Too Kulthus for School Thus

From Tenebrae
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Sage Orum's Plaza, University District, Late Afternoon.

It's a oddly bright day despite how the clouds like to bunch up in the sky. Still, such cover afforded no warmth of daylight, as the plaza was littered with shopping stalls trying to peddle off wares of magical knickknacks that ward off mundane troubles such as frigid toesies and sniffly noses. It's busy here, as everywhere else in these times. Yet life still must go on.

A well dressed mul'neissa woman sits next on the fountain's edge next to the side, reading a book with a black shawl covering her shoulders and a skirt that goes down to her ankles. It would look almost dignified, were not for the confused scowl on her face and lack of comprehension of whatever the hell it was she was reading.

Randolf comes lumbering out of the library with a hefty stack of tomes floating along in the air beside him. He has another open, his eyes darting back and forth as he skims the text, and two more tucked under a burly arm. With a heavy sigh, he snaps the tome closed and adds it to the stack. "Reos' flamin' beard, some o' these techniques are older than -I- am," he grumbles. "Are the deans just bangin' rocks together? Where's the innovation of the last century?" He glances over towards Ariya as he passes by. "Oy, Ariya. All right?" he calls, slowing in his step. He hefts the other books in his arms to join the stack, eliciting a soft tinkling chime. "Oh, hush, yer not overloaded yet," he grumbles to the invisible presence. He turns his steps over to the mul'niessa, taking note of the book she reads. "What d'ye got there?" he asks curiously. "Hope it's better readin' than Intermediary Evocations: An Applied Lexical Approach.'"

Jinks climbs the steps of a basement-level shop near the mouth of an alley, just settling a cross-shoulder bag into place. Tsura alchemy, balms and ointments, poultices, herbs, and helpful hexes are boasted from a five-part wooden sign squeeking on a series of metal hoops just high enough to not bop most people in the head as they descend the stone steps. If brevity is available at the shop it's not advertised.

The gnome looks a bit bulkier today in his lined, crimson coat, his neck lost in a high collar that frames his jawline in silky black fur. His perfect little goatee is interrupted by a smear of pink ointment covering a sore at the corner of his lips. He rolls a small little scroll between his gloved fingers nimbly but without fanfare-- a majorette on timeout.

A white-scaled Sith-Makar woman appears, exiting the library after the khazadi. She carries a carnation-scaled youngling on her shoulders and some developing eggs in her midsection but moves with a sinuous elegance despite the encumberance that contrasts the lumbering of the dwarf. Her toe-claws click on the steps, and she does not have a stack of tomes following her.

One last children's reading hour was the main purpose of her visit, and whatever eldrich tome she involved herself in while her child participated stayed behind.

She notes the conversation, "An invisible servant or invisible friend? Peace on your Nests, Aryia, Randolf."

"Peace on your Nose!" The pinkscale waves at the mul'niessa. <handspeech>

Normally, for those who knew the red sith-makar, they would know that she moved with a certain grace in spite of her size, and the wooden leg replacement. They usually moved quickly and with ease through the city when they were seen.

Today, this was certainly not the case. Out of the Artificer's hall stumbled the dark red makari, her movements more than a bit jerky and erratic. When the door opened they lurched forward, and they caught themselves on the handle, only for it to be pulled shut as they attempt to right themself. Only then do they manage to look further past, and they look down.

That was a fair number of stairs.

Vaera keeps one hand on a railing, and cautiously, they step down to the first step. Only for a loud clicking to come from beneath the coat they were wearing, and they lurch forward, before tumbling down the stairs. It was not uncontrolled, but certainly not pleasant or comfortable, and she grunts as she hits the plaza grounds, more out of frustration than anything.

"Could have sworn that it was actuating right a minute ago." she grumbles, before she looks over to see the gathering group. She smiles, and waves to the familiar faces. "Ah, good to see you all. Something bothering you, Aryia?" She greets, and asks the scowling mul. <Draconic>

Aryia blinks, her raising her gaze to spy all the floating tomes and books following the dwarven wizard. Her visage softens, and she gives a small wave and a thumbs up.

She gives a shrug as an answer, and holds up the cover of the book, then flips it around to show it's contents:

"Practical and Daily Application of Lost Languages: Kulthian Edition." The cover.

On the flip side with the text itself shows complex and geometric diagrams with numbers and scripture that was geometrically proportionate and perfect, with small bits of Tradespeak detailing how to formulate these nearly fractal designs.

.... why would the uneducated elf be learning about a language usually keyed for specifically artifice? When she clearly lacked such capabilities?

