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GAME: Subduction rolls 27-20: (18)+27+-20: 25
GAME: Subduction rolls 27-20: (18)+27+-20: 25
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Subduction has dropped a TIMESTOP!
Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Subduction to instruct you further. You may earn RPP by logging a scene for a GM.
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Harkashan puts a finger to his muzzle as he notices it getting closer. He then sends a pulse of light amongst them, speeding them up. "Remember, we need to remove its incorporealness before we can engage with it properly. Even your spells, and your daggers risk not making contact. I'll move forward first, and try to ensure we can get him to stop within the hallowed area."
Harkashan puts a finger to his muzzle as he notices it getting closer. He then sends a pulse of light amongst them, speeding them up. "Remember, we need to remove its incorporealness before we can engage with it properly. Even your spells, and your daggers risk not making contact. I'll move forward first, and try to ensure we can get him to stop within the hallowed area."

Latest revision as of 22:24, 13 October 2023

Log Info

  • Title: Spirit of the Season - II
  • GM: Subduction
  • Characters: Harkashan, Rune, Andelena, Eztli
  • Location: Alexandros
  • Summary: The battle begins. Continued from Spirit of the Season
GAME: Harkashan refreshes spells.
GAME: Harkashan casts Magic Vestment. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20
GAME: Harkashan casts Bear's Endurance. Caster Level: 11 DC: 19
GAME: Harkashan casts Consecrate. Caster Level: 11 DC: 19

For the time being, the haunted carriage and its pale driver continue their slow pace through the woods, passing through trees and brush as though they were not even there, some five feet above the ground. Cool mist flows away from the hoofebeats of the horses, and the green glow in the windows occasionally resolve into almost face-like features. A ragged patch of darkness here and there amongst the otherwoldly green fire that might be an eye or an open mouth, wailing silently.

The pale rider's featureless face sweeps this way and that as it pads along, drawing nearer to the cobbles of the road.

Eztli freezes up on the spot, quiet and hopefully hidden where she had taken cover for the stake-out. "They're hunting us? What about everyone else they killed? They can't have all been revived." The small makari whispers. "What can we do about it?"

There is quiet from the place where Rune had been hiding. Quite possibly, what Harkashan had said just stole her breath for a moment, sending a chill down her spine. The shadows roil around her, as if they were reacting to her fear. "Fuck." She whispers. "That's... a lot worse than what I was expecting." There is a tremulous quality to her voice.

In the shadows, Rune reaches for her pack and pulls out a potion, seeming to consider her options. "I've seen the halls once, and I'd really like to avoid seeing them again. I... have promises I need to keep." This last part is barely audible. Her fingers touch to the necklace hanging against her chest, attempting to steel her courage.

"You know what it is, Hark. What do we do?" She asks quietly.

"I'm not letting it get anyone here over my dead fucking body," Andelena growls. "Not you, Rune, and not you, Eztli. Knight will see us through the dark and into the dawn."

The Sunguard murmurs another prayer then. "Holy Knight, keep me safe from the pull of death; keep me safe so that I may deliver my friends and allies from evil, that I might keep them safe with my presence and your blessing."

The prayer is answered with the wash of holy magic over herself, and Andelena opens her steel-gray eyes, looking around. "Any other preparations people've got, make 'em now. Feel like we don't have much time left."

GAME: Andelena casts Death Ward. Caster Level: 7 DC: 17
GAME: Rune used a Potion of Bears Endurance.

"They happened to be in the way." Harkashan answers Eztli. "And... I do not know. This is an incredibly dangerous foe. Those it kills... those souls do not return to the Death Singer's halls. They remain with it. It is my all means, anathema to the Death Singer." He hisses. "Trust me, you rather see the halls than deal with what this thing does." He rumbles, as he casts a spell of Death Ward upon Rune first of all.

"My positive energy may be the best way I can deal with it. But if we assault this foe, we should ensure we get the drop on them in whatever way possible."

GAME: Harkashan casts Death Ward. Caster Level: 11 DC: 21

The carriage continues its pace through the trees, drawing ever nearer. It still doesn't seem to have noticed the party. One of its spectral horses whickers and shakes its mane, the other stomps one of its front hooves, but otherwise it continues, it's pace unabated.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Stealth: (20)+1: 21
GAME: Harkashan casts Blessing of Fervor. Caster Level: 11 DC: 21
GAME: Subduction rolls 27-20: (18)+27+-20: 25

Harkashan puts a finger to his muzzle as he notices it getting closer. He then sends a pulse of light amongst them, speeding them up. "Remember, we need to remove its incorporealness before we can engage with it properly. Even your spells, and your daggers risk not making contact. I'll move forward first, and try to ensure we can get him to stop within the hallowed area."

