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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: DEVA AF FFS *Emitter: Cryosanthia *Characters: Merek, Geir, Kira, Shalethiste *Place: H01: Kultari...")
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*Place: H01: Kultari Road - Way Station
*Place: H01: Kultari Road - Way Station
*Time: Sunday, November 22, 2020, 2:05 PM
*Time: Sunday, November 22, 2020, 2:05 PM
*Summary: An airship from Blar arrives with diseased soldiers. They are refused landing, but a temple task force is set up to heal them at the Way Station on the Kultari road. Thus, the Daeus, Eluna, Vardama and Althea Allied Faiths For Foreign Soliders is organized. Or DEVA AF FFS, for short. The various temples meet at the Way Station, Daeus currently absent, the other temples represented by the adventurers who are given resources, supplies, acolytes and lay healers, as well as labourers. The first task is to get the airship to land, then triage, as this is going on, a caravan arrives from Bludgun with their diseased soldiers and an aggressive Major who insists they be treated first. This is handled mostly diplomatically. Triage continues and it is determined that both factions have two diseases in common, a third unique to each, and a few cases that are near terminal. There is also an unusual pair of bugbears. As night falls, the airship crew and caravan crew have been examined and given instructions, and the patients are grouped according to disease.</div>
*Summary: </div>
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* H01: Kultari Road *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* H01: Kultari Road *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Revision as of 05:34, 23 November 2020

Log Info

  • Title: DEVA AF FFS
  • Emitter: Cryosanthia
  • Characters: Merek, Geir, Kira, Shalethiste
  • Place: H01: Kultari Road - Way Station
  • Time: Sunday, November 22, 2020, 2:05 PM
  • Summary: An airship from Blar arrives with diseased soldiers. They are refused landing, but a temple task force is set up to heal them at the Way Station on the Kultari road. Thus, the Daeus, Eluna, Vardama and Althea Allied Faiths For Foreign Soliders is organized. Or DEVA AF FFS, for short. The various temples meet at the Way Station, Daeus currently absent, the other temples represented by the adventurers who are given resources, supplies, acolytes and lay healers, as well as labourers. The first task is to get the airship to land, then triage, as this is going on, a caravan arrives from Bludgun with their diseased soldiers and an aggressive Major who insists they be treated first. This is handled mostly diplomatically. Triage continues and it is determined that both factions have two diseases in common, a third unique to each, and a few cases that are near terminal. There is also an unusual pair of bugbears. As night falls, the airship crew and caravan crew have been examined and given instructions, and the patients are grouped according to disease.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* H01: Kultari Road *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

From east to west, north to south, the Alexandrosian countryside weaves over hill, valley, and farmland. Kultari Road meanders through it at a comfortable pace. The roadside is lined with curbstones, their surfaces comfortably flat and warm, with sand pressed inbetween. At times construction meanders into dirt, and numerous pathways branch off here and there to different farmsteads.

Along this stretch is a waystation. Over its door is a carved marker with dual symbols of Gilead and Tarien, the patrons of travel and the meeting of wilderness-and-civilization, respectively. Not large, the waystation rests a comfortable ways from the main avenue, with a place for a firepit out front.

Towards the south, the sky and landscape darkens. The Felwood lies there, and an occasional screech from inhuman lungs may be heard.

Towards the east, the shining City of Alexandria.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Appearing, in Order  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Merek        5'10"    215 Lb     Human             Male      A black-haired, dusky male with golden eyes.
Geir         5'8"     200 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      A short, copper-scaled Sith-makar.
Kira         5'0"     120 Lb     Human             Female    Blonde woman in simple robes with an eye patch.
Shalethiste  4'6"     96 Lb      Shadow Elf        Female    A copper maned elf maiden, hued in the night sky.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  As the GM  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Cryosanthia  6'9"     267 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A dashingly tall, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.

Way Station

There's a war on between Bludgun and Blar. Sometimes it seems there's always a war going on between Bludgun and Blar. Ceasefires give way to light skirmishes, then full on incursions and retaliation until it's hot enough for a couple major battles, and then a break occurs while they regroup. It's viscious, relentless, and seemingly at a standstill as each side hones their art of fighting and both sides are very committed to strong militaries.

It's one of the reasons the Airship Warship is being built beside Merkabah. Just outside of Alexandria, in Alexandros is far enough away that Bludgun raiders couldn't 'accidentally' wander by without inviting another side. Alexandria is neutral in their fight, and both sides want to keep it that way. If she were to weigh in, the balance could be tipped decisively and no one wants that.

Where there is fighting, there are injured, and while both Blar and Bludgun have healers and clerics, the casualties can sometimes be overwhelming. Especially when they involve complicated injuries. Disease is also a battlefield staple; not easily treated and often in need of a respite. An airship, with the most critical patients has been sent to Alexandria. It was turned away from the Airstation. Landing rights refused. The city did not want a plague ship flying overhead, docking, and lingering.

They are not without mercy, however. There is a Way Station outsite Alexandria which is under renovations and recently cleared of squatters. The airship is directed there. The Temples were contacted, healers were requested and sent to evaluate the cases and organize a treatment program. They are at the Way Station, with an initial set of resources to set up. As it always seems to be, time is a factor. The healers were late, the airship is early. The healers have only just arrived and the airship is about to, coming in low over the treetops.

Merek takes the time to put on his dark attire, while he wears a cape that adjusts about him, taking the time to find a place to look for the place they need to find. When coming upon it, he nods to a few clerics which he brought with him, "We will do what we can for the people," he notes, that husky drawl of his thoughtful. He then takes a moment to check his rod while he focuses upon his magic. Then finds a place to see what the situation was like.

Geir watches impassively as the airship approaches. Behind him, an array of tents and makeshift buildings hastily improved or improvised. It is a meagre measure but it must do for the moment. "One would believe that civilized beings would cease such hosstilitiess. But failing that, such beings could learn that wars fought in the cold are worst of all. Tsssk."

War. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing in Kira's mind; there's nothing good about it at all. There aren't any winners, only losers. Dead. Injured. Sick. Homeless. Displacted. She can't sit by when there are people in need, regardless of their beliefs or what side of some invisible line they happened to be raised or dwell.

Kira can only hope it won't be as bad as the Dranei war with Rune as she packs up all the supplies they'll allow her to bring, even if it takes multiple trips on her part. She nods with the comments as she watches for the incoming victims. "I hope there can be an end to violence altogether. Maybe one day, there won't be any more hostilities anywhere."

The Way Station is two hundred feet back from the Kultari road, which branches a T off to reach it. It has been cleared on all sides of trees out to two hundred feet. Squat, square, sixty feet on a side, the Way Station is part guard tower, part inn, with windows which are like archery slits, but wide enough a small person could climb through, making them poor in both defense and illumination qualities. The Way Station has two enclosed storys, and a roof with battlements. On the sides which aren't facing the road, undergrowth has sprung up between the walls and the treeline.

It's somewhat defensible, less so because of the scaffolding surrounding it. It has been under repairs and renovations for some time. The current intended purpose won't need strong defenses anyhow.

Tents have been erected by the Vardamite acolytetes sent on ahead in the open space between the road and the Way Station. The carts that brought them are empty and heading back to the city, along with most of the labourers. A messenger and a horse remains with Geir to go for additional requests, but it may take some time.

The inside of the Way Station hasn't been assessed. There is a hail from the airship captain, "Hey! Where should we put down?"

The copper-scale Sith remains impassive, but nods slowly to Kira's response. "One wishes it to be so, however, one doubts that conflict will ever cease entirely. And too, there cannot be Good without Evil, Joy without Sadness, peace without war." He blinks and peers up at the captain. Geir raises up his staff, a light appearing upon the end of it. He moves a short distance away, into a spot cleared of trees and brush, waving his staff. "Here. Land here!"

GAME: Merek rolls perception: (1)+25: 26 (EPIC FAIL)

Merek looks to the place while he begins to look around, he tries to find what he can, searching along every place in the whole of the place. He does nod a little bit along to Kira along with Geir, "We will find what we can, and try our best to assist people."

GAME: Geir rolls perception: (8)+5: 13

Normally, an empty field is easy for an airship to land in. The weather is not cooperating. A chill rain pours from thick grey clouds, there are no shadows and it's hard to see. As if that wasn't enough, the rain is driven by a furious northeast wind, sending it at an angle, helping it find gaps in clothes. The tents flap, they're secure for now.

So what should be an easy task under normal circumstances, isn't. The site the sith'makar pointed out doesn't have any benefits either. The airship comes in to dock.

The site has a Way Station, which is a 60x60' stone box. 200' from each wall, trees, on the west side of the box, it's clear, that's where the tents are. The north, east, and south quadrants have undergrowth, no paths. The airship can't land at the tents, it's trying for the south quadrant and is being blown southwest into the trees."

The road is on the west side, also 200' from the Way Station. Essentially, there is a 460' box clear of trees with a 60' box inside it.

Kira is overjoyed that the Vardamen thought to bring tents. She was so concerned of medical and basic supplies that she didn't think of the current weather. The blankets would help, but wouldn't keep people dry. With others directing the ship to land a triage point picked and being set up, she double-checks on the suplies in the other tents before heading to the triage point to help with that, and watch the ship. Maybe with some growing worry. "Will the wind make it harder for them to land?!" she calls out. She knows nothing of airships, aside from having ridden on one before.

It's rough going through the underbrush. There is a back door to the Way Station, the inside hasn't been examined yet.

The wind is giving the airship difficulty, it's being blown towards the treeline.

Three acolytes came from Eluna's temple. Althea provided five lay healers, five lavourers, and some supplies such as blankets, bandages, basic wound care. It's in a covered wagon, so they aren't getting wet right now. The Vardama temple provided tents and the labour to put them up, they'll be ready to supply additional resources later.

Geir looks to Merek, and then Kira. "Yes. Find something we can use a stakes. Use ones from the tents if need be!" The copper-scale Sith looks up to the ship and her captain. "Throw me a line!", he yells loudly, before he turns and jams the butt of his staff into the ground, turning and twisting it so that it remains standing. He looks up again, ready to catch what might be thrown his way.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Rolling for Airship to land, DC 25 because of wind and underbrush site."
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+7: (18)+7: 25

The airship is struggling. The captain is determined. Lines are thrown down, in the hopes there is a ground crew hiding in the underbrush. Perhaps they're being met by short goblins. Orders can be heard, bellowed, but their contents are taken by the wind. A weighted anchor line drops, and soon there's a giant Arvek Nar sliding down it. Perhaps it's actually a bugbear. In any case, the airshipper seems sturdy enough to get the anchor in the ground and the airship comes down, gas bag deflating. "Tie 'er off!"

Crew exit, grabbing lines and pegging them into the dirt. The airship has landed. With assistance from the others on the ground, it's swift.

Kira nods and turns to run off for the tents, but is only half-way there when the air crew (who are much better skilled than she at their jobs) manage to get the craft down and tied. She only now realizes that the waystation proper hasn't been looked at and goes there rather than turn around. The injured or displaced will need a place to stay, and there may not be enogh tents for treatment and lodging, both.

No short Goblins, just a short Sith. Geir helps with the tying off of mooring lines until there is enough aircrew on the ground for them to see to it. Pulling his staff free, he goes to assist with the removal of the injured and sick, directing them towards Merek and Kira.

GAME: Merek rolls heal-5: (11)+20+-5: 26

Merek nods a bit to the people, while he acquires the assistance of the healers, then when all of that seems to be managed, he finds a perfect place to begin triage, nodding along to everyone, "This looks like a great place, if you all want to take your equipment into it."

