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(Created page with "Tenebrae - Sunday, October 27, 2013, 8:40 PM -------------------------------------------- -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* A04: Theatre District *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Whil...")
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Tenebrae - Sunday, October 27, 2013, 8:40 PM
Tenebrae - Sunday, October 27, 2013, 8:40 PM
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* A04: Theatre District *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
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The very center of the district is home to an open stage, an area raised a few feet from street level and paved flat. Anyone may perform here, and many do, though it's often an area for musician's gatherings and general lounging.
The very center of the district is home to an open stage, an area raised a few feet from street level and paved flat. Anyone may perform here, and many do, though it's often an area for musician's gatherings and general lounging.
"It certainly wasn't the city. And it was /not/ for dramatic effect." Jessa is very clear about this. "I most certainly would not turn the light off on a bunch of paladins and orphans. No." The halfling looks toward Vennan--the trio stands in front of the stage being torn down, the halfling tiredly clinging to her coffee--and grunts. "Perhaps. Or it could be a warning."
"It certainly wasn't the city. And it was /not/ for dramatic effect." Jessa is very clear about this. "I most certainly would not turn the light off on a bunch of paladins and orphans. No." The halfling looks toward Vennan--the trio stands in front of the stage being torn down, the halfling tiredly clinging to her coffee--and grunts. "Perhaps. Or it could be a warning."

Revision as of 20:54, 29 May 2014

Tenebrae - Sunday, October 27, 2013, 8:40 PM

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* A04: Theatre District *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

While the area contains more than theatre, it is most known for its dueling play houses and established, theatrical families. Competition for talent, especially known actors and playwrights, is fierce. An example of these long-standing, yet well-entrenched feuds are the Flightwright and Flame's Hope--two theatres built within a hundred years of one another yet separated by more than ideology. Owned by opposing families, the various troupes have been unofficially "at war" for over a hundred years. 

Ribbons in Ceinara's vibrant colors grace the streets, attesting to the District's colorful and creative background. The buildings possess no single style. Though not the quality in Upper Alexandria, this District rivals even the homes of nobility for spirit and style amid its contrasting bohemian and marble landscapes. 

Aside from several well-known theatres, artists and crafters of all sorts make their homes here, as much for company as cheap rent. Callers-out stand on street corners, announcing the latest play, with what's in production reflecting the tone of the times and often, current politics. Street musicians abound, playing instruments or, for more visual artists, offering portraits for a few coppers to silver. Present, too, are Muses and their ilk, whose blessings the houses and various artists compete for.

The very center of the district is home to an open stage, an area raised a few feet from street level and paved flat. Anyone may perform here, and many do, though it's often an area for musician's gatherings and general lounging.

"It certainly wasn't the city. And it was /not/ for dramatic effect." Jessa is very clear about this. "I most certainly would not turn the light off on a bunch of paladins and orphans. No." The halfling looks toward Vennan--the trio stands in front of the stage being torn down, the halfling tiredly clinging to her coffee--and grunts. "Perhaps. Or it could be a warning."

Munch trundles up, making his way towards where the stage is comming down. The metal man buzzes a quietly, sounding a little like someone whisteling to himself. Someone tone deaf and without a sence of rythmn. Anyway, a large wagon bumps along behind the golem, high hoppers built into the sides, but nothing currently within.

"The Azure Queen doesn't exactly seem like the warning type." Vennan replies, shrugging her shoulders. "Her influence thus far has mostly been used to incite dramatic and horrific displays of cannibalistic violence. Subtlety is not something she has exercised previously."

"Well, to be fair," why is Jessa being fair to the Azure Queen? "this did go across the whole city. I suppose that's a bit impressive." She sounds dubious about that.

"No matter the reason, I don't think it will affect anyone's spirits," Kira notes optimistically even if she is tired. "Everyone was very loud and unfearful about rebuking the Queen. That won't change."

Munch pper around a few moments before haeding over to the small gathereing. "What, the darkness? Not too many scared of that. Inconvienced. Plenty of lanterns and candels and stuff. Anyway, who's in charge of the stange now? I'm supposed to pick up the left overs."

"Still, far less worrying than cannibalistic madmen running about." Vennan points out quickly. "Particularly when one considers just how many citizens of this city can see in the dark, or conjure their own lights. Really, it's little more than an inconvenience."

"True. Unless she's preparing to unleash cannibalistic madmen in the dark. But again, mostly that would just inconvenience them as well as us." Jessa sighs and waves a hand. "The artifacers are taking some things now. I guess whatever is left after that?"

Munch buzzes quietly. "Not sure 'cannibal' is the right word. Cannibalism is eating your own kind, right? Orcs eating Lucht, or humans eating elves doesn't count. Or is one humanoid eating another close enough?"

Kira loses her smile for a moment to frown a very sour frown at all the talk of cannibalism. "Eating anyone is horrible, no matter who they are or who is eating."

Vennan frowns a little at Munch, pondering. "True. Still, any kind of sentient being eating another is cause for enough horror. In any case, I think it's a promising sign that she was apparently incapable of using direct violence in response."

