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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: Stormy Tea Time *Emitter: Slixvah *Characters: Slixvah, Jay, Mikilos, Patch *Place: Mithralla Merchandise *Time: September 7th, 2022 *Summary: It's storming like mad outside, and a duo of birds crash into Miki's store. The former, Slixvah, using the place as a stop for rest and the latter, Integrity, there about some will work previously spoken of. Mikilos makes them tea, and they converse over l...")
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[[Category:Logs]]<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;">
== Log Info ==
*Title: Stormy Tea Time
*Emitter: Slixvah
*Characters: Slixvah, Jay, Mikilos, Patch
*Place: Mithralla Merchandise
*Time: September 7th, 2022
*Summary: It's storming like mad outside, and a duo of birds crash into Miki's store. The former, Slixvah, using the place as a stop for rest and the latter, Integrity, there about some will work previously spoken of. Mikilos makes them tea, and they converse over legal matters, curiosities of being a different species, as well as some minor necromancy biz happening in city. Patch drops in from the storm as well, and adds to the conversation about some nefarious folk. And some light banter. The storm isn't letting up, might as well cut to paperwork.
== ==
:: ''Mithralla Merchandise, Midday.''
It's raining. Why is it raining? Dana said so. It's pouring cats and dogs and dragons and birds. Birds! Wet birds!
The door opens with a wet, slapping clatter, a rust red and white egalrin covered in a rainbow of ribbons readily flops onto the floor as a downpour threatens the Mountain Road outside. A sopping, beribboned wing raises from the ground, and smacks the door shut. "Hello, yes, hi, sorry for dropping in, I wa' 'boutta literally drop and crash. Are you open? Is this spot available? Gonna lie here for a sec, thanks."
Slixvah curls up to catch her breath.
"Magus! Magus!" The door to Mikilos' shop flies open again, heralding another feathery influx of white, black and blue. The jangling bells draw the bluejay's attention upwards, causing him to bat at them in an oddly feline way. The glint in his eyes however, suggests a more corvid attraction. A few jing-a-lings later, he caws at the shop again.
"Magus! I'm here to pick up the copy of your will. I've got a folder of local exemptions and adventuring consideration, as well the self-governing ordances of the Arcanists Guild. And an invoice for my time. Invoice!"
The l-eagle egalrin hops into the shop. "You can pay in gold, but I'll also accept a deep discount on my next enchant and some consulting services."
At this point, he notices all the ribbons, "Slix! I thought that was you! How are you? All wet? I'm wet too!"
Mikilos glances up from his reading at the counter, amused and curious, watching a moment before stepping from behind the counter and over to a small table. A small kettle and several mugs sit atop, along with a small assortment of scones and small samples of meats and cheese. "Quite alright. Welcome. Let me fetch you some tea." A second arrival only widens the smile. "Hello Truefeather. Lets get Slix settled and both of you dried off. What sort of tea would you prefer?"
Slix, sprawled out on the ground like a wet mop, looks up from the sound of jangling bells and familiar caws. A breathless giggle leaves her, and she gives Tegri a wave from the floor. "Heya Blue," she pants merrily. "Yep, all wet. Was flyin', rain caught me."
Her head cranes back to spy Mikilos, and a connect clicks in her head. "Oooh... I forgot ya had a shop up here. Yeah, tea sounds... sounds nice. Just... gimmie a minute..."
Her head flops back down against the floor. A white gloved hand raises, and a finger snaps. The water sloughs off of her. The hand moves, the a puddle shifts. The hand clenches. The puddle evaporates. The hand flops back down.
"Oh! Orange Pekoke!" The bluejay squawks happily, and continues to drip. He has an oilcloak wrapped around his wings and suit so he's somewhat dry beneath, but his spatterd talons suggest a lot of walking through puddles. "It's hard to fly in the rain. My glide distance decreases dramatically with the water weight."
Mikilos selects three mugs, two wide and deep for beaks, and one thin and delicate for elf. A trio of mesh bags with herbs and berries, hot water, and a pair of stools approprate for perching. A gentle tap sends water wisking away from the lawyer, running in quicksilver streams under the door and back outside. "The rain is a welcome change from the heat, but do think the weather is over doing it. What brings you up into the mountains, Slixvah? Esquire, do you read Mynsandraal?"
Slix chuckles, nodding. "Yeah. Same. Was about to crash if I didn't land soon. Need ta work on my cardio..." One more deep breath, and she pulls herself to her taloned feet, staggering a bit. "I always come up tha mountains to do sick flips," she chirps. "Just today decided to rain on my fun. Real answer: gettin used ta flyin' long distance. I jump off the top and fly as far as I can 'cross the city."
She ambles over to the proffered stool, giving a thankful nod and all but falling into it.
"What's this 'bout a will...?" she asks curiously.
"Ah... ah... a little bit? I've been concentrating on goblin-speak, as the gobbos are involved in a lot of liability and accidents." Jay replies, "I jump off the top too!"
He faces Slixvah, "It's a will. Adventurers should have Wills, and clauses for temporary deaths and long absences; presumed dead situations. Perhaps even a provision for raising, ressurection, and reincarnation, depending on available funds."
The bluejay looks at the racks of books, "I always thought it'd be fun to be another species. I'd try reincarnation if I had to. Anyhow, Mikilos has a will but there isn't a local copy, so I offered to notarize and file one for him."
"It's a good precaution!" He doesn't even notice the water leaving, although he appreciates it. Integrity's attention is split between the conversation and the impending tea.
Mikilos chuckles. "Just a precaution, I have no intention of passing on anytime soon, but didn't expect to die the first few times either. Mostly a matter of making sure everything states put until I stop being dead or descide I mean it." Handing over the mugs, he heads back to the counter. "Passing of nobel title is complex and ritualized. I have a translation, but some of the nuances don't pass well to Trade. Technically it's all a matter of the Queen's whim, but she almost never bothers with minor titles."
Slix perks up slightly, but she's leaning heavily against whatever table is closest, still exhausted from her exertion. "Oooh, I can help ya wit' that. I know gobbo!" she chirps. Her head tilts to the side slightly at the explanation of wills. "Hmm... I probs should get one. You do those, Blue? How much that cost?"
Her eyes gleam at Jay's curiosity. "... it's a ton of fun to be another species. I do it all the time," she beak-grins. "If you're /really/ curious, I'm sure we can figure out a way ta make my mojo work on ya."
She gives a thankful nod towards Mikilos as she takes the eglarin-friendly mug and warms her hands with it. A raised brow to Mikilos and his light mention of multiple deaths. And the titles. Well, that's why she called him Miki-mo-names. "Can't cheat with mojo fo' that. Magic ain't good at proper translations."
"Some things can get lost in translation. You don't want two versions of the same document, it leaves it open to interpretations and conflicts." The bluejay offers his legal opinion, his briefcase suddenly transforming into a small table, upon which he's scratching out some notes. "I can notarize that it's a true copy of the original, and include an index of the sections, overviews of what each paragraph covers, and state that it needs to be read in the original Mynsandraal. Also that the Queen should be contacted."
