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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Appearing, in Order =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
<pre>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Appearing, in Order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Ashes 5'11" 177 Lb Hobgoblin Female A somber arvec in grey clothes with a skull face
Ashes 5'11" 177 Lb Hobgoblin Female A somber arvec in grey clothes with a skull face
Shalethiste 4'6" 96 Lb Shadow Elf Female A copper maned elf maiden, hued in the night sky.
Shalethiste 4'6" 96 Lb Shadow Elf Female A copper maned elf maiden, hued in the night sky.
Line 29: Line 29:
Merek 5'10" 215 Lb Human Male A black-haired, dusky male with golden eyes.
Merek 5'10" 215 Lb Human Male A black-haired, dusky male with golden eyes.
Mikilos 6'8" 180 Lb Dawn Elf Male Tall male dawn elf, rosey blonde and handsome.
Mikilos 6'8" 180 Lb Dawn Elf Male Tall male dawn elf, rosey blonde and handsome.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- As the GM -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Kira 5'0" 120 Lb Human Female Blonde woman in simple robes with an eye patch.
Cryosanthia 6'9" 291 Lb Sith-Makar Female A dashingly tall, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.
Cryosanthia 6'9" 291 Lb Sith-Makar Female A dashingly tall, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.
Quarantine Station
Quarantine Station

Revision as of 22:54, 30 November 2020

Log Info

  • Title: DEVA AF FFS, part 2
  • Emitter: Cryosanthia
  • Characters: Ashes, Shalethiste, Havi, Seldan, Thurid, Geir, Merek, Mikilos
  • Place: H01: Kultari Road
  • Time: Sunday, November 29, 2020, 1:16 PM
  • Summary:

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* H01: Kultari Road *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

From east to west, north to south, the Alexandrosian countryside weaves over hill, valley, and farmland. Kultari Road meanders through it at a comfortable pace. The roadside is lined with curbstones, their surfaces comfortably flat and warm, with sand pressed inbetween. At times construction meanders into dirt, and numerous pathways branch off here and there to different farmsteads.

Along this stretch is a waystation. Over its door is a carved marker with dual symbols of Gilead and Tarien, the patrons of travel and the meeting of wilderness-and-civilization, respectively. Not large, the waystation rests a comfortable ways from the main avenue, with a place for a firepit out front.

Towards the south, the sky and landscape darkens. The Felwood lies there, and an occasional screech from inhuman lungs may be heard.

Towards the east, the shining City of Alexandria.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Appearing, in Order  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Ashes        5'11"    177 Lb     Hobgoblin         Female    A somber arvec in grey clothes with a skull face
Shalethiste  4'6"     96 Lb      Shadow Elf        Female    A copper maned elf maiden, hued in the night sky.
Havi         6'0"     180 Lb     Human             Male      Seeker of Wisdom and Knowledge.
Seldan       5'11"    187 Lb     Human             Male      Ginger-blonde human in armor wearing Eluna's symbol.
Thurid       7'1"     249 Lb     Giantborn         Female    Bright-eyed, muscular, blond Giantborn woman.
Geir         5'8"     200 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      A short, copper-scaled Sith-makar.
Merek        5'10"    215 Lb     Human             Male      A black-haired, dusky male with golden eyes.
Mikilos      6'8"     180 Lb     Dawn Elf          Male      Tall male dawn elf, rosey blonde and handsome.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  As the GM  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Cryosanthia  6'9"     291 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A dashingly tall, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.

Quarantine Station

It's been a long night. There are a lot of patients and not enough staff. Ideally, one would try to limit the number of patients per healer, to increase the attention each patient gets and limit the number of diseased the healers interact with. The night was not ideal, and there seemed to be an emergency every few minutes. Someone or something that needed attention. The day breaks grey and cloudy, more a lightening of the night than an actual sunrise. Nothing casts a shadow. The wind has shifted and comes from the northwest, still chilly. Almost everyone is still awake, healers and patients alike, when it has turned light the Temple Supply caravans arrive.

There are a number of wagons that stop a distance from the tents. The lead one is empty, and an Arvek Nar in mourners robes sits beside the driver. She also has a skull for a face, some sort of white markings on her warm-grey skin. Mourner Ashlee Ciaradh, for those who know her, also known for being short on words, "I'm here for the dead."

The other wagons pull to the sides to unload. The labourers who came with them clear brush on the sides, implementing a makeshift turn-around point. A pair assemble a barrier to put across the road. The caravan waits for someone to come out to them.

They stopped one hundred feet away from the edge of the zone, so a short walk down the road to them.

GAME: Shalethiste rolls fortitude: (4)+7: 11

Shalethiste, busy with delegation and peacekeeping as much as healing, has a certain weary air about her as the night begrudgingly withdraws before the blooming cloudlight. The Mul'iessa goes upstairs of the Waystation itself, at intervals, taking a status check of their inventory before coming down with a tray of poultrices. These, then, the paladin distributes with care, though clearly the time without rest is getting to her.

As a note from near a window that wagons approach, she delegates to one of the others before emerging to see what's come about. This could be their support, or more injured. In either case, her hand raises in greeting, "Hello!"

Well, the Mourner sums that up, and she little elf bows her head, "I see. I am Shalethiste, of the Silver Guard, thank you for coming. We have near a dozen passed on arrival, and several more hover at the edge. We have had to triage both factions by disease, and there is a fair amount of tension to contend with."

Havi, while not being as good a healer as a cleric or doctor may yet be, still took the time to help wherever he could, for greater knowledge and wisdom can be gained from helping those least fortunate. As such, he had arrived at this place of sickness and wounds a few hours prior to the Caravan's arrival, using spells and tonics to help as best he can.

He was not the best, but surely an extra hand that was necessary.

When he raises his head to see the Caravan arriving, Havi decides it may be necessary to accompany Shalethiste as perhaps additional council, if they so allowed, for the meeting with this caravan.

The Mourner is not the only figure to make themselves known as the caravan comes to a halt. A ginger-blonde figure in ordinary-looking steel armor, an out-of-style sword with a red-jeweled pommel at his hip, and a sturdy blue traveller's cloak over all except the small haversack on his back vaults off of one of the wagons towards the rear, the gray floppy hat he wears against the weather not moving as he hits the ground. He bends his knees to cushion the drop, and starts towards the front to greet the healers. Some here know Seldan, and those who do will know him to be most thoroughly dressed down. "You then seek as much diplomacy as healing," he offers in a lighter voice distinctly tinted with the lilt of the Myrrish.

"Ok." Ashlee says, staying seated. She raises her hand in a small wave at Seldan as he dismounts, then addresses Shalethiste, "There's help." She gestures back at her wagon, and elaborates a little, "Mourners, who will be staying. Alexandria wants to minimize contact."

So, almost everyone will be here for the duration. Likely why the caravan pulled up early.

There are other vehicles in the caravan. The temples of Daeus, Eluna, Vardama and Althea are contributing to this effort. Each sending a wagon or wagons as requested earlier.

The Daeusites have been a little slow on the draw, their evaluation team has arrived with the caravan but has no clear leader. They sent an acolyte, lay healer, bedding and healing supplies for twenty.

Eluna Temple fullfils the request for more help, sending three more clerics to assist Merek. Shalethiste's requests for assistance is also granted. She receives two Arcanists, and two Silverguards, as well as another acolyte, three lay healers, and four labourers.

Vardama Temple sent Ash, "I'm not staying." They also sent a Chord, a Lancer, four more mourners, lay healers, and labourers, each one creepy in their own right. While Vardama's faithful obviously provide healing, they're usually associated with when the healing fails, and it's not clear if the group provided is to help, or to stalk and among the sick and be ready to give them last rights. They hop off and head towards the tents as if on a mission, and searching for a copper-scale.

Althea Temple fulfilled Kira's request, sending bedding and medicinal supplies, as well as healing herbs, to cover the Bludguni patients, and some extra. It's enough for eighty, so they sent 20 labourers to help unload and set up. The other thing they sent is food, and the scent of coffee wafts into the air.

