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(Created page with "Adventurer's Guild, midday Despite the beating the Guild's reputation has taken, there are still those who seek its aid. Some who need good help, and some who still know the truth and trust adventurers. Happily, your latest employer falls into both categories. Jovani Andarion, the proprietor and head tailor of Jovani's Fine Garments, is a half-elf, his head shaven clean and dressed in a well crafted ensemble, one mimicked by well-to-do nobles and veteran adventurers t...")
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"It is of great importance to see that supplies make it to where they are meant to be." Pirkko says from under her grey hood. Her voice squeaks, is a bit high, and rasps. She'd listened to the words, looking to the human in robes, nodding to his words. "Theft is normal in trying times, but to still something they can't move? Sounds like armatures.”
"It is of great importance to see that supplies make it to where they are meant to be." Pirkko says from under her grey hood. Her voice squeaks, is a bit high, and rasps. She'd listened to the words, looking to the human in robes, nodding to his words. "Theft is normal in trying times, but to still something they can't move? Sounds like armatures.”
At the talk of an 'inside job', Pirkko nods, waiting for more answers.
At the talk of an 'inside job', Pirkko nods, waiting for more answers.
GAME: Pirkko rolls profession/sailor: (9)+8: 17
GAME: Pirkko rolls profession/sailor: (9)+8: 17

Latest revision as of 04:33, 30 December 2022

Adventurer's Guild, midday

Despite the beating the Guild's reputation has taken, there are still those who seek its aid. Some who need good help, and some who still know the truth and trust adventurers. Happily, your latest employer falls into both categories.

Jovani Andarion, the proprietor and head tailor of Jovani's Fine Garments, is a half-elf, his head shaven clean and dressed in a well crafted ensemble, one mimicked by well-to-do nobles and veteran adventurers throughout Alexandros. His ruffled silk shirt under a heavy long black coat, with dark breeches and expensive riding boots. His voice has the characteristic lilt of a Rosalian native, but his demeanor right now is anything but jolly.

"Filthy curs," he growls. "My driver hops off to make -one- damned delivery, and they raced in and hijacked the wagon before he'd returned to the door." He sighs, brushing his hand across his brow. "Marco blames himself, but in truth I'm glad he didn't encounter them. There are people in Alexandria who would cut their own mother's throat for three copper -- the life of a lad wouldn't mean much to ne'er-do-wells."

Jovani rests his hands on the table of the briefing room. "Still. They have stolen three bolts of fine, cerulean silk imported at great cost from the Tsuran lands. I should've put a guard on it, but I thought anonymity would protect it." His lips quirk. "The good news is that they won't be able to move it easily. Fencing expensive silk is a bit harder to do than fencing a silver candlestick. And a friend of mine has suggested where they might be found. Can you go and retrieve my property?"

The robed one, a tall beanpole of a young man in wizard's robes with a thick leather falconer's glove on one hand, had sat quietly, listening to this. "Who might have attempted something like that?" he asks, frowning. "They had to know it was there." He leans back in the chair, peeling the glove off of his hand and letting it rest in his lap. "Sounds like there's a lot of theft going on lately."

A man with raven-black hair cut into a military style stands before Jovani. He wears metal armor that clanks and rustles as he moves, his green eyes seem sympathetic to the plight of the man with his property stolen. His padding and talabard are green in color, bringing out the color of his eyes, and he looks toward the man who looks identical to him. Identical in features and coloring, but not so in clothing of course. "You think that it might have been an inside job?"

"It is of great importance to see that supplies make it to where they are meant to be." Pirkko says from under her grey hood. Her voice squeaks, is a bit high, and rasps. She'd listened to the words, looking to the human in robes, nodding to his words. "Theft is normal in trying times, but to still something they can't move? Sounds like armatures.”

At the talk of an 'inside job', Pirkko nods, waiting for more answers.

GAME: Pirkko rolls profession/sailor: (9)+8: 17
GAME: Pirkko rolls sense motive: (4)+8: 12

Jovani sighs heavily. "I... did wonder if it was some planned encounter. After all, few thieves bother to steal fine clothing, let alone raw cloth. But my associate suspects it was spur-of-the-moment, based on Marco's relative youth. They just snatched the wagon, figuring he would have no one to complain to."

He snorts. "More fools them. I for one have no compunctions about calling on the Guild to help here. And it's not like I'm seeking charity, either. The bonded payment has already been deposited."

The robed man does indeed look like a more darkly-clad version of the man in armor, and drums his fingers on the glove in his lap. "Where did this happen? Any guesses to where they might have gone with the goods?"

