Difference between revisions of "PRP: Strange Sightings"

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(Created page with "Characters: Cesran - Wizard 11 Tak - Bard 8 Oates - Rogue 9 Kravar - Fighter 6 Aurala - Barbarian 6 Tatyannah - Rogue 8 There have been some odd things going on out near the ...")
Line 1: Line 1:
Cesran - Wizard 11
Cesran - Wizard 11
Tak - Bard 8
Tak - Bard 8
Oates - Rogue 9
Oates - Rogue 9
Kravar - Fighter 6
Kravar - Fighter 6
Aurala - Barbarian 6
Aurala - Barbarian 6
Tatyannah - Rogue 8
Tatyannah - Rogue 8
Line 318: Line 324:
GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.
GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.
Round One - Init 20.
Round One - Init 20.
It is now Aurala's turn! Babau 3 is next!
It is now Aurala's turn! Babau 3 is next!
<OOC> Aurala says, "there is one in the open that I can see and charge?"
<OOC> Aurala says, "there is one in the open that I can see and charge?"
Line 350: Line 356:
GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.
GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.
Round One - Init 16.
Round One - Init 16.
It is now Babau 3 's turn! Tatyannah is next!
It is now Babau 3 's turn! Tatyannah is next!
<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright, who would be the closest in our sneaky half of the party?"
<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright, who would be the closest in our sneaky half of the party?"

Revision as of 07:54, 10 December 2013


Cesran - Wizard 11

Tak - Bard 8

Oates - Rogue 9

Kravar - Fighter 6

Aurala - Barbarian 6

Tatyannah - Rogue 8

There have been some odd things going on out near the Redridge Mountains, outside of the city and the guild got some word about it. It seems one of the small rural towns have pooled their wares together in order to try and get someone out here to look into what is going on. It's not terribly far outside of the city, a town is primarily ranching country, almost everyone has a huge space where their herds wander for variety of purposes that all feed directly into the city.

When you arrive at the town, there is the local mayor waiting for you. "Ahh!" He says, rather excited you're here. "Good! Good! I do hope that you will be able to help us with our problems here. It's just so weird..."

Tak travels on his horse, its just a light horse, but its trained enough not to run amok in a fight. He climbs down off it as they arrive, and he nods to the Mayor when the man approaches. "Sir we will do our best to assist you, but perhaps you can provide us with a bit more information, we were not told exactly what the issue was."

Aurala makes her way with the others. She stands out a bit after all she is quite a bit taller than everyone else. The large Giantborn lass leans on her earthbreaker as the Mayor speaks and smiles, "I am glad to be able to help." she offers.

Oh thank goodness. No ships, water or air, not far from the City, this is a good thing. Also, Tatyannah is the second tallest person among the group. This always bodes well.

They might be ranchers instead of farmers, but agriculture is still agriculture. "Anything hassling the herds?" Oates inquires.

Kravar gives the mayor the tiniest of nods before panning his gaze a ross the town. He glances over when others talk to show that he is paying attention to the discussion, but is already looking for signs of the trouble himself. Wailing widows, straggling remains of decimated caravans, animal-chewed corpses...or sometimes it can be something more sibtle.

Cesran follows the others to the town and he nods politely to the lord mayor. He leans on his new staff, made from rich darkwood and on top has a clear crystal head of a dragon. "Just what sort of problem?" He takes a moment to look around at his surroundings.

The Mayor nods at Oates's question, "That's exactly the problem, but not quite like usual. Sometimes it's cattle rustling, people just doing some pranks, but this time..." he shakes his head, paling a little bit. "And then there are the missing ranchers." He starts off to the tavern that the town has, small in comparison to the ones that are in Alexandria, but good for this place. When we got word you were coming today, some of the ranchers came in to hopefully talk to you. They're inside."

Tak nods to the Mayor and follows him inside, ready to listen to whatever the ranchers are going to say about the situation.

Kravar turns to follow, his face brightening in mid-stride as he looks ahead and realizes where they are being led. A tavern seems a fine place to conduct interviews with the witnesses.

Tatyannah trails along with the rest of the group, as she peers, tourist like at the rest of the town, hoping to spot something or someone who might help.

Oates nods to the Mayor and walks with the others into the tavern.

Aurala nods her head, "So we talk to them and then we go find out what happen to others." she says and then she nods and moves on in, ducking if necessary to get inside.

Cesran hmms, "Well let's speak with them then hopefully they can shed some light on what happened to the others." He moves in after the others and he carefully knock some snow off his boots and the end of his staff.

Inside the tavern are about half a dozen ranchers that are just sitting around a table, mugs of ale in hand, but they all seem rather dour. The Mayor leads the party over to the ranchers. "These are the folks from Alexandria, and as we talked, they're here to help. Tell them what you know and hopefully they'll make this stop before we lose more people and livestock." He looked back to the adventurers, to indicate they can begin their interviews however they want.

Tak lets the others ask the questions for now, he finds a seat to rest and listen to the information from the ranchers.

Kravar sizes up the ranchers one at a time, always breaking off his gaze just before it can become challenging. City life has taught him a few manners at least.

Tatyannah glances sidelong at Tak, a touch puzzled, but sits down and says politely, "May we ask a few questions?" She leaves a few moments of silence, before going on, "How long ago did things start? How did you discover what happened? What did you see when you discovered the crime and has the exact same thing happened each time or is it getting worse or better as time goes on?"

