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(Created page with "It's bitterly cold outside, so as the blue-scaled sith-makar leaves the Temple of Daeus he wraps his cloak tightly around himself. There's a heavy wind blowing, and it tugs insessantly at his cloak. Trying to pull it away and toss it into the sky. He struggles with the wind to keep the cloak in place. He hefts a sigh and looks skyward. "Dragonfather, thisss cold will end yesss?" He sounds amused by his own words, and he steps down the stairs that lead away from the templ...")
Line 17: Line 17:
"Son of a-" *CRUNCH*
"Son of a-" *CRUNCH*
Munch arrives at high speed. Which rapily becomes low speed with the aid of a silicon based impact breaking system. Which to say he hits the wall. Some twenty feet up. This is followed by hitting the ground. Which is zero feet up.
Munch arrives at high speed. Which rapily becomes low speed with the aid of a silicon based impact breaking system. Which to say he hits the wall. Some twenty feet up. This is followed by hitting the ground. Which is zero feet up.
The metal man struggles to right himself right away, but it's not going well. Large leathery wings are bending the wrong direction.
The metal man struggles to right himself right away, but it's not going well. Large leathery wings are bending the wrong direction.

Latest revision as of 05:36, 3 January 2023

It's bitterly cold outside, so as the blue-scaled sith-makar leaves the Temple of Daeus he wraps his cloak tightly around himself. There's a heavy wind blowing, and it tugs insessantly at his cloak. Trying to pull it away and toss it into the sky. He struggles with the wind to keep the cloak in place. He hefts a sigh and looks skyward. "Dragonfather, thisss cold will end yesss?" He sounds amused by his own words, and he steps down the stairs that lead away from the temple with care.

Somehow, Fizzy has found her way to the Temple District, and thus very near the temples of Daeus and Althea. This is her first time here, and it's apparent to anyone who notices the little elf bundled up in layers and layers of warm clothes that may or may not be as effective as she hoped. One side of her coats and cloaks appears bulkier than the other. She pauses and looks at the edifices in front of her in admiration. Individuals of all kinds moving in and out of the entrances. She continues to watch, deciding where to go first, and only because it's closest, she chooses the Temple of Daeus. Better to be warmer sooner, after all.

Zeke pauses on his way out of the temple, noticing the elf and moreso the elf's clothing choices and makes his way toward the layered bundle. "Peasssce on your nessst." He offers gently, and nods his head low to them. "Thisss one isss curioussss... Are you cold?"

Fizzy nods, shivering, and returns the greeting, figuring it's the polite thing to do. "Peace on your nest as well. Yes, I'm freezing and so is Xote. It got colder after I left!" Hugging her garments in tighter, she does seem concerned about that rather large lump against her right leg. She readjusts her scarf and hood, too, because the bitter wind pulled them off to reveal that she's a Shadow Elf.

Without hesitation Zeke pulls the cloak from his shoulders and steps toward the shadow elf. He doesn't seem surprised or bothered by her race, but instead holds the cloak open for her. "Here. Thisss one will essscort you inssside, you can find warmth there. Sssome nisce tea perhapsss?"

Fizzy 's eyes widen, "No, you need the cloak! But I'll go inside the temple with you for tea, please!" She's trusting the temple to be safe, and she truly hopes that's not a mistake. Moving closer to this generous blue-scaled soul, she moves a little quicker to get somewhere welcoming and warm. "Thank you," she expresses through chattering teeth and a layer or two of scarf.

Zeke offers a gentle look and a swish of his tail. "Thisss one doess not require it, though you are kind to worry. Come; we sshould hurry. It iss unpleassant out here." He makes a small amused noise and motions toward the temple with the crystal claw that taking off his cloak had revealed. In fact, both his left arm and leg are crystal. Though they seem to move just fine. He moves toward that destination himself, still half-offering the cloak.