The armored twin nods to Jovani. "We'll do our best to find your property, and would appreciate any information that you have on where to start looking for it. I'm Theo by the way, and this is Lheo." He motions to his brother at his side. He motions with his hand from the squeaky-voiced individual toward their employer, silently suggesting an introduction since he doesn't know who they are.

"It's possible the fools don't even know what they have." Pirkko says tsking and turning to look at those with her. "Likely they saw the cargo marked 'sewing supplies' or something, and snatched it. Planned or on impulse, expensive goods aren't always marked. Hell, sometimes they're 'mislabeled', and someone gets a tax break." not accusing, just making an observation about the world of transporting goods. She lets the others get the information about location and details. "I am Pirkko." she says to their greeting, pulling back her hood to flash her white mohawk, and the offer a pistachio colored hand to Theo. "A pleasure. On my side."

Jovani actually chuckles. "Well, in my defense I -did- pay the taxes on the import. But, sometimes it's safer to... mislabel things once they pass customs, to prevent pilferage." His eyes glint merrily, and his spirits seem to rise. "I will note that the Watch, as usual, does prefer you take the responsible parties alive. However, if it comes down to you or them..." He shrugs. "I prefer your company to some thieving riffraff."

He reaches into his coat, removing a document, which he politely offers to Lheo. "The wagon was sighted in the warehouse district. With any luck, the thieves -- and the silk -- are still there." A pause, then, "Good luck."

Warehouse District, midday

Well, it looks like Jovani was right. Chalk one up for the tailor.

The warehouses in this area are a bit more ramshackle, though still intact. Not impossible that thieves might sneak their ill-gotten gains into them. And, hilariously enough, the wagon is sitting right by the warehouse's side wall, whatever animal that was pulling it removed. Snow has gathered on it, but not much; it hasn't been here very long. It is, however, empty.

The building has two large main doors, and on inspection a side entrance as well.

Once they had gotten out of the Guild and out into the city, Lheo had promptly put the glove back on and raised the gloved fist, with a sharp, shrill whistle, and a gray-winged hawk had fluttered down from the top of the building to land on it. The hawk has a leg band but no jesses. "Tarna, go find me a wagon next to a big building," he tells it, then throws it back into the air.

It hadn't taken long to come back, and he'd petted it, well, pleased, before telling it to "stay out of trouble, I'll be back soon."

GAME: Theo rolls Knowledge/Military Theory: (6)+5: 11

As they approach the warehouse, Theo takes a moment to survey the surroundings and get an idea of the tactical situation. After a moment he rolls his shoulder in a shrug and starts striding toward the front door! "No time like the present! Might as well try the forward approach right brother?" He laughs.

Pirkko had followed the two, sighing at the building in question. She takes a few steps, peering to either side while before the doors to see if there is something more to this. "The present is the only time that matters?" speaking with a shrug. "Often, directness is all bandits understand."

"Brother, they're probably watching the front door, honestly, did you drink before we came here?" Lheo shakes his head bemusedly, but he's smiling. "Let's see if there's a way in that they're not watching so much. Before we do, though, whichever door we go in, let's booby-trap the other one." He starts to fish from one of the multitude of pouches he wears a bit of something that looks like butter.

Theo stops in his tracks, looking at his brother in confusion and then grinning. "I like the way you think! Such a smarty-pants!" He deftly turns and returns to where he'd been surveying from and points to the side entrance. "We could try there? Though if you're looking for something less obvious it's not much less so. Maybe there are air vents? I'll look for some while you do your thing."

GAME: Theo rolls Perception: (16)+1: 17
GAME: Pirkko rolls perception: (6)+5: 11
GAME: Lheo casts Grease. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15

Pirkko takes a moment to look at the warehouse, pacing a few steps and coming up with a shrug. "I'm honestly at a loss. I will follow, but this warehouse is fairly typical." she says, turning to look as Theo has found something more interesting that her, grinning. This is why you work in teams. "When you are ready, or have a plan, I have blessings." a holy-emblem of Rada brought out from under her shirt. "If it deals with commerce, I'm sure Rada will answer."

Meanwhile, Lheo has smeared the butter on the pavement directly in front of the doors, then gestures above it in a complex-looking pattern. It shifts, spreads, and flows out to cover the entire set of the pavement in a grayish fluid. "Do not step there," he warns, dusting his hands off once the butter has melted into nothingness.

"Let's try the side door, unless my brother has found something better."

"I have." Declares Theo, though he doesn't look particularly thrilled with his findings. "One of the vents is loose, so we can probably crawl in that way. Though... in retrospect I realize that I'll probably sound like... Metal scraping on metal the whole way." He gestures to himself and specifically his armor. "They'll know we're coming. So it's up to you two which path we take."

