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(Created page with "{{LineSkulls|300px}} <div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: Renew the Pact: Undocumented, part 3 *Emitter: Thurid *Characters: Aryia, Lill...")
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Khamsin pages: Good. And you?
You paged Khamsin with 'Ok. Moody.'
Khamsin pages: why moody?
You paged Khamsin with 'Well I thought cavaliers were a little worse than Paladins but it turns out they're a WHOLE LOT worse than paladins, it's like D&D on Extra Hard mode, and no other class has to put up with losing most of it's class features every fight. Plus, the dice suck. This is combinining into a lot of not-enjoying. Plus, you know, the world, and all the things I'm not managing to fix RL. So not enjoying the distraction, and not fixing things because of the distraction. Plus random shitty stuff, like bought a very expensive pair of socks I thought would be nice, and they ripped and won't stay up, so it's like COME-FUCKING-ON, can I have even a goddamn pair of socks work.'
From afar, Khamsin winces and nods. Well.. Cav is a very focused class. Like Very very focused. If you want we can take the xp and make a new char?
You paged Khamsin with 'I'll consider that.'
You paged Khamsin with 'I will have to evaluate the experience. Paenitia is a fun character but I am thinking it is despite, not because of, her class. Almost every fight she's been in has been frustrating and disappointing, her 'knights code' has cause RP strife -again like a Paladin's, but without all the divine extra goodies- and I rarely casual RP her because it's so much work.'
From afar, Khamsin nods :(
You paged Khamsin with 'and the hope that I'd do knightly things with Faran, Soup, Thorn, Hades hasn't panned out.'
From afar, Khamsin nods. "The mush adds more people to play with but less lickely to RP as a group over and over or even 'usually'."
You paged Khamsin with 'nods'
<OOC> Lillianath knows the feeling, Pae. It'll be much less of a problem soon.
<OOC> Paenitia says, "There are multiple solutions"
Khamsin pages: So. Would you want to play Pae as another class or a new char?
You paged Lillianath with 'currently discussing recycling pae and using the XP for something else with Khamsin'
You paged Lillianath with 'I've pretty much fucking had it'
From afar, Lillianath understands. I was there with Lilli, but, mind that the character is not at fault for the dice sucking.
Lillianath pages: I'm not saying don't! Just that Pae as a character seems pretty fun.
You paged Lillianath with 'oH she seems fun, more despite her class, not because of it'
You paged Lillianath with 'Cavalier sucks A LOT compared to Paladins, and Paladins aren't that great either'
You paged Khamsin with 'I don't know'
Lillianath pages: Some classes bloom later than others, yeah.
You paged Khamsin with 'Paenitia, the original was a Tiefling Human Cleric'
You paged Khamsin with 'might as well just wait until tieflings are allowed if I'm giong to do that'
From afar, Khamsin nods
You paged Lillianath with 'Cavs don't. Their challenges and stuff are really situation, one use/day dealies, and don't compare at all to world shattering wizards at 10+'
You paged Lillianath with 'they look fine until you play one, and then oh, wow, everyone has so much better stuff'
From afar, Lillianath hasn't played cavs much, so can't really say.
From afar, Lillianath does know Cavs get a lot better when you can make use of the Teamwork feats and control the flow of battle.
From afar, Khamsin hugs and poofs
Long distance to Khamsin: Paenitia hugs, "Thanks, safe drive'
<OOC> Paenitia says, "Ramirez's light load is 228, which we might be heavier than, but his medium load is 459', which we aren't. We could all ride him out at 30' (x4 run) medium enc."
You paged Lillianath with 'Ramirez's light load is 228 lbs, I'm 34lbs, you're 117, that total is 151, leaving 77 for gear. Now, I don't know if I'm carrying 38 lbs or less, or you, and Ramirez has about 10 pole arms that all way 2 lbs, so perhaps it's just over, but it might not but I'm not arguing at this point. Whatever.'
Lillianath pages: Did you add your armor?
Lillianath pages: Also I do understand frustration, but it's nobody's fault, and the scene's nearly done.
You paged Lillianath with 'yes, no maybe. Small armour & weapons are 1/2. Kilted breastplate is 45/2 so 22, then a bunch of weapons, all 1/2 as well'
Lillianath pages: Also my armor is 30 lbs.
Lillianath pages: So yeah, medium encumbered but only just.
You paged Lillianath with 'maybe just under or just over but only possible with a bunch of tedious calculations to know for sure. if your gear total for sure was over 40, and mine, then yes, but it is somewhere in the 28-40 range for me plus some extra junk on Ramirez'
You paged Lillianath with 'GM wants it over, so fine'