GAME: Andelena casts Weapon of Awe. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15
GAME: Eztli casts Mirror Image. Caster Level: 9 DC: 17
GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 20.

It is now Death Coach's turn! Eztli is next!

The second curse from Rune is in distinct draconic, but it comes out as little more than a quiet rumble as she seems to sink further into the shadows, obviously more than a little unsettled about what they are about to face. The warnings, both about what fate might await them and how little she can actually do against this creature, is met with a small breath of frustration.

She doesn't speak further, but remains in the shadows, weapons drawn, knowing very well that if Harkashan is right, there is relatively little she can do against such a monster - at least not until the magic users find a way to make it more 'stabbable'. For now, she stays to the shadowy edges of the road, trying to stay out of sight.

GAME: Andelena rolls Will: (14)+11: 25
GAME: Andelena rolls Will: (18)+11: 29
GAME: Harkashan rolls Will+4: (16)+17+4: 37
GAME: Rune rolls will+4: (2)+8+4: 14
GAME: Rune rolls will+4: (20)+8+4: 32 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
GAME: Harkashan rolls Will+4: (18)+17+4: 39

Andelena follows close behind Rune and Harkashan, Deliverance in hand as she murmurs another prayer to Daeus. "Shining Knight, give me your light on Deliverance; make her a weapon to behold against that which hunts us unjustly."

Once again, the Knight answers. Andelena's sword is ablaze in light for a moment, sparkling gently after the light fades off. Deliverance is a thing of beauty now in the eyes of a holy man, and a thing of fear in the eyes of evil.

Andelena smiles, just a little. "Okay, now let's tell that thing to fuck off."

"Language," Deliverance replies with a long-suffering sigh.

The horses rear up as Harkashan's spell goes off, the sound of his prayer alerting this ghostly presence to his. It springs into a canter, eyes burning green- and its face takes on the visage of a sun-bleached skull as it drives the horses onwards. A low wailing accompanies its movements, a veritable choir of tortured souls all crying out in unison as the carriage hurtles through tree and brush alike.

The wailing reaches a crescendo, as a wave of pure, cool terror washes over the group- intrusive thoughts of the inevitability of death invading their minds.

GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 11.

It is now Eztli's turn! Rune is next!

GAME: Eztli refreshes spells.
GAME: Eztli casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 9 DC: 16
GAME: Eztli casts Mirror Image. Caster Level: 9 DC: 17
GAME: Eztli casts Lightning Bolt. Caster Level: 9 DC: 19
GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 10.

It is now Rune's turn! Andelena is next!

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d4: (3): 3
GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 8.

It is now Andelena's turn! Harkashan is next!

GAME: Andelena casts Magic Circle Against Evil. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16

Eztli finishes warding themselves, causing a half dozen Eztlis to appear nearby to them. Which is an even stranger sight as they all freeze up in unison. "Shit, they know we're here, don't they." The small makari curses to herself. "Grant me flight!" Eztli hisses, causing flames to sprout from their back which take the shape of large wings before they vanish in a puff of smoke, and the sorceress soars behind the group, hoping she was out of range of the creature, if it was truly after her.

GAME: Rune rolls will-2+4: (20)+8+-2+4: 30 (THREAT)
GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 5.

It is now Rune's turn! Harkashan is next!

GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 5.

It is now Harkashan's turn! Death Coach is next!

GAME: Harkashan casts Ghostbane Dirge. Caster Level: 11 DC: 19
GAME: Subduction rolls 13: (8)+13: 21
GAME: Subduction rolls 13+4: (5)+13+4: 22
GAME: Harkashan rolls 6d6: (15): 15
GAME: Subduction reverses the initiative order.

Round One - Init 5.

It is now Rune's turn! Harkashan is next!

Andelena sees the effect that the death coach's aura has on Rune. She grinds her teeth together. "Nuh-uh. Not in my fucking presence you don't, you jacked-up piece of horseshit," she growls.

She lifts her sword into the air and then calls another prayer out into the night air. "Daeus, Shining Knight! Grant me your aid to protect my allies from the presence of evil!"