<OOC> Kira may as well survey the Waystation to get that done. :)
GAME: Kira rolls perception: (16)+23: 39

There are good things and bad things about the Way Station. The good, it's completely empty inside except for a couple beds, a table and a chair. No interior walls, no furniture, a decently high ceiling, around 10'. Inside it's an empty stone box, fifty feet by fifty feet. A door on the east and west, and set of stairs on the east wall to the second story, which is exactly the same, except more empty. There's a ladder in the centre to the roof. The windows on the ground floor are boarded over, the ones on the second floor aren't.

The bad. It looks like it was being used as a makeshift infirmary, there are a lot of used bandages strewn about, and a couple buckets of sick. Also, the bandages look like they might have some sort of disease on them.

The Way Station will have to be cleaned before it's safe to use. The sentinel is sure of it. The optimal site for Triage is among the tents, in the middle of the them so the patients can be distributed to an appropriate tent. Under the direction of the seer, the Eluna acolytes set up for that.

GAME: Merek rolls knowledge/engineering: (6)+8: 14
GAME: Geir rolls heal: (12)+10: 22

It could be much worse, to include there being no waystation at all. It's far too much for Kira to try and do on her own, and longer-term lodging can, thankfully, wait a while. Treating the injured is the top priority, so she moves back out of the building to return to the tents and others. Probbaly triage, as that is, or will be, the center of activity.

The patients are being unloaded from the airship. The route through the underbrush is not the best, it makes for slow going. It is getting trampled down. Once free of that, the chosen assessment site is excellent.

All of the patients have certain things in common. Mainly, they are soldiers. Fighting men and women, all goblinoids. They have already been through a triage before making this trip. Presumably, they were in roughly the same shape at the start, with some worsening on the trip. The majority are Arvek Nar, hobgoblins, followed by a small group goblins, and a couple orcs and bugbears.

In terms of wounds, they all seem to have received at least first aid and a cure light wounds. There's some evidence natural healing has occurred. These injured are afflicted with with injuries beyond those basic treatments.

Geir spends the first bunch of his time seeing the wounded taken from the ship. The crew of the ship are asked to assist. The seriously wounded are sent to triage, while those with lesser, more simpler wounds are sent to one of the larger temporary structures. "This one will see to those with small wounds.", the copper-scale informs Kira and Merek, and the attendants. "If you have need of this one, please do not hesitate to ask."

GAME: Geir rolls 2d6: (12): 12
GAME: Geir rolls 2d6: (12): 12
GAME: Geir rolls 1d8+4: (5+4): 9
GAME: Geir rolls 1d8+4: (7+4): 11
GAME: Geir rolls 2d8+8: (4+4): 8
GAME: Merek casts Heal. Caster Level: 12 DC: 20
<OOC> Merek says, "120 HP+ to one person."

Merek looks to the people while they come in, and begins guiding them to the triage, while he waits about. Then he will begin to heal, focusing upon whoever would be the most wounded, before he begins the simple healing, he gives a lot of place for the other healers to work as well.

"Could anyone not tended wounded," Kira calls out as she returns to the triage area, looking mostly to those escorting rather than treating, "please help with the waystation? It was used by others, before, and needs prepared before people can bunk there." As she's a treater, or should be, she steps up to help with triage or treatment, wherever she thinks needs another set of hands most at the moment.

Everyone gets down to work. It's intense, time passes. Hours.

The Way Station is cleaned by the Althea labourers and the Elunite acolytes. The bandages and furniture are thrown out into a burn pile in the east field. The smoke ends up blowing towards the airship but hopefully that won't be a problem. Non-magical disinfectant by way of washing, followed by some magical cleaning renders the interior sterile. It's a big empty stone box, there aren't a lot of cracks or porous surfaces to worry about.

Triage is handled by the healers in charge, with the assistance of the Althean lay-healers. The patients are evaluated. It quickly becomes clear that while a couple are near death, and a few did in fact die on the trip, none will be easily cured. The channels supplied by the Vardamite sith'makar, as well as the individual healing, and the Seer's massive contribution do improve the patients, but have not elimiated the underlying problem.

All the patients on the Airship transport have some sort of disease. The symptoms suggest there are at least three kinds of disease present. Most are in the early stages, a couple are in such rough shape they're nearly terminal. Thus, the patients can be put in one of four groups, disease 1, disease 2, disease 3, and about-to-die. This determines which group of tents they're sent to.

Fortunately with all the healing, no one is going to die today.

There is a caravan rumbling up the Kulthian road. Covered wagons with medical symbols on the side.

Shalethiste gets to be the bearer of bad news. Which is a letter from the Alexandrian city officials, directing the Temple of Eluna to 'Help the Bludgun patients too.'

Geir is both pleased and saddened by the state of the makeshift camp once the worst has passed. The copper-scale makes a request of the captain, if they can spare it. "Few, if any, will be ready for travel this day or the next. There is disease here. For your safety, and to aid us further, could you make for Alexandria? Request of the temples for adherents who are well versed in dealing with disease. Perhaps too, you could ask for a few guards too. This way your crew is safer, and we can get more help here quickly." The copper-scale bows then. "Your assistance has been excellent, and this one thanks you."

Merek looks like he would be assisting with the healing, though he nods a bit to people while he would as well direct folk to whom to assist from the Temple of Eluna.

As the caravan nears the Waystation with further supplies and hands, a Mul'iessan woman slips down from the wagon with a writ fo some kind in her hand. She turns, quickly scanning about for what seems to be where, then back to gestures certain wagons in specific directions.

That done, Shelly approaches someone she recognizes, "Her LIght shine on your path, Seer! I have more hands and supplies from the city." She frowns a little, 'And... a potential problem, who is in charge, here?"

Many new souls, also from the caravan, then disperse to reinforce and assist, each to their own gifts.