Revision as of 00:52, 4 May 2021

Ghoulish cp line.png

Log Info

  • Title: Renew the Pact: Undocumented, part 3
  • Emitter: Thurid
  • Characters: Aryia, Lillianath, Paenitia
  • Place: A05: Warehouse District
  • Time: Monday, May 03, 2021, 2:05 PM
  • Summary: The battle continues in the warehouse. The thugs outnumber the adventurers, but are easily dispatched. The side-door guard and his dog are harder, but when he is surrounded he is overwhelmed. Examining the scroll-case, it seems two are missing. Unfortunately, the thugs were able to call for help. The group leaves, and tries to climb the nearby wall. Ramirez, does not climb the wall before a crazy faced Acanian woman axes her way through the wall. The party flees, and is unable to run away fast enough.

=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* A05: Warehouse District *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The Tornwawr River cuts along the edge of this section, it's broad expanse creating the district's eastern border, making the river's west banks a series of small docks for the warehouses that crowd up to it. Ships and barges dot the river surface, making deliveries and putting in for repairs. No few bear a nod to Rada, their proud sails bearing Rada's symbol, or three, for luck's sake. They also fly the colours of many nations and city-states, all sending their trade to Alexandria.

After the row of warehouses, the district's street's house small offices dotted with the names of shipping companies and various industries. Tucked in between is the occasional sailor's tavern. Beyond that, simple townhouses in tight rows provide homes for the area's workers. The area is bustling, especially with some working the night shifts, but the rowdiness is low. There's hard work to be done, and that requires a good night's, or good day's, sleep and the warehousing is loud enough without any roughhousing, thank you kindly.

South, the Great Sea wall and the Port of Alexandria are visible.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing, in Order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Paenitia     3'0"     34 Lb      Halfling          Female    A Lucht knight, dark skinned in bold feathery finery.
Aryia        4'8"     110 Lb     Shadow Elf        Female    A heavily scarred mul with a lost look about her.
Lillianath   5'0"     117 Lb     Dawn Elf          Female    Perpetually worried-looking elf woman. 

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Thurid       7'1"     249 Lb     Giantborn         Female    Bright-eyed, muscular, blond Giantborn woman.

Aryia nabbed the scroll case and then deflected a bolt, the goblin yielded and the dog went for Lilli and got bapped.

<OOC> Paenitia says, "okay moving past the dog will probably provoke an AOO but I want to challenge the human that appeared"
GAME: Thurid rolls 3: (8)+3: 11
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13
<OOC> Paenitia says, "Ramirez: full attack the female archer"
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4: (11)+4: 15 (Ramirez Bite)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4: (15)+4: 19 (Ramirez Claw)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4: (16)+4: 20 (Ramirez Claw)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d4+3: (2)+3: 5
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d4+3: (3)+3: 6

The Red Knight rushes past Lillianath, bringing her short spear up. As she does, the mastiff menacing the dawn elf snaps at her. His slobbering jaws near head height. She easily ducks under.

"Hola!" She says cheerfully, approaching the bald man. She is grinning behind her grinning mask, her voice intimidatingly without fear. "We fight! You and I. The dance of death. You are my partner. Choose another at your peril."