She blinks, grins a bit, and waves back to the little kobold before addressing the others. "Peace on your Nose, Lily. Cryosanthia... Vaera?" Blink blink. "You okay? Nothing, just trying to make sense of this here." <Handspeech>

Randolf leans over to study the text Ariya shows off. At first, it seems like some sort of arcanima, and he leans closer with an eager "Ooh!" But then, he gets the gist of the text, and he straightens. Now it's his turn to look puzzled, reaching up to rub the back of his head. "Hunh. Well. That's... different, innit? What're ye studyin' -that- fer? I mean, not that I don't applaud ye wantin' tae broaden yer horizons, but... well... 's awfully -specific-, nay?" He looks over his shoulder and offers Cryo a smile and a wave. "Peace on yer nest, Missus Cryo! An' it's just an unseen servant. But och, this one -will- grizzle. Why--" He cuts off as he sees Vaera tumbling down the stairs. "Gack! Missus Vaera, are you a'right?" He trundles over, leaving his books hovering in place to help the other sith to her feet.

Cryosanthia watches Vaera take a tumble with some concern, "that did not look comfortable, are you all right Vaera?" Lily, watches with the eagerness and the interest of a tinker with the knack. She heard the clicking, a complaint about a mechanism. Suddenly her little claw hands are full of tools and she's strapping on a tool belt.

"I helpsss!" The little kobold hisses, looking up and down the street before rushing towards the redscale.

"Lily, she may not wish her leg taken apart here, there are lots of little cracks in the cobbles to lose pieces in." Cryo cautious, then adds, "I've learned a little of artifice if you wanted this one to look, and Peace on your Nest, Vaera."

The mul'niessa's tome gets a glance, "Oh. You should speak to Merek. He's part Kulthian, somehow. This one thought they were all wiped from Ea, but he's on the side of not enough for the gods to notic, I guess. He does know the language, he's been to Merkabah, often." She straightens a little, standing taller, making minor adjustments to her clothes.

Jinks pauses at the mouth of the alleyway, giving time for Randolf to hustle by while his face rests in a mild, sympathetic wince at Vaera's unexpected trip. He turns and scans the streets, taking in a long, slow breath and rocking on his heels. A flick of the fingers and the scroll disappears, tucked into a sleeve at the sight of kobold, mul, and white-scaled sith.

"Though Kael'ek-daveth would argue that the Gods could not be entirely dismissed he would provide no shortage of Proofs that the common Soul had more use as arcane fuel and justified the exploitation of so abundant a resource," recites the gnome. He holds his now-empty hand aloft, snug gloves plated in tooled gold and tiny, glittering rubies to match his coat. 'It's a wonder their civilization wasn't smote earlier,' he adds with a chuckle. <kulthian>

Aryia scratches her head at Randolf's question, her setting the book down to rifle around in her jacket to pull out a journal. She scribbles some as before, and turns it around. Her face tinges red.

"It's personal."

She blinks at Cryosanthia, surprised by that factoid.

The leaving of scales and beards makes her have a clear shot across the way to the gnomish man approaching from the store. The mute raises a hand. "Hey!" She tilts her head, mouthing some of the words that Jinks spits out, yet comprehending... maybe... "... I understood about a fifth of that." she lamely signs, and sighs. "Better than none, I suppose." <Handspeech>

Vaera chuffs, and she attempts to get back to her feet, but there is another loud clicking noise and her right leg buckles. The red makari grumbles and sees the dwarf approaching, and she waves them off. "I am fine, it is just a few stairs." She states, already pulling her own tools out of her coat when Lily is approaching. Several bits are pried off, and a large steel plate is pulled out and set aside, before she works on tightening and untightening several things. The wooden leg had been replaced by one clad in steel, with various gears and mechanisms making up the bulk of the inside.

"Pretty poor reason to obliterate the entirety of the race for the faults of some, but I can understand the nature of what they were doing being questionable enough to not be ignored." Vaera notes. "I am sure that your learning will be appreciated, Aryia."

"Yes. Hello Jinks. This one will be returning to Mictlan soon, I just have one visit with Mikilos before going." Cryosanthia says.

"Wheresss carvess leg?" Lily asks, sounding just a little disappointed and protectively taking charge of the metal plate. She stands on it. It's not going anywhere.

"The gods do what they will," the whitescale observes, "and largely are prevented from direct interaction by their agreement. This one isn't clear exactly whether that was in place before or after Kulthus was destroyed and the Everstorm came about."

"This one has seen the Everstorm, it is striking." She sounds impressed.

"Endezzashauna said the Kulthians approached everything like an equation or maths problem to be both solved AND obscured... and their language was no different. So the syntax, semantics, and pragmatics aren't necesarily what we're used to in modern tongues." Jinks waves his glittering hand as he regurgitates the lessons of his past. "I still remember the headaches I got parsing basic structure when I started learning," he adds, putting a finger to his head just above and inside his right eyebrow. "... and I didn't even go into the arcane sciences." A shrug.

