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(Created page with " <nowiki> -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* A15: Vardaman Temple *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- The Vardamite temple is a solemn affair. Composed of carved blocks of basalt, it ...")
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Autumn's wind blasts the temple doors. Acolytes struggle to hold them closed, before a Chord runs up and drops the bar. The arvek salutes the two youths and then takes her place at the entry, alongside a Lancer friend. Chords and Lancers guard similar entryways--to the Crypts, to the back halls...and main entry points.
Autumn's wind blasts the temple doors. Acolytes struggle to hold them closed, before a Chord runs up and drops the bar. The arvek salutes the two youths and then takes her place at the entry, alongside a Lancer friend. Chords and Lancers guard similar entryways--to the Crypts, to the back halls...and main entry points.
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Godwyn, as if she could understand, smiled. "Of course not. You're one of her best friends, after all." She reached for an ear to scratch at. "Personally I'd like one of those pamphlets on Heth. About time I read up some actual, useful material on him."
Godwyn, as if she could understand, smiled. "Of course not. You're one of her best friends, after all." She reached for an ear to scratch at. "Personally I'd like one of those pamphlets on Heth. About time I read up some actual, useful material on him."
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* A15: Vardaman Temple *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
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Kerbasy puts the beer onto one of the tables. "Let's see how they're doin, eh?" he says to Eirene. He gives the half-sil a quick smile, before heading over towards Rhodes and the unexpected guest.
Kerbasy puts the beer onto one of the tables. "Let's see how they're doin, eh?" he says to Eirene. He gives the half-sil a quick smile, before heading over towards Rhodes and the unexpected guest.
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Godwyn nodded. "I suppose I could help with that one if you wish."
Godwyn nodded. "I suppose I could help with that one if you wish."
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* A15: Vardaman Temple *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
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At that...Kerbasy lets out an (for him) explosive breath, and reaches up to adjust his glasses. "Heh. Welcome back," he says to Iuriel, even as he clasps Rhodes briefly on the shoulder, that universal speak for: dude, you did great. Thank you.
At that...Kerbasy lets out an (for him) explosive breath, and reaches up to adjust his glasses. "Heh. Welcome back," he says to Iuriel, even as he clasps Rhodes briefly on the shoulder, that universal speak for: dude, you did great. Thank you.
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Godwyn chuckled as she made her way toward the center of the room, having eaten her share as she observed Boshter's antics. "Well, far be it from me to avoid a party." She stopped two feet away from Iuriel. "No need for that. And please, call me Godwyn, hmm?"
Godwyn chuckled as she made her way toward the center of the room, having eaten her share as she observed Boshter's antics. "Well, far be it from me to avoid a party." She stopped two feet away from Iuriel. "No need for that. And please, call me Godwyn, hmm?"
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* A15: Vardaman Temple *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
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"Oh, of course. Godwyn, then." Iuriel looks /up/ at Godwyn, then over at Boshter. "I should return to Eluna's temple soon. I departed in some haste, and trying not to be seen. They will no doubt wonder." She pulls a smaller pouch, heavy, from her belt pouch. "Perhaps we will meet again." With that, she begins to make her way toward the doors.
"Oh, of course. Godwyn, then." Iuriel looks /up/ at Godwyn, then over at Boshter. "I should return to Eluna's temple soon. I departed in some haste, and trying not to be seen. They will no doubt wonder." She pulls a smaller pouch, heavy, from her belt pouch. "Perhaps we will meet again." With that, she begins to make her way toward the doors.

Revision as of 04:13, 24 October 2014

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* A15: Vardaman Temple *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The Vardamite temple is a solemn affair. Composed of carved blocks of basalt, it looks as if the whole thing were set into a scooped-out chunk of the mountain. Braziers and torches, despite the presence of more modern conveniences, are the main source of light. The basalt columns and blocks are engraved with prayers for the dead from hundreds of cultures and dozens of races. Some are works of master carvers, still others are little more than the work of desperate or sorrowful petitioners, quick prayers lovingly scratched into an empty space.

An outdoor altar is littered with offerings, as are the steps and even ground surrounding the front of the temple. These offerings are frequently collected or cleaned away by serious-faced Mourners, or Mourner-acolytes, while Serriel's Lancers guard the front doors. As ever, the sound of monks in perpetual chant can be heard as a low background noise as they go about their somber business.

EXTRAS: +view                                 

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Catacombs <D>             Dusty Road <O>            


Autumn's wind blasts the temple doors. Acolytes struggle to hold them closed, before a Chord runs up and drops the bar. The arvek salutes the two youths and then takes her place at the entry, alongside a Lancer friend. Chords and Lancers guard similar entryways--to the Crypts, to the back halls...and main entry points.

The Dread Lady encourages her clergy and followers to study local traditions. Here, traditional candle light (and some mana lamps) illuminate the Temple's interior. Overhead, swaths of cloth embroided with Vardama's triangular scales attempt to add festive decoration. They are dyed in relatively cheerful sand and bastalt tones and in tasteful places, one or two are done in Dawn's edgings. The latter lends a golden cast to the otherwise dark grays.

The Temple's small number of acolytes work refreshment tables filled with traditional Alexandrian fare. Known for its multiculturalism as well as robustness, traditional in this case means a number of home made breads with stews and soups to dip them in, alongside fall vegetables.

