His arms raise and splay dramatically and emphatically. Then drop. "Er. When we can find them, that is. She entrusted them to me along with her most cherished culinary accessories... but her written last wishes were ... damaged. That is why I need your help!"

GAME: Auranar rolls sense motive: (11)+3: 14

Auranar does indeed shake off the chill, warming herself for a moment before turning her fullest attention on Corvyn. His explanation leaves her blinking and narrowing her eyes slightly. "What do you mean that her last wishes werre damaged? Do you mean to say that there's no will?" She draws her cloak around herself. "Or that it needs to be retrieved perhaps?" This is more hopeful.

"I am fine relative to the cold outside, there is nothing to shed, but your offer is kind regardless." The artificer notes with a low, neutral tone as they are ushered into the building.

"That is a noble goal, but you should be more careful. Either you need to have your documentation made on sturdier materials, or you should invest in proper storage for such things. But how do we help, if you do not have the information we need?"

"Yar would like to know more about this damage." Yaretzi says in agreement to Auranar's topic of choice. The large woman takes a few steps past the construction and changed entryway to peek towards the kitchen. The woman seems to regret taking this job, a glance cast to the other two with a shrug as she doesn't seem too bothered by the cold. That, or she doesn't care to speak of it.

Corvyn nods to the questions. "Of course!" He then dashes-well, toddles- off to the unfinished counter to retrieve an armful of scrolls and carries them to a worktable. Her then begins unfurling and skimming the scrolls, reading to himself. Just aloud.

"... bequeath the house and land..."

He sets it down to grab another.

"... my dutiful donkey to my brother Albert..."

A sigh. "I miss salty, he was such a wise ass..."

"Here it is!"

He unfurls a third scroll on the table. The bottom edge, where a reinforced rod might be, is ragged.

"...To my dearest great-great-nephew Corvyn, who shared my passion, I leave my treasured recipes and secret spices... When he is of age and has proven his dedication to the culinary craft. I know he will discover their resting place. Only time will tell!"

He sighs. "I -think- that word is time. The middle letters are missing, but it makes sense, yes?" He looks to everyone for confirmation. "The house has been searched, and searched, and with all the work, I'm -positive- we would have found something by now. I think they're hidden on the grounds, but I don't know where to look, and all this work has me very, very busy. Also, it's cold and everything is covered in snow!"

"That is why I've hired experts!"

Auranar leans forward a little, then offers her hand. "Do you mind? Could I take a look at it please? I think I can repair it for you." She offers him a faint smile.

"Well, that seems to be mostly in order, for the most part, if it is as you say." Schara nods along to the reading. "You should not assume if you do not know what it means. Have you considered taking it to a scrivener, to have it professionally restored? Or perhaps Auranar here can figure it out? I do not know if they have experience with writing but it is possible if they are offering."

Yaretzi lets Auranar handle the matter of the documents, still carousing the area with shuffling steps. "This is big place." the barbarian says in an aimless way, buying herself some time to think. "Have you thought of practicing your craft?" it's not mocking. "Words like those are from the wisest of tribe. Often carry many personal meanings." she reasons, stopping before the kitchen. "Snow is... cold. Yes." a recent revelation herself, having come from Am'shere. This being her first winter weather? She's trying not to complain.

GAME: Yaretzi rolls perception: (5)+8: 13

Corvyn blinks at Auranar and Schara as if the thought of restoration had never occurred to him. "That can be done?!" He gestures to the scroll and steps back from it to allow Auranar access. "If you can do that, please! See! Experts!"

GAME: Auranar casts Mending. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

Auranar moves her hands and utters a word of power, her brow furrowed in concentration as the tattered edge of the scroll begins to repair itself. A small smile curls at the edge of her lips and she watches in satisfaction as the words are clarified and more is added onto the end. "Mmm. Thyme will tell. Does that mean anything to you? Is there a place where it grows, or a place where it is drawn perhaps?" She looks at their employer for information.