"It did come in handy at the ruins of Merkabah. Or... was it the Disjunction Engine...?" The gnome blinks, frowning. A hazy memory from the before time. "Well, if nothing else it impresses the artificers when laymen can speak the language."

Aryia gives a firm, knowing nod towards Vaera, her closing the book and hiding it away into a pocket within the jacket. She rises, smoothing out her skirt with a hand and taking a few steps over to join the cluster-vaera.

She adjusts her shawl some and pulls her shades off to reveal her glowing gaze, the clouds having muffled the bright sun properly finally. The mute looks between Cryosanthia and Jinks, her tilting her head to the side. "I just thought the language was just used for artifice since it's good at describing that stuff. I... uh... don't really know history that well." <Handspeech>

Cesran comes out of the library and the click of his staff rapping against the stones follows him. He looks tired as he squints at the bright light and rubs his eyes a bit as he heads down the stairs towards the plaza. He spots those that he knows and gives a wave, "Good afternoon." He offers as a way of greeting as he stifles a yawn. "At least I think it's afternoon."

Randolf takes a step back, his shaggy red brows arching as Vaera reveals that mechanical leg. "Ohh... that's clever, innit?" he says, reaching up to rub the back of his head again. "I just wanted tae make certain ye didn't hurt yeself." He glances around the others as the subject of vanished nations and obscure languages get bandied about. It's certainly a subject he can appreciate--the burly dwarf is quite multi-lingual himself--even if it's not one he finds much use for in his day to day. "Ye lookin' intae learnin' artifice then, are ye?" he asks, looking back to Ariya. "I'll stick tae brewin' potions. Those only blow up if ye -really- cock things up. An' I've not yet done that, Reos be praised." He looks over at Cesran as he arrives, offering a friendly nod. "Oy. Aye, it's still afternoon. I'm fair certain." He looks up towards the sky with a squint, then nods. "Aye, still afternoon."

The whitescale nods, "It's not a well-liked language. Adventurers don't care, for regular people it's a little cursed. Bad implications. Jinks describes it well."

Now to stop Lily picking that one up too.

Cryo brightens perceptibly upon spotting Cesran, "Peace on your Nest, Cesran, Ral-Sara, it's good to see you! This one will be leaving for Mictlan soon. I did get a scrying bowl, but won't be checking in because you'll be hidden, right?"

"Do not worry about the carved leg, it is safe in Mictlan for the time being. There is a very big and strong warrior caste who will surely be keeping an eye on it." Vaera reassures with a pat to Lily's head as they guard the metal plate. "And this one is still working out the specifics of the functions of this leg, but when it works properly, this one will add the fish to it as well."

The red makari had moved to a more comfortable sitting position as she reached into the limb, removing a large metal gear, which has several drops of oil added to it before it is reinstalled. She looks up, not something that would be common for her, and nods to Randolf. "I appreciate the concern, but it will take more than that to put me out of commission. Nothing wrong with alchemy, but I can not make a leg out of solvents, plants and minerals."

"Yes, it is not a language as we would know it. It is more of a structure for creation and understanding, as the language allows for the application of new words, concepts and theories with ease and the proper manipulation of information. Though you can still give good compliments in it, too."

Seeing as Vaera was just fine, Aryia gives a greeting wave to Cesran, as well as to the staff that he carries around. "Hello. Cesran, have you meet Randolf here? He does magic stuff too."

She turns towards the dwarven wizard, her pursing her lips. There's a hesitant scribble, and she shows him the page.

"Sure, artifice, let's go with that." She glances to Vaera, Cryo, then back Vaera. She stares. "... I'm very well well aware of that." <Handspeech>

Cesran nods, 'Well that's good that means that it's still today and that I wasn't in there for too long. Peace on your nest Cyrosanthia and Lily. I'll be sorry to see you go but I will come visit you. Unfortunately not, the spells I have to protect myself from scrying offer no exceptions." He says as he looks around the area for anything that's invisible or out of the ordinary.

Ral-sara nods politely, "Peace on your nest Cyrosanthia and Lily and Verna." The staff adds. Cesran finishes his sweep and nods to Randolf, "I have not. I'm Cesran and this is Ral-sara it's nice to meet you. Have you been in the city long or have we just never had the pleasure of meeting?" He asks and looks to Aryia, "Would you like my to translate for you?" He asks and he spots the book, "Picking up a new language? If you have need of a tutor I am fluent in it."

Jinks has the little scroll in his hand again, twirling it over, under, and between fingers. He's mulling, looking between folk. A little sigh through his nose and he takes firm hold of it and stuffs it into a pocket. A little wave to the tallmen and then he's off, heading up towards the mountain road.