Aurala for the most part just listens for anything that she might have a bit of closer knowledge of, letting those that might be a bit smarter do the question asking.

Oates sits back and lets those with a better sense of questioning ask the questions.

The men look at each other for a moment, and then one of them spoke up. "It started almost a week ago, just one or two, but then a few days ago people started disappearing. The cattle... they are sliced apart, cleanly, in half. Even the bones. Some were cut up cleanly in various parts as well, in quarters, thirds..."

Cesran moves forward to look at the others, "Please be as detailed as possible any small detail might help." He listens, "Was anything eaten or were they just killed?"

Tak listens, looking to Cesran at the question, then back to the ranchers to wait for the response.

Tatyannah gives a little encouraging nod, as well as to Cesran's question.

The rancher shakes his head at Cesran, "Just killed, a complete waste of the cow. Most of us do kill them for meat, some are dairy cows. But by the time we find them in the morning we can use nothing."

Kravar adds, "Are the people sliced into pieces as well?"

They all shrug, but another answered. "We haven't found anyone that went missing. They're just... gone... The thing was, the attacks on the cattle happened at night but the disappearances during the day. They were ranch hands, out checking on the herds, from different ranches."

Cesran nods, "Any strange smells or discoloration in the grass?" He hmms, "All men?"

Kravar looks puzzled. "Cows at night and people during the day? What were these men doing when their cows were being butchered...?"

Tak seems to think the other people are asking all the right questions for now, so he simply listens, sometimes listening is the most important part.

"Was there anything - sensory, out of the ordinary? Smells, sounds? Depressions in the ground or grass?" Tatyannah leans in as she listens.

All the men nod at that, "Yes, it's all been men. And they would have been home. We don't go out at night to watch the herds, not like sheep or goats." They all are silent about the smells or discoloration, and slowly, one by one, they started to shake their heads. "Seems nothing strange, just... blood."

"Was there anything - sensory, out of the ordinary? Smells, sounds? Depressions in the ground or grass?" Tatyannah leans in as she listens.

Kravar finally nods in understanding, hooking one thumb without realizing through the straps on his pack. He probably sees a night of camping among the livestock in his future.

"Is there anything else you want to tell us or want us to know?" Tatyannah follows up.

The men go back to looking at one another and slowly they shake their heads. "We just hope you can can solve this and stop whatever is taking our friends and our stock."

Aurala nods, "That is what we are here for." she says and then looks around at each of the others.

Cesran hmms, "Has there been any survivors? Someone who might have managed to escape?"

Tak finally adds a question. "Where was this, is this all over, totally random. Can you point out where all the incidents happened on a map?"

Kravar turns to face the rest of the party now. "We should go search the area while there's still daylight." He gestures briefly towards Tatyannah. "Look for clues, tracks and so forth." If we don't find anything set a trap for the butchers after dark."

"No," one of them answered, "We have had no one come back that has gone missing." Another looked over to Tak, "We can point out where the cattle were killed, but we don't know where the people went missing though."

Cesran hmms, "Were the cattle all killed in one place?"

Tatyannah gives Kravar a nod in agreement.

"No, not in a single place," the one whom answered Tak said. "But they were all in areas close to the mountains themselves."

Tak nods "The missing men, did they all have killed cattle? Did they live close to the mountains?"

He nods, "Well, we're the owners of the herds, these were our employees that were taken. All of our herds have been hit by these things. They had gone to go check on the herds when they disappeared."

Cesran nods, "Any strange weather and what phase of the moon was it?"

Tatyannah ohs, "And are there any herd owners that /haven't/ suffered any losses?"

Kravar turns to look at one of the ranchers, the one who offered to show them where the cattle were killed. "How far from here would you be taking us?" He hesitates, then glances at his fellow adventurers once more. "Let's get started - we can ask him more questions as we travel."

One of them shrugs, "Weather has been a mix as storms come through, but it's been happening with different phases of the moon..." There was a look among the men as they go over thoughts of all the ranchers and they shook their heads. "It seems everyone has had an attack." The man that can lead them nods, "It's not far, maybe an hour..."

Tak nods "Yes, we should likely get started. Take us to some of the attack sites, if there are no signs on the ground, then we have to assume its a problem from the sky."

Cesran nods to the farmers, "Thank you for your information and for answering our questions. We shall do our best to find this problem and end it."

Tatyannah nods along with Cesran and Tak, "Yes, thank you. We'll get to the bottom of this, one way or another."

Kravar orders a mug of ale for the road and quickly gulps it down.

The ranchers all nod and give their own thanks as they get up to leave. One stays behind to lead them in the area they were talking about. He was going to wait until everyone was ready to go. He answers any other questions as they head through the forest to his property. They do pass some fences that keep his herd in their area, but he has acres of land in which they roam freely. Eventually they come across a large meadow area.

"This is my ranch," he says, "and I had two cows killed one night, about five nights ago. My man went missing the next morning. Over here..." He points to a part of the meadow where blood can still be seen on the winter grass.

Tak looks around, but of course lacks the expert training of a tracker, what he does look for is anything that might hint at something, pattern of blood, ect.

