Magic Armor

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Magical Armor Abilities
Armor Ability Price Modifier
Poison Resistant 2250
Glamered 2700
Jousting 3750
Shadow 3750
Slick 3750
Expedious 4000
Comfort 5000
Creeping 5000
Rallying 5000
Adhesive 7000
Radiant 7500
Delving 10000
Shadow, Improved 15000
Slick, Improved 15000
Energy Resistance 18000
Martyring 18000
Determination 30000
Shadow, Greater 33750
Slick, Greater 33750
Energy Resistance, Improved 42000
Etherealness 49000
Undead Controlling 49000
Energy Resistance, Greater 66000
Benevolent 1+ bonus
Balanced 1+ bonus
Bitter 1+ bonus
Bolstering 1+ bonus
Brawling 3+ bonus
Champion 1+ bonus
Deathless 1+ bonus
Defiant 1+ bonus
Grinding 1+ bonus
Impervious 1+ bonus
Stanching 1+ bonus
Spell Resistance (13) 2+ bonus
Ghost Touch 3+ bonus
Invulnerability 3+ bonus
Spell Resistance (15) 3+ bonus
Titanic 3+ bonus
Wild 3+ bonus
Spell Resistance (17) 4+ bonus
Spell Resistance (19) 5+ bonus
Fortification Varies


Auramoderate transmutation;CL10th
On command, the hands and feet of this armor's wearer become incredibly sticky, granting her a climb speed of 20 feet. The stickiness grants the wearer a +2 enhancement bonus on combat maneuver checks made to disarm, grapple, reposition, steal, or trip when the wearer is using a natural weapon or unarmed strike to attempt the maneuver. The wearer can gain these benefits for 10 rounds per day. These rounds need not be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-round intervals. Ending the effect is a free action. Adhesive cannot be placed on armor with any version of the slick special ability.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, bull's strength, spider climbCost3500
Balanced(1+ bonus)
Aurafaint transmutation;CL5th
This armor pushes back against anything that threatens to knock its wearer to the ground. The wearer gains a +4 bonus to his Combat Maneuver Defense against combat maneuvers made to overrun or trip and on Acrobatics check made to maintain balance. Dropping prone while wearing balanced armor is a move action instead of a free action. The balanced ability can be applied to light or medium armors, but not heavy armors or shields.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, cat's graceCost1+ bonus
Aurafaint enchantment;CL5th
This suit of armor best serves a wearer who focuses on assisting and protecting his allies. Benevolent armor is usually decorated with motifs of prosperity, plenty, and generosity, such as helping hands, cornucopias, and flourishing plants. When the wearer of a suit of benevolent armor uses the aid another action to give an ally a bonus to AC against an opponent's next attack, he also adds the benevolent armor's enhancement bonus to the ally's AC.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "aid"Cost1000
Bitter(1+ bonus)
Aurafaint transmutation;CL5th
This armor exudes an exceptionally vile and bitter taste whenever something bites or swallows a creature that is wearing it. Any creature that grapples the wearer with a bite attack (or any other attack using the mouth) must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save to avoid immediately ending the grapple. If the wearer is swallowed whole, the swallowing creature must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save at the start of each turn that the armored victim remains alive inside of the creature or become nauseated for 1 round. The creature may vomit up the victim as a standard action. This is a poison effect.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "stinking cloud"Cost1+ bonus
Bolstering(1+ bonus)
Aurafaint enchantment;CL5th
Anytime the wearer of bolstering armor damages a creature with a melee or ranged attack, he gains a +2 competence bonus on saving throws against that creature's abilities until the start of his next turn. The bolstering ability can be applied to medium armor, heavy armor, light shields, heavy shields, and tower shields, but not light armor or bucklers.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "heroism"Cost1+ bonus
Brawling(1+ bonus)
Aurafainst transmutation;CL5th
The wearer of brawling armor gains a +2 bonus on unarmed attack and damage rolls, including combat maneuver checks made to grapple. Her unarmed strikes count as magic weapons for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. These bonuses do not apply to natural weapons. This special ability does not prevent the wearer's unarmed strikes from provoking attacks of opportunity or make the wearer's unarmed strikes count as armed attacks. The brawling ability can be applied only to light armor.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "bull's strength"Cost1+ bonus
Champion (1+ bonus)
Aurafaint abjuration;CL5th
