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Ritual Magic

Erothknurl gerdum: A group of khazad may draw upon their inner nature and make oaths more binding--strong rituals may even make oaths last generations. "Erothknurl gerdum," or Oaths of Stone, are rarely done without an important purpose. In this way, however, some clans may possess very old oaths. Children of a clan are taught of erothknurl gerdum from birth. It is the presence of erothknurl gerdum that makes orphanage chancy: a clanless child may discover they possess an unusual oathline, which brings with it its own complications. Such children are said to feel the distant call of these ancient oaths, though whether or not they are drawn to fulfill them is up to the individual.

A khazad who adopts a clan symbolically takes on that clan's Oaths, but without ritual is not as closely bound to them.

High Weave: Male khazad are famous for their beards, and females for their great manes. What few outsiders know is that the weave of beard and mane are suggestive of history and past oaths. A khazad's hair, when braided in this way, becomes as a book to others of the stone blood. The wear of braids and manes in the "High Weave" is usually only seen at official and ceremonial functions or important occasions. Given the gravity of these occasions, it's suggested the multiple presence of these weaves lend a sense of stability and presence, by tying the participants more firmly into Navos' fabric. That is, they and the ceremony or proceedings, become harder to move or interrupt. This is a form of subtle magic.

Sacred Objects

Coals or an old brick from an old forge are sometimes used in community magic.