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(Created page with " The TarRaCe, Late Afternoon Post lunch rush leaves a restaurant picking up after itself in the dregs of its patrons, only to get propped back up just in time for the dinner rush. With the weather getting chillier, and the day being bright and sunny, the patrons come and go with gusto. Additionally, the lull is perfect timing for a shift change. Seemingly crawling out of nowhere from behind the bar, a human woman with fiery red hair bound by a rainbow r...")
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The TarRaCe, Late Afternoon
|characters=Thoth, Eirik, Slixvah, Aelwyn
|summary=A hangout of new adventurers meeting more established ones.
The TarRaCe, Late Afternoon
Post lunch rush leaves a restaurant picking up after itself in the dregs of its patrons, only to get propped back up just in time for the dinner rush. With the weather getting chillier, and the day being bright and sunny, the patrons come and go with gusto.
Post lunch rush leaves a restaurant picking up after itself in the dregs of its patrons, only to get propped back up just in time for the dinner rush. With the weather getting chillier, and the day being bright and sunny, the patrons come and go with gusto.

Latest revision as of 19:44, 11 October 2023

Log Info

  • Title: Snakes and Birds
  • Characters: Thoth, Eirik, Slixvah, Aelwyn
  • Location: TarRaCe
  • Summary: A hangout of new adventurers meeting more established ones.

The TarRaCe, Late Afternoon

Post lunch rush leaves a restaurant picking up after itself in the dregs of its patrons, only to get propped back up just in time for the dinner rush. With the weather getting chillier, and the day being bright and sunny, the patrons come and go with gusto.

Additionally, the lull is perfect timing for a shift change.

Seemingly crawling out of nowhere from behind the bar, a human woman with fiery red hair bound by a rainbow ribbon covers their mouth with a yawn as she rises to her feet. A few moments are afforded to tug and pull at their red vest and black slacks, getting themselves situated for bartending duties. The batender on duty, a half-oruch woman, jolts from their appearance. "Wh- when did you get there, Slix?"

The shift changer waves them off. "Don't worr'- *yawn*- worr' 'bout it. Here ta relieve ya, sugar."

They blink, then shrug, tossing not-Slix the rag before ambling off for the day.

The bartender surveys her work environment. Frowns. "... shoot. Everythin's shifted."

Thoth doesn't need to eat. Nor bathe. Nor drink. Its presence here is clearly illogical. Yet, there it is. At a grand four feet tall, the metalic bird click-clacks into this place, the TarRaCe. This place had been mentioned to it before on several occassions as a place to visit. And while it indeed needs none of those things, it has concluded that there must be something special about this place.

Something that lends to its popularity.

So, it has stepped in. Its familiar, Ra, sitting on its shoulder as it slowly steps in. Its head bobbing back and forth to adjust its center of gravity with each step. Ra hooting, as it turns its head a near full one-eighty degrees to watch the various people already present, until Thoth ends up kind of 'awkwardly' standing near the center of the TarRaCe slowly observing everything as well. Taking it all in.

And absolutely getting in the way of everyone trying to mill about.

What hasn't shifted? Aelwyn. Aelwyn and his white shirt, nearly never quite buttoned up to the top and sleeves pulled, and his black loincloth-slash-waiter's apron. It barely takes a moment before he slides onto the opposite side of the counter from not-Slixvah. A wide, yet tired looking grin on his face.

"Long night, Ribbon?" The ruddy sith-makar asks, swaying his tail behind him. "Should this one prepare the rescue drink?" A drink that was more about being spicy and hot than being an actual drink. There were scuff marks all over him; and the spot of chest visible from the unbuttoned shirt still carried a singed look on it.

"Hmmh, this one was afraid TarRaCe would have lost its most popular bartender." The draconian rumbles with a teasing grin - before he spots the sight of Thoth. "Hmmh." A moment passes. "Should this one raise Thoth on the counter?" Tail flick.

The Small hatch behind the bar that grants access to the alcohol and food storage below pops open, swinging around to hit the floor with a crash. A small blue, Goblin face pops out, announcing herself with a "RAH!" Crawling out of the hole, the pool-shark is bedecked in her maid's uniform. Reaching down into the hole, she pulls out a stiff bristle broom.

"Hmm, long night, annnnd a few missed shifts.", Irshya says, an odd tone in her voice, one part disapproval mixed with two parts worry. "Everything okay, hon?"