Geir looks to Shelly, his head canted to one side. "Please, let the Seer continue her good works. The duty is shared by three temples thus far. Allow this one to assist you. What is the problem you speak of?" He gestures to her, and then to one of tents nearby, one that has remained empty of people, but has several chairs and a few cots inside. "We can speak there if it is of a sensitive nature. Others may join us."

"Ahh, about that." The captain of the Airship says. She's a tired looking Arvek Nar with a lot of piercings on her face and ears. As with most ship captains, she has an ear-piercing for every successful trip, a stud or a ring or pendant, depending on the degree. It's unclear what jewelry she'll get for this voyage, and it's far from over.

"Alexandria won't give us permission to land. They said we have to quarantine with you. Crew is already worried they're sick. When you get a chance, can you give me guys a once over. Was a couple days with all dem on board. So everyone's imagining they caught the coof."

"We can do some of the guardin' for you. Ah Hells!" Her attention is caught by the approaching caravan, she calls into her ship, "Arm UP! The war foll'd us!"

"Well, I'm here for the Elunites," Merek offers then to Shalethiste, "I think that the goblin captain is of charge of the troops being about," he notes. Then a nod along to people while he begins to check on people, "Ah, I will look into curing that," he offers, with a look to everyone, "Ah, do you know what that was they all got from it?" he would ask of the Captain.

The copper-scale holds up a hand to Shelly, "Pardon me for a moment, allow me to speak with the captain also." Geir moves to the Hobgoblin captain, and nods to her. "We have a few tents with cots if need be, but this one supposes it best your crew stay upon their ship. If they must, they can come down and walk around for exercise and fresh air, but keep away from the wounded here. Any who appear sick should be kept separate from those who appear to be healthy. We will send healers aboard presently. This one will work hard to make sure none of your crew dies."

He glance to Merek then. "You are able to deal with disease? Would you help them? This one will send a few attendants to assist you, as well as what supplies you need."


And then there's a goblin in the midst of everyone, waving a Dragonspitter around. At least it's unloaded. He's very round, a mesomorphic build with some muscle and wears a uniform with a lot of medals on it as well as crossed bandoliers. He has a second dragonspitter, holstered, which may or may not be loaded.

"I'm Major Kremo of the 3rd Division of the Bludgun Ravagers and I'm here with wounded. They're gonna be seen to, and yer gonna treat them before that Blar scum. That's what your city agreed to."

The Airship Captain, meanwhile, listened to the coppery sith'makar, "thank yeh, okay." Inside the airship, there are sounds of her crew arming up. "We'll deal with this Kremo iffin' yeh want us to."

To the round goblin she says, "We wuz here first."

Another Elunite acolyte, three lay healers and four labourers have arrived with Shalethiste to supplement the forces already sent, as well as bedding and healing supplies for another twenty.

Geir looks surprised at the arrival of the Goblin major, and he listens to what the major has to say. He looks to the airship captain, and shakes his head. "One allows for you to defend yourself.", he says carefully, before looking back to the major. "Major Kremo. This one understands that you have injured, and this camp will happily assist you. However, we protest the threat you represent. This is Alexandrian territory. Being a field hospital, it is neutral ground. Surely you do not wish to drag Alexandria into this war, on your opponents side?"

The copper-scale straightens, attempting to appear taller than his modest height allows. "There are numerous temples represented here now. Would you also wish to anger all the major temples of the world by endangering their servants and adherents with your actions? Come. Let us all be reasonable. Your people will be well and properly cared for. If you stand down, none here will die to day."

Shalethiste seems bemused by this and shakes her head, "Sensitive is a word, yes." she affirms, though her tone is gentle, rather than surly. She turns at the sound of the dragonspitter with a hand at the hilt of her blade. She's begining to dislike the prevalence of those obnoxious Gobber fidgets. She lowers her hand and steps in to the mix, facing the Major, "I am willing to blame a mistranslation, Major, but I should clarify that the agreement was to treatment, not to priority of same." She speaks evenly, and her expression is very businesslike., glancing to the other, "A bargain has been struck, and will abide." She asides, chin turning slightly though her eyes remain on the Bludgunni, "I bring additional bandages and and herbal stockpiles for poutrices and the like, as well as 3 lay healers, four labourers and an initiate Seer to supplement what is already here."

Merek looks to the goblin that's making the demands, then he simply makes a motion with a hand, "I don't have the time to even consider you," he notes. Then he finds a place to settle in and begin to work with checking the pack of personal equipment for anything that might be useful in assisting with the wounded.

Merek is just going to treat people with disease.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Major Kremo starts hostile at DC20 to improve. Roll diplomacy with a -2."
GAME: Geir rolls diplomacy: (3)+6-2: 7
GAME: Shalethiste rolls diplomacy-2: (13)+1+-2: 12

Merek imagines incinerating the gobbo.

"Tha's not what they told me!" Major Kremo shouts upwards at Geir and Shalethiste, swapping dragonspitters. If the other one is loaded, he's now waving it around. For, y'know, emphasis.

The Airship crew, meanwhile, shows up behind their captain with some melee weapons. Axes and sabers, mostly, a couple picks. Useful boarding and wrecking tools. She lays a serious expression on the two healers, "Jess say the word."

Major Kremo keeps waving the dragonspitter, "We been on the road a week. Some ain't gonna last. One of you is gonna die for every one of mine. Fair trade."

Perhaps Bludgun selected him for his caravaning skills. His diplomacy could use some work.

<OOC> Merek says, "did he threaten to kill people in the middle of a healing thing."
GAME: Merek rolls will: (1)+19: 20 (EPIC FAIL)

Merek debates. Enervation, or kneecapping.

"This one suggests that instead of threatening, you have your people start bringing the wounded here.", Geir says quietly to the major. He glances sidelong to the airship captain. "This one respectfully declines your offer. You are quarantined. Return to your ship." He glances back to the major. "This area is quarantined. If you do not wish to catch a disease, I suggest you leave. If you commit any violence, sir, this one will remove the services of the healers and clerics. I leave the decision up to you, Major."