Aurala knows a little about survival and all that but she isn't a tracker. She is looking around for signs of what might have happened, "Did you see the man after the cows were killed but before you noticed him missing?"

Kravar takes out a longbow and a pair of arrows, prowling around the area to look for tracks but also trying to watch their surroundings.

GAME: Tatyannah rolls perception: (1)+17: 18

GAME: Tak rolls perception: (17)+7: 24

GAME: Cesran rolls perception: (4)+2: 6

Cesran nods a little bit as he moves over and he starts to look around. He hmms a little bit as he really can't see anything familiar, "Looks like just blood."

GAME: Aurala rolls perception: (3)+11: 14

Tatyannah studies the ground, but frowns deeply. There's a lot of tilting her head back and forth, and she's muttering to herself. It's not pretty.

Tak frowns "Looks like Acid.....but I don't see tracks. Flying and acid..."

GAME: Oates rolls Perception: (7)+20: 27

Tatyannah sighs, "My money is on some sort of dragon. Though it doesn't make sense that it wouldn't eat the cows." She's guessing, but she's got a bad feeling about this.

Cesran hmms, "Flying and acid, that could be any number of things." He looks up and starts to look around, "Could be a green or black dragon, although neither of these places are typical territory for them." He sniffs at the blood and he looks around for any clawmarks.

Tak shakes his head, "No, there are, some kind of tracks, just....I'm going to say somethign demonic, not of this plane."

Kravar grimaces. "We slew a green dragon not long ago. A hardcfight, that." He tries to say it with casual nonchalance. Say, what happened to his big Northern-styled shield anyway? And is he wearing different armor than he used to...?

The man suddenly looked away, to the far side of the meadow, and then sighed. "Damn it... I had hoped they wouldn't return so soon..." The few of the herd could be seen coming into the meadow, grazing once they come inside it.

Aurala looks at the Rancher, "The cows?" she asks a bit curiously.

Cesran hmms as he moves over to Tak and he kneels down to look at the tracks to study them for a moment. "Yes it looks like that these are demon tracks, demons that are acid based. If I had to guess probably Babau demons. I hope you all have either cold iron or good based weapons we will need them."

"Or a well-enchanted weapon," agrees Oates, giving his rapier a few practice swings.

"Demons?" Tatyannah sighs, "Well, that's new. I think I'd prefer the dragon." She starts searching through her back for stuff that she can fight with or apply to the things she's going to fight with.

The man watches the cows for a bit and sighs, "Seems they're going to probably be here for quite a while, maybe all night. It's also starting to get late. Some of us have cleared space so you can all have a place to sleep tonight."

Tak nods "We can setup watch, I'm sure whatever demon this is is likely here because someone brought them here. Perhaps one of the missing people, and explains why no bodies are being found, easier to pretend to be missing than to pretend to be dead with no body. Course, thats just theory, we wait and see what happens and go from there." He grins a bit, "I always try to make everything a complex story."

Tatyannah digs up a Potion or two. "Protection from evil and one for magic weapon, will those work?" She adds, "I have an extra Magic Weapon potion too."

Cesran continues as he has a moment to think, "The demons are covered in an acid that will hurt if you hit it, there is a chance it will destroy your weapons if they are not good or cold iron. Electricity and poison have no effect as well as having resistance to acid, cold and fire. As well they have an innate protection against magic that will be difficult for some to overcome."

<OOC> Elessa says, "So you guys staying around for the night?"

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Yes, I believe so."

<OOC> Tak says, "Yes, setup watches, ect"

Kravar begins looking around for a good spot to keep watch. "I'll take first watch," he offers.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Then go ahead and set up your watches. And will you be in the middle of the meadow? The side? What?"

<OOC> Oates says, "I'm not picky about which watch I take."

<OOC> Cesran says, "How long are the watches?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Depends on how you divide them up."

<OOC> Tak says, "we have 6, I think. So 2 per watch, 4 hour shifts. Mix up good perception folks with fighting folks."

<OOC> Aurala says, "I am more a fighting type so whever ya want me"

<OOC> Tak says, "I suggest Oates and Kravar, Cesran and Tatyanna, then I'll go with Aurala. Our best perceptions early on, decient fighters."

<OOC> Cesran says, "I'd prefer to go last please"

<OOC> Tak says, "Ok, Oates and Kravar, Tatyanna and Arula, and Tak and Cesran, since both of us do magicy stuff and need our beauty sleep"

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Ok."

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6: (1): 1

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d4: (2): 2

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright, I'll set the post"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Oh, where is the camp?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Hopefully someplace hidden perhaps?"

<OOC> Kravar says, "Can it be on high ground somehow?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yeah, there's some higher ground, it's somewhat slopaed"

<OOC> Kravar says, "someplace we can keep an ete on the cows :)"

<OOC> Cesran says, "I'll roll some survival to find a good camp site"

GAME: Cesran rolls survival: (8)+13: 21

<OOC> Oates says, "Same."

GAME: Oates rolls Survival: (7)+10: 17

The rancher heads home for the night, leaving all of the group to figure out how to set themselves up to watch the herd. Oates and Cesran find a good place to camp that has shelter and gives them a few view of the herd as they graze, and ideally sleap through the night. Watches are determined and soon enough people head off to bed while Oates and Kravar take the first watch.