This armor property only works for good creatures with the challenge ability (such as cavaliers) or the smite evil ability (such as paladins, half-celestials, and creatures with the celestial creature template). When worn by such a creature that uses a challenge or smite ability, the wearer gains a +2 sacred bonus to AC against attacks from the chosen opponent.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, protection from evil or protection from goodCost1+ bonus
Auramoderate illusion and transmutation;CL7th
A suit of creeping armor is made to keep the wearer's movement covert. The armor's armor check penalty does not apply to the wearer's Stealth checks. Once per day, the wearer can speak a command word to grant himself a bonus on Stealth checks equal to the armor's enhancement bonus for 1 minute.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "cat's grace", "invisibility"Cost2500
Deathless(1+ bonus)
Auramoderate abjuration;CL7th
This armor protects its wearer from harmful negative and positive energy, including channeled energy. The armor absorbs the first 10 points of positive or negative energy damage per attack that the wearer would normally take. The wearer has a 25% chance to ignore negative levels from any attack. Deathless armor does not block healing of any kind and does not protect against positive or negative energy effects that do not deal damage or bestow negative levels. The deathless ability can be applied to armor of any sort, but not shields.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "death ward"Cost1+ bonus
Defiant(1+ bonus)
Auramoderate conjuration;CL8th
Armor and shields with this special ability excel at blocking the attacks of certain types of creatures, similar to a bane weapon's excelling against certain foes. Against the designated foe, the item's enhancement bonus to AC is +2 better than its actual bonus and provides DR 2/— against attacks from that foe. This increase in enhancement bonus applies only to the armor or shield's enhancement bonus, not to temporary bonuses (such as the magic vestment spell). To randomly determine the armor or shield's designated foe, use the table for the bane weapon special ability.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "summon monster I"Cost1+ bonus
Aurafaint transmutation;CL5th
Armor with this special ability grants the wearer a burrow speed of 10 feet. This speed allows the wearer to tunnel through any type of soil, including rocky soil, but not actual solid stone. This special ability does not give the wearer the ability to breathe underground, so he must hold his breath or use other magic that provides air or allows him to breathe. The wearer gains a +4 bonus on all saving throws against landslides, avalanches, tunnel collapses, and similar effects.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "soften earth and stone"Cost5000
Auramoderate conjuration;CL10th
A shield or armor with this property provides the ability to fight on against seemingly impossible odds. Once per day, when the owner reaches 0 or fewer hit points, the item automatically provides a breath of life spell.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, breath of lifeCost15000
Energy Resistance(18000)
Aurafaint abjuration;CL3rd
A suit of armor or a shield with this property protects against one type of energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) and is designed with patterns depicting the element it protects against. The armor absorbs the first 10 points of energy damage per attack that the wearer would normally take (similar to the resist energy spell).
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, resist energyCost9000
Energy Resistance, Greater(66000)
Auramoderate abjuration;CL11th
As energy resistance, except it absorbs the first 30 points of energy damage per attack.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, resist energyCost33000
Energy Resistance, Improved(42000)
Auramoderate abjuration;CL7th
As energy resistance, except it absorbs the first 20 points of energy damage per attack.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, resist energyCost21000
Aurastrong transmutation;CL13th
On command, this ability allows the wearer of the armor to become ethereal (as the ethereal jaunt spell) once per day. The character can remain ethereal for as long as desired, but once he returns to normal, he cannot become ethereal again that day.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, ethereal jauntCost24500
Aurafaint transmutation;CL5th
Three times per day as a swift action, the wearer of expeditious armor can summon a burst of speed and gain a +10-foot enhancement bonus on all modes of movement for 1 round. This ability can be applied to any kind of armor, but not shields.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "expedious retreat"Cost2000
Aurastrong abjuration;CL13th
This suit of armor or shield produces a magical force that protects vital areas of the wearer more effectively. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the wearer, there is a chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.