Pirkko raises a hand to rest on her brow, trying not to laugh. "I don't know. While amusing, I'd prefer to have an edge." she muses, the two earning a grin. Despite the preparation and tenseness of the job, the goblinoid still has humor. "So, the door?"

GAME: Lheo rolls stealth: (12)+4: 16
GAME: Pirkko rolls stealth: (17)+-1: 16
GAME: Pirkko casts Bless. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14

Lheo is able to scramble inside with a minimum of grace but a maximum of efficacy, slithering through the vent and into the warehouse proper. Stacks of crates line the place, stretching out and impeding sightlines. The only thing that Lheo sees moving is... a donkey? Yes, that's definitely a donkey. A reasonably well cared for one too, judging from its well-made tack and harness and healthy demeanor. The donkey gives Lheo a rather lugubrious, unimpressed stare, and then belts out a loud, "HEE-HAWWWWWW."

Meanwhile, Theo and Pirkko pull the side door open and slip inside. Theo's clanking along, but suddenly the loud hawwing of the donkey echoes through the warehouse... and from a point ahead, you hear a rough voice yell, "Dammit, donkey, SHADDUP already! Geez!"

GAME: Theo rolls Stealth: (5)+-4: 1
GAME: Pirkko rolls stealth: (13)+-1: 12
GAME: Lheo rolls perception: (3)+4: 7

Pirkko tries her best to sneak towards one of the doorways close to where they entered, the Donkey earning a shocked look as it erupts and belts something enough to shock her. It's dangerous work, and a rogue donkey is not what they need. At least the would be thieves have it out of the weather, but earning brownie points means little when it comes to work and stealing.

No, she tries to keep her nerve, daring to try and peek from her new position, hoping to find out something about those here with them.

Quietly, Lheo brushes futilely at the cobwebs and dirt clinging to his robes as he crawls out of the air vent. He wears a nasty grimace, but the braying of the donkey prompts him immediately to press himself against the wall, listening intently for any other alerts. None are forthcoming, but there's someone else here, and - crates. _Do they actually feed that poor thing?_ If not, maybe he can. A search of pockets and pack ensures, with the wizard hoping for a carrot or similar.

Theo takes a few more steps, ears straining for the sound of conversation. Thanks to the donkey they haven't been noticed yet and in an effort to keep it that way Theo creeps along slowly toward the same edge that Pirkko is headed for. Only... He hits a pile of crates with the edge of his pauldron and... down they go in a clatter. The noise is massive and he freezes where he stands, color rushing to his cheeks and a horrified expression crossing his face. He was meant to be a distraction sure! But this?

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+3: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+3: (12)+3: 15
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+3: (10)+3: 13

At the crash, the thieves stop arguing. "What was that?" "Gotta be Gorv's gang." "No way! C'mon, let's check it out!"

One of the thieves comes out, his eyes slipping past where Pirkko is hiding and land on Theo. "Crap! We got some new meat, guys! Get the shell-crackers!"

The other rogues come at a run, one coming around the other side to see Theo as well, and the other scrambling in. Seeing Pirkko, he jabs at her with his shortsword, but it falls short. "Look out! There's ANOTHER!"

GAME: Lheo rolls stealth: (14)+4: 18
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+3: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Pirkko rolls Weapon0+1: (1)+5+1: 7 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Pirkko rolls Weapon0+1: (1)+5+1: 7 (EPIC FAIL)

And then, all hell breaks loose. _Big bro making all the noise,_ he thinks to himself with a grin, and takes off at a swift, much quieter run, padding in soft boots closer to the sounds of sudden battle and peering around the corner to try to see what they'd actually managed to flush out.

Pirkko was caught off guard, stepping back in surprise as the human stepped before her and took that swing. Oh, she's missed, but she's scrambling back as she tries to invoke her gift from Rada. A storm burst, but her concentration is shot. It's more a sprinkle and fizzle, her conjuring of a storm not working as she had thought. "Oh, of all times to not heed me?!"

GAME: Theo rolls 1d20+6: (6)+6: 12
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+3: (5)+3: 8

Theo has little time to react before there are suddenly three strange men rushing in from all sides! "Oh!" He calls out jovially, a grin spreading across his features. He's grateful that Pirkko steps back because that gives him room to move forward, drawing his mace and swinging it over the head of the man before him. "Come on then! I'm right here boys!"