Fizzy gives a quizzical look, because how could someone not need a cloak in this weather? But she follows that up with a nod and accepts the cloak and accompanies her benefactor gratefully. "Thank you," she says again as Zeke guides her out of the elements. She's not resistant, but willing. Very, very willing to get out of this.

"Son of a-" *CRUNCH*

Munch arrives at high speed. Which rapily becomes low speed with the aid of a silicon based impact breaking system. Which to say he hits the wall. Some twenty feet up. This is followed by hitting the ground. Which is zero feet up.

The metal man struggles to right himself right away, but it's not going well. Large leathery wings are bending the wrong direction.

With that decided, Zeke leads Fizzy into the temple of Daeus, allowing her to wear his cloak inside. It's not that he doesn't _want_ a cloak against the weather, but does he absolutely need it? No. He waits until they are inside the temple itself to offer her a half-bow and then steps back from her, letting her keep the cloak since the warmth inside hasn't had a chance to permeate yet. "Thisss one will fetch the tea. Will return sshortly." He shifts his tail again and then placidly moves into the temple proper.

However at this point he notices Munch and... the construct collides with the wall of the temple. "One sssecond on the tea." He says, motioning for Fizzy to remain where she is. Then he walks over to Munch. "Are you well? Do you require healing?"

Aya enters the temple district from the mountains above, aided by gravity, but not in quite as direct a fashion as the construct. No, she descends via the mountain road. She is also, for the weather, somewhat sparingly attired. No cloak wraps about her nor wafts in the breeze as she makes her way towards The Sun's temple.

With a start at the metallic crunch, Fizzy looks back, then to Zeke, who's just asked her to pause. She looks again toward the temple wall and the winged being that caused that sound. Watching Zeke approach and offer healing, she starts to remove the scarf from her face. The kindness is touching and she smiles softly at it.

Munch manages to sit upright, his faceplate cracked open and long black tongue flicking rapidly in the air. He doesn't seem to be bleeding...leaking? But one wing is clearly dislocated, the leather membrane torn. "KNEW that was a bad idea, did it anyway. Gonna get crap for- Oh, hey. Um? No, and sorta? If you could grab the wing by the second joint there, help pop it back in?" A trail of pinpoint white lights flare on the golems hand under the skin, skittering rapidly towards the injured joint where they flare blue and disappear.

Zeke blinks at the golem, but nods to the request. "Thisss one will help ssset the joint back into plassce." Hesitantly at first he touches the other, then more firmly grasping the wing by the second joint and then bracing. "Thiss may hurt."

Golems are admittedly not a species that Zeke has much familiarity with, nor are wings a common injury to deal with, but Zeke has hope that it is like any other dislocation and so he waits a moment and then... Snaps the wing back to its proper location.

One brow arches at the field treatment (repair?) witnessed as she nears the pair-no, trio (as Fizzy becomes apparent). "I get the impression that was not one of your better landings. It is fortunate the Sunguard was present... though I suppose of all the areas to land poorly, this would be one of the best." It is a greeting of sorts to both, followed by a second glance and nod to the third.

Watching the tableau taking place, Fizzy holds onto her smile and nods at her fellow Shadow Elf. Curiosity lights her gaze and she moves closer to the action, unconsciously disobeying the cleric's gentle order. There's some additional motion against her right side, but she's not alarmed by it. Whatever it is is buried under the layers she's wearing, and hopefully not suffering from the cold. She really doesn't know what use she could be, but offers anyway, "If there's any assistance I can provide, I'm willing."

Munch is generally good dealing with pain. Most golems are. It's just another set of info. They don't usually have the instincts are reactions to flinch or jump, moving away from harm before fully processing it.

Munch is not most golems, and jerks as the joint pops back into place, faceplate splitting apart into an adamantine fang filled maw, mithril claws flexing at fingertips. The warrior recovers after a moment, the trail of white lights from his hand continuing to seek out injuries, the flare of blue repairing a tiny bit of damage.