The first couple of hours of the evening pass quietly, only sounds of the woods and of the night. However, that stops when there are sounds coming from the herd, something disturbing them, and a hissing sound as well.

Cesran pages: before going to sleep I'm gonna cast endure elements on myself.

GAME: Cesran refreshes spells.

GAME: Cesran casts Endure Elements. Caster Level: 11 DC: 18

GAME: Tak refreshes spells.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yep, before we head into any combat, any prep done?"

<OOC> Kravar says, "Can we wake up the others?"

<OOC> Kravar says, "Quietly"

Aurala sleeps in her armor with a hand on her earthbreaker, napping as she waits for her watch.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Sure."

Tatyannah is not a deep sleeper, particularly when one is expecting trouble. So she will likely be easy to wake should it come to it.

Kravar moves over to Tatyannah and gently shakes her shoulder until she wakes up. Once she's awake he points at the herd and then pantomimes walking around to the other side of it. Before he even sees if she understands the message he goes to the next person. Only for Aurala he mimes walking up to the nearerr side of the herd, then for Tak and Cesran he just gestures in that direction.

<OOC> Elessa says, "I'll need stealth checks"

Tak opens his eyes quickly, having slept in his chain shirt, at least its mostly comfortable. He picks up his buckler, strapping it to his arm and then checking his other gear.

GAME: Tak rolls stealth: (14)+10: 24

GAME: Kravar rolls stealth+2: (1)+-1+2: 2

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+19: (20)+19: 39

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+19: (10)+19: 29

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+19: (11)+19: 30

GAME: Cesran rolls stealth: (17)+3: 20

GAME: Oates rolls Stealth: (16)+6: 22

GAME: Aurala rolls stealth: (1)+-1: 0

GAME: Tatyannah rolls stealth: (16)+16: 32

<OOC> Elessa says, "So is it just Tatyannah going around the herd or is anyone else joining her?"

<OOC> Tak says, "I'll go with her."

<OOC> Oates says, "I'll go with."

Cesran slowly gets up and he keeps his staff close to him. "Does anyone see anything?" He asks very quietly as he doesn't want to cast the light spell he has unless it's need.

Tatyannah stirs and nods at Kravar. She grabs her spear and starts to slink around the herd, trying to be as quiet as she can, while straining to see something through the dark.

Tak moves along, tailing behind Tatyannah, trying to remain unseen for as long as possible.

Oates follows Tatyannah, trying to be unobtrusive.

Most of the herd has scattered away, but there seems to be two that haven't gotten away from what is attacking it. Nothing seems to react to you moving around, though most are good and quiet. There are sounds of laugher almost, and conversation in a rough tongue, though the sounds of their butchering suddenly stops at some point, as well as the conversation. Something caught their attention.

Cesran pages: Can I understand them?

You paged Cesran with 'It's quiet, but what languages do you speak?'

Cesran pages: I mean can I hear them? I understand Abbysal.

You paged Cesran with 'You can hear them, but can't quite make out what they're saying, but you know it's Abyssal.'

Cesran looks around him as he hears the demons out there, "They are out there, shall I light up the area?" He asks those who stayed behind.

Cesran is being very quiet.

Aurala isn't the sort that can be quiet something about her massive size or something along that lines.

Kravar chews his lip, then nods. "Can you leave the far side in shadow?" he whispers in return, raising his sword and clenching a fist with his other hand.

Cesran looks to Kravar and shakes his head, "If I cast it it will be centered upon my staff and from there go 60' out. It will be as bright as day light."

<OOC> Elessa says, "There's enough space that the other side would be in shadow, where the other three snuck around to."

<OOC> Elessa says, "They'll be beyond the 60'"

<OOC> Kravar says, "ah ok"

In a commanding voice because he can't cast spells in any other way, Cesran casts the Daylight spell upon his staff and the field will light up as if it was day time. All that is in the field before them is revealed.

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+12+2: (3)+12+2: 17

<OOC> Elessa pouts as she misses.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. Round One - Init 20. It is now Aurala's turn! Babau 3 is next!

<OOC> Aurala says, "there is one in the open that I can see and charge?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yep, the one that charged Kravar."

<OOC> Aurala says, "will rage, charge and attack with power attack"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"

GAME: Aurala RAGES!, gaining: +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 Will and -2 AC

GAME: Aurala rolls melee+1+2-2: (4)+14+1+2+-2: 19

<OOC> Elessa says, "Hit, do you have a good or cold iron weapon?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Or if anyone does have one of these that they are using, please page me."

Cesran pages: My Staff is good

<OOC> Aurala says, "its just a +1 earthbreaker"

Oates pages: My rapier is +3, which menas it counts as cold iron/silver.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright. You do hit, roll damage"

GAME: Aurala rolls 2d6+19: (3)+19: 22 ' <OOC> Elessa says, "Gotcha"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. Round One - Init 16. It is now Babau 3 's turn! Tatyannah is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright, who would be the closest in our sneaky half of the party?"

Aurala roars in fury as the creatures are revealed and she charges forward whipping her earthbreaker around in a powerful strike against the creature that attacked Kravar.

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Me."

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+12+2: (2)+12+2: 16

<OOC> Elessa says, "Wow... these guys can't roll."

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 14.
     It is now Tatyannah's turn! Tak is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Tatyannah, you have a demon in front of you."