Integrity halts, his beak opening and closing at Slixvah's statements, "They're ah... a bit pricey but we can cut a deal, a trade! Trade! Wait, You've been another species? What's it like? How do you balance without your wings and tail, are colours different? What about smells? Do bugs taste bad? Every human makes a face when I talk about eating bugs."
"Wait!" His crest stands up suddenly, "You can move your face around? Wiggle your lips and nose? What does that feel like? Does it tickle? It looks like it tickles"
Mikilos nods to Slix. "Varies with spell and caster, but most magics give a general idea of meaning, bad on specifics." He smiles to Jay. "Bugs tend to be more about texture, but depends on the bug. I'm quite fond of air grubs, and honey roast locust are okay, but most else I don't care for as an elf." He considers a moment. "Cricket flour is okay."
Slixvah reaches over to pat Tegri on the arm as she shakes her head. "I got coin, Blueberry. Wanna pay what my friends are worth, ya know?"
The line of questioning makes her giggle behind a hand, her taking a moment to drink the tea as the queries come rolling. The back her hand wipes her beak free, and she answers. "Oh man, shug, it's really hard at first! When I turned inta a human, couldn't walk for crap and kept floppin' ova. Kept sputtering like I was drunk 'cause I couldn't work my voice and lips. One voice box! Lame! Smells are different, depends on what I'm bein. Sith-makar is hella different for that. Gobbo is fun ta be smol. Bugs are good no matter what."
Another sip. This time a giggle splutters her tea. "Yeah! It's a lot of fun! It tickles a little bit at first but you get used to it!"
She turns to Mikilos, brow raising. "Oooh, honey roast locusts sounds really good."
"One voice box?" Jay's eyes widen, "and no croup? Where do you keep your emergency coins?" You've been a Sith? And a Gobbo? What about the hobgobbos, are they the same but bigger, or different?"
He leans close, conspiratorily, "They act different, but it'd be funny to know they weren't."
His head bobs as he looks at Mikilos, "Honey roast locusts sound amazing." He wiggles his rump, shaking his tailfeathers about, "I bet you flipped over. I'm feeling like tipping just thinking about it. What's an air grub?"
"And okay, I'll charge you full price! It's a couple hours work, straightforward if you don't have any unusual clauses. Good practice. I could have a bunch of partial ones to hand out before adventuring. Or would people take it the wrong way?"
Mikilos smiles. "Air grubs are native to the plane of air. Look like mealworms, but sky blue. They disolve into a puff of fresh air when they die. Can get the at the College of Magic cafeteria most days. And handing out wills at the start of an adventure is likely to go over poorly. Would wait until the end, when have fresh memories of how dangerous adventuring can be. And they've just gotten paid, so more likely to have funds."
Slixvah bobs her head with excitement. "I know right!? It's so weird! I can't make lots of funny sounds! And I don't keep any coins there." She leans in towards him too. "I've been a hob-gob too. Same, but different. Hobs? Way denser. Gobs? More lanky," she answers back. "Still got big ears though."
She leans back into her stool, glancing to Truefeather's tailfeathers with a snicker. "Oh for sure, I flipped tons before I got it sorted. Wanna know the weirdest thing? Sitting on a bench. The feeling of something fully on ya back without your wings is the /weirdest/ feeling!"
She shifts to listen about air grubs, her head turning to the side. "Huh. That sounds pretty neat. Prolly should hit them up to check that out. But uh, yeah, prolly wouldn't go over well, Blue. I agree with Miki, wait until after the adventure."
Full price? Thumbs up. "Sounds good. I'll crash inta ya office. I ain't got any weird claus-" A beat to think. "Prolly just one weird clause."
"Oh wow, bench sitting does sound weird. It must feel like you're falling over forever." Jay fluffs, then refolds his wings. Noticing a glance, he switches his tail a few more times from side to side. "I think I'd like to try the Air Grubs. I need to go by the Arcanist campus. That's what I wanted to consult about before I go."
"It's... ah. Remember the gobbo necromancer that was one of Mama Bula's kids?" He clacks his beak awkwardly, "I met him again last night, he's really upset he lost his familiar because he was a necromancer. The Arcanists took it away from him. I know goblins don't live all that long, but he was acting like he might live even shorter."
"So I wanted to see if there's a way to get Ratto back for Git." Integrity tugs at his vest, adjusting it, head bobbing, "After the adventure for wills. Got it, and when you crash at my office, that'll be a great time."
So Romantic!
Mikilos snorys softly and looks to Slix. "You're an adventurer. All sorts of clauses on that." He blinks, frowning mildly at Jay. "I'm not familiar with the individual in question. He had his familiar taken away? That's very unusual. What exactly happened?"
Slix snickers once more at swish, her flicking her own under the robes. "Does feel like fallin'. Lotta senses ta get worked out. Took a while, but I got the hang of it now."
She bobs her head. "Yeah. I remember," her brows furrow. "I also remember one of her kids deliverin' a package from the campus back to Mama Bula... was kinda sus. Take care wit' that. Can help ya if ya want."
She blinks, then winks. "Oh, it'll be a grand ol' time. Can regale me wit' your legalese~" she croons, propping her head up on a hand.
She sighs, looking to Mikilos. "Gobbo got caught practicing necromancy. But like, the illegal, undead kind, not the life studies kind. School kicked him out for it. Took his familiar. Haven't talked to him since an incident with a cart."
Patch has arrived.
"Yes!" Jay stands proudly, "I shall court you with clauses, move you with motions, flatter you with filings and amuse you with arbitrations! It will be a l-eagle elaboration for an elegant enchantress."
Lots of tail-swishing, with a little bit of preening.
The bluejay returns to the more dire subject. "Well, Mama Bula's kids are all a little marginalized and in over their heads. Git, well... like Slix describes. They threw him out and sent Ratto somewhere."
Integrity tilts his head, staring at Mikilos, "it's his familiar though, isn't that between him and the goddesses of Magic if he gets to keep it?"
Mikilos frowns. "I've no love for necromancy, though I do believe Rune was overly strict. But it's still unusual to seperate a caster and his familiar. I suspect is another factor, but not being familiar with the case, can only speculate." He nods to Jay. "Even if a caster abuses his familiar, it typically just leaves. The only time I know they get taken away is if they cause a disruption in class, and even then it's just putting the familiar out in the hall until class ends."
Sometimes following Vaire means one has to brave Dana's wrath. The mother can have a temper, but it does little to keep Patch from getting about and taking care of the business that needs tending. " Hells, it's really coming down." the bard gets out, her coat doing little to stop the day's wet from the clothes beneath. Even before she gets to the door, she's motioning at it to get it to open, her innate magics at work. <Sylvan>