The mechanical bird is eyed, as the Gobbo comes 'round from behind the bar. "Oh, hello... Thoth! That's it. How have you been?" She regards Aelwyn then, bumping the Sith in the behind with her broom. "You and her get into a scrape together or something?"


"Are you two having a lover's spat or something?"

Not-Slix rubs her face, catching Aelwyn between her fingers. "Oh- heya honey," she yawns once more. Both hands press into her back as she streeetches. "Jus' a lil'. Have ta stay up late fo' our night shift th' day befo'." She snorts. "Perhaps mo' coffee than ya spicy special."

She hadn't noticed the metal bird until others point them out. Eyes land on the owl. Brows raise as several thoughts churn in the back of her head. "Probably not- but theys should probs get outta th' way before th' waitstaff get angi. Heya- Thoth! Wanna come dis way near th' bar? Ya gettin' in th' way of folks cleanin'!"

Her boss's sudden arrival from behind gets an unhuman 'squawk' of surprise from her lips, but quickly recovers. "We fine, hon," she coos to Irshya, starting on getting new glassware out and ready. And one glass of water for herself, which she takes a hefty sip to rouse herself further.

Which suddenly gets sprayed away from everyone as Slix busts out laughing. "Bwahahaha-! Oh- no no no no, nothin' li' tha'. We got done wit' a guild job is all."

"This one does not require being raised onto the counter." Thoth answers Aelwyn, tilting its head. "Why would one situate another on the counter? Is this a new social custom?" It then inquires with Aelwyn.

Its head tilts, bowing its head every so minutely. "This one is more functional than before. This one thanks the Other for their care." It then remarks to Irshya as another patron almost bumps into it and it is pointed out it is in the way, so it decides to at least move towards the bar area.


It open and closes its beak a few times, and Ra hops onto the counter moments later. The short bird then clambers up onto one of the stools since it seems sitting is the 'done thing' here. "This one does not recognize the waiter. Does this one have 'fame' in this town now, that it is recognized by Others?"

Aelwyn clicks his teeth and looks at the not-egalrin. "If she is certain. It would spark her right up." The ruddy sith-makar then glances at Thoth again - before Irshya appears out of nowhere, making him turn his head around and down.

"A little lover's spat would be far better use of this one's scales though," The Dragoon starts and then spreads his teeth wider in his macabre fashion. "Honey." He punctuates the word with a click and slow sibilant hiss from his throat.

As Thoth approaches, Aelwyn straightens and moves to guide the bird along - or mostly make sure nobody accidentally runs into it. "Hmm. No menu, probably no baths." The draconian rumbles and crosses his arms in thought. Puzzling, puzzled. Finally, clarity hits. "Ah. Has Thoth come to perform for coin?" Really bright and disturbingly wide grin.

Irshya grins broadly at Slixvah's spit-take, before tsking. "Such a waste of water.", she says with a little giggle. "Ah, so you're a bit worn out from saving the city, the country or the world? What was the mission?" Her gaze passes from Slixvah to Aelwyn and back. "Do either of you require healing?"

She tuts and bumps Aelwyn in the butt again with her broom, before she moves to start sweep the floor methodically, expertly dodging customers as they come and go. "Seems like they just let you go without so much as a 'hey, let me fix that gushing wound for you there'."

The pool-shark offers Thoth a bright grin, "Decided to come by and see the place? Well feel free to settle down and relax for a little while. We can at least provide respite from the wind and chill, and our company., since you don't eat or drink. Hmm, if you do not have any holes that would allow water into your internals, you could settle in the baths for a time. Also, Fidget's magic shop is also available, to browse. She's around somewhere.."

Irshya blinks at Aelwyn, and she marches over. "Honey? It's hon, hon. Or Irshya. Or boss. Or pool-shark. Not... honey."

The bartender wipes her face off and cleans the hydraulic spray from the metal bartop. "Sometimes th' smaller folk get up there," she shrugs to Thoth. "But m'glad ya got some fixin'."

She looks to Aelwyn, giving him a wink. "Tha' would be a better use. I'd also prolly be a lil' less burned up. But ye- coffee please."

She chuckles and shakes her head. "Save a Phoenix," not-Slix casually says. "I'm fine. Th' Phoenix healed me. Jus' gotta let stuff grow back tha' burned away."