Shalethiste doesn't seem to mind the accompaniment, glancing with a little smile to Havi, then turns back to note Seldan on his dismount, "Well that you're here, Sir Seldan." Ashes, in turn regains her attention on her report, "I see, that is probably for the best, thank you."

She massages the bridge of her nose between thumb and finger for a moment and blink-blinks her eyes open anew, "We've several maladies in play, the dispersion makes me suspicious." There is a gesture toward the tents, "The common infections are sequestered there, though the Bludgun had a unique infection that we've kept there." This with a gesture to the Waystation, itself, "It was the timing."

And so there Havi waited as he looks upon Ashlee, who seems to be very...blunt and straightforward. "A great shame, that. But your actions are your own." He mentions, before he looks to Shalethiste. "Very interesting. Do you believe that this was something of an offensive measure?" He questions to her curiously, before his attention is on Seldan. To which Havi bows his head in respect. "We appreciate your arrival."

Though he too seems somewhat suspicious of the sicknesses at play.

The current layout of the camp is a large square area, cleared of forest. In the centre of this sits the Way Station. This effectively creates four fields. The west field was clear and where the Vardamites initially set up the patient tents, and triage was added. The north field is unused, covered in undergrowth, with the Bludguni wagons parked in it. The south field is also unused, covered in undergrowth, and the Blar airship has been pulled in and grounded. The east field is partially cleared, and was used as a burn site for used bandages. The tents of the Blar airship and Bludgun wagon crew are in it, with a wide gap. The waystation itself has had the ground floor dedicated to patients, and the second story is storage and where the medical staff have been sleeping.

The eager Vardamites return. Four apiece, carrying a wrapped body between them. The shroud is grey, much like their vestments, and loose as theirs are as well. All the cloth flaps in the wind, imparting the impression of ravens, flapping and blowing across the battlefield. The empty cart pulled forward, then turned around. The mourners fly up to the tailgate and load their burden. Small prayers are said and then they flock back to the camp as the next set arrive.

"Someone has to see them home." Ash says, in monotone.

As the Vardamite funeral wagon is being loaded, the others are being unloaded.

"I am well pleased to be of aid, Shalethiste, and the more still to see you again." That is said with a smile, but both of Seldan's eyebrows lift into his hairline in surprise at the mention of suspicion of maladies, and he gestures the group off to the side so that the laborers can begin unloading the carts, and they can talk, and they are not in the laborers' way. "What manner of disease do we contend with?"

A hulking figure jumps off the back of one of the wagons that is being unloaded- as is often the case with the Angorites when they venture afield, Thurid is accompanying one of the other faithful's caravan, as a bodyguard on the road, and a teamster and healer both now that she is here. The jotun-blooded woman has a large crate on each shoulder as she hops down from her wagon, no doubt laden with supplies of some description, and she carries them towards the quarantine zone.

Shalethiste nods to Havi first on his query, then on Seldan's gesture, she turns to the Mourner, "We leave them to your capable care, Mourner, thank you." and so follows the senior paladin's direction out of the way. She looks between the humans a moment, then, "While we haven't truly identified anything, yet, it seems as if there are four seperate contagions at play. First presents as round spots on the skin, common to both factions. The second, also in common, is noted for causing swelling at the hands and feet. The third causes lumps in the armpits and throat... thus far only the Blarites have presented with this. The last... well, the last is.... trickier to note, as it presents as greying of the skin, a not-uncommon trait amongst the Arvek Nar to begin with, as well as swollen lumps. This last is only seen from the Bludgunni."

The Mul'iessa sighs, then, "There are a pair of bugbears, one of each side that have some form of mutation, thus far they see isolated incidents, but that commonality is more than a little suspicious."

The copper-scale Sith returns from an inspection of the airship crew, pauses a moment to stretch his neck from side to side. A few vertebrae pop, and he lets out a low breath.

"This one would add that some of the patients are crew from both the caravan and the airship. One would suggest that the diseases may be uncommonly infectious, if such a short exposure is enough for them to spread so easily. That or perhaps the war has worn them down enough that they are not as healthy as it may look."

Geir offers a short bow to the others who've gathered. "Peace on your nests.", he intones.

Ashlee nods, waiting and staring as her silent passengers are loaded. More groups of mourners fly up with their sad burdens and lay them in place. Each one given a prayer for safe journey. With the last passenger loaded, the Vardamites gaze solemnly at each other. A moment of silence later they gather near the copper-scale and the wagon creaks into motion.

"I hope I'm not back tomorrow." Their ashen guardian says, facing each in turn with her skull mask. "Keep Quarantine."

That said, the wagon of the dead trundles on.

"A strange and concerning thing," Seldan agrees, listening carefully and soberly. "Peace upon your nest also, Shaman," he greets Geir formally. The two have not met often, but often enough for the paladin to know who he is. "You speak of tension among the patients. The phrasing and polite tone of voice invite the others to say more.

Havi nods softly to Shalethiste is understanding of her suspicion. "The timing is odd and inconvenient." His attention then shifts to Thurid as the jotun hops off the caravan and approaches. "Seems we will have the help we required. A mutation? An unnatural one, you suspect." He questions curiously. "A sentiment we share, Mourner." He tells Ashlee. He nods softly to Geir. "Greetings."

Thurid arrives just in time to catch the explanations, setting her supplies down so that others more familiar with the camp can take them where they are needed. "Four diseases among two disparate peoples, amidst the throes of war? It is not unheard of." she says then, "But from what I heard on the road, it does seem a bit more than mere coincidence." she admits then. She slaps her large hands together and then rubs them, "Right- where might I be of most use?" she asks those who have been here longer, and seem to have a better grip on events.

"Most patients do not have the strength to find a place to relieve themselves, yet a few tried to stand, to carry on their war here.", Geir says, after a nod to Seldan. "And those bearing the sick and wounded were also quite willing to fight." The Sith's expression darkens. "The reaction of some of those who would be healers of the sick also worked against peace. It nearly came to blows. This one's work and efforts were almost for naught, and if this one did not have better things to do, there may have been a few others taking the journey to be judged and meet their makers. It will not be allowed to stand, and this one will be making formal complaints to both Bludgun and Blar, but to Alexandria herself, and a number of temples." The copper-scale straightens.

"That would include the Temple of Eluna, Silver Guard.", Geir says, a respectful, yet stiff, tone in his voice, to Seldan.

GAME: Merek rolls fort: (15)+12: 27

Merek was about and doing what he can to assist people with the general healing. He seems to be wearing that dark attire while he keeps looking to all of the goblins as well as anyone else.

"Problematic, if not unexpected." Shelly replies, "They were at each other's throats when this all started. Alexandria afforded the Bludgun succor, here, in lieu of starting a second triage. We only had so many healers to attend them all." The little woman shakes her head ruefully, "We've avoided outright violence, though certainly sharing proximity to someone you faced on the field prior encourages a mind to aggression."

She looks, then to the very large woman, "Well met. I know not where your talents lie, madame." She breaks off a moment at Geir's reproach and bows her head with a, "As you say." then back to the Jotun, "Come, let's see if we can find a fit."

GAME: Havi rolls Intelligence: (8)+3: 11

It's fairly obvious the Quarantine Station is understaffed.

There was a request for someone with magic insight to examine a weird mutation. The word went out, and it was fulfilled, but the word may have kept travelling.

The two arcanists from Eluna have come up beside Shalethiste. One is a tall, elderly looking elfin woman. The other is a very dapper, middle aged gnome who seems to be covered in lenses. The tall woman says, "We're here to investigate that mutation, as requested."

Before anything further can be said, and almost in confirmation of the copper-scale's words, shouting erupts from among the tents. The Unknown Disease #2 area. The words are unclear, but the tone is violent and anxious. A patient with a bandaged hand and foot breaks from the tents and runs across the field towards the woods. Two tired looking healers are trailing him, unable to catch up with the man who flails wildly as he runs.