"Thanks. Knew the wind would be bad, but didn't consider icing up in the air. Flying became falling." The golem buzzes, peering at the impact point. "...hope the wall's okay."

Gathering his feet under him, Munch stands slowly, obviously not confident all is well. "Sorry for interrupting." Magicite eyes blink with a click, focusing on Fizzy. "Oh, hey, didn't see you... both?" The leg-lump is focused upon.

Zeke steps away, noticing the self-repair of the golem and nodding to himself. With the golem cared for, and its attention directed elsewhere, Zeke returns his focus to the guest of the temple. Which is when he notices Aya. "Peassce on you nessst." He offers the greeting stiffly but politely and turns his green eyes on Fizzy. "Thisss one will return after a moment with tea for all. Make your-ssselvess comfortable."

With that said, he turns and leaves slowly but steadily, his left foot making a gentle click-click with every step he takes.

"Peace on your nest," Aya offers in return. She watches Zeke's travel off for several strides before she looks back to the other mul. "Are you recently arrived in the city? It is not the most welcoming season, now." It is not until after Munch's comment and gaze drops that hers follows to the movement in the bundled layers.

Her face lights up. No one ever notices her companion when she's out and about and bundled up with her buddy buried against her. "I don't really think there was an interruption, we were just moving into the temple to shelter. I apologize for being nosy, but I couldn't help watch. I hope you're all right. I'm ..." Yes, she pauses, thinking better of sharing what she was about to share. Whatever it was, as reflections of her thoughts flit across her face, it's probably not held back out of caution. Probably.

She glances toward the Sith-Makar, whose name she doesn't know, yet, either, for confirmation. Yes, she's noticed the crystal limbs, but she's politely not staring or asking about them. "At least, I don't think there was an interruption. I'm Fizzy, though, and my little love is Xote, but he'll come out when we've warmed up." She nods. "It's definitely not the warmest, and fairly recently. It sounds like you've been here a while."

From another direction on the temple grounds, a cloaked figure exits one of the buildings, turning to hold a brief conversation with someone inside that door. It only takes a minute, and he turns and makes his way in the direction of the group. Despite the warmth of the temple, he remains securely bundled, and surveys the group as he approaches with one chocolate-brown eye and a golden gem in a bronze-and-steel ring where his other eye ought to be. It is nestled amid deep furrows and melted flesh across the right side of his face.

"Brightest of days," he greets pleasantly enough, although he is moving just a touch stiffly.

Munch buzzes softly and nods. "I'm fine. Anything that doesn't kill me outright has made a tactical error. Name's Munch, Munch Terrormaw, nice to meet ya Fizzy." Another blink as he turns attention to Dolan. "Actually it's kinda crap out- oh, you mean- yeah, okay, bright days and stuff... Hi."

As Dolan enters into the room, but just after Fizzy introduces herself (and thus critically missing out on hearing her name), Zeke returns with a quite large tea pot and several tea cups. He blinks a bit at the arrival of Dolan, but swishes his tail once. "Thisss one isss glad to have brought extra cupsss!" He motions everyone slightly deeper into the temple and then begins to pour tea, starting with Fizzy since he'd promised it to her foremost. "Thisss one iss called Zeke. To thossse who do not know thisss one, and peasce on your nessstsss to thosss that thisss one hass not yet greeted."

"Aya," she offers in return to Fizzy's introduction, "and too long, depending on whom you ask." One corner of her mouth then curls upwards at Munch's initial response to the greeting from Dolan. He isn't wrong about the day, but realizes the meaning quick enough, it seems. And then there is tea, though Aya makes note of Dolan and his movements. "If you are in need of healing, your timing is most fortunate."

Once inside a warmer part of the temple, Fizzy begins unbundling. Three layers in, the 2-foot-tall albino rodent emerges, his little nose instantly taking stock of the air, the occupants, and the tea. Are there treats? He stays next to Fizzy, though, who gives Zeke a grateful expression. She isn't aware Zeke missed her name with the flurry of activity that's been going on. "A pleasure, Aya, and this is Xote, everyone. He's pleased to make your acquaintance, and we'd both like to get to know you all."

