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Selia watches the others depart before slipping into the alleyway, for... whatever it is rogues do in alleyways. Tell knock-knock jokes?
Selia watches the others depart before slipping into the alleyway, for... whatever it is rogues do in alleyways. Tell knock-knock jokes?

Latest revision as of 22:44, 1 April 2014

Tenebrae - Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 7:38 PM

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* A06: Warehouse District *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The freshness of the river cuts through this section of Alexandria. Its broad expanse sparkles beneath the sun, its surface dotted with ships and barges. The vehicles move slowly over the water, their sails colorful and proud. Most bear a nod to Rada, or three, for luck's sake. Others bear the colors of different nations and city-states, all of them coming here to bring trade to Alexandria.

Warehouses line the streets, dotted with the names of shipping companies and various industries. These, mixed with the occasional sailor's tavern, set the tone for the area. Overall, it's bustling, busy, about what one would expect for a city of this size.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Faun            Weatherworn dawn elf of indeterminate gender.         16s  2m
Selia           A sleek halfling lass, quick and nimble.              0s   3m
Quint           A dark-haired, bearded young man with old eyes.       34s  42m

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Humming happens. Well, sort of. As the bundled, tattered elf wanders through the Warehouse district, the humming coming from behind the scarf is more grating and gravelly than anything terribly musical. Nonetheless, Faun hums, slender hands running through the coat of the irish wolfhound trotting along beside.

Selia whistles. A tune. Maybe. The halfer is a little distracted by the the board she's carrying, and tends to miss notes here and there. It's not that the board is espically large of heavy, but the halfing is a bit on the small side, and so is a little awkward.

"Hmm hm-hm hmm... oh!" Faun blinks, and watches the board waver around at waist height. "'scuse me," the elf offers to the halfling. "Need a hand?"

Selia hefts, placing one end of the board atop a barrel near the end of an alley, and steps back, glancing to Faun with a grin. "Nah thank ya. Already got two, third would just be uneven." Her words practically drip with a Low Charn accent.

"Fair enough. Where're you taking it?" Faun pulls off the head-wrapping, running fingers through touselled blonde hair. "Supposing that 'right here' isn't the answer you're about to say, that is."

Selia blinks mildly, hopping up in the board and strolling gracefully up to step atop the overturned rain barrel. "Why? Ya got sumthin against right here?"

"Eh, just that it's nowhere particularly interesting," Faun points out with a shrug. The wolfhound wags his tail, ears perked as he leans againt the barrel to sniff at the halfling. "Nodd," the elf says sternly, "be good."

Nodd, however, is busy. So he just gruffs and licks Selia's feet.

Selia yeeps and leaps, pulling herself up to a rafter under the overhang of the alleyway's eve. Turning herself around, the halfling glares odwn at the carnivore larger than she is. After a moment she relaxes again and shrugs. "Everywhere's intresting if ya look at what's there, not what ya was lookin to be intresting."

"Fair enough," the laconic elf replies. "Hey, I don't suppose you've seen--" Faun's question is consumed by a barking dog as Nodd leaps up and barkbarkbarkbarkbarks, tail whipping back and forth. It's up high! Up high! I wanna play! It got up high! Faun whaps him between the ears. "Nodd! Shut up, you're gonna tell the whole world where we are. Sheesh." The dog, however, does not let up. BARKBARKBARK

Selia glares at the dog again, not unlike an annoyed cat. I want to be up here, and don't want to get down. But if I did want to get down, which I don't, you would be in my way. So move, in case I change my mind. Which if I did, would have nothing to do with you. Shoo. "....seen what? Or who?"

It's the warehouse district and a dog barking is liable to get lost in the general din-- the Ox doing its best to make a suitably raucous contribution. Quint finds his way from the dimly-lit and smoke-filled commons room with a burst of sound sent out when the door squeels open on rusting hinges. He tugs a hood up against the falling rain, stuffs his hands into pockets, and hunches his shoulders forward in the modest woollen coat he wears. A quick jog carries him across the street and into the shadow of a taller warehouse and the airship hovering above it.

Faun leans over and wraps those slender hands around Nodd's muzzle with surprising fierceness. "Rada thump you twixt the ears with ocean brine, you stupid mutt," the elf growls. "I'm-- looking-- for-- GUH!" Nodd bucks his companion off with a particularly spirited lunge, sending Faun stumbling straight back into Quint. "Oof! Sorry--"

Donk has arrived.