Once again, the Sunguard is answered. Holy magic pours out from her in an aura, washing over Rune and freeing her from the effects of the death coach's horrible spell. None shall fear the dark in the presence of the light.

Steel-gray eyes turn to her enemy, and Andelena marches forward. "Into the embrace of dawn, motherfucker!" she challenges her opponent.

Harkashan's heckles, or scales, whatever he has, raise as he starts to move. It's coming for him. It spotted him. He curses in Draconic and watches as it tries to enfeeble the minds of those with him. "Stand strong!" He calls out to the people on his group as he reaches out and tries to cast a spell charged with positive energy to harm it and rid it of its incorporeal protections. But after some straining, Harkashan curses as he moves further south.

"I failed to rid it of its protections, Andie, this is all up to you! If we can't remove its incorporeal protections, we're going to have a really rough time here!"

GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 5.

It is now Harkashan's turn! Death Coach is next!


Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 20.

It is now Death Coach's turn! Eztli is next!

GAME: Andelena uses an AoO! 1 remaining.
GAME: Eztli rolls will: (3)+11: 14
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon16+2: (9)+17+2: 28

As the coach draws closer them, tension rises in Rune's muscles, causing her to stiffen in the shadows. Then, the aura of the creature passes over her and it feels like skeletal fingers have closed around her heart.

Thud-thud. Thud-thud. Her pulse kicks up and starts to race in her ears, pounding against her eardrums and threatening to burst out of her chest in the process. The shadows flit away from her ever so briefly, her focus lost somewhere in the past. Her breaths hitch, as if she were struggling to find breath, one hand lifting to her chest.

The gods, however, seem to take some pity on the rogue, as Andelena's magic seems to break the hold of the fear effect and there is a gasping breath that she takes in before shaking her head. "T-thanks, Andy."

However, Rune doesn't rush in to fight as one might expect. Taking Harkashan's advice, and heeding that the creature wouldn't be vulnerable to her attacks, she backs off, retreating towards the consecrated area and taking a defensive posture.

GAME: Andelena rolls damage16+2+2: aliased to 1d8+7+2+2: (7)+7+2+2: 18
GAME: Subduction rolls 17: (3)+17: 20
GAME: Subduction rolls 15d6: (47): 47
GAME: Subduction rolls 1d6: (4): 4

As the coach draws nearer, it's gaze suddenly flits about- it senses Rune, but doesn't see her. Can smell the stench of one who has visited the halls, but not find its source. But then Eztli blazes into the air- and this it knows is its quarry. The horses rear back as Harkashan's wave of positive energy wash over them, but then they barrel forwards, up into the air to match Eztli's elevation.

The gaunt, skeletal figure atop reaches out, almost gently, a bony finger extended towards the Elgarin- touching one of their mirror doubles, causing it to shatter into motes of dissapating light.

GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 11.

It is now Eztli's turn! Andelena is next!

GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 8.

It is now Andelena's turn! Rune is next!

GAME: Andelena rolls 1d20+7+3: (8)+7+3: 18
GAME: Andelena rolls 1d20+7+3: (12)+7+3: 22
GAME: Andelena casts Ghostbane Dirge. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15
GAME: Subduction rolls 13: (15)+13: 28

Eztli is caught of guard by the carriage barreling towards her, heedless of the cleric in it's way, shattering one of the mirror images and causing the sorceress no small amount of panic.

"Ah, it's coming right for me!" The small makari shouts, dipping and flitting backwards with the magically aided flight, and suddenly soaring further into the consecrated area. "I think it might keep after me, just get rid of it!"

GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 5.

It is now Rune's turn! Harkashan is next!

GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 5.

It is now Harkashan's turn! Death Coach is next!

GAME: Harkashan casts Ghostbane Dirge. Caster Level: 11 DC: 19
GAME: Subduction rolls 13: (12)+13: 25
GAME: Harkashan casts Telepathic Bond. Caster Level: 11 DC: 22
GAME: Subduction reverses the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 5.

It is now Rune's turn! Harkashan is next!

"I'll try, Hark! But you're better at the magic working than I am!" Andelena shouts, knowing her own limitations. But steel-gray eyes narrow at the creature anyway.

"Daeus, Shining Knight, make this thing vulnerable to our blades!" she calls out. The light shines from her, but it doesn't seem to take hold onto the horrifying visage.

"I tried!" Andelena calls out, moving to try and prevent it from rushing into Rune so directly. The Sunguard will defend as best as she can.