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+3: (14)+3: 17

And the fight is on. Two of the rogues produce tanglefoot bags -- pouches of sticky, gooey gunk good for impeding evil (or good)-doers. Unfortunately, their aim isn't up to the task. One flies over Theo's head and splatters against the wall, leaving a tarry slime that hardens. The other whiffs past Pirkko, so close she can smell the alchemical reagents, and splashes on the ground. The third whips his shortsword out, barely parrying Theo's swing, and yelps, "Whoa! You can't beat us, snot nose, so why don't you just take a walk." His actions kind of seem counter to his words, as he backsteps deftly.

Meanwhile, the donkey stops to drink some water, before braying again. Maybe it knows rescue is at hand and it was biding its time?

GAME: Lheo spends ONE use of APPRENTICE'S HAND.
GAME: Lheo rolls 1d20+5+1: (6)+5+1: 12
GAME: Pirkko rolls Weapon0+1: (3)+5+1: 9

Finally, Lheo has seen enough. Pulling his dagger from his belt, he stares at it a minute, then steps out from behind the wall and tells it, "H'ai aklòn”, then flings it end over end at the third rogue. It is carried with magical swiftness towards the third rogue, but doesn't do much much than buzz his ear before instantly appearing again in Lheo's hand. "Need to work on my aim," he mutters.

GAME: Theo rolls 1d20+6+1: (15)+6+1: 22
GAME: Theo rolls 1d8+3: (7)+3: 10

Pirkko is a bit lost, a hand raised a she tries again to summon her inner storms, and bring them to fruition on her foes. "Rada, I ask you, please protect us!" and his answer? Rada wasn't listening today. The magic again missing its mark and flizzling with a spurt of wet, and a warble of weak thunder. Twice she has been denied, a sigh coming from her. "Rada wants this handled... OH!" she says. A realization/revelation in her tone. "The water might ruin the silk!" as if there was some reason to it all.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+3: (16)+3: 19
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d6+2: (4)+2: 6

It's not hard to notice the dagger flying through the air, it's a trick that Theo knows well after all, and he knows even better to look out for his brother. Which means continuing to act as a distraction. The slightly older twin grins at the man who'd taunted him and moves forward and to the side. Putting his back against a wall. "No?" He asks curiously, and then whacks the man just hard enough at the base of the skull to put him down. Not permanently, but for long enough hopefully. He turns his glittering green eyes on the rogue to his right.

"You next?"

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+3: (7)+3: 10

Suddenly, things look better and worse. One of the thieves comes in hard on Theo, his short blade punching through where only leather and chain protect the knight and drawing blood. "You're gonna pay for that, snot-nose!" he bellows in Theo's face.

His compatriot charges at Pirkko, yelling, "Don't worry, Krig! I'm coming! I-- crap." As his sword whistles over Pirkko's head harmlessly.

Meanwhile, the third thief, dazed and sorely injured, staggers back and away from Theo, making a whimpering sound.

GAME: Lheo rolls 1d20+5+1: (5)+5+1: 11
GAME: Lheo rolls 1d20+5+1: (16)+5+1: 22
GAME: Lheo rolls 1d4: (2): 2
GAME: Pirkko rolls weapon2+1: (8)+5+1: 14

"No, you'll pay for that." Lheo's smile vanishes as the thief lands a strike on the armored man, and this time, his snarl of, "H'ai aklòn," his menace behind it. The dagger snaps out, flying over his brother's armored shoulder and finding purchase across the thief's bloodied cheek. "Something to remember me by, you little shit." The bloodied blade reappears in his hand.

Pirkko hears the blade whiz past, her head cocked and canted to ensure it misses her hair. "Hey!" she snaps at the Rogue, a twirl of her trident as the small thing is brought before her before thrusting at the attacker, missing. It's been a dance, but luckily in her case she's not run afoul. "Well, this outing sure is humbling." she mutters with a snarl of lip.

GAME: Theo rolls 1d6: (1): 1
GAME: Theo rolls 1d20+6+1: (1)+6+1: 8 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Theo rolls 1d20+6+1: (15)+6+1: 22
GAME: Theo rolls 1d8+3: (5)+3: 8
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20-1: (8)+-1: 7
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+3: (9)+3: 12

The sting of being cut is unpleasant, particularly in such a tender location as his armpit where the blow just so happened to land. Still, he bares his teeth at the other man, his eyes glinting as he notes the blood forming on the fellow's cheek from Lheo's dagger. "You ought not have done that." He says dangerously, and swings a second time. The blow almost misses, but the rouge dodges into the attack and it strikes solidly.