Randolf looks over at Cesran as he's introduced, puffing up his burly chest and offering a deep nods. "Well met, Master Cesran. Randolf Axepeak, o' the Clan Axepeak. I'm a student o' wizardry. An'--" He cuts off as Ral-Sara speaks, and his eyes go wide as tea saucers. "Oooh... yer staff is imbued wi' an Animating Intelligence? Och, I've always -wanted- tae meet a true AI!" He looks at the staff with an ear-to-ear grin. "It's verra nice tae meet ye, Ral-Sara!" The burly dwarf looks like a kid in a candy shop as he studies the weapon. The talk of the arcane language and aspirations of artifice go flying over his head--there's a new magical mystery for him to study!

"I would very much enjoy that. It's still a few weeks before I will be there for an extended time, I may be back and forth in the mean time but don't expect to be." Cryo explains, her tail swaying slowly from side to side. Ral-sara gets a smile, especially as the dwarf's interest is engaged, but her attention seems primarily on her youngling's activities.

Little Fang is watching the dissembly. She looks up long enough to wave at the dragon-staff, "Peasceesss." She notices Jinks leaving. Cryosanthia does not.

Vaera chuffs, and sits back up a bit more with everything seeming back in place, a quiet whirring more audible with the plate out of place. She looks to Aryia, and nods. "You are radiant to behold, and your presence is more entrancing than deciphering the most difficult of formulae." She speaks, before chuckling. 'I learned that one in one of the books I was studying, it seems good enough, but I can not tell for certain. Thank you for guarding the outer plating Lily, but this one needs to put it back on so they can stand again. Or attempt to at least.'

She looks up at the staff and Cesran, and nods. 'Cesran, yes? Verna is likely at the soldier's defence, if you are looking for her. Ral-sara would likely be happy to speak with you, Randolf, I feel.' <kulthian>

Aryia blinks, her shifting her hold on the book under her arm as she spots the short folk leave. The elf waves goodbye to Jinks, watching him for a spell as he goes before directing his attention tot he conversation at hand.

She shifts some on her feet, and pulls at the collar of her shirt. "... Thank you for the offer Cesran, but I, uh, um, have a personal tutor already. No translating necessary, appreciated though."

She sighs in relief as Randolf is launched into a new endeavor. <Handspeech>


Then she very (not so) secretly writes that down.

Cesran smiles at the excitement, "Yes Ral-sara is an intelligent item. I made her from a rare crystal that is the her head along with my bonded item ring and a living branch of darkwood, a gift from the druids that live and protect the forests north of Alexandria for helping them from time to time. I had no idea that she would be an intelligent item as it's a tradition in the Jade Islands where I am from that when a wizard reaches a certain level of magical prowess they craft a staff that is meant to show off that power. Ral-sara is my statement to the world." The staff smiles, 'And I make quiet a statement." She likes to be admired and speaks to Randolf, "Greetings Randolf Axespeak of the Clan Axespeak, what brings you to Alexandria." Cesran ohs, "Excuse me, I've been studying too long I meant Vaera, not Verna. My mistake and I'm sorry. Of course as you wish Aryia." He looks around, "So has there been any new news as to what's been happening as of late? I've been keeping myself busy hoping from library to library doing research into our current enemy. Frustratingly little so far, but I am slowly making progress."

Randolf headtilts, studying Ral-Sara intently, nodding off-handedly as Cesran describes the creation process. "A crystalline lattice fer anchoring the cognition matrix. Aye, makes sense," he mutters, tugging thoughtfully at his beard. "Darkwood, ye say? Hrm. I'm nae much fer druid things, but... aye, I can see how that'd be useful fer establishing an emotive engram set. But how d'ye get around--" He blinks, then looks back up. "Och, listen to me. Natterin' on like an ol' duffer. Aye, I've been in Alexandria fer... hrm... wee bit over a year now, I'd say." He runs his thumb over the silvered grip of the wand at his hip. "I still have a long way tae go. I can only barely manage Third Circle spells right now. But someday... aye, -someday-... I'll make a statement o' me own." He looks back to the staff with a longing sigh.

"Well... the books in the library got possessed by a demon and attacked everyone, and then there were a bunch of ghost squids in there, and Seyardu got buried alive out in the woods, but she's okay." Cryosanthia lists off a few things, and then because she is familiar with mages, adds, "and there were werewolves in the newspapers."

"I also learned to teleport." She smiles, holding up her hand, finger and thumb only so far apart, "Short distances."

Lily helpfully holds the metal plate up to Vaera.

She might have learned to teleport great distances first.

At the request of what was new, Aryia gives a one shoulder shrug and nods towards Cryosanthia as she filled in Cesran on current events, her patting the whitescale on the arm at the last bit.