She thrusts the spear, two handing it, to emphasize her point. She misses.

Up on the balcony, Ramirez lashes out. His beak snaps at the female archer. She is both closer, and fired at his Mistress. This attack does not land. His two talons do, with a screech he sinks them in, rending her, and dropping her.

GAME: Lillianath casts Bless. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

It's not the dog's fault he bit Lilli, really. They only know what they're trained to do, and when a Person says it's okay for a dog to bite, the dog will bite. And it's really not that savage of a biter anyway, thus worth ignoring in favor of the more dangerous wildlife in the warehouse.

Clasping her medallion with her free hand, the Seer lifts the silver crescent above her head. "Lady of the Moon, Daughter of the Stars and Sun, show my allies their fate! May they see the victory at hand, and quicken its arrival!"

The medallion shimmers, loosing a fine, silvery radiance that, for a moment, gives a touch of ethereal beauty to the blood-spattered warehouse.

<OOC> Thurid says, "Thug 1 is going to use acrobatics to vault over the railing away from Ramirez. What's his CMB?"
GAME: Thurid rolls 4: (19)+4: 23 (CMB)

Seeing his twin get cut down savagely by the enormous peacock, the other would-be archer looses his nerve. He vaults over the railing behind him, tucking into a roll away from the giant beak and its owner, and then reaches to a beltpouch pulling out a small clay shell. He crushes it in his hand, and then speaks to the dust, "We're being raided." and then blows the dust, sending it into the air. The dust takes on a supernatural life of its own, drifting in a coherent cloud up to a high, barred window, and outside to be carried away to who knows where.

<OOC> Thurid says, "Dog will bite Aryia since she bopped him."
GAME: Thurid rolls 3: (12)+3: 15

The canine lets out a pained yelp as it is socked right in the extremely dense skull by Aryia, and reels a step, shaking its head to dispel the diziness- it lashes out at the hand that struck it, but Aryia is too quick and snatches it back before the dog can get a grip of it.

<OOC> Thurid nods, "Demoralize is just a check vs 10+Your HD+Wis Modifier. So, DC15"
GAME: Thurid rolls 5: (8)+5: 13

Meanwhile, the thug who recently joined the fray takes a step back from the advancing lucht, dodging the sweep of her pilfered shortspear, and drops his own crossbow. He draws a finely crafted (probably not for him) shortsword from a sheath at his hip, and points it at her, "Gonna gut you like a fish little lady, bet you won't be smiling then." he growls at her.

<OOC> Aryia says, "Aryia will full attack, targeting the doge."
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0+1+1: (9)+5+1+1: 16
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d6+2: (2)+2: 4
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0+1+1: (6)+5+1+1: 13
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d6+2: (3)+2: 5

The dog lunges at the shadow elf, Aryia just barely shoving her boot into its mouth so it couldn't find a proper purchase. She does a twist, turning around and rams its head against the crate. Once, twice before it falls to the ground. Suppressing a shudder, she hops off and keeps her hands raised, feeling the fresh holes in her already shoddy boots.

<OOC> Thurid says, "Remember your -2 for wielding an oversized weapon, and +1 from bless. Go ahead and roll it."
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+5-2+1: (8)+5+-2+1: 12
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4: (8)+4: 12 (Ramirez Beak)

"Ha ha!" Paenitia laughs, her mask a fearsome grin, as always, "I will have two smiles. One on the face, the other on the belly."

As the man backs up, she moves up with him. "Cha cha cha." She thrusts! A viscious poke at the stomach. This misses.

Ramirez leaps off the platform after the retreating archer, gliding past him and snapping. This misses. He pirouettes in the air and lands. A less acrobatic maneuver, but still an impressive one.