Both of Seldan's eyebrows lift at this. "Was one of ours among those seeking aggression? That surprises me." Ice-blue eyes go for a moment to Shelly, as if in question, then back to Geir. "That should not be so, and the High Seeress will wish to know. How might I then be of assistance? I have some skill as a healer, though there are doubtless those who exceed me in that. I have skill with the arcane if that might serve, and I may be summoned, does another fight break out. I am no stranger to disease, nor to quarantine." The last words are stated coolly.

At his hip, a kindly if nasal old woman's voice pipes up. "You be careful, Seldan. You don't want to get sick again."

"I shall, Fallia. Fear me not." Seldan looks down, with a rueful smile, then back up to the shaman. "I would know who among ours caused trouble, here."

"I've strong arms, and am a healer- both lay techniques and divine." Thurid tells Shelly then, offering her a small smile as she sweeps her eyes back and forth across the camp. The topic of fighting even amongst the sick and maybe also the healers draws a frown from her, but she shrugs it away. "Tensions are high." she says, simply, "I would hope that the seriousness of the situation will bring out the best in all of us." she adds then, as for her take on it, though she doesn't know anything about the situation to comment further.

The copper-scale looks to Shelly a moment, his expression softening slightly. "This one does not include yourself among those who encouraged violence. This one was phrasing words such that individuals were not pointed to. This one views the situation as a failure for all of us, combined. It was not this one's actions alone that headed danger off."

Geir offers a bow to Shelly. "This one apologizes. As we all know, it has been along night."

He shifts then, to Seldan, and in answer to the Paladin's question, he nods. "Indeed, one bearing the markings of Eluna's own decided upon throwing a temper tantrum. However, this one believes it better to wait until after. All of our minds are needed." Geir straightens. "Your appearance here is a blessing. Your healing skills are welcome, no matter their power. But it is your presence that is most welcome. This one believes the camp will be calmer. Your appearance here speaks of ... certainties. A promise that... shenanigans will be frowned upon."

To Thurid, the copper-scale grins. "This one is also welcome of your presence. Patients are less likely to hassle a nurse who has more muscle in one arm than they do in their entire body." He lets out a laugh then and a sigh, something approaching a grin spreading across his lips, though care it taken to not expose too many teeth.

"This one would offer that a conversation should be had quietly, aside, yes, Silver Guard?", Geir says to Seldan.

Geir appears to not notice the 'escape' of one of the patients.

"Excuse me, could someone explain what exactly is going on?" Mikilos calls from above. The wizard is drifting downward from the sky, Grey robe billowing in the air. "I received word my services were desired, but not in what capacity."

"I told him I would get him taken from his position with his army and he didn't want to cause an international incident, because he was you know, waving a firearm at medical personell and not only threatening them but patients," Merek notes, while he looks up from working with supplies.

Shalethiste smiles, then, "Perfect, that would do well in the tents-" she breaks off as the arcanists suddenly flank her, and she turns to blink up at them, parts her lips in a quiet, 'Ah!' of realization and nods, "Of course, of course, a moment."

She smiles to the Jotun woman again and turns to Havi, "Pray, might you show her where she can be of the most help in the commons?"

Geir's reassurance brings her to once again and she nods, "I see." Ahem, she turns to the Arcanists anew, then, "Let us see to them, then, this way, please."

The calamity downrange brings a pointed, "Runner!" for brevity's sake.

"Perhaps, then, it best if you also see to these bugbears? I suspect sorcery so much as disease in their cause. A directed hand, in either case." Shelly asides to Seldan, and the grey clad wizard.

The escaped patient has a desperate energy. He's pulling ahead of the pursuing nurses. He's also shouting, "No! It's the only cure! You have to let me! You can't stop me!"

The hobgoblin runs straight up to a tree, hitting it hard enough to be audible at a distance. He hugs it tightly, refusing to let go.

The nurses catch up but seem unable to pry him off it.

Havi seems to have, for once, nothing to add at the moment.

That is until he's asked where Thurid could be best disposed.

"I can try. I know supplies need delivering if they haven't already. But, we could use some more shelter, for the sick number in many folds." Havi suggests to Thurid, before his attention shifts to Mikilos. "Healers aplenty, but any measure of manpower is welcome." he informs.

"Could the work of Necromancy or other fowl magic be at work here?"

Thurid nods her head to Havi as he begins to speak, but then the call of 'runner' catches her attention and she turns towards the indicated direction, seeing the hobgoblin wrapped around the tree. And the nurses trying to pry him off it. "I'll get him back to his bed." she says, and then heads on over towards him to lend the beleaguered nurses a helping hand.

GAME: Merek casts Calm Emotions. Caster Level: 12 DC: 16

Merek looks from what he was doing and to the patient, while he nods to the people he was talking to, then walks that way to lift up a hand, beginning to offer a calming. Then he smiles, "You'll be alright, I've already worked a way to cure the disease, I am refining that while we work," he would note. Then he begins to work on cooking it looks like, letting Thurid manage with the patient.

Mikilos touches down, tensing at the spellcasting, until he identifies the spell, and relaxes again, nodding. "A... plague? Something unfamiliar? If it's manpower you need, I may suggest the Society freshman students. Sanitation is part of their training, and most are quite eager for a chance to escape the lecture halls. More so if it counts towards extra credit."

The magi turns focus to the tree-hugging hob. "A moment. It's worth hearing what he has in mind, espically if he's so passionate about it."

GAME: Seldan casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 16 DC: 17

"As you will, Shaman," Seldan says, but he gets out no more than that before the call of _Runner!_ reaches his ears. He turns to spot the runner, now hugging a tree as if it were a piece of ship's wreckage that could carry him to shore. "I would hear what he has in mind as well," he agrees, turning and moving closer to the sick man. He pauses a number of paces away, though, letting Thurid and Merek placate the crazed humanoid, but instead drawing a sigil in the air before his eyes. He speaks an arcane word, and it shimmers into gold-silver-white life, a thin film before his eyes through which he now watches the tableau.

The running patient is a lot calmer, the spell will do that. As will the white lie that a cure was already determined. Although neither stops his efforts. He remains passionate about hugging the tree. Thurid is easily able to overpower and pry him off, the nurses caution, "Be careful with his hand."

The hobgoblin gets frantic again as he's removed from the tree. He's young, impressionable, perhaps late teens though with strong fighter's muscles. His right hand is bandaged halfway up his arm, his right foot also. Rot can be smelt at a distance, and the bandages are already staining red and yellow at the tips. "You have to! I have to hold a tree! That's the cure!"

Geir nods to Seldan, and turns to view the disturbance in time with the Paladin's own interest. The copper-scale eyes the runner, and his apparent love for trees. "An odd, yet interesting, thing, that. Perhaps we should move him and others nearer to the trees, so that they remain docile?", he wonders. "This one will leave the investigation to his betters, and instead will continue his rounds." Geir waves a hand before turning to wander through one of the tents.

Shalethiste lets those better equipped (Magic/longer legs) see to the crazed patient with a solemn sigh, then shakes her head and turns to leads the remaining arcanists to the abberation that prompted her bid their deployment in the first place.

Thurid pulls him away from the tree, but she pauses at his words. "Why is that, friend? How will the tree help you?" she asks. She is strong, but careful to hang onto him with a beefy arm about his waist as she tries to get him under control without harming him further. "We can get you back to the tree, after, alright, if it will help. But you need to stop running around- you're opening up your sores, and you'll be needing new bandages." she says to him, keeping her tone even- but firm- as she tries to talk the man down.

Havi turns his head sharply at the call of Runner, but does seemingly nothing to stop him...most likely because others are simply faster than him at it. He seems to sigh sadly. Though he does look upon Merek and Mikilos. "Then perhaps that is what we will need. At this point, we will settle." Then he watches as Thurid just pulls the poor sod from the tree.

"Thank you for retrieving him." he thanks as he puts his spear in front of him, holding it as if it were a sort of staff.

"Everyone knows that! No, no, don't take me away." The patient says, looking crazed, sounding crazed. His breathing is heavy, laboured, from running and congestion, "the leaves turn colour and fall off, and then they regrow and your hand comes back."