To those inside it's a bit dramatic. The door springing open with a clash of thunder. Untimed, but sometimes the mother's fury benefits the follower of the child. Then a brief moment later, Patch comes skittering through the door like a drowned rat. Her braids having began to come loose, and her coat having taken in water at the seams. "Hello, sorry!" she calls, a hand cast out as the door promptly shuts after her. "I.. Mikilos?" not having caught a glimpse of anyone on her entry. No, she just wanted out of nature's mood.
Slix's face feathers floof as she giggles heartily. "Aight, that was smooth, I'll give ya that," she concedes. "I look forward ta it."
The beribboned woman shifts a bit as the topic changes. "Well, someone could grab my Fiadh and lock 'em away. Wizards work dif, but I'd be boned- not in the fun way- on learning new mojo if I couldn't talk to my familiar. Miki's right, familiars can just leave. Maybe..."
She ponders. "... maybe Git is a witch?" the witch points out.
The dropout wizard flinches from the sudden arrival of the door opening with a backdrop of thunderous boom. Slix swivels over, a hand half raises to spy- "Oh! Hey Pattie!" she chirps happily in greeting. She's sitting at a table with a mug in front of her. "Get ova here! Have some tea! Warm up and get outta that mess!"
"Eeek!" Jay chirps, jumping away from the thunder and poofing into a feather duster. "Oh, it's you. Hi. Hi!"
He smoothes at his plumage, yet still resembles a feathery ball stuffed into a three piece suit. "Yes. Yes! Have some tea. Tea!"
Integrity turns back to Mikilos, "He'd be able to tell where it is, wouldn't he. Or could another caster find it? If it was released into the wild wouldn't it come back."
He stares at Slix, "Fiadh would, right? Come find you?"
Mikilos makes a mental note to put a pad or something behind the door. Less crashing. "Hello Patch, good to see you. What brings you by?" Grabbing a fresh mug for the bard, he nods to Slix. "Familiar-napping happens, but even then is unusual. You're interfering with a bond made by Magic with a capital M. That sort of interferance seldom ends well." He nods to Jay. "The bond is complex and unique to the pair, but yes, it's hard to hide a familiar from it's caster."
"Yes, me. A soggy version anyways." Patch's smile found as her dull eyes flick about those here as she straightens. Composure, it's found, Jay's words earning shake of head. "Apologies. I didn't expect /that/ much rain, and thought Miki's might be safe for a bit until it all dies down."
"So, umm. Yeah. Hi, everyone." Crossing as she speaks to partake in what's offered, a sigh finally hefted as she reaches Mikilos as he prepares a mug for her. "I was trying to... establish a new baseline with an old foe. The rain made it all too hard." a hand waving. "Don't let word of my work distract you. It'll pick up another day."
Slixvah looks back at Integrity. "Of course Fiadh would."
A small thrush pops out of Slix's robes and tweets in its tinny voice. "If the Tapestry deems our interwoven threads are to be parted, then it shall be so."
She stares at her familiar. "... thanks, I love you too. Jerk," she flatly says. A digit pokes Fiadh's head until the little bird is shoved back into the Pocket. "Anyways. Yeah. Can happen. I can sorta kinda tell where Fiadh is up to a point. It's a gut feeling. But if someone wanted ta snatch 'em and got away with it, I'm screwed mostly."
She raises a gloved hand towards Patch, snaps a finger, moves it, and clenches a fist. Water sloughs off, moves, and evaporates. "There ya go, sweetie, unsoggied," she coos, patting a stool next to her. A brow raises at the bard's work, but she shakes her head, chuckling. "If ya say so. We's just talkin' 'bout familiars and some odd stuff wit' a gobbo Blue and I ran inta the past."
"Maybe it's a cruel test. To prove he's a real wizard, by getting his familiar back." Jay speculates, bringing a wing around to examine it, re-align it, then fold it to his back once more. "He still needs help. I want to help."
"Baseline? Foe?" Integrity peers at Patch, examining her sodden form, "you were singing in the rain?"
And then at Fiadh, "Wow. Harsh. Harsh!"
The dehydration of the elf follows, and the bluejay nods, rubbing at the back of his neck. His feathers go all the way down. "He called for help and we turned him in. We went above and beyond."
Integrity gazes at Mikilos again, "I'd have to examine a few local cases, see when being a witness turns into an accessory."
Mikilos frowns thoughfully. "The only things I can think of are if the familiar itself is undead, which I havn't heard before but suppose may be possible. Or, the familiar is a bad influence. Urging to follow the ways of Taara or something."
That bit of magics and help earns Slixvah a large smile. "Thank you." Patch says, a softer tone as a head is dipped toward the other woman. "It's appreciated."
With that mug of tea from Mikilos, Patch listens to the tale and sips in thought. Fidah comment had almost solicited a snort, but the now-dry elf is able to contain herself for the moment. "I feel I am missing a good deal of this story... but." her words soft. "What did he need help with, is the familiar really missing, or is being held?"
"Skulking more than singing. Other skills have been required to keep tabs on my quarry."
Slixvah shakes her head. "Fiadh is just really pragmatic. They's mean well."
A muffled tinny voice from her robes chirps. "My intentions are-"
"Shhhh, Fifi, you're not helping," she hushes her pocket before looking to Tegri. "We did turn him in. Because he had a zombie. In his basement. At the height of undead fuckery. I know he wanted ta learn ta know how ta betta fight the undead, but doing it in a crowded place place with naught but door to stop it breaking out is /not/ tha place fo' it to happen. I want ta help him too, but not if he shoots himself in the foot."
A gesture to Mikilos. "That, too, is a good point. Fiadh has influenced some of my way of thoughts over the years." A beat. "Only good things! Promise!"
A wink is tossed towards Patch. "Ya welcome, hon. But, dunno, Blue's got the latest deets." Her eyes close in a smile. "Skulking is fun! I'm terrible at it. Too colorful."
"I don't... think Ratto is undead." Jay says, taking a sip of his tea in a birdlike fashion, which is to stick his beak into the wide mouthed mug and lap away with his tongue. His head pops up. "There aren't many more details than that. Git said Ratto was sent away, not killed, not caged, not given to someone else. He doesn't know where Ratto is, allegedly."
"Regardless of what influence a rat might be, he's not close enough for it to happen. The first step would be to find Ratto, which means we'd have to git Git involved."
"Oh you could hide Slix, you just have to blend!"
Mikilos frowns at Patch in amusement. "What in the world are you hunting? Or out of the world, as I suppose is very possible." He glances to Slix and Jay. "Just have a properly colorful background to blend with."
"We all have our environment we work best in." Patch muses to Slixvah, nodding towards Jay and his words. "She's got the urban vibe. Brick under clouds. She'd blend better than she thinks, even with ribbon."
"Zalgiman still, Mikilos. With the refugees beginning to make their way home, his pool of pickings has dwindled." Patch reasons and answers to other Dawn Elf. "We will see him make a move or shift assets soon."
"As for your kid, I will help and put ears down for you, but that's all I can do." Patch admits, flashing a weak smile, and taking in some more tea. "Legal speak isn't a skill I know, and I wouldn't know where to begin to search on this matter." a glance flashed to Slixvah after having sat on Jay. "You seem to be on a reasonable track already."
Slixvah looks to all of them. Blinks. Then breaks into a fit of giggles. "Let me know when fall comes round and I'll dive right inta a pile of mixed leaves on the street. I'll blend right in," she chirps, eyes crinkling in a grin. "Dad's lessons stuck, but not /that/ well."