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Stab!"

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Full attack."

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d20 + 10 + 1: (2)+10+1: 13

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d20 + 5 + 1: (17)+5+1: 23

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d8 + 5 + 1: (1)+5+1: 7

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "That's damage for the hit?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yep"

<OOC> Elessa says, "good or cold iron?"

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Nope."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright, it did nothing to him."

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Oh /man/. Ok."

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 11.
     It is now Tak's turn! Oates is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Tak ended.

Tatyannah stares at the demon in front of her and stabs at it reflexive. Twice, even. Nothing happens. And then she starts swearing in Jotun and any number of other languages.

<OOC> Tak says, "How many of my team is within 55 feet of me?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Unless Oates was keeping rather far back, two, Tatyannah and Oates"

<OOC> Tak says, "Didnt someone charge?"

<OOC> Tak says, "Hrm..."

<OOC> Elessa says, "On the other side but you're over 60' away across the meadow"

<OOC> Tak says, "So the demons are spread out that far too, thats what I'm curious about as well"

<OOC> Tak says, "So where are the demons? two on each group?"

<OOC> Tak says, "Ok, Inspire courage +2 to hit/dam. I'll haste my group then."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Right now one on each group,t he last haven't acted."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Gotcha too"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 11.
     It is now Oates' turn! Babau 1 is next!

GAME: Tak casts Haste. Caster Level: 8 DC: 17

<OOC> Oates says, "I'll move to flank the one on Tatyannah and stab it with my +3 rapier."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright"

Tak does his job, thats support. He chants a few arcane words, throwing somethign down, licorice root. The group around him speeds up now, time seeming like its slowing down just a bit. He then calls out, "Demons, hah! These things aren't a bother to us, take them down!"

GAME: Oates rolls RapierAtk1+2+1: aliased to Melee+4+2+1: (10)+10+4+2+1: 27

<OOC> Elessa says, "Hit"

GAME: Oates rolls RapierDmg+SA: aliased to 1d6+7+5d6: (5)+7+(19): 31

<OOC> Elessa says, "That hurt."

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 10.
     It is now Babau 1 's turn! Kravar is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d2: (1): 1

<OOC> Elessa says, "The other one goes off after Kravar's side of the meadow, charging Aurala"

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+12+2: (18)+12+2: 32

<OOC> Tak says, "Haste: +1 Dodge AC, +1 Reflex Save, Movement +30 feet. One extra attack on full attack action."

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d8+7: (3)+7: 10

GAME: You damaged Aurala for 10 points. 67 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 9.
     It is now Kravar's turn! Incubus is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Kravar ended.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Kravar! You have two demons in front of you"

Oates darts around the demon, catching it between the farmboy and Tatyannah. The finely-enchanted steel of his rapier bites deeply into the fiend's flesh, leaving an injury that the demon does not seem to recover from.

<OOC> Kravar will power attack the one Aurala hit

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+13: (15)+13: 28

<OOC> Elessa says, "HIt"

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+8: (12)+8: 20

<OOC> Elessa says, "Hit again"

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d8+16: (1)+16: 17

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d8+16: (3)+16: 19

<OOC> Elessa says, "Didn't go all the way through, but you hurt it."

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 9.
     It is now Incubus 's turn! Cesran is next!

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 4.
     It is now Cesran's turn! Babau 2 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Cesran ended.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Cesran"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Back up 5' and start to summon."

<OOC> Elessa says, "And what are we summoning?"

GAME: Cesran casts Summon Monster VI. Caster Level: 11 DC: 23

Kravar raises his empty fist as the demon charges him, as if to ward off the blow - and it works! His steelshod boots dig into the softer earth beneath them but his fist absorbs the worst of the impact - or at least the invisible force shield from his magic shield does. The force dissolves into nothingness as he opens his hand so that he can swing his sword with two handed blows.

<OOC> Cesran says, "1d3 Celestial Anklosaurus'"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Lovely."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Some dinosaurs go to heaven"

<OOC> Elessa says, "They should appear at the end of your turn, right?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "beginning of next turn"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"


     Elessa advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 23.
     It is now Babau 2 's turn! Aurala is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+12: (16)+12: 28

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d2+7: (2)+7: 9

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+7: (1)+7: 8

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d8+7: (6)+7: 13

Cesran back up as it seems that the other two have the demons under control for the moment. He starts a summoning spell to bring in some helpers.

GAME: You damaged Kravar for 13 points. 46 remaining.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Oh, from everyone that made a melee attack against these guys, I need a reflex save"

GAME: Aurala rolls reflex: (3)+4: 7

GAME: Kravar rolls reflex: (12)+4: 16

GAME: Tatyannah rolls reflex: (17)+13: 30

GAME: Oates rolls Reflex: (17)+9: 26

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d8: (6): 6

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay, Aurala and Kravar, you don't take damage, but there's acid on your weapons trying to eat at it."

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 20.
     It is now Aurala's turn! Babau 3 is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Aurala, your turn."

