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The Inquisitor (Coming Soon)
Common Roles Adventurer, templar, thug, scholar
Common Races Arvek Nar, Half-orcs, Khazad-Aul, Humans
Influencial Faiths All
Common Organizations Temple Organizations
Pathfinder Rules for Inquisitor

Inquisitors are by stereotype, grim and determined, and dedicated to rooting out the enemies of their faith. They are tied to the dogma of a particular deity, though are more individualistic in terms of their operations.

They possess no one method to achieve their goal. Some are equally martial while others rely on guile and less conventional means. Most possess a personal code of some kind, and as per the PRD, their alignment must be within one step of their deity's.

Somewhat surprisingly, inquisitors tend to be dedicated towards building up and supporting their temples even though their focus is on eradication of the enemy. For this reason, they often find means and ways to work with other members, particularly the clerics and paladins (should their deity sponsor them), or rangers and monks (such as in the case of Gilead or Vardama). In many areas, they often find allies, even if these allies have a different method of approach, and the words of clerics are often appreciated, if not always followed.

Enemies of a faith vary. For Altheans, for example, this may be the oppressors of the week or brigads who raze homes and farmsteads. An inquisitor of Angoron might take the fight against slavery in Veyshan, or even a local bully who was abusing his strength.


Inquisitors will be added to the game upon completion of recode. At this time, we will allow folks to adjust or even adapt existing characters to these new options. The recode is not due to happen immediately, though we are working on it. If you like, contact a staffer about how you can help!

Additional Options

None yet...

Starting Kits

Coming soon.

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