She tilts her head at this talk of Zalg speak, but elects to listen instead of pick. As, she too, as jamming her beak into the cup akin to Integrity. "'preciate the ear to the ground fo' that, Pattie," she coos. "Tegri's got it. Me too, if ya want a hand, Blue," Slix offers to him. "I'm 'round the Society often, so I can keep an eye out for weird biz that leads back ta Git."
"Is Zalgiman swindling people?" Jay asks, "I appreciate all the help I can get. Anything you find out. I'll follow up when I get more information I get more information too."
His eyes sparkle, "I can show you how to dive into leaves!"
He immediately takes another sip of his tea, which seeming like he's beak-grinning into his cup.
Mikilos blinks innocently at Patch. "Zalgiman? Have you tried lureing him out with cleavage? I'm told that works well."
Patch snorts as she looks down at her chest, and even uses her hands to frame the little to nothing she had. "I do think you need to be buxom for it to work, Miki. I'm not as interesting as my sister." she muses of Cor'lana. "I don't even have the other side covered." turning to look behind herself in a bit of play. "Curvy I am not."
"Integrity, I'd say he's swindling people. I don't know if it's of coin or soul, but I've witnessed a few things that would make other's skin crawl." Patch admits, looking between the three. "I do admit to not having found his camp outside the city, but people go missing around him. That's all I can say."
Slixvah snickers at Tegri. "Sure, just don't dive into the brick road in the process."
Another drink. Which promptly gets sputtered again as she gasps for air. Tea leaking out of her nose holes. "O-Oh, jeez hah!" she laughs, catching her breath and wiping her face off. Which then she watches Patch. Her face fluffs slightly. Her beak opens. Retort on her tongue. Glance to Tegri. Beak closes.
"Yikes, yeah. Gonna stay away from that. I'm known ta vanish from time ta time, so tha' don't sound healthy fo' me. Lemme kno' if ya need me ta make ya somethin' ta help, yeah?"
"Yes... that's a large order. Well I'll keep an eye out for an opportunity to swindle the swindler! Catch him, I mean. Are you sure he doesn't like birds?" Integrity caws happily, glancing back at Slixvah. "There's lots of useful magic items. Did you know there's one for finding a bar?"
He leans back, "A drinking bar, not a legal bar. When I first read the description I thought it would be great to be able to find the courthouse. You can find all the drinking bars once you've found that. The ring though, just takes you to the closest. Drinking Bar."
"It's really expensive. Which is the problem. There are a lot of useful things, like goggles for reflecting Medusae's gaze, which aren't affordable and when you can, you don't need them."
The bluejay shrugs his wings, "But as long as we adventure and sell things to other people, we might get enough to afford something useful! How easy are anti-charm things?" He looks at Mikilos.
Scope first, then price. Basic contract negotiation.
Mikilos shrugs mildly. "Everyone has a little bit of cleavage." Trust the elf not wearing pants. "But a risky plan even under the best of circumstance. Skulking is likely better." Considering, he looks to Jay. "Immunity to charms is quite difficult, and against some sorces, impossible. Usually better to increase resistance, even the most powerful charm can be rejected. Is always a chance it works, but can lower the chance to near zero."
"Yes, but..." Patch's words ending with a smirk at Mikilos' play.
Slixvah earns a glance, a brow raised from Patch as she watches the woman floof and talk with Jay. "I might take you up on that offer. The guild got back to me about the pay I was missing. So." Patch notes, winking to the other woman. "I'll poke you about it later."
"I spent all my coin on a new bit of protection." Patch notes, watching the bluejay. "Yes, there is always something I want, but I don't always know if it's really a need."
Slixvah raises a brow before laughing. "Damn, no free courthouse pointing fo' ya. But I didn't kno' that was a thing! I'd use the heck outta somethin' like that! But yeah, I don' do magic doo-dads. I jam mojo into sticks. I make wands."
As if to show off, she pulls open her robe, and there's a leather holster with two handles poking out of it. "Expensive, but worth. Some mojo is niche and good ta have around."
The witch looks to Miki, then down at herself. She does not trust the elf lacking pants. "I think mine vanished and went to my tail," she cheekily chirps. Said tail flick-flicks under the robes.
She looks to Patch, nods happily, and flicks a thumbs up. "Poke me whenever, hon." She blinks, quirks her head to the side, looks up. "Phrasing."
A sigh leaves her. "Yeah, I gotta suit up wit' some protection stuff. I got nothin' except some gloves and a frilly little ribbon that makes me look like whatever I want." She taps her rainbow ribbon on her head. To the magically versed, it's a Hat of Disguise.
Jay's crest rises at Slixvah's 'poke me', then slowly folds back down. There was also talk of her tail. The ceiling is suddenly very interesting. He checks for bugs. "Ah. Was someone saying something? Oh. Those wands look neat. neat!"
The bluejay egalrin is not magically versed, "That's a nice ribbon."
He takes more tea.
Mikilos blinks innocently at Slix. "Cleavage is cleavage, whichever side it's on. Wands are one of the few things I don't craft. Intelectually I understand the utility, but it just rubs me wrong to craft something that is only going to last for a while."
"I mean... yes, and no." Patch's words conflicted on Mikilos' observation on cleavage. "It's." she starts, flushing, and letting the topic die. "Men do have their opinions."
"Phrasing, indeed. I'd of thought it was an invitation." Patch chimes with a wink, noticing both the Egalrin's seeming to have ruffled feathers at the talk. At least in that culture it's usually a good thing. "It really is a keen ribbon, Slix. I think it very fitting of you." she notes in a matter-o-fact tone. Her tea is soon finished, eyes rising towards the door as ears twitch. She's trying to gauge the storm outside, listening for thunder and rain.
Slixvah watches Tegri for a moment, and her eyes twinkle with amusement. "D'aww, you're adorable, Blueberry," she coos. "Thanks sugar. I made 'em myself. Except the ribbon, Gram Gram made that."
She snorts at Mikilos. "Guess I got great cleavage then," she laughs, shaking her head before a long sigh leaves her. "No different than a potion. 'xcept I can hand someone a wand that can fix booboo's and do a lot of work wit' it. Also you look cool as hell goin' swish-and-flick the hell out of the wand and BLAM!"
Thunder claps at the same time outside. She flinches. Settling down, she shares a side glance with Patch before shrugging with her wings noncommittedly. "Who knows?"
The egalrin woman looks back to check the rain. It hasn't let up. At all. "Welp. Ceiwen's got a rager out there. And Blue's got the right idea. More tea? I sure do love tea. And spilling it."
"Can I see your will, Magus Mikilos? Do you have a way of easily duplicating it. I've got the certificate of authenticity to attach to the copy. Patch and Slix can sign as witnesses too, if you like. Although only my signature is necessary. Well, long as I'm not disbarred." Jay chirps some random things.
"They are very nice, I might want a ribbon. And a wand!"
He leans in, "we can discuss later." He looks at Mikilos, then at his briefcase table with all the paper.
Mikilos nods to Jay, turning back to business. "I have copies already for your review..."
-End Scene-