Harkashan curses as he keeps trying to remove the incorporeal protections, but huffs; "I am trying. But this thing is quite stubborn." He calls out, as he draws forth a blessing to try and aid the rest of the group as best as he can. Eventually, like his muscles give out, he pants and releases that tension.

"I can't do it." He rumbles.

"Rune, draw away from it and try to get its attention. Pull it into the area I set up. Don't try to engage it directly."

GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 5.

It is now Harkashan's turn! Death Coach is next!


Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 20.

It is now Death Coach's turn! Eztli is next!

GAME: Andelena uses an AoO! 1 remaining.
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon16+2: (3)+17+2: 22
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon16+2: (14)+17+2: 33
GAME: Andelena rolls damage16+2+2: aliased to 1d8+7+2+2: (6)+7+2+2: 17
GAME: Eztli rolls will: (12)+11: 23
GAME: Rune rolls will+4: (17)+8+4: 29
GAME: Harkashan rolls Will+4: (11)+17+4: 32
GAME: Subduction rolls 17: (19)+17: 36

For much of her childhood, Rune grew up on stories of heroes and bravery. She had played that part time and again, even sacrificing her own life for someone else. However, staring down death again is something that is bound to give anyone pause. As multiple attempts to solidify the creature into something that they might be better able to deal with, all fail, a dread sinks into her heart.

Her ear twitches to Harkashan's words, and while her brain is shouting at her to run, Rune isn't the sort of person to abadon her friends. "You better know what the fuck you're doing..." She drops her stealth and heads for the consecrated land, raising her weapons defensively.

The pale rider locks eyes on Rune when she emerges from the shadows, and barrels after her. The horses falter and rear back when they reach the consecrated zone, but the rider drives them onwards regardless- they press in, and its bony finger reaches out to touch Rune- but less than an inch before it touches, it collides with the ward of protective magic Harkashan placed upon her earlier. The rider lets out an eerie howl of frustration as it recoils back away from the touch- and Rune is entirely unharmed.

GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 11.

It is now Eztli's turn! Andelena is next!

GAME: Eztli rolls 14d6: (43): 43
GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 8.

It is now Andelena's turn! Rune is next!

GAME: Subduction rolls 15: (2)+15: 17
GAME: Andelena refreshes special ability pools.
GAME: Andelena spends ONE use of CHANNEL ENERGY.
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon16+2+1: (13)+17+2+1: 33
GAME: Andelena rolls damage16+2+2+1+6: aliased to 1d8+7+2+2+1+6: (7)+7+2+2+1+6: 25

Eztli almost screams when the spectre reaches for Rune, a response not entirely from the magical fear that it was intent on afflicting them with, but it dies in their throat as it is unable to make contact. "It can't touch her! It's after her and me right now, help me out if you can!" They say to Harkashan, before stepping to one side, flames spilling out of the corners of their mouth, erupting into a torrent of fire that passes through the spirit and well past it, leaving a path of singed grasses in it's wake.

GAME: Andelena rolls 1d6: (6): 6
GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 5.

It is now Rune's turn! Harkashan is next!

GAME: Rune rolls bluff-2: (17)+24+-2: 39

Help out? Yeah. Andelena had every intention of doing just that. "Time to do the Knight's work, Livvie," she informs Deliverance.

"I am with you," the blade responds.

"Holy Knight, may I be the servant that delivers your judgment!" both blade and Sunguard say in unison, silvered flame coming ablaze on the blade. The Sunguard comes forward and carves into the death coach with a hard, deadly blow.

"The dawn's coming on the horizon, motherfucker!" Andelena bellows with her hard blow, Deliverance shining like a beacon in her hands.

GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2-2+1: (18)+15+2+-2+1: 34
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2-2+1-2: (18)+15+2+-2+1+-2: 32
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2-2+1-7: (5)+15+2+-2+1+-7: 14
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2-2+1-7: (10)+15+2+-2+1+-7: 19
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6: aliased to 1d6+1+1d6: (5)+1+(1): 7
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+1d6: 15+(2): 17
GAME: Rune rolls damage2+1d6: aliased to 1d6+1+1d6: (3)+1+(4): 8
GAME: Rune rolls damage2+1d6: aliased to 1d6+1+1d6: (4)+1+(3): 8
GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 5.

It is now Harkashan's turn! Death Coach is next!