Caught by surprise by the invitation, Dolan blinks - well, one eye does, anyway - at the group in surprise. "Um, I didn't realize you were all getting together. Yeah, pretty much," he tells Munch. "I'm pretty much just like saying good morning, except it works any time of day." Lastly, he shakes his head at Aya. "They've had a look at me already. Shadow demons before breakfast. I'm told I'll warm up in a few hours. Anyway, it looks like I'm inviting myself to a party, so sorry. Hi Sunguard Zeke." He does, at the least, seem to know Zeke.

Munch nods to Xote. "I remember those things. Tastey, but greasy. Jade Islands? Am’shere? Don't recall. Didn't know they came in white. What brings you to Alexandria, miss Fizzy?"

Zeke offers a tea cup first to Fizzy, then to Aya, then to Munch, and lastly to Dolan. Mostly because of the order in which they stand related to him. He only blinks once at the little creature that is Fizzy's companion. He has learned after all that the little animals that associate with people are often not meant to be eaten. And that people get pretty upset if you offer to do so. So he keeps how tasty-looking it is to himself. "Sshadow demonsss Dolan?" He inquires politely, wishing that he'd offered the tea a little earlier to Dolan. "In Alexandria?"

Aya begins to give a smile at the rodent, which is partially-interrupted by Munch's culinary comment. She does not get the opportunity to give the construct a word before Dolan's admission bring her head and focus sharply around. Gone is the smile as well. "No longer existing demons, I hope." Her concern is prompt and lingering enough that she accepts Zeke's offered tea with less attention than it is due.

Fizzy accepts the tea, un-gracefully wrapping her chilled fingers around the cup. She nods as awkward as she is graceful to everyone she's just met, but adds a verbal, "Thank you, Zeke. You're very kind and I appreciate you. It's a pleasure to meet you all. Xote is, well, I don't know where he's from, honestly. I found him during my travels that led me here. Please don't eat, though, neither he nor I would like that!"

Her gaze passes over everyone and she adds after a slight pause, "Is this a common gathering place? I'd have expected an inn or a tavern." She obviously cuts herself off there, and the slight shading that appears on her cheeks indicates that she's feeling self-conscious. Another indicator is her gaze dropping to her dearest Xote, whose nose hasn't stopped twitching.

Dolan takes the cup of tea, cradling it between both hands. Despite the warmth, he's made no move towards removing his outerwear just yet, and instead leans carefully against the wall, sipping at the warmth of the tea. "I sent it back, if that's what you mean. Yeah, my own damn fault. Girlfriend brought in a kitten from my family farm after those same damn demons went after my folks. I should have checked." He stares at the tea. "Bet they're getting in through the gate by just disguising and walking through," he mutters. "The whole thing's pretty complicated and I don't need to drag you down with my troubles."

He turns to fully face Fizzy. "Nah, not unless it's as blasted cold as it is right now."

"Rule #1: Do not eat pets."

Munch may still be rough around the edges, but he is mostly civilized. Even holds his tea with his pinky up. Admittedly, he holds the cup up to his opened faceplate and slurps with his snakelike tongue, but lacking lips his options are limited.

"Templesss are sssome-timesss meeting plascesss. But mossstly plascess of healing and contemplation." Zeke says gently to Fizzy, his tail swishing behind him. His green eyes don't rest however, they keep flickering between the various people in the room with him. "It isss not a trouble to tell othersss how demonsss are getting into the scity Dolan. If they are in the bodiesss of animalsss, or people thisss isss good to know." He gives the man a steady look.

Aya nods to Dolan and seems somewhat more at ease with that clarification. She takes a sip from her tea, then simply cradles it with both hands. "They will still find means to enter, but the more difficult it is, the fewer there will be... or so the thought goes. Zeke is right, it still should be known. I ..." She pauses a brath before continuing, "I am sorry that they trouble you and your family."