A giggles escapes her as she shelves new bottles from Aelwyn's questions for Thoth. But ponders in a quiet hum to the construct. "You may not recognize me, but I recognize you. Bartenders learn lots of gossip," she says coyly. "And, well, some things aren't always what they seem. Think, lil' Thoth, who have ya met recently tha' talks li' I do? Hmmm?"

Thoth looks at Aelwyn as it is guided and manages to get up on that barstool. "Perform?" It closes its shutters for a moment, the opens its oculars again. "This one does not know this 'perform'." It points out.

To Irshya, it remarks; "This one has learned that it has 'decent money', and it is trying to understand what may make it more efficient in 'Adventuring'." It proposes to Irshya. "This one does not wish to get 'wet'. It is not filthy. This one keeps itself well maintained."

It then turns back to Slixvah, and considers her question for a moment. "There was a boy with a dog that talk like you. And an Egalrin. And another Egalrin..." It remarks. "Art thou saying thou art under a spell of illussion?" It then inquires.

Aelwyn lets out a rumble at the butt bump from the broom, then looks down at Irshya. There's a moment of confusion, before he lightly taps at Irshya's calves. "Ribbon honey, Sharkie. Hon." There's another long grin from his face. He then shakes his head, before raising his arms to the side. "Ribbon is right, never felt better." Even if he looked tired and scuffed.

Returning towards Thoth, there's a bit of a disappointed grunt and he tilts his head. "One does not perform? Hmmh." The draconian leans closer and eyes Thoth and its companion, Ra. There's a long moment of studying, before he straightens. "This one is certain Thoth could become a great actor, or a singer. Plenty of coin." And he did sound sincere.

Then his orange eyes turn towards Ribbon. "... a boy with a dog? Now this one is curious." Sharp teeth.

"Oooh, a phoenix! It's good luck to see one of those. And you were healed by them?" Irshya walks around the bar again, and leans against her broom, eyeing the not-Slixvah up and down. "It did a decent job, too." The patter of her feet is heard as she once more gets to sweeping the floor.

"You sure you're not dating or something?", she wonders coyly. "Seems by my remembering that you'd use his spray bottle on him for suggesting uh it being a better use of his scales." The Goblin covers her mouth with a hand to muffle the giggle.

To Thoth, the pool-shark shrugs. "I wasn't insinuating that you were filthy. Here, baths are had for relaxing. A good soak in warm water helps one lower their stress, maybe get in a good nap. And chatting with others."

She gnashes her teeth at the tail tap to her legs, and bumps Aelwyn with the broom once more. "Oooh, I see, calling her honey, eh? And that's good, I guess a phoenix doesn't provide a buff and polish service for scales, hmm?"

Only recently arriving in this city Eirik has been mostly exploring, but today he decides to head to the TarRace, walking in wearing his black hide armor with crimson accents and the pendant around his neck of a globe with a crack in it. Looking around a bit the Half elf heads to the bar. "Can I get an ale and, hmm what's good to eat here hmm?" He asks looking around at the patrons.

Human Slix adjusts her red vest once more, giving Thoth a lopsided grin. "Another two Egalrin tha' sound li' me? Didn' kno' m'Aeire was gettin' 'round ta here." She winks. "Could be illusion. Could be shapeshiftin'. Could be tha' I'm jus' a regular ol' human. Who knows these days!"

She shrugs at Aelwyn. "I 'unno 'bout a kid wit' a doggo." A glance to Irshya. Back to Aelwyn. "... I dunno, are we?" she casually asks. "I jus' didn' spray bottle him 'cause th' bottle's dry."

She pulls out a step stool, getting up to the top shelf spirits to replace them. "Well, a Phoenix is certainly good luck- and can do waaaaaaaay better healin' than I can ever do- Oh! Hiya!" the bartender croons to Eirik, hopping down to serve. "Sure thing! We gots uh- Rish, what's poppin' ri' now on the menu?" she asks the goblin, getting that ale sorted out.

"This one was not designed to Entertain." Thoth answers Aelwyn with a matter-of-factly tone. "This one was made to study, and aid its Masters in its designs, work, and magic." It remarks plainly.

At Irshya's suggestion of using the waters for relaxation, Thoth shakes its head slightly. "This one does not suffer Stress. This one is a War Golem." It remarks. Though to what extent that is true is anyone's guess. Thoth believes it to be true though.

