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(Created page with "A chilly day ends in a chilly evening, the wind picking up as the sun sets beyond the mountains. The solemn Library might not be thought of as 'cheerful', but a warm interior, and lights bright enough to read by, lends a comfortable atmosphere to study by. Aside from the odd SHHH from the grand old lady of the library, naught is heard but the turning of pages, and the shuffle of people moving around the stacks and tables. Seated at one of the main tables on the ground f...")
m (Typo fixes.)
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Seated at one of the main tables on the ground floor is an albino Goblin in the robes of Navos, copper coloured with blue trim. A number of books are stacked up at her elbow, while another is open before her. She writes quickly into a small notebook, occasionally sketching something out, as her eyes scan back and forth across the page of the library book.
Seated at one of the main tables on the ground floor is an albino Goblin in the robes of Navos, copper coloured with blue trim. A number of books are stacked up at her elbow, while another is open before her. She writes quickly into a small notebook, occasionally sketching something out, as her eyes scan back and forth across the page of the library book.
The libraries of Alexandria were always a good place to start when looking for research of any kind, with information in nearly any field one could wish for free for public use. Free was a very difficult price to beat, so it often meant that Schara made use of the area on the regular.
The libraries of alexandria were always a good place to start when looking for research of any kind, with information in nearly any field one could wish for free for public use. Free was a very difficult price to beat, so it often meant that Schara made use of the area on the regular.
This time, a brown haired elf was wandering through the various shelves, stopping to look at them as they went. It seemed there was a running theme, as the elf decides to stick their nose in to other people's business yet again.
This time, a brown haired elf was wandering through the various shelves, stopping to look at them as they went. It seemed there was a running theme, as the elf decides to stick their nose in to other people's business yet again.
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Simony nods. "I think I understand. See, running into you is great, you've cleared up a few misconceptions for me already."
Simony nods. "I think I understand. See, running into you is great, you've cleared up a few misconceptions for me already."
She shrugs. "As for any place specific, none that I know of. But I've heard stories. And I've accidentally stumbled into some things before, that are from ages past. So the more I got looking, the higher the chance I will stumble into something where knowing artifice, and how it works, will be quite useful."
She shrugs. "As for any place specific, none that I know of. But I've heard stories. And I've accidentally stumbled into some things before, that are from ages past. So the more I go looking, the higher the chance I will stumble into something where knowing artifice, and how it works, will be quite useful."
The Gobbo runs a hand through her uneven hair. "There's also the learning of a new language, which I enjoy doing."
The Gobbo runs a hand through her uneven hair. "There's also the learning of a new language, which I enjoy doing."

Latest revision as of 12:19, 8 April 2023

A chilly day ends in a chilly evening, the wind picking up as the sun sets beyond the mountains. The solemn Library might not be thought of as 'cheerful', but a warm interior, and lights bright enough to read by, lends a comfortable atmosphere to study by. Aside from the odd SHHH from the grand old lady of the library, naught is heard but the turning of pages, and the shuffle of people moving around the stacks and tables.

Seated at one of the main tables on the ground floor is an albino Goblin in the robes of Navos, copper coloured with blue trim. A number of books are stacked up at her elbow, while another is open before her. She writes quickly into a small notebook, occasionally sketching something out, as her eyes scan back and forth across the page of the library book.

The libraries of Alexandria were always a good place to start when looking for research of any kind, with information in nearly any field one could wish for free for public use. Free was a very difficult price to beat, so it often meant that Schara made use of the area on the regular.

This time, a brown haired elf was wandering through the various shelves, stopping to look at them as they went. It seemed there was a running theme, as the elf decides to stick their nose in to other people's business yet again.

"What are you working on over there?" They ask curiously as they stop near where the goblin was working.

The Goblin is slow to react, her thoughts firmly on writing, reading and turning a page or two. She then sits up straighter as the fact that a voice spoke near her is recognized. Simony turns, blinking owlishly at Schara, the pince-nes on the end of her nose magnifying her eyes.

"Er, hello?" She glances at her notes and the stack of books. "I uh I am studying a few hand and sign languages, at least, I am furthering my knowledge of them. Expanding my vocabulary."

Stifling a yawn, the Gobbo gestures with a hand. "What of you? What are you searching for? Would you like assistance? The lower shelves are basically eyelevel for me."

The elf stops, and blinks. "Oh, sorry, I didn't really mean to interrupt your study or anything." The elf sighs. "I'm learning handspeech myself, I don't really know enough really to be helpful with any study or anything. I was just caught off guard since I didn't realize you were a goblin at first glance."

"I'm alright, I know this place well enough I shouldn't need any help finding most things, and I don't want to interrupt your research if I don't need any help."