The moment the bony finger reaches out towards her, Rune freezes as if she were fully expecting her life to flash before her eyes. Then, it seems to halt before her, allowing the rogue to let out a shuddering breath. It's obvious that she is more than a bit shaken by the whole situation. There is such thing as facing death, and facing /death/.

"Get whatever that magic is on Eztli, now!" She calls out.

With the creature quite so up in her face, however, Rune falls back on her old tactics. She moves to flank with Andelena, "Hey, grim-reaper. Is your skull empty too?" She flashes a weapon out towards one of the horses, but then follows up with multiple slashes towards the rider and coach, trying to do damage wherever it looks like it might be needed.

This thing doesn't seem to have weak points. Something quite frustrating to the rogue.

GAME: Harkashan casts Death Ward. Caster Level: 11 DC: 21

Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 20.

It is now Death Coach's turn! Eztli is next!

GAME: Subduction rolls 20: (19)+20: 39
GAME: Rune rolls will-2+4: (19)+8+-2+4: 29

The coachman is not to be denied its feast of souls, and upon finding that Rune is immune to its death-dealing touch, it leans in towards her. Its hand comes up to pull back its hood, and the face Rune sees is not a grinning skull, but a figure from her past. A gaunt wizard, face painted like a skull with red, wet teeth locked in a manic grimace. Its hand reaches out, tendrils of darkness snaking out towards her. But, she knows- this cannot be possible. This creature is not that figure from her memory.

GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 11.

It is now Eztli's turn! Andelena is next!

As Harkashan's spell springs up to protect Rune, Harkashan can't help but feel a sense of great relief fall over him. It's the first time he'd cast that spell, and there was a sense of doubt in his own abilities. But as it rejects it, he creates a hallowed area around himself to protect anyone near him from death.

"I've got you, Eztli!" He then remarks, sending a spell of Death Warding upon her, leaving only himself unprotected from its negative enegy effects. He then calls out to Rune; "Steel your mind, Rune!" Grimacing as he sees the coachdriver's face for a moment. "It's not him!"

GAME: Eztli rolls 14d6: (63): 63
GAME: Subduction rolls 15: (3)+15: 18
GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 8.

It is now Andelena's turn! Rune is next!

GAME: Andelena rolls weapon16+2+2+1: (18)+17+2+2+1: 40 (THREAT)
GAME: Andelena rolls damage16+6+2+2+1+1d6: aliased to 1d8+7+6+2+2+1+1d6: (5)+7+6+2+2+1+(3): 26
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon16+2+2+1-5-2: (14)+17+2+2+1+-5+-2: 29

"Thanks, Hark! Take care of yourself, too!" The small makari shouts back to the deathsinger, still dripping a few flames out of their mouth that grow in intensity before they spray another gout of fire through the ethereal coachman yet again. "Whatever he's doing, we'll get through this!"

GAME: Andelena rolls damage16+6+2+2+1+1d6: aliased to 1d8+7+6+2+2+1+1d6: (4)+7+6+2+2+1+(1): 23
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon16+2+1-2: (7)+17+2+1+-2: 25
GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 5.

It is now Rune's turn! Harkashan is next!

GAME: Andelena rolls damage16+6+2+2+1+1d6: aliased to 1d8+7+6+2+2+1+1d6: (1)+7+6+2+2+1+(3): 22
GAME: Subduction rolls 17: (17)+17: 34
GAME: Subduction rolls 15d6: (60): 60
GAME: Harkashan rolls Melee+20: (5)+9+20: 34
GAME: Harkashan casts Heal. Caster Level: 11 DC: 23
GAME: Subduction rolls 17: (18)+17: 35
GAME: Subduction rolls 15d6: (56): 56

Andelena takes the opportunity given to her. She draws on the blessing given to her by Harkashan. "Justice will be DONE!" she bellows, and her blade becomes a flaming flurry.

One blow.

Two blows.

Three blows.

Silvered flame scoring each blow. "Keep going, everyone!" Andelena bellows. "We're gonna make it through this shit!"

Harkashan tries to step in, as it sees it is about to touch Rune. His hand starting to pulse with pale white healing power, trying to reach out and halt its grasp. Only for that finger to touch him and blow through his divine protections. In that moment, his scales suddenly age. His entire body begins to wither away. Armor losing its luster as he tries to resist its force...

But fails to make it, and falls to the ground. His breath stolen from him. There's a realization for him. Just a moment, just a single misstep...