<OOC> Lillianath says, "Move to 6,8 and throw my currently-Returning starknife at the Elite thug."
GAME: Lillianath rolls ranged+1+1: (16)+5+1+1: 23
GAME: Lillianath rolls 1d4+3: (1)+3: 4

Lilli's head tilts as the message is sent, and with the dog out of the way she slips forward, toward Paenitia's foe. "Sera Aryia, get the scrolls. We have to be gone before reinforcements arrive."

Her foot plants, and the Seer turns to loose her starknife, aiming for a point just over Paenitia's head. The bladed disc sings past, opening a long bloody furrow on the thug, then blinks out of existence, reappearing in the Cleric's hand.

<OOC> Thurid says, "Thug 1 will swing for Ramirez again with his scimitar."
GAME: Thurid rolls 2: (18)+2: 20 (Threat)
GAME: Thurid rolls 2: (5)+2: 7 (not confirmed)
GAME: Thurid rolls 1d6+1: (3)+1: 4
GAME: Thurid damaged your companion for 4 points. 15 HP remaining.
<OOC> Thurid says, "The elite thug will swing for Paenitia."
GAME: Thurid rolls 8: (16)+8: 24
GAME: Thurid rolls 1d6+3: (2)+3: 5
GAME: Thurid damaged you for 4 points. 28 HP remaining.
GAME: Thurid damaged you for 1 points of nonlethal. You have 1 total.

The dog goes down with a muffled cry, and its jaws slacken around the boot. Meanwhile, the archer ducks as Ramirez glides over him, narrowly avoiding losing his head to the peacock-andalusian's snapping beak. He turns on his heel, swinging for Ramirez with his curved blade, and cutting a slice, severing feathers and drawing blood.

The big guy who Paenitia goes toe-to-toe with grunts his displeasure as she doesn't seem taken aback by his threat, and he dodges to the side of her spear tip as it comes for him. He lets out a grunt of pain as the starknife cuts into him, and grits his teeth. He thrusts his shortsword towards Paenitia's chest, the tip deflecting across her breastplate but managing to slip beneath the paldron and bite into her shoulder.

GAME: Aryia rolls acrobatics: (13)+8: 21
GAME: Thurid rolls 8: (5)+8: 13
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0+1+1: (15)+5+1+1: 22
<OOC> Aryia says, "fort save DC Uhhhhh 14"
GAME: Thurid rolls 4: (10)+4: 14
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d6+2: (1)+2: 3

Aryia points to the exit behind the houndmaster first before jabbing a finger towards wherever Ramirez is- coupled with a trilling whistle like that of a bird's- and points towards the larger entrance the mount came from. She gets a running start, vaulting over the crate and just barely missing a blade biting into the wood. She pivots around, skidding on the ground. Teeth bared, she delivers a heavy handed haymaker right into where one's lights would be knocked out. The shadow elf shakes her hand to be rid of the pain as she bounces on the balls of her feet, hands raised.

GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+5-2+2+1: (18)+5+-2+2+1: 24
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d6+1+3: (1)+1+3: 5
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4: (17)+4: 21 (Ramirez Beak)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4: (19)+4: 23 (Ramirez Claw)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4: (14)+4: 18 (Ramirez Claw)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d6+3: (5)+3: 8
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d4+3: (2)+3: 5
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d4+3: (2)+3: 5

'RUAAAAHHH!' Ramirez is cut! He bleeds! His feathers fall to the ground. His ivory is stained. His eyes flash red. His beak snaps, his claws rend. The archer has his eyes pecked out, by the upper and lower points of the Peacock's beak as it snaps closed on his brain inside the skull. His talons sink in, then rend the thug, tearing open his armour, his clothes, his breast, his rib cage. There is blood everywhere.

He is no more.

Paenitia is distracted by the cry, glancing quickly over her shoulder. "I come! Be strong. I finish this dance."

She thrusts, a strike that's on target, but not as solid as it could be. Blood is drawn.

GAME: Lillianath rolls ranged+1+1: (10)+5+1+1: 17

Again, the Seer turns and hurls her disc into the scrum... But a chance step causes the weapon to bounce harmlessly off the thug's armor. Lilli makes a quiet, frustrated noise as the weapon returns to her hand, eyes darting toward the warehouse's main door.