Fortification Type Chance for Normal Damage Base Price Modifier
Light 25% +1 bonus
Medium 50% +3 bonus
Heavy 75% +5 bonus

RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, limited wish or miracleCostVaries
Ghost Touch(3+ bonus)
Aurastrong transmutation;CL15th
This armor or shield seems almost translucent. Both its enhancement bonus and its armor bonus count against the attacks of corporeal and incorporeal creatures. It can be picked up, moved, and worn by corporeal and incorporeal creatures alike. Incorporeal creatures gain the armor's or shield's enhancement bonus against both corporeal and incorporeal attacks, and they can still pass freely through solid objects.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, etherealnessCost3+ bonus
Glamered (2700)
Auramoderate illusion;CL10th
Upon command, a suit of glamered armor changes shape and appearance to assume the form of a normal set of clothing. The armor retains all its properties (including weight) when it is so disguised. Only a true seeing spell or similar magic reveals the true nature of the armor when disguised.
RequirementsCraft magic arms and armor, disguise selfCost1350
Grinding(1+ bonus)
Aurafaint transmutation;CL5th
A shield or suit of armor with this special ability is covered with jagged burrs and razor-sharp serrations that saw and grind whenever the wearer is grappled or entangled. Any creature succeeding at a grapple combat maneuver check against the wearer takes damage equal to the armor or shield's enhancement bonus (with each successful check) as the barbs and blades bite into it. This special ability counts as armor spikes for the purpose of making attacks on the wearer's turn.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "keen edge"Cost1+ bonus
Impervious(1+ bonus)
Auramoderate transmutation;CL7th
A shield or suit of armor with this special ability is especially hardy. It gains double its enhancement bonus to hardness and hit points (instead of just the enhancement bonus), its break DC increases by double its enhancement bonus, and it gains a bonus on saving throws against direct attacks (such as a rust monster's rust ability) equal to its enhancement bonus.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "fabricate," "make whole"Cost1+ bonus
Invulnerability(3+ bonus)
Aurastrong abjuration and evocation (if miracle is used);CL18th
This suit of armor grants the wearer damage reduction 5/magic.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, stoneskin, wish or miracleCost3+ bonus
Aurafaint transmutation;CL5th
This suit of armor helps its wearer remain mounted and in control of his mount. The wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on Ride skill checks.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must have 5 ranks in the Ride skillCost1875
Auramoderate conjuration;CL9th
This armor allows the wearer to capitalize on her own injuries to heal her allies. Once per day as an immediate action, when an enemy confirms a critical hit against someone wearing martyring armor, the wearer can heal up to nine allies within 30 feet as if using the mass cure light wounds spell (1d8+9 hit points each). This special ability cannot be placed on armor that possesses an ability that reduces the chance of or negates acritical hit (such as the fortification special ability).