It then tilts its head as Eirik approaches. Ra, the blue-feathered magical beast of an owl on its shoulder hoots at the half-elf.

Thoth then seems to quiet a bit, staring at nothing in particular. Its broken wings shifting down as it tries to 'relax' for a moment and just do... nothing. It becomes so still, it could easily be mistaken for a statue. Something that has somehow gotten used to just... not moving anymore.

Aelwyn leans on the counter, looking at not-Slixvah. "This one is not certain, but if we were, we should find better places to meet than dungeons filled with danger and traps." There's a moment of a pause. "Though there's a definite thrill in that too." He flicks his tongue out. "Besides, how come is it empty already? Found another set of scales to make shiny, Ribbon?"

Before he gets broom-bootied again, making him turn around, "Tch, if only." He mutters, flicking his tail agitatedly as he rubs at his backside - looking over towards Eirik he casually flips up one of the menus from the counter. "This one recommends the beef, Stranger." And then there's a moment of pause, before he adds, "Not the mimic beef."

The draconian looks over his shoulder towards Thoth - and carefully, he nudges the bird with the tip of his tail. "Tch, if one insists. One would look brilliant on the stage." A deep wistful breath. "Did Thoth find any scrolls or books from Veyshan?"

Irshya rolls her eyes at not-Slixvah, snorting heavily and leaning upon her broom. "Right, it's just so difficult to fill up a bottle with water and screw the lid back on.", the Gobbo says, sarcasm practically dripping from the words. But Irsh grins, and winks at the woman, before turning to the new customer.

"Oh, right, I've got it!", she says over her shoulder. Waving to Eirik, she gestures to the main room. "Feel free to settle at an empty table, or at the bar. We're between lunch and dinner right now, so what we have is limited. But, for a hot meal, we have some delicious chicken stew, with potatoes, carrots and peas, and we also have lamb curry over rice, with greens. I can also have sandwiches made up for you, ham or chicken, as well as cheese, and a choice of condiments. Dinner will be soon however, and we have dire yak on the menu. Ribs, I think the chef said, as well as steaks. Free ale with those."

Her head cants at Thoth a moment, and she nods. "Well, you're welcome to study here. A table has plenty of room to spread your books out and for writing notes." The Goblin's response to Aelwyn is to simply stick out her little tongue at him.

Eirik chuckles and nods to each in turn. "My names Eirik." He says before ordering. "The lamb curry over rice sounds good to me, and I'm sure I'll order dinner here too." He laughs as he does find a seat settling in as a python head pokes out from behind his long braid as he strokes its head idly. "Behave Jormangand, I'll share don't you worry."

The bartender slides the ale over to Eirik, "Here ya go, shug." A glance downwards to the cracked globe on his neck is afforded. Something tickles the back of her mind, but recognition doesn't exactly flash across her eyes. But what does catch her attention is the python that pops out of the man's hair. "Awwh. Lotta lil' critter's today. Name's Trish. For now."

However, Thoth's rapid stillness gets a glance. "War Golems can get stressed. Jus' shows differently," she states, but doesn't extrapolate as she pops something under the counter, the sounds of something being filled echoing. "I agree, Aelwyn. But yuh, it's just soooo hard ta fill a bottle up Oh no, it's not like that's half my job," she plays on Irshya's sarcasm.

Then, a glass bottle filled with water topped with a nozzle comes up. Water is relentlessly shot at Aelwyn. Slixvah cackles.

GAME: Irshya rolls knowledge/religion: (16)+9: 25

"This one did not." Thoth answers Aelwyn. "This one would need to travel back there to obtain such things. Are you looking for Scrolls and Books from that place?" It asks of the ruddy one, tilting its head. Only its beak is moving.

"Thank you for your hospitality." It then bids to Irshya and the crew, as it remains still for the time being. Listening to what Slixvah is saying, but it doesn't really seem to register in the way she might want it to. "This one still seeks to expand its knowledge and is curious how to best proceed in equiping itself."