"And there was some undead spider thing that nearly bit me in half. I kicked its brain out. I got better. I also, uh, figured out how to do what Aya does, but in a different way. Moving really far, really fast." She beams a bit proudly at that. "Without breaking my arm this time!" <Handspeech>

Cesran nods, "Yes a living branch of darkwood, still living, you can feel the life flowing still in the staff." He offers Randolf Ral-sara to hold if he likes. "It's all right, I enjoy getting to talk about this, give me a chance to declutter and let my mind organize the information I've learned to help put it together later." He listens to Cryosanthia and Aryia talk about what's been going on. "Interesting, I'm sorry I've missed all the excitement, but I'm glad that Seyardu is all right. Congratulations to both of you on picking up some new abilities I'm sure that they will be extremely useful in the days to come. Speaking of that Randolf if you ever need any spells let me know, I can scribe them into scrolls for you for just a little above what it costs to make them."

Randolf's eyes get wide as tea saucers as Cesran offers to let him hold the staff. He reaches out reverently to take it in his hands. "Ohh..." It's too tall for him, of course--there's a reason he went with a wand and not a staff for his bonded item. Staves are just too unwieldy for short, sturdy dwarves to wield. But that doesn't stop him from brushing his palm over the wood, feeling its grain. "Och, yer beautiful, Ral-Sara," he says softly. "We dwarves dinnae usually go fer wooden weapons but... fer you, I'd be willin' tae make an exception." He hands the staff back, puffing up his burly chest with a grin at Cesran. "That's most kind of ye, sir!" he says. "Missus Verna was kind enough tae help me wi' a few, but I could always use more! The learnin' never ends, does it? That's me favorite thing about it!"

"Well, this one missed it too." Cryo says, smiling and shrugging a little, glancing at her youngling, "Which is perhaps for the best. Thank you, very much for your researching, this one hopes you will be successful and that might mean Aya is released from her bondage."

The whitescale sighs, certain feelings can't be avoided, but she has no illusions about her chances against the the mul'niessa. Watching Randolf with the staff makes her grin.

Her tail sways from side to side, she looks down at Aryia.

"This one finished work on their new leg." Vaera states, rapping a knuckle against the reinstalled metal plate. "Thank you for your assistance Lily, this one appreciates it, and will show you how it works when it is well, working better."

She turns to the others and sighs. "This one had some help from the artificers in the guild with fitting it for the first time. But it is taking getting used to, and I am not used to how it works exactly."

A brow raises at the stories shared. "I did not realize libraries could be so dangerous here. And I am glad you are safe, Aryia." Vaera chuffs. "You have come a long way from struggling to summon a mote of light, Aryia, and you will go only farther still."

Aryia gives an earnest smile towards Cesran. She bows her head some. "Thank you."

The mention of Aya being unbounded makes a certain... fire appear in her frame. Her face hardens, and her eyes grow to a blazing glow. "... please. Free my sister," she motions firmly.

The mute holds that fire some before abating and sighing, stepping back a half step. A flicker of a smile appears from Randolf's inspections, and her gaze goes to Vaera, only just now catching the leg. She cocks her head, looking at the new prosthetic before regarding the red makari. "... thanks. I still do have trouble with that sometimes. But I think recently I've been making /too much/ light."

The mute catches Cryo's looking, and she tilts backwards to look up at her. Blink. She raises a hand, extending a finger, then pokes her on the front of the snout. "B-p" Aryia pops with her lips. A small dot of bioluminescent moonlight is left from the boop.<Handspeech>

Cesran takes the staff back as Ral-sara preens a bit, 'Thank you Randolf for your kind words and your willingness to make an exception." Cesran smiles, "You are most welcome. I have spells all the way up to the ninth circle, so if you have any need of spells just let me know and I'll see if I have them. I should warn you that I don't really have a lot of necromancy spells or enchantment spells, my primary focus has always been evocation spells." His eyes seem to glow a bit brighter then the normal blue glow that he has on them."

Cesran sighs as the topic of Aya comes up and he shakes his head a bit, "Be careful, Aya will probably use your desire to try to turn her back to good against you. She went willingly, she is now the enemy. It pains me to consider her so, but I have it on very good authority that she went over to the other side of her own free will. I'm not looking to hurt her or hunt her down, but she's on the opposite side now and I'm not going to pull any of my punches."

Randolf takes a step back, clasping his hands behind his back and rocking on his feet. For a moment, he resembles nothing so much as an eager schoolboy who's just been noticed by his senpai. "-Ninth- Circle... beards o' me -fathers-," he says reverently. But then, the conversation turns to a weightier topic. And it's not one he's familiar with. He takes a step back, growing quiet as he looks between the others. He doesn't know Aya, but it certainly sounds serious. But that's when his hovering book-stack gives another chime. He looks towards it with a scowl. "Och, fine, -fine-, damn it. Ye know, fer an unintelligent field of animate force, ye sure are a pain in me arse." He looks back to the others. "I need tae be gettin' back afore the spell's duration ends. But Master Cesran, I'll surely be reachin' out to ye 'bout some spells." A nod is given to Cryo and Vaera. "Peace on yer nests, ladies." Lastly, he turns his attention to Ariya. "I don't know if I can help ye, lassie. But... if I -can-, then all ye have tae do is ask." He reaches up to give a two-fingered salute before he turns to lumber along the way. The books bobble in the air and go to follow, giving another chime. "Reos' bloody blue -balls-, are ye bein' serious wi' this?! No, I -don't- offer vision an' dental!" he can be heard grumbling as he goes.