GAME: Thurid rolls 8-2: (19)+8+-2: 25 (THREAT)
GAME: Thurid rolls 8-2: (3)+8+-2: 9 (Not confirmed)
GAME: Thurid rolls 1d6+3+4: (1)+3+4: 8

The blow to the back of his head causes the Thug to stagger towards Paenitia half a step, but it also seems to incense him. He grits his teeth, face flushing and artery on his temple throbbing as he backpedals, using the momentum of his movement to swing his shortsword ins a broad arc right towards Ayia, "Bitch!" he roars as he turns on the spot and the blade finds Aryia's forarm, held defenfively, and bites deep into it until it meets the resistance of bone. He wrenches his blade free and runs his tongue over his teeth (several of them gold amalgam) readying himself for her retort.

GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0+1: (11)+5+1: 17
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0+1: (5)+5+1: 11

Aryia gasps in pain, another scar added to a plethora adorning her. Now it makes sense why she's littered in them. A fury flashes across her visage. A rapid one two jab looking to clock the thug in the face, but the pain made her unable to find any purchase. "F-k-g f-k" she curses back at him.

GAME: Thurid rolls 8: (12)+8: 20 AOO
GAME: Thurid rolls 1d6+3: (2)+3: 5
GAME: Thurid damaged you for 4 points. 24 HP remaining.
GAME: Thurid damaged you for 2 points of nonlethal. You have 2 total.
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+5-2+2+1+1: (3)+5+-2+2+1+1: 10

"You dance with me, not her." Paenitia says, running past the thug and getting a swipe across her chest for the trouble. "The two-timing man, you know how it ends."

She tries to poke him in the butt. Well. Her short spear is too large and unwiedly, and she misses.


Ramirez rushes to his mistress' aid, past the barrels and coming in behind the shelves to back her up.

GAME: Lillianath rolls 1d8+3: (1)+3: 4
<OOC> Thurid says, "Thug will take a swing for the healer. PA, And 5' back out of flank."
GAME: Thurid rolls 8-2: (11)+8+-2: 17

With the battle now more or less centered around four-to-one, Lilli slips out from behind her crate, pelting around the scrum and resting a hand on Aryia's shoulder. "Fight on, my friend," she says, an encouraging smile visible under the shadows of her hood and a soothing light gleaming under her palm. "We've nearly got this."

As he becomes increasingly surrounded, the thug grits his teeth, deftly avoiding the strike from behind at the end of Paenitia's pilfered spear, he lashes his blade out at all who draw near- more to fend them away than to land a hit, though he does swing the sword mightily towards that healing hand, attempting to lop it off. But he fails to extend himself enough, too concerned with watching his flank as he presses his back against the shelves.

GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0+1: (12)+5+1: 18
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0+1: (2)+5+1: 8

"D-t t-ch -!" Aryia reflexively pulls away from her ally, but the magic had already take hold and the pain subsides slightly. She lashes out with a kick, and another. The first landed but didn't find good purchase, and the other wiffed entirely. Was she getting rusty? Was this new place more dangerous than the places she had been? Regardless of that, she had a score to settle, and outnumbering someone was a good way to go about it. The elf rubs at her face with her injured arm, smearing blood across it.

<OOC> Paenitia says, "5' step up to 2,8 and attack. ramirez 5' step up, full attack with flanking"
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+5-2+1+1: (7)+5+-2+1+1: 12
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4+2: (19)+4+2: 25 (Ramirez Beak)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4+2: (12)+4+2: 18 (Ramirez Claw)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4+2: (15)+4+2: 21 (Ramirez Claw)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d6+3: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d4+3: (3)+3: 6

Paenitia steps into the spot where the thug was, positionning him with his back to the barrels. She laughs and stabs again. One more the speartip goes wild.