One or two tables have been set aside with informational pamphlets on the subject of Heth. The nervous geekgoblin Acleese mans one of these, along with other volunteers. The pamphlets speak briefly about different forms of undead (particularly their weaknesses and general habits), notations on countering spiritual possession, and other grim but useful topics for adventurers.

There's also a Pin the Tail on Heth pinned against the wall. It has googly eyes.

EVENTS: MEETUP: A Gravedigger's Shindig is scheduled to start RIGHT NOW!

Eirene almost didn't make it for the gathering, having been out of town due to various accounts of... business. But make it she did, and even with an effort to be presentable and in good spirits. A few extra feathers, here and there, twisted in braids left loose, and a lively step to her, it is to the food she heads to first. Then, maybe the pamphlets, to catch up on the latest horror stories.

ALready here is Namira Aldor, the dark elf that walks freely among the other vardamen in the area. She is wearing her customary robes and keeps her sword at her hip.

Oddly, at the edge of the party, and in the temple, is Llamrei, Namira's horse. the large mare seems to be sniffing at Acleese for a few moments before clopping off. She returns a minute or so later.....carrying a teapot and settign it in front of Acleese. the tea pot has steam coming out of it.

Well there's nothing in the way of costumes or googly eyes over where Fazahd is concerned, but the frowning young priest has brought a liquid contribution to the feast table in the form of a pony keg filled with a thick, curiously nourishing beer that some may have heard he has been handing out to the local unfortunates for free. It's a mug full of this that the son of the Forge-Father holds in one hand as he stands near the keg, standing guard (or, perhaps, holding court) and remaining as silent as the metal his kind hammers into shape.

Aldean goes OOC.

Aldean has left.

Iuriel has arrived.

Heth. Damnit. ...Heth..." the ancient Mourner in the corner mutters into his brew. His lips are wrinkled and puckered...so is his expression. "Damnit. ...Heth. ...Heth..." His conversation hasn't changed much in the last while. The acolytes keep passing him food or drink to keep him occupied.

Other guests are more active. One of the acolytes is quick to spot Eirene, and grasps a platter of breads and hurries over that way. "Muourner! Something to eat? One of the-the Reosians brought drink." He fumbles over 'Reosian.' Somehow, he hadn't expected Fazahd.

Godwyn is definitely one of the livelier ones. She considered herself a woman of the people, however young she may be, and far be it from her to miss a party. Instead of her white-on-blue tabard, she wore one in blue-on-silver colors, with a silver image of the Evening Star on the front and back instead of the blue rose. She'd decided to sing for those who would listen, because it was one of the things she found she could do well.

Acleese stiffens as the horse brings him a teapot. He looks incredulous, then frightened. Horses are GIGANTIC, you know. With vicious, carniv-*delete delete* ...teeth. Things. They're larger than he is, anyway. The geekgoblin twitches a little, and make a surreptitious shooing motion with his fingertips. Which doesn't do a thing, of course. Auuugh. The terrifying tea pot.

Kerbasy grins towards Namira, and strays that way. Someone reminded him to straighten his robes a bit. They're only partially mud-stained. He nods to the singing Godwyn as he passes.

"Careful with that - I just got back into Alexandria this morning; I could, possibly, eat my weight thrice over, and leave nothing for anyone else," Eirene replies with a bit of a grin, before adding a slice of bread to what she's already gathered. Never mind the fact thrice her weight would probably not do much against the amount of food offered. "My thanks, however. Food makes any gathering better."

Namira chuckles softly at Acleese and walks over towards him, sliding a cup his way. "Llamrei is simply trying to make friends." She says softly to Acleese. "At least take a sip of the tea she brought, hun. it'll make her feel a little better." She says softly before waving to Godwyn and smiling towards kerbasy. "How're you doing Mourner?"

Fazahd drinks quietly from his mug, watching the rest of the crowd. Ladies and gentlemen, here is the wallflower - or perhaps he is the gathering's Mister Darcy, frowning in disapproval at all and sundry. He could never stand with Miss Bennet, certainly not. He will just have his beer, frown, and be fastidious.

I don't recognize "iruiel".

No one to page.

"Oh there's uh--" the acolyte starts to say 'plenty,' but the Temple isn't known for its resources. Say that the feast is 'capable' and 'there was help from the Altheans,' and a certain Reosian, and leave it at that. He smiles, and lifts the plate. "There's enough, yeah? We're supposed to tell folks about Heth, too. Answer questions. Uhm. And all that. I'm real glad to see full-on priests like you here, though."

For his own part, Acleese the geekgoblin sends a terrified look Namira's way, before extending a finger to the teapot...and all but snatching it back to one of the tables. Just, you know. In case the horse leaps on him. He's an arvek, and it's a horse. Somehow, this seems to not matter.

Eirene looks a bit uncomfortable at being called a full-on anything - she is often off getting herself in trouble, after all, before nodding slightly. "Suppose I should get caught up on everything I've missed. But first, I think I shall go and give thanks on various additions to the gathering. And, ah, perhaps gain myself a mug to juggle with everything else." Because beeeeeeeer.

There's a ghostly, echoing knock at the doors to the temple. It's not /hard/, but it's definitely audible.

Godwyn completed her song to mild applause, and she gave a bow before heading back toward the food tables. She grinned toward Namira and Kerbasy's direction. "Nice party you got here! Thanks for letting me sing. I need the practice anyway."

Verna has arrived.

"Heh. It's good to have you. We ah--" Kerbasy breaks off at the knock at the Temple doors, but the Chord is already handling it. Given recent activity, it's with khopesh politely within drawing range, but it's swift enough.