"Huh. Interesting hiding place." Aelwyn rumbles, seeing the python slip out. As Irshya takes over Eirik, the draconian returns his attention on Thoth, slipping the menu in his armpit. A shrug is offered to the construct's question. "No, this one is not, but this one understood one is looking into the history of its origins." A grin rumbles, "This one is more interested in Thoth's design and colo-"

Splat. Splat splat. Aelwyn lets out a sudden hiss and hoists up his menu. "Tch! This one didn't even have the chance to speak of sweet things yet!" He protests, trying to dodge the sprays of water, to limited success. Thankfully his white waiter's shirt managed to mostly soak up the water. "Is Ribbon attempting to make this one serve wet!?"

Pause, then the ruddy sith-makar stands upright. "This one would not maybe mind that." Thumb goes up into the opening of his shirt.

"Right away, Eirik. I am called Irshya, and I am the proprietor of this establishment. Pleased to make your acquaintance." The pool-shark moves to clean up the small pile of dust, dirt and debris she managed to sweep up, and then makes her way to the back, disappearing behind the door marked 'Kitchen'. There's a noticeable uptick in noise back there, and two voices rise up. A male voice, and one that is obviously the Goblin's. There are two loud noises, sounding not unlike a gong being rung.

A short time later, she makes a return, carrying a tray over her head with both hands. "Keep your shirt on!", the Gobbo calls out, flashing a quick glare at Aelwyn. "And it's not as fun when you wait so long to spray.", she sends Slixvah's way.

From the tray, Irshya sets out a large bowl of lamb curry, the savory and pungent spice smells wafting through the main room. There's a small plate of flat bread as well, and a knife and fork. "Here you are, Eir... aaah!" The wee woman is momentarily startled by the snake head that pops out of nowhere. She squints, and then her eyes focus on the small, cracked globe. The pool-shark inhales deeply and lets it out slowly. "You will behave yourself in this establishment.", she says quietly to the man, almost a whisper. "Do not tempt the sea's wrath under the watchful eye of a Current."

That said, she turns away smartly, tray tucked under one arm. "Well Thoth, equipment suggestions we can help with, but, you should perhaps explain your skills, hmm? What can you do, what are your strengths, and what do you think your weaknesses are?"

, Irshya inquires as she pauses by the seated Golem.

Eirik smiles as the food is sat in front of him, he takes a drink and then he's taking a bite savoring the flavor. "Mmm...this is rather good." Listening to the Goblin he raises a brow and looks her over briefly. "I always behave myself, I'm merely a priest and preacher, not one for actively seeking and causing chaos and destruction." He says back softly. "You've not to worry about I promise you." His eyes glance to Slixvah. "Ah yes this is Jormungand he's rather friendly providing no one tries to harm him or myself." Eirik says offering Jormungand a piece of the chicken.

Trish-Slix cackles as Aelwyn tries to shield himself. "Jus' makin' up fo' lost chances!" she fires back gleefully before abating her assault. "Bah! You'll dry out fast like ya usually do," she waves it off, putting the spray bottle away as she returns to her duties. A shrug and a smile given to Irshya as she does.

The kitchen shenanigans doesn't seem to phase the bartender, used to it by this point. "I'd love ta see Aelwyn in th' library," she comments idly with Thoth. "But- best proceed to equip yaself? Hmm. Knowledge is good. And a sharp knife, just in case. Can't tell ya how many scraps I've gotten out of just knowin' what I'm goin' up against."

Whatever Irshya was saying to Eirik is missed as she was going about bringing up a fresh, smaller keg and setting down on the floor behind the bar.

But she perks up at the snake being offered. "Oh my goodness you're SO CUTE!" she coos brightly, reaching over the bar to pick the snake up and gently drape Jormungand across her shoulders. "Who's a good lil' snake? You are!"

"This one was not created there. It awoke there." Thoth corrects Aelwyn patiently. "This one was created by its Master. In a place that roamed the skies."

"This one is of the learned Arcane variety. It believes it is capable of using some simple ranged weapons, but its master never taught it how to use more complex weaponry."

It finally begins to move and emote a bit again, tilting its entire body as it listens to everyone. Observing the cute snake, and then looking to Ra - which hops onto the counter and seems to puff up just ever a bit. Almost as if it were jealous of the snake.

Aelwyn makes a face, by crunching his nose when he gets chastised. "Tch, this one will have to do with a _wet shirt clinging on this one's scales_." He pointedly says to Irshya and then with a rumble saunters over towards the counter, with a distinct sway to his hips.