The Seer is in a tent, in the west quadrant. The airship is in the south quadrant. It is raining, and windy, and at least one hundred and twenty feet away.

<OOC> Cryosanthia: "DC17 Perception to overhear that conversation Merek." GAME: Merek rolls perception: (7)+25: 32

Yet the gobbo's threanening words drift in on the wind.

Merek decides close some distance towards where the guy is threatening people and thunderstomp his casual direction.

Mirrored steel the color of midnight hisses free as gun is swapped for gun, and the tiny Mul'iessan woman hollars, "ENOUGH!" with every cubic inch of air her little lungs can provide. There's a quick glance between the lot, "PUT them back in your pants... now." her eyes ancient ice and revolve.

"You've been given surety on treatment, Major." Shelly says after a sigh and a look to the copper Sith, then, "Let's not touch off a three front war."

The Seer only needs to go halfway there.

Threatening him is likely to elevate tension. The best 'weapon' the healers have is the withdrawal of healing, which is what both sides need.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "DC20 to improve Major Kremo.
      Airship Captain is indifferent to you, and you gave her a reasonable suggestion, so DC5 for her. 
<OOC> Geir says, "OKay, first for the captain, second for the major."
GAME: Geir rolls diplomacy: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Cryosanthia hugs, "Okay, that succeeds in the worst possible way. No, no need. Also you had a free re-roll."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Yes, the 1 still works, she's just moved from indifferent to unfriendly with you."
GAME: Geir rolls diplomacy: (2)+6: 8
<OOC> Geir says, "Okay, I'll reroll the major, and let the roll on the captain stand."
GAME: Geir rolls diplomacy: (5)+6: 11
GAME: Shalethiste rolls intimidate: (2)+7+4: 13 (+4 for size diff)

Merek looks to the wounded while he manages to assist in treating, then he nods a bit. It takes a little while, then he would notice that there's people that would be threatening the healers as well as the wounded, making a way that way while he takes that magic rod with him. "Will be back," he notes. Them resolving this before he comes upon the scene might save the people a bit of whatever he's bringing about. "You have until I come that way."

Sadly, it takes more than walking up and looking at someone for a minute to heal them. Breaking off early, the Seer wastes his insights into the disease.

Merek is just Merek, he's really easy to set off if you threaten innocents. Major Kremo is about to be roasted goblin.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "You called out to him, so roll an intimidate Merek."
GAME: Merek rolls intimidate: (9)+8: 17

Intimidating, but when he arrives, that will be the real intimidation.

Kira has been occupied with treating some burns and a broken arm, then trying to help someone separated from their group find said group again. Not all trauma is physical and not all patients are the same. The sounds of raised voices and threats and ... maybe she can see a gobber waving something overhead? (no offense, but those things are hard to see in a crowd of arvek)

All the raised ire draws her that way. "What's wrong? Why is everyone angry?! This is a place for rest and healing, not anger."

GAME: Kira rolls diplomacy: (11)+25: 36

It is hard to see. The rain, the wind, the gloomy light, all the tall(er) people standing around. The undergrowth, which is mostly tall grass, is still taller than the gobbo. He likely sees very little besides knees and belts, possibly feels outnumbered, overwhelmed, and he's in neutral territory which is friendly to an enemy, making it enemy territory. And the neutrals are being threatening.

The sentinel's arrival is like a lifeline. He turns to her, "They're not taking me seriously because I'm a gobber! I've got wounded. They're dying. They're letting that dumb Arvek Captain run the show. I was told I'd get help, but it's mistranslations this, and wait that. I gotta mission."

The Dragonspitter is still being waved around, but it's pointed at the ground, and the goblin's tone has switched from angry to pleading.

The 'dumb' Arvek Nar Captain, meanwhile frowns and glares at the little round enemy. She nods at the copper-scale however, and accepts his direction. "All right, if you don't need my help." She seems insulted somehow, though it's not clear why. She and the airship crew retreat inside.

Merek arrives at the place, and would look between all of them. Then he thinks about it, "... You," he points with the magic rod to the goblin, "I don't even need to say anything besides this. You are here with the allowance of Alexandros' benevolence. There's no threat, just the clear fact that if you begin a war with the people, I will make sure that you are drawn and quartered. Within the law, which you should know, you will not only receive that, but your own people will likely make your military discharge less than honorable."

There's a twirl of that magic rod, "You have only one option. You will submit to the law while you are in this place." An air crackles about him with charged arcane energies. "You come into our home, threaten the innocent and our folk, and you think that what, because you're military they will listen." He begins walking forward to get into the space of that man. "We are taking care of all the people. Thank you. Your folk will be fine."

"Everyone will be tended," Kira assures all, "regardless of birth, nationality, faith, or anything else. The only priority for anyone and everyone is their injuries."

Geir offers the Arvek captain a nod, "Thank you. Healers will be with you and your crew shortly, be at ease." His glances slides over to Merek, and he watches the black-clad human give his speech, before the copper-scale looks to the major. "Sir, it is as this one has said, and the Sentinel here.. ", Geir gestures to Kira, "Affirms it. All those brought here will be tended to. Please. Have your people bring your wounded, we will save them. We will have attendants assist you in that task. Be at ease sir, be at ease." He glances back to Merek. "That is quite enough, sir. Please do not inflame things further, the Major here, and the good airship Captain, are both speaking from the heart, they are upset. Let us simply tend to the wounded, yes?"

Shalethiste brings her blade back around and, with a curious twist, slips the long blade back into the scabbard. She glances between the more placative sorts in proxmity and bows her head, "I will bring some of our healers to hand, that the Major-" a glance at the goblin, "can be better assured."