Cryosanthia looks at her glowing nose, "Well, this one won't get lost going home." Then for no particular reason she loops her hands through some strange motions and her gloves begin to glow. She does a handstand on the spot, which is marvelous, all things considered, her strength and balance unparallelled. Her only concession is a slight rotation to the side as she folds back to put her feet down, so she isn't bent double on her front.

Two handprints glow on the ground when she's done.

Lily immediately runs over and attempts to duplicate the acrobatics. She succeeds, when her Ssassa grabs her feet to hold her up.

"Cesran... " Cryo shakes her head, "A Paladin's Sacrifice is not Suicide, but would sound so by that logic. It was her only option to save ..."

The whitescale's voice trails off, she tickles the bottom of Lily's feet with her thumbs. "There is 'willingly' and there is 'cornered and blackmailed'. Sabina was asked what she would give up too. This one is glat to have not been put to the question."

"Take out the head and she will be fine."

Aryia frowns a bit. "She went willingly because she traded herself for a more innocent soul." She flicks her gaze to the carnation scale helping Vaera out. "Trust me, if I had the power to, I'd kick her fucking ass."

She looks to Randolf, her raising her chin some to appraise him before sighing softly and giving a double thumbs up towards his offer. She'll keep it in mind.

She tilts her head at the handprints and Cryo's movements, then gives a small nod at the whitescale's points and assessments. <Handspeech>

Cesran nods to Randolf, 'Of course reach out to me when you are ready and please just call me Cesran. I'm over fancy titles like Master or Archmage at the moment, just Cesran will do. We are fellow spellcasters." He listens, "I did not know that, thank you for letting me know. All I heard is from Seldan that Aya was in such pain from the sea of mana that she made a deal to take that pain away with the Demon. If she did sacrifice herself to save another then of course we should try to get her back. I agree, but it's easier said than done. Hopefully my research will bring that closer to a real possibility."

"She did make a deal, but then she killed him with one punch, which ended it, I think. This one is uncertain how she was compromised." Cryo adds, lifting Lily by her ankles and cradling her, then guiding her onto her backpack. "If it was that, or before, or after. I've been entangled with demons simply by making the mistake of staying my hand to talk."

The whitescale sighs, that's another unpleasant memory, "leveraging deals are his speciality. As is driving allies apart. He is exceptionally talented at that."

"You are one of the last hopes, Cesran, my faith is in you." She finally says.

Lily puts her tools away, and waves at Ral-Sara, adding, "Yaassss."

Cryo points with her head and glowing nose at her handprints, then grins at Aryia, "Your turn."

Not long gone, Jinks returns. He's lost (or delivered) the pack slung across his back and appears instead with a sloshing, tin-reinforced, amber-glass bottle instead. He carries a tune, too, but that's handsfree and only half-sung, the words lost but the melody carries.

The coyote's-head brooch is missing but the gnome still wears the remainder of his usual jewelry.

"I am sure many here would, without much thought. I know that I likely would." Vaera sighs, shaking her head and reaching to pat Lily's head, seeming saddened by the thought despite her normal neutrality. "If there is something That this one can do to help, do not hesitate, if it is not too late."

She turns and waves to the returning gnome, which causes her leg to lock up again, and she grumbles. "It seems I need more work, but it is almost there."

Aryia blinks at Cryo. She didn't know Aya did /that/. She sighs, then wipes a hand across the air. She's done it before when a topic exhausts her to no end. "I want to talk about something else. I'm tired of demon shit."

She looks down at the glowing hands, then squints up Cryosanthia. A huff leaves her, and she relents.

The elf focuses for a bit, her eyes glowing brighter before lining herself up. And executes a handstand. Pants get shown off underneath, and her legs splay out some to spread her balance around. She holds it for a long minute before swiftly going back to her feet. Right next to the other glowing hand prints was another pair, smaller, it illuminating like a torchlight, thought the hue was a vivid moonlight.

She catches Jinks return, her raising a hand once more to greet him, and this time she beckons him over. "You're always drinking, Jinks. What's it to this time around?"

She glances to Vaera. "You can't help with this. You'll die. Thanks though." <Handspeech>

"He has had most of eternity to practice. Thank you for the information, I'm glad that I have a fuller picture of what's going on. I shall try my best Cryosanthia, that's all I can promise." Cesran says with a sigh as Ral-sara smiles down at Lily, "Hello again Lily. Having fun?" She asks.