"--well, it seemed th' time. We've had a lot of questions given' everything that's goin' on."

The doors open, and the wind blows in the tails of a dove-grey cloak through the doors before their owners can get that far. A deep hood is pulled up over the petite figure's head, leaving the face in shadow, but shape and stature suggest likely half-Sil of some breed. The figure pauses uncertainly in the door, pulling the woolen garment tightly around her as if chilled, and looks uncertainly back at the door. "Um ... I do not wish to interrupt a party," Iuriel tells the Chord behind her. "I can come back...."

Ionus arrives a bit late, but with a large grin as he starts waving quickly to various people regardless of familiarity, or lack thereof -- until he discovers the refreshments table when his face positively beams, "Oh Goody!" He calls out before promptly snatching up a handful of cookies before walking over to browse the pamphlets.

Godwyn glanced toward the doors... ah, familiar face located! "No, no! Come on in!"

Rhodes comes fromthe area that he has been living in, a book in hand, and apparently oblivious to the gathering that is going on. The half-elf comes in from a back door to the chamber and just stops when he sees there is a gathering of people, almost festive in nature, for Vardaman standards. "Oh... This..." He blinks and spies Kerbasy. "What's going on?" he looks rather confused.

It's a holy hootenany! Iuriel's appearance has drawn Fazahd's attention - he frowns as he sees the lady appear in the doorway, and takes a deep draught from his mug. Perhaps Miss Bennet has arrived after all.

The Chord at the door leans forward, and then turns around swiftly. Being an arvek, this comes with a salute. "Mourners! Sers! She needs help!" The words fill the Temple's cavernous insides, carrying easily.

Kerbasy looks towards Rhodes, and back and... "I think...I think y'd better go to her." He rubs his hands together to warm them, the room suddenly cold. "The Chord knows what she's about."

Eirene pauses on her way to where the beer-you-drink-with-a-fork is kept, then shakes her head a bit at the sight of the newcomers, before shaking her head. She goes about pouring herself a mug - then with a glance about, pours a second one, before turning away from the table and walking off. Someone else shall have to take care of her food.

Fazahd gives Eirene a nod of distinct approval at her choice of libations (and, no doubt, the volume thereof.) You go, girl.

Bennet has arrived.

Verna emerges from, not surprisingly, the temple library. It was a matter of library, catacombs, or her room, but most likely one of the former two. Her tome du jour is, for once, tucked away elsewhere for the occassion. An occassion that may have further significance at the call from the door. "Is something amiss?"

Ionus looks up, cookie crumbs falling on his robes as he takes a moment and swallows the mouthful with a gulp. "Help?"...he stops and looks around, "...Umm, who needs help?"

Namira chuckles softly as she watches Godwyn and the rest have fun, but meanders her way over towards Ionus and takes a couple of cookies. One of them is given to Llamrei, who munches it rather eagerly. Yes, there's a horse at the party. what about it?

Still Iuriel hesitates, looking around at the gathered, at the food tables, at the general cheery .... atmosphere ... in ... Vardama's temple. She's still got that cloak pulled around her tightly, as if chilled. "Um, forgive me. I didn't mean to disrupt your party," she says uncertainly.

Rhodes looks at Kerbasy and over to Iuriel and with a nod to the other, he walks over to Iuriel and the Chord. "I have this Chord." He smiles at Iuriel and offers a hand. "I'm Mourner Rhodes. Please, allow me to offer my assistance."

Godwyn smiled. "It's no trouble. You came here for help, and you'll get it." She glanced toward Rhodes. "In fact, here it comes now." She sticks around though, just in case her particular services are needed.

Eirene steps up to Kerbasy, and offers one of the mugs to the elder cleric, "I think my eyes are bigger than my stomach," she says after taking a drink out of the other mug. She's no dwarf, after all!

Kerbasy relaxes as one of the Mourners steps forward. He smiles warmly to Iuriel, as though to say everything's alright...but he keeps looking at the half-sil's complexion, before Eirene distracts him. "I uh...heh. I s'pose you're right." He takes the mug, and then takes a grateful drink as he watches the proceedings.

The Chord nods and salutes once, smartly, before stepping away and back to the doors. The room's a little quieter now, of course, though food still gets passed around.

Hesitantly, Iuriel tentatively tries a smile, although it's a weak one. "Truly you are kind," she answers Rhodes, and finally pulls her hood down. It's then that the trouble is more obvious -- she's pale as a ghost and clearly not well the skin of the hand that pulls down the hood paper-thin and bruised. Something /clearly/ isn't right.

Boshter has arrived.

Bennet enters from one of the back rooms, idly drying his hands on a small towel. The Absolution's armor has been carefully polished to a mirror shine, and his mustache is carefully waxed to a proper curl. But his boots are still worn, and his pants dusty; there's only so formal the cowpoke can get. "G'evening to ya'll."

So there's a horse at the party. What, is Fazahd going to judge? He drives around a steam-powered minichurch, he's not going to say a word. Instead, he pushes off the wall and proceeds toward Iuriel, because the last time he saw her she wasn't turning into the Queen of the Night or anything. Mind you, in this group he's probably going to be The Littlest Healer, but the boy has an aura of resolution and seriousness that's far and beyond that you'd see in someone his age. Healing: Serious Business.