It certainly sounds dreamlike, and magical. Perhaps arcanists from Eluna were a good idea.

"Well might he be delirious," Seldan murmurs, making an arcane gesture with one hand. The gold-silver-white veil before his eyes vanishes, and he seems satisfied by whatever it was he saw with it. Only then does he move closer to offer Thurid help, and that only if she wants it or seems to need it. "Does he wish to ride and not walk back to his bed, I can conjure him aid."

Mikilos tsks mildly, but keeps quiet. Good info can come from strange places, but maybe not in this case.

"Tree! I want the tree!" The hobgoblin struggles in Thurid's embrace, although Seldan gets his attention, "You have a horse?"

Thurid, for her part, doesn't seem dismissive of the crazed man. She keeps ahold of him, still, "If everyone knows it, how did everyone learn it?" She asks him, gently. "Have you seen this happen?" she asks, too. She glances towards Seldan, "I can carry-" she begins, but then the patient cuts her off with his own question, and so she remains quiet for a time.

"I am going to check on the patients," Merek notes, while he begins to walk that way, adjusting the beltcape which he wears about that waist.

GAME: Seldan rolls heal: (18)+12: 30

"Not a horse, but a float, that you will not need to walk back. I do not doubt that walking is painful. Come. Rest holds more answers than trees. The trees wish only to make your feet hurt." Seldan turns to Thurid. "He is fever-crazed. I do not doubt that you are quite capable of carrying him, but conjuring a disk may instead offer him more comfort. Would you have me so demonstrate?"

"Everyone knows, that's what they said. When your hand swells up, better go find a nice tree to get your hand back." The hobgoblin stares wildly at Mikilos, then Seldan, "An invisible horse! I'll ride an invisible horse."

He waves his bandaged hand, which wafts an unpleasant smell around, "that's the cure. Find a tree. Hug her."

Shalethiste continues to take the arcanists to the spot where they have the bugbears sequestered to their needs, softly explaining, "They each have seperate contagions, but.... they have been touched by something that warps some of their joints. They seem remarkably similar, yet stand on opposite banners. If you've ward against infection, I pray use them, as you no doubt must examine both to reach a proper conclusion, and we wish neither to make you ill, nor cross contaminate if we can avoid it."

Thurid nods her head a bit at Seldan's words, then, "Aye, I suspect you're right- on both points." she finally admits to the Elunite, to her wriggling charge, she says again, "When you've had your wounds cleaned and bandages changed, we'll see if you can't come back to the tree. But you must stop running around on your own." she asserts.

Mikilos ponders, and shrugs. "Seems will be a bit before have information on cases to study. For today, I'm not sure what can do for the infected who shouldn't be moved, but for the mobile, have a spell that can provide food and comfortable lodging for around a hundred people."

Havi takes a moment to think.

"I will investigate the bugbears if at all possible, see what is going on with them." Havi mentions. "I may not be the best healer in the land, but I am adept enough at the task." He mentions. Though he also notices that the poor soul Thurid is caring around is very, very delirious.

"I recommend you all get food and shelter out to the sick, seperate them as best we can to avoid reinfections." He advises. "This will be an arduous task...and it is best to begin."

GAME: Seldan casts Floating Disk. Caster Level: 16 DC: 18

"I think it well if he does not attempt to walk on those feet," Seldan adds, "nor would mounting a horse be a comfortable thing. Still am I no healer, and thus do I defer to your judgment." Smoothly, he steps back and draws another sigil in the air, this one more complex than the first. He speaks a phrase to it, and it bursts into blue-white light in front of him, for those knowledgeable, this is a constructor of pure force, pure magic itself, and despite himself, he wears a boyish smile as he works. He reaches with both hands into the sigil, pushing that energy down and to the sides, creating a disk of that energy.

When it is formed, he sends it with a gesture in the direction of the hobgoblin. "Seat yourself, and it will carry you without difficulty."

Merek is off being quiet, getting into his work.

Geir makes his way back towards the impromptu gathering, in time to hear Mikilos' offering. "This one believes that your offer should be taken up. Removing the diseased to an isolated place, protected from the elements, is a grand idea. Can one create such lodging with separate rooms?"

The copper-scale gestures to the field. "We could then move the others into the tents and the waypoint building. All wounded and sick would be in a better place in short order. Magnificent." For a few brief moments, Geir looks as though he will hug Mikilos. He is distracted by the spell cast by Seldan, and he nods slowly. "We are definitely in good hands, now."

Thurid moves to assist the Hobgoblin into the disc summoned by Seldan- and perhaps carry him to it, if simple assistance is resisted- but then nods her head to what Mikilos and Geir says, though she is fairly distant from them, and her own thoughts are summed up quite nicely by the mourner. She does call across to him, though, "And if it is possible, bathing facilities. Keeping the patients and ourselves as clean as possible will help slow down the spread!"

Mikilos grins to Geir. "Magnifienct indeed. 'Mage's Magnificent Mansion' is the spell. And yes, makes rooms for each person, and a massive feast for all. Lasts about 24 hours, then disappears, so they'd have to movein, then back out. Might be better used to house the healers."

The spell will make 4200 sq-ft of Mansion. In comparison, the Way station is 2500 sq-ft square per floor. The fields around the Way Station are rougly 52,000 sq-ft. Essentially, the spell could duplicate and almost double the patient space in the Way Station, providing an area that's clean, fresh, and warm, with Unseen Servants who could assist the healers, and food. Moving them in and out daily would be an isuse, though the spell lasts long enough there is overlap time to do so.

"Of course," The elderly elf says, as she casts a glimmering protection on herself and the gnome, "We came prepared." The gnome at her knees nods, "Yep, brought my poking stick." He waves around a cane that is covered in multi-coloured lenses and seems to have a three finger grappler on the far end. There's also a strange set of cylinders near the far end. Either sample chambers or a tiny flamethrower, it's hard to tell. It looks useful.

The patient is calmed, a giant's grip will do that, as will entertaining spells. He watches as Seldan casts, attempts to clap. This does not do good things for his bandaged hand. He hops on eagerly, snapping invisible reins, commanding motion, "Git'ya!"

Moving the patients frequently would be a problem. Such a space is better used for the healers. It would be useful for critical cases, also. People who need every advantage, to survive the night. The critical group has mixed diseases, but all bedridden and close to terminal. Unseen Servants could be tirelessly cleaning, bath facilities could be part of the layout, or even a room full of buckets and soap. Realistically, moving the patients isn't really that bad. They're not hooked up to machines, they're on cots. Which can easily be picked up by a couple of people and moved. We could arrange it so that the entrances of the doors are made into a tunnel, with sheets/canvas. Patients would remain warm. And it would provide planar isolation, MMMM is literally a pocket plane that is a nice house.

So if Mikilos is amenable to casting the spell in such a way as to have some overlap, then Geir will see to getting people transferred back and forth carefully. All the critical cases will be in a room closest to the door, and will be in and out first.

With the help of the floating disk, the hobgoblin is taken back to his tent. He shivers, as he wasn't dressed for running around outside, but seems in better spirits, happily babbling about hugging a tree and riding an invisible horse.

And as soon as he's back a-bed, another patient from the group leaps up with a wild cry and runs for the trees.

It's going to be a long day.

Mikilos takes a few minutes to fashion a physical doorway to mark the spell's invisible door, and sets a small office for himself inside the masion. The wizard isn't strictly required to remain within, but the magical servants understand his desires on an intuitive levels, where with others they tend to do what you say, not always what you meant.

Merek would walk along and up to the patients, while he takes the time to examine each of them with his arcane ability and with the triage kit. He then would generally work on beginning to find ways that might assist any treatment.