<OOC> Aurala says, "I am in melee with two of them right?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yes"

<OOC> Elessa says, "One you and Kravar have been beating on, one untouched"

<OOC> Aurala says, "will power attack the one that we have been beating on, and cleave the untouched one if it is successful."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"

GAME: Aurala rolls melee+1-2: (1)+14+1+-2: 14

<OOC> Elessa says, "Miss"

Aurala still roars as she gets hit and is fighting now two demon things, she is a bit off balance as she realizes there is acid on her earthbreaker and it makes her miss her next blow.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 16.
     It is now Babau 3 's turn! Tatyannah is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+12: (13)+12: 25

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+7: (15)+7: 22

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d8+7: (5)+7: 12

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d8+7: (1)+7: 8

GAME: You damaged Tatyannah for 12 points. 33 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Tatyannah for 8 points. 25 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 14.
     It is now Tatyannah's turn! Tak is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Tatyannah's turn."

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Oh my bad. Full attack w/flanking."

<OOC> Elessa says, "It's okay, we got distracted :) Roll"

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "First, question for the haste. If I get an extra attack, will there be any modifiers?"

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "If so, what?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "It's at your full attack bonus"

<OOC> Aurala says, "I am going to have to go shortly wasn't expecting the slow start., I can probably get 1 more round out"

<OOC> Oates says, "It's at full BAB, and Haste gives a +1 on attacks."

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Ok!"

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 2: (15)+10+1+1+2: 29

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 2: (20)+5+1+1+2: 29

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 2: (6)+10+1+1+2: 20

<OOC> Elessa says, "hit and confirm crit"

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 2: (2)+5+1+1+2: 11

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "That was full attack (2), extra hit, and confirm crit."

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "So, three hits?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Unfortunately no, just 3 hits, the confirm didn't go through."

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Right, right. Sorry, misworded that."

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d8 + 5 + 2 + 4d6 + 1d6: (3)+5+2+(13)+(3): 26

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d8 + 5 + 2 + 4d6 + 1d6: (8)+5+2+(19)+(4): 38

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d8 + 5 + 2 + 4d6 + 1d6: (5)+5+2+(14)+(6): 32

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Those 1d6s are Shock damage."

<OOC> Elessa says, "And it is dead, pose it :)"

Tatyannah gets hit by one of those things and well, she's cranky and she hits back, with a whap-whap-whap, or rather stab-stab-stab. Even better it's dead and well, she's stopped swearing and is more than a little pleased that she was able to kill it.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 11.
     It is now Tak's turn! Oates is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Tak. Now all the enemies are on the other side of the meadow"

<OOC> Tak says, "Heh..."

<OOC> Tak says, "Hrm..."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Unfortunately, it's about 80 feet going straight across to the nearest enemies."

<OOC> Tak says, "Indeed..."

<OOC> Oates says, "Well, we *are* hasted."

<OOC> Elessa says, "That is true"

<OOC> Tak says, "I'd like to make a knowledge roll to see if I know if these things see invis?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Sure, planes"

GAME: Tak rolls knowledge/planes: (7)+knowledge/planes: 7

<OOC> Tak says, "Well, I'm a +10, so thats a 17"

<OOC> Elessa says, "In combination with your previous roll before, I'll give it to you, yes, they do see invisibile things"

<OOC> Tak says, "I'm just going to double move to get within 15 of the enemies, and maintain my inspire courage."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 11.
     It is now Oates' turn! Babau 1 is next!

Tak doesn't really have the spells to do much here, so instead he moves across the ground, drawing his whip in case he needs it. He will be holding a distance from the fight, ready to do something when the opportunity arrises.

<OOC> Oates says, "Are any of the foes being threatened by two or more allies?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yes, both of them"

<OOC> Oates says, "I'll charge the more injured-looking one, and Gang Up will give me a flanking bonus."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright"

GAME: Oates rolls RapierAtk1+2+1+2: aliased to Melee+4+2+1+2: (20)+10+4+2+1+2: 39

<OOC> Oates says, "Confirming"

<OOC> Elessa says, "confirm it"

GAME: Oates rolls RapierAtk1+2+1+2: aliased to Melee+4+2+1+2: (5)+10+4+2+1+2: 24

<OOC> Elessa says, "One confirmation"

GAME: Oates rolls RapierDmg+RapierDmg+SA: aliased to 1d6+7+1d6+7+5d6: (6)+7+(1)+7+(17): 38

<OOC> Elessa says, "It is still up"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 10.
     It is now Babau 1 's turn! Kravar is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+12: (15)+12: 27

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+7: (8)+7: 15

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d8+7: (2)+7: 9

With the help of Tak's magic, Oates barrels down the field, impaling a demon hard. Not hard enough to drop it, but boy is it hurting!

GAME: You damaged Aurala for 9 points. 58 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 9.
     It is now Kravar's turn! Incubus is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Kravar, one looks hurt, the other keeps beating up on Aurala"

<OOC> Kravar will power attack the injured demon

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+13: (7)+13: 20

<OOC> Elessa says, "Hit"

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d8+16: (3)+16: 19

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+8: (12)+8: 20

<OOC> Elessa says, "It is dead with the first hit, the second is a cleave?"

<OOC> Kravar makes 2 attacks per round...hmm can I hit the 2nd demon with the 2nd?

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yes"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Which it will hit"

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d8+16: (4)+16: 20

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 9.
     It is now Incubus 's turn! Cesran is next!