"This one has been in the library," The draconian protests. "Many occasions this one has brought books there." Turning towards Thoth again, he looks with an amount of surprise. "Not in Veyshan, but in the Skies? Is this..." Eyes turn towards not-Slix. "Is this something familiar?"

Though the ribbon haired bartender seemed to be occupied by a snake now. "Hmmh." Hand on his hip, he turns towards Eirik. "Snake new in town? This one has not seen them before."

The Goblin turns around to glare at Eirik a moment. "See that you stick to that. I /know/ the one that you follow." She hands off the tray to a server passing by, returning from the upstairs space, where dinner preparations are underway.

Her grin returns as she rolls her eyes at Trish-Slix, and she lets out a snort at the woman's fawning over the snake. A laugh is then had at the Owl's antics.

"Slixvah's suggestions are good. As a cleric, I would offer holy water. It can harm undead, demons and fae, it's blessed so it should remain drinkable for some time, should you need fresh water, and only a small amount serves its purpose. If you are a wizard, then, or sorcerer? A healing potion or two would serve you well, too. I am unfamiliar with magical protection, like special cloaks or robes, I tend to wear armor, but I know that it interferes with arcane magic. So something non-metal, light and perhaps offering resistance to the elements, or magic, would be a good idea."

Her glance goes to Aelwyn there, and her smile is both cherubic and mischievous. "Good, leaves something to the imagination."

Eirik glances to Irshya as he takes another bite chews and swallows. "You know what you've heard said about the one I follow, but in truth death, and chaos are all a part of nature. And as a druid nature is revered to me." He grumbles. "So you have nothing to worry about I'm not a fanatic, as some from my order might be." Eirik says, his tone calm and sincere. The crooning and fawning over Jormungand gets him smiling and chuckling. "Ah yer gonna give Jormungand a big head." Laughing he looks to Aelwyn. "Jormungand and I are both new to the city yes, but what gives him away do you not have black pythons in this city?"

Not-Slix grins at Thoth. "Really? Me too! Love me some magic." She jabs a thumb to herself. "Tho', even jus' a lil' knife helps when mojo ain't gonna work." Her attention is caught by another animal, this one looking jealous of the attention. "Oh my- another lil' cutie! Come 'ere!" she beckons, holding out an arm for Ra. More encouraging sounds follow, scarily accurate bird tweets and twitters. "Well if Jorm gets a big head tha' just means there's more ta pet!" she cackles, enjoying being surrounded by animals.

A glance to Aelwyn. "Ok but like did ya /read/ th' books?" she asks before saying simply. "Yuh. Long ago. Kulthians had floatin' cities. Dunno much mo' than tha'."

The bartender rolls her eyes back, letting out a dramatic sigh at Irshya. "Bah. There goes that."


"Ah." Thoth simply remarks. It is hard to tell with the bird if it is impressed or surprised or anything. But it at least seems to indicate it understands now. "Yes. In the skies." It then tries to impress upon Aelwyn.

"This one would be addressed as Wizard." It then answers Irshya as she inquires to its role. "This one believes its magical protections are... adequate at this time." It then turns its head to look to Ra - as it hip-hops on the conter and hops onto Slixvah's arm and digs its sharp claws in.

Aelwyn slips a grin and leans over towards Eirik. "Because this one would have heard of a black python hiding in a dark handsome man's hair." He flickers his forked tongue out, before leaning away.

not-Slix-but-Thrish gets a frown and the ruddy sith-makar hisses. "This one can read! Books are just very long!" There's a tch, and hmmh. "This one also has lot to pet." Dull tail thump.

"Hmmh. In the skies." The Dragoon rumbles, twisting lips. "The skies do have a sense of style, apparently." He flashes his teeth. "Though perhaps the gold would be better offset with red."

The Goblin blinks and pouts at Sli.. Trish. "Sorry.", she says with a little sad frown. "I'm just used to you like that an' you know...". She runs around behind the bar, and unseen, hugs at Slixvah's leg. She's quiet for a while, before piping up. "One can always use better protection when one can afford it.", she says in reply to Thoth. "Just keep in in mind for later, okay?" As the bird hops onto Slix' arm, the pool-shark's maw opens slightly, teeth showing.

She snorts and mutters quietly, "Not /that/ much to pet."