"We saw Lucht eating Lucht." Jessa dips her head toward her cup, taking a long pull and not looking at anyone. "So it was rather awful. Still!" She lifts her head and snorts. "That's not what we saw last night. No. That was just lights going out which is frankly silly."

Munch shrugs. "Gotta do something with the corpse, and gotta eat something. May as well solve two problems at once. I figure if it's not okay to eat, isn't okay to kill either. But, I've been wrong before."

Vennan eyes Munch for a moment. "You may be something of a... special case. In any event, I think there is reason for some optimism here. Hopefully the Highfather proceeds with the ritual as soon as possible.

"Uh. No. Eating people of whatever shape of people is not really acceptable," Jessa says, edging back a bit from Munch as she sips her drink. "Yes. The ritual is in final preparations."

Benthus has arrived.

Munch shrugs, unconcerned. "Chop 'em into small enough parts, aren't really 'people' any more. But chopping good people up is bad, whatever you end up doing with the parts. Only villians and monsters get chopped up. By me, anyway."

Kira covers her mouth when it keeps going, to the point of chopping people up. She swallows back some bile and clears her through. "Please... could we talk about something else? Please?"

Benthus strolls into the area for sightseeing purposes.

"So that one's not just an Alexandrian thing?" Vennan asks Jessa, sounding somewhat relieved. "That is very good to know."

Jessa starts to edge away from Munch even more, crowding toward Vennan. The little grouping is standing in front of a large stage that is being dismantled. They all mostly look tired and a little rumpled. "You shouldn't say things like that out loud," she says to the golem.

Munch shrugs again, but nods to Kira. "So after the Queen is gone; then what? Very a dull moment around here, but sounds like most everything else is pretty settled. Guess a lot of the artifacts and stuff would have to go back." The golem buzzes softly a moment. "Maybe another trip to Gustav."

"The Queen being gone will be worth whatever had to be done before," Kira is certain, "or has to happen after."

"Yes. I am certain Jessa would be thrilled to join that return trip." Vennan dryly responds to Munch, giving the halfling just a little bit of a smile.

There's a narrowing of her eyes and the sudden thoughtful look on Jessa's face. "How many pots of paint do you suppose I could fit in one of those fancy magic bags?"

Munch ponders the question seriously for a few moments. "Not enough. But the bags come in diffrent sizes. Is a really big one that could hold a whole paint shop. But I still don't think would be enough."

Benthus drifts towards the small gathering of people, near the disassembled stage, and curiously asks, "What's being torn down Here?"

Vennan looks a little bit disturbed. "... Surely there are less confrontational ways of effecting the sorts of changes one would like to see in Gustav?"

"There was a 'Boo at the Blue Bitch' performnce last night," Jessa informs the newcomer before frowning Vennan. "Why? This would be far more satisfying."

Munch shrugs. "Color is good. It's like flavor for the eyes. Anyway, I just want to know when those Levathian were designed. As in, which of use came first?"

"I would assume the Gustavians would consider such information to be a state secret." Vennan replies to Munch. Then he frowns. "Gustavians? Gustavites? Which is it, anyways?"

"I don't know," Jessa says in an aggrivated, almost belligerent voice. "I was all tied up at the time!"

Kira has disconnected.

Munch ponders a moment and shrugs. "Most likely, 'Proper Citizens of Gustav' or something. And as I already know quite a few things they likely want secret, I don't think one more will hurt."

"Yes, you've mentioned that." Vennan says with a sideways glance at Jessa. "Hrm. Well. Returning the borrowed artifact after the exorcism is complete would likely be a good opportunity for a new diplomatic initiative."

"Or set them on fire! Or cover the walls of the city in color!" Jessa may have strong feelings about this.

Munch looks to Vennan. "Might be best to have her help with one of the -other- artifacts."

Vennan looks increasingly worried about Jessa's feelings on the subject. "... If you must go with one of those, I'd suggest the color one rather than the fire one."

"Well, either would be extremely satisfying. I didn't like that woman one bit and those machines were a /menace/." Jessa should never ever be allowed back in Gustav ever.

Munch shrugs. "The Leviathan didn't seem so bad when they weren't flying. Just big. Big isn't bad, but it's not everything."

"... Well. I am certain that after the exorcism is complete, there will be much to be done in Alexandria for some time." Vennan suggests hopefully. Anything to keep Jessa away from Gustav.

Opening her mouth, Jessa seems on the verge of making a statement about size. Then she eyes her audience and sighs theatrically, closing her mouth without actually saying anything. "Maybe," she says in a vaguely sulky voice.

Munch whirls softly, having a good idea as to what wasn't said, and shrugs again before looking around. "I think the artificers are mostly done. I'd best get cleaning up. If there's any pieces you want for a souviner, better grab it now."

Vennan gives Jessa a smile he hopes will placate her before nodding to Munch. "Indeed. Best get this work taken care of. We've had enough of a break." And with that, he gets back to it.

"I don't need a souvenier. The whole blasted night is seared into my brain." This is apparently not a good thing. And then the halfling goes back to relentlessly pointing at things while mostly being ignored.