Simony grins at the Elf, and shrugs her shoulders. "I do not mind it, being interrupted. I started learning handsign when I took an oath of silence for a year and a day. A cheeky means of subverting the vow. There was punishment, as I was not as sneaky as I thought." The Gobbo blinks a few times, "What did you think I was, before realization set in?"

Another light shrug from her. "It's no trouble at all. I do not mind helping. The offer stands, should you need it." A pale hand is offered up, "My name's Simony Smithsdottir. A pleasure to meet another bookworm."

"Why did you take an oath of silence if you had no intention of keeping it? Were you forced to, or was there some other reason?" The elf asks bluntly. "I'm not sure what I thought you were, a gnome or halfling, perhaps?"

Schara tilts their head, and takes the hand to shake. "Ah, before I forget, my name is Schara, and I guess it's good to meet other people making use of the library. I don't want to make any trouble and I already know what I'm looking for, it's just a matter of sitting down and parsing through the information at that poit."

The Goblin laughs. "It was meant as a punishment." More giggling follows, til a stern SHHHHH is heard, and Simony ducks her head. "It did not work out as they or I planned.", she says at a whisper.

Her hand is warm, and her grip firm, she shakes a few times before letting go. "I suppose I am not the proper colour for what's expected of a Goblin."

Her expression takes on an odd countenance, and she lets out a breath. "May I ask what it is you are researching? If that's not to nosy to ask?"

"Oh, sorry. I don't want to anger the librarian." The elf sighs, falling quiter than they already were. "That's kind of strange, and a bit well, mean? An entire year is an awfully long time to not talk as a punishment. And no, I wouldn't say you're not the proper color for a goblin, if you're a goblin, then that's a proper color, isn't it?"

Schara turns to a bookshelf, and nods. "Oh! Well, I'm looking up a few things. I'm brushing up on Alexandrian law so I can talk about some things, and I'm reading various tomes about neuroscience and artifice, all sorts of things like that."

Simony manages to stifle another laugh with her hand, and she shakes her head. "Perhaps it is, but it was mostly effective. Not as much as they hoped, not as little as I thought." She shrugs and offers a dismissive wave of her hand. "I did get to do a very good amount of study, though, and I learned hand-speach and Sildanyari. I'd say it was a good year."

Her head cants to one side. "Ah, you wish to give legal advice? Or you are making sure that talking about whatever subject is actually legal?" The Gobbo leans forward a little, looking eager and curious at the same time. "Neuroscience and artifice? Together, as in, in relation to each other?"

"I guess that's a good thing if it didn't interrupt your study. You know sildanyari too? Why did you learn that one? As far as I'm aware, you have to speak it out loud like anyone else."

The elf rests their wooden arms on the table, and nods. "Well, I can't get into all the details, but yes, sort of! I'm working on a lot of things, but I'm working on a lot of artifice, so I'm out exploring a lot of different options for how it can function." They explain excitedly.

"Well, written Sildanyari, I meant. I learned to speak it after. I was studying ancient texts, many of which are written in Sildanyari. These books were my birthright. My only friends, at the time."

Simony leans in further, the excitement infecting her pretty quickly. "Are... are you thinking of hooking something directly to your mind?", she wonders curiously. "How.. how does one go about learning artifice, anyways?"

"Your birthright? But they were written in another language?" The elf wonders aloud. "I understand spending a lot of time reading books and finding comfort in them, but it sounds a bit more complicated than that."

"Oh no, I'm not going to hook anything up to my mind, that wouldn't be a good idea probably, and there's more to it than that." The elf continues explaining. "It's more like, I'm using what's already there, and translating it into something that artifice can understand. Anyone can learn it though! You have to have a basic understanding of kulthian script and all the calculations involved, but once you have that, I'm sure anyone could pick it up from a book or classes at the artificer's guild hall."

"It's a long story. But basically, they were gifts given to me as birthing day gifts. My family kept me inside due to my condition, and was strongly discouraged from going outside, or doing anything remotely dangerous or energetic. So I have books. Books taken in raids, found in ancient places, and so on. The boring stuff no one but me really wanted." Simony shrugs her shoulders. "Some of them were found long before I was born, and simply entrusted to my family, becoming mine when I became an adult Goblin."

The Gobbo nods to Schara. "So, very similar to how arcane magics can be learned, learn the script first, and go from there?"

"Oh, I see. Well, I'm not sure what to say, but I guess being able to read a lot of books is nice. I guess that's a lot of books, but you've probably read through them all at this point, so more to read at a library is good. Schara sighs. "I liked reading a lot of books whenever I was stuck at home."

"I guess it's similar, but there's all sorts of ways you can learn magic. Some people don't even need to learn it at all, and you'd be hard pressed to meet an elf not capable of at least a few minor spells. But there's no getting around learning Kulthian in regards to all that work. Once you get it though, there's all sorts of things you could do."