"Plan to run a tavern?" Yar's inspection coming with a grin as the other two work their magics and observational skills. "Thyme?" the word seized upon and shrugged over. "Dried, fresh, or...." this a lead of sorts, her head turning towards the chill outside. "This could take long while."

"Ah, if time was the answer, then that would be bad, I guess? There would be nothing to do but for you to wait longer. Unless it meant time spent digging it out, perhaps." The artificer notes after Auranar repairs the paper in question. "It seems the ink was not too faded to be repaired like that, which is good. I did not think to try it, when I should have."

"As for thyme, the herb thyme? Have you checked her spice drawer, or did she have an herb garden? Or perhaps it was just a misspelling? You should be careful when filling out official documents."

Corvyn gives Yaretzi a look and scoffs. "Not just -any- tavern, but the greatest meals that Alexandria has ever seen!" His growing bellow and waving arms are halted by Aurnar's question. "Yes, time will tell, as I said," Corvyn nods several times, only to pause. "Wait. Grows? Drawn? Oh, THYME!" He pauses a moment before chuckling. "Oh, Auntie... she always had a grand sense of humor..." Now he is nodding to Schara. "Yes! She grew her own herbs and vegetables in the growing boxes outside! The trees on the grounds are all fruit trees, too!"

Proud of herself, Auranar brightly smiles at Corvyn. "Then I suggest that we start our search for what we are looking for in the boxes where she grew thyme. If it's not there, then a search of other locations that she grew things might be necessary, though I'm loathe to harm any trees." Here she frowns slightly and shakes her head. Particularly with the snow doing so might be a bit challenging.

"Yar will have to test this when it is open. See if it lives up to dream." Her smile fading a bit at the talk of growing boxes and herbs, nodding to the talk of trees, and doing no harm. "Let us hope family has respect for a food's source as much as the cooking." chatting idly as she lets the host and Auranar lead the way.

Schara seems to consider something, and nods with Yaretzi. "Yes, it will take time to become what you say it will be. And likely thyme as well, if it is something which will be helpful for the dishes you are cooking. The gardens may have what it is we are looking for, it can be hoped. I doubt that any good cook or gardener would do harm to their sources of ingredients, I would never want to see fruit trees damaged needlessly."

Corvyn runs to a window and points down at the planters along the house. "Auntie never purchased what she could grow herself. Purity of ingredients makes for purity of taste, she always said. She had tomatoes, potatoes, rosemary, thyme, parsely, dill..." He closes his eyes and his brow furrows. "I don't remember what she grew where, though. I was only a wee lad when she passed on..."

Auntie was serious about her gardening. In addition to the possibility of a general garden in the grounds (which is not apparent, if present, due to the snow), there are six sizable planting boxes running the length of the house. Each is large enough to easily hold a gnome, and possibly even of the group, though not quite as tall (5'x5').

While nothing is currently growing in any of them, and any remains are covered, some general inferences are made. Yaretzi is certain that the lack of sun would be poor growing for many herbs on the two boxes furthest west. Schara expects that the nearby Tornmawr would make those furthest east damp enough to risk rot for light aromatics. From Auranar's perspective, aromatics are most delightful near an open window, for fragrance even before used in food. Quality control? Only the three furthest west (towards the front of the house) have windows nearby.

Their relative perspectives discussed, Auranar heads to the front of the house. "Lets stick together and check these three out first. They seem the most likely culprits to hold what we're looking for." She offers her suggestion without demand, but waves her hand toward the first of the boxes. "I doubt that they're magical so I can't search for them that way. We'll have to try a more direct method." At this she begins to roll up her sleeves.

Yaretzi nods to Auranar's words, moving to select one of the boxes to search. "Yar has no problem getting dirty." admitting she's up to the task, a hand knocking some of the snow from the top of her location. "It is nice change of pace." a softer tone coming from the wild's woman, a knee resting on the box's frame as she leans to begin clearing it out with a large scoop of hands. "Are there tools?" she asks, her fingers testing soil to see if it has frozen.