She gives a little bow, and moves to attend to some of that, now.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Geir, Diplo DC10 on the gobbo, to aid another with Kira, since you're building on hers. 
      DC15 Diplo with the Arvek to improve her mood. 
      Shale, DC10 aid another for Kira. 
      Merek roll intimidate. Remember +4 for size."
GAME: Merek rolls intimidate+4: (9)+8+4: 21
GAME: Geir rolls diplomacy: (7)+6: 13
GAME: Shalethiste rolls diplomacy: (9)+1: 10

Threats are not as useful as they might seem, especially for people who are easily triggered with chips on their shoulders. Double that, if they have actual triggers. The Seer's approach, his looming, the crackle of electricity and wand are enough to frighten the gobber and get a Dragonspitter pointed at the man. He's clearly shaken, intimidated and unhappy.

The Sentinel's words have a more positive effect, especially with the copperscale and the mul'niessa seemingly following her lead. The Blar crew moving out of sight is a positive as well. Less weapons, less enemies. Major Kremo seems molified. He holsters his weapon, nods towards Geir, "Yeh, we need help, they didn't send healers with us, only drivers and guards." Shalethiste's assurances also seem helpful, "It's been hard, watching them suffer, not knowing." He faces Kira, somehow her short assurance seemed to land the best. "Ok, tell me what to do."

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Kremo is now at 'indifferent', and will follow instructions. 
      The Captain is 'unfriendly', but also still following instructions. 
      You can make Triage rolls to figure out what's up with his wounded, and also decide where you want to put them after."
GAME: Shalethiste rolls heal+4: (18)+6+4: 28

Shalethiste spends some time flitting between clusters of ministers of healing like a hummingbird, peeling off one here and there, to send toward a triage for the Bludgunni. To that end, she also snags a couple of the labourers, giving direction, and even rolling up her sleeves to help bring supplies in that direction.

Well it is that she had done so, as some of her candidates have some hard earned experience with such conditions and injury, and several of cases of greater import than first appeared are threaded in with the most overtly critical.

the Mul'iessa, for her part, handles some of the lesser wounds through pultrice and linen, using her minor healing graces in only the most grievous cases.

"Apologies," Merek notes, not even minding that dragonspitter, while he walks on to find a few people to assist in the healing. He seems to be wrapping that cape about him while he finds a place to settle in.

The Sentinel heads off to work with the Altheans, and see what else needs to be done.

GAME: Geir rolls diplomacy: (12)+6: 18

Geir makes a few passes himself through the lesser injured, pausing a moment to look to Shalethiste. "This one is going to see to the captain and her crew, they were refused entry to Alexandria after fears of disease, so they are quarantined. This one is thankful you are here." With that, the copper-scale moves to gather a few clerics and attendants, and a few pieces of appropriate equipment.

Moving to the ship, he taps his staff at the base of the boarding ramp. "This one is Geir, servant of the Deathdragon, holy Vardama. This one brings supplies and healers. Permission to come aboard?"

As the mul'niessa works, it becomes clear to her that there are also three diseases rife within the Bludgun casualties, as well as a group that's near death. A few actual dead among the mix haven't helped. The caravan ride likely wasn't good for the sick, and they didn't stop when someone expired. That will have to be handled. Of the diseases, two of them are symptoms she's already seen. Perhaps they're from the same battle. Perhaps one, or both sides were using bioweapons, and they were indiscriminate. That's not something worth worrying about, right now. The other disease among the Bludguni has an entirely different set of symptoms, lable it 'disease 4' for now. Once triage is done, the experts can consult.

Though, where to put the patients is a current concern. Completely separate from the Blar victims in the Way station? Like with like, mixing the two sides with a common disease together, set up tents in another field? There are options to decide. Shalethiste's involvement in the triage have people looking to her.

Inside the airship, the mostly goblin crew are lined up for inspection, ready to extend tongues, reveal ears, bite sticks if necessary. One, wants to go into great detail about rashes. Excessive and enthusiastic detail which makes the other gobbers distance themselves. Aside from the Arveck Nar captain, the only other non-gobbo seems to be the immense bugbear, who wears a helmet inside and keeps bumping the ceiling. The airship seems designed for a much smaller scale.

A couple of the crew are infected, in the early stages. The airship itself needs a good cleaning. It has a lot of cracks and knot-holes, magic may be necessary, or a really long scrub and soak, and there's the possibility of exposure. When the captain is told about the risks, and the need, and some of her crew come up infected, she asks that they be given someplace to shelter outside their ship as a precaution.

The Seer's assistance is appreciated, it makes the triage go a little smoother, and he's getting some insight into the symptoms at least. Much like with the Blar patients, the Bludguni ones have advanced beyond the stage where simply cure spells will work, and some more intense healing efforts will be necessary, as well as some time and rest.

Shalethiste smiles and affirms, "I am glad to help, though.... i fear my response was overly reactive. I think it best we keep the patients sorted by contagion. I'm seeing more going on that we initially thought." Ahem, "I'll try to keep them from mischief."

That said, she smiles wanly, in the way many healers must in the wake of a battle, when the first of what will likely be a wave of patients start to trickle in, bows, then starts to commence her reorganizations...

Geir nods to the assembled crew, and begins to assess each of them one by one. "This one will check each of you out. Please inform this one if you have been feeling ill. Feeling things that are different. Seen rashes or swelling where none is normally seen." Ears are inspected, as are throats and eyes. Odd marks and bumps poked at. The honestly ill are separated, while those who are healthy are gathered together.

"This one requires you to clean your ship, from top to bottom. It will lessen the chances of plague. The first thing you must do, is clean the room for the ill, then clean the other bedrooms, and then the areas where you ... ahem, clean and relieve yourselves. After that, the galley. Then, everything else. This will protect you. We can provide you with clean bedding, as well, there is a laundry service. Please do not hesitate to ask."

Leaving the attendants to assist the crew in cleaning out the sleeping quarters, Geir returns to where Shalethiste and the others work. "This one has thought on the dilemma, and agrees that your method of sorting is best. We have limited resources as it is, and having separate areas for each disease as well as separation by faction is too much. Once they have begun recovery, we can send them on to their own side once more."