Eirene makes absolutely no attempt to join the healergroup, despite the earlier mention of Mourner. Instead, she just grins a touch at the Greypriest, "See, more folks should just agree to that statement in the beginning. Things would go so much better for everyone," she teases, before tilting her head at the Littlest Healer That Could, before calling out, "Good beer," then taking another draught from her mug.

Rhodes still manages to smile when he sees the skin condition on Iuriel. "Been around zombies have you, child?" He offers his hand. "You obviously came here for aid, allow me to give you such help." He waits until Iuriel takes his hand before continuing on. "Do you follow any particular faith?"

Godwyn made her best attempt to remember who exactly Iuriel worshipped... then her eyes widened as she recalled something.

Ionus's face snaps up, quickly flushing bright red, "HEY!" He calls out, and then -- he can only watch in shocked silence as Namira plucks the cookie from his hand to feed it to her...horse.

There's a moment of sputtering befuddlement from the Daeusite before he notices the horse, and the shock transforms to a grin even as his fingers clutch around the remaining cookies and SMACK, the fist pumps into his chest, "Hey..I am Ionus, I like your horse!"

Which, becomes even more disconnected as he looks down to the odd feeling at his chest as he unfurls his fist, sending crushed cookie remnaints down his robe and onto the floor. "Oh...bother..." he mutters.

"She follows Eluna if I'm not mistaken."

Godwyn nodded. "She follows Eluna if I'm not mistaken."

Quietly, Iuriel finally gives Rhodes her hand; she's actually of the right height to do so. "Yes, Mourner. I serve the White Magician," she nods, her voice shy and her eyes dropping a little. "I ... did not wish to scare the petitioners at Her temple. Too often they are frightened enough as it is, and I would not add to their pain." A convulsive shiver rips her frame. "I had hoped perhaps the Vardamen might know more."

Bennet glances idly over the crowd gathering by the door, but turns his focus towards the table of pamphlets. The gunman is familiar with much of the info presented, but always a chance of some details he'd not yet heard. And it's easier to browse than try to make small talk.

"I uh...oh. Heh," Kerbasy agrees, though it's clear he's at least halfway distracted. He smiles as he's supposed to smile. ...and absently takes a drink of the beer Eirene had given him. "Zombies," he repeats, when Rhodes says it.

"The undead been shown greater activity over the last year. It is as though they draw strength from Heth's existence." This, a dry observation from Acleese the geekgoblin, who immediately shrinks back behind the tables, lest someone notice him.

Garak has arrived.

Rhodes nods to Iuriel, "Then we shall do this in her name as well as Vardama's. And I think I can take care of this in a few minutes with a quick ritual. If you would come with me, we're just going over to the altar just there," he nodded to the main altar.

Namira chuckles softly to Ionus and gets some more cookies for Ionus. But it seem that Llamrei, the horse namira is with, has beaten her to it......and puts a cookie into Ionus' hand. Namira still brings more cookies for them. "Seems she has taken a liking to you as well, Sunguard. I am Namira Aldor of the lady's Absolution.....and this is my friend, Llamrei." At the introduction, Llamrei stomps a front hoof.

Oh, good. We got a lady playing a ghost impression, sickness in the air, and Clever Hans over there is playing get-to-know-you in the middle of the temple of the death god. Well done, well done. Gold stars for everyone.

Standing in ready range should he be needed to help with Iuriel, Fazahd downs an irritable swallow of his beer.

Well, that takes care of that!

Godywn makes her way over to Llamrei and reaches to pet his neck. "How are you faring, my friend? She hasn't been treating you too harshly, has she?"

Obediently, Iuriel nods and follows Rhodes as indicated to the main altar, sneaking occasional uncomfortable glances at the gathering ... and an odd one at the horse. Dark hair spills out of its usual neat braid and trails over the edge of the hood as she moves. "I would donate to the temple in gratitude ... or at least your gathering, for disrupting it so," she murmurs to Rhodes.

Kerbasy takes another, a deeper drink of the beer as the proceedings go on, and speaks up, out of nowhere: "Th' Absolution Namira has lately volunteered the task of training sword an' blade against Heth's creations. Ah. That is, you should speak with her if it's your interest." His grip around the mug is tight, and he smiles wanly at the Mourner next to him, after the awkward outburst. Oh, sure. The undead had been a potential topic of the evening. Seeing the results of one landing on your doorsteps, though. Iuriel's arrival is like an Omen from the Gray Lady.

Rhodes chuckles softly, "I didn't even realize it was going on, and I doubt the others are upset. Besides, curing one of potentially becoming undead is what we do." He leads Iuriel to the altar, and finds an acolyte, giving the young man a list of things he would need, including a bowl full of clean water, and a small list of oils. "Go ahead and kneel," he said, as he grabbed a small pillow from a hiding place near the altar, and set it down so that Iuriel's knees don't hurt.

Ionus just looks up with a smile and reaches out to pat Llamrei on the top of the head, or at least as high as the priest can reach. "It is nice to meet you Miss Namira. What do you do when you are not fighting the undead or stealing cookies?"

Bennet perks an ear, idly tucking a few pamhlets into his pocket as he peers around. Spying the source of the familiar voice, the paladin makes his way towards those gathered about a horse. "Evening. What's this 'bout training?"

Garak arrives late, but seems to be in good cheer. "Greetings," he nods to a few people he recognizes before he makes his way around the temple, taking in the decorations.