The group of healers works through the morning, has a lunch away from the patients at the Althea wagons, then works through the afternoon. Food is brought, basic patient care is done. Certain tasks are focused on. Merek examines all the patients, reviewing their symptoms, taking samples, and thinking about thinks. Mikilos sets up the Mage's Magic Mansion, and with Geir's help, gets a transfer team established and selects some of the worse off cases to be resident. There's some space left over for healers, so a bunch can have rooms further from the door. Seldan takes up the peacekeeping duties he was requested for, and the other paladins, the other Silverguard, the Chord and the Lancer, follow his lead. Thurid seems occupied with 'Disease Group 2', who frequently run for the forest. Shalethiste and Havi spend some time with the arcanists and the bugbears. Kira also helps out in general, guiding staff, cleaning, and distributing food.

Havi, meanwhile, departs the group to investigate the bugbears. He primarily uses his spellcasting ability to examine them, lest harm fall to him. "Hmm...this is rather curious." He informs Shalethiste and the other arcanists as he continues his readings. "Have you managed to find anything?" He asks of her.

Thurid has her work cut out for her, it seems, as doctor and orderly both. Having encountered the hobgoblin's afflictions and found her dual talents equally useful in dealing with him, she has elected to continue tending to him and those others suffering of the same affliction. Especially as another of them makes a run for the trees. She spends much of the morning dividing her time evently between offering what succor she can to those patients which are bedridden- changing bandages, dressing sores and helping with the changing of bedding- and chasing down runaways and helping to corral them back to their beds.

Lunch is a rushed affair for the giantborn woman, as she is a recent arrival, she still has more energy than many of those who have been here since the waystation was first established. She cleans first, then consumes a simple meal hastily, before returning to her duties.

The afternoon goes much the same way as the morning, more escapees, more cleaning of wounds and changing of bandages. By the time the sun begins to hang low in the sky, and the day begins to draw to a close, the giantborn is tired, hands red from repeated washing, and brow sweaty from a day spent doing much more running and lifting than she had expected.

Disease 2 symptoms. An extremity, hand gets an inflamation in the cuticles, then the hand or foot swells. It's usually a hand. The fingers (or toes) start to bleed, the nails turn black and fall off, the hand gets covered in festering sores, it spreads up the arm. They have difficulty breathing. At a certain point, it spreads to another hand or foot. The patient usually dies when three hit this condition, but there is one critical who has all four limbs.'

Once the one patient is settled, Seldan finds himself going after another. He does not bother to dismiss the floating disk he's using, and indeed, this sort of thing lasts all day and proves quite useful. Heavy loads, delirious patients, tired healers, trussed-up troublemakers - it carries them all, and he, too, makes quick work of his lunch, but turns most of his attention, as the day progresses, to directing peacekeeping and enforcement of quarantine, with the help of those of his fellow paladins inclined to assist in such a capacity. Some he spares, bidding them sleep for now and quite obviously preparing for an overnight watch.

Shalethiste shakes her head with the question, "I fear not. I haven't had much time to focus on any one thing." She rubs at her eyes again, then continues, "A failing I admit freely. He-" a gesture to one, "seems to be worse off than the other, but why, I've not ascertained."

Over the course of the afternoon, with a brief break to eat, the Mul'iessa returns to her tasks, fetching things required for the study of the bugbears assisting with the other paladins in maintaining some order, as well as throwing a helping hand with the other logistics, though all the extra hands give them all more time to work, and consider their approach.

In the course of your the Silverguard's day, he meets Major Kremo, who is a short round goblin with a lot of medals who likes to wave dragonspitters around. He's not infected, but worried, and commands hobgoblins - which is kind of unusual for a goblin to do. He's from Bludgun. Captain Infalia, who accidentally gets his sword's interest, is the Airship captain. She's a hob, commanding gobbers and a bugbear, from Blar.

GAME: Seldan rolls diplomacy: (15)+19: 34 to Cryosanthia
GAME: Seldan rolls diplomacy: (13)+19: 32 to Cryosanthia
GAME: Seldan rolls diplomacy: (14)+19: 33 to Cryosanthia

Seldan is quiet, unobtrusive, and unfailingly polite if approached, but brooks no nonsense or backtalk and displays plenty of power. He come off as "one of the quiet people you don't mess with".

When Thurid gets a quiet moment to speak with those organizing the waystation, she will take aside the most senior member of the organizational forces she can manage to corner to speak to them, whomever she manages to collar, she will ask, "These patients with the wasting disease- the one that is rotting their limbs. Might it not be best to amputate the affected limb as early as possible?" the topic is grim, and her face shows it. "The disease seems to spread inwards, and only when it reaches their core does it kill. I know these are proud soldiers, but surely a lost hand or foot is better than a lost life." she suggests.

Thurid will, also, make note of a particular one of her cases to one of the runners who move about the camp passing messages. "There is one- and only one- case where the patient has survived the wasting in all four limbs, so far. I suspect his case may be valuable for the scholars. Would you let them know?" she sends the runner off to pass the message along.

The two bugbears have diseases that are not shared by the other side. So they have both different livery and disease. The arcanists determine something unsettling, Disease 4 seems to hit all the physical traits, mostly the physical hardiness harder, and it's magic resistant. Magic Healing doesn't seem work as well. The bugbear with it is otherwise aware. The one that has Disease Type 3 seems delirious, with insomnia and losing track of time.

The current staffing breakdowns. There are thirteen cleric acolytes, sixteen lay healers, thirty-nine labourers, who do cleaning, moving, building, take notes, whatever, three paladins, two arcanists. Healing supplies for one-hundred and fifty, so, well supplied currently, at least two days worth, Beds/tents for two hundred and ten. Total patients one hundred and twenty three. Total staff from the temples, seventy three. Adding in the Magic Mansion, it provides enough food for one hundred and sixty eight. It does not have as many beds or rooms though, there is space for roughly fifteen patients, some facilities, as well as a place to meet, and to eat.

It might be time for a gathering of the minds, to discuss what they've seen. Everyone starts to convene in the Mansion by the food.

Havi narrows his eyes. "It would appear that these bugbears have different diseases then what was seen before. A different livery, if you will. The physical traits on this one are all effected and, worse yet, seems resistant to magical aid...but the other has showed a severe mental lapse, but that one shows perhaps at least some promise." he informs Shalethiste.

"We should share these findings with the others."

The symptoms of Disease Type 3 include fever, headache, joint pain, swelling of glands in the back and neck, and most notably fatigue. It seems to be primarily mental, causing confusion, reduced coordination, difficulty keeping track of time, and insomnia.

The symptoms Disease 1 are kind of weird. The afflicted get ringworm on their skin, and really, really tranquil. They seem to be hallucinating, they only react if someone comes near, and then that reaction is fear. Sometimes the just react fearfully when nothing is there. They also get a blue growth around their nostrils and in their ears, in the terminal cases. This is serious, as goblinoids have big ears.

Shalethiste hmmm's softly, "Agreed." she says in return, "A more alchemical or hollistic approach to shore up his costitution would be the way to go, help his body to mend itself, though the malady resisting magic is disturbing for a number of reasons." Her eyes lid for a moment as she glances sidelong, "Best we confer with the others about that aspect, that is quite right." She looks to the other victim, her expression grim, "Still, I wonder if perhaps something else is helping things along. But, we should share this quickly before things progress beyond hope."

GAME: Mikilos rolls knowledge/nature: (5)+15: 20
GAME: Mikilos rolls Profession/Herbalist: (5)+9: 14
GAME: Mikilos rolls craft/alchemy: (8)+13: 21

Of the two bugbears, the Blarite is delirious and keeps passing in and out of sleep, he's impossible to question and get any answers. The one from Bludgun is more forthcoming, able to answer questions about just anything, where he's from, what battles he was in, his political opinions. His answers are... terse. Bugbears aren't that friendly in general and he seems unfriendly to the healers, but cooperative.

Mikilos regroups with a handful of notes taken from his research. "The other strains i'm not sure about yet, but the third group, Disease 3, seems most mental impacts. Fatigue and confusion mostly, along with fever, joint pain, and insomnia. Which is to say, the effects the begbears have been showing. I managed to isolate a sample, and it seem to react very poorly to arsenic. Not the best 'cure', but better than remaining ill. A small does should be perfectly survivable, while still killing off the infection. I think several light doses, with time for the paceint to recover between, will prove effective. Of course, we have yet to test and prove this theory."