GAME: Auranar rolls perception: (9)+5: 14
GAME: Yaretzi rolls perception: (7)+8: 15

"I hope this is not a kobold's nest." Schara sighs as she steps outside. "I do not wish to evict more lizard like people from their homes again. I hope it is just hidden with any of the herb gardens. It is likely some of the boxes near the middle, which gives us each at least one box to check, I think? So, let us get going, then." They state, looking to brush off some of the snow. "Thyme is a perennial plant, so, assuming it did not die off completely, we may find traces of it still?"

GAME: Schara rolls perception: (11)+9: 20

The snow on the box(es) is loose, though the soil within them is quite frozen, at least on the top. As Schara brushes some of the snow from the planter just west of center, her hand hits the inside lip of the planter and it... moves. It does not tip, nor wobble, but slides to the left (looking across it towards the side of the house) an inch or two.

Auranar notices the way that Schara's hand moves across the dirt and enthusiastically grasps the planter with her hands - now bared. "Something's under here!" She says with pleasure bringing a smile to her lips.

Shara blinks, then stops and removes her hands from the box. "This box should be better fastened to the ground if it moves this easily." The artificer notes as she moves to investigate, only to find Auranar there now as well. "Ah, do you think something is hidden beneath it? I did not determine if this was the thyme planter, but this may be the indicator regardless. We should take a look, I think."

Yaretzi pauses in her work, turning to Schara and that sound with a grin. "Do you want to look?" Yar playfully coaxes the armored Schara with a laugh. "You found it. You have honor." standing from where she had been digging. "Let's see it!"

The planter does move easier than one would expect. Much easier. Just from Auranar's hands on it, it slides smoothly, and precisely, further to the left. This reveals two important details.

1) The planter rests on a pair of rails.

2) Between the rails, spaced to the walls of the planter, is an opening nearly the size of the planter.

Rungs are fastened into the far side (the foundation of the house or outside wall of a cellar) leading down into the earth. There is no light within, but a bottom can faintly be seen from ambient perhaps ten feet down. Second secret cellar?

Auranar looks down into the darkness and licks her lips. "Would ah... Someone else mind going down first? If there is anything nasty down there... I'm not terribly equipped to handle it." She has the grace to look embarrassed at this. "I hope there's nothing nasty down there..."

Yaretzi takes out a small stone, releasing it to circle near her head. It's cuboidal, and emits a soft light as she lets it orbit and do it's lighting task. "Yar would like there to be." she has to counter of Auranar with a grin. "Shall, I?" she asks, eager to get to be lead in such a space. "This is what Yar is used to. The digging, and other stuff? Not so." her quiet nature shifting as she senses a potential for real adventure. Kor tells one to always be ready for war. So she shall be.

"Yes, I would like to take a look." The artificer nods to Yaretzi, before pulling out the planter box as far as she can manage. "It seems the planter box was not poorly fastened, far from it. It was built into a mechanism to hide the hole here. A hole designed to be climbed down into, judging by what look like hand holds." They note, looking to the others. "I hope there is nothing nasty, as well. But there is no guarantee with a room left alone for many, many years."
GAME: Yaretzi rolls survival: (10)+8: 18

"Yar suspect nothing has been down this way in long time. Many moons. Years, even." Yaretzi making a joke in there at her own expense, but a wide smile shows her excitement to descend, testing one of those undisturbed rungs for support and strength. "Hope they have lasted as well as the dust." easing herself on to them and attempting to descend. She's not afraid. More, eager.

Schara waits for the others to clear out from underneath , before they too descend, so as not to crush anyone should the armor prove too much for the rungs. "Well, remember, whatever is down here, still belongs to the owner above. We must be careful not to damage anything while remaining safe ourselves." They suggest.