Namira chuckles a little bit, then listens to Kerbasy. "It IS our duty, so I figured why not? hm?" She says with a smile before looking to Ionus. 'I'm usually here assisting with burial rites and rituals."

Llamrei snorts at Godwyn, as she mentions Llamrei being mistrated. As if she would let Namira. However, Llamrei leans her head down for more pettings, and even leans into godwyn's and Ionus' hand.

Iuriel obediently does as asked, settling to kneel on the offered pillow with a small sigh of relief. One hand still holds her cloak closed tightly around her, but the other arranges the long robes of Eluna's Seers around her in a modest puddle. SOmething in the lines of her frame suggest she'd like nothing better than to lie down, and she places that free palm down to steady herself, carefully /not/ looking at the party.

Godwyn, as if she could understand, smiled. "Of course not. You're one of her best friends, after all." She reached for an ear to scratch at. "Personally I'd like one of those pamphlets on Heth. About time I read up some actual, useful material on him."

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* A15: Vardaman Temple *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The Vardamite temple is a solemn affair. Composed of carved blocks of basalt, it looks as if the whole thing were set into a scooped-out chunk of the mountain. Braziers and torches, despite the presence of more modern conveniences, are the main source of light. The basalt columns and blocks are engraved with prayers for the dead from hundreds of cultures and dozens of races. Some are works of master carvers, still others are little more than the work of desperate or sorrowful petitioners, quick prayers lovingly scratched into an empty space.

An outdoor altar is littered with offerings, as are the steps and even ground surrounding the front of the temple. These offerings are frequently collected or cleaned away by serious-faced Mourners, or Mourner-acolytes, while Serriel's Lancers guard the front doors. As ever, the sound of monks in perpetual chant can be heard as a low background noise as they go about their somber business.

EXTRAS: +view                                 

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Eirene          A half-sil woman dressed in gray leathers and light-f 7m   1h

Iuriel          Petite half-Sil, fair with dark hair and eyes.        20s  1h

Namira          Short elf with white hair in a grey cloak             2m   6h

Verna           Petite humanoid in bulky gray robes and cloak.        14m  54m

Bennet          Tall cowboy, starting towards grey.                   2m   38m

Garak           Grey-skinned Arvek Nar wearing Serriel's symbol.      3m   19m

Rhodes          A half-elf male with dark black hair and dark eyes.   2m   3h

Fazahd          A brawny youth with a hawk nose and grim expression.  6m   1h

Ionus           A young man in robes with closely shorn blonde hair,  6m   1h

Kerbasy         A young priest, cheerful despite his somber garb.     0s   16h

Boshter         An arvek nar in robes. Oh no!                         9m   4d

Godwyn          Blond, blue-eyed, beatific Sentinel.                  10s  2h

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Catacombs <D>             Dusty Road <O>            


Kerbasy puts the beer onto one of the tables. "Let's see how they're doin, eh?" he says to Eirene. He gives the half-sil a quick smile, before heading over towards Rhodes and the unexpected guest.

After the pause the arrival had caused, the acolytes slowly begin handing out food again. They seem confident in Rhodes' abilities.

Fazahd has disconnected.

Bennet offers Godwyn one of the pamphlets he'd snagged. "Not a whole lot of detail in there. History of Dragonier, current stalemate, and some general tips on wights."

Eirene considers Namira for a moment, then hms? at Kerbasy, before quickly nodding, "Oh, yes - I suppose we should. I don't usually have much to do with such cases - but being familiar with it wouldn't hurt, I suspect."

Godwyn shrugged. "Better than all the random stories I've heard so far." She took the pamphlet and opened it. "Let's see now..."

Ionus grins, "So it is...You're the temple's trainer? I've studied a little with Sister Greta, but I'm no where as good as her with the sword."

"How is it goin'?" Kerbasy asks of Rhodes, in belowtones. His hands don't know where to settle; they fold behind his back, unfold...and then settle, as he works his smile into place. There.

"Bread, sers? Soup?" One of the acolytes offers Bennet a tray, filled with the simple but hearty fare. "It's good to see you. We've had a lot of Chords but, it's nice to see the Absolutions tonight, too." The acolyte makes an uneasy Sign of Triangles across his chest, as tales of Heth are mentioned.

Garak looks at the phamplet with interest, then goes over to the table. He gives te gobber a nod then browses a few phamplets. "Do you have anything abiut elementals?" he queries after a bit.

Namira hands out pamphlets to everyone who wishes one. However she does look to Ionus. "I joined recently, but I've been studying on how to take down the undead more effectively." She then taps her sword. "Mourner Kerbasy forged this, which....in time, will become a holy sword that I, and probably others, will take up against others." She then smiles a bit.

Rhodes nods at the acolyte that brings the items, and sets the oils and water on a table that is also brought over. "Now, just relax, I have the rest of this," he smiles at Iuriel. Putting a hand on the top of her head, he takes a deep breath before starting to intone a prayer. "Enduring One, Haven of Souls, Dread Lady, Queen of the Dead... Vardama... Turn your eyes here, turn your eyes now, pierce the veil with your touch. The power of the foul one has touched this one, cleanse her. The power of the foul one seeks her, let her be released."

Bennet touches a hand to brow, lips, shoulder, shoulder, in a sign of The Scale, before accepting a bowl of broth and some bread. "We're about when needed. Might not always be so visible, but don't fret. The Lady watches over her own." Of course, sometimes she brings Her Own in for a performace review, but no need to worry the lad. Turning his focus toward Namira, he eyes her blade with consideration. "Bit of a specialist myself, on those who's time is past."