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 4.
     It is now Cesran's turn! Babau 2 is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Cesran"

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d3: (2): 2

Kravar takes a stinging hit from the demon, which makes the Aesir's brow wrinkle in concern but his swings are that much harder. Finishing off the first enemy, he also manages to clip the fiend attacking Aurala on the backswing.

<OOC> Cesran says, "All right two celestial Dinosaurs show upright behind the last Babau and start to pummel him"

<OOC> Cesran says, "With some smite"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay, pummel away"

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+14: (11)+14: 25

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+14: (2)+14: 16

<OOC> Elessa says, "First hits, second misses"

<OOC> Cesran says, "checking smite rule."

<OOC> Aurala says, "doesn't have to leave after all, work called told me to stay home."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Sweet, bad weather?"

<OOC> Aurala says, "yeah, been all weekend. friday put my car into a ditch due to snow and ice, cost 400 to get it home. tonight is freezing rain. and 20 degrees. the casino will be dead so.."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yeah, stay home"

GAME: Cesran rolls 3d6+12+10: (10)+12+10: 32

<OOC> Cesran says, "And it needs to roll I think a fort save against dc 23 or be stunned"

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (1)+10: 11

<OOC> Elessa says, "It's stunned"

<OOC> Cesran says, "cesran will cast magic missile"

<OOC> Cesran says, "caster level check"

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+11+2+2: (8)+11+2+2: 23

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright"

<OOC> Elessa says, "And you're good"

GAME: Cesran rolls 5d4+10: (15)+10: 25

Cesran finishes his summoning spell and two huge armored dinosaurs appear behind the remaining demon. They are golden and white and seeing the demon they react at the same time. It's a tight squeeze and only one manages to hit, but what a hit. It stuns the demon as Cesran follows it up with another spell. He casts magic missile and 5 blue bolts of force pierce the demon's magic resistance and slam into it.

<OOC> Elessa says, "It is still up"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 20.
     It is now Aurala's turn! Tatyannah is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Aurala, you're up"

<OOC> Aurala says, "full attack power attack on the one attacking me. there was an inspire courage up yes?"

GAME: Cesran casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Yes. +2 attack/dmg."

GAME: Aurala rolls 1d20+15+2-2: (13)+15+2+-2: 28

GAME: Aurala rolls 1d20+10+2-2: (4)+10+2+-2: 14

<OOC> Elessa says, "First hits"

GAME: Aurala rolls 2d6+20: (5)+20: 25

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Add +2 to the damage."

<OOC> Aurala says, "sorry should be 26 not 25 dam forgot it was a +2 inspire courage"

<OOC> Elessa says, "It's okay"

<OOC> Elessa says, "It is dead."

Aurala growls a bit as she is getting pummelled and then whips her earthbreaker around her a couple times and slams it at the one that has been hurting her so much. She tries to hit it a second time on the backswing but misses as the first blow drops it to the ground with a sickening sound.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 14.
     It is now Tatyannah's turn! Tak is next!

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+7: (3)+7: 10

<OOC> Elessa says, "We are still in initiative, but everyone basically gets basically two free rounds to do something."

Tatyannah starts running back towards the rest of the group. Never split the party! She heard that from some of the old timers around the guild. Besides, it'd just be bad to get caught out here alone.

Cesran nods to Aurala as she finishes the last demon, "Good job." He moves over to the two huge dinosaurs who lower their head to let Cesran scritch their heads, "Thank you both for answering my summonings." The dinosaurs seem to enjoy the attention that Cesran is given them.

Kravar has a look of glee on his face as he watches the last demon get stomped by celestial dinos, blasted by magical energy and then finally pounded by (what surely must be) good Khazad steel. He flashes Cesran a grin as well, holding up his new ring. "You do good work," he nods before raising his sword and examining the blade for signs of acid damage.

Aurala breathes a bit heavily after the one demon goes down. She looks around and then leans down and starts rubbing her earthbreaker all over in the dirt, trying to scrape off the acid that is on it. Then she takes a moment to channel her rage a bit more and some of her wounds seem to close up.

<OOC> Aurala says, "trying to scrape/neutralize acid with the dirt. and using renewed vigor rage power"

GAME: Aurala rolls 1d8+5: (1)+5: 6

<OOC> Aurala says, "mutters and gets 6hp back"

GAME: You damaged Aurala for -6 points. 64 remaining.

Oates scoops up a handful of dirt and carefully rubs the demonic ichor off of his rapier. "Nasty clods, those," he murmurs, glancing at the demons.

Cesran hmms as he looks around, "So do you think that those were the ones attacking the men as well? They don't really attack in the daylight, they are more ambush hunter."

Tatyannah comes galloping up, "So, we've got those. Do you think we ought to wait around?" Pause, "Who wants to be bait for the daytime thing, if this isn't them?"

"No, they're not the only ones," A voice speaks up from the edge of the light. "But you did have to go and kill them, not that I am complaining, but they were good at luring those stupid humans out for me." The figure is tall and male, well dressed, a pair of wings on his back and a in his hand. "And since you were such annoying pests, I think I am just going to have to kill all of you."

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 11.
     It is now Tak's turn! Oates is next!

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 11.
     It is now Oates' turn! Kravar is next!

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 9.
     It is now Kravar's turn! Incubus is next!

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 9.
     It is now Incubus 's turn! Cesran is next!

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 4.
     It is now Cesran's turn! Aurala is next!