Throughout the course of his day, the Silverguard runs into several problems, rrr... people. They're people, not problems, even if they're trying really hard to seem that way. The first is Major Kremo, the goblin in charge of the Bludguni caravan, who is as wide as he is tall and likes to wave his dragonspitters around. Waving them around, is usually the problem he's causing. He seems determined to bring them out to punctuate every sentence. He hasn't fired one off today, but the day isn't finished. His attitude seems to be that it's necessary to bully the bullies, and everyone larger than him is until they prove otherwise. Somehow, Seldan gets on his good side, but Kremo still insists he needs his dragonspitters to help do the talking. When he's not talking about them, he's clearly worried about the patients he brought first, and what happens if they don't survive to return to Bludguni second.

The Captain of the airship, Infalia, hits it off with Reunion due to the similarity of her name to Fallia's. While hers is meant to mean 'infallable', discrete questions of her crew will reveal that sometimes they call her 'Captain Fail'. This would surely upset her.

The patients with the Disease type 2, come to respect the Silverguard's firm yet subdued responses to them running off willy-nilly. The ride back on the floating disk helps. The other paladins follow his lead, so there's a consistent response.

Overall, peace is maintained, but only because the paladins are on their toes.

Merek looks to be content with finding what he can, then eventually would bring information along to the party. He hands out a spreadsheet. "Here are the disease counts, and symptoms."

"With Disease type 1, there are forty-seven afflicted. Three freshly contracted from the transport crews, four bedridden or comatose, the remainder in between. The symptoms are round circles, resembling ringworm, and the patients become really tranquil. They seem to be hallucinating at times, and otherwise are passive, only reacting if someone comes near. The reaction is typically fear. Finally, some of the worse cases exhibit a blue growth around their nostrils and in the ears. As goblinoids have large ears, this could be significant. Patients come from both Blar and Bludgun."

"Disease type 2, also has forty seven cases. Again, three are the transport crews and there are five bedridden, with the remainder in between those stages. Their symptom is the swelling, then rotting of extremities, one by one, and the strange desire to hug a tree. The patients are communicative, but not lucid. Again, cases from Blar and Bludgun."

"Disease Type 3, has twenty three afflicted. Two are early sypmtoms and from the Airship transport crew, and two near death. The symptoms have swellings, like mumps, around the throat and armpits, and the sufferers are delerious. This exhibits only in Blar patients."

"Disease Type 4, twenty four, one new case from Major Kremo's caravan crew, three near death. Similar to the third type, this also has swellings, but they are darker and in all lymph node areas. The skin also greys, and sometimes turns black. The physical deterioration is strong, mentally, they are aware. One of the mutated bugbears is in this group, the other is in group 3. All the patients with this are from Bludgun."

Report delivered, he gets some food.

The two arcanists tend to follow Shalethiste around, and have accompanied her to the 'meeting of the minds'. They listen, she attentively with a quiet grace. The gnome is more active, digging in his ear, adjusting some of the lens on his stick or hat. He sounds very enthusiastic when Mikilos suggests a light poisoning, "I like it! I've been wanting to test some poison doses for some time. Did you know that it's possible to build up a tolerance to arsenic? If you do it just right. Too much of course, and you die, ha-ha!"

The elderly elf shows no signs of being disturbed by this, or the suggestion of amputation. "Drastic measures perhaps, but perhaps also effective ones."

Thurid nods her head a bit as the topic of amputation isn't met with too much resistance, though her jaw is set and her expression is rather grim. "Aye. I'm hoping the travel is like gangrene, and amputation is enough to stem the infection. I'll see if any are clear minded enough to volounteer. I'll need some surgeons." she says to the Arcanists, clearly less enthused about her suggested treatment than they are. She'll track down Mikilos, first, though- she heard he'd been heading up research efforts. "I have a patient you might find interesting. Most die after two or at most three of their limbs begin to rot, but this one still breathes with all four in an advanced state of decay. Mayhap something is unique about him, and might assist in your research." she suggests.

Eventually, Seldan wanders into the Mansion, well after just about everyone else and well after dark, rubbing a hand over his eyes. He has left a watch for the night, and finally ambles into the room where the feast afforded by the spell is laid, drops wearily into a chair, and leans back into it. He says nothing immediately, nor does he make an immediate movie on the food, instead rubbing at eyes and temples first.

GAME: Mikilos rolls Profession/Bookkeeper: (8)+9: 17
GAME: Mikilos rolls knowledge/engineering: (13)+15: 28
GAME: Mikilos rolls sense motive: (8)+12: 20

Mikilos's personal alchemy kit isn't extensive, but it does have arsnic. Not much, but then, one doesn't need much. The wizard nods at Thruid's information, and makes a point to check on the unusual patient.

After an eximination, and a quick check of other infected, Mikilos notices a pattern. "It starts in the dominant hand. The most used hand. Then, normally, the other hand, then feet. But those who are on their feet a lot, use their feet a lot, are infected there sooner. It spreads to muscles used to more." The wizard considers a moment. "Limb muscles, voluntary muscles. Lungs and heart seem to go later." A few more moments of cosideration. "That... might be a design. Cripple the weapon hand and leave a warrior alive, needing care, rather than just kill them flat out. Kill one opponent, you're down one opponent. Cripple him, you're down the one, and down how ever many need care for him instead of fight."

Thurid has been eating the food, despite the fatigue and the grim topic of conversation. Keeping your apetite intact no matter what is a valuable skill for healers and warriors both, and something she is quite familiar with. "No natural disease behaves like that. So this was an attack. The question is by whom. It affects both sides- but that might be an accident, if one side deployed it. Or it might have been created by someone who stands to gain from prolonging the war." she offers her own thoughts on it.

"That seems possible," The elder arcanist says, looking in Mikilos' direction, then upwards at Thurid, "Do we know where they contracted it?"

Shalethiste joins the gathering in the Mansion to share what they've learned as the new night draws near and, while her complexion makes 'dark circles' under her eyes hard to see without being Divine, her posture screams 'fatigued to the sunny side of dead'. To that end, the Mul'iessa gathers up a plate of foodstuffs and a mug, but dines standing for uncertainty that even sitting down will end with her retaining conciousness. There is a wall that she reluctantly uses for support, though Mikilos' initial appraisals don't help her outlook, "There is a certain cruel efficency to that, though there may come a point when your enemy simply abandons the wounded." she says wearily, then takes a sip of fog lifting coffee. She looks to Havi, then, "Havi and the Arcanists have determined that the Blarite Bugbear was exposed to something that is resistant to magic and afflicts him more physically, the Bludgunni's faculties, in contrast, are being attacked, though the resistance does not seem to be there, though Havi could certainly explain better than I."

Havi joins the gathering just a little bit behind Shalethiste, though unlike Shale, he seems to pick a corner and sit there for a moment. Then, however, he seems to be called upon. "Yes. It would appear that one of the bugbears possess completely different diseases than the main group in this area. One of them possesses all of the physical ailments, but can still perform mental functions easily. However, as Shale had mentioned, he was highly resistant to any effort regarding mystical treatment, which implies we will have to focus on tonics and potions, mayhaps. As for the other bugbear, no physical ailments, but has become mentally assailed by whatever disease is afflicting. Mystic treatment on that bugbear has met small advances in success, so hope remains there. It is....strange to me. I have not seen an illness such as this in many years."

"Tell 'em about the bulbies." The arcanist gnome says, tapping his co-worker with the head of his staff. It knocks one of the lens out of alignment, which immediately distracts him, "Oop."

"Ah yes," The elf says, "This is what makes their case so unusual. They have almost exactly the same physical symptoms, swollen lymph nodes and glands. In the delirious bugbear, the ones on the neck and armpits have protruded with fluid. This is the same for the second one, except it's all lymph nodes, so lower, in the groin. The fluid is darker, as well as the skin."