She sips further after, her own thoughts under consideration, though she does look to Xote. More, really at the little wiggling nose.

Fizzy's normally-smooth complexion is momentarily marred by a very concerned, tiny crease between her eyebrows that vanishes almost as instantly as she raised her gaze from her little companion.. "Demons... come in the form of kittens? Other animals, too?" Fizzy asks, completely unsure if she's understanding the situation accurately. She's easily distracted though. Her eyes flit over to Munch, "It's a good rule of thumb."

"Yeah. Animals and people. I chased it out of the kitten with a spell of protection from evil, and then it attacked us both." Dolan takes another small sip from his tea, clearly waiting for it to cool before drinking more quickly. "It's not the first one I've seen. They might be using illusions, and they might be using possession. Either one would work, and the guards aren't trained to stop it." His gaze is directed at the teacup between his hands. "They've still got summoners, though. I think I know who's summoning this one, but I've got to find out for sure. The others -" He shakes his head. "Just be careful."

Munch shrugs. "Some demons change shape, some possess bodies of others. Not sure how the rules on it all work. I just smash them when they go all demony." He nods to Dolan. "Guards can only do so much, but they've gotten tighter about what's allowed to fly over the walls."

"Thisss one hopesss that they have." Zeke says in response to Munch's comment. "We mussst all be diligent if thessse thingsss are to be sstopped." He glances away from Dolan in order to give Fizzy a sympathetic look. Or rather what he hopes is a sympathetic look. It's difficult to translate soft-skin expressions into sith-makar ones. "You ssshould keep your companion clossse. Alexandria isss a dangerousss sscity."

"Cut off the source, if you can," Aya agrees with Dolan. Munch receives a bemused half-smile. "If only they were all demony all of the time, to be smashed." Last, she looks to Fizzy with a her own version of a softer, concerned expression. "Keep the little one close and do not make any bargains with strangers."

Listening intently again, Fizzy takes all this demon information to heart. "So there's not a surefire way to know who is and who isn't a demon? I don't suppose demons can be discerned with a magic detection spell. Probably needs to be something that can pick up evil?" She looks at Zeke. "I will, I do. Xote is never more than three feet from me, unless we're in a place I one hundred percent trust."

She's so very earnest and eager that she comes across as very awkward. Trying to pay attention to what everyone's saying has her eyes darting from one person to the next in such a way that it must be dizzying to stay focused. But she does manage to keep Xote always in mind. "Pardon me, but could I have some sort of drink for Xote? Water is fine, even cold or room temperature. He's had tea before, but I have my doubts about its health benefits for him."

"Yeah," Dolan agrees, not moving from where he's holding up the wall. "There's one sort running around, targeting the desperate and offering to fulfill wishes - but all they're doing is ruining people's lives. One got a unicorn." Still Dolan stares at his teacup, and his words are more than a touch sad. "Best way to spot 'em is being able to sense the presence of evil. It's different than just ordinary mean people, and I can't quite explain how. But you'll know. You can watch the animals, too. Animals that aren't possessed know there's something wrong and stay away."

He's very carefully not looking at Zeke. At all.

Munch shrugs to Aya. "Likely wouldn't be as satisfying if they made it easy. Better world over all, maybe, but the beatdowns wouldn't be as fun."

Zeke blinks at Fizzy and then swishes his tail. "Thiss one will pour Xote some tea." He does as he says he will, and pours another cup. Setting it down on the ground for the little creature, but near to his misstress before standing back up. "There. That ssshould warm him up yesss? Thisss one would like to talk to you Dolan, perhapsss in one of the more private roomsss? Thisss one hass a keen interest in demonsss and their ilk."