Latest revision as of 01:16, 8 September 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Stormy Tea Time
  • Emitter: Slixvah
  • Characters: Slixvah, Jay, Mikilos, Patch
  • Place: Mithralla Merchandise
  • Time: September 7th, 2022
  • Summary: It's storming like mad outside, and a duo of birds crash into Miki's store. The former, Slixvah, using the place as a stop for rest and the latter, Integrity, there about some will work previously spoken of. Mikilos makes them tea, and they converse over legal matters, curiosities of being a different species, as well as some minor necromancy biz happening in city. Patch drops in from the storm as well, and adds to the conversation about some nefarious folk. And some light banter. The storm isn't letting up, might as well cut to paperwork.

Mithralla Merchandise, Midday.

It's raining. Why is it raining? Dana said so. It's pouring cats and dogs and dragons and birds. Birds! Wet birds!

The door opens with a wet, slapping clatter, a rust red and white egalrin covered in a rainbow of ribbons readily flops onto the floor as a downpour threatens the Mountain Road outside. A sopping, beribboned wing raises from the ground, and smacks the door shut. "Hello, yes, hi, sorry for dropping in, I wa' 'boutta literally drop and crash. Are you open? Is this spot available? Gonna lie here for a sec, thanks."

Slixvah curls up to catch her breath.

"Magus! Magus!" The door to Mikilos' shop flies open again, heralding another feathery influx of white, black and blue. The jangling bells draw the bluejay's attention upwards, causing him to bat at them in an oddly feline way. The glint in his eyes however, suggests a more corvid attraction. A few jing-a-lings later, he caws at the shop again.

"Magus! I'm here to pick up the copy of your will. I've got a folder of local exemptions and adventuring consideration, as well the self-governing ordances of the Arcanists Guild. And an invoice for my time. Invoice!"

The l-eagle egalrin hops into the shop. "You can pay in gold, but I'll also accept a deep discount on my next enchant and some consulting services."

At this point, he notices all the ribbons, "Slix! I thought that was you! How are you? All wet? I'm wet too!"

Mikilos glances up from his reading at the counter, amused and curious, watching a moment before stepping from behind the counter and over to a small table. A small kettle and several mugs sit atop, along with a small assortment of scones and small samples of meats and cheese. "Quite alright. Welcome. Let me fetch you some tea." A second arrival only widens the smile. "Hello Truefeather. Lets get Slix settled and both of you dried off. What sort of tea would you prefer?"

Slix, sprawled out on the ground like a wet mop, looks up from the sound of jangling bells and familiar caws. A breathless giggle leaves her, and she gives Tegri a wave from the floor. "Heya Blue," she pants merrily. "Yep, all wet. Was flyin', rain caught me."

Her head cranes back to spy Mikilos, and a connect clicks in her head. "Oooh... I forgot ya had a shop up here. Yeah, tea sounds... sounds nice. Just... gimmie a minute..."

Her head flops back down against the floor. A white gloved hand raises, and a finger snaps. The water sloughs off of her. The hand moves, the a puddle shifts. The hand clenches. The puddle evaporates. The hand flops back down.

"Oh! Orange Pekoke!" The bluejay squawks happily, and continues to drip. He has an oilcloak wrapped around his wings and suit so he's somewhat dry beneath, but his spatterd talons suggest a lot of walking through puddles. "It's hard to fly in the rain. My glide distance decreases dramatically with the water weight."

Mikilos selects three mugs, two wide and deep for beaks, and one thin and delicate for elf. A trio of mesh bags with herbs and berries, hot water, and a pair of stools approprate for perching. A gentle tap sends water wisking away from the lawyer, running in quicksilver streams under the door and back outside. "The rain is a welcome change from the heat, but do think the weather is over doing it. What brings you up into the mountains, Slixvah? Esquire, do you read Mynsandraal?"

Slix chuckles, nodding. "Yeah. Same. Was about to crash if I didn't land soon. Need ta work on my cardio..." One more deep breath, and she pulls herself to her taloned feet, staggering a bit. "I always come up tha mountains to do sick flips," she chirps. "Just today decided to rain on my fun. Real answer: gettin used ta flyin' long distance. I jump off the top and fly as far as I can 'cross the city."

She ambles over to the proffered stool, giving a thankful nod and all but falling into it.

"What's this 'bout a will...?" she asks curiously.

"Ah... ah... a little bit? I've been concentrating on goblin-speak, as the gobbos are involved in a lot of liability and accidents." Jay replies, "I jump off the top too!"

He faces Slixvah, "It's a will. Adventurers should have Wills, and clauses for temporary deaths and long absences; presumed dead situations. Perhaps even a provision for raising, ressurection, and reincarnation, depending on available funds."

The bluejay looks at the racks of books, "I always thought it'd be fun to be another species. I'd try reincarnation if I had to. Anyhow, Mikilos has a will but there isn't a local copy, so I offered to notarize and file one for him."

"It's a good precaution!" He doesn't even notice the water leaving, although he appreciates it. Integrity's attention is split between the conversation and the impending tea.

Mikilos chuckles. "Just a precaution, I have no intention of passing on anytime soon, but didn't expect to die the first few times either. Mostly a matter of making sure everything states put until I stop being dead or descide I mean it." Handing over the mugs, he heads back to the counter. "Passing of nobel title is complex and ritualized. I have a translation, but some of the nuances don't pass well to Trade. Technically it's all a matter of the Queen's whim, but she almost never bothers with minor titles."

Slix perks up slightly, but she's leaning heavily against whatever table is closest, still exhausted from her exertion. "Oooh, I can help ya wit' that. I know gobbo!" she chirps. Her head tilts to the side slightly at the explanation of wills. "Hmm... I probs should get one. You do those, Blue? How much that cost?"

Her eyes gleam at Jay's curiosity. "... it's a ton of fun to be another species. I do it all the time," she beak-grins. "If you're /really/ curious, I'm sure we can figure out a way ta make my mojo work on ya."

She gives a thankful nod towards Mikilos as she takes the eglarin-friendly mug and warms her hands with it. A raised brow to Mikilos and his light mention of multiple deaths. And the titles. Well, that's why she called him Miki-mo-names. "Can't cheat with mojo fo' that. Magic ain't good at proper translations."

"Some things can get lost in translation. You don't want two versions of the same document, it leaves it open to interpretations and conflicts." The bluejay offers his legal opinion, his briefcase suddenly transforming into a small table, upon which he's scratching out some notes. "I can notarize that it's a true copy of the original, and include an index of the sections, overviews of what each paragraph covers, and state that it needs to be read in the original Mynsandraal. Also that the Queen should be contacted."

Integrity halts, his beak opening and closing at Slixvah's statements, "They're ah... a bit pricey but we can cut a deal, a trade! Trade! Wait, You've been another species? What's it like? How do you balance without your wings and tail, are colours different? What about smells? Do bugs taste bad? Every human makes a face when I talk about eating bugs."