Wonderful. Another disease or set of diseases, some of which resist magical healing. Seldan can only hope he's less vulnerable to this one, but after a moment, he opens his eyes and sits up. He's quite dirty and bears a number of minor scratches, bruises, and raw spots, and picks a stray thorn from his hair as he listens to the others. "There seems to be more than one affliction," he observes quietly, then draws a sigil in the air, speaks a word to it, and with a slow gesture of the hand sets about removing the dirt from himself. "Think you that there might be a third party that wishes the both of them ill?"

GAME: Merek rolls knowledge/nature: (8)+8: 16

Merek seems to be doing what he can to assist.

GAME: Seldan casts Prestidigitation. Caster Level: 16 DC: 17

Thurid remains quiet for a while after expressing her opinion on the chances of it being some kind of attack, picking at the food some more. She does eventually speak up again, though, "I just can't shake the feeling that this fascination with trees is more than a simple delusion. For them all to share the same delusion is... unnatural." she says then. "They all speak of having heard a rumor, but none can say where the rumor began." she adds then. She nods her head towards Seldan, "That's how it looks to me." she admits. "Though I'm none the wiser as to who might be behind it. Charn is an easy assumption, and they have had a delegate in Alexandros of late. Though what they'd stand to gain, I've no idea."

It is possible, someone might wish them ill. War often comes with disease, and conflicts can escalate into directed or wild magic that will bring them forth. They might also have arisen naturally, through some accidental corruption. Although at least one of disease seems very convenient, the second one, in the way it attacks the hands. It simply is too early to tell, more information is needed, but there is no lack of malevolent third party actors that might interfere with Blar, Bludgun, and even Alexandria.

Mikilos nods. "Different strains, hitting both sides, with very little pattern on who got infected. I'm tempted to assume was a battle that took place over a lab where everything being worked on got loose." He looks to Thurid, and shrugs. "The facination with trees does seem built in, but given the other sets... maybe trees make it worse? So encourage them to hurt themselves, thinking it's a cure?"

"It rings too much of a fire set loose in too dry a field and got away from both sides, though... that it would come from both sides..." Shelly shakes her head, taking a large draught of her coffee, then, "Perhaps a manufactured thing of common source, perhaps sold or dispersed by proxy to both armies out of some feigned allegience."

That said, the weary dark elf starts to will herself through her meal.

Thurid nods along as the others put their input in, "What sort of trees flourish here?" she wonders after a while, not being well versed in the natural world herself, "It may be worth examining their saps and such to see how the disease responds to them." she adds after a moment. Back to the topic of the source of the diseases she sighs, "I've little mind for politicking, I could not say who I suspect. But you may be right- could be it was no attack, but a test, or an accident, but I am quite certain these diseases are not natural. Perhaps we ought speak with their commanders, see if we can find where and when the troops began to fall ill."

Alexandria is in a nice temperate area that experiences all four seasons. It has evergreens, and a variety of deciduous. Tropical and Northern foliage doesn't do well, but can with spells to mitigate the seasons they can't tolerate. It would take some narrowing down, but there may be clues there.

<OOC> Cryosanthia: 'a Heal check, a k/nature and k/history would help too DC20'
GAME: Geir rolls Heal: (8)+11: 19

Geir shuffles in for dinner, some short time after people have settled down. He settles down near one end of the gathering with a sigh, cupping a bowl of something delicious smelling. Stew, it turns out to be. The copper-scale devours it quickly, as if he were starving or perhaps, someone was about to take it away.

"This one knows not what Blar and Bludgun are playing at.", the copper-scale says, "But it is a very dangerous game indeed. Have any looked closely at disease labelled as four?" He rubs at his chin, not waiting for an answer. "The plague. But it is different. It resists attempts to cure it. Funny that both sides have it, but in slightly different forms. Has no one learned from the plague spread by the black slimes? This is enough for one to consider returning to his homeworld, and smashing the portal to keep the idiots out."

"Would that one of the wild was around. Surely such as they would know." Seldan's comments are sparse, as he continues to work to clean himself with whatever spell it is he's using. It seems to do an excellent job, and it isn't much longer before he has finished, and is again presentable. "I will speak with the commanders of both the airship and the caravan. Both are now known to me, and Major Kremo is rather ... combustible." The word is carefully chosen.

Once he is clean, he reaches out a hand to the table, looks at himself, and crosses his arms to place bare hands on his armored shoulders. The various scrapes, scratches, and bruises on him vanish in second, and _then_ he reaches out again to partake of the magically-provided dinner -

Only to pause at Geir's entrance, and commentary. "Describe it for me, Shaman."

GAME: Havi rolls Knowledge/nature: (4)+10: 14

There are some trees common to Alexandria and Blar and Bludgun, which could narrow things down, so it may be relevant.

Havi, being the Druid that he is, knows quite a bit about trees. They are a favorite of his, after all. But, all the same, his eyes shift to Thurid as she asks about the trees. "A few that are common to Alexandria, Blar, and Bludgen. But you could be on to something, but it will require looking into the sap, spores, and distribution of those trees along the path between said cities, which I believe would be a wise next course of action."

Meanwhile, Merek leaves without a word and returns to treating people.

Shalethiste is making good headway on her plate, though her eyes, bleary as they are by now, continue to track the others in turn as they speak. On Havi's addendum to the discussion at large, she wonders, "Would these trees be found in Charn as well?" Since there was suspicion of a Charneth angle, it was worth poking at.

The healing staff are appreciative of the seer's aid. While their numbers have incrased, the ratio of skilled to unskiled is low, and many haven't had a good night's sleep. They end up roping him into helping with the most critical cases.

"This one posits that disease three and disease four are similar. Disease four simply exhibits swelling in the groin, while three exhibits swelling in the upper areas, like the neck, or armpits. Slightly darker in four. Were it not for... for the resistance to our healing abilities, this would would say the black death. Bubonic plague."

Geir slams a fist down upon the table. "This one posits that someone has sold the means of creating a weaponized disease. Or that both sides stole or borrowed research into such. Too similar, and the timing is too convenient. It smells. And it must be purged. We cannot have another black slime spreading throughout the world."

"Well, some samples were gathered" The gnome eagerly rubs his hands together in emphasis, "I'd love to get my hands on them! But, then I couldn't get to the poisonning! Hmmm... decisions, decisions!"

"There, there. I'm sure you'll get a chance to infect yourself with everything, and poison people." His elderly companion says, indulgingly. She gazes at Geir, blinking in acknowledgement, gesturing at Havi, "Our young human friend has a good suggestion, and we certainly want to contain the black slime. Determining where and how these came about is important, but it seems we have a few potential cures, if drastic ones?"

Thurid glances between Havi, his input, Seldan, and finally back to Mikilos. "I'd suggest this- we enquire after the start of the infections from the commanders, and then test the emissions of those trees in question with your alchemical equipment." she says, directed at the three of them, "Focusing first on those which can be found near where these outbreaks began." she adds, finally. "All of these diseases seem to match closely to those which often follow war. The disease I have been treating is much like gangrene, the swelling diseases are much like the plague. But each is different, more refined. It is almost as though some force has taken the essence of these diseases and applied them in a purer, more directed form."

"There are those present who will know the black slime, do they see it," Seldan inputs quietly, reaching again for bread and meat with which to construct handheld food. "As I have said, I shall have a word with the commanders on the morrow, and see what I might learn. Has magic been applied to any of the patients, yet?"

There's been channeling and a couple high level heals, which take care of physical damage but hasn't eliminated the diseases. Spells like 'Remove Disease' seem to work sometimes but there hasn't been a lot applied, nor the results systematically tracked. At best, the patients tend to be 'improved and being monitored' rather than 'for sure cured!'

And no outstanding side effects, like oozes being thrown up.

Thurid shakes her head at Seldan, "I still have some spells in reserve. I will make the rounds of the critically ill before I retire, and do what I can to try and sustain them." she tells the paladin. She seems to be flagging, herself, now, and rises slowly from her seat now that she's eaten.