GAME: Pirkko rolls weapon2+1: (18)+5+1: 24
GAME: Pirkko rolls 1d6+2: (3)+2: 5
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+3: (10)+3: 13
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d6+2: (3)+2: 5

The thieves are in full disarray now. The rogue now bearing the brunt of Theo's anger stumbles back. Perhaps he doesn't realize how bad he's hurt, or maybe he doesn't care. With a snarl, he lunges for Theo with the sword, trips, slams his head into the crate, and falls in a boneless heap on the ground.

The next rogue gets stabbed by Pirkko as he backpedals, trying to see what all the screams are, and he runs smack into Lheo by mistake. Stabbing the wizard is almost an accident, as the thief stares at the mage with a confused expression.

The third thief leans against a crate and pulls a small vial from his belt. He tries to pull the stopper off, but shudders, not quite able to get it open fast enough...

"Oh another little shit," Lheo snarls, a cocky smirk starting to form on his lips. "Where'd you come-" A strangled noise emerges from Lheo as the knife sinks into his belly, and he staggers backwards, then turns and runs around the corner.

GAME: Pirkko rolls weapon2+1: (11)+5+1: 17
GAME: Pirkko rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8
GAME: Theo rolls 1d20+6+1: (9)+6+1: 16
GAME: Theo rolls 1d8+3: (8)+3: 11

Pirkko tries to take advantage of the shifting tide. With one foe down, she turns with her trident to follow after the brothers. It's purposeful, and methodic, seeking a target until she comes across Rogue3 trying to do /something/. She doesn't care what is being done, it needs to be ended, and it is with a mighty poke. A single thrust as three prongs catch the man, sending him into a state between pain and unconsciousness. "It's always crazy on these kind of jobs. Storming buildings is chaos incarnate."

"Maiden of Battles preserve me." Theo prays in a whisper, the sting of his own blood only slightly lessened by his efforts to heal it. He turns from his current foe toward Lheo and... Blood spills down the front of the mage and Theo's vision goes red. "LHEO!"

His call is a roar of pure rage, and as the mage runs he blindly swings his mace at the man who wounded his brother. "THE DAWN COMES FOR YOU!" His mace connects with a sickening wet smack and the man tumbles to the ground. Theo huffs over the man's body, green eyes glowing with fury. "LHEO!"

Suddenly, the warehouse is quiet again. Lheo can see the donkey peering down the aisle, as if inquiring, 'Hey, you guys all right?'. Then it brays a bit more softly now. The quiet is only broken by the unconscious groans of one of the thieves. One of the crates nearby has been pried open, and inside can be seen a bolt of shimmering blue silk. Gorgeous stuff, really, fit for an Althean high priestess.

“The donkey's down there," Lheo gasps from the other side of the wall, jabbing a thumb that nobody can see down towards the main doors. Blood spills down the front of the deep green robes, and he's got a hand over his belly where the blood comes from. "It's probably what was pulling the wagon."

Pirkko looks up from the man before her, sighing with a glance from trident to unconscious. "I guess we should treat them, and turn them in?" she asks, the groaning reminding her there are still signs of life. The goblinoid is soon digging through her backpack, taking out a Healer's Set while the trident is set aside. A Pirkko's Set, if you will. "I can treat you both too, but that's more a given I'd suspect." her chuckle filled with a fuzzy resonance. "Killing seems a little excessive today. It's just silk." she reasons.

Theo half-stumbles down the hall. Either blind with anger or perhaps winded from the fight. His weapon slides home into its sheathe and he grabs his brother's arm almost too hard. "Goddess brother. Don't get that close to the fight right?" He closes his eyes. "Coming Dawn, Light of Morning's Glory, heal this foolish little brother of mine."

GAME: Theo rolls 1d6: (5): 5

Wounds are knitted and the injured are stabilized. And hey, you even have a convenient wagon and pack animal to haul the goods, and the thieves, away with!

The donkey seems perfectly amenable to hauling the wagon, though its harness is definitely of nicer make than the wagon is. Strange. A small metal nameplate embedded in the harness states that the donkey's name is... 'Raspberry'? Who names their donkey Raspberry?

"Spell has limited range, Theo." Lheo had been sweating, but breathes a sigh of relief and breathes much easier at his brother's holy touch. Once that is done, he straightens up. "He just came out of nowhere. Thanks."

He pushes himself away from the wall and looks down at himself. "Thank the gods for all that apprentice cleaning work, because I'll be using it all when we get home. My clothes are a disaster." And they are - blood, spiderwebs, dirt.

He quickly casts a cantrip to clean off his hands and the worst of the blood from his front, then turns to peeking in the crates. "This looks like something you'd wear, Theo."