As the prayer begins, Iuriel simply bows her head in silence, not wanting to interrupt. If anything, she seems to be either listening, or concentrating on keeping herself upright, her thoughts her own.

Kerbasy draws in a quick, sudden breath as Rhodes invokes the prayer. He follows with one of his own, just...a reverent Sign of of the Scales, drawn in the air, before turning to smile at Eirene, and a more relaxed look to Iuriel.

Acleese is breathing easier, now. He's also moved behind one of the tables, though offers explanations to questions. "Wights are...and shadows..." He's in his element, sort of. The acolytes continue to circulate the food. They seem glad to see the Absolutions among the crowd. Heth, Thul. Those things are real.

Godwyn closed the pamphlet. "A good refresher. My thanks!" She smiled and tilted her head to the right before taking a sample of the food. "And how have you been, Namira?"

Despite her words, Eirene adds her own prayer to those given as she watches over the clensing; though no divine power fills it, and by her own admittance, lacking such skills to make it so. That said, it is still with a bit of a smile she returns as the ritual continues.

Rhodes removes his hand, but there is a feeling that he isn't done. He turns to the small table and picks one up, opening it up and putting a bit on his thumb. Bending down a bit, he puts his thumb on Iuriel's forehead, putting on the Sign of the Scales. "Cleanse this soul and body, protect her from that which seeks to do her harm. With your mark upon her, let not her appointed time here end sooner than it should." He straightens, putting the bottle onto the table.

Ionus bows his head in silence durng the prayer, then looking up he grins again, nodding to Bennet and Godwyn as they join in the discussion. "Hello again.." and then to Bennet, "...ahh Hello. A specialist? How so?"

He'll need to lift Iuriel's head a bit, but she does so on her own when prompted, accepting the anointment in silence. She does seem to be settling down as the ritual proceeds, the case of nerves and shyness that hit her like a brick at seeing all those people in here ebbing somewhat. She's still not looking at them, though.

Kerbasy takes a step backwards as Rhodes settles the bottle, and adds to the cleansing words. He smiles warmly.

Rhodes takes a couple other oils there, and pours them into the bowl of water. "Sanctify this water, touch it with your grace and power. Give this water the power to wash away the illness touching this soul and body, and leave her clean, to do your work, to do the Daughter's work, and the work that she is meant to do here." He picks up the bowl, swirling the bowl just a bit in order to mix the oil and water together before he holds it by Iuriel. And then just like that, he dumps all the water onto her, not entirely drenching her, but her head, hair and shoulders are rather wet. But looking at her, the water has indeed washed away the illness, and she instantly feels better.

Namira quiets as Rhodes invokes the prayer and lowers her head. She clasps her hands together and listens quietly to the preayer.....

Bennet shrugs. "Hunting Undead. Ain't exclusive or something, got plenty of duties to keep me busy. But know some guys who know some guys, keep a network going for tips and information, a bit of help where we can give it. Most have gone off towards Dragonier, of course. But ain't like there's nothing happening elsewhere. FelWood keeps a troubled spot, and this time of year makes for a lot of restless dead all on it's own."

Godwyn nodded. "I suppose I could help with that one if you wish."

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* A15: Vardaman Temple *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The Vardamite temple is a solemn affair. Composed of carved blocks of basalt, it looks as if the whole thing were set into a scooped-out chunk of the mountain. Braziers and torches, despite the presence of more modern conveniences, are the main source of light. The basalt columns and blocks are engraved with prayers for the dead from hundreds of cultures and dozens of races. Some are works of master carvers, still others are little more than the work of desperate or sorrowful petitioners, quick prayers lovingly scratched into an empty space.

An outdoor altar is littered with offerings, as are the steps and even ground surrounding the front of the temple. These offerings are frequently collected or cleaned away by serious-faced Mourners, or Mourner-acolytes, while Serriel's Lancers guard the front doors. As ever, the sound of monks in perpetual chant can be heard as a low background noise as they go about their somber business.

EXTRAS: +view                                 

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Eirene          A half-sil woman dressed in gray leathers and light-f 12m  2h

Iuriel          Petite half-Sil, fair with dark hair and eyes.        1m   2h

Namira          Short elf with white hair in a grey cloak             2m   7h

Verna           Petite humanoid in bulky gray robes and cloak.        4m   1h

Bennet          Tall cowboy, starting towards grey.                   54s  1h

Garak           Grey-skinned Arvek Nar wearing Serriel's symbol.      21m  53m

Rhodes          A half-elf male with dark black hair and dark eyes.   1m   3h

Ionus           A young man in robes with closely shorn blonde hair,  4m   2h

Kerbasy         A young priest, cheerful despite his somber garb.     0s   17h

Boshter         An arvek nar in robes. Oh no!                         4m   4d

Godwyn          Blond, blue-eyed, beatific Sentinel.                  1m   3h

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Catacombs <D>             Dusty Road <O>            


At that...Kerbasy lets out an (for him) explosive breath, and reaches up to adjust his glasses. "Heh. Welcome back," he says to Iuriel, even as he clasps Rhodes briefly on the shoulder, that universal speak for: dude, you did great. Thank you.

For his own part, Acleese continues to keep the pamphlets neatly stacked (very neatly), and answer occasional questions. A few of the acolytes are looking over towards the paladins with wide eyes. They probably know a LOT about kicking undead uh. Bu...bones. They don't have butts.