Merek looks to the people and nods a bit, "I will assist what people I can," he notes, then finds a place to assist people, while he watches. The man seems to be a bit with the task. "You all can manage logistics, ya?" he muses.

The airship crew is cooperative with the copper-scale. At first, none are willing to admit they were sick. They don't want to be like that guy, with the rash. After captain orders them to be honest and open up, they launch into detail. The sith is showered with many descriptive complaints but is able to sort them out and determine who was exposed. The captain warms up, appreciating the efforts and seems favourable to Geir, following his instructions. "Ok. We'll get it clean'd up, like ye said. I'll ask for stuff, not a problem."

The Seer falls in among the regular temple workers, who look to him for direction as well as decide things on their own. They group into threes, an acolyte, a lay healer and a labourer, leaving a lay healer and labourer to join Merek and a couple labourers left over who help the groups relocate the patients to an appropriate treatment area.

At the end of the day, and it is a long day, there is a count of patients. Sixty-three came on the airship, seventy came on the Bludguni carvan. The caravan crew is virtually the opposite of the airship crew, a bunch of Arvek Nar drivers and guards with a goblin in charge. No wonder he feels the need to be big and large. There are four diseases, with two of them from both sides. Some of the caravan and airship crews are infected in the early stages, combining to another ten patients.

Amongst the hundred and thirteen is something unusual. A pair of bugbears that not only are diseased but appear to be suffering some deformities. It's as if they were hit by a warp-flesh spell, or something a hag might cast. One is much worse off than the other, with a knee twice the size it should be and locked in a bent position, and a hand on the opposite side with a wrist fused directly to the forearm. The other has fingers that are swollen and calcified, making a hand that is more like an unbending mitten. They look similar to each other too, but oddly, came from separate sides.

Major Kremo ends up following Kira around, the healthy Arveks under his command being used as labourers, with the exception of two who are seeing the caravan and the horses. Horses are people too, for Hobgoblins.

Shalethiste bows her head on Geir's approval, "It may perhaps behoove us to bring more holy blades if the triage drags overlong, so the factions don't take shots at each other." she says thoughtfully, "It could add tension, admittedly, but, I can only advise."

She heads back into the throng, doing what she can to help without being underfoot, and recommending that the assorted factioneers are, within their triages, simply patients, and they can leave their political animosities for the field. This place is intended to heal as Kira had previously stated.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "roll diplomacy Shale, DC10, they're indifferent to you, but they're also really sick."
GAME: Shalethiste rolls diplomacy: (1)+1: 2 (EPIC FAIL)

"Hmm, one is inclined to that as well. But perhaps, for now, we should not. We can wait until folks are feeling better before we do that. Those who are healed and saved by us are more likely to be reasonable towards us.", the copper-scale says. "This one will assist you for now, and leave Kira and Merek to deal with the more serious cases."

Merek seems to be content to keep on assisting with healing. He does not offer any words at the moment.

It is not welcome or well received news, that the enemy is amongst them, a bed or two over. Several of the patients are stirred to anger, struggling to sit and look for a hated foe. Revenge will be had.

Except it will be had later, as none of them are in any shape to go off to war. The ones from Blar are a little better off, benefitting from the copperscale's channels and heals, as well as Merek's effort, but all of them are ill enough they can be convinced to stay in their beds, for now. Pain and some coughing fits, encourages that.

Triage takes the remaining light hours. It helped that most of the Blar patients were processed before the Bludguni caravan arrived. That makes it a little easier. Currently the factions are mixed, grouped by their respective ailments, ordered from best to worst. The really advanced cases have their own staging area.

The healing efforts are mostly changing bandages and cleaning bodies, setting people up with bedpans. Some mats are quickly woven from the wet grass in the fields. The Way Station ground floor is selected as the treatment area for the fourth disease. The second floor will be linen and supplies storage. A washing facility is set up, with one of the Althean lay healers in charge, he has a pair of Apprentice Cheating gloves that allows him to boil the water the clerics create, and apply some magical cleaning as well.

Current resouces: With Merek, three Eluna acolytes; from Kira, five Althea Lay healers, five Labourers; from Shale, another Elunite acolyte, three lay healers, four labourers, initial supplies to treat sixty three patients; From Geir, tents and beds, enough for sixty three patients, based on the Airship count, and another ten for medical staff; Shale brought in supplies to treat another twenty patients.

A messenger on a horse arrives from each temple to ask for supplies for the next day.

Shalethiste is less gifted dealing with the youngsters she's finding with some chagrin. She does her best to manage, despite, delegating here and there for certain operations, trying to keep the works going, graciously accepting what help comes her way, though she remains concerned about ill will between the crews.

She advises her messenger at one point about the possibility of retrieving more paladins, as well as some arcanists to examine the bizarre affliction of the two bugbears. About the paladins, she waits for the go ahead from Geir, though if her misgivings are overridden, she will still request the arcanists.

Geir eyes those struggling to sit up or look around. He glances to Shalethiste, and nods with squinted eyes. "Send for the paladins, then." The copper-scale moves to a more central spot, and clears his throat. "All who rest here are under my care. All those who would harm another under my care... will face the wrath of the Deathdragon. If you would have your soul move peacefully into the afterlife, heed this warning. I care not for which banner you serve, only that those who are wounded receive help. This one will not repeat one's self."

The rider for the Temple of Althea is sent. The sentinel asked for simple supplies, enough bedding to cover the Bludguni arrivals, so more mats and blankets, as well as food. This will likely appear as a cartload of bread and soup, which will save time for the medical staff. She also requests some more basic medicinals, additional bandages and medical herbs to cover the extra patients, adding another eighty patients worth of capacity to the resources.

Merek begins thinking about it, and will send for assistance from the Temple of Eluna as well.

