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(Created page with "The rain has continued all day, and into the evening. The Tarrace is cheery by comparison to the grey day, the lunch and dinner crowds were decent. Closing time approaches, and the patrons dwindle, until there only a group of codgers playing cards. They do spend quite a bit on ale, and the card playing is fast, with the group chattering loudly among themselves. Most of the staff have gone home for the night, leaving the bartender dealing with most of the orders, and Irs...")
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He then bows his head a bit. "I should head out. Thank you for your time. Perhaps soon, I will invite you on a journey to Am'shere. I'm sure Rune would enjoy a visit back to the jungles where it's warm." He proposes, then gets out from the bench and lifts his hand. "Fare thee well, miss Irshya." And with that, the Sith-makar is off.
He then bows his head a bit. "I should head out. Thank you for your time. Perhaps soon, I will invite you on a journey to Am'shere. I'm sure Rune would enjoy a visit back to the jungles where it's warm." He proposes, then gets out from the bench and lifts his hand. "Fare thee well, miss Irshya." And with that, the Sith-makar is off.

Latest revision as of 03:35, 10 March 2023

The rain has continued all day, and into the evening. The Tarrace is cheery by comparison to the grey day, the lunch and dinner crowds were decent. Closing time approaches, and the patrons dwindle, until there only a group of codgers playing cards. They do spend quite a bit on ale, and the card playing is fast, with the group chattering loudly among themselves.

Most of the staff have gone home for the night, leaving the bartender dealing with most of the orders, and Irshya, having claimed a table nearer the kitchen.

Harkashan has remained for a while in TarRaCe, having enjoyed his dinner and having honestly dozed off a bit after a heavy meal. Aelwyn was right, the kitchen knows what's up. But after a voracious appetite and eating quite so much, it seems the amount of sugars the Softskins enjoy putting into things has had its effect on this one.

His robes have been a bit messy since he's woken up without a Gobbo on his leg anymore, and has made his way over to the only occupied table, settling in across from the small one.

Slowly taking his time to get settled in, not even asking if she wants him to join her, after which he asks; "So... I must ask - If it is not impolite - the tail..." He motions towards her.

Irshya sits up a bit straighter, and then moves over to settle once more on Harkashan's knee. "Oh, the tail?" Said tail's tip wiggles ever so slightly under her robes. "It's uhm part of my nature. While my father was a Goblin, my mother is uhm... supernatural. To put it politely. I get my shark-like characteristics from her. She, herself, wasn't a shark, but it would not surprise me if she had shark's blood running through her."

"Hrrrm." He answers, noticing her coming over. And soon he has a Gobbo on his lap again.

Yeah, this checks.

He leans back a bit so he can properly address her, tilting his head so he can see her at least from one eye. Sith-makar have trouble with getting a proper two-eyed vision on people that close to them. "Was she some kind of water dragon then?" He inquires. "Or perhaps a water wyvern?" Why is it always the dragon types with the Sith-makar?

"Or a sea serpent??" He's clearly curious. "Based on how you phrase it, I assume she isn't actively part of your life anymore."

The pool-shark giggles lightly at his insistent guessing. She inhales, and exhales slowly. "She's a sea-hag. And no, I left her as soon as I was able. She was becoming very aggressive, and she wanted me to take part in the things hags do, to carry on the family business, so to speak." So I struck out, ended up following a few ships... I found Rada along the way, rather, they found me. Promised my service, and thus became a cleric. Saw a bit of the world, eventually ended up here, in one of the larger ports of the world."

Harkashan listens to the answer and tilts his head. It seems he's not familiar with the term 'Sea-hag'. Perhaps not to unexpected. The Sith-makar of Am'shere tend to live in the jungles, not on the ocean. Ships are not exactly the most common things for them to deal in. "I fear I do not know what sea-hags are known for. But based on your tone, I will presume they are creatures of chaos or evil?" He inquires with her.

There's this long nod then. "The World-Devouring Dragon. Yes." He recognizes Rada as a name at least. "And now you work at this... Tar-Ra-Ce place." He inquires. "Following in a particular set of footsteps in doing so?"

Irshya nods. "Yes, we can call them chaotic and evil, and leave it at that. They use magic to do some pretty evil thing. They're the evil side of witches."

The Gobbo grins toothily. "That is how I met him, the world-circling serpent. But he has other hats to wear. One of them being commerce." She turns on his leg, so that she is facing him, her bare feet now able to enjoy a bit of the Sith's warmth. "I wasn't following any footprints, my friends and I came up with the idea of the TarRaCe, they ran it for the first while, but they have gone travelling, and I have taken up the business. The name comes from the letters of the names of our Gods: Tarien, Rada and Ceinara."