Whendi has arrived.

Selia snorts in mild amusement and twists herself around again, wedged up in the tiny space under the eve of an alleyway rooftop and the rafter supporting it. Is a tight space, but she's kinda small. "Goona have to finish that question before I can properly answer ya."

"Careful." Quint offers mildly, looking out from under the ratty little hood, his hands still in his pockets. "Uneven streets. Cracked cobbles. Deceptively deep puddles." He tilts his head, looking past the elf and into the alleyway beyond.

"Argh," grunt Faun in irritation as the elf draws up to standing again. Nodd is still barking his fool head off at Selia up there in the eves, the juvenile wolfhound hopping up and down and clawing at the barrel and plank. He whines desperately, ears flicking back. "LOOKIN' FOR A GOBBER," Faun calls above the din, reaching down to wrestle the wolfhound back again. "Short, fat, ugly as hell but usually covered in women? Fungus Fleaworth. Either'f you seen him?"

Whendi moves down the main street, not quite brave enough to venture into the alley-ways. She glances up at some of the signes of shipping companies, then turns to glance back the way she has come. She looks lost, or confused.. or something. The barking brings her attention to a group not far from her, but she keeps to where she is, unwilling to leave the main thuroughfare.

"THE DONK might know where Fungus Fleaworth is!" One /very/ loud gnome in full plate, sitting astride a barded wolf, trots his way into the area. He's checking his nails (though he's wearing gauntlets), saying nonchalantly as possible, "Yes, The Donk is aware of all the greatest goings on in this fair city, doncha know."

Selia ponders a moment, spareing the dog another glare, before shaking her head. Her pearch is at the very mouth of the alley, not requireing passage to the shadows within. "Don't ring any bells. Might wanna haed over to GobberTown, likely know sumthin even if he ain't actually there."

"Already checked, but thanks," grumbles Faun. The elf runs a hand through messy blonde hair and turns to Donk, brow arching, as Nodd yanks out of his companion's arms and instead runs over to sniff all over Destroyer and then perk and regard Whendi curiously. Selia is spared ... for now. "Yeah? What is it you know?"

Whendi sees that she has been spotted by the hound, so she stands stock still. She spares the group a glance, but her gaze moves back to the hound looking a bit apprehensive. She finally gets her courage up, without moving her eyes from the hound, she speaks to the general group. "I believe I have gotten a bit lost." Her speech very proper and exact. "I was just shopping, and I think I have gotten turned round. I need to get to the, um.. adventurer's area."

Destroyer goes from bored to immediately ecstatic as there's OMG OMG OMG ANOTHER DOG! He leaps about, spinning and turning with Nodd, sniffing eagerly.

Donk stays perfectly dignified, as if he doesn't even notice the wild jumping and spinning of his mount. "That depends," he says simply, "How much are you willing to pay?"

A sidelong glance at Donk lingers for a moment or two, Quint's expression unchanged. A shallow nod at the general gathering and he continues along.

Quint has disconnected.

Selia snorts again and rolls her eyes, peering a moment before hopping down while the dog's are distracted. "Everywhere's the Adventurer's Area, 'cause adventure might happen anywhere. But if yer looking for the Guild, aye, yer a bit off."

Faun's eyes narrow. "How much do you want to bring a tyrant to his knees?" the elf asks sharply. Then, regarding Whendi: "Not too far off. New to town?"

The wolfhound trots at Whendi, tail wagging, tongue lolling, until the barded wolf catches his attention again. Then off he goes gallumphing back with a cheery bark.

Whendi pulls her hands up and in, her whole body going taunt. She regards the elf, "Does it bite?" Not knowing the difference of happy wolfhound and hungry wolfhound, she is visibly releived to see him trot back the other way. She sighs a bit, looking at Selia. "Yes, the Adventurer's guild. That is where adventurers stay? I.. I'd like to be an adventurer." Yeah.. and scared of a wolfhound.. RIIIIGGHHTT. "I've been told, that is where to go."

Selia shakes her head. "Where adventurers get work. Don't think they got rooms. Well, not for sleepin. Plenty of Inns around, or most of the Temple's got Traveler's Rooms for a night."

"What, Nodd?" Faun looks to Whendi and lifts a brow. "Naw, Nodd's a good boy. He likes to play, but he's good about not biting." The elf shrugs a little, and gives Whendi an easy smile. "Y'might wanna get closer to th' Market District, for an inn."