And then Ramirez steps in, with a viscious snap at his egg-like head, a whinny, and two slashing talons. The bite and one set of claws draw blood as they cut deep furrows.

"And if it not the women, it is the jealous husband that do you in."

GAME: Lillianath rolls finesse+2+1+1: (20)+6+2+1+1: 30 (THREAT)
GAME: Lillianath rolls finesse+2+1+1: (18)+6+2+1+1: 28 (Confirmed)
GAME: Lillianath rolls 2d4+3: (4)+3: 7

"Apologies," says the Seer, turning her attention to the surrounded thug. "I am sorry... But the Grey Halls should provide some measure of peace, if peace is welcomed."

Lunging forward, the cleric twists the bladed disc just so, and sinks the weapon up to her knuckles between the thug's ribs. "May the moon light your way there, you poor man," she whispers, then tugs her knife free.

Beset on all sides, the man's face goes from red to purple as his rage builds- he flails his sword defensively, but he has his back to the wall and no where left to flee. He drops to a knee when he is viciously raked by Ramirez, and sputters blood through gritted teeth. He tries to rise again, and bring his blade to bear- but the starknife plunges into his chest for his efforts. He chokes one final sound as his grip grows limp, the blade falling from his fingers, and drops back to his knees again, before collapsing backwards in a bloodied heap on the ground, face still fixed into a grimace of pain and anger, save for the eyes which roll back as he fades.

The warehouse falls quiet, save for the breathing of the adventurers and the groaning of the badly wounded goblin- still slumped against a crate and holding the vicious gash to his midsection lest his innards become outards.

Aryia breathes heavily, sweating dripping from her face as she holds a half cocked fist at the downed houndmaster. Clenching her teeth, she abates and lets her injured arm dangle off to the side while she makes a grabbing motion towards the man and rattles her side pouch in the same motion before jabbing a thumb towards the exit.

"Agreed," Lilli says, nodding, then looks over her shoulder. "But first I have to pay a debt... I shall be with you directly."

Sheathing her weapon, she approaches the goblin with hands outstretched. "We had a deal, friend... Let me see to your wounds, then we can go our separate ways."

Paenitia throws away the spear without a second look at the man, and turns to Ramirez. She reaches up, carefully petting his neck and whithers, her voice soft, "Thank you. We see to your cuts soon, faithful Ramirez. We must flee quick, you know."

Taking down her shield and then her warhammer, she turns her smiling mask to face Aryia and Lillianath, "Others come soon. Maybe leave by the little door."

A glance towards the explosive box and barrel, "Or set the traps, but that seems too much."

Aryia, after a moment to catch her breath, takes the scroll case off of her and pops it open, checking to make sure there was something in there matching the description they were given during the small bit of time they had. She shakes her head at the idea of setting a trap. Too much time, she thought to herself.

Most if not all of the stuff here is stolen.

The goblin grunts as Lillianath approaches, shuffling back away a touch- perhaps expecting a coup de grace. But at her words, he reluctantly moves his hand from the gash so that she can see it, fresh blood spilling from the wound when he does. "Gonna get yourself killed." he wheezes, but allows her to work. "Real bad sorts showing up. Do me a favor, knock me out. They'll- ngggh- they'll kill me else."

Seeing Aryia peeking inside the scroll case, he huffs a breath, "Tallien grabbed two, right away." he offers. "Dunno where. We was selling the rest."

GAME: Lillianath casts Blessing of Courage And Life. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15

"We go, yes?" Paenitia leads Ramirez towards the small door. He'll need the most time and assistance to get through, especially with his wounds. She makes small soothing noises towards him, instructing, "Crouch. I push, lean. More. Good Ramirez."

The Red Knight looks across her peacock-andalusian at Aryia and Lillianath. She catches the Mul's glances, in particular at the double doors and the large crate, inferring a lot from a little. "I think you right. That is stolen. There is good reward if we can get it back, but there is little time, for traps or the taking."