"You would think that something encroaching the world would not be so interested in something as simple as coin." Harkashan muses when the Gobbo points out that the Serpent is also known for its interest in mercantile. But here they are.

As she turns on him, she lays her feet against him. She's small enough this is easily done. And he's more than warm enough for her. "Not going to fall asleep again, are you?" He asks of her. "I do need that leg beg soon to go traveling again." He warns. Listening to her speak of TarRaCe, he is quick to want to ask for the name...

But she answers it for him. "Ah, so that is why it's TarRaCe. I thought it was just a play on words, trying to sound like 'terace'." There's a thoughtful sound there. "Three Shamans running a business together, all of different kind. Must curious." He notes.

"I will stay awake this time.", she says with a snort. "And you may have your leg back at any time as you require. I am simply enjoying the fact that you're a walking furnace." The pool-shark laughs lightly. "It's meant to be a play on the word terrace, but also representative of our gods too." A blue hand gestures to the three figured above the bar.

"We each bring skills that helps the place flourish. My friends bring creativity, colour and humour, while I brought the head for coin and trade. It works out pretty well. We also get along very well together, so it's very easy to work together."

"Glad I spotted the 'reference' then. Or is it a 'joke'?" He is never quite certain with some of the terms used by the softskins. It's not like the Sith-makar lack the terms or are humorless, but there's certain things where cultural differences adjust the meaning of words still.

"They sound like good friends." He then notes, leaning a bit sideways, so that he can put an elbow on the table. "Do you miss them, now that they're traveling?" He asks of her.

"Not a joke, but meant to be humourous. The reference is meant to make one smile." Irshya nods. "They are great friends and I miss them greatly. They do stop in from time to time. Not nearly enough for me, though." She clings to the arm as the elbow meets the table.

"What of you? Have you come through to Alexandria recently, or have you lived here a long while? Do you go back to Am'shere at all, to visit?"

"I've been around Alexandria off-and-on for a while, but I've had little reason to... stick around places such as these for very long until recently." Harkashan admits to the Gobbo as she asks about him living here. He doesn't go into exactly what that new reason might be. "But I do go to Am'shere quite a bit. It's not that far away from here after all. And it's easier for me to travel through there and back than it is for you Softskins." He points out.

"But as of late, I've largely been visiting Mictlan. What with the recent issues that cropped up near there." He then adds with a roll of one of his shoulders, his tail slithering up onto the bench at the table. "You should give me your friends' names, so I can tell them that you miss them." He adds.

"Oh, Ygraine and Sabina.", she says softly. "You might run into them one day, this is true. Thank you in advance, for telling them I miss them, and wish them well." The pool-shark nods, "I heard about the earthquake, and that someone caused it, that it wasn't natural?" Irshya cants her head to one side, slightly, eyeing him. "Maybe I could travel there with you, some day? I hear it is hot and humid, a big jungle."

There's a long nod from him, followed by raising his head as she speaks those names. "Ygraine and Sabina." Repeating them, putting to his memory. It takes him a bit after that to respond, really securing those names. "I will tell them that 'Sharkie' is missing them." He decides.

The male then lowers his head and looks back to her.

"Yes. That is all I've learned as well myself. Though I believe one of my fellow kin may be able to give me more information on the matter." He adds. "If you wish to travel with me to Am'shere, I will gladly welcome you. Though I must warn you that it's a dangerous place. And with the constant threat of the Charneth trying to harm my people and take our land... it's intelligent kinds of dangerous."

Irshya snorts. "Sharkie. Now you're taking Aelwyn's advice? He has swayed you, has he?" She opens her maw, showing off rows of teeth, waiting to replace the ones in front. "Did he warn you that I bite?" Her mouth closes with a clack of teeth, and she snorts once more. "But to be fair, Sabine and Ygraine will know exactly who you mean if you say Sharkie."

Her eyes widen a little as he speaks of the dangers of Am'shere, and Irshya nods. "I understand. It's sort of like the ocean, there are lots of things trying to eat you there."

"He is convincing." He answers Irshya. "But I'll heed to whatever name you prefer." He then adds, before carefully playing his hands around her waist, and hoisting her off of his lap and setting her down besides himself. He then slowly rises back up and makes a chuffing sound at her show of her teeth. He answer her by showing his own rows of massive teeth and playfully biting at the air near her.

He then bows his head a bit. "I should head out. Thank you for your time. Perhaps soon, I will invite you on a journey to Am'shere. I'm sure Rune would enjoy a visit back to the jungles where it's warm." He proposes, then gets out from the bench and lifts his hand. "Fare thee well, miss Irshya." And with that, the Sith-makar is off.