"Wait!" His crest stands up suddenly, "You can move your face around? Wiggle your lips and nose? What does that feel like? Does it tickle? It looks like it tickles"

Mikilos nods to Slix. "Varies with spell and caster, but most magics give a general idea of meaning, bad on specifics." He smiles to Jay. "Bugs tend to be more about texture, but depends on the bug. I'm quite fond of air grubs, and honey roast locust are okay, but most else I don't care for as an elf." He considers a moment. "Cricket flour is okay."

Slixvah reaches over to pat Tegri on the arm as she shakes her head. "I got coin, Blueberry. Wanna pay what my friends are worth, ya know?"

The line of questioning makes her giggle behind a hand, her taking a moment to drink the tea as the queries come rolling. The back her hand wipes her beak free, and she answers. "Oh man, shug, it's really hard at first! When I turned inta a human, couldn't walk for crap and kept floppin' ova. Kept sputtering like I was drunk 'cause I couldn't work my voice and lips. One voice box! Lame! Smells are different, depends on what I'm bein. Sith-makar is hella different for that. Gobbo is fun ta be smol. Bugs are good no matter what."

Another sip. This time a giggle splutters her tea. "Yeah! It's a lot of fun! It tickles a little bit at first but you get used to it!"

She turns to Mikilos, brow raising. "Oooh, honey roast locusts sounds really good."

"One voice box?" Jay's eyes widen, "and no croup? Where do you keep your emergency coins?" You've been a Sith? And a Gobbo? What about the hobgobbos, are they the same but bigger, or different?"

He leans close, conspiratorily, "They act different, but it'd be funny to know they weren't."

His head bobs as he looks at Mikilos, "Honey roast locusts sound amazing." He wiggles his rump, shaking his tailfeathers about, "I bet you flipped over. I'm feeling like tipping just thinking about it. What's an air grub?"

"And okay, I'll charge you full price! It's a couple hours work, straightforward if you don't have any unusual clauses. Good practice. I could have a bunch of partial ones to hand out before adventuring. Or would people take it the wrong way?"

Mikilos smiles. "Air grubs are native to the plane of air. Look like mealworms, but sky blue. They disolve into a puff of fresh air when they die. Can get the at the College of Magic cafeteria most days. And handing out wills at the start of an adventure is likely to go over poorly. Would wait until the end, when have fresh memories of how dangerous adventuring can be. And they've just gotten paid, so more likely to have funds."

Slixvah bobs her head with excitement. "I know right!? It's so weird! I can't make lots of funny sounds! And I don't keep any coins there." She leans in towards him too. "I've been a hob-gob too. Same, but different. Hobs? Way denser. Gobs? More lanky," she answers back. "Still got big ears though."

She leans back into her stool, glancing to Truefeather's tailfeathers with a snicker. "Oh for sure, I flipped tons before I got it sorted. Wanna know the weirdest thing? Sitting on a bench. The feeling of something fully on ya back without your wings is the /weirdest/ feeling!"

She shifts to listen about air grubs, her head turning to the side. "Huh. That sounds pretty neat. Prolly should hit them up to check that out. But uh, yeah, prolly wouldn't go over well, Blue. I agree with Miki, wait until after the adventure."

Full price? Thumbs up. "Sounds good. I'll crash inta ya office. I ain't got any weird claus-" A beat to think. "Prolly just one weird clause."

"Oh wow, bench sitting does sound weird. It must feel like you're falling over forever." Jay fluffs, then refolds his wings. Noticing a glance, he switches his tail a few more times from side to side. "I think I'd like to try the Air Grubs. I need to go by the Arcanist campus. That's what I wanted to consult about before I go."

"It's... ah. Remember the gobbo necromancer that was one of Mama Bula's kids?" He clacks his beak awkwardly, "I met him again last night, he's really upset he lost his familiar because he was a necromancer. The Arcanists took it away from him. I know goblins don't live all that long, but he was acting like he might live even shorter."

"So I wanted to see if there's a way to get Ratto back for Git." Integrity tugs at his vest, adjusting it, head bobbing, "After the adventure for wills. Got it, and when you crash at my office, that'll be a great time."

So Romantic!

Mikilos snorys softly and looks to Slix. "You're an adventurer. All sorts of clauses on that." He blinks, frowning mildly at Jay. "I'm not familiar with the individual in question. He had his familiar taken away? That's very unusual. What exactly happened?"

Slix snickers once more at swish, her flicking her own under the robes. "Does feel like fallin'. Lotta senses ta get worked out. Took a while, but I got the hang of it now."

She bobs her head. "Yeah. I remember," her brows furrow. "I also remember one of her kids deliverin' a package from the campus back to Mama Bula... was kinda sus. Take care wit' that. Can help ya if ya want."

She blinks, then winks. "Oh, it'll be a grand ol' time. Can regale me wit' your legalese~" she croons, propping her head up on a hand.

She sighs, looking to Mikilos. "Gobbo got caught practicing necromancy. But like, the illegal, undead kind, not the life studies kind. School kicked him out for it. Took his familiar. Haven't talked to him since an incident with a cart."

Patch has arrived.

"Yes!" Jay stands proudly, "I shall court you with clauses, move you with motions, flatter you with filings and amuse you with arbitrations! It will be a l-eagle elaboration for an elegant enchantress."

Lots of tail-swishing, with a little bit of preening.

The bluejay returns to the more dire subject. "Well, Mama Bula's kids are all a little marginalized and in over their heads. Git, well... like Slix describes. They threw him out and sent Ratto somewhere."

Integrity tilts his head, staring at Mikilos, "it's his familiar though, isn't that between him and the goddesses of Magic if he gets to keep it?"

Mikilos frowns. "I've no love for necromancy, though I do believe Rune was overly strict. But it's still unusual to seperate a caster and his familiar. I suspect is another factor, but not being familiar with the case, can only speculate." He nods to Jay. "Even if a caster abuses his familiar, it typically just leaves. The only time I know they get taken away is if they cause a disruption in class, and even then it's just putting the familiar out in the hall until class ends."

Sometimes following Vaire means one has to brave Dana's wrath. The mother can have a temper, but it does little to keep Patch from getting about and taking care of the business that needs tending. " Hells, it's really coming down." the bard gets out, her coat doing little to stop the day's wet from the clothes beneath. Even before she gets to the door, she's motioning at it to get it to open, her innate magics at work. <Sylvan>

To those inside it's a bit dramatic. The door springing open with a clash of thunder. Untimed, but sometimes the mother's fury benefits the follower of the child. Then a brief moment later, Patch comes skittering through the door like a drowned rat. Her braids having began to come loose, and her coat having taken in water at the seams. "Hello, sorry!" she calls, a hand cast out as the door promptly shuts after her. "I.. Mikilos?" not having caught a glimpse of anyone on her entry. No, she just wanted out of nature's mood.

Slix's face feathers floof as she giggles heartily. "Aight, that was smooth, I'll give ya that," she concedes. "I look forward ta it."