Her head turns and she stares at the goblin. The Dark Lucht is silent at his request, no comments to him or Lillianath. Only her ever-smiling mask.

And then she says, "Tallien come, or we find him elseplace?"

"Thank you truly," The Seer says, resting glowing hands on the wound, then breathing a prayer over the goblin. As flesh knits closed and vitality floods back into his veins, Lilli's head tilts. "Can you tell me what this Tallien looks like then, before we lay you out? If we know who to seek, it'll make all of this a good deal more swift."

Aryia realizes that there would be no point in briskly turning the place over to look for the scrolls, instead she picks up the scimitar and uses it to cut free any pouch or bag on the houndmaster as her allies question the goblin. Annoyed. Never was it so straightforward.

The goblin lets out a chuckle at the request, "You've done me a favor, so I'll do you one. Don't fuck with Tallien, unless you're looking to meet the grey lady. Whatever they're paying you, it's not enough." he insists, breathing a sigh of relief now his wound is closed. "Dunno who's coming, but they'll be here real soon." he says.

As though to punctuate his point, there's a muffled shouting from the waterfront out front, followed by a gurgling scream and then a splash.

GAME: Lillianath rolls sense motive: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Aryia rolls sense motive: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Paenitia rolls sense motive: (7)+8: 15

He seems genuine, and genuinely terrified.

"Truth. Come quickly!" Paenitia says from the doorway, having gotten Ramirez through successfully and clearing the remainder of his tail-train from the doorway. The Red Knight beckons the others.

She also keeps an eye on the low wall, in case something comes over it. It may be both retreat and threat. She shakes her warhammer in a 'bop' sort of way, to emphasize.

"We'll keep your advice in mind, friend, and thank you again," the Seer says, then stands... and with one swift punch, flattens the goblin. A necessary brutality, to save a life...

Shaking her head, she looks to her companions. "I think that's our call to be gone," she says, heading for the side door. "As dangerous as this Tallien sounds, he seems a foe best sought out fresh."

Aryia discards the scimitar and slings her prize over a shoulder, giving a sharp nod. Briskly, she follows Paenitia out.

Out in the alleyway, nothing new awaits them as yet- it remains as they saw it over the wall. Broken glass and bits of half-rotten rubbish aside, it is clear of obstacles. While inside, the sun has sunk lower, and evening is on its way now- the light out here is dimming and hued in red.

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, it will be 3 Athletics checks total, assuming he doesn't fail any."
<OOC> Thurid says, "DC is 15"
<OOC> Paenitia says, "well he doesn't have a skill, so I guess it's a +3"
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+3: (2)+3: 5
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+3: (11)+3: 14
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+3: (8)+3: 11
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+3: (18)+3: 21
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+3: (18)+3: 21
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+3: (6)+3: 9
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+3: (10)+3: 13
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+3: (11)+3: 14
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+3: (15)+3: 18
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+3: (9)+3: 12
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+3: (20)+3: 23
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+3: (17)+3: 20

"Okay. We climb the walls." Paenitia says.

A good idea in principle. Except Ramirez isn't accomplishing much. Some very loud scratching as his talons slide, the clop-clop of his hind legs as he pushes, jumps a little, before sliding back down.

His mistress, of course, is doing worse. She barely gets off the ground either. There are few hand-holds, and her heavy armour is good for many things, but not climbing sheer walls. It too makes loud scraping noises every time she slides back.

Which is, every time.

The loud scratching noises seem to draw attention, and the wrong sort. There are footfalls- two sets- from the other side of the low wall, drawing closer. There's a brief pause, and then all of the sudden the head of a huge greataxe comes crashing through the wood- steel already wet with blood. And then it is wrenched away, and a wild-looking woman with bright read hair presses her face up to the hole. "Peekaboo." she says to them, and then moves back. The axe comes crashing through the wall a second time, tearing a chunk out of it- enough to see that she is not alone. There is a very tall and slender Veyshan man standing back from her. He does not seem obviously armed, but is heavily tattoed and pierced. Now they can get a better look at the woman, she is huge- probably of Dran or Aesir stock, well muscled and wearing hide armor which seems to be stitched with red runes. "I see you!" she adds, laughing as she swings the axe a third time and tears another chunk out of the wall.