     Elessa advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 20.
     It is now Aurala's turn! Tatyannah is next!

<OOC> Aurala says, "can we see the guy and how far?"<OOC> Elessa says, "Oh yeah, he's in the light and Cesran what's the radius? 30' or 60'?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "60' of pure daylight"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Then 50' away, Haste is still up"

<OOC> Aurala says, "then charge, power attack. does haste affect me, or it was only affecting Tak Oates and Tat just want to make sure"

<OOC> Cesran says, "As long as you and Kravar stay together I'll hit you this round."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Only Tak, Oates and Tatyannah"

<OOC> Elessa says, "But go for it."

GAME: Aurala rolls 1d20+15+2+2-2: (4)+15+2+2+-2: 21

<OOC> Elessa says, "Hit"

GAME: Aurala rolls 2d6+21: (7)+21: 28

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 14.
     It is now Tatyannah's turn! Tak is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Tatyannah"

Aurala growls out as she hears that and doesn't waste any time. She roars a challenge and then crosses the clearing to whip her earthbreaker around into a solid strike against the male figure.

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Charge, stab w/flank."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Go for it."

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 2 + 2: (18)+10+1+2+2: 33

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d8 + 5 + 4d6 + 1d6: (1)+5+(16)+(6): 28

<OOC> Elessa says, "hit *notes damage*"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 11.
     It is now Tak's turn! Oates is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Tak is going to make sure his thing is still up, he's going to move up closer and Haste Aurala, if you'll haste Kravar, Cesran?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "I can haste both if Kravar moves up which he probably will so tak can do something else"

<OOC> Elessa says, "I'm not sure what else Tak has cast"

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Just the haste and bless, I think."

<OOC> Oates checks backscroll

<OOC> Oates says, "Tak has only cast Haste."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yeah, but I don't know know what else he's got"

<OOC> Oates says, "According to his bazaar post... *checks*"

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "<OOC> Tak says, "I'm just going to double move to get within 15 of the enemies, and maintain my inspire courage.""

<OOC> Oates says, "CLW, Grease, Expeditious Retreat, CMW, Gallant Inspiration, Mirror Image, Invisibility, Haste, Dispel Magic."

<OOC> Kravar will have to take a short break after my next turn, need to get some 'emergency' groceries before it gets too late

<OOC> Elessa says, "No problem, you guys are probably going to down him pretty quickly."

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "So he did the inspire, not a bless."

<OOC> Oates says, "Yup, and Haste grants a +1 on attacks as well."

<OOC> Elessa says, "yeah, inspire courage, he did mention mirror image before, but we'll have him double move and keep up the inspire again"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 11.
     It is now Oates' turn! Kravar is next!

Tatyannah charges up next to her fellow giantborn and whips out her spear and attacks the figure, giving barely a thought to what she is attacking. Death threat means killkillkill.

<OOC> Oates says, "Walk over to the newcomer and stab him."

<OOC> Elessa says, "then stab"

GAME: Oates rolls RapierAtk1+2+1+2: aliased to Melee+4+2+1+2: (13)+10+4+2+1+2: 32

<OOC> Elessa says, "Hit"

GAME: Oates rolls RapierDmg+2+SA: aliased to 1d6+7+2+5d6: (4)+7+2+(14): 27

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 9.
     It is now Kravar's turn! Incubus is next!

Oates strides over to the demonic newcomer. "Aw, shaddup," the farmboy drawls, punctuating his words with a hard puncture wound.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Kravar, stab it"

<OOC> Kravar does that! (by charging)

<OOC> Elessa says, "Roll!"

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+15: (20)+15: 35

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+15: (16)+15: 31

<OOC> Elessa says, "Confirm"

<OOC> Elessa says, "You Crit"

GAME: Kravar rolls 2d8+32: (8)+32: 40

<OOC> Elessa says, "you kill it"

GAME: Elessa removes the timestop.

Kravar whirls to look at the new enemy. At first he looks around searching for more hidden foes, then when none reveal themselves he moves towards the newcomer. Kravar spreads himself away from the others as he walks, his sword spinning in slow circles and the fingers of his other hand closing to summon his mystic shield. "You should have run while you could, and left these poor folk in peace," he remarks before lunging forward with a mighty blow that beheads the fiend. Even Kravar seems surprised by the results.

Tatyannah blinks at the results, then gives Kravar an impressed nod, "Very well done." Pause. "We should still probably wait a day or two, make sure the day time threat is gone. Just in case."

Aurala nods her head, "Give it a few." she is letting her rage go so looks a bit weak for a few moments, and making sure her weapon is still sound.

Cesran gives the two dinosaurs a pat, "Looks like we are not needed. Thank you again for your help." He snaps his fingers and dismisses the two dinosaurs as he starts to head over to the others.

"Agreed," nods Oates. "Anyone got any suggestions on what to do with the bodies?"

Tatyannah mmms, "I suppose burying them would somehow befoul the water. Burn them, maybe?" She looks to the others for agreement.

Kravar nods slowly. "Burning seems the best idea,"

The group of you manage to dispose of the bodies properly, and after a few more days of investigations, it seems that the killing sand disappearances have stopped. The ranchers are most grateful for your help and do plan on making sure that if they have any problems again, they will call for your help once more.