A few moments later, her face appears above the bar right before Eirik. "I did not misspeak. I said I /know/, and I meant it. I have heard his words and I have discarded them."

Eirik rolls his eyes and laughs eating a bit more. "Yea yea, as you say. I don't think you've heard them from one who speaks to him as I do, but I'll let the matter drop here." He says with a smile before hearing what Aelwyn says he blushes deep. "Oh well umm...thank you for the compliment." He says with a chuckle before looking back go Slix. "Oh now you're just gonna get him a big ego too." Eirik chuckles as he drinks deeply from his cup. "So what do folks do around here to relax and or have fun hmm?"

Not-Slix-but-Thrish winces as Ra digs their claws in, but she manages just fine as the snake-patting hand turns to scritch the owl. "Tha's 'cause ya ain't got patience, Aelwyn. Better payoff in the end."

The hug at her leg from Irshya is met with a raised brow. "It's fine, hon." She'd give a reassuring gesture, but, alas, her hands are full of animals. Words between Irshya and Eirik finally catch Slix's notice, but she just lets that be as the bartender snorts at Aelwyn. "You always want things in red. There are /other/ colors too ya know? Fire can be any color."

She turns to Eirik, chuckling. "Nevermind Aelwyn, he flatters everyone," Slix chuckles. "Well- back ova there-" she points to an arched entryway in the back of the establishment, "- is th' Alexandrian famous bathhouse. Good fo' gettin ya bones and muscles a rest. Down th' road to th' south is th' Theatre district if ya want a good show or music. And right out this buildin' is a biiiig arena, The Colosseum, lotta good shows and duels go on there! If ya wanna relax, there's two gardens, northern bridge spills inta both of 'em. I like the lower gardens. Feels mo' wild."

Thoth takes note, and nods its head. "Perhaps a method of further protecting this one's body will be something this 'Fidget' can create for it." It considers. "What about books of wizardry? Scrolls that might teacheth this one more spells?" Looking to Slixvah.

Aelwyn waves a hand, "But the red is the one that is filled with heat and passion. Or does she drape herself in rainbows, to imitate the flicker of a flame in the wind?" He grints towards the animal covered Not-Slix.

" Besides, what is there to flatter with the truth?" The draconian counterpoints Slixvah, before he slips a very wide grin towards Eirik. "This one is a great dancer." He rumbles, completely ignorant of the tension in the room. "And there are ways to dance long into the night."

The Goblin leans forward, little hands reaching out to pat Eirik's cheeks and then hold his head still briefly. "No. I heard Gunahkar speak. Not second hand, and not by one of his Marauders or Defoliators. He called to me, and I rejected his words." Her touch is brief, and she quickly slips back down behind the bar. The sound of thumping feet retreats to the trap door into the storage area below. With a huff, the door is pulled up quickly, and the Gobbo steps into the hole and drops down, a moment later a blue hand coming up to pull the trapdoor shut with a slam.

Eirik blinks at the touch and he looks the Goblin in the eyes as she speaks. "Well if that is so, than I must convey my deepest regret that you rejected his words, fore I have found comfort and meaning in them." He says with a smile as he watches Jormungand and the interactions he smiles eating a bit more. "I must agree Red is a fine color, I adorn myself mostly in black and crimson I do enjoy the chaos that comes from passion, in all its forms."

The bartender gives the lovely animals several more tender affections before returning both to their respective owners with care. "Society of Progressive Arcanists in th' University Plaza, Upper Alexandria," Trish answers Thoth. "Ya might be able ta requisition some scrolls from thems. Jus' kno' they ain't cheap. Half of my adventurin' cash goes ta learnin' new mojo."

She rolls her eyes at Aelwyn, smirking. "Because I li' prett' colors, simple is. But if ya flatter all th' time, it ain't gonna have the same impact as-"

The sudden frustration draws all her attention to the fore, especially with such a name drop of the dark gods. She blinks owlishly, looking between the slammed trapdoor and Eirik. There's an awkward air as she slowly resumes cleaning. "... be as it may, Eirik, this is a city of Light. I'd be wary being so brazenly open about such uh... denominations. I'd avoid the Temple District if I were you."

Patrons start filing in for dinner, the bartender perking and knocking twice on the metal bartop. "Dinner rush. Hollar if ya need somethin'!"

She slinks off to the other end of the bar, harking at some patrons to calm down as she gets their orders sorted.