Verna has disconnected.

The Seer starts in surprise as the water is dumped on her, another convulsive shiver rippling through the slender frame at its chill touch. As the signs of illness, the papery skin and bruises, the malaise fade away, though, she relaxes, and sits up straighter, belatedly making a somewhat awkward Sign of the Scales of her own. She draws a deep breath, and finally looks up, eyes now clear and complexion /much/ improved. "Thank you, Mourner," she offers shyly, the hand that was supporting her now combing the water through her damp, dark hair, leaving it to drip down her back.

She pauses a moment, then adds, "Can I aid the Grey Lady's temple in return?"

Ionus nods, "I've trained with some of the Sunblade brothers, but mostly -- I still mostly punch and pray. That still works pretty well."

Godwyn glanced over at Iuriel. "You can help, by having fun!" She grinned. "Come on, have some food."

Eirene gives a bright smile once the Seer seems to return to herself, giving Rhodes a lifted toast of her mug, before slipping away from the two. Now that that is settled, it would seem it is time to find her plate left behind - so back to the beer table she goes.

Rhodes puts the bowl down and bends over to offer his hands to help Iuriel up. "It is no problem, and will leave it to you what you wish to do in thanks. Also, if you would follow this acolyte, he will take you to somewhere you can dry off, and potentially change if you wish to allow your clothing to dry." He then gives a smirk. "Sorry for not warning you about that last part."

Bounding into the temple is Boshter! Of Blar! He seems thrilled to be here! "Sorry I am late," he calls, happily. Entirely TOO happily. HE stops by the door. Stops and /peeeers/ about. He seems to realize he's missing something.

Boshter! Of course. He heard the word 'party' on the winds, and came running. Godwyn chuckled and turned toward him. "About time you got here. I was wondering if I should have the guards keep a look out!"

Bennet snorts and rolls his eyes, but grins, raising a hand in greeting towards Boshter. Of Blar.

Iuriel graciously -- and appreciatively -- accepts the hands to get to her feet, brushing off her robes. "Think nothing of it, Mourner," she answers, blushing a little. "Water is cleansing, of course. I should have expected something of the kind." She's actually smiling, now.. "I think I am all right, though, and thank you. The robes will dry quickly enough."

It takes her a minute to find the pouch at her waist, because Boshter's bouncy entrance arrests her attention, and she simply /stares/ for a moment.

Ionus turns and blinks at the sound of the new arrival, "BOSHTER! You're late...Are you getting slow?"

"No! I had a body to deliver!" Boshter says, brightly. Well, he is Vardaman, after all, "and the people who I delivered it to needed hugs. Lots of them. So I gave them hugs!" He beams at them all, then peers at Iuriel when he notices she's staring at him. "Hello," he says to her, cheerfully.

Oh. Well that explained why he liked hugs so much!

Godwyn began to notice a pattern at this point. For a bunch of supposed mourners and people responsible for last rites, those belonging to Vardama were bright. Cheery. Amicable.

She grinned. It was infectious. "Well then, how about another song?"

Rhodes looks up as he sees Boshter enter the temple and shakes his head. "Forgive him, though one cannot deny he has great exuberance, even for a Chord of Vardama."

Namira waves to Boshter as she finally sees him. "hey Boshter, you silly thing." She says before ambushing him with a hug of her own!

Bennet mutters. "Lotta exuberance for a puppy meeting new people. Nice guy though."

Garak has disconnected.

Only now is Iuriel starting to fully look around the room, register the faces there. Godwyn's right -- it is infectious, and now that she's not in the grip of the disease, it's much easier to absorb. She raises her hand in a little wave to the Sentinel, expression brightening a little as she finally spots a familiar face. She doesn't move yet, though. "Your faithful are truly amazing, to face death as you do." She doesn't seem too inclined to jump into the party just yet, although she does offer a smile to those close to her, and a wave to Boshter.

Ionus just shakes his head as he watches Boshter's greeting.

Eirene looks up at the commotion near the door - then just smiles a bit at the sight. If one has ever been in the city at all, it isn't an unfamiliar sight, at all. That said, she still grabs her plate of munchies, and holds it in front of herself as a shield and keeping to the edges of the group. Back edges.

"I do not know you! In fact, I do not know several of you!" BOshter pipes up, then says, "I am Boshter of Blar, and a follower of Vardama, just like my friend KErbasy over there, and his other Hobgoblin friends!" He boucnes from foot to foot, weight shifting fro m one to the other, then he gives Namira a hug.

Rhodes shakes his head some more at Boshter and for now, just tries to slip out of his field of view by cleaning up from the cleansing ritual, to get the bowl and oils back to where they belong.

Maybe her hair is finally done dripping -- or maybe it's just mostly dripped into the hood of the cloak. Iuriel simply stands and watches for a moment, until she turns and realizes that Rhodes is moving to clean up. With a little wave and a nod of thanks to Eirene, the Seer turns away from the altar, finally letting her cloak hang freely around her instead of pulling it close, and moving in Godwyn's direction. "I had not expected to see you here, Sentinel," she greets, with a small curtsy.

Namira chuckles at Boshter. "You silly thing. We met at that one person's house for the ritual. it was a while back. "I am Namira Aldor of the Lady's Absolution."

Godwyn chuckled as she made her way toward the center of the room, having eaten her share as she observed Boshter's antics. "Well, far be it from me to avoid a party." She stopped two feet away from Iuriel. "No need for that. And please, call me Godwyn, hmm?"