As the group descends, it quickly becomes noticeable that this cellar is, well, dank. It is also dark, with the only light that of Yaretzi's floating bauble; the meager starlight does not even reach the ten or so feet to the bottom.

From this light, it is revealed that this cellar/room is more akin to a long, wide hall. Just wide enough for two to stand abreast, and possibly as long as the remaining length of the house, if not further; perhaps five times as long as it is wide.

The south wall (opposite the house cellar/foundation) is in a poor state of repair; moisture has seeped through the stones ( likely giving rise to the cold humidity). From this wall, and down across the floor, some of the opposite wall, and further ahead, spreads a variety of moss, lichens, and numerous mushrooms. All working to further breakdown what remains. This makes one's steps quickly go from a clack on smooth stone to something more... squelchy.

"Eeew." Utters Auranar as they squelch along. "I'm so glad I wore boots today. I'm sooooo glad I wore boots today." She mutters to herself as they walk along. "What's at the end? I can't see?" There is someone ahead of her after all.

Yaretzi dusts the webs and dust form her coat. The descent had marred it with the years of this place lacking any touch. The sight of what's before them a bit of a disappointment, the smell of mushrooms and damp earth a possibly bad indicator. "I hope whatever it is survived down here." she has to asks, eyes seeking about this decrepit place.

"I really should incorporate something for negating smells into this helmet. It has been long since I last explored any sewers, but this is equally unpleasant." Schara sighs as she reaches the bottom as well. "It seems this area was not waterproof. I only hope whatever their grandmother left is still in tact down here after all this time, and they had the foresight to protect it as such."

GAME: Yaretzi rolls perception: (7)+8: 15

Auranar manages to get a look around Yaretzi. "Hey... isn't that... a chest?" She asks curiously, pointing to the far end of the hall where there is a niche. A niche in the wall. With a chest inside it. She's not sure though, that anyone else can see it. "At the end of the hall!"

Yaretzi is not one to rush her exploration as she's slow and methodical as she explores the basement. It's dark, but the light helps. She'd been focused on the decay and rot, looking up to Auranar's words. "Oh! is there something over there?" not seeing the chest, but heading that way. "Yar has not the Syl eyes. That is a good catch!" trying to carry her light that way.

"Yes, I can see something thanks to you Yar, Auranar is correct, there is some manner of chest in the wall north of here. If you keep moving forward, you should be able to see it in around thirty feet." Schara acknowledges with the others as she moves forward with them. "You are very big and strong, but be careful, we still do not know what is growing down here, and if it is dangerous. I may be able to levitate the chest over here, if I can get close enough."

Squelch, squel... ... ? Yaretzi barely gets a full two steps in before the squishy-on-top stone floor suddenly seems very much more squishy and not so much stone floor... Whatever stone was left was only held together by the moss and fungus, neither of which is known for great structural integrity.

GAME: Yaretzi rolls reflex: (1)+4: 5 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Yaretzi rolls reflex: (12)+4: 16

Yaretzi leads the way down the hole. Again. This time less planned as the entire width of the floor, and the same distance ahead (10') crumbles and she drops. Water has apparently eroded the soil beneath. It isn't stone she lands on, but it neither would it be considered soft.

GAME: Aya rolls 2d6: (10): 10

Yaretzi yelps at the fall, but after the crash of rotten wood, and whatever she landed in? Very little sound. It takes a moment, light flickering as it had struggled to keep up and orbit her in the fall. "Oh. Ow." she says, a few breaths taken as she tries to collect herself and sit up. "That was... worse than the Kobold nest." every word a testament of how she struggles to hide pain. It's clear on those who look down on her. It hurt, but Yar struggles to not show it as she begins to get up, the odd 'earth' beneath her looked at, eyes trying to focus after disorienting mess of fall and impact. At least there was not spikes or stinky water.

Schara flinches as the ground collapses, and while she wants to rush over and help, they don't trust their own weight to move any faster towards it. "Yaretzi, oh goodness, that was a nasty fall, but It's good you're okay, mostly." The artificer states as she leans over the edge. "This is a huge hole to end up down here, what could have caused it? And do you require aid? I have a few things that might help."