Aya looks askance to Munch. "More fun for you, perhaps; far less entertaining to whomever meets them before then. I would prefer easy, but they are not so accommodating." She doesn't add to Dolan's tips for Fizzy, but does gesture a hand to him in support of his information. After Zeke's words, her eyes shift to the priest and linger a moment before she states, "I would speak with you, as well, on matters relating to a demon. It is not as pressing as his." Again she motions to Dolan. "Another time, perhaps. Your tea is refreshing, Zeke, as always."

Fizzy isn't sure what to make of Munch and his talk of beatdowns, or of Dolan's avoidance of Zeke's gaze. But when Zeke provides Xote with tea, her expression brightens to a beaming gratitude. "Thank you so much for your kindness. We both appreciate you." She fondly watches Xote lap at the warm drink, his nose pausing in its scent-exploration.

"Would it be possible to help fight them? I'm not very good at anything yet, but this city, Alexandria, feels like home and I don't want to lose it just as soon as I got here!"

"Yeah, sure. I'll offer you what I can," Dolan replies to Zeke, nodding. "Anything I can tell you. I don't know everything, but I can tell you what I've seen, and what I've heard. I've got to leave town in the next couple of days, for a bit."

He takes another sip of his tea, clinging to it as though it is the lifeline that it is. "Anyone can fight 'em - did you say your name was Fizzy? I'm sorry, it's been a tornado of a day. I'm Dolan." He quirks a cheeky hint of a grin, but it fades into that return to focus. "Just be careful. Good aligned weapons will hurt demons. If it's a demon, cold iron will hurt it too. If it's a devil, it's tougher than that."

So saying, he starts to straighten. "When we're done here?"

Munch buzzes softly, looking to Fizzy. "Demons are tough. Just about the most dangerous thing you can fight. I mean sure, there's a range, but even weak demons are pretty tough. That said, little spell at the right time can make a hard battle easy. Or an easy battle hard, depending on who's casting."

"Then it iss besst to talk sssoon. Come, thiss one will lead the way Dolan." Zeke nods to the others, particularly Aya and Fizzy. "Thisss one will talk with you sssoon Aya. It wasss a pleasssure meeting you Fizzy." With that he turns and motions for Dolan to follow him.

The little mul nods reflectively. "I feel, well, not quite helpless, but not quite useful, either. I can heal a tiny bit... Oh, my name is Fizzy. I could tell you my full name, but the chances of you (or anyone) using it are slim. Fizzy will do, honestly. I'd say my friends call me Fizzy, but I don't know that anyone would call me friend yet, because I only know my cousin and his wife here, and now, sort of, you all.

"Maybe there's something else I can do to help. Something besides nothing." She contemplates, her eyes drifting down to her capy, then shakes her head. "Or maybe I can just get into a magic school and learn how to do more."

"Peace on your nest, Zeke. I will return later." Aya offers the Sunguard, then a nod to Dolan, both in farewell. Her attention pans back to Fizzy and a slender smile forms. "Anyone, and everyone, can help against the fiends. Be mindful of those around you, make oddities known to others. Open eyes and ears are more valuable than you might expect. Just see to yourself and Xote, first." With that, she sets her cup back to the tray and turns to see herself out for now.

"Pleasure, Fizzy. I'd better go." Dolan tilts his head at Zeke. "Don't be afraid to share what you know. Someone who's got more experience than you might spot something you missed, but you saw something they didn't. Brightest of days, and sorry to drag down your day." With an effort, Dolan forces himself to stand upright, and takes his teacup with him, turning to follow Zeke.

Munch shrugs. "You do what you can. Maybe it's not as big and flashy as others, but it's something. Learn from what happens, see what works and what doesn't. Grow stronger. Fight smarter. And pretty soon you'll be advising others on how to go demon slaying."

Zeke offers one last wave to those who remain behind, taking the large tea service with him as he escorts Dolan into one of the back rooms. He leaves his cloak with Fizzy, forgotten in spite of the fact that it is largely what keeps him warm. Now, it will do so for her; until such a time as it is returned.