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* A15: Vardaman Temple *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The Vardamite temple is a solemn affair. Composed of carved blocks of basalt, it looks as if the whole thing were set into a scooped-out chunk of the mountain. Braziers and torches, despite the presence of more modern conveniences, are the main source of light. The basalt columns and blocks are engraved with prayers for the dead from hundreds of cultures and dozens of races. Some are works of master carvers, still others are little more than the work of desperate or sorrowful petitioners, quick prayers lovingly scratched into an empty space.

An outdoor altar is littered with offerings, as are the steps and even ground surrounding the front of the temple. These offerings are frequently collected or cleaned away by serious-faced Mourners, or Mourner-acolytes, while Serriel's Lancers guard the front doors. As ever, the sound of monks in perpetual chant can be heard as a low background noise as they go about their somber business.

EXTRAS: +view                                 

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Eirene          A half-sil woman dressed in gray leathers and light-f 11m  3h

Iuriel          Petite half-Sil, fair with dark hair and eyes.        4m   2h

Namira          Short elf with white hair in a grey cloak             2m   8h

Bennet          Tall cowboy, starting towards grey.                   2m   2h

Rhodes          A half-elf male with dark black hair and dark eyes.   38s  4h

Ionus           A young man in robes with closely shorn blonde hair,  14m  2h

Kerbasy         A young priest, cheerful despite his somber garb.     0s   18h

Boshter         An arvek nar in robes. Oh no!                         3m   5d

Godwyn          Blond, blue-eyed, beatific Sentinel.                  33s  3h

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Catacombs <D>             Dusty Road <O>            


"Oh, of course. Godwyn, then." Iuriel looks /up/ at Godwyn, then over at Boshter. "I should return to Eluna's temple soon. I departed in some haste, and trying not to be seen. They will no doubt wonder." She pulls a smaller pouch, heavy, from her belt pouch. "Perhaps we will meet again." With that, she begins to make her way toward the doors.

On her way out, she pauses, looking for an appropriate person to hand her donation to, seeing as how Rhodes has busied himself. Once that bit of business is taken care of, she pulls her cloak around her and prepares to depart.

Godwyn nodded and glanced toward the skittish Seer. She really did need to lighten up around others... but that would happen in time.

Ionus turns and gives a brief wave to his friends, old and new before heading for the door. "This was great! Please let me know when there will be more cookies!" and with that, he heads out the door.

Ionus goes Dusty Road <O>.

Ionus has left.

Iuriel goes Dusty Road <O>.

Iuriel has left.

Bennet settles on a bench off to the side, his belly full and mug mostly empty. Idly watching those who remain, the rifleman starts to clean his firearm, carefully removing a single piece, polishing it carefully, and sloting it back into place. Likely be faster and easier to take the whole thing apart, but that would mean it wouldn't be ready to go if trouble were to arrive. Some lessons are hard learned, and keeping your weapon always ready is one of them.

"It looks like everyone has been having lots of fun!" Boshter beams at Godwyn, though he wa sabout to offer Iuriel a hug before she departed. Still, he wves after her and turns back toward the others and says, "So! What is the goings ons, tonight? Has anyone important died?" HE should not sound hopeful.

Namira smacks Boshter on the shoulder. "No. No one has died. Just a meeting."

Godwyn shook her head. "Same ol' Boshter. And nothing much, just people having fun!" In the last place they should be having fun, which made it even better. She had to thank Kerbasy for this somehow. Later though.

Rhodes comes back from the little storage closet he put the things away in. "No Boshter, but I did perform a cleansing for the Seer. Poor thing had contracted some zombie rot somewhere."

Bennet humms quietly as he cleans, grinning at Boshter's question.

Fazahd has connected.

Bennet sights along his barrel, making certain the aim is true before turning his focus towards the rifle handel. His humming shifts into words now and again, still more hum than verse, until his quiet baratone hits the chorus.

"Grey skys come pouring down, lift me up from the ground. All I've done's the best I can, tried to be a better man. Today I'd best be moving on, no more chances once I'm gone."

A simple cowpoke melody, born under the big wide skies of the Vast.

Godwyn smiled as her ears almost perked to the song. "That's quite nice. I didn't know you could sing..." She cleared her throat. "Godwyn Sylvan, Sentinel of Althea. And may I have your name, Absolution?"

Making his way towards Kerbasy, ow, Boshter beams at Rhodes, wiggles his fingers at Godwyn, and says 'ow' to Namira. Then he picks up Kerbasy and HUGS HIM.

Rhodes chuckles as he nods as an acolyte finishes drying the part of the floor in front of the altar, to make sure no one slipped on the wet floor after the ritual. He then heads over to Namira with a smile. "How have you been doing as of late Absolution?"

Bennet hehs. "I can't, but still try sometimes. Bennet. Bennet Susson. Pleasure ta meet ya, miss Sylvan."

Letting him, Boshter turns back towards the others and beams at them. "SO! I am doing well. Hello, Namira," he offers again, then adds, "Who was the lady with the pale hair?"

Eirene has disconnected.

Namira says, "I don't know. I don't think I met her before." She says softly before patting Llamrei. "I should head out though. Llamrei needs to be fed and I need to brush her." She says before patting Boshter on shoulder shoulder. "Until next time, Boshter.""

Namira waves to Godwyn, bennet and everyone else as well.