The beribboned woman shifts a bit as the topic changes. "Well, someone could grab my Fiadh and lock 'em away. Wizards work dif, but I'd be boned- not in the fun way- on learning new mojo if I couldn't talk to my familiar. Miki's right, familiars can just leave. Maybe..."

She ponders. "... maybe Git is a witch?" the witch points out.

The dropout wizard flinches from the sudden arrival of the door opening with a backdrop of thunderous boom. Slix swivels over, a hand half raises to spy- "Oh! Hey Pattie!" she chirps happily in greeting. She's sitting at a table with a mug in front of her. "Get ova here! Have some tea! Warm up and get outta that mess!"

"Eeek!" Jay chirps, jumping away from the thunder and poofing into a feather duster. "Oh, it's you. Hi. Hi!"

He smoothes at his plumage, yet still resembles a feathery ball stuffed into a three piece suit. "Yes. Yes! Have some tea. Tea!"

Integrity turns back to Mikilos, "He'd be able to tell where it is, wouldn't he. Or could another caster find it? If it was released into the wild wouldn't it come back."

He stares at Slix, "Fiadh would, right? Come find you?"

Mikilos makes a mental note to put a pad or something behind the door. Less crashing. "Hello Patch, good to see you. What brings you by?" Grabbing a fresh mug for the bard, he nods to Slix. "Familiar-napping happens, but even then is unusual. You're interfering with a bond made by Magic with a capital M. That sort of interferance seldom ends well." He nods to Jay. "The bond is complex and unique to the pair, but yes, it's hard to hide a familiar from it's caster."

"Yes, me. A soggy version anyways." Patch's smile found as her dull eyes flick about those here as she straightens. Composure, it's found, Jay's words earning shake of head. "Apologies. I didn't expect /that/ much rain, and thought Miki's might be safe for a bit until it all dies down."

"So, umm. Yeah. Hi, everyone." Crossing as she speaks to partake in what's offered, a sigh finally hefted as she reaches Mikilos as he prepares a mug for her. "I was trying to... establish a new baseline with an old foe. The rain made it all too hard." a hand waving. "Don't let word of my work distract you. It'll pick up another day."

Slixvah looks back at Integrity. "Of course Fiadh would."

A small thrush pops out of Slix's robes and tweets in its tinny voice. "If the Tapestry deems our interwoven threads are to be parted, then it shall be so."

She stares at her familiar. "... thanks, I love you too. Jerk," she flatly says. A digit pokes Fiadh's head until the little bird is shoved back into the Pocket. "Anyways. Yeah. Can happen. I can sorta kinda tell where Fiadh is up to a point. It's a gut feeling. But if someone wanted ta snatch 'em and got away with it, I'm screwed mostly."

She raises a gloved hand towards Patch, snaps a finger, moves it, and clenches a fist. Water sloughs off, moves, and evaporates. "There ya go, sweetie, unsoggied," she coos, patting a stool next to her. A brow raises at the bard's work, but she shakes her head, chuckling. "If ya say so. We's just talkin' 'bout familiars and some odd stuff wit' a gobbo Blue and I ran inta the past."

"Maybe it's a cruel test. To prove he's a real wizard, by getting his familiar back." Jay speculates, bringing a wing around to examine it, re-align it, then fold it to his back once more. "He still needs help. I want to help."

"Baseline? Foe?" Integrity peers at Patch, examining her sodden form, "you were singing in the rain?"

And then at Fiadh, "Wow. Harsh. Harsh!"

The dehydration of the elf follows, and the bluejay nods, rubbing at the back of his neck. His feathers go all the way down. "He called for help and we turned him in. We went above and beyond."

Integrity gazes at Mikilos again, "I'd have to examine a few local cases, see when being a witness turns into an accessory."

Mikilos frowns thoughfully. "The only things I can think of are if the familiar itself is undead, which I havn't heard before but suppose may be possible. Or, the familiar is a bad influence. Urging to follow the ways of Taara or something."

That bit of magics and help earns Slixvah a large smile. "Thank you." Patch says, a softer tone as a head is dipped toward the other woman. "It's appreciated."

With that mug of tea from Mikilos, Patch listens to the tale and sips in thought. Fidah comment had almost solicited a snort, but the now-dry elf is able to contain herself for the moment. "I feel I am missing a good deal of this story... but." her words soft. "What did he need help with, is the familiar really missing, or is being held?"

"Skulking more than singing. Other skills have been required to keep tabs on my quarry."

Slixvah shakes her head. "Fiadh is just really pragmatic. They's mean well."

A muffled tinny voice from her robes chirps. "My intentions are-"

"Shhhh, Fifi, you're not helping," she hushes her pocket before looking to Tegri. "We did turn him in. Because he had a zombie. In his basement. At the height of undead fuckery. I know he wanted ta learn ta know how ta betta fight the undead, but doing it in a crowded place place with naught but door to stop it breaking out is /not/ tha place fo' it to happen. I want ta help him too, but not if he shoots himself in the foot."

A gesture to Mikilos. "That, too, is a good point. Fiadh has influenced some of my way of thoughts over the years." A beat. "Only good things! Promise!"

A wink is tossed towards Patch. "Ya welcome, hon. But, dunno, Blue's got the latest deets." Her eyes close in a smile. "Skulking is fun! I'm terrible at it. Too colorful."

"I don't... think Ratto is undead." Jay says, taking a sip of his tea in a birdlike fashion, which is to stick his beak into the wide mouthed mug and lap away with his tongue. His head pops up. "There aren't many more details than that. Git said Ratto was sent away, not killed, not caged, not given to someone else. He doesn't know where Ratto is, allegedly."

"Regardless of what influence a rat might be, he's not close enough for it to happen. The first step would be to find Ratto, which means we'd have to git Git involved."

"Oh you could hide Slix, you just have to blend!"

Mikilos frowns at Patch in amusement. "What in the world are you hunting? Or out of the world, as I suppose is very possible." He glances to Slix and Jay. "Just have a properly colorful background to blend with."

"We all have our environment we work best in." Patch muses to Slixvah, nodding towards Jay and his words. "She's got the urban vibe. Brick under clouds. She'd blend better than she thinks, even with ribbon."

"Zalgiman still, Mikilos. With the refugees beginning to make their way home, his pool of pickings has dwindled." Patch reasons and answers to other Dawn Elf. "We will see him make a move or shift assets soon."

"As for your kid, I will help and put ears down for you, but that's all I can do." Patch admits, flashing a weak smile, and taking in some more tea. "Legal speak isn't a skill I know, and I wouldn't know where to begin to search on this matter." a glance flashed to Slixvah after having sat on Jay. "You seem to be on a reasonable track already."

Slixvah looks to all of them. Blinks. Then breaks into a fit of giggles. "Let me know when fall comes round and I'll dive right inta a pile of mixed leaves on the street. I'll blend right in," she chirps, eyes crinkling in a grin. "Dad's lessons stuck, but not /that/ well."