The messenger updates Shalethiste's request to include more assistance.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "diplomacy roll Geir, DC15 to move them from unfriendly towards each other, to indifferent."
GAME: Geir rolls diplomacy: (2)+6: 8
GAME: Geir rolls intimidate: (20)+2: 22

The copperscale advises his messenger, send soem Chords, some heaers, more supplies. His attempts at diplomacy fail, but his threat lands. Perhaps the goblinoids aren't used to reptilians, perhaps the threat of a Vardamite to send them to their final rest is enough for fear to grip hold. He has managed to quell dissent and take their minds off their enemies. The sith'makar is a worry now, upset him, it may mean more suffering and eventually death.

The messengers ride off. Supplies will arrive in the morning. The airship crew starts cleaning their ship, while the caravan is tucked away unexamined. The patients need attention through the night, everyone provides, and while this works it leaves everyone a little tired the next day. The weather is unforgiving, and remains poor through the dark hours.

It's a start, at least. A lot of the patients are better off. More work will be needed, but that's another day.

Ghoulish cp line.png

Challenges overcome

Challenges: Land the Airship - DONE
Challenges: Set up Triage - DONE
Challenges: Triage the Diseases - DONE
Challenges: Sort out Blar vs Bludgun patients - DONE
Challenges: 113 patients, 2 'weird' ones, mostly gobs, hobs, and bugs - DONE

Skills Combatty Stuff

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Pose in! Also, you may consider yourselves representatives of your Temple, Eluna, Althea and Vardama, I believe, and 'in charge' of whatever resources you brought, which could be supplies, NPCs, etc. Let me know what you'd like to bring and I'll let you know what you get."

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Okay, Geir, that's your initial resources for now. You still have a messenger and horse."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Merek, Kira, you haven't asked for anything, you also have a messenger and a horse, you could have other initial things too, like a non-magical healer around lvl 4-5, a few acolyte clerics at lvl 1, some labourers. Or you can wait a bit more then send for some."

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Merek, you have 3 lvl 1 clerics to assist you. Kira, you have 5 lay healers, 5 labourers, and some supplies, like blankets, bandages, basic wound care, in a covered wagon, so they aren't getting wet right now."

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Yes. You can't be everywhere and you broke off to assist with the landing, so there is a -5 on the Heal check as you haven't seen inside the Way Station. DC15 for a triage spot with no penalties, DC20 for a good one, which will give +2 to future rolls DC25 for an excellent one +4 on future rolls. Under 15, and it will be a poor choice, might add complications."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Things you can do with the NPCs, set them on tasks to assist / expand what you're doing, of 'have them help' and get some bonuses to your rolls, as they air aid-another-ing you."

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Okay, if you have, craft/carpentry, craft/weaving, or k/engineering to cover 'a table needs to be here, or a mat needs to be here', sort of thing. Even prof/inkeeper... might apply. Other than heal, there doesn't seem to be something for the physical 'set up stuff' aspect."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "if you don't have, you can have your NPC roll, assume they've got a +2 in something useful. Merek's heal roll pretty much covered it anyhow."

<OOC> Cryosanthia nods, "No worries. What do your supplies look like? This is off-the-cuff resource management, I have an idea of things you'll need. You can ask for some and they show up, others, if you don't ask, take longer or you can have your NPCs make some of them. Like, if you want 'beds', you can have beds if you would rather 'healing herbs', you still need beds, but could make them with craft/carpentry craft/weaving (for mats). you could also, send your NPCs with prof/herbalist to get 'healing herbs'. You also have the messengers to send for re-supply, but they go every major event turn, let's say, so effectively, it turns into: have immediately, can get with a short delay, can make with a long delay.

<OOC> Merek says, "Can I also roll to aid another whoever's diplomacy'ing?"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "no, you blew the guy off and added a -2"
<OOC> Merek says, "I have like 26 diplomacy but I don't want to autowin for people."
<OOC> Merek says, "More fun if everyone gets stuff to do."

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Merek, you walk up to a random guy with a random disease and try to heal him without knowing much about what's wrong with the individual beyond 'sick bad'. It's DC30 to just brute force it and it will occupy you for some time. +4 on your heal roll for good triage. +2 if you have a healer's kit. So make a pose working on him and then a roll."
<OOC> Merek says, "Healer's kit is auto-accounted for in code."
GAME: Merek rolls heal+4: (17)+20+4: 41

<OOC> Merek says, "Still, it's about more than dice."
<OOC> Merek says, "anyway apologies, just an eh day."

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Kremo is now at 'indifferent', and will follow instructions. The Captain is 'unfriendly', but also still following instructions. You can make Triage rolls to figure out what's up with his wounded, and also decide where you want to put them after."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Triage would be heal, with the +4s for the favourable site."
<OOC> Shalethiste says, "that would be... heal? or shouldi bother this round sin i'm just fetching docs?"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "the 'turn' is an extended one, as you're dealing with a lot of patients, so you can fetch healers, etc and involve them."
<OOC> Shalethiste says, "this should be precious..."

<OOC> Geir says, "Once it is obvious that things aren't going to get worse, Geir will find a few healers/clerics who are knowledgeable on diseases, and he'll go with them to the ship, where they will assess the crew. Geir will also try to make nice with the captain, assure her she did well and that he understands her reaction, he might have done the same thing were he in her position."
<OOC> Cryosanthia nods, "Okay, make a pose for that. That's a Diplomacy DC 10 to improve her mood, because you're getting attention for her crew, and a Heal check with at +2 (from assistance) to check them for diseases and the ship. DC15 on the Heal to triage the airship crew.

Current resources: With Merek, 3 Eluna lvl 1 clerics; from Kira, 5 Althea Lay healers, 5 Labourers; from Shale, 1 lvl 1 Eluna Cleric, 3 lay healers, 4 labourers; From Geir, initial supplies to treat 63 patients (based on the Airship count); Shale brought in supplies for another 20."