The hole is about 20' deep, with a Yaretzi at the bottom. It is all earth and does not look at all even as if it were crafted nor intentionally dug. There are no spikes nor shoring. Sinkhole from erosion, perhaps?

GAME: Auranar rolls heal: (20)+6: 26

The wild elf frowns down at Yaretzi. She has a good measure of how badly hurt the other woman is, and she's glad that the injury isn't worse. If she had fallen down that hole... She shakes her head and the thought away. "I'm not very good at it yet, but I can offer a bit of healing if you want it." She offers, then half-turns toward Schara. "Do you have any rope?? Something we can lower down so that we can pull her back up?"

"Me? Rope? You would think I would but, I didn't set aside any money for rope. I should rectify that." Schara sighs. "Do you not have any, or maybe Yaretzi has some she can throw up here?"

The artificer takes a step back and looks around. "I could go upstairs, and ask Corvyn if he has any?"

Yaretzi looks up as she nods. "Yar has some, yes. Carry most supplies." she says, her satchel looked through as she again tests her feet on the damp ground. "Yar will try and throw it?" she asks, testing it's weight once it's out of the satchel. "Rope is important tool. Like sword." she councils.

GAME: Yaretzi rolls athletics: (15)+9: 24

Auranar almost - almost - doesn't catch the rope on the first try. She's not very good with this sort of thing, but thankfully Yaretizi's throw is dead on and she manages to take the rope in hand and offer part of it to Schara. Once the other is holding the rope Auranar braces herself as best she can. "Alright! Climb now!" She yells down the hole and grasps the rope as hard as she possibly can.

"You carrying supplies is no excuse for me not having any, however. I attempted to save money, and by doing so only cause more troubles." The artificer answers. "I do not have a sword. I have a small dagger, a thunderbelcher, and fire spewing arm cannon attachment, but no sword. Should I get a sword as well?" They ask once they catch the rope, and taking a moment to think, tie off the end on a few of the bottom rungs of the ladder structure, before grabbing on as well. "Whenever you are ready, Yaretzi."

Yaretzi had tossed that rope up, and eagerly the woman climbs. It's progress, and she may be wet, but earth and water is tolerable. At least for the large woman. As she's finally bringing herself up across the lip of the pit, she looks to Auranar. "The offer to heal is kind, but Yar has had worse. Save your magics." she assures now that there is not so much distance between them.

To Schara, Yar grins. "What is adventuring without a few pitfalls?" standing tall after her words and stretching to loosen her sore muscles.

GAME: Yaretzi rolls athletics: (3)+9: 12

Yaretzi eyes the distance, a breath taken as she finishes unwinding her tense shoulders and just breaks into a run to jump across the pit. She's not afraid to fall, it shows. She clears the gap, feet hitting and kicking up dust as she lands. "That worked!" surprise in her tone as she turns to offer Auranar a hand. "Coming, or should Yar just get chest?"

GAME: Schara rolls acrobatics +2: (17)+2+2: 21
GAME: Auranar rolls perception: (4)+5: 9
GAME: Schara rolls perception: (18)+9: 27
GAME: Yaretzi rolls perception: (5)+8: 13

“Alright, okay, just have to make my way over there, and get close enough to lift the chest away." Schara notes, flipping one of the many switches on their armor, causing it to hiss with steam, extending armor plates at various spots, before they contract back to form, leaving more space at the various joints that were whirring with activity. Ready to go, they brace on the rope, shimmying across the edge of the pit until they reach the other side, where they can see Yaretzi, and further into the hall. "The foundation is in poor shape. It seems most of the plant matter is connected, and growing into the ground and walls. I would be careful Yaretzi, and likely stop so I may administer some aid. That giant mushroom looks like it may have made the path forward just as treacherous." They warn