She tilts her head at this talk of Zalg speak, but elects to listen instead of pick. As, she too, as jamming her beak into the cup akin to Integrity. "'preciate the ear to the ground fo' that, Pattie," she coos. "Tegri's got it. Me too, if ya want a hand, Blue," Slix offers to him. "I'm 'round the Society often, so I can keep an eye out for weird biz that leads back ta Git."

"Is Zalgiman swindling people?" Jay asks, "I appreciate all the help I can get. Anything you find out. I'll follow up when I get more information I get more information too."

His eyes sparkle, "I can show you how to dive into leaves!"

He immediately takes another sip of his tea, which seeming like he's beak-grinning into his cup.

Mikilos blinks innocently at Patch. "Zalgiman? Have you tried lureing him out with cleavage? I'm told that works well."

Patch snorts as she looks down at her chest, and even uses her hands to frame the little to nothing she had. "I do think you need to be buxom for it to work, Miki. I'm not as interesting as my sister." she muses of Cor'lana. "I don't even have the other side covered." turning to look behind herself in a bit of play. "Curvy I am not."

"Integrity, I'd say he's swindling people. I don't know if it's of coin or soul, but I've witnessed a few things that would make other's skin crawl." Patch admits, looking between the three. "I do admit to not having found his camp outside the city, but people go missing around him. That's all I can say."

Slixvah snickers at Tegri. "Sure, just don't dive into the brick road in the process."

Another drink. Which promptly gets sputtered again as she gasps for air. Tea leaking out of her nose holes. "O-Oh, jeez hah!" she laughs, catching her breath and wiping her face off. Which then she watches Patch. Her face fluffs slightly. Her beak opens. Retort on her tongue. Glance to Tegri. Beak closes.

"Yikes, yeah. Gonna stay away from that. I'm known ta vanish from time ta time, so tha' don't sound healthy fo' me. Lemme kno' if ya need me ta make ya somethin' ta help, yeah?"

"Yes... that's a large order. Well I'll keep an eye out for an opportunity to swindle the swindler! Catch him, I mean. Are you sure he doesn't like birds?" Integrity caws happily, glancing back at Slixvah. "There's lots of useful magic items. Did you know there's one for finding a bar?"

He leans back, "A drinking bar, not a legal bar. When I first read the description I thought it would be great to be able to find the courthouse. You can find all the drinking bars once you've found that. The ring though, just takes you to the closest. Drinking Bar."

"It's really expensive. Which is the problem. There are a lot of useful things, like goggles for reflecting Medusae's gaze, which aren't affordable and when you can, you don't need them."

The bluejay shrugs his wings, "But as long as we adventure and sell things to other people, we might get enough to afford something useful! How easy are anti-charm things?" He looks at Mikilos.

Scope first, then price. Basic contract negotiation.

Mikilos shrugs mildly. "Everyone has a little bit of cleavage." Trust the elf not wearing pants. "But a risky plan even under the best of circumstance. Skulking is likely better." Considering, he looks to Jay. "Immunity to charms is quite difficult, and against some sorces, impossible. Usually better to increase resistance, even the most powerful charm can be rejected. Is always a chance it works, but can lower the chance to near zero."

"Yes, but..." Patch's words ending with a smirk at Mikilos' play.

Slixvah earns a glance, a brow raised from Patch as she watches the woman floof and talk with Jay. "I might take you up on that offer. The guild got back to me about the pay I was missing. So." Patch notes, winking to the other woman. "I'll poke you about it later."

"I spent all my coin on a new bit of protection." Patch notes, watching the bluejay. "Yes, there is always something I want, but I don't always know if it's really a need."

Slixvah raises a brow before laughing. "Damn, no free courthouse pointing fo' ya. But I didn't kno' that was a thing! I'd use the heck outta somethin' like that! But yeah, I don' do magic doo-dads. I jam mojo into sticks. I make wands."

As if to show off, she pulls open her robe, and there's a leather holster with two handles poking out of it. "Expensive, but worth. Some mojo is niche and good ta have around."

The witch looks to Miki, then down at herself. She does not trust the elf lacking pants. "I think mine vanished and went to my tail," she cheekily chirps. Said tail flick-flicks under the robes.

She looks to Patch, nods happily, and flicks a thumbs up. "Poke me whenever, hon." She blinks, quirks her head to the side, looks up. "Phrasing."

A sigh leaves her. "Yeah, I gotta suit up wit' some protection stuff. I got nothin' except some gloves and a frilly little ribbon that makes me look like whatever I want." She taps her rainbow ribbon on her head. To the magically versed, it's a Hat of Disguise.

Jay's crest rises at Slixvah's 'poke me', then slowly folds back down. There was also talk of her tail. The ceiling is suddenly very interesting. He checks for bugs. "Ah. Was someone saying something? Oh. Those wands look neat. neat!"

The bluejay egalrin is not magically versed, "That's a nice ribbon."

He takes more tea.

Mikilos blinks innocently at Slix. "Cleavage is cleavage, whichever side it's on. Wands are one of the few things I don't craft. Intelectually I understand the utility, but it just rubs me wrong to craft something that is only going to last for a while."

"I mean... yes, and no." Patch's words conflicted on Mikilos' observation on cleavage. "It's." she starts, flushing, and letting the topic die. "Men do have their opinions."

"Phrasing, indeed. I'd of thought it was an invitation." Patch chimes with a wink, noticing both the Egalrin's seeming to have ruffled feathers at the talk. At least in that culture it's usually a good thing. "It really is a keen ribbon, Slix. I think it very fitting of you." she notes in a matter-o-fact tone. Her tea is soon finished, eyes rising towards the door as ears twitch. She's trying to gauge the storm outside, listening for thunder and rain.

Slixvah watches Tegri for a moment, and her eyes twinkle with amusement. "D'aww, you're adorable, Blueberry," she coos. "Thanks sugar. I made 'em myself. Except the ribbon, Gram Gram made that."

She snorts at Mikilos. "Guess I got great cleavage then," she laughs, shaking her head before a long sigh leaves her. "No different than a potion. 'xcept I can hand someone a wand that can fix booboo's and do a lot of work wit' it. Also you look cool as hell goin' swish-and-flick the hell out of the wand and BLAM!"

Thunder claps at the same time outside. She flinches. Settling down, she shares a side glance with Patch before shrugging with her wings noncommittedly. "Who knows?"

The egalrin woman looks back to check the rain. It hasn't let up. At all. "Welp. Ceiwen's got a rager out there. And Blue's got the right idea. More tea? I sure do love tea. And spilling it."

"Can I see your will, Magus Mikilos? Do you have a way of easily duplicating it. I've got the certificate of authenticity to attach to the copy. Patch and Slix can sign as witnesses too, if you like. Although only my signature is necessary. Well, long as I'm not disbarred." Jay chirps some random things.

"They are very nice, I might want a ribbon. And a wand!"

He leans in, "we can discuss later." He looks at Mikilos, then at his briefcase table with all the paper.

Mikilos nods to Jay, turning back to business. "I have copies already for your review..."


-End Scene-