"The Donk is not a fan of competition," the gnome says arrogantly, still checking his nails, "But the Donk is not overly concerned about others. The Donk /is/ concerned about getting paid, however."

"What's yer price, shortstack?" Faun asks skeptically.

Whendi says, "Oh," she responds to Selia looking a bit deflated. "Yes, of course I see. Temples? I could probably look there, that would be appropriate." she glances to Faun, then to his wolfhound. "Oh, yes thank.." she begins, but when Donk speaks up about just being concerned about getting paid, she glances towards the gnome, blinking a bit taken aback by the brusque manner. But she listens as the elf doesn't seem to find this unusual. She turns to Selia, in a hushed tone. "What does an adventurer usually get paid?""

Selia shrugs lightly, looking towards Donk in amusement as she replies to Whendi. "Gold, typically. Magic items, sometimes. What sort and how much ranges wildly. Simple escort mission, not too much. Taking on an ancient demon to rescue a group of dignitaties, fair bit more. Pretty much rated on the level of danger. Certain death tends to pay pretty well. If you live to spent it, of course."

Donk sniffs. "What's it worth to you?"

"Eh. Guy's loud and brash. I can find information on him easily." Faun ponders, then digs out: "Five silver."

Nodd, meanwhile, sniffs around the wolf before perking his ears and wagging his tail at Whendi hopefully. He even approaches!

Donk snorts, laughs, coughs, chokes on his spit, clears his throat, and laughs again. "Five silver! HAH! Simply hearing the Donk /speak/ is worth more than five measly silver!" He pantomimes a hair flip, turning Destroyer around. "When you have exhausted your options, you may approach the Donk again with a better offer."

Selia snorts herself. "Don't worry. Donk's more hot air and pose than substance." The halfling frowns thoughtfully. "Course, is a -lot- of hot air and pose, so still fair bit of substance."

Whendi's eyes go wide at the taking on ancient demons part, "De.. demons?" She nods though at the part of dignitaries, but when Certain Death is mentioned, she pales completely. "I.. um, certain death? But.. surely not when one first begins?" she stiffens up again as the wolfhound approaches. "You.. aren't certain death...?" she manages to bravely, ok not so bravely put out her hand for the wolfhound to sniff. She glances towards Donk, "Surely you don't mean to withold information on a person, that is considered dangerous to Alexandria do you? Purely upon the merit that your price is not met? Without even the hint that you actually know of the person in question?" She seems a bit appauled. "I have never met the likes.."

Faun looks back at Selia, then smirks at Donk. "I'm noticing," the elf comments. "I'm also noticing that if the Donk speaks so much without chargin', he's missin' out on a valuable opportunity, don'tcha think?" Faun lifts a brow, hands on hips.

Nodd, meanwhile, sniffs Whendi's hand, tail all a-wag, and then licks happily. He lets out a happy whine and half-bark, pushing forward in hopes for more aggressive pats.

Donk smiles back at Faun, tapping the top of his helmet with his lance. "You have quite a bit of smarts between those point ears, elf. A Cockatrice always makes sure he's paid his due. Now, when there's information /this/ important to the fate of Alexandria, surely someone will be willing to pay for it, don't you think?"

Selia grins at Whendi. "Nah, demons and certain death ain't common. Guild tries to avoid 'em, is bad for busniess. Suicide missions were a bit more common back in the War. But any job has a chance to get ya killed if ya don't take it serious."

Faun snickers. "Cockatrice, shoulda guessed. Dunno how I missed it." Instead, the elf salutes, claps. "Hey, Nodd! Let's go check the taverns. Bet we'll find him around there. Thanks for the info, and uh, sorry about Nodd." A nod is directed to Selia, Donk, and Whendi, and then the head-wrap is replaced, the wanderer scooting out of the alley and whistling under breath.

Whendi nods listening to Selia, then finally gives the wolfhound a sound pat. She smiles then notices the lanterns about town being lit as the night wanes on. "Oh.. I need to find lodging. My thanks again for the free information." she stresses the word free, gives a pointed glance at the gnome then hurries off to leave.

Nodd wags happily at Whendi, and then bounces after Faun after giving her hand a good licking. OM NOM NOM.

Whendi has left.

Faun has left.

Selia watches the others depart before slipping into the alleyway, for... whatever it is rogues do in alleyways. Tell knock-knock jokes?