GAME: Rune rolls bluff: (8)+24: 32
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2+1: (13)+15+2+1: 31
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2+1-2: (17)+15+2+1+-2: 33
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2+1-7: (4)+15+2+1+-7: 15
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2+1-7: (11)+15+2+1+-7: 22
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1d6: 15+(5): 20
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6: aliased to 1d6+1+1d6: (6)+1+(6): 13
GAME: Rune rolls damage2+1d6: aliased to 1d6+1+1d6: (3)+1+(2): 6
GAME: Rune rolls damage2+1d6: aliased to 1d6+1+1d6: (2)+1+(6): 9
GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 5.

It is now Harkashan's turn! Death Coach is next!


Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 20.

It is now Death Coach's turn! Eztli is next!

GAME: Subduction rolls 20: (13)+20: 33

Seeing the creature's hand touch Harkashan and the light drain from his scales, there is a half breath before the night is ripped by a scream of rage and fear. "Harkashan!"

When she turns her gaze to the coachman, the anger in her eyes is fierce, amplified by the moment. She lets out a string of curses that is too vile to even be repeated, then begins to stab the creature, over, and over, and over and over again.

Her attacks may not do much, but she is driven by that rage. "You. Do. Not. Get. To. Have. Him. He. Is. Mine!" She shouts with each stab of her weapon.

When she has time to take a breath between blows, her eyes look to Andelena, searchingly, "Please tell me you can help him?" That is when the fear shows through the anger. Rune's eyes are already glassy with tears, one stream of them dripping down her cheek.

The coach is beginning to come apart at the seams, the myriad cuts and strikes from Andelena and Rune, the gouts of flame from Eztli. The wailing of the spirits trapped inside intensifies, green ghostly fires leaking from the cracks in the coach. Their mournful cries become deafening, overwhelming, drowning out even ones own inner thoughts.

GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 11.

It is now Eztli's turn! Andelena is next!

GAME: Eztli rolls 2d8+3: (9)+3: 12
GAME: Subduction advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 8.

It is now Andelena's turn! Rune is next!

GAME: Andelena rolls weapon16+2+2+1: (15)+17+2+2+1: 37
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon16+2+2+1-5-2: (17)+17+2+2+1+-5+-2: 32 (THREAT)
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon16+2+2+1-2: (8)+17+2+2+1+-2: 28
GAME: Andelena rolls damage 16+2+2+1+1d6: aliased to +5+2+2+1+1d6: +5+2+2+1+(2): 12
GAME: Andelena rolls damage 16+6+2+2+1+1d6: aliased to +5+6+2+2+1+1d6: +5+6+2+2+1+(4): 20
GAME: Andelena rolls damage 16+6+2+2+1+1d6: aliased to +5+6+2+2+1+1d6: +5+6+2+2+1+(6): 22
GAME: Andelena rolls damage16+6+2+2+1+1d6: aliased to 1d8+7+6+2+2+1+1d6: (5)+7+6+2+2+1+(1): 24
GAME: Andelena rolls damage16+6+2+2+1+1d6: aliased to 1d8+7+6+2+2+1+1d6: (7)+7+6+2+2+1+(1): 26
GAME: Andelena rolls damage16+6+2+2+1+1d6: aliased to 1d8+7+6+2+2+1+1d6: (6)+7+6+2+2+1+(3): 27

"HARKASHAN!" The small makari screams properly this time as the cleric withers away to almost nothingness. "Hang on, I've got it, rune!" She shouts over, fumbling into her robes and pulling out a vial, spearing the cork with one claw and tearing it out in the same motion that tipped it into their mouth. "He's still breathing! Lets kill this damned thing!" She calls over to Rune.

Rune cries out to Andelena. Harkashan's on the ground. Eztli's trying to help.

Any lesser woman might have run. Anyone else might have crumpled before the challenge. But Andelena is no lesser. She's spent her entire life trying to prove herself in the eyes of a family that belittled her and mocked her.

Andelena Donnelly, Sunguard of Daeus, raises her blade.

"YOU--" One strike.

"WON'T--" Two strikes.

"TAKE HIM!" Three strikes.

And the death coach is gone, ignited in Daeus's holy light as Deliverance bites into the infernal enemy. Freeing Andelena's friends and allies from its tyrannical presence. No more will the death coach ever impose the injustice on the natural order of souls passing. No more will it hurt the people that Andelena cares about.