As Aryia peeks around the corner, she sees that the coast is clear- more debris, but not enough to pose a serious obstacle to them, and the alleyway smells vaguely of urine- but other than that, it seems a safe enough escape route.

Aryia whistles, beckoning the group over towards the alternate route. And quite honestly afraid of the beast of a woman that was breaking down the wall.

The axe gets her attention. Paenitia stares at the widening crack in the wall.

"Ramirez! I mount!" The Dark Lucht cries. Her peacock-andalusian extends a wing, which he uses to scoop her up and into the saddle. Immediately seating herself, Paenitia holds her hand out to Lillianath.

"Up! We ride together." She gets up, but it's not graceful at all.

Helped up into the saddle, Lilli resolves to get in some actual riding training, as the lack of grace with which she gets seated is, frankly, a little embarrassing. Once settled in, she nods, and gives Paenitia's armored shoulder a firm slap, a signal to go.

As soon as Aryia sees the duo moving, she bolts down the alley with them at her back. Hopefully this way has a turn that doesn't lead back to the front.

As the group flee, there is another crash and the sound of splintering wood- and the woman laughs again, a belly laugh that sounds almost feral. "I love it when they run!" she calls, and then finishes off the wall with her boot, kicking through the weakened section and stepping through. "Focus." the Veyshan man tells her, "I will secure inside." he says, and then he stoops through the hole as well and enters through the open side door.

At the end of the alleyway, Aryia sees that it is a four way crossing- one leads behind the adjacent warehouse, but about thirty feet down it is blocked by a pile of broken crates and barrels and other refuse. One leads back to the waterfront, one is the alley they currently find themselves in, and the final rout leads deeper into the warehouse district's back streets.

They go!

Ramirez rushes off with a squawk and the heavy clopclop ... slapslap of his hind hooves and fore talons hitting the ground. Paenitia has scooched forward in the saddle, and taken up the reins. She leans close, whispering to her mount. "You are brave. So strong Ramirez! We fight again soon. The mission, she is accomplished. You are the greatest help."

She reaches back, guiding Lillianath's hands to her small waist, "Hold the belt. Do not fall! Ha-ha! It better to fall here than the sky!" Aryia skids to turn down deeper into the warehouse district, heart racing as the chase was on. The closed case rattles on her back, the party's mount clattering of hoof and talon against the ground. Why the hell did she sign up for this?

"I'd almost agree, but for what pursues us," Lilli murmurs, holding on for dear life, and keeping her eyes locked on the monk ahead of them. "'Ware; Sera Aryia turned right, ahead."

The wild woman on their heels allows her axe to fall to the ground, head dragging against the cobbles and kicking up sparks as it cleaves a gouge in the stone. She takes the first few paces towards the fleeing adventurers languidly- giving them a head start, it seems like, before she calls out after them, "Here I cooome~" in a sing-song voice tinged with menace. She breaks into a run after them, picking her axe back up off the ground and slinging it to rest on her shoulder as she gives chase.

"Yes! Ramirez know not to run into the wall. He turns." Paenitia cheers happily, and her galloping mount makes a very horse-like snuffle and shake of his head. The peacock-andalusian does seem like he will make the corner, and then pick up some speed.

Aryia is running at a full out sprint, arms pumping and lungs burning. Evey exhale is a barely audible "F-k f-k f-k f-k..!" as they get into the maze of the district.

"He is *truly* a brilliant boy," Lilli agrees, sparing a moment to glance over her shoulder. "...But our pursuit is determined."

"That will be her regret."

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