"Is it dangerous, though? I mean, there seems to be some concern about Kulthian, isn't there? I would like to learn it, at some point. I think it would be most useful, not least of which being able to do artifice. But there are... things out there, places to explore, where knowing Kulthian would help."

"Dangerous? Well, I guess it is dangerous, like anything." The elf sighs. "But no one goes around looking at mages badly because of what they can do. Sorry it's just, I guess what I'm trying to say is that people don't like it because of what they know it can do, and not because of what you are doing. It's not dangerous to learn, but you do need to know what you're doing and be careful. People did a lot of bad things with artifice back when Kulthos still existed, and you need to avoid anything like that, if only because it's the right thing to do."

"Where would you like to explore that you feel knowing it would be helpful?" Schara asks. "It sounds like you know a lot of languages already."

Simony nods. "I think I understand. See, running into you is great, you've cleared up a few misconceptions for me already."

She shrugs. "As for any place specific, none that I know of. But I've heard stories. And I've accidentally stumbled into some things before, that are from ages past. So the more I go looking, the higher the chance I will stumble into something where knowing artifice, and how it works, will be quite useful."

The Gobbo runs a hand through her uneven hair. "There's also the learning of a new language, which I enjoy doing."

"Oh, I think I understand that, sort of." Schara nods. "You're an explorer? That sounds like a lot of fun, and I'm happy to clear up any preconceptions, even if I'm not the best person for it. The more people can accept that some of artifice is okay, the better."

"Old kulthian ruins, I can see how that could be dangerous, or useful to know what you're doing. I like learning languages too, but I mostly did that so I could read more books. Since artifice is so old, there isn't a lot written about it in modern tradespeak, after all."

THe Goblin snorts and chuckles. "You are the perfect person for it, for you are here right now." She nods, but also waggles her hand. "I am an accidental explorer.", she says with a sigh. "Everything I've signed up for or gotten dragged into, has become exploration, followed by heart-stopping, vomit inducing battle. You have to think by the seat of your robes, mistakes can kill, and even in success you can lose."

Simony rubs at her face. "I've never been more terrified. I also think I've fallen in love. And I don't even know what that is like." Another giggle is stifled with a hand.

"An even better reason to learn it, I think. More books, who doesn't like more books to read?"

"Well, even if I'm here doesn't make me the best person to explain it." The elf weakly chuckles. "If that was always the case, then you would not know people much better qualified or just better at talking who could do a better job."

"Oh, that does sound a bit well, it sounds like adventuring work." The elf notes as they take a seat at the table. "How are you in love, and terrified? Those sound like they don't go together particularly well." They ask. "But you're right, more books is always a benefit of learning new languages! You wouldn't believe how much dragons have written down if you can find them, and they're always so interesting to read from their viewpoints."

"How much of an expert does one have to be to say, 'Well, here's a few things to set you straight'?" She shrugs. "I guess that's how adventuring goes? I don't think I like it. Getting stabbed, thumped and covered in gore has been really a pain." Simony snorts.

"I mean, I've never been more terrified than I have been in these guild jobs. And I am not terrified of being in l... no, you know what, I am terrified. I've never been there before. And it should be scary to love being out adventuring."

Her ears perk up a little. "Wait... that's one language I have not learned. Do you know it?"

"It depends. I don't know that much about Artifice in the big scheme of things? So I'd be a bit worried about getting something wrong, I guess." Schara responds with a small shake of her head. "That's, I'm sorry to hear about all those things happening to you, they aren't uncommon with adventuring, but that doesn't make them easier. I can't help you with the love thing, but maybe you need to take some time to figure out why you like it? That might help, if you can put it into perspective, I guess."

"Oh, yes! Draconic, the language of dragons, and well, apparently sith-makari too. I also know a few other languages that I picked up for research purposes. Most of them are kind of esoteric, but when you need ancient knowledge, the people with the longest running history are often a good place to start."

"I think you know enough to be fine for the minor questions I've asked." The Gobbo shrugs. "As for adventuring... I'll keep going for as long as the guild needs me." Simony leans forward, her voice lowering. "I would be willing to offer coin if you would give me the basics in Draconic."

"At least, yes, I guess I did okay with that." Schara nods. "Thank you for the vote of confidence, that's nice of you to say. I hope you won't let being scared stop you from helping people adventuring, at least."

The offer made the elf pause, and tilt their head. "Coin? I would have helped someone learn for free, but I've never taught anyone before either, and I do work often at a smithy. I'm sure I could make some time for that, but I would need to get things together to actually teach. Why would you trust me to teach you, though?"

"No, I can work past the fear. I will still do my duty."

The Goblin grins, "Free is fine, but getting coin for it is finer, yes? I'm willing to be available when you are, to fit your schedule, hmm?" She rubs at her cheek. "You seem to like knowledge as much as I do. Who knows what interesting things I can learn from you?"