There is an interruption. It is a miracle to have an undisturbed period this long. Perhaps the other healers were running interference. Still, the message is passed. The riders are at the meet-point, ready to take verbal reports and the supply requests for the following day. It seems the Temples, and Alexandria, are desperate to know what's going on at the Quarantine Station.

"Some, yes, though they are rather rare as I can tell." Havi tells Shalethiste, before his attention shifts to Geir. "Hm. I am uncertain if this will prove to be as severe as the black slime. Pray that it is not. But for the most part, we have this area contained. Though we should be prepared and exhibit precautions in this area, lest we become infected ourselves." Havi advises.

"My friends...we have a great deal of work to do. Thank you for all of your hard work."

Shalethiste shakes her head, "I fear Her gifts to me are only of mending wounds of yet, but I have seen the others' efforts improve the health of their patients, though the infections do linger after." she says, and moves to set her empty plate where others have seen fit to do so.

"Indeed, thank you all for all your works." Shale agrees, then finishes off her coffee... a good fration the size of her head, then, "I should send word for more tonics to increase the vigor of our patients, perhaps someone to discretely examine such trees within the city?"

Thurid heads out to meet the messangers, after excusing herself from the group. She will request the the Order Paramount and the temple of Angoron dispatch some able bodied men and women to assist in maintining order with the fleeing-prone patients, as well as supplies for amputations- saws, scalpels, tounequets, numbing salves.

The copper-scale quickly finishes his stew, and only just prevents himself from licking at the bowl. Though it does look like he is tempted to. He sets the bowl and spoon aside.

"This one knows that the ooze plague was far more insidious, it was tailor made to bring nations to their knees. But the fact that this one rebuffs attempts from even senior members of the clergy and lay healers... this one believes it will be a difficult thing."

Geir lets out a long breath. "This one believes that an effort should be made to bring hostilities to an end, to prevent more of this... filthy business.", he says, gesturing the area around them, the sick and wounded."

Seldan has no requests for the riders, but similarly goes out to meet them, sandwich in hand, passing only a simple message - this is as much political as medical, any further assistance sent by any of the temples should have a bent for diplomacy. All is otherwise under control.

They've got it for now, but anyone else sent should not be a powderkeg.

Rather impudently, the sandwich vanishes as soon as the Silverguard steps out of Mikilos' Mage's Magnificient Mansion. Right, the food can't leave unless it's eaten.

The riders take the verbal updates and depart.

It looks like it will be another long night, with Merek and Thurid watching the critical patients, the others working tending to the other groups, and the paladins keeping a careful watch.

And everyone, trying catch some sleep when they can.

Ghoulish cp line.png

OOC Skills Combatty Stuff

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "It's meant to be primarily RP, so your other skills will come into play. I'm torn between make a roll first, then a pose based on how well it went, vs make a pose, get some benefits/penalties to the roll, then see how well it's received. Leaning more towards the latter, as it allows me to reward good poses and I suppose you can always addendum a bug crawling up your nose while you're doing an intimidate or something. It's also as much 'strategy', as rolling a skill. So you'll make some decisions, and things will grow from that. Some decisions have already been made, for example. To group the Blar and Bludguni prisoners together by disease. This decreases the healers, but increases problems between patients."

<OOC> Merek says, "Can I roll to cook for the patients and healers to keep their energy ok?"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Short answer, yes. Longer answer, you get only a few things to do a day, and cooking is a big one. Althea has sent wagons to make food with and you can help them out, but that will be hours for the roll. Not 6 seconds. Also, you've been among the patients, and the cook-wagon crew hasn't, so cooking might infect everyone"
<OOC> Merek says, "I will devote my full time to 'develop cure' then."
<OOC> Merek says, "What's the roll and DC for that?"
<OOC> Merek says, "He will be taking samples from the man he cured, then he will check every patient he can with arcane eye, then seem to seek discrepencies."
<OOC> Merek says, "Afterwards he will develop the cure based upon that."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "you're making rolls and saying you've cured someone, the Heal rolls are for insights to give the patients bonuses to their saves."
<OOC> Merek says, "I thought that guy he healed with DC 30 got better."
<OOC> Merek says, "oooooh"
<OOC> Merek says, "Well can he focus all his healing to still cross-referencing everything and who has what and issues he finds magically and physically so he can better their chances?"
<OOC> Havi says, "in that case, someone could just cast cure disease or remove disease...but the patient could get sick again"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Merek, you're wanting to make a 'over the next several hours' sort of pose. which I do want everyone to do soon, right now it's minute-by-minute. When it switches to what PCs decide to spend some time on, they can make poses like 'i survey all diseases' or 'i concentrate on disease 1' or 'I figure out what's up with bugbears if possible'."
<OOC> Merek nods!
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "or help out in general, or talk with NPCs, etc. So, yes, but not now, and the strategy decisions may add benefits or penalties."

<OOC> Merek says, "i copy pasted because I'm not in the best mindset to place it all into neat prose."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Well I was hoping for a neater spin than the raw dump, but it's out there."

The Strategy Decision on what people did all day

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Merek is doing an overview of all the patients and diseases. Shale & Havi are examining the pair of bugbears. Thurid is occupied with Disease 2, and could stay on that. Leaving Mikilos and Geir, focusing on...? Alos, Geir has a point, there's a 4 hour overlap where a bunch could be carefully moved." Seldan is most likely to separate himself and focus on peacekeeping.
<OOC> Merek says, "I will be doing my aforementioned action with analyzing patients, all of them, starting with critical, and working to assist in finding the best way to work on the disease and aid." <OOC> Mikilos says, "Overlap is very possible. As for teh rest of his time, research tends to be my strong point. Look for patterns, try and puzzle a cure. maybe some alchemy on test samples, see what kills off the infection, but not the host."
<OOC> Havi will go where needed
<OOC> Seldan says, "He's commanding the disk so that he stays at range, but is more of an "anyone can call if there is trouble" presence, and a presence that enforces the quarantine."
<OOC> Thurid says, "Yeah, Thurid will continue working on the disease the Hobgoblin has. Especially if its sufferers are prone to running off and needing to be hauled back to bed."
<OOC> Shalethiste says, "since there are more scholarly minded and better versed healers, shelly will get the arcanists situated, then make sure the support end of things is taken care of, like peacekeeping and getting supplies and the like where they need to be"
<OOC> Geir says, "Yeah, Cryo, that works. But a bit more focused. Like, he'll be borrowing a select number of NPCs to move the patients. The same group, if possible. And setting things up so that patients can be moved as efficiently as possible. For the rest of his time, he'll simply help oversee patients, tending to what he can."

Other Useful Stuff

From afar, Mikilos ponders a priest using Ghost Form, enter a room, cast healing spell, leave, all without even opening the door... assume bacteria can't infect non-corporeal. Well, normal bacteria, all bets are off with magic germs.

You paged (Thurid, Mikilos) with 'Thurid supplies the extra detail, Mikilos makes the connection, you can provide this in your poses. D2 starts in the dominant hand, usually goes to the other hand, then a foot. Even the one with all four, it was dominant hand, other hand, domininant foot, other foot. Not always. Mikilos makes the connection that It's circulation and use related. The most active extremity gets it, so usually the fighting hand. The other hand is typically next, but some patients who tap their toes a lot or something, get it in a foot next, then it goes to the other hand. Hands are closer to the torso, so their circulation is better. When the rot spreads too high, the person dies of heart and internal organ failure. Both sides have this. It could be an effective bio-weapon, crippling soldiers without killing them.'

The current staffing breakdowns.
NPCs only, 13 lvl 1 cleric acolytes, 16 lay healers, 39 labourers (who do cleaning, moving, building, take notes, whatever), 3 paladins, 2 arcanists. Healing supplies for 150 (so, well supplied currently, at least 2 days worth), Beds/tents for 210. Total patients 123. Total NPC staff 73. Addint the Magic Mansion, that's like enough food for 168, not as many beds/rooms though, that's more like 15'