Cesran notices Jinks and gives him a wave, "Hello Jinks. How are you doing this evening?" He watches Vaera, "Do you need some help with that? I'm not especially practiced with artifice, but I am will versed in the theory craft of it."

Lily instantly notices that Jinks' stealable things have decreased. Cryo does not notice her daughter noticiing, but does sense a shift in her weight against her neck. "Oh, hello again Jinks."

"Yaaas." Lily holds her hands out, hoping to hold Ral-Sara, "Uh huh..."

"Forget." Jinks says with a laughs, smiling a wide smile at his own private joke. 'I saw a very good performance tonight,' he translates after a pause, 'and I'm slightly-less homeless.' He bends his arm and rolls his fingers back, resting the bottle against the outside of the limb and raising it in a V to facilitate a drink from the heavy bottle.

'Better than when we last saw each other, tallman.' The gnome answers Cesran with a wink on his way to Cryosanthia. He holds the little scroll out to her and looks up at the white sith. He's still smiling. 'Read this when you have a moment alone. Before you leave for... you know.' He cants his chin at her midsection. <gnomish>

"If you say that is the case, then I will take your word for that matter." Vaera chuffs, with a shake of her head. "I am not in any rush for that."

She turns to Cesran, and shakes her head again. "Thank you, but I am sure that it will likely be fine in time. It is just much different having a limb react to my movements rather than forcing it to move, is the big thing."

Jinks gets a curious look, but it does not last. "At least you are doing better, that is the first step. I am glad to hear that."

"What happened to your home that you are now without it?" Cesran asks, "I'm glad to hear that. Last time I saw you was at that party where the son attacked his father. It was a crazy day." He nods to Vaera, "You are welcome. I hope so. I'm sure you will adjust in time."

Aryia just gives a little shrug and a nod to Jinks. "Good. Same here, less home-less." Realizing her little flub, she looks down at the glowing handprints on the ground, pretending to be inspecting them. She does catch the leg being worked her, she mentions off handedly to Vaera, "Venom might be interested in that."<Handspeech>

"Okay," Cryo says, taking the small scroll, looking a little confused but accepting the instruction. She slips it into her haversack. "I'll get to it soon," a subtle adjustment of her clothes follows, to ensure her corset sits right, "these a little later."

"What happened to your home that you are now without it?" Cesran asks, "I'm glad to hear that. Can't get too much worse than what happened. I'm sorry we were so underprepared for that. I thought that Mikilos had more of it covered than he did." He nods to Vaera, "You are welcome. I hope so. I'm sure you will adjust in time."

"We made a point to set the bar low," Jinks tells Vaera, canting his head at Cesran.

The gnome turns and bobs his head at Cryosanthia, stepping back, reinforcing his smile for Cesran, and waving a hand. "I'm aiming for a hat trick before next Vhast." He rubs at his chest and sighs, backtracking. "You vanish for a decade and, apparently, city planning doesn't wait for you. My home in the noble's district wasn't there when I returned but my old debts hadn't vanished. So I've been relying, hah, on the kindness of strangers."

"I've finally managed to piece enough of my kit back together that I felt it worth making a small deposit on a..." his lip turns, "modest little home."

Aryia doesn't catch the note, but she turns back to the conversation at hand. Her attention lags at whatever it was that messed up, but she ends catching the last bits. She raises a brow. "... I know you aren't modest, but I figure little would fit you. It's something."" Her lips twitch.<Handspeech>

"A modest little home, I am sure." Vaera chuffs. "I am sure that is why you are missing most of the jewelry you normally wear, as the houses have increased in price so much."

"Though, paying for a house is strange to begin with. If this one asked, they are sure that people would help build a cabin in Mictlan for me, but perhaps land is valuable in Alexandria. Perhaps this one should ask for Cryosanthia?"

"This one is meaning to show Venom this some time. Though perhaps when it is significantly more functional. Or perhaps now is the time to ask her for advice." She adds to Aryia.

Cesran smiles, "Well congratulations on your new home. If you will all excuse me I've gotta go get something to eat. Have a good rest of your day and be safe."

"This one is not sure." Cryosanthia says, "Mictlan doesn't like permanent structures, they prefer tents. This one had a long discussion about plumbing at one point."

She grows a little colder, straightens. A house, discussions of what they would have in it, was a conversation, several conversations that ...

The whitescale closes her eyes, concentrates on a mental image, a paper boat burning and sinking.

"Yes, congratulations on getting a nest for yourself. Would only Lily be able to get in or both of us might?" She asks.