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "mass cure light wounds"Cost9000
Poison Resistant(2,250)
Auramoderate conjuration;CL7th
A suit of armor or shield with this special ability grants the wearer a +3 resistance bonus on saving throws against poison.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "neutralize poison"Cost1125
Auramoderate evocation;CL6th
Armor and shields with the radiant special ability shine as brightly as a torch when worn. This radiance can be suppressed or resumed on command. Designs usually feature bright colors and a brilliant sheen even when not illuminated. Once per day, the wearer can command the armor or shield to brighten to the strength of adaylight spell for 1 hour or until commanded to dim.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "daylight"Cost3750
Aurafaint abjuration;CL5th
This armor or shield is brightly polished, and its mirror-bright surface is magically endowed with the ability to bring comfort to the wearer's companions. Allies within 30 feet of the wearer gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. If the wearer has an ability that grants a morale bonus on saving throws against fear (such as a paladin's aura of courage, a bard's countersong, or a cavalier's banner ability), themorale bonus increases to +6.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "remove fear"Cost2500
Aurafaint illusion;CL5th
This armor blurs the wearer whenever she tries to hide, while also dampening the sound around her, granting a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks. The armor's armor check penalty still applies normally.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, invisibility, silenceCost1875
Shadow, Greater(33750)
Aurastrong illusion;CL15th
As shadow, except it grants a +15 competence bonus on Stealth checks.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, invisibility, silenceCost16875
Shadow, Improved(15000)
Auramoderate illusion;CL10th
As shadow, except it grants a +10 competence bonus on Stealth checks.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, invisibility, silenceCost7500
Aurafaint conjuration;CL4th
Slick armor seems coated at all times with a slightly greasy oil. It provides a +5 competence bonus on its wearer's Escape Artist checks. The armor's armor check penalty still applies normally.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, greaseCost1875
Slick, Greater(33750)
Aurastrong conjuration;CL15th
As slick, except it grants a +15 competence bonus on Escape Artist checks.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, greaseCost16875
Slick, Improved(15000)
Auramoderate conjuration;CL10th
As slick, except it grants a +10 competence bonus on Escape Artist checks.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, greaseCost7500
Spell Resistance (13)(2+ bonus)
Aurastrong abjuration;CL15th
This property grants the armor's wearer Spell Resistance 13 while the armor is worn.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, spell resistanceCost2+ bonus
Spell Resistance (15)(3+ bonus)
Aurastrong abjuration;CL18th
This property grants the armor's wearer Spell Resistance 15 while the armor is worn.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, spell resistanceCost3+ bonus
Spell Resistance (17)(4+ bonus)
Aurastrong abjuration;CL18th
This property grants the armor's wearer Spell Resistance 17 while the armor is worn.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, spell resistanceCost4+ bonus
Spell Resistance (19)(5+ bonus)
Aurastrong abjuration;CL18th
This property grants the armor's wearer Spell Resistance 19 while the armor is worn.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, spell resistanceCost5+ bonus
Stanching(1+ bonus)
Auramoderate transmutation;CL7th
A stanching suit of armor helps stop the flow of blood from the wearer's wounds, automatically tightening like a tourniquet in the appropriate places while also magically reducing the severity of the wound. Stanching armor reduces hit point damage, ability damage, or ability drain by an amount equal to its enhancement bonus if the damage or drain was from a bleed effect. The wearer also adds the armor's enhancement bonusto Constitution checks to become stable.
RequirementsCrat Magic Arms and Armor, "stabilize," cure critical wounds"Cost1+ bonus
Titanic(3+ bonus)
Auramoderate transmutation;CL7th
A suit of armor with the titanic ability is almost comically oversized, though the effect is superficial and the interior fits a creature normally, with no adjustments necessary. A creature wearing titanic armor is considered one size category larger for the purpose of using or being affected by special attacks that depend on size, such as swallow whole and trample. Once per day on command, the wearer can increase her size as if usingenlarge person (even if the wearer is not humanoid) for 1 minute. In addition, once per minute as a free actionthe wearer can add the armor's enhancement bonus to a single Strength check or combat maneuver check, or to her CMD against a single combat maneuver. Because of its great bulk, the armor check penalty of titanic armor is increased by an amount equal to its enhancement bonus.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, "enlarge person"Cost3+ bonus
Undead Controlling(49000)
Aurastrong necromancy;CL13th
'Undead controlling armor or shields often have skeletal or other grisly decorations or flourishes to their decor. They let the user control up to 26 HD of undead per day, as the control undead spell. At dawn each day, the wearer loses control of any undead still under his sway. Armor or a shield with this ability appears to be made of bone; this feature is entirely decorative and has no other effect on the armor.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor,
control undeadCost24500
Wild(3+ bonus)
Auramoderate transmutation;CL9th
The wearer of a suit of armor or a shield with this ability preserves his armor bonus (and any enhancement bonus) while in a wild shape. Armor and shields with this ability usually appear to be covered in leaf patterns. While the wearer is in a wild shape, the armor cannot be seen.
RequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, baleful polymorphCost3+ bonus