"No fucking more," Andelena mutters, before she breathes out. "Praise to the Knight. Praise be to the Light. The dawn has broken."

She takes a moment more before she looks to Harkashan. "Let me fix him," she says. "I got it. Just--phew. Fuck." She needs to breathe.

When Andelena delivers the final blow, the rider is shattered- and with it, the coach. It splits open, spectral wood and iron splintering and disappearing in ghostly wisps of ectoplasm and light. And the souls within burst free, hurtling into the air around them- green flames cast off in embers, as they fade to a peaceful, serene blue.

The dancing spirits fill the night air with light as they swirl and flit around their liberators- unable to commune with the living, but there is a palpable sense of relief and gratitude before one by one they begin to wink out, passing from this world to their rightful place beyond.

It is only a matter of seconds between Eztli's shouted reassurance and the blows from Andelena's blade. Rune continues to stand with her blades ready, but there is an obvious tremble as she is clearly torn, emotionally, in that moment.

So, when the Coach is felled, driven out by Daeus's light, Rune doesn't even bother to sheath her weapons. Instead, she drops to her knees next to Harkashan, worry written across her features. "You don't get to die. You hear me, Harkashan?"

She trusts Eztli, trusts Andelena and their appraisal of the situation. That doesn't mean that her gut reaction is any better, though. The half-sil just presses her forehead against the side of the Markari's muzzle, "I traded my life for yours, remember? You don't get to die on me." This last part is a whisper.

GAME: Andelena casts Invisibility Purge. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16
GAME: Andelena rolls 3d8+7: (16)+7: 23

"I made a promise, Rune--everyone's getting out of here alive." Andelena comes over to Harkashan and lays her own touch on Harkashan, on his shoulder. "Daeus, Holy Knight, heal this servant of Vardama who was doing the work of the gods."

Holy magic rises up from Andelena and into Harkashan, giving him life enough to be back into consciousness--fulfilling Andelena's promise.

Everyone's getting out of here alive.

"Hey Hark. It's dead; we fucked it up." Andelena smiles gently. She knows that's the first thing she would want to hear when she comes back from the brink.

Harkashan! Hark! Harkashan!

Somewhere, out there, he can hear his voice. Beyond the inky black void that tries to take him. Only for it to fill with red light and the heavy voice of something else where with him. The feeling of life being poured back into himself. The voice of Eztli, Andelena, Rune filling that black void. Bringing life back to it.

A whisper seems to tell him, it is not yet his time.

Until finally, Andelena gets that spell cast upon him. A push from draconic claws against his back, pushing him back up... up to the surface..

A gasp for air, as the withered Sith-makar rises up. His lava-tones slowly returning to him as he grabs for his chest and regains his breath. Eyes opening, he sees Rune there. Her words still ringing in his ear. So, he touches her cheek and answers her with a soft bite to her shoulderpads. After all, she has no horns for him to bite. "I am still here."

Only then does he nod to Andelena and rumbles; "Good. Because I don't think I could go for another round of that."

Eztli hops away from Harkashan, with Rune being more important, and Andelena being more capable, she gives thetwi the space they need. "Good fucking riddance. The world doesn't need more undead killing for no reason." She growls, with a strange, slightly hollow sound. "Glad you're okay Hark, I'm not losing anything else to those things."

The moment that the Sith Makar returns to consciousness, Rune has her arms around his neck in a fierce hug. It lasts a moment before she sits back, wiping at her cheeks with her hands and then giving him a shove to one shoulder. "You better fucking stay here, too. Idiot."

Oh, she's not actually angry at him. That much is obvious.

She turns and bows her head to both Eztli and Andelena, "Thank you." The words are simple, but there is a whole lot of relief behind them. "I couldn't do shit against that thing, and I can't heal either, so I'm fucking greatful for you both being here."

Then, to Harkashan, "You look like shit, love. More than I think scale polish will help with." Yep, she's not quite willing to address the tears, and seems to be deflecting that emotion for the time being.

"You did plenty, Rune," Andelena says gently, watching the two embrace. "You didn't run. And that's the loudest fucking thing you can do when you're faced with the big damn enemy."

The Sunguard smiles warmly. "Let's get Hark back to someplace that isn't out in the middle of nowhere and I can patch him up and we can report in on a job well done. Yeah?"

She doesn't comment on the scale polish. There are times for dirty jokes and this isn't really one of them. A rarity for the Sunguard.