"It's tallman construction, originally, but modifications have been made to some of the private rooms for more efficient use of the space." Jinks responds, smiling again after the briefest of awkward pauses. The gnome smirks, then, at Aryia, shaking his head. "It IS something, in fact. But next to nothing compared to the grounds I spent 50-years haunting. Still, the mongoose should have the rats dealt with before I return tonight."

Aryia tilts her head to the side at that fact about Mictlan. Huh. Didn't know that. She doesn squint a bit at Cryosanthia's stature, the mute woman reaching out to pat the whitescale on the arm. She holds a hand out, raises it, draws in breath. Then slowly lowers it and exhales. A smile is flashed before looking to Jinks.

"... the what," she gestures flatly. <Handspeech>

"It is only a permanent structure if not taken down afterwards." Vaera notes, with a light chuckle. "Perhaps they should think about it, it seems to be becoming a much more permanent settlement, and some longhouses or gathering halls would not go amiss."

"And having only tents for ones such as yourself is not a good idea,they would be understanding immediately, I am certain.

"You build a roof and cut some rooms in half? that would be efficient, you could have two rooms in the exact same space. Though, is there something about a rat problem? If that is the case, a swiftclaw would work better, as long as you clear most of the furniture, and breakable windows, and flooring out beforehand."

"Mongoose, to catch the rats. They're better with snakes though." Cryo says, taking Aryia's hand and interlacing her fingers with hers. She's cold, though her temperature is gradually rising.

"Durrankar and Un'eth are particular about it, and the other Shaman-Caste Elders." The whitescale explains, "The nesting grounds have a more solid structure. We have ziggurats in Am'shere, this one is not sure why tents are insisted upon for Mictlan. This one expects it is related to the magical weather control."

She snorts a chuckle, "A swiftclaw would clean out the gnomes in the house as well, not the best choice."

"Just A gnome," Jinks corrects, persnickety about that point. "It needs much more work before I entertain any guests. Concentrating on illusory magics to present the appropriate facade requires too much attention for extended periods of time and nosebleeds can ruin cravats, jabots, and ties with startling rapidity."

Up comes the jug once more, his eyes squinting with a wince when the liquor finds his sore. "The street and number are in the note," he adds for Cryosanthia after sucking his upper, then lower lip as he waves a hand casually. "If you have any questions..." He clicks his heel and makes a sloppy little half-bow for all before turning to head off-- going west, this time. A king of wishful thinking.

Aryia takes the scaled hand into her scarred one easily, ignoring the chill as everything was just cold at the moment due to the season. She snerks at Cryosanthia's addition about swiftclaws.

She gives a few nods towards the gnome before waving to him. "Good to see you. Take care of yourself." And he's off. "... please."

She sighs, shakes her head, then looks between the three scales. The elf idly whistles to herself, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet as she gently squeezes the hand in hers. <Handspeech>

"Then this one will speak to Un'eth about it." Vaera offers. "It seems more and more are staying for longer times outside of Am'shere, so it should not be treated as a temporary shelter. And it is not good for softskins to think we only live in tents."

"Good luck on the renovations, if you require any furniture made or carpentry done in general, just let this one know." She offers to Jinks before he is gone.

"Oh, okay. Thanks Jinks, perhaps I'll stop by. Good luck cleaning your nest." Cryo says casually, unaware of the unintended threat. She returns the bow, straightening, she squeezes the elf's hand.

"We should get to Mikilos'" She smiles at Aryia.

She nods further towards Vaera, "That might assist."

Aryia gives Vaera a look. A look that tells everyone, 'Wait, they don't?!'. Filing away that piece of information into the filing cabinet called 'random stuff', She fixes her faces and looks up at Cryosanthia. She gives a sharp nod, and supplies a thumbs up with her free hand.

Looking to Vaera, she motions before patting the redscale on the shoulder. "Good to see you again, Vaera. Good luck with your new leg! See Venom if you have to. Peace on your nest." <Handspeech>

"It is worth looking into." Vaera nods, then sighs. "This one is not half the carpenter, but knows enough to build, and make furniture, even if it is not particularly ornate. Not unless an exorbitant amount of time is spent carving at least." Vaera adds with another chuff. She looks to Aryia, and smiles, patting their shoulder back. "Good to see you as well, I hope you will find many excellent uses for learning the language. If all else fails, just translate directly your feelings into it. The sincerity is worth much on it's own. I may be better off with a crutch at the moment, but it will not get better without use."

Cryo lets her hand slip free of Aryia's, then she makes a little bow to everyone, "Peace on your Nests, we must continue. Hopefully we will see you soon." Cryo rises on her toes and rocks forward, a motion that emphasizes the curve of her belly, "your advice has been very helpful regarding diet, Vaera, this one appreciates it greatly. I hope your leg becomes more functional."

She turns and heads away, a good bounce to her step. Lily rides on her shoulders, looking back and waving with a departing wish, "Peasce on your Mongoossssess."

Whatever that means.